The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 24, 1926, Page 6, Image 6

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Xation&l , league
: W. L. Pet.
0 ,Pt, Iloriui'. . .... .8 . 63 .58i
- y . Cmclanatl, .'. ...,. S5 63 .aCt-
' Pittsburgh 83 6S .530
Chicago . .U- SI 70 .527
New York . 71 76 .483
Brooklyn ....... 6!) 81 .460
Boston. ........, &3 84 .42
Philadelphia 55 88 .385
American League
. W. It. PcL
New York S3 61 .593
Cleveland ....... 87 63 .580
Philadelphia...... 80 66 .545
Washington ..... 80 .67 .544
Chicago . 79 71 .527
Detroit . .- ;"77 73 .507
St. Louis . 60 90 .400
Boston . . 46 105 .30"
Coast League
W. L. pet.
Los Angeles 108 68 .616
Oakland 95 81 .540
Missions . fcS 84 .512
Portland 88 90 494
Sacramento . . . j . 86 89 ".491
Hollywood 1. 85 ' 93 .477
Seattle . . "f. . SO 9.5 .457
San Francisco . . . 74 104 .414
O r- - 4T
Pacific Coast
POETLAKD,-, Or., Sept. 23.
( AP Portland and Hollywood
broke even in today's double
header, each scoring a shutout.
Scores were 3 to 0, Portland,
and 12 to 0, Hollywood.
1st game R. H. E.
Hollywood 0 3 1
Portland ... 3 8 0
Murphy, Malloy and Cook,
Peters; Hughes and Berry.
2nd game R. H. E.
Hollywood . ...12 19 1
Portland 0 6 1
Phillips and Peters; Mangum,
French, Leverette and Wendell.
LOS ANGELES. .Sept. 23.
(AP) The league-leading Angels
made it 4 out of 5 from Oakland
and increased their lead to 13
games by taking today's clash, 7
to 5.
Score R. H. E.
Oakland' 5 13 1
Los Angeles 7 9 0
Dickerman, Frazier, Gould and
Baker; Wright and Day, Hamil
ton and Hannah.
(AP) Earl Kunz pitched excel
lent l)all today while his San
Francisco teammates clouted the
sphere hard to defeat Sacramento
6 to 2.
Sacramento .
San Francisco .......
Keefe, ' Keating and
Kunz and Smirch.
R. H. E.
2 7 0
6 10 0
National League
I Results
(AP) The battling Cincinnati
Reds, hanging desperately on the
trail of the league leading St.
Louis Cardinals, today forced the
Phillies to go fifteen innings, be
fore darkness finally decided the
contest, neither a victory with the
score six-six.
Score R. H. E.
Cincinnati 6 15 2
Philadelphia 6 11 0
(Fifteen innings.) Rixey, Don
ohue and Hargraves, Plcinich;
Carlson and Wilson.
BOSTON, Sept. 23. (AP)
The Braves continued their
'springing finish of the season here
today by defeating the world
champion Pirates, 2 to 1.
Score R. H. E.
Pittsburgh 1 81
Boston . . . .261
Cremer and E. Smith. Gooch?
Edwards, Banton and J. Taylor.
v c 4.
mm :
If K
. ... h
(Costumed from pas 1)
victories oyer .Jess .Willard,
Georges Carpentler, and . Louis
FIrpo. Goqe was; the devastating
punch, the furious aggressiveness
that marked him as 'one of the
most feared men in the ring.
Instead, he seemed5 in a daze
from the start, nnable at any time
to sustain his attack for more
than a few seconds Occasionally,
he connected with long left or
right hooks to the head and body.
but these no more thin jarred the
challenger temporarily. Always
Tunney came back, punching with
rights and lefts, from the should
er, rocking Dempsey's.liead with
short but powerful punches.
It was Tunney's ; terrific right
band blows to the head,' chin and
ribs that decided the battle. This
blow delivered like a" ramrod,
broke up Dempsey's rushes,
opened cuts about his face and
finally, in the last round, closed
his left eye completely.
Dempsey was a sorry sight in
the final round as Tunney, realiz
ing victory and the .goal of his
fighting career was in his grasp.
threw caution to the winds and
lashed the champion about the
Gam'eiy, Dempsey, weaving and
bobbing, bored in, but he only
succeeded in taking a steady
stream of punishment. One eye
closed, blood dripped from a gash
under the title holder's right eye.
his mouth was cut 'and he was
reellng-hls. Jinees - wobbly under
the furious "shower of Tunney's
Desperately as .Tunney tried,
however, he. could not bring
Dempsey down. :. The champion, as
be had done throughout the fight,
absorbed his beating without giv
ing much ground.' -In a final wild
salley, he called Ills own guns Into
play, the weapons, that had
knocked put most of the men he
ever faced, but this time they
weren't loaded.' "
The' crowd gave Tunney a tum
ultous ovation before tho judge V,
Xt: ' . . . : V' ' . : r. V ...-
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decision was announced. There
was no doubt as to what it would
be, ' Dozens of the more enthusias
tic climbed into the ring, a squad
of police had : to deaf it so that
the announcer could make known
the formal decision.
Tunney won eight of the 10
rounds by so decisive a margin
that no doubt was left of his su
premacy, -the Associated Press
score sheets showed. None of the
rounds were scored for the cham
pion and only in the sixth and
seventh was he conceded better
than an even break. In both of
these, It was more a case of Tun
ney's cautiousness than Dempsey's
own attacking success that affect
ed the scoring.
But for his hesitancy to open
up and put all his guns into ac
tion. Tunney might have won by
a knockout or scored an even
more decisive victory. The chal
lenger was cautious at first be
cause he feared Dempsey was
holding back, purposely shifting
his customary rushing tactics to
upset the Marine's plan of battle,
but Tunney fonnd a ready mark
for his blowsand as he discovered
himself outpunching Dempsey
consistently at close and long
range, he became more aggres
sive and more confident.
His confidence grew as the bat
tle progressed through the
drenching downpour, but Tunney
always was a bit wary. Now and
then, in such rounds as the fourth,
sixth and seventh, Dempsey con
nected with solid smashes to the
head, driving In with a flash of
his old ferocity. " But the spark
soon faded from these outbursts.
The champion's downfall and
the disappointment in his showing
was reminiscent of the defeat of
James J. Jeffries by Jack Johnson
in the first heavyweight battle Tex
Rickard ever promoted, in 1910.
Dempsey, like Jeffries, went into
the ring a big favorite, only to ex
hibit little championship fighting
qualities. Chiefly because of
Ierapsey's lethargy and Tunney's
Intermittent cautiousness, the
bout had few thrills, few spectacu
iat save
lgjisninfTii 8iiiiiaifiQmgsg
" - 1
-a j
lar moments of the sort that have
punctuated most of Dempsey's
battles since he dethroned Wil
lard on July 4, 1919.
There were no knockdowns nor
the semblance of any except for
one or 'two occasions when the
fighters each slipped on the soaked
and slippery surface of tne ring.
Tunney was in conimaud from
the start. Before the bell had
ended the first round, with the
crowd amazed at Dempsey s slow
nevjs, the cbillenger had begun to
seize his opportunities. As the
chAmpion swung wildly, the for-
aer marine worked in his left
jabs ai;d crossed with solid rights
that shook Dempsey up.
From then on. with monotonous
regularity. Tunney beat off Demp-
r.?y's rushes with jolting blows
to the head and body. The chal
lenger gave ground more often
than Dempsey, but it was for
scientific purposes not because
he was receiving much punish
ment. Tunney's right eye was cu
in one round, the seventh, anq
hlood flowed from the re-opening
of outs on his lips, but these did
hot bother him to any extent. He
took Dempsey's stiff est punches
without flinching, and ducked or
blocked most of the others..
Tex Rickard's weather luck
finally failed for the first lim
tince he began promoting boxing's
biggest spectacles, but the soaked
tens of thousands, including many
women, refused to leave their
seats. Many had come prepared.
but the bis: majority took their
drenching smilingly and stuck to
the finish to cheer the advent of
a new reign in pugilism.
The rain started lightly at first.
shortly after Dempsey and Tun
ney entered the ring. During an
unusually long delay, caused by
the taping of their hands, if in
creased in intensity. By the lime
the final bell soinded. the two
riadiators wero spattered by solid
t-heels of water. Tunney's gloves,
soaked and crimson with Demp
eey's Diood. litterally splashed
their way to victoiy.
Gene Tunney's smile, laid aside
for a thin-lipped look of dcterm-
Terms Without . Interest
ination during his victorious fight,
returned as he" left the ring, and
"almost mobbed by a wildly en
thusiastic group of friends and
handlers. , . . , ,
pxa natn rally gratified," was
Vhq first .comment of the, studious
ex-marine. "I knew soon after
the start, that I was the cham
pion's master. I; fought a' care
fuiljr planned battis. and it suc
ceeded .to th3 fondest of my ex
pectations. Dempsey was game.
He . gave me troubje, but I, was
nerer doubtful of the outcome."
Dempsey deKilared:
"It's the old tory. The best
man won. I have no alibis. Give
all the credit to Gene. He's a
great champion.'
The champion, badly battered
as he was, rushed from his corner
after tne announcement of th de
cision and embraced Tunney in the
middle of the. ring.
Following Is the round by round
description of the fight:
Hound One
Tunney was short with a left
and they clinched In the corner.
After the breakaway they traded
Xunches to the body. Dempsey
missed a left and Tunney drove a
right to the head. Dempsey drove
both fists to the body at close
quarters. Dempsey hooked a left
to the head and clinched. Demp
sey backed away from a right.
Dempsey ducked a right to the
head. Dempsey crowded into
Tunney and got two lefts to the
head. Tunney ducked a right and
Dempsey fell into the ropes. They
traded rights to the head. Tunney
rocked. Dempsey with a right to
the jaw and was pounding him
furiously to the body at the belf.
Round Two
Tunnoy ran away with Dempsey
after him. They clinched without
damage. Dempsey hooked a left
to the head and two rights to, the
body a3 Tunney retreated. Demp
sey chased Gene to a corner pun
ishing him around the ring. Tun
ey was bleeding from the m'outh.
Tunney landed a light left to the
head. Dempsey drove Tunney to
a corner with a left and right to
the head. Tunney landed a light
right to the head. They clinched
in a corner without damage. Tun
iifcy landed a left to the head and
they clinched. Dempsey missed a
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left hook but sunk two rights o
the body. Tunney backed away
and landed a half doren punches
to the head. They were engaged
,in a furious body attack as the
bell ended the round
Round Throe
The rain was starting to fall
L heavily. They boxed cautiously
and Dempsey missed a left and
light to the head with Tunney
backing away. Jack ducked three
light lefts but was nailed with a
right to the jaw. Tunney drove
a right to the body as Jack came
in. Tunney nailed Dempsey with
i. right to the jaw as they clinch
ed. The blow staggered Dempsey.
They exchanged Mows to the hoau
and clinched. Tunney planted a
right to the body, backing Demp
sey to the rbpe3. They clinched
at the edge of the ring. Tunney
ripped a right to the head and
Jack chased him into a corner
without damage. Jack sunk a
right to the body and got a right
to the head.
Round Four
Dempsey sent a left to the jaw,
knocking Tunney into the ropef
Tunney hung on as Dempsey drove
his left fist to the body. Jack
chased the challenger into a cor
ner, driving his left to the body.
Dempsey vas bleeding from a
cut on the left eye. Dempsey
again missed a left hook to the
head. Dempsey was short with
left to the haad and they clinched.
Gene stepped away from a left to
the body. Tunney nailed Dempsey
with a right as the champion came
in. Tunney backed away from a
right and landed three punches to
the head., Tunney nailed Dempsey
with a right as the champion
backed into the ropes. They were
in the center of the ring with
Dempsey trying for an opening as
the round ended.
Hound Five
They reeled around each other
in the center of the ring. Tunney
missed a left and they clinched.
Gene backed away from a left
hook. Dempsey dm-ked a rijcht
and left to the he;d. They traded
rights to the head in a corner.
Tunney missed two lefts to the
head, then he ringed a left to the
body. Dempsey socked a left to
the body and got two lefts to the
head. Tunney tore in with short
Copy of the Declaration of J
v5S tffiommoiecfarrixwt
ttJ ,'
f J.. .' rf-TJ'. 4rr ' -
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(This is greatly reduced itt size from copy)
rights to the face. Dempsey
missed !a left hook: and they went
into a clinch.1 They were in the
center of the ring when the bell
sounded. Dempsey was spitting
blood when he went to his corner.
? Round Six (
' Dempsey -crowded' into Tr.mjey
and missed "& left hoot. Tunney
peppered him with a left and right
to the head. Jack chased Tunney
across the ring, landing a left
hook to. thfe chin. .At close ranjte
they slugged, with Dempsey hir
ing the advantage . Tunney again
hooked a left to the body and a
right to "the head as they clinch
ed. Tunney drove a right and
left to the body. Tunney war wide
with a right to the head. Demp
sey; hooked a left to the head and
Tunney countered with a right and
left to the head. Gene stuck two
lefts into Dempsey's face as Jack
v. caved ..Into him. Tunney was
racking .away from the champion
as Dempsey -was feinting for an
opening when the round
Round Srven
It's raining. Dempsey crouch
ed as he moved into Tunney. They
clinched without damage. Tun
ney landed a light left and danced
away. Tunney drove a right to
the chin as they clinched. Demp
sey ripped a left hook to Tunney's
eye, opening a gash. Denpsey
punished Gene In a corner and
Tunney landed two rights to
Dempsey's head without a return.
They traded rights to the bo'Iy
and Tunney shot a left to the head,
Tunney drove a right to the head
and missed a light left. D;rapsey
hooked a left to the chin. They
traded punches to the head in a
savage exchange in the center oi
the ' ring. Tunney drove a right
to the head and backed away as
the round ended.
Round Eight
Tunney backed away and then
booked a left to the head. Tun
ney was short with two lefts but
nailed Jack with the third they
clinched. Jack ducked a ritcht to
the head. Tunney kept Dempsey
away with Sve straight lefts to
the face. Tunney drove a right to
the jaw. Dempsey landed a right
to the bead and got a left hook in
return. Jack drove both flits to
the botf and Tunney complained
the blos were low. They ex
U Lt
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changed, light lefts to the head
Dempsey forced the fighting with
Tunney backing - away. Tunney
missed two lefts aDd a right to the
head. Tunney landed a right up
percut as tasy clhiched. Tunney
poked a long left info Dempsey's
face as the round ended. t
Round Nine . -
Tunney backed away Jroni h,
Hght to the head. They dxehsnR
ed blows to the body at cjse quar
ters. Dempsey missed a wi!d swing
and. th,y clinched. Dempsey was
short with a right to the body and
Tunney drove a right to the body.
Tunney landed two light lefts to
the head. Dempsey missed ribt
to the head and caught two lefts
on the jaw. Dempsey landed a
right to the jaw. Dempsey miid
a left and right and Tunney nailed
him with a ri?ht to the chin. Tun
ney hooked right and left to tho
Jaw. Dempsey missed a left as
they clinched. Dt mpsey's left oye
was closing and hi appeared to bo
very tired. Tunney planted a hard
right to the jaw and Dempsey
dropped into hi? chair as the.
round ended.. His seconds work
ed frantically over him.
Round Ten
They shook, They ex
changed punches to the body and
clinched In tho center of the rinR.
Dempsey missed a right to the
head. Dempsey 'trove two rights
and lefts to the body and Tunney
backed away. Dempsey pursued
the challenger, punishing him
with body blows and forcing him
into a corner. Tunney landed two
lefts and a right to the chin, stag
gering Dempsey. Tunney hooked
a right to the chin and they went
into a clinch. Dempsey's left eye
was closed. Tunney drove two
rights to the head. Tunney stag
gered Dempsey with a right to the
head, backing Dempsey into th?
ropes. Tunney drove, a right and
left to the jaw as Dempsey blind
ly. stepped in. Tunney drove Jack
to the rope3. Tnnnev hooksd a
left to the body find Dempsey ap
peared tired. The round ended
with Dempsey groggy as he was
led to his corner. Tunney award
ed the decisiou.
-Booth-Kelly hum- -I
building $7000 re- iT
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to Read
T r. ' T.
Salem, Oregon
? I -.5-