THE OREGON STATESMAN. SALEM. OREGON SATURDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 25, 1926 ) V 4r 3 K. Union Roster HOD CARRIERS AND -BUILDING LA borers Lacil No. 441.-meets Wed.' a p. am. La it 179 lor men. . - A CAPITAL TYPOGRAPHICAL UNION v 4in1Mlilnl CI V 'noi! aef tUry, M. ,D. Pilkentee. Meet! IW .v4d t led Saturday. 3 :00 p. m. CA RP-ENTEtiS.' UNION - NO. 1065 irVe UmIi -The-,, evening. Arthur Tucker, president J AVnt- Pettit. secretary. Skilled mecEanics furnished. Phone 179. HOTEL. AND RESTAURANT EH ployrea local. 452, every third Monday, 457 Court .Haiel Pierce.- secretary 8ALKM UNION LABEL. LEAGUE Meets at Labor Hall on call of presi dent. V. W. Soars, secretary. Box 44 3, Salem, Ore. Lodge Roster FRATERNAL ORDER OP EAGLES, meet Terr Wednesday, Fraternity Hall, S. M. Willett, Sef'y. Tel. 889-tt. KNIGHTS OK fTTHlAS MEET AT Prateroal Hall every Tanadar evening. Visitors invited.- N Park Starves, C. C: Walter Lenon. K. of rt S. ' Published every morning esrept Mon- jriay) at Salem, thscspital of Oregon. Local Rates For Classified Advertising 1 Daily 'or Sunday Oae 't ime ...... 2 cent4er word Three time 5 cents per word Six time Scents per word 1 mo. daily and Sua... 20 eents per word In order to earn the more thin on time rate, -advertisement most run In consecutive issties. No Ad taken for less .than 23 Ads run Sunday ONLY charged "at one-time rate. AdvertUcnusnts except Personals and Situation Wasted) will be taken over tbe telephone if the advertiser is a subscriber to phore 1 The Statesman will receive adver tisement at any time of the day or (night. To insure proper classifica tions ads should be in.' before T p. m. TELEPHONE -23 OR 53 Money to Loan ON REAL ESTATE T. K. FORD 'Over Lad.j k Bush Bank) ADVERTISING HONEST ADVERTISING These cot nms must be kept free from, anything of a questionable nature. Misrepresen tations will not be tolerated. Infor mation showing any questionable in tent on the part of the advertiser should be reported to this news paper or the Salem Ad flub. AmtrXt SEK CS FOR TOP AND PAINT WORK. O. J. Hall Auto Top and Paint Shop. 267 R. Commercial. 5el8tf Belp W stated Male 11 WANTED MESSENGER, Union .Western llslStl Help Wanted Fenajtle 13 WANTED-EXPERTEXCED- waitress. .N(Xbal(m restaurant, 1j9 South High. 13a25 Saleamen IS SALESMEN FOR - ATWATER-KENT ISol Radio. Vick Bros. WANTED SALESMAN WITH CAR. Mast bare aeiHng experience in some line. lia&kUl Karl Realtors. 6 K. liberty jst. Phone- 2243. 15s22tf Walt4--BipianWBt 19 CHIMNEY KWKKP te FURNACE CLKAN ing. I'hone Northness. 2225. 19s30 WANTED-r-STEADT .WORK. BY MAR ried man. Cart Eriekson, 2010 N. 5th. - 19s26 FOR UARDKN PLOWING. BA8EMK7T1 digging and team verswUMM 72K2 19uit4tt t neat SI "? SPACE, ground floor location. f -Ornvn. rook tor bent, call .V inom 6J. 21e24tf PRINTED CARDS. SIZK 1 BY 7 IN. Warding, - "For Rent'f prife 10 rent -a-h. Statesman Business Office, ground floor. FOR RENT A FIRST CLASS OROCND fiuor business location. See BC8- . BELLE. Realtor. 175 S. High. Phone UC. Open evenings. 2lsl9tf rOR KENT HOUSES AND APART toents. F. I,. Wood, 341 State St. 21ml2tf For Rest Apaurvmenta 23 : LARGE UNFURNISHED APARTMENTS. First floor. 1311 Coort. 23ol ROOM APARTMENT t, IN A NEW apartment house. Hardwood floors, electric ranee. .. etc' Inquire at 1710 N. Capitol. 2328 FOB 2801 RENTHAZEL APARTMENTS, HaseL Phone i39W. 28a31W 2 ROOMS, KITCHENETTE AND OA ra;e .22.50. Close in. 535 Marion. . . , 23s26 For Beat Bauet S7 ,TvFClt KKNT OR FOR SALE HOUSE FOR I , VI-ma II family 699-J. . 27s23 -4-IttMJM MODFJJS FURNISHED HOUSE. l'bono 10o4-W. . . 2-7s2 For Komt T 9 1i -KKNT l.O- AC !:, WILL PAT work 1 waat done. 103 Marion St. . ,. . 292 f2. K RAN;U MILES SOUTH OF iaiem n nm on easy .this. vau 1'Jiu Highland Are: after 5 p. m. , v. 22C Itt RENT 367-ACKE STOCK AND eriin ranch. J. H. Lauterman, Hotel .rso. - : ' ,-V. - - 2925 I HAVE SEVERAL IRRIGATED FARMS for rent. , P. , Thomason, Tomer, Ore. I'hone XX. 2altf Waste mseotlsmoou 35 W A S In pRi . ' loans. We PRIVATE. MONET FOR Vd oi ' 4, tore sevaral applica- on hand. Hawkins Konent Orrjon Bldff-- - 35dl4U ' 1 ' fTURK' PACKINO ' FOR SHIP-";-. liiese-Power Furniture Co. - . 85a30tf For Sarto 37 VAtJON,. 1L1RNESS. $15. 30 pwiM fl.25 each. 3 .-ood I" ! Marfoa M. 37s26 1 t!l f ! 1 ' 1 ss OFFIC:;v FURNITURE ry r-aftnabH. CII or !V. 175 .-Jlig-ti St. - 378tf M'MJ s. li il. iria- tiiiiir rintl.K l'1:1'-'' man., l.-ft with b for ' uulrk gle. Stor ' tlii ettitp. : Talluiaa Piano i KAt.HKS kob SALE- it. i. rf!. ari2..- -E. C. u ion J its. , 37sa PIA.C"KS7-'AST OF 8EASO. 'IM 'Icjci' firm, phone SSFll. 8tSJ6 C8F.D PIANOS. LOTS OF ri nZ:1 '".- 1 25-15 THEM 150 150. See these at 37 FOR BALE 4 MONTHS OLD ORTHtl. . phonie vie t rola. Cnsole type. Re I' ll lar priee S 160. PrUe. including 920 worth . of record. 9130 cash.- Mast . aeu at once, fhona ZJS'J. - 3725 FINE FALL PEARS 80 CENTS B0SHEL and sweet cider,' clean and para ,30 ceaw canon, urinj t containers. 149 Kara! Avenue. 87sl4tf FOR SALE s AUTOMOBILES TOR inusnnea aaea ear or aow-cnryslerd t see Bork. at Giaxieh Mojor Oo Phone 635. -37a24ti HIGH GRADE NEW PIANOS REDUCED to 9200 9245 9293. . Why pay more Terms. Liberal discount for rash. Tallmaa Piano Store, 395 South' 12th. 37s80 FOR SALE OLD NEWSPAPERS, 1 0 eents a bundle. Statesman office. 215 South Commercial St.,. . . 37j22if PRINTKD CARDS. SIZK 14 BY 7H IS. wordinar. -Rooms to Rent." priee 10 eents each. Statesman Business Office ground floor. TRESPASS NOTICE, SIZE 14 BY 9 IN. Printed on jrood 10-onne canvass bear in the word. "Notice Is Here or Given That Trespass a Is Strictly Forbidden on These Premises Under Penalty of Poseet.lon. Price lie each or 2 for 25e Statesman Pub Co, Salem, Ore W ' ' - ' 37atf For Sole IdTeatoolt 39 68 REGISTERED lambs for sale, clay. Ore. SHROPSHIRE 'EWE Patton b Amort -Mr 3965 FRED W. LANGE. VETERINARIAN Office 529 S. Commercial. Phone 1198. Res. Phone 1666. . 39m23tf FOR SALE 12 HEAD REGISTERED Shropshire ewea and 3 rams. Few head atock hoc. IL C- Lewis, Aumavi He. 39s26 Wood For Sole 43 Cm AND COUNTRY WOOD SAWING. Also old beards. Fisher Bros, phone 1819. - 43jl3tf GOOD COAL DRY WOOD, PROMPT DELIVERIES. III LLM AN FUEL CO. -TELEPHONE 1853. 43j29tt Best Grade of Wood Dry wood, 4 ft. and 16-inch. Green wood, 4 ft. and 16-iiwh. Large load contain 197 cuble feet load ed loose. Small loads contain 128 cubic feet load ed loos. Large loads are the cheaper to boy. Order now and save money. Mill. wood. Is onr specialty Prompt delivery and reasonable price. Fred a Wells 280 South Church. Phone 1342. 43al0tf Wood For atUe 43 16-INCH OLD FIR SECOND GROWTH oak and ash. Phone 72F2. M. D. May field. 43fl8tf SALEM FUEL as TRANSFER. 752 Trade street., . Wood, Coal, Briquets. Transfer and .Moving. Phone 529. 43n20tf 19-INCH MILL WOOD PER LOAD. 92.75 16-in. ?nd fir per load. 93.75;. 18 inch old fir per load, 84.25. Prompt delivery. Tel. 2313 Tracy Fuel Yard. 1067 D street 43n22tf Pomltry and Ecjca. 45 FOR SALE 100 PULLETS. nOLLY wood strain. Phone 100F3. Rt. 6. Box 122. 45823 lOaeeulamoomo SI WILLAMETTE . arxhip for reu VERSITT SCHOLr .hona 20OC-J. 5U22-25 FURNITURE UPHOLSTERING AND Re pairing. Oiese-Powers Furniture Store. 5ls20tf ' JKomoy to Kva 67 PRIVATE MONEY FOR CHAT. EL Leans. See BUSSELtoE, 1.3 8. High Hi. 07al8tf ?ETERAL FARM LOAN! Wood. 841 State BL H. t. L taitf MONEY TQ LOAN ON SALEM HOMES, repayable . 91t. per month on eaeb ,. 9IOOO brrwed. W. H. GRABENHORST CO. 134 Sowth Liberty St. 5725tf Bmal Opportrst autism 91 CONFECTIONERY A-l LOCATION Batcher shop, "cash only will talk,'. re duced 9500. Gertrude J. M. Page, 492 N. Cottage St. 61sl4tf BUSINESS 8160U buys turea. OPPORTUNITIES grocery atock and fix- 8SOO buys grocery atock and fiitures. 94250 buys grocery stock and fix; tures in exceptional location. - $3000 buys cafe in ;ood location and doing good batine'Hs. SOCOLOFSKY 34t State. 61s24tf R,l state IM rectory 82 BECKE t HENDRICKS 189 S. High. Tel. 169. " A. C. BOHRNSTEDT 147 N. Commercial. , Tel. 577 BUSSELLX, Realtor 175 S. High. Tela. 36 or 1935 CHILDS BECHTEL 320 State St. Tel. 1727 W. G. KRUEGER 147 N. Com'!, fia. X. . Tel. 217. JOHN W. ORB 82d Oregost Kldg. Tel. 2485 GERTRUDE J. M. 492 N. Cottage. PAGE Tel. 1186 CI- . UV TV ? Vlt TV V. S. Nat l Bonk Bldg. Tel. 470 -L WELLS TALLMAN 218 Masonic Temple. SON Tel. 618 TIBBITS A ELLIOTT 341 State. Room 7. Te! 303 TRIANGLE REALTY 218 N. Liberty. CO. Tel. (S51 ULRICH ROBERTS I 122 N. Commercial. TeL 1354 VICTOR SCHNEIDER, Realtor 147 N. Com'l. Phone 577 AUM8VILLE E. T. PIERCE Anmsville, Oregon. MINUTE MOVIES RALPH V)cSNttR ; IN PRODUCED BK hlk VI H E E L A N r For Solo fSIS "TVIE: tseSPOTTC ; -tOM DIABLO IN" 'OPPRESS- lON-ATCVaON,C ' SERiAli OF OLX MthcO I VWEN tOM JUAN FIASCO WAS (jOVERNOB CftOBLTy VCMT WAND .'M -MANC5 . 63 2900 4 rooms furnace, fruit sad ants, ... .' paved s tract. .", 1 i .. $3800 5 rooms fireplace, well located " north. " - 84200 9 rooms furnace, garage,, aorth. $4500 6 rooms strictly nsodera. . east; $4300. 4 rooms and nook, strictly mod ern, south. X ' , WIXNIf: PETTYJOHN. Realtor. 218 Oregon Bldg. . 3sl9tf 0OOD HOMES AT WW- PRICES 99OO0 Fin modern home, seven- rooms fully ' modern ; in every way.. Has large creek lot, room for another home. Immediate possession'. Easy terms. . W. H. GRABENHORST CO. Realtors. 134 South Liberty St. ' 63s29 LARGE CORNER, APT. HOUSE ALL - furnished, 2 baths, 96000, Ul take lot or house and lot in trade. Service station, 5-room house, mod ern in every detail ; one arre set in frait 9tOOO. Splendid opportunity to establish store. 5-room bow modern house. 1 acre on hill $3500. Modern 5-room house close In $3500. GERTRUDE J. M. PA0E 492 N. Cottage St. 63sI4tf FOR 6AUi A GOOD MODERN-HOME near . State House at less than value: 910O0 cash will handle it. A good income property, must sell quick. EXCHANGE A good l0-aere farm, close to Salem, well located, rood build -inga. well - fenced, some timber and running Water, on good road. Want smaller farm or income property. F. L. Wood. (.Geo. F. Peed, 341 State St. . 3sl8tf ART, AND NEEDLECRAFT 8HOP FOR sale. Doing a good business. Owner leaving town. Will sell- at a sacrifice. Grocery doing good business," in good location. Priced right. Will trade my new modern 5-roOin bungalow for residence in Olympia, Wash. New 6 -room bungalow, modern in every way. A small cash payment will handle. Balance easy terms. New 2-room garsge house' and large lot on paved atreet. Small cash pay ment, balanee terms. Ciood six-room house in North Salem, will trade for ranch to about $4500. New 5-room bungalow. Modern in every way. Priced right for quick sale. A beautiful home, small eaah payment. Balance easy terms. - We have a few of tbe best building lots in Salem. Priced right; small pay ment down and essy terms. Garage sad service ststioa to trsda for Salem residence. A good dairy ranch close to Salem for sale or will trade for Salem prop erty. One of the bast 100-acre ranchea in valley for sale at a sacrifice or will trade for Salem property. OASK1LL as RARLE FOR PROPERTY 166 S. Liberty St. ' Phone 2242. 63s22tf LOTS LOTS i Near the new Linen Mill 9300, 910 down, balance 910 per month. W. IL GRABENHORST CO. 134 S. Liberty St. 63s29 REDUCED TO ROCK BOTTOM PRICE from $5500 te' $48O0, strictly modern home, new $-room plastered, hardwood - floors, foruAce, fireplace, built-in, fall - cement basement, large living room 13x26, garage. North. $1700 will handle. Terms. Reduced from $4500 to 93750, 9 room plastered house, fireplace, 5 bed rooms. Extra plumbing. On bus line, near school. - Good barn for 2 ears. Large comer lot 60x142. Fruit and shade trees-. BERTHA ZUEHLKE 671 N. Capitol St. Phone 21A6-J. 63jl9tf MODERN BUNGALOW. LARUE LIVING room, fireplace, generous built-in closets throughout, full-sized basement and attic, porches, back and front, excel lent furnace, large corner lot, flowers, lawn, trees, garage, stock of wood in basement. Reasonable terms. See- oc cupant owner, 990 N. 5th St. C3&28 HOME BUYERS TAKE NOTICE If you are thinking of buying a real modern home, double constructed with alt the built.ius: fireplace, furnace, sta tioosiy wash trays. Hardwood floors best of location. Paring paid. Garase. , . . THEN. Let us show you these: 83800 Only 8500 cash. 5-room, attic 03600 Only S9CK) cash, 5-room, attic. 84700 Only -9500 rash. 6 rooms. 84500 Only $1500 cash, 6 rooms. 88500 Stucco. 8-roora. Terms. 96300 Fine 6 rooms. Terms. Tbe above houses are strictly modern Ideal location. - Priced right. See CHILDS at BECHTEL Realtors. , 320 State Street. 63s22tf LOOK Attractive bungalow home well lo cated on Fairtnount lull. Ea&t front with pared street, fireplace; garage, $3750. Terms. ' W. H. GRABENHORST & CO. 131 S. Liberty St. C3s29 WHY BtiY A CROWDED HOME PLACE in the noisy down town district, when you Can buy much cheaper a quiet home a little farther out with shade, fruit, berries, walnuts, grapes and flowers t Thyeo big lots, plastered 6 room bouse, basement, fireplace, bath, garage poultry house. Joins new Tux edo park high school site, close te street ear and grammar school. S3800. House and 2 lots 93,500. 849 Rural Ave. or W. C. Conner, owner. States man office. 63sl0tl NEW MODERN 4 ROOMS, NOOK, basement, furnace, laundry trays; 2 bed roon's. paved street. 83000, 200 down. SEK OUR COMPLETE LIST OF- HOME BUYS READY TO OCCUPY New 4 room. nook. 2 bed rooms, full basement, furnace, biiiltins. east front. In growing district. ONLY' 93500. 95O0 down. Try TRIANGLE REALTY CO. 218 N. Liberty St. Phone 651 "Headquarters for Homes" 63s25tf GOOD HOME BUYS New 5-room bnngatow. basement, paved St., well furnished snap, 93600, easy terms. 22-acre ranch, river bottom land stock, i tools and feed. $450O, want larger plaee, will assume. New all modern etacco home, lawn, flowers, large lot $420. easy terras. Nice modern 6-room noire on Court St. Sacrifice, easy terms. Fine farm 140-acre. good kldgs. near town, mostly fine bottom land. $15,000 ear terms or take city property. We can match your exchange. PERRINK & MARSTERS 212 Gray Bldg. 63s25tf A SEVEN-ROOM OLD STYLE WKLL built house with extra large lot in fine location. Just the checker to re model into a borne worth 7500 and a fcmall outlay would do it. Ask me ' about' it. A. C. BOHRNSTEDT 117 No. Cotn'i St., Salem, Oregon. C3s24t leJOvUMNlG- 'SOME CF -we most famous of this; SUPEG VlLtAlN OF TWE SlLvifrri SHEET. ; ' Bool Eatmto ; , 63 i MUST BE SOU) ' . ' s $1400 Cash Down , Balance Like Rent. ".' My S-rcom bungalow . has lights. bath, some trailt-ina. rice 2W,.SM 8 WOO. Fine location just ttttl ff N. Capitol St., fastest growing part Of tb city. If you are looking' for a home that i a real snap then see this one aa 1 am forced to sell. See my agents, Chi Ids Bechtel, 320- State St, . . r - 3i5tl Homeseeker Read . $7900 new bungalow court. Well located. $1500 down and let income pay. balanee. Winter wood and furni ture for own borne included in the price. Courtesy to a cant. See own er, 2105 N. 4th. Phone 806-J or D03. 63o2U BARGAIN g ROOM HOUSE. 4" BED rooms, living room, dining room, kit chen, breakfast nook, laundry, hath, bnilt ins. Garage. 93000, fairnished 94OO0. Terms. 1753 N. Front street. 6326 LARGE CORNER 2 LOTS, 5 ROOM home $3000. 15 acres So locsted to build many houses, trade for Salem and 'lot. GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE 492 N. Cottaga St. 63sl4tf FOR SALE NEW MODERN F0UR aom house, full basement, furnace, breakfast nook, front and back porches, paved street, large lot, in Salem's fastest growing section. A wonderful home for tite money $3,500. Ia vicin ity of new linen mills. Small down payment, balance like rent. 2073 Ale Coy. Phone owner. 2337-B. ' - 6326 HOUSES' YOtJ CAN BUT ON TERMS 6- room house. North Salem, psted street, a good boy, $2650. Term. 5-room house. Southeast, paving in, not modera. ; Fries 92600. Terms. 5-room house Northeast, paved street, close in. 9&500. Terms. 7 - room nuse. Northeast, large lot, fruit end walnuts, paved street, close in, and a good buy, 94090. Terms. 9-rooar house. North, good location, paved atreet, $3200. Terms. Several new houses, wall located and priced right. VICTOR SCHNEIDER, Realtor. Money to Loan. 147 No. Oom'l St. Phone 577. 63a22tt FAIRMOUNT HILL HOME. MUST BE sold st once. Actual socrifiea of 91200. Modern to last minute. See this at 1690 Fairtnount Ave., or see my agent for particulars. BU8SELL2, 175 8. High St. Phone 38 Opoa Evenings ejuitf GREATEST TRADING OBOA N .AlOd ON THE PACIFIC COAST; Wi have ever S0O0 properties 'sted for exchange. Every kind of property, ovary -priee, every location. We can match your exchange EXACTLY. If yon would like to trade your property TODAY, coma in TODAY. 8e. GA8KILL EARLE, Realtors. " Successors to Parker Realty Co. h 168 S. Liberty. Phone 3342. 63ml2tf WANT TO SELL YOUR REAL ESTATE I To buy a hornet Income nrooerty ! Let us heli tou. Rich L. Reimann. 147 N. Com ! kit. 63s24tf FOR SALE! 6-ROOM HOtTSE, GOOD terms. Phono 727 between 1 p. m and 8 n. a. or nail at 1325 J' 8s25tf SIX ROOMS, ENGLISH STYLE. AT- tractive. East front, street paved, fur nace, fireplace, nicely finished. Wejl located in South Salem. Phone owe er 17M-R. 63a39tt LOTS FOR YOUR MONEY, BUBS' TZ! C a S - etastt ARE YOU LOOK FOR A SNAP! Here is one on North Summer street just a little over 4 blocks from state house 8"0O cash, balance lixe rent. Price. 82600. 'The best buys in homes, at CHILDS ft BECHTEL Realtors. 320 State Street. 632 1H FOR SALE 5-KOOM HOUSE, STKHT ly modern. On paved street in South $4'.'00, t-rms. G room house ii North Salem. Two lots. Some fruit.' One half block to bus and 6 block. to school. See W. O. Mills. 331 'A State St. Phone 175. oaja , FOR SALE OR TRADE i Paying Apartment Hons, lias 5 Apts. Income over flfl month, good location, not far out. Will take a bungalow or small house a. part pay. My price with furnitart 88000. For particulars see ray agents CHILDS ft BECHTEL Realtors, 320 State Street. 63s21tf SOME REAL SNAPS. In homes, acreages, farms and stock ranches. - also houses to rent and ' money to loan, and insurance antq, and fire THE SALEM REALTY CO.. 462 State St. 634tf Reavl Estate Trades 65 IF YOU WANT TO BUY OR RENT A nice lO-ac're" piece of land with good buildings, write Bert Iversen, Silver ton. 0325 WANT TO EXCHANGE- A FIVE-ROOM bungalow and garasce on paved street in eat Salem for acreage near Salem. Not orer $3500. Socolofsky, 311 State street. 6525 WILL TRADE MY YAKIMA VALLEY farm for Willamette valley farm. . R Hartley. Satus, Wash. 63S2S CLEAR FARM 73 ACRES. FULLY stocked and equipped to exchange for -chicken ranch or small acreage. FOR ACTION. Trv TRIANGLE REALTY CO. 218 N. Liberty St. . Phone 651 65s25tf OUR CLIENT HAS 5-ROOM HOUSE, north Salem, modern except basement, 93500 to trade for modern residence. Center or State district, will pay cash difference. Salem Land Co., 283 N. Com' I. Phone 1127. - ' 65sl5tf FOR TRADE SEVEN-ACRE ORCHARD. Okanogan county, Washington, for city property. Investigate. Mrs. Ketman. 431 S. Water, SU-rerton, Ore. Phone Red 2351. 65atf Real Eetate Fatrama 7 44 H ACRES SIX MILES FROM SALEM. will trade for Lane county lapd suit ' able for sheep raising. Price $35O0. A. C. BOHRNSTEDT . 147 No. Com'L, ' Salem, Oregon. 67s?4tf DAIRY FARM FULLY EQUIPPED, IN eluding producing Jersey herd, for ssle on terms thst will pay out. Will ac cept house er vacant lots ea part pay ment. Write as what you can offer. Price $23,000. Address Bex 124, care Statesman. 67s31tf Bool Eartato HOW MANV PrXH , RECALL HIM AS ' GASTON DE PRAVE , in 'FACT S OF FATE " NWiTM MILO, - ietYT5,j ! OP TMC MOVIES ? feviwe vaipJOULDVW TO: MASTER: AT HakH-0F IS ' ' MftCM WJEEfc. " -I.Hli-MAS . ; MADE AT SPECIAL STUD or bP'tr47AU CUAfeACTCei.AAJt Me EE IS Tr' AUAV 'ME;' l I 1 APPEARED AS P'SCE : itsVL ih OLD PA JAM A 67 FOR BALK ONE OF THE BEST LiK ganborry tracts iav the Rosedale district $2600 worth f berries sold last ea- aon. Phone 65F1S. W 67sl8tf V - "FARM OPPORTUNITY' "-For the man with determination and about $1500. We have a wonderfull dairy and stock proposition aa coast. We specialise ia farms and eaa help you to what you waat. - Onr irrigated- -lands are insursnce gainst lots. VICTOR SCHNEIDER. Kaaltox Farm Loans lasurance. 147 No. Com'l St, , Phone 577. 67a29tf ... SMALL ACREAGE TRACTS I 1 acre, C room bungalow, garage, roop. fruit cellar. Just out side the city. 9200, easy term. 2 acres, family on hard, bouse of 3 lar?e rooms, small barn, located on V ck roed. 4 blocks from the end of car line. 3O00, 81000 cash, balanco to suit. 5' acres bearing cherries, about 'z Royal Annes. 3 mile& out on good rocked road, close to school, $3500, caU. 5 acres. 1 lotrans, 3 prunes, 1 Mas sard seedlings, on rocked road, eleetric line, mail r''Ute, ;i miles out. 8J000, cash. Iialanne to suit. - 10 acres, all cleared, Keijter bottom land, good potato or garden land, $2000 M Cash, balance to suit. SOCOIvOFSKY. Real Estate, Loans, insurance. J4I state. 7s24tf Real Estate Snbnrbsm 69 $50 IOWN 910 per month buys a fine sere tra.-t all "in bearing cherries located nesr city limits south. Price .8JO. THIS IS A REAL BARGAIN. W. It. GRABENHORST CO. 134 8. Liberty St. 69s29 9W0 DOWX -' Balanee 810 per month buys a fine j. 5-eere tract located on main asylum road ene n-ile from city limits. All in celtivstion. Price 91550. W. H. GRABENHORST A- CO. 134 S. Literty St. 6o9 Wanted AntomoUlei 7 7 CABH.PAID FOR FORDS EIKER AUTO : - i iniiiii For Sale Used C 79 - Great Sacrifice On Used Cars Nearly all late models In Sedans and Coupes, in standard makes. Get tbat used car today and ssve dollars. Ws most make room for shipments of new ears. Very Liberal Terms Tradea Accepted. MacDonald Auto Co. Cottage and Ferry Streets. Phono 409. Open Sundays and Rveninia. Maraion Willys-Knight Overland 79sl4tf GOOD USED CARS Chevrolet touring, 1923. owned bv privste party 8285 cuerrolet sport touring, 1923, be sure and see this car at 837 Star touring, 1924 $375 fooje coupe, ivi, lots of extras. aw paint $695 nruaeoaiter roadster, A-l shape. lots of extras 8685 WTudeosaer, tight 6, coupe, lust see this car $675 Msvwcll, 4 psss. coupe, in A-l shape $658 j-aige touring, ivz'i. new paint, just overhauled $49 Oakland touring. 19'.'1 995 JThpmohile. lf21 $3S5 Cleveland roadster. 1923 9150 es we trade and give terms. Open Stinday and Evening, CERTIFIED PUBLIC MOTOR CAR MARKET 25j . Church St. Phone 885 and 882 79s28 VaSley Motor Co.'s Used Fords AH Bargains Best Term6 in Town All You Need Is the Desire 'Many models to pick from J92S Coupe, like new .: $475 1924 loupes 834C 1923 Sedan 919? 1920- Tourings with starters 8110 .Roadsters 835. 990 and 9120. 1924 ChsMs. a snsp $145 TliACTOU DEPARTMENT - ueouui forason 9323 79s2ttf ' USED AUTOMOBILES 'Exceptionally clean stock of used au tomobiles displayed at our salesroom. Wide range of models, coupes, sedans, touring cars, and roadsters whi-h merit the Consideration of the careful buyer. Jewett coupe. Buick touring cars in good condition. Cleveland touring csr. fori roadster. Ford coupe. Ford sedan. Raby Overland. Rfrkenbac Irer sedan, looks like new. CherroJet coupe in excellent condition. Chevrolet touring. . Cedidlac sedan shows verr little wear, ftuirk Roadster. Hudson coach, late model. Essejt touring. Nash touring cars. Mitchell touring. Were Arrow 7 passenger. F. W. PETTYJOHN CO. 36." North Commercial. Phone 1! CADILLAC NASU !G0. 7tf POLK EXHIBITS DRAW RIBBONS, SCORE HIGH (Continued from paga i) City. Following were first place wln oer in the various divisions of the Agriculture department: Flax sheaf and seen, Tom Bowman of Dallas; alfalfa. Pence Brothers of Riekreall: sheaf oats. C. D. Nairn of Amity; sunflowers with stalks. Claude Parrlsh of ''Dallas ; sun flowers without stalks, Joe Card of Dallas; bale of hops, Chester Ralph of Dallas; ensilage corn, Mildred Robinson of Dallas: win ter oats. Henry Domes of McCoy; spring barley. Pence Brtohers'of Riekreall: cheat seed, Henry Domes of Mt?Coy; winter vetch. Frank Fawk of Riekreall; sheaf T PUSM VOX) Real Estate T, FENCE. AN "TEN VOVSTErNL . I W - 1 f m l I v - - na.sUsBf ff xmrnm-"' a Domes of McCoy;cmfwypetaolno of white winter wheat. Henry Domes of McCoy r spettx, Henry Domes; spring oats, C. D. Nairn of-Amity; whit spring wheat re cleaned. Weyene Henry of Sa lem; white spring wheat from thresher. Henry Domes; white winter wheat. C. Lwrence.of Moc mouth; rye. Sullivan Brothers of Airlie; sheaf of oats. A. Hanson of Dallas; oats Irom thresher, Sul liven Brothers; pompklnS, Mrs. V- Black of Independence;, squish and cucumbers. Henry Domes; beans, Nathan Bnell of alem ; muskmelons, Mrs. Joe Itogers - of Independence; watermelons, Mrs Joe Rogers; cabbage, Mrs.. Joe Roger; parsnips, Iinogene Tidu of Salem; potatoes, both early ard late. Sullivan Brothers; carrots. Mrs. John Edjger of Dallas; farm display. William Wright of Inde pendence; onions, Mrs. Lizzie Schmidt, of Dallas; 10 or more vegetable varieties. Miles Davis of Suver; tomatoes, Mrs. C. E Cooper of Dallas; and sorghum, Sullivan Brothers. Judging in the hroticulture de partments was completed yestcr day, but results will not be com piled until some time this morn ing. The domestic science and domestic art exhibits will be judg ed today. In the livestock division, most of the competition was furnished by boys and girls clubs. Mildred Robinson, Harold Graves and Les He Stewart won in the three di visions of the jersey calf club. Jesse Walling won both sheep di visions, Donald McCaleb (he goat division, and Burt Teats the hog division. In the poultry contest among schools, Oak Point won in the schools with one room, Perrydale in the two to five rom schools, and Falls City in the schools with more than five rooms. Eldon Olson and Miles Munson won the two poultry divisions, Kanzler Hamer the rabbit propect and John Oliver the duck propect. A band concert by the Dallas municipal band featured the pro gram last night. A woman's style show put on by Mrs. Charles Greg oj,y of Dallas was another event, and John Orr, of Salem, sang several solos. A dance was held following the other events on the program. NOTICE OF REVIEW AND EQUALIZATION OF ASSESS MENT ROLL The State Tax Commission will attend as a Board of Equalization at the Capitol in Salem, Oregon, -n the third Monday in October, 1926, and publicly examine the assessment roll 'by it made, and review the same, and correct all errors in valuation, description luantities or qualities of property jy it assessable and in apportion ments of assessments made by it; md it shall be the duty of the persons and companies interested 'o appear at the time and place ippointed. Petitions or applications for the reduction or change of ap portionment of a particular as essment shall be made in writing, verified by the oath of the tippli ant, its president, secretary, nanaging agent or attorney in fact, and be filed with the Com mission during the first week it is by law required to be in session, md any petition or application not so made-, verified and filed shall not be considered or acted upon. STATE TAX COMMISSION, By Ralph Wirth. Secretary. s25-o2-9-15 Modern Robinson Crusoes Migrate to Ocean Island SAN PEDRO. Calif. AP) Barred by immigration quotas from the United States, 21 Nor wegian Robinson -Crusoes, sup plied, with ready cut houses, a radio and boilers for reducing whale and seal oil, have subdued the Ecuadorean isle of Santa Maria of the Galapagos group, 600 miles west of Ecudor in the Pa cific. The immigrants, followed by their families on a succeeding ship, have built up a trade in dried codfish and oils, aided by the gov ernment of Ecudor, which waived export duties and taxes. Natural spring s furnish water and cooling;' breeze from 'the mountains . temper the tropical heat. ''. Peasant Women Demand Equal Suffrage Rights BUDAPEST. (AP) Peasant women of Balmaz Ujvaros have announced that they claim the right of local suffrage and will fight for it, as they labor equally with men. OVR ZEE, v.' m SRENDlDBir-e Qf. CMABACTEfe DPAXAINCx AS - TUE: VILLAIN 0JS f RNCW. DUKE W'eSWEET BABr- CH1YALBV J L Pl THIS WTC SbiONUS, RALPH MXMEEFa lH AH oU rrGBAPr FILH. MADE BEFORE m aOlNTME TOrEUK rWCBf'ME I- SEEN 30NES H TUt CUR SB 0T TWC CAHViOH . CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY . ... . .... .. Of Bellrtble Bnalness and Professional Finns Arrmaged tat ' . AJphAbeUcaJ Order lor QriJcav Xteif ereAcw . AUCTIONEERS r F. N.Wobdry. AUCTIONEER The Weodry - everybody knows. Cash paid for used furniture. eaa store 1610 N. -aesesaer bv. ,- - Telephone 511. - w. F ' Wooary & Son,. 271 N. ComT St. furniture store. Bar- gains In furniture of all kinds. Agent for Lang jrangW beat made. Also auctioneers. t ACCOUNTANT O. ED. ROSS, ACCOUNTANT AND Aud ( tsiu flt.t Phona 2099-R. " " T .17-'S BATTEKT AMD ELECTsUCLUSS r. n RARTON ; EXIDK BATTEKIES. stsrter and generator work; 202 South High. Phone 198 COURT ST. JOE W BICTCLES AND BEPATBXJffO LLOYD JE. RAM8DEN COLUMBIA. Bl cycles and repairing, 997 Court; CHINESE KEXSDT L. L. DICK L. at. flUM Chinese Medicine Company R.ln an knows disease. 420-429 State ' ' s30tf CRTBOPXACTOS DR. H. B. SOOFIELD. P. S. 929 Ore gon bldg. Phona 2194. DR. O. L. BCOTT, PSC. CHIROPBACTOH 256 . High. Phons eze-K. or 01. HEMSTITCHIKO HEMSTITCHING. STAMPING, BUT tons and nleatlng. Seem 10. . ever Millets. Phona 117. ELECTRICIANS FLEENER ELECTRIC CO. H0U8E wiring by hour or contract. Estimates furnished. Phona a0 171 Court St. E FARM PAPER IP TOU WANT TO GET THE BEST farm paper send five X cent stsmpa to the Pacific Homestead, aaiem, uregoa, for a three months' trial subscription Mention this sd. POULTRYMEN SEND EIGHT TWO- cant stamps for special three moatns trial for the best and eldest Journal In tha west. The articles and adver tisements are of special interest to tha poultry breeders of tee rortnwes Northwest Poultry Jonrnsl, 211 Com mercisl street, Salem, Oregon. FOR SALE FIRST AND- SECOND Mart- races. Trust Deeds. Con tracts on houses Will net 9 to 80. BECKE HENDRICKS Heilia- Bide 189 N. Hirh St. " ' lltf PARM LOANS PLENTY OF MONEY to loan on good farm security. CITY LOANS We ere loaning Pre dential Insurance Company money on eity residence and businesa property, at 5V4 7r. plus a commission. Hawkins A Roberts. Inc.. 205 Oregon Building, d 14tf FLORISTS ?UT FLOWERS, WEDDING BOUQUETS Funaral wreaths, decorations, u. Braithanpt, florist, 123 N. Liberty, Phono 880. .- - ZNSUKANCB XANS. REAL ESTATE. GENERAL IN snrsnea. O. W. LAl'LAR, 410 Oregon Bldg. Insure Tear home or car now Phone 11 BE0KE ft HENDRICKS Bldg., 189 N. High 8t. Jt tf LAUNDRIES CAPITAL CITT LAUNDRT "The laundry of pare materials." Telephone 165. 1264 Broadway. THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRT THE WEIDER LAUNDRY Telephone 25. 263 S. High. TRY THE HOUR WET WASH LAUN dry. Phone 171. 1356 B street. J17tf LADIES' TAILORINO D. H. MOSHER TAILOR FOR MEN and women, 474 Court 8t. MATTRESSES MATTRESSES RENOVATED BY THE Capitol City Bedding Co., 1190 North Capitol. Called for And delivered. All work guaranteed. Phone 19. f!9tt MEDICAL MOUNTAIN BALM Phone 51 7-W. COUGH REMEDY MTJ8IO STORES GEO. 0. WILL PIANOS. PHONO graphs, sewing machines, sheet music and piano studies. Reparing phono graphs and sewing machines, 432 State street, Salem. NEWSPAPERS THE PORTLAND TKLECRAM, SALEM Agency The Ace. Tel. 939. THE OREGON STATESMAN, 50 CENTS per month delivered to your some early each morning. Tel. 29 er 888. NURSERY STOCK FRUIT. NUT AND SHADE TREES Pearey Bros, 178 8. Commercial. PUBLI0 STEMOO RAPHES PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER, GENERA! Insurance, Votary Public. Helen Corey. TeL 36. v ! PAPERHANarNG AND PATNTUrO CHA8 BENNETT. PAINTING 1 CON tractor, interior decorstiag. . Phon 1937-1.-541 MilL ei PHONE GLENN ADAMS FOR HOU8F decorating, paper haagiag, tinting, etc Reliable workman. By Ed Wheelan 3? "Ho-MORrcOUJ DONT SLAT -" --THE.. .- F0OU ' , CfaMS vackxxq ass rnrpura FOR EXPERT FURNITURE PACKINM aad skipping, call Stiff a rwraltexe Store. I'hone 941. - -, PIAJTO TTJ1TBRS EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED Piaae taaer. Leave ardera Will's Maaie Btee THOMAS FAY. PIANO TUNER," NOW at tha Portland Mssle Co , 855 N. High. Have your piaae tused by oae who hst had Tears of eiyerieave ia the work. Saatf ; . rRCaTTEMO ,, - FOR 8TAT10NERY. CARDS. PAMPH lets, programs, books er say kind af printing, call at the States SB Print ing Department, 2 IS 8. CoasaisreiaL TeL AS8. . -a ' ' PLTJMBIJfO ' PLUMBINO - AND GENERAL R EPA Is work. Oraber Bree 154 8. Liberty Phona 0. . , llsHf RADIO Radjolas Far Every Purpose Every Irae , AU Staadard Bisse f Sail Tabee HAX1K 4k TOTT ELECTRICAL RH0P 7 (Joort en. S' aon a mom. , REAL ESTATE . . IP YOU -HAVE PROPEJRTT TO SELL er if roe are looking for a bom a. fans, or business property, see BECKE s HENDRICKS 189 N. High 8W HeiUg Bldg. . JSaf REAL t HARRIS OTTERS FINE LOT, . facin-r east on CafritUl and shaded hv the big onk s nesr Pa rrish school: 49-feet frontage a fid' 12 ft. alley gives practical frontage of -53 ferj-; lio feet long; JftUjO, easy terms. .-; , KARRIS, Masonic Bldg, TeL ,72 $,:if v SEOOXS HASTO OOOX BUY USEX MEN'S CLOTHING, JEWEL ' - ry, Gaas. Tools, BleyeJeav Btar Es ehaaga, 824 N. CommercUL paeae IM . , . - . -' - -' ell ' . '. WANTED EVERYTHING IN CLOTH, ing and shoes. Best priee paid. Capi tal Es change. 843 North CoatsaarcisJ Phona 186S-V7. . . STOVES AND STOYB EEPAXRrSO STOVES FOR BALE KftBOTLT AN 9 repaired by expert. AD kinds -of wov en wire fence. , Faacy and plala. He baskets And keeks, fogs a aeoks. Ssled Pence and Steve Works. 2&0 Oeas St. - .- -' TAXIDERMIST TAXIDERMIST RHOP. ' Z. - E. WIG gins. Prop., . 1145 . Jforwsy, ' Near Woodry'a Auction Market. TeU 2261-W. TRANSFER 'AND HATfUsTG - TRANSFER AND HAUUNO OP kiada. Phone 72F2. , WE MOVE. STOREf AND k8HTP HOUSE holds good. Our specialty is piano ant furniture moving. We also make eeaat try trips. Wa handle th best eesi eat wood. Call ea us -for prices. W gist good soeeeure, good Quality aad goof service. Lartnar Trsnsfar Oo, Phone 984J CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. ' 2 ttate Ht. J-booe 933, . iMstnowUr forwarding and a tors go mm apomaHj Get our rates. - WEIX DSXtXTMa R. A. WEST. RT. e. BOX.-10S-A. PBOrl 1I0F5. 3 miles east ea Garden r4 WATEX SALEM WATER, LIGHT A POWER- 04 Office 804 South Commercial St. Td per cent discount ea domestic flat rata paid ia edvaaea. Ne aWdaetkM for el seaea or any cause aalesa water la a4 off your premise. . ' v- . TRAVEL Safely Swiftly aad CotaforUbly in bussea of tha Parker Stage Limes, Stages Leave for v v . T. SMvsrtoa 7 a. as, 11 a. as, ft f, as, ML Angel 11 a. m, A . m. Dallas 7 a. m, 9 a. av, 11:25 e rat, ' Falls Oty 7 a. atL, 2:10 s. sa; 2:10 p. m.. 5:15,p. as. ' Independence 7 a. nu, a. an." 11:15 a. am., 8:10 p. as, 8:18 a. as. Suaday only 8 :80 p. as. Monmouth 7 a. at, 11:11 s. as.,' 3:10 p. m, 5:15 p. as. faaaay eel,' 7:10 p. m.. 8:30 .p. at.. Mestinnviiia 8:80 av as 1:10 a. w S:15 n. New berg 6 :S0 B:15.t. as,' a. as., :io p. sru, ; Tillamook 8 :S0 a. m, 2:10 p. as, CaU 322 er 898 fer Ufemetlo . -'-: 4t22tf ' Notice of Final Bettlement . Notice is berebr glren, that the undersigned have filed in the' ' County Court of the State of Oro- gon. for the County of farion their verified Final Account, as' Executors of the last will ajicl testament and estate of ; P. M. . Cook. Deceased, and . that said Court bras fixed Monday, .the 4th day of October, 192$, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. of said day. as ' Ihe time, and the County Court Itoom in the County Court Honse, .. at Salem, Marion County, Oregon. as the place for hearing said final,. account and all objections there to. . - - v .. ' . , . Dated at Salem, Oregon, .this 3rd day of September, 1926. ' T. M COOK. NELLIE MILLER. . Executors of the last 'wilt- tad) testament and Estate of F.' M. ' Cook, deceased. ;; Ronald .C. Gloter. ' . , i ;; Attorney -for Executors, . - Salem. Oregon. t . 11 ' Sept. 4-ll-18-25-Ocil:2," J92C I NEW CORPORATIONS I 1 . ' . a The Evergreen Fruit Company, with headquarters in Porttand and apital storh of $23,00-0 lias lieen v Incorporated by F. IX ltcddaway. -Ihtiny V. Roddaway, fJeorgo. and Valda M.. Koines.- s , : Other articles filed in thV s(alv ' crrptrition dt pail mont yestcrda'v ' follow: Torroy I;ah. Inc.. of Tortland. 1,000; U. II. Torrey. n. A. lean and'M.JM. Hull. Diuien sInsLuniIwr' imp;By.,' Albany, -$?5.n;;ir. C. flair, T. If. Ward . a nd( II rryWt TKr J r-: Perm is-- 1 Iu to oj)cratjh: : in fjregorr was " rrant-?tl lo :th? Skaggs-Safeways ytofes." a, Nevada ?rporaf ion tap ilnliaed at i?3,iroo,ty, aad lh. McCalf company: a New York tpr yurallgn tupltaliged at J30.000, CotUf Drove COnitructlmi miking progrtes or uew IfJOi" temple. . , . . ... - i-l - i Mure, 8V3 booth 12th. B7k0 i i