The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 19, 1926, Page 9, Image 9

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1 1
Pacific Coast- and Inter
Mountain Organizations
v - r Enter AAA ,
. WASHINGTON, D. . U. me
forthcoming conference at Salt
..,, eft of Pacific Coast and
Inter-mountain automobile clubs
affiliated with the American Auto
4 mobile Association will hare as its
first order of business a thorough
canvass of the new alignment of
motor tourist travel as developed
within the last three years. ,
BO UeClHi cu o.iv-"'w
A. A. national headquarters here
today, which at the same time,
called attention to the tremendous
--.,-est that the entire northwest
. --Hfic oast.has, taken In
Celebration of 150th Store
Opening to Be Pro
tracted Celebrating the opening of their
ope hundred and fiftieth store, the
Western Auto Supply Company is
now holding a great money saving
sale on standard articles of West
ern Auto equipment, which is in
effect in all of their 150 stores
throughout the West and will con
tinue for two weeks.
As a token of the. Company's
appreciation of the patronage that
has made the tremendous growth
possible during the past ten years,
the Western Auto Supply Com
pany is giving to' each tire pur
chaser during this sale a new
standard inner tube, at half price.
Throughout the two weeks of
the sale standard Western Auto
merchandise in, the most popular
accessories will be offered at pric
es considerably less than the regu-.
lar Western Auto low prices at
which these goods are sold The
prices and the inner tube sale
will be in effect! in: all Western
Auta stores, wherever they my
be located. . , ,
The first Western, Auto Supply
Company store was opened on the
Pacific Coast in 1916 by George
Pepperdine, founder of the Com
pany and its present head. This
fmall store was opened with a
stock worth approximately $4,000.
Mr. Pepperdine had some previous
experience in the automobile ac
cessory business in a middle west
ern state and came to Los Angeles
rtth a thorough realization of the
e of advertising and the
lends that could be made by sel
ling standard merchandise t as
low a cost as possible consistent
with quality, -andstanding abso
lutely back of every sale that was
made. This policy, which has con
tinued in effect through the en
tire growth of the Company, lias
probably been the secret of this
organization's success-
From the modest -start of one
store in 1916, the Western Auto
Supply Company grew to a chain
of 20 stores in 1920, and the busi
ness had increased to an annual
worth of about 100,000. This
business was theft -. incorporated
and additional -capital secured
through the sale off stock, a large
portion of the stock being pur
chased by employees of the com
pany. The business- was extended
to an the large towns and cities
in the Pacific Coast states and
grew with such rapidity that the
150tjt store was recently opened.
Western Auto now, ha 100
stores in California; and one. or
more stores in every other .impor
tant community In Arizona, Colo
rado, Idaho, New Mertoo, Nevada.
Utah, Oregon, Washington, Wyo
ming. Montana, and tbe Hawaiian
Islands. . , , .
The growth, of the Westren Au
to Supply Company is actually the
growth of an Idea plus a determin
ation on the part of one man to
see his idea through. The indomi
table courage of George Pepper-
(Continued on page 4)
California' City Requires Full
Halt as Precautionary L ;
i . Measure - .
An ordinance-; requiring all
drivers to bring automobiles to a'
complete 'stop -before crossing
railroad tracks - has been ; passed
by the Hanford, Calif., city coun
cil, according to II.1 J Clancy, of-
ncer in general charge of safety
V "It is the belief, Clancy said,
"that requiring the driver to stop
will result in Jooking in both di
rections and, making, observations
which will safeguard against ac
cident if a train Is approaching.
It is the farther belief that when
required to ' stop drivers .will not
approach crossing at a speed so
hgh that they cannot stop "before
running into trains, a condition
existing in more than one-fifth
of all grade-crossing accidents. 4
"In the last eight years ending
December ;;3i, 1925,? l,67fc auto
mobiles struckTi; train on the
Southern Pacific instead of being
. atntcit br train;. iBfl lll skidded
into train, resulting " from1 ap
proaching track at speed ; above
broking power o tks. mcljine.'e
southeastern territory' Thos. P.
Henry, president , of the associa
tion, declared. He .continued:
"Last winter our clubs reported
an 860 per cent Increase in motor
travel to states south, of the Ohio
river, and east of the Mississippi,
with an average 50 per cent de
crease .in, motor r travel ; to - the
SOUthwest. i f '
"Travel Into the Pacific North
west and into the Rocky mountain
states has shown a marked In
crease during the summer months.
This ' country contains the scenic
marvels of the west. The nation
al association is working closely
with our Pacific coast club to de
velop business into .; northern Call
fornia and the northwest, during
the summer, and the road and in'
formation: services ! these wonder
ful clubs have, established appeal
to our members and to ; the mil
lions, routed by our clubs.
"The modern motorist is often
an investor send he brings a
stream of gold into and through
our territory. pur forthcoming
conference in Salt Lake City will
devpJp iWay and means for ln-
I Ends in Adjustments
. Following a statement made by John N. Willys, president
ofr Willys-Overland, Inc., upon his return from Europe early
this week, that recent improvements in factory facilities
at the plants of the organizations had materially reduced man
ufacturing overhead and that sales had been holding up in
a manner entirely- unexpected at this season,, a sensational
cut in prices on all Overland models was announced today, the
cuts rahging from $40 on the Whippet Sedan to ?120 on the
Overland Six Sedan DeLuxe.
' Coming at the end of what has been the largest month in
Dodge Brothers' Find New
Model Meets With Im
mediate Approval
V$ to the close of business Aug
ust 28, Dodge Brothers Dealers in
the United States and Canada had
delivered 4 225 of the Graham
Brothers new two-ton truck which
was announced to the public Aug
ust 21 Graham Brothers report
total shipments of 907 two-ton
trucks up to August 28 and that
on that date they held unfilled
orders from Dealers for 403 of
this capacity.
"The large and immediate de
mand for Graham Brothers new
two-ton truck," declares Bone
steele Motor Company officials,
local dealers, "is exactly what
would be expected by one familiar
with the economical and depend
able performance of their one-ton
and their ton-and-a-half trucks.
Like the two smaller models, this
large truck Js available with bodies
designed and built at the factory
to serve the requirements of al
most all vocations requiring trucks
of two-ton capacity.
"Dodge Brothers three-quarter-tn
commercial cars and the three
capacities of Graham Brothers
trucks with the various bodies
supplied by the makers, are adap
ted to the . needs of over 400 dif
ferent vocations and now meet
over 90 per cent of all commercial
haulage requirements."
Sales Increases Due to Qual
ity of Materials, He
Declares !
Reporting an increase in sales
volume that has necessitated lar
ger and more comodious quarters,
Fred W Snook, vice-president of
the Lambert Sales Corporation, of
Oakland; California, distributors
of C. T. C Tires and Tubes, was
a factory visitor during the week.
We attribute the splendid in
crease in business that we are en
Joying in San Francisco and Oak
land solely to the fact that C. T. C.
Tires are becoming firmly estab
lished as a quality product.
"I am firmly convinced that mo
torists are getting more and more
educated to the fact that you can
not expect to buy silk soxs at the
price of cotton, and that mileage
and satisfactory performance is
the only true, gauge of automobile
tires. .
, "In our territory, we are con
stantly receiving enthusiastic re
ports from C. T. C. users, that
clearly indicate the real economy
of using a quality tire.
"Within a tew days we will
open our I new establishment in
Oakland; where we will enjoy
very modern facility and estab
lish, ft "drive-in" service.
' "My work with C. T. C. dealers
throughout northern California
and my contact with dealers here
in the Northwest, clearly indicate
the wisdom of the C. T. C factory
officials in adhering to their de
termination to build only a high-J
grade product."
Mr. Snook is accompanied by
William Lenhof, vice-president in
charge of sales in the San Fran
cisco territory."
. ; JUNEAU, i Alaska ?A. radio
message to the 4 Alaska Empire
here tbnlght- from s the United
States Coast Guardicutter Unalga
said 92 Indians . were homeless
and without food after a . fire
which destroyed three-fourths of
the 'buildings in Kake, an island
village, 100 tnlles south ot Juneau
lato yesterday -
ters Mmpare for
mnced by Firm
m Whippet 'Sedan la $120f on
jcLuxt; increased Production
volume of sales. ever known in
Willys - Overland history, this
price reduction Is looked upon as
an indication that Willys-Overland
is taking the position of passing
all excess profits, coming as a re
sult of increased output, on' to
the car buyer
This brings the Whippet into
a closely competitive price range
with its only other competitor in
the light car class with the ad
vantage from fonr wheel-brakes,
full .balloon tires and other con
structional features which are ex
clusive with this model in its
The new prices on the Overland
six . line brings all models below
$1000 f. o. b. factory. The new
Overland six prices have brought
this model down to a point where
the price difference between the
lowest priced six on the market,
and the Overland, in the two-door
or coach model is negligible de
spite the fact that the general di
mensions and specifications of the
Overland make it the largest car
in its general size class.
No changes have been made in
the prices on the Willys-Knight
model built by the same manufac
turers. It has been known in the trade
for some time that sales on all
Overland models Tiave exceeded
original factory specif tcatlong and
that production has been steadily
stepped up since- the first of the
year. It has also been known that
Willys-Overland have set high
aims as they relate to quantity
output and that all manufacturing
sales plans . have been laid with
the idea of keeping prices down
to' the lowest levels consistent
with the profitable operation of
the company.
The new prices on the Overland
models have, however,-reached to
a lower level than anyone in the
industry .has anticipated in view
of the fact that numerous mechan
ical improvements have been
made in the Overland six models
during the past several months
and that the original price on the
Whippet .models Were held supris
lngly low in face of the construc
tional features in this light car.
Coupled with the announcement
from the Ford Motor company
that no new Ford models were an
ticipated and with the announce-
(OoBtiaasd ort f S.)
Motorist bed
Seven Thousand-Square
Miles Is Territory of
Arizona Agent
Not all of the "great open
spaces" of the West have been
sub-divided into city lots 'nor yet
have they been completely filled
by moving picture studios, syn
thetic cowboys and tame. Wild
West sets. When a single auto
mobile dealer in a comparatively
small city controls a sales terri
tory of 7,000 square miles it may
be conceded that there is still
parking room left "out where the
west begins."
Down in Bisbee, Arizona, Ray
Krebs, Chevrolet Dealer, has for
his domain of .merchandising activ
ities just such an area as mention
ed above. His district of opera
tion is as great as half a dozen
Balkaln states put together.
Krebs started out one morning
on a selling pilgrimage that car
ried him some 335 miles from his
place of business. He sold a Chev
rolet to his long distance prospect
and started back driving the turn-ed-ln
About 175 miles from home the
dealer met an acquaintance work
ing on the highway and sold him
the used car.
Krebs came home from his ex
pedition empty handed but with
pockets bulging ready to $tart out
on another world wide tour in
search of business.
Up in Holbrook, in the north
east corner of Arizona, is a Chev
rolet dealer with a territory even
greater than that of Krebs. His
district includes such extensive
features as the Painted Desert, tbe
Navajo reservation and the Kaibab
In spite of the great rough and
sparsely settled tracts, a great
many Chevrolet cars are sold
throughout the West. Due to its
hill-climbing ability, this light au
tomobile leads all other makes in
number of sales in mountainous
districts such as the state of Nev
ada, Inyo county, California and
Mojave and Pima counties, Ari
There has been some mention of
walking a mile for a cigarette.
Maybe somebody did, but the
stunt Is nothing compared with
the accomplishment ot Captain
F. Heisterburg who sailed across
the Pacific Ocean for an automo
bile. The "skipper" hails- from Mel
bourne, Australia,. While loading
his steamer "Parana" at Portland,
Oregon, last trip he purchased a
Chevrolet landau sedan from the
Fields Motor Car Company, of that
mm for Full Automotive
Complete Employs at" State Fair
1 t
I- . ' .
"X.3? W
This picture, which appeared on the cover page of a recent Northwest Poultry Journal,
includes a number of Calif ornia's leading? poultry; specialists and state' officials connected
with that state's agricultural department. .;-
This company of prominent Californians comprised a delegation which attended a recent
meeting of Oregon poultry specialists and prominent poultrymen to discuss " the recent
Washington state poultry-embargo order.
Later, the joint Oregon and California delegation visited the - Washington experiment
station at Puyallup and had a conference with the Washington poultry specialists and state
agricultural officials with satisfactory results to all concerned.
The prominent California visitors shown in this picture which was snapped by W. C.
Conner, editor of the Poultry Journal, at Multnomah Flals, Columbia River highway, on July
10, are as follows, reading from left to right: Mr. R. N. Wilson fo the California Develop
ment League, San Francisco; Mr. Charles Keane, California Department of Agriculture,
Sacramento; Mr. Leo A. Bourke, representing the California Baby Chick association. Pet-
aluma; Doctor D. E. Davis,
Pathological laboratory, Petaluma; Prof. Wm. A. Lappincott,
University of California, Berkeley.
Three Brothers, Sales Ex
perts, Meet at Detroit
Three brothers, Allen, Michael
and Harry Lurie, all star salesmen
for leading manufacturers, separ
ated by residence in Los Angeles,
California; Cleveland, Ohio; and
Ney York City, met together for
the first time in seven years re
cently in Detroit, Michigan.
The occasion which made the
meeting possible was the winning
of a sales contest for Don Lee,
Inc., California distributor of Cad
illac cars. The contest had been
(Continued on pag 4)
i r
Poultry Pathologist, University
More Than $3,000,000 Is
Transaction Figure Says
Fred Kirkwood
Ilupmobile's August sales were
the largest for any corresponding
month in Its history. Factory
shipments for the month exceeded
those for the best previous August
by 19 per cent, according to O. C.
Hutchinson, general sales manager
of the Hupp Motor Car Corpora
tion. Checkings of retail sales in
dicate that they surpassed those
for the largest preceding August
by approximately 50 per cent.
August marked the eleventh
(Contiancd on par s)
of California, in charge of the
head of the poultry department
Survey of Used Car Markets
Shows Premium Is Paid
for Make
A recent servey of used cars
throughout the country disclosed
the fact that the fastest selling
second hand car, and the one
which commanded the highest
prices in the general market, was
the car equipped with a Knight
sleeve-valve motor. -
Managers of used car divisions
in large dealerships, and opera
tors of used car markets not con
nected with general motor car
dealerships, all reported the same
condition. The consensus of
opinion was that the motor car
buying public have a deeply seated
feeling of confidence In this type
of power plant. - '"."-
One large operator in used cars
said, "I can usually turn a Knight
motor car In .1 torn one to three
days and I seldom carry one for
more than a week. We are con
stantly bidding for these cars and
the Willys-Knight stock in our
lot is depleted almost-as 'soon as
we have built it up to anything
like the standards required by the
normal demand for these cars."
"We have . practically no ex
pense for repair work on the mo
tors In the Wlllys-Knlght cars we
take In trade," said Another larger
Investigators found that dealers
in the higher priced cars are In
many Instances - restricting the
makes of cars which they will take
in trade bat all ot these expressed
themselves as being always ready
to trade In a Wlllys-Knlght.
... A large used car "dealer who
specializes In rebuilt -used cars
said, "We are reluctant to accept
the majority, of used cars which
show better than 25,000 to 30,000
miles on the speedometer. there
is .usually too- much work to be
done on the motors: but I have
WiHy-Knlght cars . which show
better than 100,000 miles and.
outside of the usual tightening of
bolts and perhaps a repaint job, I
have .very little worfc to do on
them. The buyer rarely ever hesi
tates in , buying ? a Willys-Knight
regardless of what mileage it may
show." ; -'-.
Carl Akeley;tlte explorer, is
using Chevrolet: cars and trucks
on his present trip to the African
jungles In search of unusual speci
mens of animal life for the Amerl
can'Mnseum of Natural History in
New York City, -
Good Roads
Organization Ex p e ct s td
Take Third Place in Man-: ;
. The Oakland Motor Car com-
pany is definitely committed to ai
program that in the near future
will place this organization third
in the ranks of American motoe
car manufacturers.
This was, the statement madq
here by Charles W. Matheson
vicet president and director of
sales of the Oakland Motor , Car
company, who is conferring hera
with Vick Brothers, Oakland-Pon-tlac
dealer, for this territory. Mr.
Matheson is making a tour of tha
country, meeting the Oakland and
Pontiac dealers and gaining from
them first hand knowledge of bus
iness conditions In the United
Matheson pointed out that ev
erywhere throughout the country
the Oakland Motor Car company
is showing tremendous gains la
deliveries. "For instance, the
business , for the calendar year,
1924 was 35,793 cars; in 1925?
44,462 Oaklands were manufac
tured while at the present rata
160,000 Oakland Sixes and Pon-.
tiac Sixes should be In the hands
of owners by the first of the year,
he said. "Present factory plans)
place the number at 400,000 for;
our 1927 productions ' ' '
"From January, to July of thld
year an actual total of .79,067
cars were manufactured an in
crease of 312.4 per cent over the
same period fo 1925. The next;
highest increase of any other "pro-
ducer was 240.4 percent.
"To take care of the product
tlon schedule for the fiscal yean
which began August 1 and will
close , on J uly 31, 1927 General
Motors is building a new plant at
Pontiac, Michigan, cost more than
seven and , one-halt millons oC
dollars which will be devoted tq'
the production of Pontiac cars
alone. It will be ready for opera
tion on January 1 and will hava
a capacity of 1000 machines a
day. When the plant is complet
ed there will be 30 acres under;
roof. At present it looks mora
like the preparation for a gigan
tic exposition than the building
of a single motor car factory. The
assembly plant alone Is a quarter
of a mile In length. This will
leave us free to devote our pres-
ent plant, which has a capacity olj
800 ears per . day, to the produce
tion of Oaklands alone.
"The : Pontiac Six was Intro
(Continued on pg 3)
Frigidaire Corporation Is
Launched, Officers Re
main Unchanged
NEW , YORK. A new. General
Motors subsidiary, Frigidaire cor
poration, ha y been Incorporated
under the laws of Dele ware,1 to
take oyer distribution and sale of
electric refrigerators , manufac
tured by the Deleo-Light company.
This subsidiary has been created,
to segregate the electric refriger
ator from the electric light plant
business of the Delco-Llght Co.
Permanent officers and direc
tors of Frigidaire corporation will
be practically the same, as those
Of the Delco-Llght company which
la headed by E. G. Blechler presi
dent and general manager, wlthi
headquarters at Dayton, Ohio.
Tremendous growth of the elec
tric refrigerator. Industry, in'
which Frigidaire holds the lead
ing position, and encouraging
prospects for 'the future of, this
business, make separation of the
two enterprises desirable," said
A, P. Sloan, Jr., president of Gen- .
eral Motors.
TThe Delco-Light company wilt
continue the manufacture and sell
electric farm light and power
plants And " water pressure sys-
terns." , -' .'. ', , :. j -
Frigidaire and Delco-LIght man-
ufacturlng operations are to, ba
completely separated under tha'
plan announced." Delco-Llght will
be provided with , new factory -space,
leaving Frigidaire the pres
ent plants with fifty-three acrea
of floor space In use and under
construction. When new buildings
are completed Frigidaire will hava
a capacity of 50,000' electric re
Wgeratora a month, 5 ! ,