r . THE OREGON STATESMAN. SALEM, OREGON -; j r f 0 . TUESDAY .MORNING, SEPTEMBER 21. 1926:, - r i ' i 1 Q0 OBQJo' " 0. Ail Aiiasiigwpiiaplilf V7 10 D man uuuu 0 ID Al.l. - . er-e torts beSJJIipsed. That we intend making this, our Third Anniversary nd the lowiess of the prices which will prevail--in every department of this large pamed of Reductions in most instances ranging from 20 to 50 under normal under way tor months, and in anticipation of this event we have secured immense at would have been impossible in any other way were it not for our snot cash of fers iderful valuts ever offered by this or any other store. k's Blaclcfrvf Brand ter RepeCiS'Coats arafiiffe; Regt value; each $3.45 TRUNKSlsUIT CASES pND HAND FAGS . !JL C lops, ueguiany now marked at lEN'S UNION ,ht a very hi; pent, now reflu. ESTS with Id at 39c imTmm UITS, light 49c nuine II . COTTON, M.G. ically in ev LUi iUiN,iprinicaIly in ev :olor desired; a Sally Q d for this sel? skein OC Li 3.1 DKEN H and beigeJ pefbair IEN'S LISLE IPSE; brown OSI1 findTihfrby LdV colors, sandJpiam-iorv ; a fine mercjTzed quality. es to 6oc ;air iicii7 uu quail l. l.J4)L...29c Footwear For Men At Prices That Are POSITIVELY AMAZING These Extraordinary Values to be Found in Basement MEN'S DRESS SHOES In every wanted style, color or Leather, priced as follows: $2:98 $5 VALUES NOW PAIR MEN'S WORK SHOES Real solid leather Footwear that will give real good service $1.79 - $2.50 VALUES NOW PER PAIR ... $6.50 VALUE Q QQ $5 VALUES $9 fQ NOW PAIR JJ.i0 GO AT PAIR $.49 $7.50 VALUE y! AO VALUES TO $6.50 AO AT PER PAIR fPfiWO NOW GO AT '. J0.i0 Men's 16-in. Hi-Top All Leather Shoes, $8.00 Value, pair... $5.45 MenVBuchhect 16-in. Best Quality Packs, $11 value, pair $7.95 Boys real solid leather School Shoes, $1 value, pair $2.98 .ore Yqm JJeadq rv k i Baseitint IVS CLOTH W S 7Q II turn watcrji illC New Shipment of Men's : U. S. HIP BOOTS First Quality Red Rubber Boots. Guaranteed. Now priced at Pair $6.95 MEN'S KNEE BOOTS First quality black rubber, re duced. For this sale J4 C at pair , tpTrOD Women's Pebble Top J0 QQ Rubber Boots, pair .... vuijO uarters While Visiting the State Fair i 'n's WOOL SIIIR3 AO hev Dlaids. So i P.0 1 i ji ing :i tt J I li it 3BSSIE1I K Infants' and Children's CASHMERE HOSE Here are values in these staple numbers that run up to OQ-,' 65c; per pair O 7C MEN'S UNION SUITS Sample lot of 500 garments. This lot comprises , every wanted weight in cotton or wool; now at exactly ONE-HALF PRICE N 4 T T rfi .quality woo amous make KTO S5.C0 $2.25 Jurkland Wits Rayon knee . This high now reduce sary Sale to $1.49 Within d See Ff rsti lUY YOUR BEDDIG RIGHT NOW! The Prices Are the Most Attractive Of fers in Years LARGE SHEET BLANKET J AUTO ROBES Leather lined Here is a regular $8.50 valfie specially marked down for this tf0 QC great sale to ...1 npOmVD Cotton Comforters 2 big lots The .fillings are 100'c new cotton batting The coverings are desirable mater ials In a large selection of pleasing patterns, specially priced at $3.49 and $4.49 Buy Cotton Batting 8 Oz. Cotton Batts, each 20c 12 Oz. Cotton Batts, each..... ..29c 16 Oz. Cotton Batts, each..... ..39c 72x84 ComforteriBatts. ..........98c $1.95 fancy Plaid doubfe. bed size single AO. lankets now marked, each t?UI NASHUA BLANKETS 1x76 double washable blan ks war. lanz-y borders at .... . ashua Supreme BLANKETS high grade fancy Blanket, size 72x80, come pretty plaid effects. & A Ail LOO Values Dt.t7 WOOL BLANKETS FndG pound. Here is an excep- (J4 Qt nalqffyrm'g in values to $9. JT.-JJ INDIAN BLANKETS $3.98 R P i p. 5 COUF gyETS ancy designs. ze 61x78, now ius of 50 Miles of Our Store or i nis Section tor Particulars Young Men s Sweaters .Come in the Slipover Styles. To be had in all wool or fancy Rayon mixtures. Values up to $6.00. Now specially d0 AC priced at each $J4D Men s Blazier Shirts Made of all rool, fancy plaid materials, in a large variety of neat patterns d0 Of Now offering $5.00 values at J)0OD Boys' Union Suits heavy cotton -ribbed winter weight: gar ment, usually sold at $1.25, all sizes, now priced at, each . ....1.. 07 C i The MpV ClotMinig DepcMf IS IN A POSITION TO OFFER THE MEN AND YOUNG MEN OF THIS VICINITY SUPER VALUES DURING THIS OUR THIRD ANNIVERSARY AT PRICES THAT ARE BOUND TO BE THE CROWNING FEATURE OF THIS ENTIRE SALE Here you will find Men's and Young Men's High Grade ' I ilk Suits and Overcoats Styled by some of the foremost leading tailors of this continent. We are going to offer you high grade hand tailored clothing such as you would expect to find in the most exclusive clothing establishments of the large cities and now quoted you at a figure that is positively the lowest notch we have ver known to be made on such fine men's wearing apparel. $40 to $50 Men's - Young Men's Hand Tailored Suits Come in conservative and Young Men's Single and Double Breasted Styles. Made and styled of the finest American and im ported wool materials in soft or hard fin ished weaves. Choice 27. Men's Fine Suits In Conservative Styles Only ,W wonderful -se lectioni"of high grade tailored clothing that sold up - to $30. l'rict'd specially for this occasion 4. MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S High Grade Suits $17.50 Jtadc of t light or dark fancy wool materials and perfectly tailored by mas ter craftsmen. Values in tlit.s lot run up to $35. Now for your choice at I Young Men's Suits ) -1 i"' Young Men's High Grade Suits Double Breasted Models, made of plain blue serge or diagonal worsteds. Guaranteed not to fade. These suits are the' very latest eastern modes and( tailored to sell at S40. Now ex ceptionally priced. $9950 Come in Single or Double Breasted styles Your first glance will behold the high grade tailoring that has been put into these garments. These same' suits can be seen in many stores! priced up to $37.50. Your choice w JJL O' at J - Boys' Four-Piece Suits Double or single breasted, one long and one short pants. Made of fine wool materials that will give good wear and lasting satisfaction. Now marked $11.95 Boys' 2-Pair Longie Suits One long and one short pants Tailored of very strong, dur- ft ft gf able materials that are bound nil 1 to give real hard wear.... i " L Boys' Virgin Woo. Suits Come in double breasted styles so much in vogue at the present time. , -J, The materials and work nianship are the very best Choice .... Bpys' Wide Bottom Corduroy Pants (tO CQ Come in Blue, Grey and Tan shades at per pair pJ& Young Men's Collegian Corduroy f Pants Made with wide bottbm Come in Blue,- Grey or Tan. At pair $4.95 Men's Overcoats -1: - Men s New Fall Overcoats Here are new fall, models tailored .of the sea son's newest style Coatings 'that will stand up under all conditions. Garments that usu ally sell to $30. Now priced... . t; - .0 These overcoats must; be seen to be appreciated. Values that boldly stand out in contrast to anything heretofore offered at this price. ''Values to $40. Now priced ... i 1 $ 2 4i5 MEN'S MOLESKIN PANTS dJO AO Heavy grade in neat pin stripes. Pr.j)i0 BOYS' FINE DESS CAPS Light or dark patterns. $1.50 values. 98c MEN'S FINE WOOL CAPS Dress caps that sold up to $3. Now.... $1.79 MEN'S FELT DRESS HATS $6 to $7 values now priced at $3.95 MEN'S CO VEKALLS J , Union made. In Blue or Khaki....; $2.29 MEN'S HEAVY SWEATERS Coat style. $6.50 to $7 value at $4.49 MEN'S RIBBED UNIONS , Medium weight. $1.35 value now. 98c MEN'S COTTON RIBBED UNIONS d1 1Q A good, heavy winter weight. Now..:. $1 1 MEN'S PART WOOL UNIONS d . CQ A regular $2.25 value. Now priced at v 1 Df MEN'S WOOL UNION SUITS Wright's brand $5 value now at.:.. $3.89 MEN'S DRESS SUSPENDERS Cable style of new fresh elastic. Pr. 35c MEN'S FINE DRESS SHIRTS Come in collar attached styles. Now. 79c MEN'S FANCY DRESS SHIRTS - Made of genuine DRESS SHIRTS ' r fAf Broadcloth. $3.50 yti.$yV , JMENS!. FRENCH FLANNEL Shirts Qj;QQ 'Collar attached. $3.50 values now at,vl wO M EN'S.CANT-BUST-'EM UNION MADE OVERALLS AT PAIR.. $1.69 IttDO'Q ' Men?s Overalls style; suspenderrv gr. i, made of. heavylj II UJr O Icnim; specially I Th J J ; is occasion, at per Jr VJJf .J Waist or bib style; suspender , or high back. 220 blue denim; priced for this pair Men's Sox, Pr. . 6c 10c Hankerchief s 3c Wool Sox Pr 19c Men's Garters . 15c Wide Webb, 35c Value Men's Rayon Sox 39 Fancy Plaids Val; to 75c Pair Men's Work Shirts r i . . '. ' ' ; .... ' "J ' l - , n, ..J' .... -. -H, ,. Made of fine fast color Chambray 2 :h- C mane oi iineiasi coior vnamoray -pocket style and 'double stitched through out Priced for our Third ;v CQn Anniversary; Each ; ; &J C SALEM, ORE.