THE OREGON STATESMAN, SATEM. OREGON TUESDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 23, 1926 YES I 1 1 V f Avta ' tteps OR TOP AND PAINT WORK Auto Top and Paint Shop. Commercial. ' -5fte - 1 1 Help Wanted 9 -2 MKX AND 2 WOMEN, and co-operate. Fart or full time. -Real I Vnoney: for yon. Phone 23'.'0-J for sp- Vynimont. - -930 f Belp Wmated-Male 11 J.VX.O WOMEN. 18 TU CO, DESlR to :prpare for government exami- w"0m",u " interview Mr. lsrrf tjpf-aull. Marion hotel. Salem. -rr..vTbsidar, Sepr. 30th. 1926. (Big advance, ia Halation : postoffire clerks, ITOO to $1100; railway mail clerks $l9rtt t 27o; department and field 'wk IIUO t $2 500 r revenue " and THttama officers. $1300 to $35O0; tc. 1' positions; pension on retirement. Annaal vacation and M-k leave, with pay. i ; Only common school education required; money refunded if position jet secured.) Minors under 21 must box actompeniad by parent. Hour 1 . in., to 9 m- One day only. Its29 Help Wanted remnao 13 M ANTED EXPERIENCED GIRL GEX- 1 oral -housework. CaH1718-J before 10 4 m.. after 3. p. tn. 1328 it ZT. Jv Hull f 27 'ty TINTED rfANTEI-;TROXG. ' MIDDLE AGED I WotrtnVn nr aanAlritBiv a si 1 1 wr. prminfui pmc u ftatisfact-ftry. Salesmen ' 15 n.VLNSMX - FOR . TlUdio. Vick Bros. ATWATEBKEXT 1 K ' - - sV. AfBJ JUSTED 8ALESMAX WITH CAR si Musi bare selling .experience in some 1 line. Gaskill ft Karle Realtors. ,ftS. I I Liberty St. Phone 8242. . 1322tt Wanted nntls at 19 IVILI. CARE FOR CHILD. 4 YEARS OH elder. Phono 1438-M. 1929 .IllMNEY SWEEP ft FURNACE CLEAN iig. 1'hone Aortnness, 3223. .1930 fOU GARDEN PLOWING; BASEMENT dijjins and team work. Phone 72P2 19ml4ff tr J&ent PRSTKD CARDS. SIZE 14 BY 7V4 IN. Ie'ordmg, ror Kent," prtr 10 cants ac,h. . Statesman Business Office, ground floor.- - JFuTl RENT A.-FIRST CI1A8S" GROUND floor ousinesa location. Re BUS SK1.LE. Realtor. 173 8. Hish. Phone 36. Open evenings. 21sl9tf J-On RENT HOUSES AND APART- mfRts. r. L. Wood, 311 State 3t. lml2tf For Rent Apartments 23 TOR RENT. MODERX FLAT S rooms adults. s:i 66Vj Ferrv. U ke t Hendricks. 19 X. High street.. 23s26tf fcATSOE UNFURNISHED APARTMENTS. First floor, 13U Court. 23ol OO M APARTMENT JN A NEW 3TE i-ie-trir range, etc. inquire at 1719 X. Capitpl. 23s28 ij FOR RENT HAZEL APARTMENTS. I lltl Hatel. Pbon- :93V 2Sa!lltl For Rent Bosm 27 l"OK . RENT 6-ROOM HOUSE. FCR- llihed. with sleeping porch -and 3 bed . rooms, giirage. extra conveniently ar ranged. . Apply -153iJ Saginaw St.. or phone 1731 M. 27s28tl I OR RENT OR FOR "SlLE MOUSE FOR mall, family 699-J. 27s28 LPARTMEXT 0 ROOMS. CLOSE IN. 23sS0 541 Mill St. ro jmr.sT nine-room modern bu'Vi1 large sleeping perch, furnace, firfTVtj;. At 480 X 21th St. Inquire at i.. , s. Collage or Phone 112-4 w. 27a29 Fer Heat JTaureae 29 h.i: iu:.t 3C7-acre stuck anii rsiii r.iuch. J. H. Lauterman, Hotel rg-. . 290 HAVE SEVERAL IRRIGATED FARMS Tr r'ht. p. E. Thomason. Turner. Ore, Phoo 6XX. 29altf Wanted antnasnj 35 n.tXTKU PRIVATE MONEY FOH trm loans. V lisv several applies : .'"",: on. bnl. Ilswkius U Roberu Jitn3 Oregon Bldg. 35dl4tl 't-ft-. ' ' .rarTURE PACK1NO FOR SHIP Giete- Power Furuiture Co Vf t t 35a20tf For Sale 37 HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE FOR KALE. ICS N. 13th St. 37:;o FOH SALE GERM AX POLICE PUP. 0 months old. One of the dark kind n be .registered. ' !:)0. Inquire 51 So. I5tr 8, ' 37x30 rn.n or i T PRCNF8, 8e VOCXD. GOOD rk mare and good Jersey cow. Cheap hone 1UHF31. 3729 FIU.ST-CLASS OFKIW FURXITURE .fur ale very reaxonable Call 36 or Ve ttusselle. 173 S. Highl St. 37s24tf WILL SACRIFICE HIGH GRADE player piano left with a for quick le. See this snap, Tallman Piano Store, 395 S- 12th. 37s30 TJ.SKT PIANO8. IJTS OF THEM 830 S7.i f 100 $123 f 150. See those at Tanioan Piano Store. 393 South 12th 8730 FOR'" SALE 4 COWS. BE FRESH next week. 2 good work horses cheap. 101U JSISSIOn. . 97SZB FIXE FALL PEARS 5 OEXTS BUSHEL and sweet cider, clean and pure 30 rents gallon. Bring containers. , Rural Areaue. - 31 849 37al4tf R SALE AUTOMOBILES - FOH guaranteed nsed cars or new Chryslers sea Burk. t Oimrwh Motor . Co Phono 635. 87a84tt HIGH GRADE NEW PIANOS REDUCED to S200 S243 $298. . jWhy pay morel 1 stent at 1 & aa a . . Bs I Xallmaa PUno Store. 93 Bouth 12lk 37a30 PRINTED CARDS. SISE 14 BY 74 IX wording. "Riwiu Kent." nrie 111 ccqu esrh. . hlalesiaaa Uasinesa Office grnrnxi rtoor. - - - - a er 0 i Salem Market rxEij ..... I. wheal, whito . 9 1.20 IJ -i. wheat, sacked 1.18 t, per tu .,.,, ' .45 Bay. oais reteh per ton 14.00' rOKK, MTTTOH JLHD BEET 1 Oft IjOS ...........J ... j ., ... rr -T .. .a Too steers 50.6 "Wt Hulls -2 -4 4.5 Strin hnnbY nnder 90 lbs. - .0 T ..,.A i 8.B ! real .1 'JWltl IM l'rewicd aog .16 POOITBY. ' skt h-n, J,. SpruiZ L. Alfri. 'i'l 6." - :-i'4 - lioosters - . ' Heavy, frys EG'GS, BXTTTEB, BOTlRrAT-i "as" ..3 .',4 t'r- vreaiB iuttr 4. VE GET ABIDES VnTTTTn - - ' Bvauie beets, sst-koa i .vt Oamnr- dos. hnaehM- .406 U - Celery dot buutUe..73(a .90(fl 1.0U New -3tf, Vfc wet. itiae w -H OiJ rets toes - - -90 Leesl aw potetsss ,. ..tQ.2H naconnciios , . . . l-oeal totnntocs j ,7 If 0 I 37 FOR SALE OliJ ' NEWSPAPERS, 10 Mils a bnndle. Statesman office. 315 booth Commercial St, . 3Tj22tt TRESPASS NOTICE, SIZE 14 BY 9 IN. Printed on good 1 0-onwe canvas, bear ins the words, "Notice ia Hereby Given That Trespassing Ia Strictly forbidden on These Premises Under Penalty of rroecuUonV Prire 15e arh or 2 for 23e Statoman Pub Co, Salem. Ore gon 37af For Sale livestock . 39 30 UKAD YOUXO GOATS. LARGE fine hair. Also 15 Cotsaold ewes. 3rd house east of" Turner. 39s29- FUKD W. LAXOE, YKTF.RIXARIAN Office 523 S. ComnTertlaL Phone 1198. Res. Phone ir.jf 39in23tf Wood For Sale 43 CITY AND COUNTRY WOOD 8AWINO. Also old board. Fisher Bros. Phone 1819. 43jl3tf GOOD COAT, DRY WOOD, PROMPT DELIVERIES. 1I1I.LMAN KUEL CO. TELEPHONE 1835. 43j2Dtf Best Grade of Wood Drrstd 4 ft. and 16-inch. Green wood, 4 ft. and lC-inrh. Lfrge loads contain 197 eubic fevt load ed loose. Small loads contain 128 cubic feet load ed loose. Large loads are the cheaper to buy. Order now and save money. Mill wocd is our specialty Prompt delivery and reasonable price. Fred E. Wells 280 South Church. Phone 1542. 43al0tf 16-INCH OLD FIR SECOND GROWTH oak and ash. Phono 72FJ. M. D. Mav ''Id. 43fl8tf SALEM FUEL A TRANSFER. 752 Trade street. Wood. Coal, Briquets. Transfer and Moving, phone 529. . 43n20tf 16-INCH MILL WOOD PER LOAD, $2.75 16-in. ?d fir per load. $3.75: 16 inch old fir per l"ad, S4."25. Prompt delivery. Tel. 2313 Tracy Fuel ard. 1067 D street 43n22tf BClseeUaneone 51 FURNITURE rPHOLSTFUINO AJD RE pairtng. tiiese-Towers urniture Store. - . Jibuti Lost and Xonnd 53 FOUND. SUNDAY P. M. Road. Money. ' Call ON WALLACE 147 N. lth. 53sJ0 sntoney te ioavn 67 PRIVATE MONEY FOR CHAT. EL Loans. See BUSSELLE. l'5 8. High St. - o7al 8tf FEDERAL FARM LOANS F. L m. Sl Htt St. 57tn7tf MONEY TO LOAN OX SALEM HOMES, repsvsble $10. per month on each 10OO borrowed. W. H. GRABENHORST & CO. 134 South Liberty St. 572Stf Business Opportunities 81 RESTAURANT AND DINING ROOM Lease and equipment, priced right. Ac cept ear or lot. Trv TRIANGLE REAL TY. 21M N. Liberty. ls28tf FOR SALE1 2 CHAIR . TSARKER SHOP. witii stock and equipment. In Salem. In goo'l location. !rl000. Iiiquire Socolofsky. 541 State St. 61s26tf BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES $160O btrys grocery atock and fix tures. $800 buys grocery stock and fixtures. $4250 buys grocery Mock and fix tdres in exceptional location. $3000 buys cafe in good location and doing good btinH. SOCOLOFSKY 311 Slate. l21tf4 FOR S.TLE IXfOME PlCDpERTY $.0.MMi Two Story Brick Building $8.0O One Storv Brick Building $22,000 One Storv Building BUSINESS CHANCES Paying restaurant, heart of city, fine lit'le confectionery. Grocery stork, fixtures, tiring rooms. Lease cheap rent. Well located. Snap Price $2.5w(. Another one for $1000. SOME VERY CHOICE Warehouse and apartment house sites thjt are priced right. FOR INVESTMENT See CHILDK & BECHTEL. Realtors. 320 State street C!s2Uf Real Estate Directory 62 " BECKE 189 S. High. HENDRICKS Tel. 169. A. C. BOHTtXSTEDT 147 X. Commercial. Tel. 577 BUSSELLE, Realtor 175 8. High. Tela. 36 or 1935 CHILDS ft BECHTEL 320 State St. Tel. 1727 W. G. KRCEGER 147 X. C'om'l, Rm. 1. Tel. !17. JOHN W. 826 Oregon Bldg. ORR Tel. 2485 GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE N. Cottage. Tel. 1186 492 SOL'aKE DEAL REALTY 0. 8. Xat'l Bank Bldg. Tel. 470 WKLLS TALLMAX & SON 216 Masonic Temple. Tel. 618 TIBBITS ELLIOTT 341 State. Room 7. Tel. 303 TRIANGLE REALTY CO. 218 X. Liberty. Tel. 651 ULRICH ROBERTS 122 X. Commercial. Tel. 1354 VICTOR SCHNEIDER, Realtor 147 X. Cora l. Phono 577 AUMSVILLE E. T.-PIERCE -Aumsville, Oregon. Real Estata 63 IT IS EASY TO SELL THE BARGAIN and fereed sale property, BUT. we like to handlr the "'hard ones," too. 'fry TRIAXOLE REALTY CO. 2 1U X. Liberty St.. phone 051. 6328tf GOOD HOMES AT LOW PRICES $9000 Fine modern home, seven- rooms fully modern in every way. Has large creek lot,, room for another heme. Immediate possession. Easy term. W. II. GRABENHORST CO. -Realtors. , 134 South liberty St. 6329 MINUTE MOVIES THE WORLD BS. FORE SW LIES - X.- o c .v a . CROWDED 'kMISs?; -UN .TED STATES AND Mist?' ANN FpPPIN Cf ; CHDCW iTH& TSvJD(S NlHl5 &0 . Tor Bade 1 63 . SOME REAU SNAPS - t In homes, acreages, forma sad stock ranches, also ; houses Vo root and money 10 loan, and intaraare aoto snd fire. THE SALEM liEALTY CO 462 SUto St. 634tf FOR SALE A GOOD MODERN HOME near Slate House at less than value. $1000 cash will handle it. A food iurome property, mast aril qnick. EXCHANGE A good lxu-arre farm, close to Salem, well lotated, good build ings, well fenced, somo timber and running water, on. good road. , Want on. gvon ro.t'i. , i smaller farm or income property. L. Wood, Geo. P. Peed, 341 State 1st. 6318U LOTS LOTS Near the new Linen Milt $300, flO down, balance $10 per month. W. II. URABENHOKST ic CO. 131 S. Liberty St. C3s29 MODERN BUNGALOW. LARGE LIVING room, fireplace, generous built-in closels throughout, full-nixed bakcracnt and attie, porches, back and front, exrcl-. lent furnace, large corner lot. flowers, lawn, trees, garago, Ktork, of wood in basement. Reasonable terms. See or- upaut owner, 990 N. 5th St. 63&28 LOOK Attractire bungalow borne well lo cated on Fairmount bill. East front with pared street, fireplace, garage, $5750. Terms. W. H. OKA15ENII0RST & CO. 134 S. Liberty St. 63s29 BRAND NEW CHOOSE YOUR FIN ish 6 room English home nirictly modern and well constructed in a growing district and on a main pared street. .On terms tou tan handle. "Let us show you this." Try TRIANGLE REALTY, 218 N. Libert v, lh no 51. 6:;2Mtf ART AND NEEDLECRAFT SHOP FOR sale. Doing a good business. Owner . leaving town. Will sell at a sacrifice. Grocery doing good business, in good location. Priced right. Will trade my new modern 5-room bungalow for residence in Olympia, Wash. New C room bungalow, modern in every way. A small cash payment will handle. Balance easy terms. New 2 -room garage house and large lot on paved street. Small cash pay ment, balance terms. flood six-room house in North. Salem, will trade for ranch to about $4500. New 5-room bungalow. Modern in every way. Price right for quick sal. A beautiful home, small cash payment. Balance easy terms. We have a few of the best building lots in Salem. Priced right; small pay ment down and easy terms:' Garage aud service station to trade for Salem residence. A good dairy ranch close to Salem for sale or will trade for Salem prop erty. One of the best 100-acre ranches in valley for sale at a sacrifice or will trade for Salem pronertv. GASKILL k EARLE FOR PROPERTY 166 S. Liberty. St. Phone 22 42. . . ' C3s22tf GOOD HOME BUYS New 5-room bungaloa-. basement, paved St.. well furnished snap. $3600, easy terras. 22-acre ranch, rirer Imttom land stock, tools and feed, $4500, want larger place, will assnme. New alt modern stucco home, lawn, flowers, large lot $4200, ea.-y terms. Nice modern 6 -room home on Court St. Sacrifice, easy terms. Fine farm t40-arres, gij"d bldss. near 'town, mostly fine bottom land, $15,000 easr terms or take city prrperty. We can nmtoli your exchange. PERRINE & MARSTERS 212 Gray Bids. 63s25tf WHY BUY A CROWDED HOME" PLACE in the noiy down town district, when you can buy innch cheaper a quiet home a little farther out with shade, fruit, berries, walnuts. grapes and flowers? Three big lots, ,plastered 6 roora house, basement, fireplace, bath, garage poultry house. Joins new Tux edo park high school site, close- te street car and grammar school. $3R(;Q House and 2 lots $3.GOU, 849 Rura' Aye. or W. C. Conner, owner. States man office. 63sl0ti EXTRA CHOICE LOTS on paved streets, best locations, $2''o cash. Buyer assume St. assiut. $J05u, two fine lots paving paid, oth ers with paring paid $400. $050, $775, $HS0, $;oo. $1500 and up. FOR CHOICE LOTS LOW PRICE See CHILDS ft BECTEL. Realtors. 320 State street C3s26if SERVICE STATION 5-ROOM 'MODERN house, 1 acre in bearing fruit, A-l lo cation. Grocery store well located $2700. Cot: feet ivnerr $ 1 fi"0. Confeetypery $800. Butcher shop 21o0. Congressman Hawlcy tract of land nu Mission street, a good speculative investment, 5250. Large corner, large house on Slate street, close to business now. will trade for smaller house or acreage. Apt. house a!l furuished modern, close in $20,000. Apt. house all Jurni-iied. large lot. close in ?lS,O00. Will trade for smal ler house. Large corner, 2 lot. G room house $3.O0. Lots close -in $1550. We write fire and auto insurance. GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE 402 N. Cottage St. G.ts2rttf OWN YOUR OWN HOME WHY NOT! Laud is the BEST investment on earth. It increases in VALUE with the growth of population. Here are good values: 3 miles Salem, Polk county, 23-acre fine young orchard. 12 acres eherriea. 2 acres pears, 7 acres prunes, li'l acres family orcbard,appIe. walnuts, etc. Big barn good drilled well, eloc tririty available. Ideal for chicken ranch. BEST 100 acre ranch in valley. Own er will sell at sacrifice or trade for city property. 1 9-room plastered home, fireplace, 5 bedrooms, extra plumbing, large cor ner lot. Priced right. 2 Owner leaving city, will sacrifice 7 room home, plastered, part basement cement, large lot, fruit and walnnts, paved street, close in. Terms. 3 7-room home, corner lot, lots of fruit terms. - 4 6 room 'plastered, south, garage, cor ner lot. f 5 5-room home. Large lot, east frost. NEW STRICTLY- MODERN HOMES 6 6-room, stucco, $4,3O0. Terms. 7 I -toom stucco. $3,500. Terns. 8 5-room, close in 4.0OO. Terms. 9 6-room. $400. Terms. BERTHA Zl'KHLKi; 671 X. Capitol St. Fuene 2lo6 J 63s23tf SXAP Xew five-room bnngalow with base ment located on paved road near city limits. With 2' acres. Price $3500. .Terms. Immediate posses sion. ' W. H. GRABEXHO&8T CO. 134 S. Liberty St; , 6328 NOT.ce To' Real Estate n?K'-:' 3 A SEVEN-ROOM OLD STYLE WELL , built hout - with extra large tot in i lino location, Just the checker -to re model into a borne worth 8T500 and a ' small outlay would do it. Ask me about it. A. C. IKJHRXSTEDT 117 No. Com' I St., Sttlum, Oregon. FAIR WEEK 4JALES IN HOMES , AXD FARMS - -"A modom 5-room bungalow," Jo fnr 1 Mw. East frnnt.- Paved street. Good location. $2500.- Terms. A new fully "modern tce bungalow. 4 rooms and Book.' $3300, $100 cash Balance like rent. 44; acres-of fine land with new 6 room houKu. - Large barn. 4 cows. 1 team, harness, and wagon. 100 chirk ens. All equipment needed. A chance you can not afford to pass at $1100. Uood terms. , A fine lOO-arre farm tast of Salem, nousc. bam. machinery ; 75 acres summer-fallow in crop. Goed spring. Run , ning water the year round. Plenty of wood. An snap at $125 per aero. Good terms. 40-acre fine dairy ranch near Inde pendence. Uood modern house. Barn. Electric-ally equipped. A choice home for 12,U0. Easv terms. ULRICH ic ROBERTS. Realtors. . 122 X. Cm l St. Phone 13".? 6030 SIX ROOMS. ENOLISU STYLE, AT tractive. East front, street paved, fur nace, fireplace, nicely finished. Well located iu South Saiem. Phone owv er 1748-R. G3a2'Jtf FOR SALE NEW FOUR ROOM BUN iraiuw, strictly modern, paved struct. A Kay terms. New 5-room bungalow, strictly mod ern. Easy terms. ' ; Kive-r om cottage on paved street. , Fine big lot, fruit trees, outbuildings. Price Tery reasonable. Easy terms. Almost new. 4-room bungalow. ba.e ment, furnace. Only $3200.00 and very easy terms. The best view lot in the city of Sa lem. Fine 70-aere farm, on pavement, elec tric light, water systrm. fully equipped to trade for city property. Phone M(5 for sppoin:nent. RICH L. RE I MAN?" Realtor 147 X. Coin. St. C3s28tf JUST LOOK I IF YOU WAXT A HOME Here are a few that are new, strict ly modern with fireplace. Best of plumbing. All the built-ins. Hard wood floors. Basement. Furnace. Garage. Ideal location. Paving paid. Has 6 rooms. Price $4700; only $500 cash down. Another one for $4300 with $1300 clown. Another one 5 rooms for $38mi with $500 down. One for $3fi00 with $900 down. One for $3300. Last, but the best of all 8-room bungalow fo $8500. The above are strictly modern, up-to-date with small pnyraent down, bal ance like rent. If the ahova are too high priced we hare them lor less price. One for 2C00. It's not new, but a good fi-room house only 4 blocks north of State House on Snmmer street. Can you beat it? One for $1100, 4 room plastered bungalow and 3 room bouse for $750. IF IT'S A HOME See CHILDS it BECHTEL Realtor 320 State street iS3s2Gtf FURNACE HEATED HOMES Strictly modern. We hare seven new homes to shew' you. Triced .$4,000 on up. Immediate possession on three. Bocke & Hendricks. 189 X. High street o3s26tf MODERN HOME, G ROOMS For sale right now-, lies furnace, fire place, laundry, hardwood, extra plumb ing. 12I8 cement floor garage. Saw $5250. Some terms. Becfce & Hen dricks. 189 N. High street. tjs.litf GREATEST TRADING ORGANIZATION . OX THE PACIFIC OOA8T We have over 8000 properties nster for exchange. Every kind nf property every price, every location. We cat match your exchange EXACTLY. It yon would like to trada ytur priier) TODAY, come in TODAY. S-i GASKlRti HA RLE, Realtors. Successor to Parker Realty Co. 166 S. Liberty. Phone 2242. , 63m 12 1' FINK NEW HOUSE JUST BEING COM pleted, don Mo constructed, fully plumbed, bu'lt-ins, electric fixtures four rooms and breakfast nook, bath connecting hall, closets, with one-hat acre fine garden lend, enough to a: most support a family, located on ptve ment just outside city limits. All eit conveniences but no city taxes, $3200. Smnll down payment, balance like rent. Carlo Abrams, 1405 fliemcketa St. Phone 1391 J- 63201! WANT TO SELL YOUR REAL ESTATE! To buy a home! - Income property? Let us help yon. Rich L. Reimann. 1 " N. Com' I St. 63s24tf 'OR BALE C ROOM HO0SE, GOOD terms. Phone 727 between 1 p. m and 8 p. m. or call st 1325 JeffersoM. esaxott FOR SALE FIVE-ROOM BUXOAIOW. North Salem. jared street, good lot, ga rage, flowers, jp'jiuu. Six-room house, paved street, two lots, garage, fruit trees. North Salem. $3250. ' . Four-room new strictly modern bnn galow. Oak floors, paved street, Sonth Salem. $3G5U. Seven-room house close to Capitol building, good income property, a bar gain at $35o0. New five-room bungalow and half acre. Close to car line, trade fori lose in property, or acreage. 300-acre farm well located on good road, good buildings, running water, a real snap at $7500. A few farms and small tracts for rent. F. L. Wood, Geo. F. Peed. S41 State St. 6326tf 60 ACRE DAIRY FARM FULLY equipped and stocked 49 acres river bottom land, 7-room plastered house with lights and pressure water system. S1.I.5C0. will take foroe trade. 22 aeres. all in bearing prunes. mile good city, cheap buildings, $8000 with $5500 -mortgage,, will take good ear or city property ror equity. 15 acres, a well located home close to' Salem, to trade for city home, $7000. 25- acres, near Kirer school, all in bearing berries, fruit and walnuts, some heaver dam land, good house, fully equipped including, centrifugal pump for irrigating from creek on place, in herited by Pennsylvania man who will sacrifice for quick sale or exchange for good property in Peon. Look this over and make offer. $3000 well secured mortgage to trsde for good modern home in Salem. See us for good modern homes, some bargains in farms and exchanges. Wt write fire insurance. WIXXIE PETTYJOHN. Realtor. , 6826tf NWUEELAH HEVtS' FANS ; Real Estate END IN VDUFtI lDrrAS AND SUGGESTION S WR. DIFFERENT CX?ST0 ME t? AND SmJendNs? - rpR THE "OLD MA OF THE MEttJS " VAWOSe SiCXjAM S -5vtfl UrtrtXi X4jtrw gw oUi TUE ORlCrlAJAL fEEcL MJiLLEe SEAiTTo EACH FAri VUHOSE: IDtrA IS ACCEPTED -i ANt V3SEO w OR1C31VAHT COUAn? PHOSPHORUS. 3R?EECE flERy GROUPS Or RABID RADICALS. CALUN(r THEM SELVES'. rniLOGlSTlMK ATTEMPT To- lNFLAVE:,lr . ttpu lace: opt Nty; &0t Atte ATTACKED BTWS At4"n-PH!.ocv.isrTiN& who - ,.VVS 433 liomeseeker Read $7900 iww bungalow court. -Well located. . 150( down and let income pay balanee. Winter wood and furni ture for own home included in the price.- Courtesy to agent. See -wn-er, 2105 X. 4Ji. Phouo 0C J or 303. (i3o23 BARHA1NS IN HOMES " $1700 HimmI four-room plastered home with' bearing cherry trees Wealed on Cherry Ave. $100 down, bal ance $3:Sir month. 4 $1900 Three-room house and dandy lot wjlh all kinds of bearing fruit tree, lot 5214x1.10 feet. $1050 K-room house, old, oruer lot on pared street, street assessment to' be assumed, $lo down, bal ance $211 per uh :nh. $1300 Small house located near Com mercial .SU near Bush St. $3oo down, balance $20 per month. $2700 5-room bouse located at 652 N. Front St. 200 down. $3000 3 -room bungalow, fine lot, ex- eelleut view, located on Fair mount Hill. $35.06' 4 -room bungalow with breakfast . room. basement, fireplace, lo cated on paved road just outside of city limits, immediate osses aiou. $5U0 down, balauce month ly. $3800. Ao'd six-room home with rr IueSt garage, located at 255 S. ' 13th St. $1000 down, lot Cox 150. $1200 Six-room modern home wit" basement, furnace, fireplace, paved street and garage. Terms. Located on.N. Cottage St. $3300 New up to date English style b-me with cement basement, furnace, laundry trays, garage, with cenien: driveway, pared street, has east front, $500 Jr n, balance monthly, imme diate possession. $1700 Xew six-room home, modern in every way located 011 X. Capitol St. $700 down, balance monthly. $1200 Gcod five-room hoire with base ment, garage located at 1575 S. Commercial St. $5250 Xew five-room modern home with corner lot 57x112 feet both streets paved, double garage. THIS IS A REAL HOME. $750 i.ow i). balance monthly. $6300 Six-room modern home located at 1370 State St. with garsgo. A REAL HOME FOR THE PRICE. $500 down, balance $50 per mouth. $8000 Mcdern up to date seren-room home located on rairmount mil. terms. $9000 Seren-room modern home with large creek lot, $1000 down, bai ni'(i terms. Immediate posses sion. ' $13,300 (-room modern borne located on State St, ONE OF THE BEST BUILT HOMES IN THE CITY. FOR PROPERTY AND FIRE INSUR ANCE, SEE. W. H. GRABENHORST & CO. Realtors. 134 S. Liberty St. 63s28 Ron! Eafnt Trades S WANT TO 'EXCHANGE A FIVE-ROOM bungalow and garage or) paved street tn east Salem for acreage near Salem. Not over $3750. Socolofsky, 341 State street. 65s26tf OUR CLIENT HAS 5-ROOM HOUSE, north Salem, -modern except basement, $3500 to trade for modern residence. Center or State district, will pay cash difference. Salem Land Co., 283 N. Com'l. Phone 1127. 65sl5tf FOR TRADE SEVEX ACRE ORCHARD. Okanogan county. Washineton, for city property. Investigate. Mrs. Ketman. .431 S. Water, Silverton, Ore. Thone Red 2351. 65stf Real EstaU -farms 67 HAVE BUYERS FOR SMALL ACREAGE with small down :md monthly p incnts. IF VOI WANT TO SELL, try TRIANGLE REALTY. 218 X. Lib erty. C7s28tf OREGON FARMS V.'o sell them and trade them. If yon want results and good service, list with us. VICTOR SCHNEIDER, Realtor. f ........ T ..... ... ;T47 No. CoiU-J bl- Phoae-ir.77. - 4, UisJotr 14 VS ACRES SIX MILES FROM SALEM, will trade fer Ioe count v laud s-ui! able for .he.p raising. Price $3500. . r A. C. BOURN ST KDT I i"7 No. Com'l., Salem, Oregon. C7s24tf 1AIRY FARM FULLY EWTTlPPKD, IN eroding producing Jersey hard, for sale on terms that will pay out. Will ac cept house or vacant lots on part pay mant. Write us what you can offer. Pries $23,000. Address Box 12 1, car. Statesman. 67s31tf '. , SALEM HOMES $2808 '3-room house, southeast on pav 4jt - ing with 4 kr:s. garage, barn. ; - woodshed. walnut and fruit trees. Easy terms. $2500 5-room house northeast. pave! street, close in and close to schools. Terms. $3200 t-room house north, pared street close to srhool. Term. $3500 7-room house, corner lot. paved streets, close in and a good buy. Terms. t $1850 I n om house. north, pared :- atreet. a good buy. Easy terms. Listings Wanted. YJCTOU SCHNEIDER. Realtor. Loans Insurance. 147Xo. Com'l St. Phone 577. 67s2Gtf FOR SALE ONE OF TOE BEST; LO ganberry tracts in the Rosedale district $2600 worth of berries sold lsst sea son. Phone 65F15. 67sl8tf SPECfAL FARM BARGAIN' 344 acres located 3 Vi miles south of St. Paul on Main road from Salem, buildings, all in cultivation except 75 acres. This farm is located on the Willamette rirer and would make a wonderful sheep or dairy ranch. Price for quick sale. $50 per acre. SEE THIS TODAY IT MAYBE GONE TOMORROW. W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO. 134 South Liberty St. 67s29 SMALL ACREAGE TRACTS t sere, 6-room bnngalow, garage, coop, fruit cellar, just out aids the city. $2800, easy-terms. .2 acres, family orchard, house of 3 large rooms, small barn, located en rock road. 4. blocks from the end of car line, $3000, $1000 cash, balance to sait. 3-"acres bearing cherries, about Vt Royal Annes." 5 mile out en good rocked road, close to school, $3500, Vi cash. 5 acres. 1 logans. 3 prunes, 1 Max rard seedlings, on rocked road, electric line, mail route. 3 miles out. $2000, Vt cash, balance to suit. 10 aeres, all cleared. Kelxer bottom land.-good potato or garden land, $2000 - V cash, balance to suit. SOCOLOFSKY', Resl Estate,. Loses, Insurance, 341 State. 724tf 1 PICK uxynt Mxyrh Real Estate J(m fa Vt w Mb) "flWtf5?- C'lS' I Real Estate-Snbnrban 69 $50 DOWN $10 per month buys a fine sere tract II in iiearimf cherries, located nesr citv limit south. Price $80. THIS IS A REAL BARGAIN. W. II. liRABKNHOKST ft CO. 13 4 S. Liberty St. 092!? $100 DOWN Balance $10 pel uicnth buys a fine 5-acre tract located on main asylum road one r-ile from city limits. All in cultivation. Price $1550. W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO. 134 S. Liberty St. 69s29 GOOD BUYS IX CLOSE IX HOMES 1 nere, 7-room bouse "i2orii 1 ncre,- 3-room hou!-e.. $2500 Two acres. Modern 6-room bunga low, all kinds of bearing fruit, barn. IHMiltrv house. A real snap. Price $4000. Was $5000. Fine tract nearly 3 acres, cozy 4 rcKim bungalow. Price $2000. Dandy chicken ranch 5 acres, 4 room bouse, a new large poultry house. Price cut to $3500. Fine 8 acre tract. No buildings. On highwyn.ortli, $2100. Ane her 5 acres, mi buildings for $2750. Only 1 mile north. 33 ACRE FARM $6000 located 5 miles Salem on pared road, goqd buildings and real money maker. FIN E 70 ACRE FARM $7000 half niuler ruitifation, balance t'-mber. Good buildings and ro.;i, close to school. A real farm snap. Price $7000, with good terms. REST 120 ACRE FARM on Howell Prairie for $18,000. FOR FARMS ANY SIZE See CHILDS & BECHTEL, Realtors, 320 State street 69s2Gtf Wanted Real Estate 71 KKKKKKKKKICKK'KKKKKKiKKO K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K WANTED To buy South Salcul house priced at about 2o00 FOR StGoO cash and good mortgage for $1400. WE can SELL or EXCHANGE your property. See FAUGJIT at Room 1 . 1 47 N. Com'l SU Phone 217. K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K i ls28 K OKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKO Wanted Automobiles 77 CASH PAID FOR FORDS EIKER AUTO Co 77m1?tf For Sale Used Cars 79 8TUDEBAKER WILL MAKE GOOD bug. $33. OO. Route 3. Box 108-A. Salem lleiiflits. 79s30 For Fair Week -Big Used Car Auto Show MacOofiald Auto Co. Must cut down our stock to make room for our large volume of fall busi ness our cars are of standard make. A few- are listed. toJH Hnick Touring glass enclosure 3 Willys-Knight Tourings. 2 Overland Tourings. 2 Cleveland Tourings. Willys-Knight Sedan new paint and rubber. A wonderful buy for some body. Overl;lld Sedan. Stndebaker Sedan, new paint ami rubber all around. A Moou Touring. A Maxwell Touring. Ford f 'oupe. Prices from $50.00 An $O0O.OO. The above cars aT in the best mechanics condition, many are fully equipped. Iiberal Terms. Trades Accepted. MacDoaiaBd Auto Co. Open evenings and Honda). Mormon, Willys-Knight. Whippet, fiver -M A RMONWI L-tYYcT-KKlG I IT WHIPPET OVERLAND 7J-2Htf GOOD USED CARS Chevrolet touring, 1923, owned bv private party $2?5 lierrolet sport touring. 1923. be- sure and see this car at $:t75 Star touring, l2t $373 Dodge coupe. 1924, lots of extras. new pnint $005 Sludebakcr roadster, A-l shape. lot of extras $685 S'udebaker, light fi, coupe, just see this car , $075 Maxwell, 4 pass, coupe, in A-l shape $650 Paige touring. 1922, new paint. just overhauled 495 Oakland touring. 1921 S295 Hupmobile. 1921 ..385 Cleveland roadster. 1923 $450 i i's we trade and give terms. Open Sundar and Evening. CERTIFIED ITBLIC MOTOR CAR MARKET 255 N. Church St. Phone S5 and 82 70s Valley Motor Co.'s Used Fords All Bargains Best Terms in Town All You Need Is the Desire MANY MODELS TO PICK FROM 1926 Coupe, like new : $475 1924 Coupes - $340 1923 Sedan $19 1920 Tourings with starters $110 Roadsters '$35, $90 and $120. 1924 Chassis, a snap - $145 TRACTOR- DEPARTMENT Rebuilt Fordson ,..$32: 79s24t U8ED AUTOMOBILES Exceptionally clean stock of used au tomobiles displayed st our salesroom Wide range of models, coupes, sedan touring cars, and roadsters which merit the consideration of the careful buyer. . Jewett coupe. ,. Buick touring cars in good condition Cleveland touring ear. Ford roadster. Ford coupe. Ford sedan Baby Overland. Rickenbstker sedan, look like new. Chevrolet coupe in excellent condition Chevrolet touring. Cadillac sedan liok very little wear. Buick Roadster. Hudson roach, late model. .Essex tonring. ' Nash touring cars. Mitchell touring. Picrc e -Arrow- 7 passenger. F. W. PETTYJOHN CO. 365 North Commercial. Phone 1200. - CADILLAC NASH 79t Remember .the old v?am and the wot5ld CF2CLE MU ST AppLTAKl U EACH lbA - tTAu! T IF V0U UWc OP iJijST ;te?Cr?lB T AND - SEMD VT TO EDWHEELArt AHlMATcX CApON ALL SET FOR THE - UP f -Xx. PAY 'l3UERE ' TVBRT- s7 A , 'MlLL,THEr?E5 berth mays - CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY Of RUnble i-bislnetss and rrofetslonal Flrnw Arrand t . Alphabetical Order for Qnick Iteferencn ATJCTXOKEEBS F. N. Voodry . AUCTIONEER - . The Woodry everybody know. Cash paid . for need - furnitsre. See. sad store 1610 N, Summer St, Telephone ell. II.' F. Wooary & Son. 271 N. Com!. St., furniture store. Bar gains Sn furniture of. all . etnas. A -tent for Lang ranges, best made. Also auctioneers. () ACCOUNTANT G. ED. ROSS. ACCOUNTANT AND Asd- iter, BJlVa Stele, i-none zuvs-i. s!7- 2 BATTERY AND ELECTRICIANS B D. BARTON EX IDE BATTEItJKS. starter snd generator work; iv& bouts High. - WillSKO Phone 198 COURT ST. " JOE" WILLIAMS BICYCLES AND REPAIRINO LLOYD E. RAMSDEN COLUMBIA Bl- eyctea and reyainag. 3dT Venn. CHINESE XEKEDY L. L. DICK L. . flUM Chinese Medicine Company Help sny known disease. 420-426 State. s30tf CHIROPRACTOR DR. H. B. SOOFIELD. P. S. O. 828 Ore gon bldg. Phone 2194. DR. O. L. SCOTT. P8C. CHIROPRACTOR 256 X. Uign. Phone B3S-K. or i. HEMSTITCHING HEM8TITCHINO. STAMPIXO, Bur tons snd pleating. Ooom 10, over MilleVs. Phone 117. ELECTRICIANS FLEENER ELECTRIC CO. HOUSE wiring by hoar or contract. Estimates furnished. Phone 9fl0 171 Court St. FARM paper IF YOU WAXT TO GET THE BEST farm paper send five 2 cent stamp to the Pacific Homestead. Salem. Oregon, for s three months' trial subscription Mention this sd. POULTRYMEN SEND EIGHT TWO eent stamps for special three monina trial for the bast snd oldest Jonrnnf In the west. The articles snd sdver iisements are of special interest te the pool try breeders of the Northwest Northwest Poultry Jenrnsl, 211 Com mercial street, Kaltm, Oregon. FOR SALE FIRST AND SECOND Mort gagee. Trust leeds. Contracts on houses W HI- net 6 to 30. - BECKE ft HENDRICKS Hilif Bldg., 189 X. High St. FA RAT LOANS - PLENTY OF MONEY to leas on good farm' aecunty. CITY J.OAXS Wa sre loaning Pru dential Insurance Company money en city residences and business property, St plus S commission. Hawkins ft Roberts, Inc., 205 Oregon Building. d-!4tf FLORISTS 3UT FLOWERS, WEDDING BOUQUETS Funeral wotatbs, decoration. O. F. Breitheopt, florist, 123 N. Liberty. Phone 80. E . INSURANCE 'XIANS. REAL ESTATE. OENERAL IN surance. O. W. LAVLAR, 410 Oregon Bldg. Insure Tour home or car sew Phone Ifil BECKE ft HENDRICKS HoiBg Bldg.. 189 N. High 8t Jt-tf LAUNDRIES CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY "The laundry of pure materials." Telephone 165. 1264 Broadway. THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THE WE1DER LAUNDRY Telephone 25. 263 S. High. rRY THE HOME WET WASH LAUN drr. Phone 171. 13.-.6 R atreot. J17tf LADIES' TAILORING D. H. MOSHER TAILOR FOR MEN and saomen. 474 Court St MATTRESSES MATTRESSES RENOVATED BY THE CsDitoI Citr Bedding Co.. 1190 North CsoiLol Called for and delivered. All work maranteed. Phone 19. fl9tf MXDICAX. MOUNTAIN BALM Phone 617W. COUGH REMEDY MUSIO STORES GEO. C. WILL PIANOS. PHONO graphs, sewing machines, sheet music and oisne studies. Reparing phono graphs snd sewing machine. 432 Stste street, Bsiem. NEWSPAPERS THE PORTLAND TTLEGRAM. 8ALEA, Agency The Ace. Tel. 939. THE OREGON STATESMAX, 50 CENTS per month delivered to your home early each morn i a. Tel. 23 or 583 NURSERY STOCK FRUIT, NUT AND SHADE TREES Fearer Bros, 178 S. Commercial. PUBUO- STENOGRAPHER PUBLIC STEXOGRAPHER. GEN ERA 1 Insurance. Notary Pablic. Helen Corey lei. 3. . PAPERHANGING AND PAINTING CHAS BENNETT, trsetor, interior 193 7 J. 541 MilL PAINTINO decorating. CON Phoix of PKONE OLENN ADAMS FOR. HOUSJ decoratings paper banging, tinlisg, eu Reiishls werxmao. By Ed Wheelan f f 4 '--;'2s rtti :3s! JSrhJrB PACKIXQ AND S&XPriXO FOR EXPERT FURNITURE PACKING and shipping, eslt Stilt Isxnitnr Store.' Phone 941. . PIANO TT7NZXS EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED Piss Isosr. Leave orders Will's Ms sis Ste-e. THOMAS FAY. PIANO TUXES, NOW - st Ojs Portland Music Co., 355 N- High. Have . your piano tssed by one w has Snd rear of experience ia the work. 8a U Pg.rVTDIO FOR STATIONERY. CARD 8, PAMPH- leta, programs, books er say jna oi printing, call at the Statesman-PnsV ing Department, 213 8. CesMssrcisL Tel. 683. PLUstBENO PLUMBINO AND GENERAL REPAIR work. Grsbsr isres ' ia a. uwnj Phone 550. . . llW SADZO Radiolas Fer Every Purpose Every Psrse AU 8tasdsrd Bisse ef Bsdie Tehee' HAL1K ft EOFT ELECTRICAL SHOP 337 Court St. fhene sso. RXAL ESTATE IF YOU HAVE PROPERTY TO SELL er if you ere looking lor s some, zsras. or business property, see - BECKE t HENDRICKS 189 N. High St, HeiUg Bldg.- ' JU REAL GROUP IXVESTMEXTS Close-in ineome property in Salera. Increasing in valut 10" to 20 per cent by -abundant com parison. Any amount from luJ. up. Many pleased to realize po&sibilit.v. of united investments. , HARRIS. Masonic Bldg.. Tel. 795. 4440-J SECOND BAND GOODS BUY USED MEN'S CLOTHING. JEWEL ry, Guns, Tools, Bieyeles. Star Ex change, 324 N. Commercial, panes 35ft WANTED EVERYTHING IN CLOTH- ing and hoe. Best prices paid, Cspi tsl Exchange. 842 North ConttasreiaJ Phone 1388-W. STOVES AND STOVB REFAXKlNO STOVES FOR SALE RKBUILT AND repaired by expert. All kinsa ef v en wire fence. Fancy snd plain. His baskets snd hooks, leges hooks. Bale Fenee ssd - Stove Works, 850. Ocmd St.. . TAXIDERMIST. TAXIDERMIST SHOP. E. K. W'lG- gin.. Prop.. 1145 " Norway. Near Vodry's Auction Market. Tel. 22R1-W. TRANSFER AND HAULING TRANSFER AND HAULING OF. ALI kinds. Fhons 72FZ. .. , WE MOVE, STORE. AND SHIP HO UBS hnlds goods. Our specislty U piase ent . furniture saeving.. We also ssnke eeun try trip. We hendle the best mnl sn4 wood. Call on s for' prfeoe. We t'm good nsesaure. - rood eunl'ty and go4 service, larwier Trsnafer Co. Phone 9t , CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. 82 Stste St. Phono 033. Distribetir) forwarding end storage esir specialty et otr rate. -WEIX DRILLING R. A. WEST, RT. 6. BOX 103-A. PHOr4 linrs. mt mile east en Oerden re4 WAXES SALEM WATER. LIGHT ft POWER ( mice u Mould com mrc lal st 14 per eent disconnt on domestic fist rst) psid is sdrsnee. No deducties ier st senee or sny cause msiess weter is hhg off yowr premiea. ' ' TRAVEIj ' - Safely Swiftly and Cesafertahly in husaes of the Parker Stags Lines. ' Stages leeve for . . Silverton T s. ss., 11 s. B p.' m. Mt. Angel 11 e. 4 e. a. I !! 7 a. m 9 s. 11:25 a. S Fslls City 7 a. m 2:10 . ss, 3:10 p. m.. 5:15 p. m . v Independence 7 a. nxC, s. aw 11:15 s. m... :10 p." av,'5:15 S. an. Sunday only 8:30 p. es. Monmouth 7 a. n, 11:15 t. sv, 3:10 p. m 5:15 p. m. gaadsy eslr, 7:10 p. 8:30 . ss. MeMianvill 8:80 s. m, 1:10 p. sn, 6:15 p. m. Newherg 8:10 e. nv, 8:10 p. nv. 5:15 p. m. ... Tillamook 8:80 s. nt, 1:10 p. ss. Csll 222 er 808 for lnfortsstlen. , 42Sti ADMINISTRATOR'S FINAIi - NOTICE ' Notice is hereby given that' the' undersigned administrator .has filed his final account ; of ' the estate of Susan M. Murphy, de ceased, with the clerk . of - the County Court of the State of Ore gon for Marion County, and, an order has been made and entered by the said Court, fixing the 13th day of October. 1926r at ten o'clock in the forenoon, as the time for , hearing objections to said final account and the settle ment thereof; and that any credi tor, heir, .or other person inter ested in said. estate, may,, on or before aid time, show cause why said account should not be settled and approved as rendered. Dated this 10th day of Septem ber, 1926. - . JOHN J. GOODMAN. ' Administrator of the .estate , of Susan M. Murphy, deceased. , JOHN BAYNB. Attorney for Administrator.' - . 814-21-28)5-12 AD3IINISTRATORS 'CTICK Notice is hereby glren that the undersigned, M. C. Luellen, has Ihco appointed, administrator of Die estate of, A. A., Luellen, de ceased, by the - County Court of Marion County, Orc-on," and hag tiualified: : " ' . . " Now. therefore, all per no as "hav ing claims against lb estate or A. A. Ltucilen. deceased, arc-' hereby notified and refiulrwl To trowjnt tbu.SAmc, with tho pro per ro-rh; crs, duly verified, to the under Aisned adminhttrator, at -bis resi dence, in. Marion Conuty, Oregon. -on highway lead! ug from Newl lierg, Oregon, to St. i'aui, Orvsvu,"" within ix taouUis froui lho dalu of this notice."- ' -1 - ' - - Dated this 31st day of Auguat, - m; c. lukllun.. ; -Admlnl8tr8torof the iTstata t-t A. A. LiUtelleu, deceaBcd. , ClaAncClS BUTT. Attorney for Estate. Nefberc Ore.on. . 3l-i7-14-21.-5