The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 29, 1926, Page 4, Image 4

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    nsalans1nnWBB . i V .- --a -- . f. f V "'J" ' a ' 4 ' -"'
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The Oregon
; Iiiaed Daily Except Maadav
215 South Commercial St.. Botm, Orcoa
R. J. He Bdriek
Fred J. Toi -Lei
M: Merrimta
Aadrfed Boch -
r - - - Manager
City Editor "
- Society Editor .
v .. . . Taa Associate Press is exclusively entitled to tho no for paklicatioa of aTl new
l"iapatehe credited to it or t otaerwiao credited im Uia paper aad alao the local
, t .'kwa published herein. .
A tkert B.vots, 33 Worcester Bldj. Portland, Ore.
Tboataa F Clark Co.. New Tork. 128-1 3BVT 31it St.? CMm nu,
Ily Payne, Bharoa Bldf ., Baa Francisco,
Circulation Office. -SSS
Rattaet I Office
Society Editor.
.23 or 63
Eateted at tho Post Office ia
- ? ; i September
w)ra ngmen my daftness."
- '' ; . Tuesday, November 2
For U.'S. Senator:
For Ooternor: ,
For Superintendent of Public
In3tmctJon: 1
For State Labor Commissioner:
T&r Pablie Serrlce Commissioner:
For justices of Supreme Court:
The Oregon Bureau of Mines and Geology was abolished
by the legislature of 1925, and the records and properties
transferred to the Oregon Board of Mining Survey, at the
Oregon Agricultural college. The Oregon Board of Mining
' Surv&y was created at the same session. It has a full list of
meinbefs, and C. E. Newton, dean of the school of mines of
the Oregon Agricultural college, is the "director of survey"
Itis all dressed up and no place to go
, ior the legislature neglected the important matter of
pr6viding money to pay for the work that it directed to be
done. ' . .
"The legislature outlined the duties of the Oregon Board
of Mining Survey thuswise:
'To make a study of the
with; special reference to their
duction; to make detailed surveys of the .mineral districts of
the' state; compile statistics
for the encouragement of new industries; to promote the
mining industry and increase
, 4 ; ? That sounds good; very
.cost money. And the publishing of the results of the study
and surveys would cost some
.But some money.
' The legislature was well
gori Bureau of Mines and Geology, which had grown into a
political and bureaucratic body
7 more a biennium or was it annually? And" it was not doing
anything of either temporary or permnaent value, to justify
the' large cost.
" " - Before the Oregon Bureau of Mines and Geology got into
action with its ponderous and expensive machinery, the school
of mines of the Oregon Agricultural college was doing a large
amount of work with a very small sum of money ; about $1000
a year, as the writer remembers it. In that time a number
of valuable bulletins were issued, tending to attract capital
to.develop our mineral resources. Some very useful things
were done with a very small
:U The legislature at its next
tion make a small appropriation for the use of the Oregon
Board, of Mining Survey. Its overhead is. nothing. It does
g ;xxbt need to pay any rent. Money supplied to this Survey
would bring full value, in doing the things directed to be done
by the law that created it. " "-?r r V
There are no doubt great sources of wealth in many parts
of Oregon, in undeveloped and undiscovered mineral deposits.
They should be uncovered. They should be mapped out for
the benefit of prospective investors.
' There is the case of agricultural lime. The state lime
plant should be turning out 4000 tons or more a day, instead
of about 70 tons as now ...
Will be turning out 4000 or more tons a day, when all
the lime hungry soils of the Willamette valley and coast coun
ties get their proper quota annually, to make them produce
.their maximum crops. The csot is going-to run into millions
of dollars annually. It may be cut in half or more, perhaps.
4iyfnding the purest lime deposits the nearest points to
the farni$that need it, and to the plant or plants that will
grind it. . : ,
. j That is only one item. There are vast undiscovered and
undeveloped silver and copper and gold and lead and other
mineral deposits in Oregon s' - "
; So let's "promote the mining Industry and increase pro
duction," as the law directs. Let's be 100 per cent Oregon
ians, and Americans.
.There" is going to be must be a rivalry among the
valley" counties to sign up the largest acreage of beets to be
grown for the proposed beet sugar factory in Salem
v And for producing the largest per acre. tonnage, and the
.. highest sucrose (sugar) content to the ton of beets.
: This rivalry wijl result in the; County or community
- showing. the best results getting the second beet sugar fac
: -.In the WUamctte valley. i.Naturally.f 'As a matter of
r courscL .Why t.. Because the irst consideration in thelbeet
; pugar industry is the furnishing1 of Ihc raw materials; in the
" auimy,io grow a sufficient tonnage ?f the Tight kind of be
w,uru,K a pront to the growers', and to thus induce .'filftf
koepTon growing them, .year after year. h U
' H'-Thc beet leaf hopper is going to drive many beet sl
. : factories to the Willamette valley. VThefe is no other eqL
v piItabH place for them in thi country. We have no ho
" fc We htrd r H "r-'rT ": V :-n'r(the"4
t ' "W". H. Henderson
Ralph H. Kletxing
Circulation V matter
Advertising .Manager
Manager Job lpt.
Livestock Editor
- Poo I try Editor
I K. a. Hhoteo
"W. CT Ceaaer -
Calif.; Higzioa Bldg., Los Angeles. Calif.
Kewa Departmeiit33 or 106
Job Department SS3
Salem, Oregon, a aeeoad-eUsa natter.
29. lBSO
Tboti art my lamp, O Lord; and the
2 Sam. 22:29.
... For .Congressman, First
sional District:
, W. C. 11AWLEY
For State Senators:
For Represt-ntatires:
mineral resources of Oregon,
economic products and pro
of production and consumption
good. But. this work would
money, too. Not a great deal.
' -
justified in abolishing the Ore-
and was costing $50,000 or
amount of -money.
session should without ques
MnMWBaaMswanMBnasnBw : ' -" ' ' ' - ' ii w i "ianwamaaaseaamawBmaM-,
brush and similar growths),1
a hopper country. I ; j
Which shall it be; which county will win in the irivalry f
Marion and Polk counties will be in the running, and so ought
to be Washington, Yamhill, Benton, Linn, Lane and Clack
amas. Each county will be on an equal footing the company
will pay the freight on all the beets, within a 60 mile radius.
( Portland Telegram.) " '
The death of Dr. Otis Dole Butler of Independence deprlTes the
state of an able surgeon, well and widely lored, and serves to remind
us of the dally danger in which the surgeon wages his fight against.
disease. Dr. Butler received a slight wound in the hand while oper-4
ating, was taken ill within the hour and in ten days was dead.
It is a risk which every surgeon takes, and takes with full knowl
edge of its ever present possibility. It demands the difficult, lonely
sort of courage which does its duty silently, without applause or recog
nition. It is to the honor of a great profession that the surgeon does
not hesitate, but wields his knife with steady, self-forgetful skill. In
diseased areas where a scratch may bring him an Infected wound
more deadly than the shot of cannon.
Peace has its heroes as well as war and the order in recognition
of "distinguished service" should decorate the stilled breast of Dr.
Butler, dead at his post of duty.
"Her Husband's Secret"
Adapted From May Ed-
inton's "Judgment"
May Edington's latest short
story "Judgment" has been pic
turized by Frank Lloyd and, fea
turing Antonio Moreno, Pasty
Ruth Miller, Ruth Clifford and
David Torrence will be shown to
day and tomorrow at the Oregon
theater under the screen title
"Her Husband's Secret."
Miss Edington is the authoress
of "Triumph" and "Secrets" and
Is well known for her sympathetic
understanding of the finer details
of domestic life.
"Judgment" recently published
in the Saturday Evening Post, has
provided Lloyd, the producer of
The Sea Hawk" and other color
ful spectacles with opportunity to
display his ability at handling of
finer, more delicate, yet equally
powerful and compelling drama
Dealing with a double romance of
1900 and of the present day, the
picture of parental love and sweet
heart days and complications
which develop when experience is
pitted against youth and ro
The supporting cast includes
Walter McGrail, Phylli3 Haver,
Frankie Darro, Joseph CSirard.
Robert Bolder, Harry Lonsdale,
Pauline Neff. Margaret Fielding,
Frances Teague. E. A. Warren,
Anne M. Wilson aud Frank Cof
fyn. New Sweaters! A large ship
ment just in. New patterns, new
shades in the popular pullover
and coat styles. Scotch woolen
Mills. ()
O. J. Hull Auto Top 4b Paint
Co. Radiator, fender and body
repairing. Artistic painting adds
100 to the appearance of your
auto. 267 S. Commercial. ()
1 General Market . I
- i
. rOUTI-AM). Ore, Kept. 28. AP.)
Cattle and calves nominally steady, n re
Hog nominally hteaay witn decline laie
yesterday of 35 to 3c: receipts 10
billed tbroush. Ueavyweisbt 250 30l
pounds, medium, god and choice l2f0
I t: medium weights 200-350 pounds, com
mon, median, good and choice 9 1 ' (ft'
lit. 25: lilTbtweight 160-260 pounds com
mon, medium, good and choice $ 14.25 (H
14.75: light light 1SO-260 pounds coin
ami medium, good and choice $14.25(r
14.75: packing hogs rough adn smooth
91tfefl2; alaughter piffx 90-13Q ponnds,
medium, good and choice . S14f 14.7 ;
feeder and tocker lis- 70-130 pounds.
medium, good and choice $14a; 15.23.
Sheep n lambs nominally steady:
receipts 520. on contract.
rrnnes Steady
NEW TORK. Scut. 2jJ. (AP) Kvan-
orated apples eaky: prunes eteady; apri-
s- r
T - . ' wr n MRS DAY MORNIJNu, tturx&M ,
and never. will have
This is not
coM easier, lUnd.rJ 19-20, choice 21y
22e; extra choice 23-24 hie: peachek
iairt; raisina steady, hops fcteady.
PORTLAND. Ore.. Kept. 28. AP)
Butter steady extra cubes city 41e; stand
ards 40 '4: prime firsts 3M:C; firsU
33ic: prints 47c ; cartons 4Sc.
Milk .steady, best churning cream 4 4c
per pound net shipper track in zone 1.
Cream delirered Portland 46c per pound.
Raw milk (4 per cent.) $2.2 cwt. i. o. u.
Poultry steady: heary liens 25ft'2Gc :
light 17c: springs light 23f26c; do
heavy 21a 22c: young white ducks 22 'ft
33r: do heavy 21fi22.; colored 15 17e.
Vegetables steady; onions local 73c(tf
$1.10; Walla Walla 90c(a$l; potatoes
?1.50j 1.75 sack.
CHICAGO. Sept. 28. ( AP) Hither
prices here for wheat resnlted today from
an unexpected advance in quotations at
Liverpool and from big export sales, most
ly Canadian. Wheat in Chicago had an
unsettled elofce. quarter to 4c up, with
corn unohanjed to 5-Bc down, oats sihow
ing 1-8 to 1-2 gain, and provisions vary
ing from 7-3c decline to 5c advance.
1JOSTON. Sept. 2. (AP) The wool
market is showing strong adn breadth
of outlet which compares very favorably
with the close of last week. A good
volume of business on a wide variety of
lines ha heen transacted. Territory
wools of all grades are moving quite free
ly. Clothing staple has a fair demand
and sales have included the short terri
tory wools; small Texas and scoured
California lines. Greasy California wools
have also been, in some request.
PORTLAND. Ore., Sept. 28. (AP)
Pairy exchange, net prices: Butter ex
tras 41c: standards 40 Kir; prime firsts
3Hic; firsts 35V4c.
Eggs extras 42: firts 40c; pallets '30c;
ourreut receipts ;iio.
PORTLAND. Sept. 28. (AP) Vb.-t
HHIi white hard, liar A white. US liaart.
federation, soft white, western white Sep
teniber, October. November. $1.34; bard
winter, September, October. November
1.33; northern spring September, .Octo
ber. November $1.32; western red Sep
lember, October, November $1.31.
Oats No. 2. 3G pound white feed and
gray ' September, October, November
Harlc.v No. 2. 45 iraund BW. SeDtember.
28; October. November $28.50.
torn No. 2 KV shiDment. Seutemker
. .i. d. -toler . November
I illrun-Standard Seiiteiiiner S22.50:
Ottober $23. 50; November' $24.
PORTLAND. Ore.. Sent. 28. ( AP)
lay buvins prices: Kastern Orciron 4im-
othy 20to22: do valler 91767' 17.50:
cheat $13; alfalfa l7.iOlH: oat liny
$13: oat and vetch $It.5uft15: straw 7
7.50 p er ton. Selliiiir price $2 a ton
POHTI.AXI. Ore.. SeDt. 28. (AP
UeceiptK of fresh ez2R were asain rerv
rht. only cases bcinc renorted. Thi
demand wax active aud the market firm
t unchanged prices. Withdrawals from
storase were 233 cases.
The buter market is in healthy con
dition. The small Drooortions of the of
fering that crade as top clean uu auieklv
and even the lower grades fi.Vl an outlet.
Price were not chansed today. Receipts
were 15.013 potindx, city creameries
turned ont 15.919 pounds and 0,118
pound were taken out of storage. .
roultry and rtrensed meat receipts were
moderate and the market was steady, in
both lines.
F. L. Wood and Geo. F. Peed.
real estate, 344 State. Farms and
city property. They bring buyer
and seller together, for the bene
fit and profit of both. ()
Ira W.- Jorgensen, 190 S. High
St. Parts for all makes of cars.
Best equipped auto accessory store
In this section. Prompt and re
liable service the rule. ()
Roseburg Douglas county
prune crop estimated at 14,000,-
000 pounds, a new record.
- ,- -----
' llu. : : MB
4 fttVa m mM9rj.r 5
The 1926 State Fair demonstrates, undeniably, the value
and importance, to Oregon, of diversification in both livestock
aud agriculture. Yes,, -and in industrial enterprises; loo.
As a means of securing increasing returns and greater
prolits. diversification has been advocated by the United
States National for many years. And we have not been satis
fied merely to advocate tho facilities of our institution have
been extended, many times; to deserving patrons. ,
Cot"" vnd let us talk it.
United States
National Bank
a- Sblcm, Oregon . '
Silverton High Shows Mark
ed Increase in Enroll
ment at End of Week
SILVERTON. Ore., Sept. 28.
(Special).- At the close of the
first week of school the high
School registration numbers 309.
which is 43 more than at the
close of the second week last
year. The enrollment of the en
tire school is expected to reach
the 1000 mark the first of next
The increased enrollment in the
high school has necessitated the
engaging of another teacher. C.
W. DeLay, formerly principal of
the union high school at Gervais,
has been added to the force' of
instructors here. Mr. DeLay will
be in the mathematical depart
ment. A special class in voice culture
and music appreciation has been
added to the list of high school
subjects. Miss Fay Sparks will
direct these classes. Miss Lavelle
Yantis will be in charge of the
girls' glee club, while Edwin Tin
glestad, principal of the high
school, will direct the orchestra
Alfred Beatie. of Corvallis, will
be at the head of the boys' glee
But 35 can be cared for in the
new Smith-Hughes course and to
date 32 are registered for this.
The Peerless Bakery, 170 N.
Commercial. Sanitary, up to date.
Prompt delivery. Bakers for thos
who appreciate the best. Increas
ing patrons tell the tale. ()
C. A. Luthy. Reliable Jewelry
store. What you are looking for
in jewelry. Where a child can buy
as safely as a man or woman
Repairing in all lines. ()
W. G. Krueger, realtor, progres
sive, fair, equitable. Growing city
and country make possible buys
that will make you good money.
Complete listings. 147 N. Com'l
UlrirfTi: Roberts, realtors, 122
N. Commercial St., know property
values and make for you profit
able investments. Will both save
and make you money. ()
o- o
I Bits For I
o- o
Salem day
- And all roads lead to Salem
So lvit Salemites join in making
it the biggest day of the biggest
fair in its history.
This is Salem day and gover
nor's day at the state fair. To
morrow will be Portland day. and
that is the day we have got to
beat. We. did it once; ouly once,
as the Bits for Breakfast man re
members it.
You will find in the Josephine
county booth at the state fair sam
ples of many fine products, among
them some wonderful grapes. The
people down that way believe they
produce a better grape than is
grown oven in California.
There is a rival to the Noble
French prune, being exhibited at
the state fair. It is the Burton
prune, brought out in California.
a result of crossing the Imperial
with another variety of the French
prune. It is a sweet prune, like
the Noble French, and of a large
fiize. similar to the Noble French,
but shaped differently. It is long
er than the Noble French. At
least one Oregon grower has tried
tne Burton prune. But most out
standing Oregon prune men, if not
all of them, are favorable to the
Noble French, above all others.
Prof. Powers, of the Oregon Ag
ricultural college, said yvsterdav
at the fair that the Nobld French
over, you, loo, may profit by
has the boards swept clean: that
It is the coming prune for Oregon
The Bits for Breakfast man had
not arrived at the office yesterday
m. rninz before reports' began to
rome from the red hills districH
south of Salem; from farmers who
had already received and read The
Statesman Of yesterday morning,
and were looking for lime "rock
croppings.on the'r land. Some
samples came in, too. ; It would
te a great, thing if a limtj rock
deposit of large extent, and 99 per
cent, pure, could br found lhat
close to Salem. It would be worth
millions of dollars annually to
Oregon, and it would make some
farmer a regular John D. Rocke
feller or Henry Ford: .perhafps
several of them.
Peppermint oil is down another
notch. Was ?7 to $7.50 a pound
in New York, as quoted ;by the
New York Commercial of last Fri
day. Telephone ICS, Capital . City
Laundry. The laundry of pure
materials. We give special atten
tion to all home laundry work.
Telephone and we will call. ()
Tyler's Big Z Cold Capsules will
cure your cold. If you don't be
lieve it try it for yourself. Tyler's
is the only place to get them, 157
S. Com'l. ()
The fall and winter Coat mode is versatile and
ideas in silhouette and fabric. Most noteworthy
bloused back, which is featured extensively.
Some of the coats
others are lavishly collared and cuffed in fur. Modes arc smart and un
usual values are presented this season
With C611ars
Colors arc. toast, 7autumv.Tose, oak buffe, channel and claret reds,
jungle green, asper gray? cinnarnQn and rose.
$2.75 to $5.95
J If You Guess the Weight of the
Giant Briquet
On Display in Our Exhibit in the Main
i 1 --i
New Modes
ItlMay Be Plain or Fur Trimmed
rtenenri pntirpl
of Self
$3.45 to $14.75
Ton of
at the Fair
presents several new
is the return of the
, M
With Collars of
; Fur
$16 and $18.75
So Noticeable in
Small brims bow to high
crowns that are oddly
crushed into new and bewitch
ing shapes. Antelope felt and
velvet fashion them, and in
most cases, they are simply
trimmed with ribbon or
r gleaming jewelled pins.
, A ...
vm.' : i.i. . A ;L'.' -V"- - '
r -frii.
a. A
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