W w m m w m SI 1 MMI, J. ft ; 4 THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON fll ti ff SALLY PAINTS I SALEM RED! Not the brilliant Chinese Red eo much in vogue last spring but in lovely shades of the new wine red which fashion has decreed as the distinctive shade for the smartest of fall frocks. But, Fash ion is kind.' for those who do not loot their best in red she has created a deep rich shade of green and many unusual shades of brown and tan. which are PA equally good for Fall wear. ill 1? ft ft On her way down town Sally stopped for a minute to look at the -windows of the French Shoppe but she found them so in triguing that she couldn't pass them up. and she was well-rewarded for inside she found just the dress that she needed for teas and afternoon wear huge draped bat sleeves which come into a tight cuff and make one look like Catherine de Medici. Sally want ed to spend the whole afternoon there but she thought of the many things she had to do so hurried away to find some shoes to wear with her new frock. "To be smart one- must have a figure and that requires a well fitting girdle or corsette," says our wise Sally. The Howard Cor- set Shop is prepared to fit both slender and stout figures correct ly, and with the highest quality of goods. ' The next generation will have to hustle to find new thrills that this generation overlooked. QUELS BEAUX CHAPEAUX! - Sally at last has, found the . Uat she wanted- to;, wear' with", ; her r sports cdstumer Of course it is ' one of the new mushroom effects of soft felt with a short rippling brim exquisitely perfected "pour les sports." The Vanity-, Hat Shoppe, 3S9 Court. J". Sumo girls wiggle, others gig- ; gle. . whiles the ret8eeiu to: get their fun out of chewing gum. t St - . ..." ..... f ALE LET IT RAIN! LOT IT POUR! Sally is armed with an um brella and slicker that tan smile in any storm. The umbrella is o r- ui f111, j'iaiu own - v bjM'u' feM K n 1 1 n A 4Via oli'nlrAK ia KficrVlt I 'U 2AUU UgUl CUUUU iu ncifeiu be worn . comfortably either alone or over a warm top coat on cold days. Sally knows that she can rfly on them for she bought them at Kafoury's Department Store where everything is reliable. 7A SALLY LOOKED SO ATTRACTIVE IX ( her new things that she stop ped at the Kennel Ellis Studio to have her photograph taken. She realizes that for artistic photog raphy they are unexcelled. 1 1 IS IT REALLY SXAKESKIX? Sally opened her eyes in as tonishment as she tried on a pair of shoes in Price's Shoe Store. Isn't it a crime T To skin snakes for shoe trimming! thought Sally but who wouldn't skin a snake for a pair of shoes as delightful ly barbaric as those with cunning reptile designs on them in the fu turistic fashion and anyway it really wasn't snake skin, it was fine French kid- treated to resem ble our jungle friends. SALLY FIXDS MORE PAIXT at the Gabriel Powder and Sup ply Co., 175 South Commercial. Bright paint, glossy paint, paint of all kinds and colors for exterior and - interior use. Sally knows that, with a small can of bright paint one can do wonders to tho old chairs in the attic and she really enjoys painting them with Du Pont Duco, a paint enamel that dries in twenty minutes time, giving a glowy even sur face a pleasure for the eye to behold. f ' 7 for I bor coarse pores Elizabeth A) den, famous specialist in the dare of the skin, prescribes VENETIAN PORE CREAM. A ceaseless astrin- gent cream thaUcloses open pores and corrects th tir laxness. Tones the skin cells, keeps the skin healthy and fine-textured, re fines the coarsest pores. Smooth it on the face at bedtime, over the distended pores. Leave it on the skin over night. $1, $2.50. Elizabeth Arden has developed a scientific Prepara tion for every need of the skin. Her book "The Quest of the Beautiful" outlines the correct care of the skin and the best use of her specialized Venetian Toilet Pre parations. Ask for a copy at the toilet goods counter Central Pharmacy Next Door to the Rank of Commerce J A SHIXY XOSE IS XOT A SHIXIXG EXAMPLE for any one to fo;:ow. Neither is a nose covered with powder of an improper texture. ' Well groomed women invariably choose a powder which is suitable to the requirements of their skin. The "Capital Drug will help you in se lecting the powder which will best accentuate your personal charm. LIKE THE STRAW THAT BROKE THE CAMEL'S HACK is the bag which is not a fitting complement to one's costume. Sally is most enthusiastic over those which she finds at Moon's Jewelry Shop of the best quality of kid and one to golwith every costume and some that will go t with any costume. v i . f is opposed to bootlegging T ' " TUESDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 21,M926. 7 s PAINT: RED EXQUISITE LAMP shades: Sally knows that peace of mind can be attained through a boudoir of charm and beauty. Soft lights contribute to the beauty of any room. The delicate glow of a boudoir lamp harmonizing with luxurious furniture brines, to her mind he thought ;of Stiff's Furni ture Company where quality and fair prices give every .one the opportunity of having a beauti fully furnished home. IT'S A GREAT ASSET And no woman can afford to be careless about her hair without losing the greater share of her personal charm. Sally, who is very fastidious about her's, goes to the Model Beauty Shop for her permanent wave. Experience has taught them the especial need of every texture of hair. And who does not know that i the barbers here are men who are expert in the cutting of ladies' and chil dren's hair. ' - A MAY IS KNOWN BY THE COMPANY HE KEEPS and a woman is known by the stationery she uses. You can find just the right note paper to fit your personality at the Crown Drug Store. Do not give the wrong impression tc your friends by using a cheap grade of sta tionery. ' 0 WEEK.EXI7 CASES in sea lion gray with gray silk linings. Beautiful beyond com pare. Just see for yourself. Max O. Buren, 179 North Commercial. i SUCH ELEGANCE AS THE AUTUMN 3IODE, DISPLAYS! ' At last, woman has come into her own, for the new autumn fashions are designed to enhance her . grace and charm. More fit ted lines. Greater leeway in trim ming. Richness in fabric and col or. Gorgeous -embroideries. Seem ing1 straightness that billows forth enchantingly when one moves. Skirts short, but not too short. Wine red Jhe new shade, with black a close rival. Elbow puff sleeves, or deep armholes. Sur plice closing on frocks. We could jgo on indefinitely, telling you of their new features., but the. best- thing is to go to Miller's and sec .them for yourself. They will be gad to show, them to yqa, when ever you call. - - - , rrr NG SALLY MUST LEARX THE WTj valexcia j-. and the Harvard Trot at Mrs. jut Ralph White's Dancing Academy fij, in the Derby building. Mrs. White has just returned from a summer of study with Sylvia Tell at tne Cornish School at Seattle and the Oregon -Association of "Dancing in Portland. Her ballet classes open October .4, and hep ballroom class es October 7 at 8:30 p. m. SALLX LIKES THE DELICIOUS WAFFLES served at the Spa at all hours to say nothing of their delectable fountain drinks. Lawsuits and surgical opera tions cost at least twice as inucU us you figure on. A CiOOD BEGINNING is essential to. every growing foot. Children who are not provided with shoes that fit perfectly and -support the foot well are sooner or later bothered with corns, cal louses and all the othert troubles of defective feet. In the Juvenile Department of the Buster Brown Shoe Store Sally found shoes that . were both sensible and good look ing for school children, and for herself she found the duckiest sport oxfords Imaginable, suitablo for both golf and street wear. RINGS ON HER ii ' T . FINGERS, BUT V '.' "X,; 'A- Sally refuses ' to have tears -' for her crown because she cannot, be' sad when she looks at the pleas ing array of many. Jewels ear rings, bracelets, watckes, ' rings and necklaces at Burnett Bros. '" It , GKNTLEMKN MAY ORDINARILY PREFER BLONDES BUT ' : - - blondes and brunncttcs are eftiial- ly irresistible: after a, shampoo unci a marcel at Gray'tf Improve- ment Shoppe. :'- , 3 5 r 'f t n I I I