'lull OlthCOrrhrA'iiAiAMrrfAlas.-i; UliLiiu.A Villi lib LI. tl jviOiiiNllNtr, OviwU, l'Ju" i Oregon Stdiesniian -' 1 " .-. - ',.,1 ; r i - 1 r; ' Y , " , ;,i - . . igtacd Daily Cxeept Voa4ay ay j - r t: , TOT ITATEHMAH FUSUSUXKO COVTAXT -'' ' 'v 11 SIS 8otB Commercial Bt.r Bilem, Ortroa s U.4MIa4rika . ' Wm4 jr. Toi ; ' JLm If. Merrinua - Aalra4 Baaca. t ' I .-- City K4itr Society Editor 1 .1 v MTSafUB Or THIS ASSOCIATED MESft . - J- ' Tfca Aaawlata Fret it axelnaivcty nUtUtf tfc foTrabIItioB rf n newt flltpatcaea ereJiud te U r aot etaanrU credited i Ut paper asd ate tka local . " ' . 2 BUSINESS OmCEJ: , .. Albert Br ere. 83 Wereeater BUr. Pertlaad. Ore. , : . ; - t Taonaa 9. Clerk Ce.. New York. 128-136 W. Slit s ?rfct.m ui..H. -via. Ity A Payne. Sharoe Bldg.. Baa rraaeisto. ; TOXPHOMXSr ; - . ClrealaUan Ojffice .181 Baalaut OmeeSB St3 Beelety Editor .1 0 S Eetered at tka Pott Office la Saleu October A. COMPREHENSIVE PRAYER S Ram 91. 99 REGULAR REPUBLICAN TICKET p ' Tuesday. November Tr For TJ.. a. Senator: " r FREDERICK W. fJTEIWER " For Governor: V' L. PATTERSON 'i For, Superintendent of Public Instruction : - , V C. A. HOWARD " " For State Lbor Commissioner:.. CHARLES H. GRAM Por Public Service Commlsstoserf THOMAS K. CAMPBELL For Justices of Supreme Court: THOMAS A. McBRIDB OEORGE M. BROWN HENRY J. BEAN THE LOGANBERRY INDUSTRY STABILIZED c ujjcimiK yaiaiayu ol corresponds .to this article was i VltA hV rM. mn. a-. - . . Z J A n7 Kidi luxajiuerry inausiry, looking; towards, complete stabilization." It. may be stated at the present time that the industry is now, stabilized - . Stabilized on 4 5 cent price to the grower and a corre spondingly low price to the consumer of canned loganberries i For it has turned out that ing the loganberry is through the canned fruit trade, and that England is taking this year and took last yeas nearly half the Uregon pack of canned loganberries. . . The market for loganberries in barrels js considerable, and that lor dried berries is a states and Canada, and some berries are put up and marketed i in the juice form every year; but the 'great bulk pf the crop , goes to the ultimate consumer . ; The time was when it was great loganberry industry maintained without the juice fac stories, and the time will no doubt come when that will be an outlet for a very large proportion of the crop, and in the.form j of jams and jellies there will also be an outlet for enormous : tonnages i But for the present the safe thing-is'the canned outlet ancl it is necessary to keep the prices to the consumer down. -in order to maintain this market. . This means' about a 5 cent price for the present, and also low priced sugar: though one j of the Salem cooperatives paid, ' at' five and five-eighths cents a cents, i : The time has evidently come when there can be a little expansion in loganberry growing here continued every year, '-with new acreage, or still better, with a larger per acre ton nage, brought about by better attention to the yards , In other words, we are on and can stay on the up grade if we will keep our feet on the ground. -Jt is around a million dollar crop for the immediate ; Salem district now and it will grow to a ten million dollar . crop in the course of years. i ' Salam is the birth nlace of i scale, and is its center, and will center, and its canning, drvincr. barrelino- 'flm anH iliv I , . i J Mice, processing, pacKing, snipping ana marketing center. ? tTViiTirr. fiolam , tka v,,vK i i.i i I I " ,7 " - F av-C tummwuai puasei of the loganberry industry, and the center of this industry ? the birth dace of the herrv Itself ia Sflnfa f!n Pal , nU i If.. ..t. sw . etse wnere in ine oiatesman ot this morning. But it was I ,i noxroy fa Iron nn rvn a nmmAvviot maIa "Sw fiilffnmU ; . ; I C m J ' ..v. i . A ; ine joganDerry is a wonder berry. It is the world's greatest bush fruit , And the Safen, district has in its produc non wnat amounis xo a irancnise ; along with parts of western t Wasrtinorfnn Tha wnr-lA mill f9l4 .11 wii L i . . , we willj but "tell the world' bf 4. .Kr Vi! rl 5 - " nviu a viuuivc w vwincmtMujr uujr wguiiwrry pro-j aucts m an their various marketable forms: more marketable fdrms than apply to any other ; lhe lortunes of all of " Ua ' U 6iV.auUi,Uiuuau- t 1 And it has outstanding merits that should keen it onincr i ftit .WAU a . u4."t...j t ji - - , ,Ui.u v,.Uv o.uiu uv inu.c, . uig men with clear visions and high -class organizing powers and leadership are needed right now in the loganberry industry. Such men could, manently on its feet; could give it a Gibraltar stability. OREGON WALNUTS AND FILBERTS 5. - f Compared with the opening prices of California walnuts, t announced yesterday, the best grauea rranquettes, ought pound! . , And as we will have not far from two millionl pounds to i market this year, it will be seen that this crop will bring a - handsome sum to our growers. , t . , - i Also, we will have not farfrom 100,000 .pounds 4 of fil : berts to sell, and they should bring around, 18 to 6 cents a "pound.'.' - '' . 1 'i '. x. r.l only just started irithe nutiiridustry here;biit we ; are fairly on our way. The new acreage 'coming into bearing rm ine , ' each year, and the added growth of our nut; ireesl will make . thpmPlv folf l n z - ' ) . ... "--i"i"jr iiKi i ; t : uur certain destiny is the, world, for the very good . worm m quality, and we have W. K. BnjwMi Cireu Maaarer Kalph H. Klctsing .Adrerticiag Alsnnrcr Prank Jaikatkl - Mistf r J D.pt, W. c. Conner '- Poultry Editor Calif.; JHiMin BtdcLia Ancelea. Calif. Ketrt Dapartmaat-ZS r 106 Jab Departateatw 889 OregaiMSs- eraaeaaa ' Matter. 1 y 11 7. 1020 "The J.rrt tti-'VlAl fi.a. .r t4 For ' Con gressman. First slonal District:,- k?.YT. C;IIAWLEY'; X Congres- SLARIOX COUNTY TICKET For State; Senators: ' SAM H. BROWN LLOYD T, REYNOLDS For 'Representatives: r ' MARK D. McCALLISTER JOHN GIESY MARK PAULSEN Fr W. SETTLEMIER , me arucie one year ago tnat "TKpto nra 'trtrJ 0ra w , I W A -a v . is on jne up graae. it is the great .avenue for market good one injsome of the eastern m cans. thought there "could not be a itsloganberry pool last year pound, and this year at six theup. grade In the industry, the industrw likely always be ; its producing I . -',.!.. J m . ... - . ...vuwi.-; . ,-. wc c VC1 ' t its 'preeminent Qualities, and ;-"tl" berry grown. us are more or less tied up with .-'.--;-" r . ngui Keep ii niuwiiig. . put and keep the industry per ,Salem d.istriet walnuts, the to .bring-arodng 35 cents a at? - i a cenis a : ! s . new acreagecoming into bearing ...... .t !. , . 4... t. . ... ,. easing crops cumulatively so. the walnut anrf fiThprr ront f reason that we-can heni the the available acreage to exceed LINCOLN AND LIQUOR T-iUnder the above headinsr.. Portland Daily News, which is 4icrajiiici, icvcuijy firjuLeu ui ui ixiut. journal ine ioiiowing:j .William E. Barton, author coln," has an article in The Christian Science Monitor of Sep tember 15 on ''Lincoln and Liquor 1 1 - This Lincoln authority has cerning the habits ' and opinions of tHe emancipator , with regard to the sale and use of intoxicating drink. The wets all over the country-ha ve been saying Lincoln liked his liquor. The drys have taler. The wets have misquoted today, he would be opposed to have been misquoting him to Barton, I believe, gives us can be known: v - The truth is, then, that Lincoln did not drink or use to bacco. ' He was not a teetotaler, like liquor and "believed that its harm." He was. uncompromising in law not any particular law, but Before the Young Men's Lyceum at Springfield, Dl., on January 27, 1837, he said : Let reverence fof the laws be breathed, by every American mother to the lisping babe that prattles on her lap; let it be taught In schools, in seminaries and in , colleges; let it be written in primers, spelling books and In almanacs; let it be preached from the pulpit, pro claimed in legislative halls and enforced in coiirts of Justice. And in short, let it become the political religion of the nation; and let the old and the young, the rich and the poor, the grave and the gay of all sexes and tongues and colors and conditions, sacrifice unceasingly - upon Its altars. The speech from which this been misauoted by both - - - - com was not speaiuiig ox a liquur , . . , Ai i.i taw in mmu; ne was imiiH.ing didn't like it, but it was law. But five years later, before did sneak specif icaily about liquor. Here are his exact words : Of our political revolution proud. It has given us a degree of political freedom far excelling that of any other nation of the earth. . . . Turn now to the temperance revolution. In it we ( find a stronger bondage broken, a viler slavery manu mitted, a greater tyrant deposed; in.1 it, more 0;f -want supplied, more disease healed, more sorrow assuaged. By it no orphans starving, no widows weeping. By it, none wounded in feeling, none ' injured in interest; even the dram-maker and the dram-seller will have glided into other occupations so gradually as never to have felt the change, and will stand ready to join all others In the universal song of gladness. And what a noble ally this to the cause of political freedom; and 1 with such an aid Its march cannot fail to be on and on, till every son of earth shall drink in rich fruition the sorrow-quenching draughts of perfect liberty. . Happy day when all appetites controlled, all poisons sub dued, alf matter subjected mind, all-conquering mind, shall live and move, the monarch of the world. Glor ious consummation! Hail, tall of fury! Reign of reason, all hail! v " And when the victory ahaU be .complete when th"4re . shall be neither a slave nor a drunkard on earth h6wv proeid the title of that land which may truly claim to be , the birthplace and the cradle of both those revolutions that shall have Vended In that victory. How nobly dis tinguished that people who shall have nurtured., to maturity both the political and moral freedom of heir species'. - CHAPTER TH1RTEKX lookf aTyli ."'Rotirtconfmfndd when she had finished "Not yet. Wait a minute. Seizing his other bag. he made off into the brush, to reappear af- ter a mtie COrrect chauffeur's Hvery, capped, leather-gaited and spruce, saluting smartly, ne as Ica. -Any orders, Mrs. Oh. la: lal' ' Smith?" Their laughter waked distant echoes and caused a farmer jog- STd&iS I behavior of modem youth. I Roberta insisted upon his get tine out his shavinr mirror to I see himself as others saw him. land when he looked into it . he ejaculated I "For the love of Mike! Why, J SSSJ .0-d nave thought it would make an I that difference? , We're safe enough' now on that score,- any :l.way.: Come on. let's go. -We've I got to make Worcester tonight." Isn't that a Jong way from I here? "Yep.. But we've got to be on the ground ;early tomorrow morn ing. -.. trU. - . i v' VHave you thought how to get Celia away?",'. Can't, until I see the lay o' tne land.'.' v v , ' J , ' ; i At a late hour that night the clerk at Worcester's best hotel wu Hurnrised by the arrival of a KHLTVS. !Ii2 I tioned carefully, for 'her family i reBiUcQGa in w nuiu'i . . . 1- n M A i j:,L-f -m criia situation was more unusual then than it would be now, but lier quiet manner, " Impeccable' accent; and deep mourning convinced the, clerk of her respectability, and he gave them rooms. - .... ... - About. - nine o'clock the next morning the touring car of Mrs. Horatio Smith rolled slowly Into Fitiwilllam, , a village consisting x no cmicsa uubij, iw . Commercial. , Sanitary, up to data romvt delivery. Bakers for thoss wh appreciate the. best. Increas. I tag patrons tell the tale. t) Changing a. flat : tire will ruin your pleasure, disposition ' and I dirty your clothes., Let Maicom's Fred L. BoaltVeditornf the anything but a strictly dry u pruiiniieiit euiioriai position , of 'The Life of Abraham Lin been beset with inquiries con been saying he was a teeto him to show that, if alive the Volstead law. The drys the opposite effect. .(S , , the truth so far as the truth but nearly so. He did not use was productive of great ' .. his stand for obedience to all law. excerpt is taken has, Barton sides in the controversy. Lm- , ww, nut UlU lie owva m il if it.:. 1 1 He ox uie iugiuve swvc mw. the Washington society, he of '? we are all jostly of one tavern, one general store, one butcher shop. One post office, one town hall, two churches, and a few houses. High, timbered hills,- now aflame with autumn foliage, rose behind it, and off in the distance Monadnock reared .his solitary bkie peak. Mrs. Smith directed her respectful chauffeur to stoo at the tavern, where she descended to make inquiries. The proprietor told her that there were several available hous es In the vicinity, already - de serted by their summer occupants, but when it came to obtaining one that very day there were difficul ties. They would have to get per mission from the owners, fer- hatfs Mrs. Smith would stay, at the tavern for a day Of two until ar rangements, could be. made? Mrs, Smith gently demurred. She was In deeo trouble and . wished to be alone. Her housekeeper would. arrive that night and she was ex I tamely anxious to be settled fm- gsneaiaieiy in ner own qusueu She was a stranger in . tne East and could give no references, un fortunately, but she would lake a suitable house for month, pay ing the rent in advance, with the option of keeping It all winter if she liked It. She had heard of FitswlUUm from a friend who had once visited in the-neighborhood, and thought she would pre fer it to the larger -towns, because she wished to be very quiet. If she decided to stay, an aunt of her husband's would join her lat er. ... '. ; '.. Impressed -bv her charm, ber evident prosperity. and her pa thetic straits, the tavern-keeper admitted that lie had the keys of certain houses and the matter might be arranged by telephone. In the end Mrs. Smith found her self in possession of a comfort ably furnished domicile belonging to a well-to-do Boston , couple named Finlaw. who used , It only in summer. It was removed from the center of theVvlIlage,-on'a lonely road' which seemed to lead nowhere, and was without ' near neighbors. Ther was "a barn ..... ... , . i ... - - Bonesteele Motor Co., 471 S. Com'l.. has' the Dodge automobile for you. All steel body. Lasts a lifetime. Ask Dodge owners. They will tell you. ( Telephone 1SS, Capital -City Laundry. The laundry of pure materials. We give specfal .atten tion to all home laundry ' work; Telephone and we will calL () YouhgLcvcrsBifr 7 InSuuid&Pact r Miss Pearl Waite, 16, and Ernest Miller, 18, of Kearney, Neb'., were lovers, and planned to be married in, spite of family ob jections. Renewed opposition to their marriage is believed to be responsible for a "suicide pact," as a result of which their bodies were found in a ravine near Kear ney. It is assumed the boy shot the girl and then turned the gun on himself. where the car could be kept. Lin ens and sljver wre not proviaea, but she said she could pick up enough of thes at Keene to serve until,. her own things, arrived. Whereupon, convinced that the ptrahger, would be a valuable ac quisition to the village, the kind- hearted tavrn-keeper turned over the keys and withdrew. After airing the house a little and putting a few things In order. Roberta and Piggy Kicked tne doors and set off again in the car, ostensibly for Keene. They made a wide - detour, however, - skirting the foot:.of Monadnock by wind ing" Way" through thick forests-of smau pine ana sienaer, pa.ie-uu.in-ed. gOlen-leaved birch, coming at last to. an aggressive, freshly painted sign beside a forking road. . : ' ,BIRCHWOOD ! r " Beware of the Dogs! . '"That's-it." she murmered, from her seat in the tonneau. as he slowed up and looked about to find the surroundings in his mem ory. "The house is back on the hill to the left, behind. the trees. Td think that Celia's shut up there and I can't go to her! There's the barbed wire. See it?" "That's easy. I'll get a wire cutter at Keene no Greenfield, tonight." They drove on toward the local metropolis, where they purposed doing some shopping, but had gone only a short distance when they heard an efrgine of a heavy .car whining as it came up a grade 'ahead, and Piggy drew aside to let it pass. He had a fleeting glimpse of a gray-clad chauffeur behind the wheel, and in the tonneau a big, broad shouldered man whose cap was pulled low over his brow, leaving only his beaky nose, stub by dark mustache, and heavy, jaw. As the car tore past them this man turned, eying them sharply, and Piggy thought he looked a good deal like a bulldog -ge tting ready to spring. A second later he had disappeared around a' curve in the road. . "Peter!" Roberta gasped, be hind her veil. "Peter! That was my father! He's found out!" "Ho-lee smoke' said Piggy. We've j;ot to hump ourselves. " . Arrived at last at the scene of action, which 4s 'carefully guarded, Roberta and Piggy investigate. "Without warning Roberta's father speeds into the situation; obvious ly the attempted "rescue" has been reported to him.. He, for tunately, does not recognise them. CHAPTER FOURTEEN Meanwhile, events , necessarily beyond the ken of Roberta and Piggy had taken place in New York, and her father's presence In New Hampshire was due less to the omniscience with which she was at first inclined to credit him than to one of the qualities mak ing him a successful business man. He was a good guesser, and, hav ing decided upon the probable goal of any opponent, it was his policy to arrive there first, if pos sible. I Assuming that anyone was to- be taken by surprise, he pre ferred it to be the other feUow. . His knowledge of Roberta's ex- The Pontlae Six is outselling because It is Built to Outlast. It displays unfailing sturdlness and dependability. See It on display at Vlck Bros. CJ , Elk er Auto Co., Ferry at Lib erty St. Autos stored, and bought .and sold. . Cars washed day and night. 'Low prices aid service will make long fries Is. . (.), pected arrival in New York may be regarded as the result of pure chance by those who believe there is any such, thing. . . v . . . " , Fonr days before Piggy was sent to meet Roberta at the station; while Scott's mind .was chiefly en gaged with business, a friend from Montreal hart "called upon him un-. expectedly at his office. Scott in vited the man td dine that night at his club, explaining that his family was in the country. t . " . -"Have they come back?" the other asked, with surprise. "I saw Mrs. Scott and. Miss Celia in Loiw don In June, and they said they were . going to-. Italy : later and wouldn't be '. home until Christ mas." . "Um yes that waa' the plan! But Celia had a bad nervpus breakdown.- I had to go over and bring her home." "Nothing serious, I hope?"' . !" "No. It's persistent. But not serious. If ; we k'eep - her quiet enough -r- long enough she'll come around all right." I,. "Probably that's the reason' her sIsTers coming home, then," said the Montreal man, who knew nothing about the family breach. "What's that?" Scott's tone was sharp. "Am I giving away a secret? Perhaps she meant to surprise you." "Perhaps she did. It's a way she has.. What makes you think she's coming back?" "I saw her in the steamship of fice buying a ticket the day before I sailed. I came on the last ship to Quebec! myself, and heard her ask for a cabin on the next one.' "Sure it was Roberta?" "Why thought so. I never; saw her but once before. I dldlL't speak to her, because I was in a great hurry; and I don't thiaik she1 recognized me," : I-may have been mistaken. ' Anyway, I'm sorry if I've sp'ofled her plan." ; "No harm done. If she is com ing, I'm glad to know it," an equ!-J yocal statement producing the de-j sired effect. up6n the mind of Chi Canadian. .. .. In his morning mail, the-.day i after the Canadian's revelation, Scott found a notification from one f his numerous henchman that Clifford Nixon, the young manager of a Cleveland company manufacturing automobile en gines, was in New York, and his mind leaped to the solution of a simple equation wherein two and two added up to fifty per cent; or, algebraically stated, a plus b equaled half the sum x. Nixbn had been one of Roberta's suitors' Capital City Cooperative Cream ery. Milk. cre5m, buttermilk. The Buttercup- butter has no equal. Gold standard of perfection. 137 Si Com'l. Phone 299. () We have tne bat you want at the price you want to pay. Many lew patterns and felt hats come in laily. The Vanity Hat Shop, the place to buy the Beth Hat. () "Jiist ,- ., , v-r-' i ,r -,v i v: ; , , r Wllllliilill II jiiniiii mm,. iainiiniwnminmniiirii.111 n iMwaiiiwinm liinn I'iriiwnT miMni "li - limn riiiiam iiMiMiKiirffliriiMWi in "iiflimr I nil II "" 11 1 - --1 mrniu inriirir-n - i- wawsi wnM iw. wmmmmmmmmmM ammmmmm i.nii.wwwiiii iiiiiwiin wwmmm-. 'nmmmmmmmmmm:mm:Mmmmmmmlmmmm.mmm3 aim mm-mm-mmmmmmr-'m'mm aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBaaaaiR' -;av. . - . ?aaaaaaMaBaaaaaaaasaHaaaaaaaaaaaaasaBaa ' 1 1 1 111 t.A;. 1 111 1111 j - i , . :v .frtday:: A & H VAtJDEVILLE: I and Feature Pictures - - ' ' Tcirazzini: to Wed -Man Half Her Age y '"!' .--V; "- " Mme. M Luisa :; Tetraxzini, the famous' Italian prima donna, who used to' make $2500 a perform ance at the Metropolitan 4 opera at the 'peak of her caree. is to be married toPietro Farneti. The bridegroom,; at SO, will be just half-aasold as his bride. (rfinv the time she left school, and she ' had repeatedly refused ,him. In foct, her obduracy in this mat ter Jiad been one of several factors in her final break, with her father; who. had regarded the young man with something more than favor. f Ergo: Roberta being due in New Pork in-ihree days, Nixon . appear drjr.ta.taly to meet her, probably td'pfotfbse to her again, possibly to aid and' abet her in an attempt to remove Celia from the proper and', ordained jurisdiction -of her &ural 'Kardlan. . Scott's most distinctive trait was an egotistic pride. Ruling men - l.wjth..a heavy hand, It irked him sore that his most formidable foes hould be they of his own house hold, and mere girl at that, in wardly still raw and embittered by Roberta's successful revolt, he was determined to nip -Celia's unf illal detection in the bud. And while he never-admitted it even to him self, he, was little afraid of his elder daugUfer. Temporarily dismissing all. oth er claims upon his. attention, he went Into secret "session5 with hinr self, from which he; emerged after half -n hour or. so. to order his secretary to telephone a message to Clifford Nixon's club that Mr. Scott-lwished to see him immedl atf lyon important business and to cancel any other appointment for an hour when Nixon could be home. ' ,,Puring, the afternoon the young man Accordingly presented him jaaaaaaUaltaiBW aaVt jaaaaaaaaVaaaaaaaUax aalBlSaw. Plf n SALEM'SnTHEATRE BEAUTIFUL! VAUDEVILLE- HAFTErlf&;fAUL GABYDUVALLE French- Prima Donna , Assisted by - - . Camille Loaiza ThVrnselves, JAY, KAY & GIRLS , "r". In a Comedy Revue "Thisy Tbat and WhatNot? LAWTON v l .-WeUPa." The TJIan From Juggloriia'1 . Anthonjr& Hogers In The ' Reiired .nauui' , ';'.: Bferdiants'- -. - Songs And . Music : "tf' .- ; i j- ' ' - ? Baby'Dodo ReioT jTIiev Chiirf Wonder The Niece of , v Wallace 3, SHOWS: 2 - 7 , SATURDAY , , 'LEVEY N. Y. .;; VAUDEVILLE , - Feature Pictures self, wondering, and was at.onts admitted to : the " Presence. " His wonder, however, was short-lived. Hello, Clif!" said ScotC -So yottve come to meet Roberta." . Theother, taken aback; hesitat ed a second before - replying, "Is Roberta coming?" " "You know damn well she is." Her father thrust out his heavy chin, his small, dark eyes earn ing. "You're here" to meet Jher." "Wei! what if I am?'-J fl note of defiance colored Nixon'slone. "Nothing. That's your affair, dolnc to propose to her. again?" ' "No. I'm going to marry hre." i "The devil you are! Got tired bucking the world, has she? Finds it isn't such a snap as ' she thought? Well. I don't envy you or your Job.' - All I've got to say about it is this: There's a certain situation which you may. or may not know ' about,' In which she's likely to try to take a hand. If she ddes there s' "going . to ' be trouble, so you'd better see that she doesn't." ' ' . "I don't recognize your right to dictate " "Don't, eh? Well, you will. Just to show you that it's not a bluff, I'll tell you now that I own a large Interest' In your concern. My name doesn't appear; on. your books stock's held by dummies. When youformed, your company four years ago I 'thought you might marry Roberta, and I want ed a finger in, the pie. I've still got it: I can make it hot for you if I want to, and If you or anybody connected with you tries to mix up in: my private affairs. I'll do. it! That's one thing4 I won't stand from anybody. , Now marry her ir. you want to. ' She's no daughter of mine. But if you know what side your bread's-buttered on,, you'll see to It that she lets me and my family alone.- Think it over and don't talk back," he added, as Nix bh, recovering a little from the first11 Impact',' threw up his head find Opened hi" lips. '"I've got you where ther hair's short "and you want to watch your step. .Busi ness Is business, and ypu're doing well. " I'm not likely to Interfere with you as long as ydu don't in terfere with me'i. He. pressed a button on his desk. "If you do look-out. That's all I have to ay now. Tell Mr. Norria to come in." he commanded, as a girl opened the door "Good-by Clif. 'Think it over." Nixon walked out with his bead in & whirl. ; (To be continued.) (Copyright by Margaret . Cameron I.wi. Releaaed throofh C'mtral Press As'n. CROUP Spasmodic Croup is fraqr mly raUavadbyoMapplica. ijl :v VAPQ RUO irMitti, Ymriy J the Latw Reid 9 - w aV 'r :