The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 25, 1926, Page 5, Image 5

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6 V
I "j
4 . v y
, - - .
i SikMI Kar Iflt Aoto
. Elmj, Olson reports at local
police lifcdquarters Friday that a
boy on a fiddle kar ran into the
rear end of. his. car as "he was
barking from the curb at Church
and Marion, streets. The Doy suf
fered no further; injuries than a
skinned leg,' according to the re
Plant Rale Today
Next to Dixie Bakery.
Will Sacrifice nigh Grm
Piano left with us for quick
sale. See this' snap. Tallman
Piano Store, 395 S. 12th. s30
Cars Collide
Cars driven by William Sipp
rtll Jr., and Homer Carson col
lided at High and Court streets
Friday, according to a report made
at local police headquarters.
Fnroitare tfpliolrterj---And
repalxlnr. Gelse - Power
Furniture Company.
Furnace Heated Homes
Strictly modern. We have seven
new homes to show you. Priced
$4,000 on up. Immediate posses
sion on three. Becke & Hendricks
189 N. High street. . s22tf
Veteran Tent PJauned
A tent quipped with many ;on
veniencca for members of all pa
triotic organizations will be main
tained on the state. fair grounds
during fair week by the. Sons of
Union Veterans, of . the Civil war
and. its ladies' auxiliary., Ladies
who ill be in enrge af the tent
are En'ily Prescott, Minnie Baker,
i.lizie Smith, Ipah Lausch, Mattie
Schjamm-FiorncA.. Shipp, Lp.u.'se
King. Alice. Adams, Dae Stafford.
Oertruae Remington and Hattie
Peter Johnson Returns
To Halik Sc. Eoff after three
weeks' vacation. .. . , v. s25
See the BJrchfleld r ..-
Davenport which will be built
In the windows of the' Giese-I'ow-r-rs
furniture 'store Wednesday af
ternoon and evening, and each
afternoon and evening all during
the week. ' s26
On Business Trip
A. R. Woodill of this city went
Albany Thursday, on a business
He formerly lived in that
rooked Food Sale- . .
Saturday. Sept. 25. at S. P. tic
ket office, sponsored by ladies of
First Christian, church. 25
Modern Home, 6 Rooms
For sale right now. Has fur
nace, fireplace, Idry, hardwood,
extra plumbingvv 12x18 cement
floor garage, rNow $5250. Some
terms. Becke & Hendricks, 189
N. High street. s22tf
Attend County Fair
Judge and Mrs. F. W. Duncan
have gone to Albany to attend the
Inn cnuMv fair
Jtst Few Slore Days
To get those big black grapes at
V Fiala Tineyards
Three miles north
in- Polk county.
Decision Xrxt VJt-
Judge Sklpworth of Lane county
next week will hand down a
decision in the suit brought by
eorge Putnam, Salem newspaper
publisher, to compel Frank Bram
well. state superintendent of
; Phone 727
For Sale
Tor Ent
- Cl Hn
' Special rtnt&l
nta t students
Phone 866
27 V. Com'l St.
Victor AAilng ICecain Brricm
l7 D Street Telephone 2313
M . .
VJnderwood Typewriter Co.
it Direct Faetorr Branch
1 Court St. . Phoft 202
Typewriters Rented, SouL
' Repaired
Special rental rates to Students
LADD & BUSH Bankers
. Established 18681 ; '
General Banlang Butlnc:3
Office now from 10 a, m. to S p. as '
banks, to maintain the principal
office of : the state banking de
partment j in Salem. Arguments
in the case were completed, in the
circuit court here yesterday. Mr.
Putnam alleges in his complaint
that the principal office of the
banking department is now locat
ed in Portand, while a branch of
fice in charge, of one girl is con
ducted a the state capitoL
Visit the Perennial and Bulb
Sale Saturday. Next to Dixie
Bakery on Court street. s25
Lions Plan Trip
Several .cars conveying Saiem
Lions will leave for .Tillamook
this afternoon to attend the chap
ter night celebration ther. Local
members will , leave the chamber
of commerce building at 3:30
See the Birchfield
Davenport which will be built
in the windows of the Giese-Pow-ers
Furniture Store, Wednesday
afternoon and evening, and each
afternoon and evening all during
the week. s25
Install Lamps
New lights In front of the Ladd
& Bush and United States Nation
al banks hare been Installed and
are now in use. They are 200
watt and 300-watt lamps.
Notice Willamette Students
You can't go wrong if you eat
at the Black Cat. Best eats in the
city. s25
Chimney Rurns
A small chimney Are at CDS N.
Liberty street called out the lire
department last night. No dam
age resulted.
For Rent, Modern Flat
5 rooms, adults, $35 666
Ferry. Becke & Hendricks, 189
N. High street. s22tf
Pays Motor Fine
L. E. Darlington, was fined .$1
by Mark Poulsen. police judge, for
leaving his motor running while
his car was parked in the street.
Complete line of
Monarch Electric Ranges at
Hamilton!. A21tf
Attend Linn Fai
Governor. Walter M. Pierce and
his brother. C. W. Pierce, have
gone to Albany to attend the Linn
county fair.
License Issued
John F. Steelhammer of Wood
bnrn and Mrs.-Ad4 JermM of tbi
city have taken out a marriage
license in Vancouver, Wash.
Plant Sale Today
Next to Dixie Bakery.
Convicts Hoar Returns
.More than 500 convicts in the
Oregon state penitentiary Thurs
day night listened to radio re
turns of the Dempsey-Tunney
light in Philadelphia. The re
turns were received from KGW
broadcasting station, Portland.
Warden Lillie said the convicts
confined their demonstration to
cheers when It was announced that
Tunney had received the decision.
MinncttA Magers of Portland
Will continue her vocal classes
gfc Salem Friday and Saturday of
fech week at the Derby Bldg.
Phone 365. s26
Car Is Hit
A car driven by William Schaf
er was struck in the rear while
making a lilrn into the River road
according' to a report filed at the
rheriff's office. No details of the
accident were given.
v -! z
Halik & Eoff--. ...
sNew Ptrilco-AB Eliminator. s25
Marriage Licenses Issued
Three couples procured -marriage
licenses at the office of the
county clerk yesterday. They
were P. K. DeShiclds, Salem sales-
CHOICE of Traub Genuine
Orange Blossom engage
ment and wedding rings is a
tribute to the judgment and
good taste of the wearer.
E. E. WIGGIN S, Prop. .
Near Woodry'e Auction Market
; 1143 Norway
Telephone 2261-W
man and Doris Price of Rosebnrg.
Edward Amman, Salem -janitor,
and Irene Thomas of , Salem, and
Harold O White. 1505 S. Capitol
street, and Kathleen Todd of Sa
lem. 1
Used Planos-l-LoU of Them
$50175 $100 $125 $160.
See them at Tallman Piano Store.
395 South 12th. ? ' 8S4
Damages Asked
L. N. Blowers of California HhI
a complaint in the circuit court
yesterday against D. A. Larmer
of Salem for damages alleged to
have resulted! when a truck driven
by Larmer hit flowers', automo
bile at the intersection of Com
mercial and State streets. Blow
ers claims that Larmer took the
right of way from him and hi
machine suffered damages to the
extent of $251.4 5, and that the
loss of time reenting: is worth
$30. The accident occurred on
March 29, 1926.
Hotel Marloft
Dollar dinner, served 5:45 to 8
rvery evening. J2tf
Cars Collide
R. B. Calkins of Portland re
prrted at police h.adquajters here
Friday that his car collided with
an unidentified one on the high
way about half a mile nortn of Sa
lem. No details of the accident
were glven.-
See the Birchfield
Davenport which will be built
in the windows of the Giese-Powers
furniture store Wednesday aft
ernoon and evening, and ch aft
ernoon and evening all during the
week. S2 5.
Ricking Car Hit
A car driven by L. D. Freoland
of Portland was backing from the
curb Friday on High street v. hen
it was struck by another driven
by A. J. Rousseau of Salem, ac
cording to reports filed at the
local police station Friday.
Find for Parking
W. A. Llston, George Orey and
J. H. WImm were fined SI each
In police court yesterday for over
time parking charges. Elwood
Patzen was fined a similar amount
for parking double.
High Grade New Pianos 7
Reduced to $200 $245 $298.
Why pay more? Terms. Liberal
discount forcash. Tallman Piano
Store, 395 South 12th. s30
Boy Is Hustler
One of the incidents in connec
nection with the sale of the fight
extras on the street Thursday
night was Herbert Morley, one of
William L. Frink died Septem
ber 23 at the Lake Brook farm at
the age of 69 years. He is sur
vived by one sister, Mrs. Elvira
Callendar, and three nieces, Mrs.
Ruby Westcott and Mrs. Ivah Li
tather, both of Portland and Mrs.
Turner W. Calendar of Fierra City
Cat., and Turner W. Calendar, a
nephew. Interment will be in thel
Lone Fir cemetery at Portland,
under the direction of Rigdon &
Clark W. Day, aged 76, died at
the family residence, 404 North
Winter street, Friday. September
24. He was the husband of Eun
ice Day, lather of Mrs. Cora M.
DeVore of Centralia, Wash., Earl
B. Day of Gold Hill, Ore., and
Grant W. Day of Salem. He is
also survived by eight grand-children.
He was ft member of the
First Methodist church of Salem.
The remains are in charge of Rig
don & Son mortuary. Funeral an
nouncement later.
Linn '
Carl Linn died at a local .hos
pital Sept. 24. The body is at the
Webb funeral parlors. Funeral
announcement later.
. John Peter Naderman, age 79,
died near Turner Sept. 24. He
is survived by his widow, Johanna
L. Naderman, a daughter, Cathar
ine Brant of Oakville, Wash., and
three sons, Theodore Naderman
of Turner, Gerard Naderman of
Oakville and George Naderman
of Salem ; and a sister, Helen
llroeckman of Germany. The body
is in charge of the Webb funeral
parlors. Funeral announcements
OF. this! SUPEC
Perfect Funeral Service
: ; - 'Tor Lesarr k
Licensed Lady Mortician
770 Chemeketa Street!
We have an Overland 4 -door
edan with K rubber,
bumpers, spot light, moto
meter, automatic swipe, rear
view mirror and a car that
U In fine condition for
$425.00. T10. Li the best
ralue we have had for some
time. See this one before
buying. "
the boys selling extras, started
down the street with a bunch of
papers under his arm and they
sold rapidly as he stepped along
the street but he ran up against
a gentleman who wanted to buy
a copy for 1 cent. Inasmuch as
the price was 5 cents Herbert re
fused to do business on that basis,
however, .being a good trader he
finally .made a bargain to sell the
paper for one penny, a banana
and an apple. Herbert is only
seven years old but is a real
hustler and trader.
Rooms Wanted-
The Salem Ad club is now list
ing rooms for state fair visitors.'
If you have a furnished room thai
is available for next week please
phone 1945. s25
J. P. Maderman Dies
J. P. Maderman, Battle Creek,
Ore., died at his farm home Fri
day, Sept. 24, at J 2 o'clock. Fu
neral arrangements will be an
nounced later.
Falls to Stop
Henry Young was fined $5 Fri
day by Mark Poulsen. municipal
judge, on a charge of failing to
stop at a through street intersec
tion. Site to Lease
Service station site to lease on
highway. Roads on three sides.
Graveled. See Ralph Kletzing at
The Statesman office. s26
Giant Flower Grown
A sunflower in Turner grown
by Mrs. A. L. Mathias measures
64 inches in circumference and is
12 and a half feet high. The talk
is 10 inches in circumference. The
flower was grown without irriga
tion and is believed to be the
largest in the county.
New Reiiort Card
Grade school students in Salem
and Marion county will be marked
on their personal habits with a
new form of report card adopted
by the schools, to be used for the
first time this fall. The back oj
the card has blanks on which the
teacher places marks for clean
x "' 7 AT" Hrom the courtroom back to King
ture cheerfulness., and the JikeJ where- he has been
n aiso "as neaua re u ij
me cniia, 10 De reau uy iuc ,
ents. The new form
of card.
which was prepared by the Mar
ion county child health demon
stration, will be used in grade
schools only.
Bee the Birchfield
Davenport which will be built
in the windows of the Glese-Pow
ers furniture store Wednesday af
ternoon and evening, and each
afternoon and evening all during
the week.
Will Build Home
V. R. Hrow was granted a build-'
ing permit, in the city recorder's
office Friday to erect a dwelling
at 1675 Broadway, the estimated 4
cost being given as $3500.
Car TMtnaged . ,
Bent bumpers and fenders were
the only damage resulting when
George C. Beechler ran his car
inio the stern of one driven by
Hoy Everson Friday as Bvtrsw
came to a stop at the corner of
Chemeketa and Court streets, ac
cording to reports made at police
Martin Gruber Visits
Martin Grubcr of Tillamook wjs,
in Salem Friday visiting with ojd
friend-. Mr. Gruber drove the
patrol wagon for the Portland po
lice department many years ago pfe
the same time that Harry Smarts
local police officer, was an office f
there. Horses were used in thofct
days and Smart had the whol
southern end of Portland for u
beat, covering it on horseback. 2
Daughter. Is. Born .
A daughter was born Wednes
day morning to Mr. and Mrs. Lesn
ter W. Starr of 2050 South Chure
street. The child has been named;
Donna Kathleen. "
; . $
Information Sought - - 4 1(
A. M. Church, of Salem, ex
newspaperman and now magazine;
writer, la seeking the name of the
Oregon man who, 50 years ago, aY
the Philadelphia centennial, won
first honors for the best long tex
tile fibre flax grown In the na
tion. The award was exhibit
at the Salem corn show recently,
but no one seems to know the
name of the man making the dis
play. Anyone in position to fir's
nish information, is requested ItQ
communicate at once with Mr;
church, 545 .North 12th street!
Salem. A ghost story, written Jg
Mr, Church, appears in the cur
rent Isrfue of "Ghost," a nursery
Judge Jones Declares "Con
stitutional Rights" Were
Not Violated
'I Am Innocent," Convicted Slay
er Tells Court Before Re
ceiving Sentence, Will
Appeal Case
SEATTLE, Sept. 24. (AP).
Wallace Cloyes Gaines was today
sentenced to be hanged December
11 by Superior Judge Robert M.
Jones. A jury, August 19, con
victed Gaines of murdering his
daughter Sylvia on the edge of
Green lake here June 16.
Gaines attorneys gave notice of
an appeal to the state supreme
Before sentencing Gaines Judge
Jones denied a motion for a new
trial and tor arrest of Judgment.
Gaines bad contended that he Had
not been given a public trial.
When Judge Jones denied the
new .trial motion, he said:
"I made the ruling permitting
only attorneys and newspapermen
in the court as spectators in the
interests of the health and com
fort of the jury and attorneys in
this case. There was no attempt
to exclude the public or take away
the constitutional rights of the
defendant. Even after the ruling
was made, I saw faces of persons
in court who were neither lawyers
nor newspaper reporters."
He then instructed Gaines to
stand up.
"Have you anything to say?"
the judge questioned.
Gaines' face went ashy white,
he lost the air of calm which had
marked his demeanor through - a
day of listening to attorneys' ar
guments. 1 "I have loved my daughter ever
since she was born," he answered
with difficulty. "She always said
I' was a good father. She loved
me devotedly. ' I am innocent and
there has been a miscarriage of
justice. That is all."
H "It remains only to pronounce
sentence.' Jiidee Jones Raid. "I
'el&ntence you to death at the state
penitentiary at Walla Walla. You
are to be hanged by the neck ifn
til dead on December 11."
; Gaines sat. down and slumped
-ihiQ: his chair. His wife kissed
him. A deputy sheriff interrupt
ed their embrace and led Gaines
hig arre8t June
The death penalty was fixed by
the jury when It returned the ver
dict of conviction.
Visitors Reported
in Salem
.Mrs. George Laubner of Halsey
visited this city Fridr.y.
Mrs D. K. Buller of Dallas spent
.Frtoay in Salem.
Dell Alexander of Corvallis wai
a.Salem visitor Friday.
,Mr. and Mrs. V. H. Haller vis
ited this city Friday. They are
residents of Woodburn.
Ira Wade of Toledo was among
ih, visitors in this city Friday
Mrs. W. E. Councilman of Mill
1923 or 24 Chevrolet Tourings
:.':- ' and 'v'?
1 920-21 or 22 Ford Roadsters
To Be Traded In
Newton Chevrolet Co.
Telephone 1 000 j Opposite City Hall
City was a Salem visitor Friday.
George Stein was a. Salem vis
itor -Thursday.-.''.He lives in Oregon
City.' j V
, Sam Moore of Cor vallis was In
this city Thursday to attend the
lime heading. ; '
A. C. Martin of Roseburg was
in this city Friday.
A. G. Gates of Grants Pass spent
Friday night in Salem.
F. C. Heffron of Eugene was
among the visitors in this' city
II. R. Howell of Grants Pass
was a Salem visitor Friday.
Mrs. A. J. Hanley and Elizabeth
Rurr were in Salem Friday. Their
home is in Medford. -
Mrs. H. A. Stearns of Ashland
was a Salem visitor Friday.
Iseabella and Velma Austin of
Ashland were in this city Friday.
Jett Blackburn of Marshfield
was in this city Friday night.
Captain O. C. Applegate of
Klamath Falls is in Salem today.
W. D. Pine of Tillamook spent
Friday night in this cit
Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Graham of
Mill City were in Salem Friday.
Wray Lawrence of Klamath
Falls spent Friday night in -this
Dr. and Mrs. G. E. Low and
their daughter were in this city
Friday. They live in Coonille.
Mr, and Mrs, John Boehrin
ger Honored, Wedding
Is Feature
The golden wedding anniver
sary of Mr. and Mrs. John Boeh
ringer, 2210 North Fourth street,
was celebrated with a party at the
home of their son, F. J. A. Boeh
rlnger, at 260 West Wilson street
Friday. They were married in
Jibille, Iowa, in 1876.
Both Mr. and Mrs. Boehringer
were born in Germany and came
to America while very young.
Mrs. Boehringer was Miss Louise
Buechele before her marriage.
They have five children, two
sons and three daughters, all of
whom were present with their
families at the golden wedding
celebration. The children are Miss
Anna Boehringer and F. J. A.
Boehringer of Salem. Mrs. Emelia
Riensche. Mrs. Dorothy Mitchell,
and Carl Boehringer of Eugene.
Eight grandchildren present at
the celebration included Jack and
Wilmer Riensche, Marion, Doro
thy and Clinton Boehringer, June
Mrs. Dorothy Nemyre, youngest
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Boeh
ringer, was married to Clyde
Mitchell of Eugene as a special
feature of the celebration. Mr.
and Mrs. Boehringer acted as
bridesmaid and best man.
A dinner was served at noon
and refreshments in the- evening.
Mrs. R. L. Putnam officiated at
the dinner. Mrs. Boehringer wore
some garments that had been
worn by her grandmother at her
wedding in Germany. The gar
ments are hand cut.
Mr. Boehringer is 77 years old
and Mrs. Boehringer is 74. They
care to Oregon in 1879.
"Hello, Jurd!" saluted a young
swain .of the Possum Trot region,
addressing another of his kind
who was humped up on a log by
the roadside. "What are you set
ting there for? Anything the mat
ter?" "Nope!" w as the reply. "Just
waiting for Miss Ducky Daddle to
come along, that's all. I'm going
to take her to singing school."
"But, great guns, singing school
don't take place till tomorrow
"I know it. but when a feller's
in love he don't mind waiting.
On New Chevrolets
Phone CaH -From Victorious
Gene Almost Causes Par
ent's 'Collapse ; ; .
NEW YORK, Sept. 24. (AP).
"Gene, tell me the truth; are
you hurt?" . -
This was the question Mrs. J.
J. Tunney, mother of the heavy
weight champloti of the ' world,
asked her son-over the telephone
when he called-up to tell her of
his victory . .according to Mrs.
John Kennedy, a neighbor who
was at the Tunney home.
"Mother,- I haven't even a
scratch. 111 be home as soon as
I get a little rest," was Gene Tun
ney's reply, Mrs. Kennedy said.
Mrs. Tunney sent word to news
papermen seeking to interview
her thafsbe was.afraid of pub
licity. Mrs. Kennedy was called
into the Tunney home. She came
out smiling, while Mrs. Tunney
shyly stood behind the door. Mrs.
Kennedy said:
"She's bewildered at it all. You
know up until last night she did
not believe her boy would win.
She would not let her friends bet
on him, convinced he could never
stand Dempsey's blows.
"When Gene finally called up
and told her he won, she was al
most in a state of collapse, from
running back and forth upstairs
away froin the. radio to the tele
phone." PHILADELPHIA. Sept.' 24.
( AP). "First lieutenant, .United
-States marine corps reserves," is
the rank that will be bestowed
upon Gene Tunney, who last nighN
won the title as heavyweight
pugilistic champion of the world.'
This announcement was made
today by Co'lonel Cyrus Radford,
commandant of the marine corps
in Philadelphia.
The colonel called Billy Gibson,
Tunney's manager, on the tele
phone, ceking the new champion.
"I wanted to tell him," said
the colonel, "that he has passed
his examination for a commission
in the marine corps and may ex
pect to receive his commission in
a few days."
(AP). Gene Tunney and Jack
Dempsey, foes in a boxing" ring
last night in quest of the world's
heavyweight title, with all the
honor and riches accompanying It,
met tonight In Dempsey's hotel as
friends. Tunney called on the
deposed champion to-pay his fe
spects and say goodbye.
Dempsey with his wife, Estelle
Taylor, who joined him this after
noon, left tonight for an unnamed
destination. Tunney will leave
tomorrow morning for his New
York home where he was expect
ed to inspire a tumultuous recep
tion. Dempsey, too, will be in
10 'Rooms Furniture. v
TODAY, 10:30 A. M.
555 Ferry Street
10 rooms good furniture including bedding, rugs, linoleum,
congoleum, curtains, linens, Maytag electric washing ma
chine like new, kitchen utensils, dishes, tools, etc. Terms
cash. . ' ..;;;,;,
J. V. OK.VCER, Owner
V fcittlem's Lending Auctioneer - : !.; '
This is the Voodry everybody knows, the Summer Street
, Woodry. Cash paid for used furniture 1'hone 51l
Your: Choice White Enameled
Metal or Wooden
--i a;
A very useful article for
be held injour Basement
find many other useful
low prices. '
- V,
The Store With the
New York within (henVxt few"
days and probably will make an
announcement of his plans for the"
future. .' -
The former champion was said
to be eager to gain an opportunity"
to regain the tith lost last night
and Gone Normile, his buRine&H.
representative, said after the new
champion's call on Dempsey, that'
a return engagement probably
could be arranged. . - - -
Files Mandamus Proceed
ings to Get Platform
on Ballot
.-"-.-.. -in;
Mandamus proceedings to com
pel the secretary of state to placo
the Blogan. .'Opposedto.lV-jtthHil-tion,"-after
hi name on'tlie of
ficial ballot at the November elec-
lion, were filed In the state s"u
rreme court here 'yesterday byt
George Putnam. newspeprY'piit:-
lisher and democratic juopiinee fcx
state senator for Marion county.
Mr. Putnam was nominated at the
primary election hy having- hi,n
name written on the. ballot,. ,
The suit was bp srd on ;ai recent
decision of tin ' ptale supremo '
court which held ladenem-
ent candidates for office at' the
NoveinDcr c!ection were Vn titled
to have a slogan printed after
their nnmes on the ballot,
Mr. Putnam alleged In his com
plaint thnt the designation "dem
ocrat" do-s not express the prin
ciple on which he will make hi
campaign. -
Chocolote Nut 1
Fresh From Portland
Regular Price 60c a lb?
For Saturday Only;
36c a lb.
2 lbs. for 70c
Limit two lbs. to a customer,
only. .We reserve the right
to limit quantities.
Only At
Penslar Store
135 North Commercial St.
Original Yellow Front
' " It..
your bathroom. -fiale'will "
Store, w here .-you also can
articles for your "horrid at
. ' "' ' ' ; " :
' - i
Friendly Spirit rv'H :
.Telephone 724 .
, S r