, ,, , L SIXTH CONSECUTIVE YEAR inc. umil.1 imi ri i vi iM npnicaips two or more rraorfve fnen wpfic in me inieresis or one 01 ine iulvlwu lu ti iiunareu Dtisii; iiiuuauo vrs .-- -Next Thursday, October 7, the slogan campaign of The Statesman jvill enter upon its seventh year, with the Loganberry Industry - : ; : ; "":--A VJv S6me of the Finest Timber for Furniture Making in the Worfd to LtrrcTotn County, and an Abundance of Suitable PuTp Wooded rtmpte Water and Power for Pulp and Paper Mills There (The following two articles,' on woodworking and paper and pulp mills possibilities tin Lincoln coun ty, .Oregon, were furnished by J. Jl. Beck. Toledo. Oreeon, the wicie awajce, county agricultural i.jrent for"tnat county, and yjere crowd ed out of the two last Slogan is sues of The Statesman, - which wereriTOted to those subjects: ) eworklnR olItlIities . , Rudolph. Ruprecht, a native born' .Swiss, now residing In the cast; ;end. ot. Lincoln, county, re cently, appeared before the Toledo Chamber of 'Commerce and stated that from hi experience with woodworking and w bod carving craft in France andSwitxerMif.d he was ofHtiopInton lhatja great opening .for development- along this line elfsfcs In-; Lincoln -"county today," Mr. Ruprecht fs yery fa miliar with the actual conditions of these two Industries u Switz erland and France, and has now icsided'in this country some four teen years, so he is well informed tin to the possibilities here. Many, soft, even-grained woods are, to be found throughout this county; the principal ones being elder and spruce there being millions of feet of each of these. Millions and millions of tooth picks, clothespins, spools, and pa per bolt spools are! totting in the hills and valleys- of Lincoln coun ty in the form of raw materials, because there no, local plant-to utilize the thousands and millions of feet of alder that is ripe and ready for " manufacturing into these articles. Toothpicks for the world to pick thtir. teeth with: clothespins for the .housewives of the continent will some day be one of tho many manufactured articles being produced' in this county; for as the timber belt de creases, so the ! manufacturing plants of such Industries more' to the Pacific northwest: At the presetitj.. time Mr. Ru precht is taking up the question of the development of wood carv ing with native woodcarvers of Switzerland and France, and there is a possibility, that there may 'be some development along this--line in the n.ar future. ri " ijBECKE '& Hendricks Insurance of All Kinds Tel. 161 HeUis Theater Lobby 189 N. High. S toirage Coal and Dry. Wpod at Reasdnable Prices ; Crating Local an3 Long 5 Hauling Llbymg Paper Mills The heaviest stand of wood pulp tirnberon a single section of land known to exist in (he entire United States is to be found in the Siletz basin of Lincoln county, ac cording to Leo Martin, expert tim ber man and cruiser for the Paci fie Spruce corporation. This stand of timber consists practically en tirely of spruce and hemlock, and is an almost perYectly clear stand. Therer'are many great sections of wood pulp timber in Lincoln county; and, like the section nren tioaed above, they are largely spruce and hemlock, with lot of aldtr in the less" heavily timbered areas, . ' . . r The Silet? river, at its gofgt-. provides a potential power site. and has sufficient water flow for the ose of a large pulp or paper mill. Lincoln county today pro vides both water and rail trans portaticn for the product of such a mill. Thcr by-products and de fective logs from the huge Pac-ihe spruce plant at Toledo provides an additional source of pulp ma terial; and, with the great move ment of the paper industry to the Pacific northwest, it will be but a short time until Lincoln county will have one or more large paper mills or pulp plants. In fact, ne gotlations are under way at the present time for such develop ment., of the water power of the Siletz and the erection of a large pulp mill at Toledo. Industries such as are already here and are coming because of the natural resources of the coun ty are providing and "increasing the market for farm produce so that the farming area of the county is receiving an added in centive to development. The new industries are not only providing an increased market through the Increased population of laborers, but are also contributing to the development of the road system of the county, so that Lincoln 'county is probably more prosperous today than at any time in its previous history. Mercury mines in southern Ore gon to install school for miners. jrA1irt(AH ' i u. . ... lit , I - Feel - Trasi'sf er BRICK WAREHOUSE Dates of Slogans in . (In Weekly (With a few possible chaagrs) Loganberries October 1, l25 Prune, October 8 , Da frying, October 15 Flax, October 2 Filberts, October 29 AValnuts, November 5 Strawberries, November 12 Apples, KoTember 10 Raspberries, November 28 Stint, December 3 UeAas, Ktc, Deceinbe lO Blackberries, December 17" Cherries, December 24 Pears, December 81 Gooseberries, January 7, 1826 Corn, January 14 Celery, January 21 Spinach, Ktc, January 28 Onions, Etc, February 4 Potatoes, Etc. February 11 Bees, February 18 Poultry and Pet Stock. Feb. 25 City Beautiful, Etc., Starch 4 Great Cows, March 11 Paved Highways, March 18 Head lettuce, March 25 Silos, Ktc., April 1 . Legumes, April 8 Asparagus, Kfcc" April 15 '' Grapes, KU, April 22, Drug Garden, April 29 !; THIS WEEK'S SLOGAN A Summary foi the Year DID YOU KNOW That Salem and the Salem district have at last 52 industries and advantages that are dis tinctive; that stand out as offering better opportunities than other sections-and cities; in crops that can be pro duced of a higher quality or at greater advantage or less cost; in opportunities giving promise of greater success for the same effort or expenditure of money; that, for men of vision and industry in many lines, there is an especially inviting field here in Oregon's capital city and in this land of diversity, this country of opportunity; that we are getting away, from our former inferiority complex and are developing a superiority complex that is good for us and will be good for our children and chil dren's childreVi; that there is room in the Salem district for a million people, and in Salem for another million; the happiest, most contented and most prosperous people on all this wide earth? FH HINDERS FROM THE COLLEGE Two New Bulletins on Cull ing the Poultry Flock, and Cutworm Control . (Following-'ire paragraphs tak en from a current bulletin of the department of Industrial journal ism of the Oregon Agricultural college:) "When grain treated with cop per carbonate is run through the grain drill,, especially if the drill is left in the field over night, presence 'of Jhemetallc dust often causes the metal parts of the drill to stick, finds the experiment sta tion. Sudden pulling , at .such a time may break the machine, hence it is safer , tq rock the wheels back nd -forth gently by hand , to make eure the -parts are moving freely.. ..;.: T .Potatoes intendc-d for seed are' dug by succeBBf nl farmers . after the fall rains have cooled and softened the soil, reports the ex periment station. " Only sound. ymetrical tubers are then kept for seed and these are stored Daily Statesman Statesman) Sugar Beets, Sorghum, Etc., May , 1920 Water Powers, Slay 13 Irrigation, May 2t Mining, May 27 Land, Irrigation, Etc., Jane 3 Floriculture, June 10 Hops, Cabbage, Etc., June 17 Wholesaling and Jobbing June 24 Cucumbers, Etc., July 1 Hogs, July 8 Goats, July 15 Schools, Etc., July 22 Sheep, July 29 National Advertising, August 5 Seeds, Etc., August 12 IJvestock, August 19 J Grain and Grain Products, Aug ust -H Manufacturing, September 2 Autoinotiv Industries, Sept. 9 Woodworking. Etc.. Sept. 16 Paper Mills, Sept. 2:? Summary, Sept. RO I gan berries, Oct. 7 (Back copies of the Thurs day edition of The Daily Ore gon Statesman are on band. They are for-sale at 10 cents each mailed to any address. Current copies 5 cents.) where they may be kept cool and dry with adequate protection agninst chilling or freezing. A catching crate is one of the most convenient pieces of equip ment for the poultryman. By Its use he may examine flocks with less danger from fright and in jury. A description of such a crate that is easily made by any farmer is given in a new exten sion service bulletin by H. E. Cos oy entitled "Culling the Poultry Flock." Gardeners who have had recent and perhaps bitter experience with cutworms may find informa tion on their problem In a new experiment station circular, "Cut worm Control in Oregon," writ ten by B. G. Thompson, assistant entomologist. The poison bran mash with either white arsenic, paris green or sodium flouridj is still considered the moet effective control. Parker & Co., 4 S. Commer cial. .Don't fail. to. ,ee , Parker about repeiringyour, car. , Expert mechanics . ai.; jrojdr ' service. All work gaarfLnteed, ',, , () II. T. Ixve. the . Jeweler, 335 State St. High. : quality Jewelry, silverware and " diamond. .The gold standard of valnes. Once a buyer always a customer. . . () Hawaiian Islands Take To Great American Game v IIONOLl I U (AP) Base ball easily ranks as the most popular game in Hawaii, which is as cos mopolitan in sports as in popula tion. A survey just made esti mated that 5500 men and boys on organized teams took p3rt in the nalional game in the territory this year. The story is going around of a teacher who asked where New York was. and whose class of young American citizens of Chi nese,' Japanese, Iortugnese, Fili pino and : Korean- ancestry there upon informed her New York was lu both ,the "b!g leagues." O akl an d F on-t i c , Sales and Service CK BROS ; High Street at Trade BIGIIHU MEET TO BE HELD Hood River valley will be host October 14, 15 and IS to the six teenth annual session of the Ore gon Reclamation congreps. An unusual, program of important subjects for consideration has been ararn'ged for this meeting according- to W. I.. Powers, sec retary of the congress and head of the soils department at the Oregon Agricultural colege. Important Feature Revision of the iriigation dis trict law to provide for refinanc ing to safeguard settlers and in vestors will be an important iea ture of the session. Every irriga tion district in Oregon is being asked to have representatives present to aid in drawing up the revised law for introduction at the coming session of the legisla ture. . National authorities, are being brought to the convention to dis cuss such subjects as irrigation economics, land utilization, and selection and financing"-of settlers Among these will, bd Dr. Richard T. Ely, in charge of the national bureau of research in land eco nomics and public utilities. Prevent your children from having goitre by giving them pure iodized salt. Your doctor will tell you why it is good. Crown Drug Store, 332 State. () G W. Day, tires, tubes and ac cessories. Has the Goodyear tires, the standard of the world. Mr. Day can give yon more mileage. Corner Com'l. and Chemeketa. () - General .Markets I - - LIVESTOCK PORTIAXD, Ore., Sept. 29. fAP) Cattl an dc.ilres noniinally steady; n weipts. . Hos generally steady; feeder pigs un settled, 50r lower: receipts 320. Feeder and stocker piga 70-i;50 pounds, medium gnnd and choice 914 0$ 14.75. Sheep and lambs nominally steady; re ceipts 815, through. PORTLAND, Sept. 20. TAP) Butter fcteady; extra cubes city 41c; standards -10 lie ; prime firsts 3ft c; firsts iioc; prists 47e; cartons 48c. Milk steady; best churning cream 44c per pound net fchippers' track in ione 1. Cream delivered Portland 46c per pound. Raw milk 4( per cent) $2.25 cwt. f. o. b. Portland. Poultry steady; heavy hens 2.'20c; lijfht 17S22c: younjr white ducks 22(i' S3f ; colored 15 fit) 17c. Vegetables hteady; onions local 75c M fl.10; '"Walla Walla 90cfl; potatoes I.50dS1.75' sack. GRAIN " PORTLAND. Sept. 29. fAP) Wheat: BBB hard white, September, October, Kovember SI. 37; hard white, BS, Baart, September, October. November l.;it; federation, soft white, western whit, hard Winter, northern spring September, October, Kovember $1.85; western red T; current receipts 38c; undersized 23c ' -WHEAT 1 CHICAGO, Sept. 29. (AP) Active joyinp. together with wining of "pressure fo sell riivA & tlMtilji lift rA . A i. - wheat market here. Signs pointed to probabre nearly alt aronnd sealing down of crop estimates in Knrope. Closing Xep Tour Honey in Oregon Bay Monument! Made at Salem, Oregon CAPITAL MONTJMENTAX WORKS J. O. Jones tt Co, Proprietors AS Klnda of Montliaeiital WoTk Factory and Office: 2210 8. Com'L, Oppottte X. 0. 0. T. Cemetery, Sox 21 fhone 689. . at.t!xt OEKOON GIDEON-STOLZ CO. Manufacturers of VTNEGAIt SODA WATER Foantain Bnpplles Salem Phone SM Ore. DIXIE BREAD DIXIE HEALTH BREAD Ask Your Grocer 1 o. ii 2 a a P a 2 quotations on wheat were strong, 1 5-8 to '2 :j-fc net higher. Corn ' finished 7-8 to 2 l-4c up, oats showing 1-8 to 2 :i-8c decline and provisions varying from 10c ile line to a rise of ;7c. HOPS STEADY XKW YOKK, Sept. 29. (AP) Evap orated apples dull; prunes steadier; apri cots and peaches quiet; hops steady. WOOI. BOSTON", Sept.-2. (AP) At a aale in Kervill, Texas, yesterday, the entire offering ot 500.000 bales of mohair was sold to eastern honses. Prices ranged from 62 to (5c. Kid hair, which was estimated to comprise 10 to 15 per cent of the offerings, reatiied '75 to 80c. On the Boston market mills are making a little more inquiry, especially for Turkey nsohair. Good Turkey hair had been bringing 65c, but owing to an advance of the -primary market some houses hare marked up their stock to 68 cents. EGGS STEADY PORTLAND, Ore., 8ept. 29. (AP) The demand for epgs was greater than the supply and all grades advanced a cent at the exchange except pullets which were unchanged. Extraa sold at 43 cents, firsts at 41 cents, current receipts at 38 cents and peewees at 2S cents. Ar rivals were 718 rases and 913 cases were taken from storage. The robe butter market was steady on the better grades. Prime firsts were half a cent higher at 39 cents and firsts half a cent lower at 35 rents. Receipts were 13,61 pounds, local manufacture 16,271 pounds- and withdrawals from storage 9,367 pounds. Ponftry was steady with limited offer ings. Jreswd- veal -wrr trn-iet and pork in fair demand at unchanged prices. The Marlon Automobile Co. The Stndebaker, the world's - greatest automobile ralue. Operating edst small. Will last,a lifetime, with care. Standard coach SI 41 5. () Slate surface roofing applied DTer yonr old Bhingles. We have oyer 200 jobs in Salem. Nelson Bros., plumbers, sheet metal work, 355 Chemeketa. () Prehistoric Pueblo Being Restored Near Tuba City SALT LAKE CITY, Utah (AP) A prehistoric pueblo be- pide the highway between Flag staff, Ariz., and Tuba City, is be ing restored by tho Bureau of American Ethnology of the Smith sonian institution. The ruin is the largest of many dotting the forests which cover the San Fran cisco mountains. The work 13 far from complet ed, but Dr. J. Walker Fewkes, chief of the bureau, who has charge of the excavations, esti mates that the pjeblo comprises about thirty-five rooms. That the pueblo is centuries old is indicated by the age of a ma jestic yellow pine, at least 150 years old, growing in oie of the rooms. CAPITAL CITY CO-OPERATIVE CREAMERY BUTTER-CUP BUTTER 'Known for its QUALITY" tuyers of Best Grade Cream Our Method: Co-operation Our Ideal: The Best Only 137 South Commercial Street Phone 299 Is Your Well Properly Lined? a - , . . ' , Use ournsanitary well pipe, that keeps out surface water, and lets only deep ground water in. . Made of strong materials and reasonable in price, OREGON GRAVEL COMPANY Hood at Front Street Salem .! 1 1 SHIP BY WATER and SAVE THE DIFFERENCE SALiiv OPERATINQi ON A REGULAR I SCHEDULE Handling Merchandise, and Carload Shipment .Between SALElf and PORTLAND and War Landing. - SCHEDULE Leare PORTLAND J 0 : 0O ' A. M Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays Leare SALES! 6:00 A M. Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays ROUTE OUR SHIPMENTS Care SUPPLIES DOCK PORTLAND Phone EAST 8871 MAY EASILY KILL FRUIT TREE MOSS There is no reason why fruit trees and shrubbery should suffer from an unsightly. coating of moss unrt liches. Tests conducted by the. Oregon Agricultural college oxperimpnt station have known that if the right material Is used a single spray given in the fall of the year will prevent the growth of these whiskery plants not only during the wet fall and winter season following the spray but also for several successive years. The material which will do this is bordeaux mixture used In the 6-6-50 strength. A very thorough application is necessary ko that any growth already pres ent will be thoroughly saturated down to the bark of the trees. Other materials will remove moss and lichens ' but they do not prevent them from returning af ter, a short period. Bordeaux mix ture will not cause old ; moss and iichens to shrivel upland drop off at ; once" but it will destroy their Itfe and -prevent them from com ing back for a long time after the weather has caused them to dis integrate. Director's Department Store Is building up a reputation for guar anteed merchandise; conducting a real department store; making steady progress, too. () O I LISTEN IN I fi:OO9:00 KFWV (212). 6-7, dinner hour concert orchestra; 8, program. 6:00.10:00 KOI.V (319). 6-7, pipe or- tan concert. 7-H, what to do and where to go suggestions, with piano duet renmber1!. 8-10, studio program. 0:00-10:00 K(iW (491). Dinner con cert and baseball sore. J:30, even ing utility service. 7:45, lecture. 8-10, vaudeville entertainment. 7:3010.00 KFJR (263). 7:30-8:30, evening story. 9-10. musical hour. 6:O0-10;O0 KHQ (394.5) Spokane. 6-7, orchestra. 7-10, varied program. 6:00-11:00 KFT f467) Los Angeles. 6, nightly doings. 7, university program. 8. draira hour. 9, Hawaiian music 10, Aiure H(Iio clnh. C:O0-l2 :00 KFWI (250) San Francsco. 6-7 .n30. daoce orchestra. 8:008:80, 'A DEMAND "Marion Mter" The Best More Cows and Better Cows Is the Crying Need Marion Creamery & Produce Co. Salem, Oregon Phone 2422 V i T. A. Livesley & Co. Largest Growers, Shippers and Exporters of , ' PACIFIC COAST HOPS Offices: Salem, Oregon and San Francisco, California , Oregon Pulp Marmfactorers of BOND LEDGER GLASSINE GREASEPROOF TISSUE Support Oregon Products Specify "Salem Made? Paper for Your Office Stationery STEAMER NORTHWESTERN! popular music. 8:30-9:00, ithr dut. 9-12, raried program. 6:00-0:00 KPSX (31). 6:00-6:15, news reports. -!, concert sour. 6:00 KMTR (233) Hollywood. raried program. ... .,..' 6:00 KFWK -(252) Hollywood. 6, di" er hor orchestra. 7:50, news. 8-tl, rariomt singers and arr.bestra. g-00 KPO (428) San Francisco. 6. tftwn 'cryer. 6:30-7 :3o. orchestra. 8, Ha waiian program. 9, program. 1U, chestr. - iJ? ' 6-80 KH.T (403) Ytn ArieeIes. 6:30. children's; hour. 8 :30, lectwrfa. 8, pro- - gram. at), program of taaee music. 6:30 KXX 3:i7) Hollywood, orchestra.-7-11. feature program. 11, dance or- i.i.trB. 6:45 KFOA (454) Seattle. Orchestra. 8:30, entertainers. . . 7:30 KFOS 22) Lonff Beach. Studio : program. 8, musical prosram. !). pro gram. 1ft, songs of yestenla, featuring tunes of the daya gone by. 8:00 KOO (361) Oakland Studio pro gram. 9-12,. .Musical Hoars. 8:) KTAB (302.8) Oakland. Kin, studio program. 8:M) KFWM (326) Oakland. 8-lfl. or chestra program. r 9:O0 KTCL (306) Seattle. Orchestra. OUR BEST ADVERTBEMEfff . ( Satisfied" patients aYe 'our beat-advertteement9. Wo fak- scores of them. Our mtsston f to satisfy t Talk tor some .'of your friends who have taken Chiropractic' Adjustments ac cording to" a Neurocalometer reading. Profit by, their "exi perience, then consult a com petent Chiropractor for -yor own Healtli needs. YoL will soon make up your mind that Chiropractic is for you and; yours and will soon be a satis fied patient. Remember tUts Tlie Neurocalometer -Locates Nervo Pressure - Clilropractlc Adjustments Tte move Xervo Pressure Neurocalometer readings by appointment only Dr.O.L. Scott, D. C. S50 Xorth High; Street Phono 87 or 828-B -rr DIL-B-WATIC What li lt? 8KB ' J TFIEO. M. BARR Phone 192 1 L. B. DUB&M00S Salem Wicker Pondtnre : Manufacturing Ca. -VTm Sa Stxct i . tiinla Battsa Bed Qoaltty .f- ..Farniturs ( Sepalrlnf , EtilnlihinitTpbolitrlair 2218 SUt St., 8iJa, Oragoa er Co. &Pap SALEM DOCK and WAREHOUSE i FOOT OF COURT STREET SEND A'CQPY EAST Phone 0OT ,w V 3SHD?BY WATER and. SAYJQ THE .DIFFERENCE1 ft i. tf-l in rr