8 Eight Killed, As Train Engineer of Seranlon Flyer Said to Have Had Unolst rutted . View of Central Railroad Coach, Crash Comes Neat Station lnETIlLEIIEM. Ta., Sept. 27.-f (AP) Eight jK-r sons were killed and 40 injured when the Scranton Flier fit the Central Uallroad of N'6w Jersey plowed into a steel cdorti of a lehifrh Valley limited at'an intersection oC the two road hero loday, shoved it 50 feet.and rammed it against the" steel gir ders of the Bethlehem Union sta tion. The engineer of the Srranton flier had an unobstructed view of the other train, according to eye witnesses. A coroner's jury was impaneled at once and taken to the scene of the wreck, where! It began an investigation. ' It was said Lehigh Valley trains had the right of way at the cross over and that the signal board there was set against the Jersey Central train at the time of the accident. The revised list of dead as giv en trut tonight by the Lehigh Val ley railroad follows: Hugh McCee, baggageman, Al lentown. Pa., George McGovern, Mauchunk, Pa. II. J. Ott, Allentown, Pa D. J. Shovelin, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. "Hariold W. Rlgel, Lehighton, Pa. David Dausi, Wilkes-Barre. Charles D. Gates, New York. Unidentified man. People standing on the plat form said they were amazed to witness the two trains, both run ning at moderate speed and ap parently with unobstructed view of eacn other, crash together with in 100 feet of the station. The Jersey Central engine struck between . the second and third 'coaches, overturning the former which carried about three score passengers. All those killed and injured were in this one coach; which, was of ail steel con struction. The heavy plush seats were torn in - many instances and thrown upon the passengers who had jammed the aisle at the instant of impact. The engineer of the limited was Henry Conlin. who has driven the Lehigh's train 19 years without an accident, He declared his train had the right of way at the Junc tion. We have tne bat jou want at he price you want to pay. Many aew patterns and felt hats come in ,1a,Uy. The Vanity Hat Shop, the place to buy the Beth Hat. () Slate surface roofing applied over your old shingles. We have over 200 jobs In Salem. Nelson Bros., plumbers, sheet metal work, 355 Chemeketa, () I S HE'S A Ken Maynard in ''Senior Daredevil" at Oregon Last Times Today If you're really bent on getting Into the movies or on the stage or anywhere else you'll take the first step that leads In the genera) direction of your goal without first Inquiring how soon you will net a lift." For example," Ken Maynard star of "Senor Daredevil," the Charles R. Rogers production, which is being shown last times today at the Oregon took as hie Cirst job in the motion picture in dustry the winding of the phono graph, which . scratched and blar ed in the lobby of "the leading motion picture theatre of Mission, Texas. He lost this Job by care- Kiss Rogers Gained 15 Pounds in Six Weeks Skinny Men and Women Gain 5 Pounds in 30 Days or Money Back My Dear Friends: After my attack of Flu I was thin, rundown and weak. I had a sallow "complexion, my cheeks were sunk in and I was continu ally troubled with gas on my stomach. I felt stuffy and had lost my appetite. I had. read about McCoy's Cod Liver Oil Compound Tablets and decided to give them a trial. At once, I began to pick up an appetite, my-cheeks filled ont and' my complexion became healthy looking and I gained 15 pounds In six weeks and am very thankful for what McCoy's Cod Liver Oil Compound Tablets dkl for me. Miss Alberta Rogers, aC4 W, Cerrov Gorda; HL, Decatur, III. To tak on weifcht, grow strong ami vigorous, to fill out the hol lows la cheeks and neck 'try Mc Coy's Cod Livery Oil Compound Tablets fdr JO days, CO tablets- CO cents at J. C. Perry or D. J. Fry's,, and live druggists every - where. If t.hey don't lve yon wonderful help.. la r 3fr days, gat, yon money; 'back-you. be; the Judge. ; But b sure and aak for 4 McCoy's; the - original - and genu , Jae. Air, p SI CM ST THE OREGON STATICSMANi SALEM; OREGON 40 Hurt, Wrecks Coach lessly falling down and smashing all of the wax cylinder records probably while gaping, at some "two-gun" man of the screen In stead of watching his step. For Ken's ambition was to be the best horseman and roper in ph-tures. and those who have seen "Swmor Daredevil" arc amend thai he is very clos to that proal. Aftc-: losing his strong-arm job at Uk picture palace Ken was sent to Inilitary school, where, of course, he Joined the cavalry unit, and spent his summer vacations on r. Texas ranch, continuing his prac. tice of "stunts" of horsemanshis that soon brought him back to the "show business," this time a "chief cowboy" and featured-rider with such circuses as Howe's, Rob inson's, Sells-Floto and, Ringlings. Then motion pictures called him as it does the "stars" in all linee of related endeavor. He played Paul Revere in "Janice Mere dith," which Introduced him in his really sensational feats of horsemanship. Don't be held back by tire trou ble. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Buy your spare now, save yourself a rainy walk. Malcom's Tire Shop. () L. A. Scheelar Auto Wrecking Co., oldest in the Willamette val ley. New and used parts and equipment. Low prices and quality service here. 1085 N. Com'l. () The Pontiac Six is outselling because it is Built to Outlast. It displays unfailing sturdiness and dependability. See it on display at Vick Bros. () K AT EL5H Streett's Players Offer Snappy Production "Love 'Em and Leave 'Em" "Lore 'Em and Leave 'Em," which is the play in American that the Streett players aro pre senting tonight only at the Elsi nore. is the best of the series of realistic sections of contemporary American life that they have pre sented in the course of their en gagement here. "Kempy," and "The Family Up stairs" belong to the same type. Theatregoers who saw them with the Streett players will remember them with pleasure. But neither of those two plays had as a callaborator in its writing the greatest living master of col loquial American. "Love 'Em and Leave 'Em' has this in John V. A. Weaver, who aside from being the most Important American poet who has emerged in the past 10 years, has the surest knowledge and most effective use of "Amer icanese" that can be found among contemporary writers. "Love 'Em and Leave 'Em" takes its title from one of Weav er's best dialect American poems, but the story is taken from other of the themes on which Weaver writes, and is woven by George Abbott, with Weaver's assistance s linguist and authority on folk ways of the American lower mid dle class into a comedy of life that is more than -comedy. Under the surface ripple of com edy that sweeps the entire pl2y is a pathos -as cruel as the pathos In "The Song of the Shirt." and tragedy as consummate as one can hope to find anywhere except in actuality in any modern, large, "pep man" infested commercial corporation in any American city today. Mary Daniel, Tom Chatterton and it resolves itself into a cata logue of the entire company this week when, a reviewer begins to pin the ephemeral bouquets of praise the whole company then, has stepped into the snugly fitting vocabulary of colloquial American that the playwright has afforded and has made a very real narra tive of what would be in high life tragedy and what is in the comic strip section of American society in which three-fourths of our peo ple must draw out their existence broad and bitter comedy. Mame Walsh, the elder Mater, played by Mary Daniel, portrays a character that has some genuine magnificence of. soul, thrown against the background of ciirrert cowardices and evasions and com promises which make op the aver age daily life of those who aro compelled to spend their lives in punching time clocks. The curtain will rise at 8:15 this evening. POLITICAL POT STIRS IN EASTERN STATES (Continued from psre.l. "Regulation of radio communi cation so as to eliminate the exist ing ..chaos." , ;;. DETROIT. Sept. 27. (APJ. With 230 'Detroit policemen or dered to be fn readiness for what ever may happen, and the possi bility of their reenforcement by a deuduaeat of - state police, the. D YORK C M martial background was laid 'to night for what may be a tempest uous republican state convention here tomorrow. The seat of war shifted here tonight from Lansing where a cir cuit court order was issued' today which, in effect, told the conven tion what delegates it should seat from Wayne county (Ietroit). This order would bar thone dele gates supporting Fred W. Green, nominee for governor, and would seat delegate favorable to Gover nor Groesbeck. who was beaten for renominatinn as governor by Green at the September 14 pri mary election. Judge Lei and W. Carr at leas ing' held that the legally chosen delegation was that named by tho "regular" Wayne county conven tion after Green supporters had bolted and had set up an opposi tion meeting. The republican state central committee called ' a meeting to night to determine what course to pursue tomorrow. It was said there is a strong possibility that neither delegation will b recog nized, leaving Wayne county with out a vote in the convention which then would be virtually an all-Green affair. Such procedure is not without precedent in Michi gan political history. SYRACUSE. N. Y., Sept. 27. (AP). The Xew York democratic state convention held its opening session today and perfected tem porary organization with Franklin D. Roosevelt, former assistant secretary of the navy, as chair mr.n. The resolution committee work ed until late tonight in drafting the party platform, which is to be presented to the convention for adoption tomorrow. Believing that a world court plank ought to be inserted, in the document, it was decided that the platform would endorse any plan that would result in making war im possible in the future. Another plank will declare for an all American waterway from the Great Lakes to the Hudson river. Parker & Co., 444 S. Commer cial. Don't fail to see Parker about repairing your car. Expert mechanics at your service. All work guaranteed. () G. W. Day, tires, tubes and ac cessories. Has the Goodyear tires, the standard of the world. Mr. Day can give you more mileage. Corner Com'l. and Chemeketa. ( Nash leads the world in motor car values. Beautiful display of new models at the P. W. Petty John Co., 365 N. Com'l. () Vibheri Todd Electric Store. B High at Ferry Sts. Everything I electrical. Good service and low prices are cringing an increasing trade to this store. () wliio won for the name for this latest and greatest development in motor fuel? "p? rp rn n? Your CAR MEL STORY UNDER ATTACK. SIX APPEAR (Continued from par 1.) mother ridiculed each of the wit nesses and their testimony. LOS ANOELES. Sept. 27.--(AP) Aimeo Semple McPaern. picturesque evangelist smiled, laughed, and at times bowed her head as if iu sorroy as witnesses testified in municipal coH'-t loday that sh. was the woman who so journed at Carmel-by-the-Sa, Cal ifornia. for ten days with Kr.n'ti! 0. Ormiston. hr former radio op erator at Angelas tempi, just af ter she disappeared from i ho beach here. She listened, for the most part, unmoved as the story she has -told and re-told from her jv.ilpit Shat she was not at Carmcl v.-as brand ed as false by the state's wit uoshcs. The evangelist came" into Julg Samuel R. Blake's court for pre liminary hearing a half hour be fore court was opened at 10 a. m. She was accompanied y her moth er, Mrs. Minnie Kennedy, and W. 1. Gilbert, chief of her array of counsel. Mrs. McPhersou. who with her mother and five others are charg ed with criminal conspiracy to obstruct justice and preparing false evidence, had not been ar raigned on account of illness at the time the warrant for her ar rest was issued, and the first bus iness of the court was to acquaint her with the charges against her. Irs. Lorraine Wiseman-Sielaff wbjpse confession that sue was hired to produce false evidence to support the evangelist's kid naping story, and also a defend ant, likewise had not been ar raigned. Mrs. MePherson and Mrs. Sie laff waived reading of the blanket complaint and Judge Pl.ke or dered the preliminary csa.iiina tion to oegin. The Angelus temple pastor was pale and apparently extremely nervous when she entered the courtroom which had been con verted into a huge pressroom. The tiny legal arena was pack ed with newspaper men, only a few privileged guests with special invitations from the court being allowed within the room. A bar rier had been erected in the cor ridor and a dozen or more officers guarded the gate. After the first formnlitirs were over Mrs. MePherson sained h.-sck her courage and sunny sinil. an.l engasred in animated- conversation with her mother and attorneys. Frequently tihroughout the live hours that the court was in ses sion the evangelist laughed heart ily when her attorny ended ome tilt with the prosecution with a fun-making remark. Six witnesses testified during the day. They wre Ralph Herh ey, an engineer of Santa Barbara; Mrs. Daisy Bostick, Carmtl realty the 1 . dealer can tell you Thu iri sdav into his station were tne luekv one dealer; Mrs. Jeanette Parkes. who lived next door to the Carinel cot tage rented by "Mclntyre"; Percy Parkes. her husband; Ralph Swanson. a grocery clerk of Car mcl. and Ernest Henkert, t:arrael fuel dealer. Frequent clashes between coun sel marked the day's session. Dis trict Attorney Aea Ke'yes took per sonal charge of the state's case, assisted by E. J. Dennisou, Forest Murray i.nd Harold L. Davis, dep uty district attorneys. II. L. Stiff Fnrniiure Co.. lead era in complete home furnishings, priced to make you the owner. The store that studies your every need and is ready to meet it, absolutely. Capital Bargatn Rocse, Capital Tire Mfg. Co., Mike's Auto Wreck ing. Three in one. Bargain cen ter of Salem. Thousands of bar gains. H. Steinbock, 215 Center. () The Man's Shop saves yon a ten dollar bill on every quality suit. Shirts, hats, ties, collars. High grade clothing, perfect fitting, long wearing. 416 State. () Walter H. Zosel, automobile tires, tubes and accessories. Vul canizing that hods. High quality, superior service. A trial makes a customer. 198 S. Com'l. () 1925 Buick Standard Sedan looks and runs like new. Don't fail to see this before you buy a car. Otto J. Wilson, 3S8 North Commercial. () Director's Department Store Is building up a reputation for guar anteed merchandise; conducting a real department store; making steady progress, too. () COCA COLA KING" IS ILL ASA G. CANDLER IX HOSPITAL FOR TWO MONTHS ATLANTA, Ga., Sept. 27. (AP). Asa G. Candler, financier and known as the originator of Coca Cola, is "dangerously ill" in the Wesley Memorial hospital which he founded, his family let it be known tonight. A stroke of paralysis suffered yesterday affected the right side of Mr. Candler's body and his physicians said tonight that his condition was "exceedingly grave." lie has been at the hospital about two months but until yesterday bis condition was not regarded as serious. Cross Meat Market. Biggest, busiest and best in Salem. Choic est steaks, bacon, hams, sausage, lard, eggs. milk. Absolutely sani tary. 370 State St. () Quality painting, ooih varnish and laquer work, in our modern equipped paint shop. Washing, greasing and night service; tire repairs. Wood's Auto Service Co. isn caslh and see if (0) ME TUESDAY MORNING, -SEPTEMBER 28,-102(5 Series of Accidents Lives and Injure Others Stanley Lane Gored bv Hull Suffering Front Body Bruises and lacerated Eye, Will Be -Confined to Hospital for Three Weeks Stanley Lane, gored by a bull Sunday, will be In the hospital at least two and probably three weeks recovering from his 'in juries, which were serious, ac cording to information given out last night at the hospital. One eye is badly injured, but he will probably not lose, it was stated. Whether any bones are broken cannot be determined until an other X-ray picture Is taken of the injured man, it was stated. The picture will be taken sorije time this morning. Besides his other Injuries, Laue is suffering from bad bruises all over his body. Adam Hofstetter. who was tak en to the hospital Sunday after suffering a crushed leg in another accident, was reported last night to be recovering rapidly. He will probably be out of the hospital in three or four days. Outside of the injured leg, he suffered no injuries, so far as could be deter mined. Two women were killed Sun day when they drove their car in front of an onrushing Southern Gabriel Powder & Supply Co., lumber, building materials, paints md varnishes, roofing paper. Get prices here and make a big sav ing. Office, 175 S. Com'L () Pomeroy & Keene, Jewelers, never fail to give you 100 on the dollar. Watches, clocks, pins, charms. Standard high .grade stock in all departments. () UNIVER Factory Demonstration AT STATE FAIR GROUNDS AND OUR STORE DURING FAIR . WEEK Mr. Kadderly, factory representative, will be in charge at Fairgrounds. Competent Salesmen at our store will take pleasure in explaining why the Universal range is America's greatest and best known range. 33 Piece Set American No one should miss seeing and learning about the durable, beautiful Universal Coal-Wood Range which has a permanent porcelain finish that win not peel,' chip or discolor from heat. Just wipe if off with a moist cloth and youy Universal will always be bright and new. Why endure a bothersome, old-style, dirty stove when you can enjoy a bright.handsome Univer sal with a large oven that is an excellent baker? Your Old Stove Taken in Exchange To enable you tlj rid yourself of- that old stove, we will take it and make you a very liberal allowance on any new Universal, pur chased durinat the Stove Sale. m mm i m - -j , urnn ri iTnii nnji nnniri - - 00 PLACES ONE of these creat Rnnw hvuic. Axrvkuice without interest. Don fc forget the locations: At the Fair Grounds and at our Store during Fair Week - ' ' We pay the freight to any point in Oregon on any article sold during Fair week THg STORE TR TO - - & r . Pacific train at the? Brooks cross ing. They were Mrs. Ella Steffin, 4 5, and her niece. Miss Agnes Williams, 18, both df Pratnm. Their car was utterly demolished by the train, which was traveling 40 miles an hour, and the ho1.s of the women were hurled many feet by the impact. i No reason for the women's at tempt to cross the track can le given, other than that they be lieved the train would stop at Brooks station just before it bad reached the crossing. - yiew f the crossing from, the road was somewhat hampered by box ars on a siding. ' Mrs. Steffin and her niece Jired together on a farm at Howell Prairie which they operated. They are survived by Mrs. Steffin's daughter. Mrs. Goldie Ashelm of Colfax, Wash., her father, Miss Willman's father, and several brothers of Mrs. Steffin. Laue, who is proprietor of a local dairy, was attacked by a bull on a field at the dairy and knocked to the ground, when the bull was driven oft' by Philip Sorehan, 18, employed at the dairy. He saw Laue on tne ground with the bull goring him with its horns and Succeeded in driving it away, but not until it had hurled Laue about 10 feet into the air. Hofstetter was standing beside his car, which had just been dam aged in a collision with one driven All of the Limoges China Sanitary Washable Indestructible moniniy payments by rD. C. Wagers,? when another j,: nuto driven tr t;. fc.eriaaR, j came along ind bit, Hofstetter sf M atchtne his leg between the! two. An unidentified car crovi-t. Ikerman into It, according to rW A. little girl named Ros v slightly bruised -when fetrucK car driven by D. G. Alkire.t Ruth. Burnstdev aeed-lKJJ was injured early Sunday oriufl aDOUl a iniie uuiiu,.ji l ti grounds on tho Silvorton highway was still suffering from snock at the Salem hospital yesterday, sin - j; was riaing uw. ruiiums of a bug driven by Virgil Holleyf ? . when the car was struck, by heavier machine driven by E. R. Drolf of Mt. Angel. Both of the girl's legs were fractured and she .,.Dttnri nnrie in her back. Conflicting stories el the accident ' were told in reports made at thfi Wt; police station. Physicians attend--iXJ ing the girl intimated- that her .,; Donrhton & Sherwln 000 XT S'lAm'f C TTa-priwt? ardwaV ware, o . - Builders' Supplies, Paints, Varf; ishes. Give us a call, you'll f : our prices reasonable.' ( First National ISank. the ban of friendship and heiprulness- j, time of need. Interest paid ol time deposits. Open an account and watch your money grow. ( ) uuster urown, aoos oiore. iijga. ing, long wearing shoes for the '' least money. Come and be convinc- t ed. 125 N. Coml. (), . St. Helens McQormlck njfla 4ft- ship 3,000,000 feet of lumhvt,' fl third week in September. ) Sheridan Local cannery close.? . its biggest and best fruit season. ge this Dinner ware With every Universal Rdnge pur chased during this sale, we will include without charge a 35-piece set of the finest quality. American made Limoges China.r This set is latest French Vase patteVri witn Dngnr goia nanaies ana u one you will appreciate owning. The Universal is now avail able in porcelain buffet . tops if desired i f i ., 'if " - r t .: '.- St. 'itht s. Jit-.