Noted 4 "xj' iBeauty Specialist : v MISS HAGERS i' T of Concilia Laboratories of Indianapolis is at the CAPITAL DRUG STORE all this week, giving Free Facial Massage Free Personal Beauty Advice It is your opportunity to obtain valuable advice on the care of the skin, free of all charge. Don't fail to take advantage of this much talked of specialist THIS WEEK ONLY! Phone or Call for Appointments CAPITAL OROG STORC - : teems fW OUL ORUG G 5MT SWcr L'GLftTr J.H.WilUtt PROOOCTS nwmwn I Ifo 0 (L o j J LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF Requisition Honored- Governor Pierce yesterday hon ored a requisition for the return to Union county o't- Glen Smith who is under arrest in Utah charged with larceny by bailee. An officer left last; night tor Utah in quest of the prisoner. ; Purcbrftl Knglish ' Bulldogs For sale, 1055 Belmont. o3 Going to Europe 'ext Year? We 'represent all steamship lines. Let us serre you.' There is iid extra! , charge. -. Salem Travel Agency,- "2.1 Ore.. Bldg., Salem Officers Visii- Lieutenant It. G. Miller and Lieutenant II. M. Woodward. U. S. army officers stationed in Cor vallis at OAC, were in this city Tuesday to attend the state fair. See Oar Display Of ranges and davenports at the state fair. Giese-Powers Furni ture Co. s29 son continued on his way follow ing: the broadside collision, ac cording to the report, and Taylor gave chase to obtain his name. Failure to sound a warning and to give sufficient clearance were given as, the causes of the acci dent br Mr. Taylor.-.- LOOKING THE FAIR OVER Says We arc featuring some good lujs in closed cars. When prices are low is the limo to buy. Don't wait, closed cars will be selling at a premium later on. m ft I Clinton M. DuBois, factory rep resentative for the Durant Motor company; of California, is assisting the Salem. Automobile company ! with "their display at the fair this week. , . George Ashcraft, formerly man ager of the Ashcraft Lumber com pany at -ewport, is now the sales j manager for the Exposition Motor Car company of Portland. Mr. Ashcraft is attending the fair with C. N. Smidt, owner, demonstrat ing the new Sterns-Knight auto- I mobile. T. A. Pigott, wholesale repre sentative for the Manley Auto considered an excellent opportun ity for rabbit - fanciers to learn about the situation from a recog nized authority. Salem rabbit fanciers are ex pectins to organize soon, it was stated by F. H. Ziaser of this city, through whose efforts Mr. Fehr was brought to Salem. Harry Carter of Tacoma and II. O. Os borne of Portland are other rabbit authorities who will be present. Plenty of excitement of tho carnival variety is provided for fair visitors this year by the large assortment of amusement devices furnished by the W. F. Browning show, a Salem company. There Case Continued A Bunks of Eugene was arrest ed Tuesday for speeding by E. A. Van De Walker and his case has I sleeve valve type motor, lecturer been continued in the justice I and representative of the Willys court. company of Portland, is attend-1 arc three merry-go-rounds, two ferris wheels, a giant swine that pulls people around in dizzy cir cles, all the old sideshow stand bys. and other amusements. The Missouri Mule tosses and bucks about a small board Diet ing tho fair, demonstrating the Chandler line for his company. Lee Bryant, an authority on the Overland company, is at the fair! form until the passengers begin to leinng tne visitors about the I wonder if they will come out alive See Our Display w uijs-tvnignt motor. Mr. Bryant I It dances on its front wheels and Of ranges and davenports at I has a cut-away motor which he is then on its rear wheels and top- the state fair. Giese-Powers Furni ture Co. s29 Held for Speedinjt P. Cabelless of Portland, arrest ed for speeding, has had his case E. A. Van De Walker. Small Shop Locations For sale in Salem's second bus iness district. $800 to $1000. Have your home and shop adjoin ing. Investigate. Becke & Hen dricks. 189 X. High. s26tf John Carkin Visits John II. Carkin was in this city Tuesday. He is a resident of Med ford, a member of the state legis- munity-club, Portland, Jn connec- , ' , ' choice for the position of speaker Complaint. Dismissed - The- public service; commission yesterday dismissed, the complaint filed Tiythe Error:Heights Com- tiori. with '.the operation and serv ice of the Errol Heights branch of the .Portland Electric company, of the house this fall. Di nnen and Short Orders Lunch Box. 181 S. Liberty. &2! Hotel Marlon Dollar dinner, served 5:45 to 8 very evening. 2tf Girl's and Boy's Gymnasium Suits and shoes. , Anderson's Sporting Goods Store. -16 7 North Commercial. s30. demonstrating with his lectures. I pies over backward until it stands He is in the booth occupied by Ion its rear end. It is called a me macLionaiu auio company, I male, ?nt labeled "Ford," so H3 local dealers. v I parentage is doubtful " " The : Merry Mix-up whirls A library set of Oregon walnut, score of pebple at' a time about in continued for hearing in the jus-1 consisting of table and chairs, is I circles with little side flips that tice court. He was arrested by lone of the features of the deaf I leave them breathless when the school's display at the state fair. I ride is ended It was marlp hv Inmatpn nf tho I i i . . . luc U11lluu Ul u. j c Kluckncr ()f Portlan(1 rpenter. many oiner pieces or is in charge of the MWA cabiQ at mriiiiure maue oy me siuaems in i the state fair this year iueir regular ciassworK are snown. i ine gin students or tne scnooi j Tne honeycombs being exhibit nave a complete exnihit or the ed at the state fair have been put work done in sewing classes there, Hnier Kiass covers lo p,rotect them including sets of dresses for worn- from raids made by bees from a en and girls, spreads, bedroom nearby oak tree, who gathered in sets, ana piain ana rancy sewing flocks attracted by the honey. worn oi an tunas, seven oi tne girl students are present to show the sewing as taught in the school All Barber SJiopi And beauty parlors will close at 11 o'clock Wednesday. s29 To C arry at the Fair Purses bought at F. E. Shafer's 170 S. Com'l. Also a complete line of suitcases, hand bags, etc. "Aotning takes the place of leather." S29 Furnace Heated Horn Strictly modern; We have seven Asks Bond Cancelled Robin D. Day, attorney for Joe and Bill Brown, alleged bootleg gers, has filed a motion in circuit court here to have the bail bond for the two cancelled because they were in the courthroom when the time set for arraignment ar Most of the visitors at the state fair go to see the exhibits of the classes. Mrs. Sylvia Smith is in counties, the livestock and floral showings but yesterday one group ! visiting the fair could not stee any of the state's best products in all charge of the display ' More than 2300 birds are in cluded in the poultry exhibit at I forms and varieties and Jiad to be the state fair, of which 1625 are! aided in getting around the fair new homes, to show. you. Priced I rived, but were discharged from I chickens, and (he rest are pigeons, I grounds. 14,000 on up. Immediate posses sion on three. Becke & Hendricks 189 N. High street, . s22tf Injured in Crash.. . Melviu Fitzgerald, of New Mex ico, received a broken right arm and cuts on the hand and wrist when the car in which he was rid ing collided with a truck driven by Ben Brown yesterday at Church and Center streets. The car was -driven by W. L. Fitz gerald and contained eight people. the courtroom because the district I bantams, ducks geese and turkeys. atorney or his representative was I Barred Rocks have the biggest not present. If the motion is I numbre among the chickens, 123, granted, the bondholders will bei I while Rhode Island Reds are sec- released, it is said, but the state lond with 101. Ed Shearer of Es- The group was from the statp FUNERAL can immediately make a motion to have them arrested again on a bench warrant. Fine Belir Bros. Piano $165. Easy terms. The Portland Music Co., 355 N. High St. s29 Good Used Plane $94, terms, $6.00 a month. The Portland; Music Co.. S35.N. High street. s29 Will lractlce Law John D. Oxman of Ontario, eastern . Oregon, and David E. Marchus of Portland, yesterday" were; admitted to practice law in Oregon by the state supreme court. Oxman was admitted on a certificate from the state of Wash ington "while Marchus was admit ted on a certificate issued by the state of California.' Modern Home, O Rooms For sale right now. Has fur nace, fireplace, ldry, hardwood, extra plumbing, 12x18 cement floor garage. Now $5250. Some terms. Becke & Hendricks, 189 N. High street. s22tf For Real Eats Eat at the Lunch Box, 181 S. Liberty. s2! Visiting Daughter Mr. and Mrs. T. T. Henshaw of White Salmon are in this city to visit their daughter, Mrs. R. D. Gray. Perry Cupper Speaks- The responsibility of a father to his son was stressed yesterday by Percy A. Cupper of this city in a speech to the Kiwanis club at its luncheon in the Marion hotel. Mr. Cupper is a member of the local club. Preparing for Success Do not envy some one when you hear that he has been successful in his chosen line of work, and! say it was "luck." If we knew the secret of his success we would find that it was due to thorough preparation secured by hard work. The Capital Business College will I on rabbit breeding, and author of tacada is in charge of the poultry department. The poultry exhibit is one of the best ever held at the state fair it Is said, and also one of the largest. The quarters are crowd ed to capacity. The turkey and geese exhibits.are the largest ever held at the fair. Judges of poultry are William Coats, Seattle; J. T. Peltier, Compton, Cal. and L. W. Weis- enb'orn,' Portlapd. - John E. Fehr of Indianapolis, Ind., nationally known authority Funeral services fofr the late Dr. Otis I). Butler of Independence will be held from the family resi dence in Independence Thursday, September 30. at. 2 p. ni. Inter ment will be in the City View cemetery, Salem. Kepiney chapel in charge. school for the blind and was com posed of about adozen. boys rang ing la as fro11! eight to about 12. The livestock offered the most ap peal to the sightless boys and when the building where the hoTses "are houses was reached, many of j them wanted . to stay right there and "see" them. Monster Perchon stallions who would not permit regular fair guests to come within reach were perfectly docilo while the boys walked around them in their stalls. The boys had no fear of the big hoofs that could have trampled thc.m to death. One young colt kept a number of them entertained for som time. Asked what they thought of the horses one of the boys exclaimed, "they are so big and foil ho-nice."-" '.. ' ' -, Visitors at the "fair ycrday all stopped and looked sr-Ah again when they entered the show pavilion and, saw the j draft horses of the Damascus company of Portland in stall side the Shetland, ponies, extreme difference in size i both the subject of much- ment of those that passe Photographers were busy, t; pictures of the horses and w tendant came down the aisle Ing a horse that almost' Wo the passage way. Ho was cl followed by a youngster o' years leading a Shetland..!, thoKo who work around born a livelihood "could not. Tct from smiling. help you to prepare for success. Call and let us talk it over. s29 Sec Our Display Of ranges and davenports at ! the state fair. Giese-Powers Furni ture Co. s29 Complete Line of- Monarch Electric Ranges at Hamiltonav A.21tf See Our Display Of ranges and davenports at tho state" fair. Giese-Powers Furni ture Co. - s29 For Rent, Modern Flat 5 rooms, adults, $35 6G6 Ferry. Becke & Hendricks. 189 N. High street. s22tf High Grade New Pianos Reduced to $200 $245 $298. Why pay more? Terms. Liberal discount for cash. Tallman Piano Storo. S3 5 South 12th. s30 Fined for License W. Seablon of Tacoma paid a fine of $25 in the justice court Tuesday for driving with switched license plates. Student List-Gains Enrollment at the local schools is the largest in, the history of the New 4-Jtoom Furnished Apartment. Adults only. Hot water, heat and garage. Very close in. $45. Phone 1422J. s29 Pays Seed Fine- Alton D. Johnson of Eugene changed his plea from not guilty to guilty in the justice court yes terday- to a charge of speeding and paid a fine of $25. Will Build Home E. F. Mahoney was granted a buildin permit Tuesday to erect a one story dwelling at i!M3 5. High street, the estimated cost I being given as $6000. Visit in Salem Amone the visitors in this city school district this year, according Tuesday were Mr. and Mrs. L. to estimates made by George Hug, j Wiulama 0f canby. t itv school superintendent, wno puts the "number of students at nearly 4300. There are 1037 stu dents at the senior high school. Will Sacrifice High Grade Piano left with us for quick sale. See this snap. Tallmaa Piano Store, 395 S. 12th. s30 Furnaces In All Seven new homes we have priced $3250 to $8500. Reasonable terms if desired. Immediate pos session on three. Becke & Hend ricks. 1S9 N. High. s26tf Tot Sl . Tor Beat Cleaning Ribbons Special rental rates to Studtots Pdob 864 247 V. Com'l St. Victor Adding Machine Service C. MV LOCKWOOD The South Seas & New Zealand Ten weeks cruise, tour all ex pense with 5 weeks touring New Zealand, the greatest thermal re gion in the .world. Geysers, hot springs, volcanoes, glaciers, won der caves, subterranean rivers, fern forests, lakes, etc. Hawaii, Fiji, Cook, and Society Islands. Native feasts and dances, from Vancouver, B. c, Jan. iz-i(. $1025. Salem Travel Agency, 216 Ore. BIdg., Salem. K. B. Kugei. s29 Licenses Issued Three marriage licenses were issued from the office of the county clerk yesterday. Those obtaining licenses were C. C. Bower, Portland, electrician, and Theoma Mae Adams, also of Port land; Paul Rowe, Sheridan, farm er, and Reta Phillips of Sheridan, and Raymond Blanton, Brooks, laborer, and Ida Lesher of Brooks. Taken Out Permit A building permit was issued , Tuesday to W. A. Bond to erect a one and a half story dwelling at 1440 B street, the estimated cost being given as $3500. W. A. Bond will be the builder. several books on the subject, who I is acting as judge of the rabbit exhibits at the state fair, will ad dress a meeting of all rabbit I breeders and others interested in i rabbits at the chamber of com merce tonight at 8 o'clock. He will discuss the national rabbit situation from the standpoint of markets, breeding and furs. m - a m . ' mr. renr nas oeen making a tour of the northwest doing judg ing and similar work at fairs, and Is making his first appearance in this city. The speech tonight is Kails to Stop- Frank E. Turner was arrested l . a . , oy locai ponce yesteraay on a charge of falling to stop at a through street Intersection. Fine Kimball Piano $225, easy terms. The Portland Music Co., 355 N.. High St. s29 TERWILLIGERS Perfect Funeral Service For Less Licensed Lady Mortician , 770 Chemeketa Street Telephone ?A24 USE YOUR CREDIT O'COATS Eat at The Bungalow While at the fair. Real meals served home style. Court Street Christian church. s?D Held for Ih-ink J. P. Harris was arrested last nignt by local police on a charge of drunkenness. SUITS - PnrnJttxre Upholstery And repairing. Gels furniture Company. Powers altti WOOD WOOD TRACY'S FUEL YARD 107 D Street Telephone 2313 Cars lamaged t n. Taylor reported at the sheriff's office Tuesday that a car J court yesterday driven by M. C: Jacobson or fail verton attempted to pass his. ma chine on the highway three miles south, of Silverton and that the cars hooked fenders. The front and rear fenders on his car both suffered damage, he said. Jacob- Executor Named- Earl B. Day was appointed exec utor of the estate of the lato C. W. Day by an order of the county Crash Reported A car driven -by R. A. Neber gall of Salem struck a street car yesterday at 1.8th and Center, ac cording to reports made at police headquarters here. W. A. Means was conductor of the street car. Damage done was slight. Largo Home, Vacant, Close All schools. For sale for $4500 on any reasonable terms. See at 345 S. Winter street. Becke Hendricks, 189 N, High. s26tf Business Property Bargaii Large property having six ten ants and in path of future busi ness growth. Owner must sell now. Priced $22,000 and $8,000 could handle. Becke & Hendricks; 189 N. High. 2GU The Bungalow Beauty Shoppc , For marcelling, shampooing, pa per curling, facials. Try our hon ey pack. Open evenings by ap-i pointment. Phone 1985. 4 ol Accident Reported- Cars driven by W. W. Williams and J.' B. Fairclough of Oregon City were involved in a collision at 12th and State streets Tuesday according to reports made. at the local police station. Damage was slight. BALANCE 10 PAYMENTS AL KRAUSE QUALITY MEN'S WEAR The Store With the ' - Fountain , Underwood Typewriter Co. Direct . Factory Branch 019 Court St. Phone 263 Typewriters Rented, Sold, Repaired Special rental rates to Students TAXIDERMIST SHOP E. K. WIGGINS, rrop. Near Woodry's Auction Market 1143 Norway Telephone 220 1-W I Visitor Reported f - - ; in Satam Held for Speed ; ! q John A. Marteen of Portland I 'Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Griggs and was arrested by local polico .ofril fiiatjf f Pendleton are visiting cers late Monday night on'' a I in Salem todav. FOR INFORMATION ABOUT RAILROAD TRIPS Phone 727 OREGON A ELECTRIC charge of speeding. Used Pianos Lots pf Them . $ 5 0 $ 7 5 $ 1 0 0$ 1 2 5 $ 1 50. See them at Tallman PiaHo Store. 395 South 12th. s30 S3 LADD & BUSH Bankers , : r Established 1863 j - General Banking Businet Office Iloars from lO a, m. to p as. , --i . DISEASES Treated by Osteopathy and the latest KIcctrical Therapy In cluding Dr. Abram'a Electronic SyBtcm. ' l aj. . No Charge for ; ; Consultation f DR. B. H. WHITE? Physician and Snrgeon ! I 600 U. S. Bank Building f - . Salem, Oregon ; .. . 8wed Cliarge Faced Henry Enuis was arrested by local police officers on a charge of speeding. He is a resident of Forest Grove. . - Fr Kent, Six-Room House- Most ail furnished,' $35 a month. Inqyiro 1185 Marion, or 415 Court. Teleulioco 1911. s2 among tnefvi Tuesday night A E., Step. rs Collide - Cars driven by Mrs. fc. ll Ttey-2 inohls of Seattle- and, Mr. J. He. K44n of , Springfield collided at I Tuesday nlgfei venter and CaDiUI street -TielnT ,Mrn ; f day. 'according to reports turned I -tUl. I J: in a local police . headquarters. 1 Toledo Pai A r . details were-.glreal:., ZlUonalda shlf C. W. Crandall was in Salem Tuesday. He lives In Grants Pass. Mrjand Mrs. J. W. Culver and daughter visited Salem Tuesday. They are residents of Sutherlin. John 11. Carkin . of Medford was a Salem visitor Tuesday. X. E. Brltt of Newberg was in this city Tuesday. 'H. T. Holdeii of was a visitor in this city Tuesday; , A. M.v Cronln. r.. of Garden Homo was in Salent. Tuesday with horses to exhibit aUbo stale fair Alma C. Frllchofr of Corvallls visited Ha lent Tutelar. ' JS. S. Fortner f- Ontario was '.this city A this city a resident e 'Corpora- j 9JTDI11 culJ For INSTANT . RELIEF From COUGHING Take SCHAEFER'S HERBAL COUGH SYRUP Sold Only at ; CJ C H A E F E R'Q DRUG 8TOIU1 W Penslar Store ; . 108 North Commercial St. Original Yellow Front PHONE 197 I Wat;-.3 ; II When the stupor of -a full '1 ' I stomach slows lip; your work II away and sleep it. off Remember that WRIGLEY'S II Chewing Sweet will work won- ders in spiirring your lagging ll digestion and in easing that over-e a ten feeling. ' Use Wrigley's TIV aftermeal ll tohelpthestom- V?Jj . ach in its work DRIVERLESS CARS l vow I Blf- ?TllB DRIVE UR SELF Company O C C Vi BLOCK NORTH POST OFFICE JJ NORTH CHURCH STKEET PHONE 885 . ROSTEIN & GREENBAUK1 NASHUAS PART WOOL BLANKETS Pretty Plaids, Weight 4 1 Pounds, G6x80 . Special per pair . $5.00 60x76 Blankets White, Grey or Tan Pair $1.75 66x80 Blankets. Grey, Gibs., AH Wool Pair $6.00 72x80 blankets White, Pink br Blue borders ' First Quality, pair $2.59 64x76 Blankets White Grey or, Tan , First Quality, pair $1.95 - LARGE FLUFFY BLANKETS ' Weight 4 lbs. Our Regular $5.00 Special .at $4.19 a Pair : NASHUAS LARGE WHITE BLANKETS .72x81. Blue or Pink Borders ' $5.00 Blankets for $4.19 Pair ' UMBRELLAS r Gloria Silk Silkt and Linen Mi; The New, Short Umbrellas y . $5.00 - $3.85 I I. Gloria Si,lk Silk and Linen Mixed Wears Better Than AU Silk : Ladies' Umbrellas at $2.50, $1.95, $1.25 and $1.00 Childrcn'H Colored Umbrellas at $1.00 OUR MILLINERY DEPARTMENT Now Showing New Fall Hats - Valours and Fcltt Special Gotd Values ' ; f 3.50 to $4.75 ' if A y Some FdU'as.'Low Lk $2.0'''? J : r NewrVelvet'Hat&Just In..: :iV Kig Assortment Modefately Priced! ,IIrinr ,-: ' iriery Troubles to IK , FAperi Mi,,;ncrs V-v t o.rt'H coi.:riEiiciAL sr 7 A .I ' jLi "