FRIDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 24, 192G 8 ! THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM; OREGON raciisora TALKS BESE C Discussion of Child Health Demonstration Work Pre dominates Meet children as be- Marlon county - Thft regular quarterly commit tee, meeting of the Yamhill-Polk-Marion .county Medical Society was hUd' the- Marion ho tel. Members of the Marion coun ty ' child health demonstration staff were present, and new pro grams and policip of the society were discussed with" respect to their applicability to the program of the Marion county child health demonstration. Dr. Emma WInslow of the Commonwealth fund of New York spoke on the value of research into the health of Ing developed In activities. Dr, EL P. Brunk of the Marion countyrdental unit dis cussed the work of the unit, and Dr. Vernon Douglas, deputy coun ty health officer, presented plans for a diphtheria immunization campaign. Members of the county medical society committee are Dr. W. B. MOrse. Dr. H. J. Clements. Dr. H. K. Stockwell. Dr. L. O. Clement, and Dr. W. Bar end rick. Marion county child health demonstration staff members present were Dr. and Mm. Walter H. Brown. Dr. E. P. Brunk, Dr. Vernon Douglas, iliss Amelia Feary, and' DtJ- Es fella Ford "Warner. OXFORD ? STU DENTS MUST STUDY DURING VACATION ARTixTrt nosKHR.rii. pic TVRES rXIVKIlSITY LIFE , Student Kipwtl to Pass Diffi cult Examinations at End of Course polk cum FJIE GETS UNDER WAY Seven Communities Enter I- Exhibits in Fourteenth , - Annual Event Seven communities have en tered In the fourteenth annual .polk county fair that opened yes terday, morn ing at Dallas, to last three days.. Records in attend ance and exhibits are expected, fudging of the exhibits will begin this morning. T The? communities with exhibits entered are Brush College, "Liberty Hell, Monmouth. Willamina, Oak Point, Mt: Piagah and Falls City. Brush ' College was prize winner last year. Bach exhibit scoring CG points will be awarded $25, and $1 will be added for each additional point. Judges for the exhibits are sup plied through the -OAC extension department. Expert judges are provided, for. each - type of contest.'.'.'-: . 1 Complete exhibits of grain, corn, poultry and other farm prod ucts have been contributed by many farmers Uncle JB i 1 1 y Wright of Independence has a big farm display similar to the one he has every, year and Miles Davis of Buyer has a big vegetable display. . Excellent poultry and apple ex hibits are features of the fair. The poultry display is the best ever shown there, according to Miss Winnie Braden. secretary of the county fair board.' Boys' 'and girls clubs have en tered .many displays, including livestock, poultry t farm products, sewing products, . and the like. These displays and the school ex hibits take an important place at the fair; No admission is charged for the fair, following the program adopt ed last year which proved very successful ' "Weather conditions are excellent. Studonts at Oxford university in England have to do roost of their studying during their vaca tions. Arthur Rosebrangh. Rhodes scholar' at Oxford and son of W. Wv Rosebraugti pf this city, told the Rotary 'club! at its weekly luncheon Wednesday in the Mar ion hotel. The day of the average Oxford student during thri timo school is in session runs something like this, according to Mr. Rose braugti: (let up at 7:30, go over to the hall and sign name to show that he Is alive, take breakfast in his own -or someone elses rooms, go to a lecture afterwards if he likes, or spend the morning talk ing to friends, coffee at 11. lunch at noon, sports in the afternoon, tea at 5, dinner at 7:30, and bridge after dinner, accompanied by port wine and coffee. With a schedule like this. It is almost Impossible to get in much work, he says, but at the end of a student's four years he Is ex pected to pass an examination over all the subjects covered dur ing the course in all their rami fications There are about 27 colleges in the university, he stated, each one being an independent unit. They are scattered ell over the town, each one with several quadrangles and a playing field. The university organization is superimposed over the various colleges in a manner analogous to the American federal government over the various state's. A Ice chancellor Is at the head of this organization. About three-fourths of the stu dents take part in athletics, Mr. Rosebraugh stated, and each dif ferent sport has a club, even down to the chess and ping-pong clubs. WM UEJK PLAY IT EMI Anna Q, Nilsson Film "Her Second Chance" Also Shows Today . . S. - P.. S.. railroad Inaugurates -improved new pension system for employes above 70, years old. v The Ili-Lo-Kive out of the Stu dent Prince company, consists of a male singing quartet aided by a prize winning beauty in the first of five acts at the Elsinore todny. Resides, the vaudeville Anna Q. Nilsson will be shown In Her Sc6nd Chance." Miss Juanita Thomas won the title of "The Prettiest Girl irj Iowa." through a contest held by the Des Moines Capitol, one of the leading newspapers in the state. This should be of special in terest to Salem citizens in view of the recent controversy as to whether girls in-the Iowa capitol building or those in Oregon were the prettiest. Johnny Herman, who describes himself as "A Cloud with a Silver Lining is the blackface comedian and songster in th second act. Knox and Stetson are expert hat jugglers, whose boomerang tricks with hats of all sizes and description offer a. most interest ing bit of entertainment in the third act. Katnryn McConnell, "The Pap rika Girl," and Ed West, a funny comedian, will offer their comedy classic, "A Lesson in Golf," in the fourth act of the vaudeville. "A Variety Musical Frolic" is the. title of the act of two petite young misses named Bernard and Merritt in the last act. . Portland Apple exports this year will break all records with impfovedcold storage facilities at docks. SOI AT EU6EKE FAIR; Don Carlos and Elsie Don nelly; Winners in First Day at Lane Event EUGENE. Or.. Snt 23. (A P.) Good raers marked the opening of horne racing at the Ian coun ty fair today. Don Carlos, owned by Hanley Kros., took first money in the 2:17 para and Rhinett Lo gan, owned by K. Montgomery, ai-ih.-kuxh k'io cairn within one sec ond of tying tie track record, won second money. Hlnle Donnelly, owned by William Thill, placed highest in the 2:20 trot with three ftrsy: Tno summ.iry: 2:17 Pace Don carlos 13 1 Ithinetta Logan 4 12 Kal Ansol :s 4 3 Tom Poole 4 ? ! Time 2:12.&: 2:10.2; 2:1!".2, 2:20 Trot, Elsie Donnelly Ill Boll Chimes 2 2 2 Buena Vista 3 ? 3 Dick Dudley 4 4 4 Time 2:19.2; 2:15.2; 2:15.2. FUJI, KEEPING AFTER WET LABEL Publisher Seeks IvTandamus Compelling Kozer to Put Slogan on Ballot George Putnam. Salem newspa per publisher, who was nominated for the office of state senator for Marion county at the democratic primary election, today will file mandamus proceedings in the state supreme court to compel the secretary of state toprint the slo gan "opposed to prohibition" after his name on the official ballot at the November election. Mr. Putnam will base his suit on a recent supreme court decision in was held that inde pendent candidates at the Novem ber election were entitled to have a slogan after their name on the ballot. The suit to be filed by Mr. Put nam probably will delermiue for the first lime in the Oregou courts whether a party nominee is en titled to a slogan at the November election -under the same rule as laid down in the proceedings in volving independent candidates. XP I Party Was Under Almost Constant Fire of Aviators While in Peking SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 23. (AP) Roy Chapman Andrews, explorer and archaeologist, ar rived yesterday on the liner President Cleveland after an in effectual attempt to penetrate into the Gobi desert to discover pos sible human evidences that this desert is the "cradle of mankind." Andrews was halted at Peking by warring Chinese faction .after having started on the expedition last May. Andrews said he sent a camel train of 150 animals and a large amount of supplies into the desert In nwftU hist onmln? hut that ho . . " I lost track of this train in the uysAi The C.C. Store FRBEZAY and OA Fresh Lot Bacon Squares, per lb. 25c Here is the situation regarding- BACON SQUARES. This kind of bacon . is in such heavy demand, the packers are continually short. We succeeded in getting for this week a portion of our order about 200 lbs. We do not expect this lot to last through Saturday. However, as long as they last Friday andaturdayi...-.-.-...:..... - -25c lb. HERE IS ANOTHER EXCEPTIONAL BUY J.,. Fridayand Saturday Only 19c Dry Goods 19 c $2.85 THE BEST FOODS CO.' in order to better introduce their BEST FOODS VEGETABLE SHORTENING permit the sale for. these two days OQ only. . ! lb. tin.. OC 3 lb. tin : , 6 lb tin . 9 lb. tin . ..... Swift's Pride Washing Powder.... ...64c - ..$1.77 Light House Cleanser can . 36 inch good grade Outing light and darks, yd 1. A few left of those large Krinkled Bed Spreads..... Arrowhead Hosiery ' 5c c "If you have used them they need no introduction - . iC. Strb 254 N. Commercial St. fighting 'around Peking and be lieves that it may have been anni hilated by one of the .bands of mauyading irregulars. He puts hi tons, of camels and supplies at $25,000. There had been no word of thf train, he said, when he left Shanghai for' home. During the stay in Peking the Andrews party was under the al most constant fire of aviators who I mm bed the city. Several of the Chinese troops took pot shots at the explorers, Andrews said, but their aim was pod r and they did no damage. Two. members of the party managed to reach an isolat ed point in the Yunnan province where they are investigating evi dences of ancient buried cities. w. c. t. u. SERIOUSLY HIT Received Scalp Wounds and Body Bruises in Fall on Basement Stairs TEACHERS' PLANNED IN BEfID Prominent Speakers Sched uled to Appear at Insti tute October 25-29 7Irs. Lizzie Dal, ir.atron of (lie Salem UXTU building, fell dov.-n the basement steps on Wednesday evening and received two serious scalp wounds, besides internal in juries that are proving trouble onie if not dangerous. About 30 stiiches were taken in the scalp wounds, at the Deacon ess hospital, to which the injured lady was taken after her accidenc. Laic last night the hospital peo ple reported that Mrs Dale was doing as well as could be expect ed. The uncertain nature of the internal injuries give them some worry. P.F.N'D. Or., Sept. 23. ( API R. R. Turner, state superintendent of public instruction, will be a speaker at teachers" institutes in four central Oregon counties the week of October 2.r. to 29 it was announced today. Other speakers include Mary L. Fulkerson. coun ty superintendent of schools in Marion county; Dean M. Elwood Smith and Kdwin T. Reed of the Oregon Agricult ural college fac ulty; V. V.. Ilea t tie, University of Oregon; 11. C. Seymour, state boys and girls' club leader and Mrs. Marie Connelly Harrington from the state tuberculosis society. Four counties. Deschutes. Crook, Jefferson and Sherman are uniting and have arranged their institu- j tions ho that the speakers will be able to appear at the. tour meet ings in order and four times the service will be secured for the samemoney. it was pointed out by J. Alton Thompson. Deschutes county superintendent, who re turned today from a conference in Madras. Dates for the insti tutes are as follows: Deschutes. October 25 and 26; Crook. Octo ber 2C and 27: Jefferson, October 2 7 and 28; Sherman, October 28 and 29. Eugene Bringle Motor com pany will build $50,000 garage building. HEAR the PHELPS CHASE TRIO At the First Christian Church T-O-N-I-G-H-T At Kafoury's Pure Linen Table Cloths Pure Linen Luncheon Sets i m Were Never Sold So Cheap in Year As Now You really should stock up on this fine Im ported Linen. It will pay you to do 'so. Prices will never beso low again on Bel gium, German and Czecho Slovakia Lin ens. They're priced cheaper than cotton. Everyone can now afford to use and have plenty of real linen cloths every day See these stylish, popular colored sets a b s o 1 utely fast color pure dye. 36x36 in. Lch. Cloths $1.25 45x45 in. Lch. Cloths $1.75 54x54 in. Lch. Cloths $2.45 54x54 in. Lch. Cloths S2.75 Very attractive colored border ancf plaid effects which Will be much admired and appreciated every time you see them on your table. v t 54x54 Luncheon Set, $7.98 value for $5.98 56x56 Luncheon Set, $6.95 value, for $4.98 54x54 Luncheon Set, $4.50 - $5.95 val. for $3.98 See Window Display I ? II II ' Salem Store 466 State SL Portland Silk Store 362 Alder St. Named as HeadM emergency Fleet I "v y - i FOUR LETTEBWIEH BflGK AT PARF1SH Coach Brown Will Have Thirty-three Out for Football Practice Brigadier Ceneral Albert C. Dalton becomes the new head of the Emergency Fleet Corpora tion, succeeding Elmer E. Crow ley. General Dalton has a long and successful military career. Parrteh Junior high school start ed football practice yesterday iiri dr the direction of Coach Frank rtrown. Thirty-thn-o suits am expected to be issued to the squad. The team wifl have to be built around four lettermen from last year: Villi I-ehman. halfback; C.ranville Perkins, guard; Walter Dougher. guard, and Joe King quarterback. With these men as a nucleus the coach expects to build up a team that will make a creditable showing this season. The school has been handicap ped in getting a schedule, as most j of the valley high school teams are much heavier in avordupois. The actual playing schedule will not be announced until later in the season- i Noti Construction under way on four-room school building. Chocolote Nut j. Marshmallows f- Fresh From Portlan Rpfrulnr Trice ,T.0c a . K For SaturdjQfV Only V 3fir n Hi. ! 2 lbs. for 70c Limit two lbs. to a customer only. VVe reserve the right to limit" quantities. Onjy At QCHAEFER'C V) j Penslar Store J 135 North Commercial StT j Original Yellow Front .V PHONE 197 ' al iMiviOTaliW! Golorf The Theme of the NEW FOOTWEAR The -opportunity for expressing your own personality in footwear was never more pronounced than this season. More artistic styles and a.more varied line has never been shown in Salem. High heel dress oxfords are exceptionally good. Sport oxfords are showing a great deal of action "at this time. School opening is probably having some bearing but the styles are much 'better than ever. T Most sport oxfords sell for $6.00 New Archpreserver styles are here. You must see them to appreciate just how attracUvelhe can Jbe. Prices range from $9.00 to $15 m REPAIR .JS-tT'SSS J)PJrP ery. We tiw nothing bnt the ry beit ends of lttr that money will bay. Mr. Jftcotson, In chars of this de partment, U an expert In hi line has spent years in factories and repair shops and will do nothing bat high grade work. ; THF PniCF L "A flkitttots ftu fampx -OtxBdxOU W.UitfcBoctJ CoBBdsdSooCl IbotAfptUBi DO your zzix ;S FEET -ES&SS HURT? .KS-Stt weak foot. Hat foot, fort straini J"4 fallen- arches adjnited. Bo not u""; Z will giro yon the best that can produce In scientific chiropMT- Consult DR. M. D. VINY i . x 11 ' V . , . - . '