The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 19, 1926, Page 20, Image 20

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laHtoi BapUsaa. a - tfcrerUl be "I- J ' """" 111 '"' ,", ,,. , - ' ' -. -m 1 " ' " "" ' - t
if . -- - I Jnaior. Jantor a Snior imrrardiaic-. I panaiuu lnr any detirnj J I 1 1 1 ' .' 1 1 J " -- -' .-. " ..-. Ml
1 eaureh. t da ao. , :l -111! s i ..:.:--'.:: f T . ' : .. ;.' ' " - ... ... ..... ..,...;,-.. . .v,. .., . .. t -.'Ml
Th fir-Mpirnnaliw rnurrhi ot tSa iein,
will, hold mrrvicea at fhir ball ovr Mil
lr Htor) thin Monday evening, geptesa-
Im AsHk. -at .S :3 Vtock. . Mn. J.a Val
ley j loniana win on "e paEr ami
uirsnai e bearer, 'fee yulilie , j cordially
invited t the meeting. ;. . a
chbistTah SCIENCE
First riiurch, - Corner .of Liberty and
I aetueket st reef. .... hunday morrttBf rv
ire, at II n'elork. HunUay vesung ;at
M. Hbje-t of Jouoo wraon, ;AUur."
VVneMjF veala testimonial inertia;
at a aVloak. bundav. school aeaswnsran
. ae t 9:30 and 11 a. m. , Rdim room
lioi Uasonic Tempi open daily from -II
t 5:30, except Sundays and holiday.;
Sunday afternoon from 3 to 5: ry
jvniiijr, except VTedttday and Sunday,
7 :.'W to . - ,
241 Stat. Cfarf ulneas a ad aiaiplicity
marka h gol. aervic held under ta
aita of the "red aaUld," where avery
. Imdy reeeivrs a warm wricom. Sunday
' procram: - lloline&a meeting, 11 a. in. ;
Hattday irhoei, 8:80 p. m. (plana lor
contest will coon materialize ; yoaag peo
ple' legion, 5:30 p. m., tptc: A Young
Mea - om the Country,' ' . Kanreliitic
meeting;, 8 p. a. Next week: Private aot
iiere aaeatiag, Tueaday. 7:0 p. tn. Corps
cad eta eiaax,- Wedaeaday, 7:30 p. m. fab
he meet inK Thursday and Satarday, 8
p n. . . - '
Cor. 6. Commercial and Washington
Sunday achoflt 10 o clock,1 31 1
ttriihip 11 o'clock..
'J'harada 7 :3Q p.
eeting for
Prayer aieeting-
KJnOHT JOEJCOBIAZi (Coniregatlonai)
loth and. ferry streets. li. C. Stover,
mi oiater. Until the . Medication fo the
Haw church building", October 17tk the
Su ail ay kchool aad norainc worship are
' merged in a erric.e from 10 to 11 o'clock.
Moruinr aernaon: "Mating the Best of
Things' Chrietian Endeavor at 8:4
. p. m. 1 Jn the evening service at 1 7 s30
the - horu -choir will sing "Send Out
Thy Ugh," (Gounod). 1 Sermon aubjeet
'Th iMSht of tfc Woxld.,,-U." j-
Sunday at 8- m.m . lerby - Bldg., ' Coart
and High. Mr. harles C. Best will
apeak a the ' somewhat unasnal topic :
"Where. Will Vou Be i the Kerarrec-
liou." The speaker who" ha had con
siderable experience;- a teacher f Bible
.subjects. VViU present his subject ia
an understandable and straightforward
Msaaaer. building hia arguments and pre
mentations simply upon scripture, correb-
' rated by the fact as we know them.
'Where Will tEach of ' U Be in the
riesxnrection f " We surely all would like
to know. The tact that an opportunity
ix now given to hear it reasonably and
aatiafaetortly . explained should result in
goad attendance.
; - y AT.T.TAHCE
vjat)rnaele Ferry St. Pastor H. E.
"avell and; 'Mrs. Caswell. The special
servioes. eon due tea by mr. -K, Hfron ol
itkland. C'al., continue o-ver Sunday. Mr.
Moon will preach Sundy - afternoon 3
. A'tlock. Also in the evening .conduct an
- evangelistic service 7:30. ?'h services
tit the past week ive been welt attended.
.Mr Moon is an interesting nI instructive
. ttpeaker. The Hunrtay aebooL.' convenes .at
Ml a. m. "Mr.' J. Wilson, superintendent.
Kalurday evening is a pecial meeting (or
' young peopl.,' 4Cev.Mooagivea the word.
4Vxi itsry Snadsy, in Ilerby s BWff.,'
Totar and High atreet.". Hours JO to aa
a.', m. .and 8 to 9 p.nt. All interacted in
Jtible atudy-ara cordially invited. . .
. sfc-v;i-- n - : V-' , . , !
. O.Hf 'td t,erty fit. - P. B. C'uAver
pnator. Sunday aehool; 9:45. I. I-.
Thornton, .upef intendetj:. - Preaching at
11 ; Habjeet : Vision and Power. - an-xelk-ai
--League of Christian Kndeavor
moots at J:30. " Anna Miles," president.
Margaret.' nirich, leader. Praise and
t raver service v foilpwed ,- by sermon at
iZd.. Prayer ervice Thursday at 7:30.
' 'vOn Church St between Cbemeketa and
Center fits. Norman Kendall Tolly, D.
paitor.- Sunday, school a 9:30 a. at. Mr.
JU O Barrett is 'superintendent. A gen
eral rf il y spirit is felt throughout the
school. 'aad offieera and- itearhera. are
happy tovweleaaie back, into'' the Sunday
f-chool circle' many -who- have.: been away
T- vacation through the summer. Morn
ing worship t 10:45 o'clock. ' Sermon,
"Jesoa" Table i TIk," : by Pr. Tolly.
Teung .People's' societies at 6:30 p. in.
Kvening-worship at 7:0 o'clock. Ser
mon. The Narrowness of esu.'' by Ir.
Tolly. Special music by the choir both
Bwraisg and evening.' Mis Lueile Ross
rill preside at the orirani
. ' " -'' ''.:'"
" Cottage and Cbemeketa, Sti Iter. Mar
' tin Fereshein, minister. Churfh school!
l 10 a.- m. 'Graded. , in at ruction. Mr.
Miles McKey, Sapt. Devotional services at
11 a m. Sobjeet of the sertnon, -"Will;
Protestantism t'ollapaef Solo.I 'I I-ook j
to Thee' in Every Seed,:by Bohm, lair.
M'.- 'eresbetiu. Mr. W. A lenton at
t ha organ.-. The Emerson club will meet
sa Thursday evening at : 8' o'clock. ' Lee
tare and discussion of Emerson's. Essay .
on Nature.. ' "V1 , .. 'k . . ;.. . . ; -
'VC. E. Church. North .Winter street, at
Jefferson Ave, stTaomaa Achesen, pastor.
Hilltert . Wrenu,. assistant, in charge i of
th junior church. : '1'hifc- chnrch gladly
extends a wekrorae to the pablie to unit
with it in the follearins services on the
coining lord's Day.. Church achoiil 9:45
a. sc. with classe lor young and old
alike.' This will be promotion day in
the arhoel. ' 11 a. m. public worship,
with the pastor in charge. Junior church
meets down stairs at this hour. Three
rhapterw of the Kp worth Cagne meet ia
separate rooms for devotional services-at
:S0 p. m. Young people, welcomed. Pnh
lm worship ot i;o p. m. with appro
priate menage b y. the pator. A Sun
day will complete the eighth year of the
pastors ministry to this rengregatieft he
invites a full attendance of- both asem
liera.afld friends of the hureh. . Special
choir muster good fellowship, and earn
est gospel preaching will make the fcerv
ieea of the day profitable to all Mid'
week church aerviro Thursday 7:30 p. m.
', TIRST U. B.
- On Mission Mt.. near sooth 12th. ; Bible
school at. 10 a. ns. Preaching at It by
Profeaaor-L. Burton Baldwin, for twenty
years tecaher of language iaTOAC ; C.jE.
at 7 p. m. followed by short gospel ser
mon at 8 o'tlock. . V. Corby, pastor, .
i - - - 7 - " - - ...
S. Commercial and Myers. J. Willard
DeYoe, pastor. - services 1 1 a. m., 7 :30
p. m. Kerroon topics: "Why 8taad Ye
Here-Jdle,? a. ''John Calvin," p. m.
ot. T. R. Pierce will sing in the morning.
The choir and othe r specials in the evening.-
ftnoday school 9:45, superintendent,
K. A. Rhoten. Young People meetings:
The two legnes will meet tv6:30. Mal
colm Miller will lead the senior and Mar
garet . Moor bouse the Francis Ash bury.
Week-Way Services :-On Thursday evening
at- 7.-30, 8. C. McShane,. leader. -The
annual conference will be held at Qor
vlli, opening Wednesday morning with
Bishop Leonard presiding.
isomer of Chemekela and N.'. 17Ui St.,
j. c.. r.rm, pastor, servsrea Zl a. m.,
8 p. m. Sermon topics: "Patience. An
oniHwaiog nristtaa Grace," a.- m.
Sunday school, 10 a. m.,' superintendent
v. n. atransoaogn. i oun i'eople a meet
ings: Kvangelical League of Christian
Kndeavor at 1 p.. m. Week-day -services:
jsm-weeic prayer service Thursday even
ing at 8 o .clock. . , ;
13th and .Center SU. A. P. Hi liner nas
tor. Services 11a. m, 7:30 p. m. Ser
men topitsr "Cnity of the Paith and of
the Knowledge of Jesus Christ," n. nk.:.
m,l Sunday school is called at lO. super
tntendent. H. II. Orallan. Some servled
ana ainje tnay at 7;30 in Engliah. Week-
oay services: cottage prayer meeting at
the -Waldos-pel .residence - Wednesday " at
7:4. .. . . , " t .
8431 Court St. CVS. Johnson, paster
f"iK-rs a ana i :iu p. ra. v Munaay schoo
2 p. m.. superiatendent, Sam Berke;
Week-day services: Tnesday, , Thursdaj
ana Matarttay evenings. Full gospei
leacning. we pray tor rne mck. J-;very
looy invitea. -
-,16th and ULiil 8U. v Patrik AahKri. p
tor. Service., 11 a.'m"S p. ra. - gnnd
school, O ;-43. auoeaintendent. the sutiu
Young People's meeting' 7 p. m. WeeU
uay servirew: rrayer meeting Thursday j
p. m. Ton are -all cordially invited!
ternaoaT, - Christian Endeavor 6 -.30 p. en.
Janier, Junior taad Senior " fatermeoiate.
AduK Prayer meeting :.tO..; Week-day
services; .Monthly business aneettng and
lal Loyal Hereoa rlasfc Tuesday even
ing. ' Pail ' aanonni-emeaf to c-lasia today.
Wednesday"; Volunteer meeting' 7 p. to.
Choir practice 7:30 pi m. ; The state fair
time is at hand. All who -expert to de
vote 'their ' time at .the fair restanraat
please hand yonr name to Krntber Mar
shall, manager. . We extend a hearty wet
come to Htndeata and friends to wor
ship with us. feme, let u go to ftost'a
house .for worahip and seryice every
Lord's ly. . ... I: ' 7 J
Liberty and Marlon. Ernest H.-Rhank.
Por. ' Service 11a. m.. t :30 n. a.
.Sermon topicsr ;The IJving Church,'' a.
m.; - ii vncie.sam lltt the Sawdust
?rraiL" p, .n. A line program of muxie
or both morning 'and evening meetings.
Anthems; When Wrads '-are Kaging."
Hcott, and "Some Bleed ray," Nevin,'
Bolo,.."E'eaa The . Flower,' Schutt,
Grace Pawk. Sunday school 9:45. su
per intend c.Tt, d Srhonke. Teung Peo
ple's meniing : The Baptist Young Peo
ple' Union will meet at b'::w. Week-day
services The Women's Society meet
Wednesday at 2:30. The prayer meeting
on Thursday evening at 7 :SO. Will study
the case of 'htackslidem, The AU
C'hnrch Korial will be held an Friday even
ing in. the church parlours. ;
Center and Liberty. Charles K. Ward,
pastor. Services 11 a. m. - Religion and
Education," a. ra. Special numbers by
tbe quartet. Sunday school 10 o'clock,
superintendent, Mark MrCallister. Week
day service: Med-week service Thurs
day evening at 7:30 o'clock. The wom
an's Union will hold an important busi
ness" meeting Friday afternoon at tbe
home of Mrs. . K. Xeer, 788 X. Church
street. The Younger Married People'
club will gather for "pot-luck" snpper
and party Monday evening at the church
parlor. . ;
Corner Church and Slate. P. C. Tavlor
D. D., pastor. Services 11 a. m., 7:30 p.
m. Sermon topics: "Partakers of the
Divine Nature," a. m.; "What Price Per
sonal Liberty?" p. m. Sanday school
9:45 a. m. superintendent, a. P. Shanks,
Tonng People's meetings: University
League, 6:30 p. m. Esther Lisle leader.
Pirat Church. League, 6:30 p. m. leader,
Marten Lehman. Topic, "What it Te
to Make a Team." The Sacrament of
tie -Lord' Supper will be administered
at the morning , service, also the Sacra-
eieisvwe emrenf
1 th and Marion St, C. It. Hopkins,
Mrs. ttopkins, a.sitaat post or.
ltd. . 7:30 i. m. Sermon
Xervii e
topics; '-Prayer rhanees Things," a. as.;
'Have Faith in tiod." p. m.Speeial ing
iag at both service on Suaday. Snnday
si'bowl 9;45 . m.i superintendent-Frank
Citmiller. Young rYople'a meeting: Sen
i Ysssr Vooph'-. meeting :3t p. m.
9wrir, "The leveopmenS of Character,
leader . Lloyd Miller. Junior Christian
Kndeavor o:45 p. m.. leader Mrs. Thomas
Xlinnemaker. Week-day service. Prayer
meeting Wednesday evening at 7:20, led
by tbe pester Te paster wui preaea
Sunday morninr. Mrs. Hopkins wjll
preach Sunday night. '
. -Corner 7i.u and Aebratsa iw. . erv
ices 11 a. m. 8 p. ro. - Rev. J. C. Tlhbetts
of the First Bautist' ehnrth will preai-b
Sunday school at ID a. m.. superintendent
Wm Uunmn. loons People s meetmes:
7:30. Week-day services: Prayer and
Bible study. In the absence of the reg
ular pastor.
Mrs. H, P. Stlth, millinery.
Most beautiful hats in Salem: all
shapes and colors: fall stock from
which to make tine selections.
Best quality. 333 State St. ()
Director's Department Store , is
building ap a reputation for guar
anteed merchandise; conducting
a- real department store; making
Steady progress, too. . -. ()
The Electric Restaurant serves
elegant meals and lunches. Try
them; you will come again and
bring your friends. Best in Salem.
479 State street, ()
Chas. K. Spaulding Logging Co.,
lumber and building . materials.
The best costs no more than in
ferior grades. Go to the big Sa
lem factory and sare money. ()
Cottage Grove Charles Getteys
will build $15,000 storage ware-
.nouse. ' - : '--- "
ST. PAUL'S (Episcopal) - .
hnrrh St. -At :bemekets. Her. It Did
can Chamhervitni Holy Enchsrist J
7;3 a. at.; In 'the chapel. Morninr pre
er with sermon at 11 a. m. Sermo
lopies: neugions r.aucation,' ' a., at
i ne memners ot the vested choir ar
requested to be in their place prompt!
Church school at 9:45 a. m. Supennten
nest, jut, rtorence Chamber! Teas
Peoule's meetings: The Yausr Peonle'
Fellowship meets .at 7-p. m. -in the parts!
uoune. - ah memoers ana other yonng peo
pie invited. : Week-day cervices: Arrange
menu are going ahead for the Mission
bo new at St.; raol'i beginning Sneday,
Oct;'-ioth. ..'.f'-,. y.-. ;", ;;7; f -i-
Ceeter and High Sts.. C. Watier,
pastor. Vivian U. Whjslr, assistant pas
tor. Servtceoll a. m.. 8 p. at. At the U
- " "- Luuir vin BinK as. ah
tbem and at the 'evening Esther Defea
bauarh , will 'sing a solo.- R. Ij. Dunn- -of
Kuct-ne will- deliver the morning .sermon.
Sunday , school 9:45.- Young people'
meetings: 7, the meeting will he led by
Vivian WhUler. . The tnpic ig "Missidn
ary Advance ia. India."- There will be
special music. In the absence of our
pastor, there, will be a supply minister
i n (he morning and at the evening hour.
C. V. Swssder, secretary of the stta
work will deliver the message. ..
Court and N. 17th Sts. R. J. Putnam,
pastor. Mrs.' R'J L. Putnam,' Junior Ps
tor. Services 11 a. m., 7:30 p. m. Jdn
ier service IV a. m. Sermon topics: "Re
port of Wor'tt Christian Endeavor Con
vention by Mis Elva Xissen," a. ' n.y
"The King of KiBgs," p. m. Miss Evln
Xissen attended the world C. E. convention-
in London, England. She makes her
report this morning. .You will want to
hear it. Music furnished by Mrs. 3oy
Turner Moses'-orchestra and choir. There
will be a solo by Mr. Meyer at evening
service. Sunday cUhol 9:45 a. m upar
intendent, E. W. Cooley. Young People's
meetings: Volunteer visit ahnt-tn in of-
o'ei "
Losrfs toVeifThht. tr -.
Jesnsl msss-asrstsitwiswi saSve -.
- tsshiso Oops esse allf .
v com. kmtifuiif tngntvtJ. foa
Convenieht to
CWitostehe er -Whits
old vsWss'om'. - hf list
iUy enavosod oaM.fjj
the watch that is fine enough for you
'; ';.,.. - - y V",-.,' '; ;-.r .1 ' .
,-You t;ai buy ixow, the Gruen Watch that -you
will always1 be! proud to show in any "
company and .one that fviil give you many .
-' years of excellent tlinektTing serviced
' - By : our ' new i" Divided C&arge Account
Service.yoU can have a Gruen Guild Watch
' tomoTTowupon paytnent of only part of the
; purchase orice. The balance will be divided .
v Into equal amounts payable monthly -
-. Np need o wait to withdraw from your
j salary or savings the full price of the watch
-you really wantw This plan enables you or
, . your loved ones to enjoy the useof any Gruen
5 Guild Watch while you are paying for it ;
And it costs nc mote o buy it this way. . ', ...
. ; '!-
.. : Jewelers - Silversmiths
State at Liberty
Phone 1235
1? E
YouVe heard them now see them
enacting before your eyes, in the
'Crystal Broadcast Studkv - t
5 . f . v i. ir . e.
There's the Hoot Owls, Chica
go's Mystery Tenor, and many
other' wonderful entertainers
; for you Xq tee and hear,
A complete Exhibition of Radio
Receivers and Radio accessories '
a $150,000 Show 1 ,
Continuous entertainment. Show
open front: 12 noon to -12 pnou '
Aftemooo. . . 25c
' Evcolng . V . . ." 50c
Children, under 15 .25c
CHAIN ' '.
1 160 North 'JJiSift.eia
Tp f aires Btom Prfces
"foil M Fimi BA it His Store .
r .a. i -. - 1 '- ' ' .--.-',' "V . "
Mass Buying for hundreds of Stores enables us tD-gyeryqU'.&e;mbst
for your money. And our "No Sale" policy assures ;
you of getting it when
Union Made A Bigger Value Than Ever at
, Back
m Bm j. aTsTsTaw a wm.
or Jumper
Our Mass Buying for hundreds of
Stores makes possible this low price--
-Union Made the Union Label is on
' every Overall and Jacket; of 2.20 denirn.
-Extra strong stitching thrroout; cut extra,
fuIL The; Overall has suspender or
regular overall back. ' '- :
Two hip, two side, watch and rule pock-
: ets tacked to prevent ripping; all sizes
including Extra Sizes. f ' ;
Jackets, with Engineers cuffs to match
Look for
the Union
Label on
rag, .,,..m T1
Men's Shirts
1 Of Woven Flannel
These coat, shirts are made
of 13-ourK? woven flannel io
checks nd plaids. Cut e;:tra
full with big sleeves; two
Urge flap pockets and
matched pearl buttons-. Real
values at-
Men's Boots
Of Red Rubber
The ever-popular short;
height ' boots, with red
uppers and grey sole, edge ,
and binding,' heavy duck
lining. ' Medium weight.
A boot ot many uses
en s
At An Unusually Low Price
A remarkable value, made possible by a very large
purchase for all our Stores, hence the very low price of
Well-made, , , iuadArtlo
alxe, ( Iadixo-BIue Chnm
lrr, with frail -Usisth
iVeTeav- one pocket svsl
for.btton front " "
Made by skilled,
well- paid workmen,
free as the air of Amer
ica. One of ' the best
Work Shirt Values we
have' ever offered . at
such a low price, V'
Union Suits
For Men
Warm, heavy weight union
suits in either ecru ribbed
or fleece lined. Exceptional
values, the result of . our
enormous mass buying tor
74 5 Stores. Buy them now
at our low price of
Heavy Shjrts
.' Of Domet Twill v
i Well . made from, heavy
weight domet twill, with two
large button pockets. Cut
extra r full. f" In T khaki and
grey. A man's ' shirt ' for
service, at the low price of,
Exchanging ;
Good Deeds
It is an old saying, that
one good deecTdeserves an
other. Vyhea you ' do us a
good deed by visiting our'
Store, we strive to return
the favor by making your
visit as -"pleasant." and- '
- proHtable as we can. .
, ' . -We
know n 'doing this
that you will think kindly of
cs and. tfie service rendered
and you - will come hack
when in qeed of the goods
' we sell. ' : :-'
H"onor, coeperation and
service are principles, which
have- governed this nation-
- .wide organization from the
beginning. , jYou have found
these - principles at ' work
upon ; your visits to ; this
Store.- .- " t ' L'-
Wann -4urable .
Just what you -outdoor
workers need for hard wear
and cold weather. For rail
road men,-dHverT.'of trucks
Or farming. , ' bi ;
. -.Of- firs t quality hard fin
ished mahogany sheep leath
er," 27 inches long,! warm
wool lining,- four button flap
pockets; leather shirt collar
and button cuffs. Low priced.
Storm Rubbers
Light Weight
v1 For men -and women.
Light in weight with high
instep. s, F 1 e e c ej lined,
bright finish with plain
edge sole. Moderately
nriced. too!
Men's Sizes . ....... .f 1.29
Women's Sizes . . . . .89c
LetltRain! LetltPour!
Slickers for Students
Who cares for rain or wet
weather Jf equipped with one of
these swagger, practical Slickers.
Well - made, durable; light in
. weight .
Made for service and not
sacrificing good looks. Easy
on and easy off.' Convertible
TcoHar and big flap pockets.'
4. X- ,,.sTbTW)J',."s ,.,'Tt',.;y. j.,, ,'.
" Good . length ; for.; real protection.
In Olive and yellow. The low price
is the result of ear Mass Buying for
Good- len gin tor real protection. In
olive . and yellow, j The low -priee ts
Mass Buying, for 745
r 1 1 KLt- t "' Goo'Ktn lor real
l ti ajr olive ..and yellow, j The
' I - 1 1 1 i t the result of our Mass B
1 ' h ; ft Live Stores. - -
Pal Up Withpinter
Heavy Rope ICniCSvater
Snow, cold, si ict 4t's all
the same with this big,
warm; pal of a sweater. Cut
full . very. heavy rope knit
with big, convertible shawl
collar. -" f J
Two roosriy pockLs ansl mn
tvm. hMTy'r-iblvW Ivottesa ansl
ciffi. In Am lending Fall col
ors. . If you dscide ok this
sweater you will boy bife-enanV
- sis viae at- " ' '-' " ':- - .-' :
V v Jv it-- I
'MvHJ'vW' ;
. ' I . 1 , r t