The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 19, 1926, Page 17, Image 17

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Const ruction-' -Rushed
t. w
; Joy of
There is also space in the upper
a t s'.'it i 1 1 1 1 u n n it ' -t . ; 1
bathroom on the ground floor is 'featured with4 a built-in dressing table.
Floor area of the house is 966 square feet.
SpMlehng Logging Co.
r (Continued froa psg 1)
go with his hands instead of with his feet. He used his feet
to steer it. - You would have laughed to have seen. it. but after
all it bore a pretty good likeness to the more rriodeni bicycle.
But the thing was too heavy and very slow, and finally broke
down of its own accord.
What real live boy has not thought up all sorts of inven
tions, and some times they work, too. It takes the Darius
Greens, and the young chaps who made things to makp this
old world go, and the simpletons of one. age are the wise men
of the next.i Spdo not be discpuraged even if peopte do gay
your dreamsTare foolishT 1 ' a .
. Coatlnnd froa pag X) :
in the establishment; This is a real cannon such as was used
in the Civil war but its stage use has been forgotten.
iTwa.Jaasements :under the building lalso are . filled with
properties, principally rustic furniture, tree stumps and such
stuff as is not hurt by dampness.' ; ; ' '
v iitt otAtturt run miivicc
" (Continued from page 1)
September 8 : Mrs. ' Wiseman-?
Sielaff issued statement that her
story identifying , her sister as
"Miss X" was a hoax and that she
"VaaaHaMMM tl
Life Found in the Small
Plan Number 552
story for. .toilet and bathroom,
was under. pay of Angelas Temple.
September. II: Miss Bernice,
Morris, secretary of R. A. Mc
Kinlev. blind atorney killed a few
days before, tells district attorney
that .money had -been ' furnished
her iawhat she believed to
attempt : of Angelus . Temple offi
cials to manufacture evidence to
. . 4 Becke & Hendricks f :
v Insurance', ojf All Kinds'
' I8 N. lilgh Tel. 161.
Hellltf Theatre Iobby
tOgEj Hh--gigs Mty
The simple dignity of colo
nial architecture has been used
effectively in the, design of this
fiTe-room house. The well pro
portioned chimney, the hood
above the entrance, the low
brick trimmed porch and pro
perly balanced window spaces
combine with the broad sweep
of the roof lines "in the com- (
position of a. pleasing exterior.
The flower box beneath the
windows at the front and
placement of shrubbery, sug
gested in the architect's per
spective, offset a touch of se
verity in the design. , The
bouse would fit nfeely on al
most any site with , 50-foot
frontage. .
Through the ample windows
of its spacious living room the
well planned interior receives
the cotrstani' charm ; of - the
great, outdoors,; while the wide
- fireplace', set' well away from
entrances to the . porch and
hallway, lends' a touch of cozy
seclusion to the character of
the room. Ample wall spate is
left for furnishing the living
room and the two bedrooms.
Linen. and clothes closets are
well placed and the two corner
cabinets In the dining alcove
will prove a delight to , the
housekeeper. The kitchen is
well proportioned and its
equipment placed to save steps
in serving meals. The stoop
of the outside entrance to the
kitchen may be converted into
a convenient close-in porch at
slight extra cost.
if desired. Equipment of the
Salem, Oregon
support the kidnapping story.
September 16: Attorney S. S.
Hahn offers to produce Ormiston
with complete statement in ex
change for immunity. District at
torney annousced felony charges
bed been prepared against the
evangelist, her mother, and three,
associates branding the case as
having "the atmosphere of a gi
gantic hoax." 't' '
' Throughout the investigation
the evangelist repeatedly told her
followers in sermons broadcast
from thej Temple, that the whole
investigation was engineered by
powerful forces seeking to destroy
her because of her campaign
against sin.
- Capital Bargain House, Capital
Tire Mfg. Co., Mike's Auto Wreck
ing. Three In one. Bargain cen
ter of Salem. ' Thousands of bar
gains. -H.StefciDoclcr215 Center.
-r- r. .; ()
The Salem Raw. Co., most pro
gressive. Every accommodation
given to those in need of best
hardware supplies. Work and pros
perity the motto. 120 N. Com'l ()
' I " ' "
Storage - Fuel - - r Tr aesf er
. BRICK WAREHOUSE ".; v ' ' '
- Coal and Djry Wood at Reasonable Price :
Crating Local and Long Hauling rJoving
143 South Lilierty - - : Tclsphoa'a 930
: - -: .... it...- ...I. . : ' . . ; : i, ,-. .
f . u ; ,-. - ....... . . k
Wurlitzer in New Capital
Theatre Has Several
Hundred Pipes
Paralleling in Quality the music
presented on the motion picture
theaters of America , will be tfie
musical program to be featured in
Bligh's Capitol theater, which is
soon to open in Salem under the
supervision cf Masley Cockroft,
representatire of the Wrulitzer
company. A crew of five men
have been busy for the last week
in installing a Wurlitzer ascend
ingWgan. This instrument is
said to represent the last word in
design and construction and is
similar to the instruments used
in the foremost theaters of the
The rumble of distant thunder,
the military band, or the soft,
sweet music of a violin - or reed
instrument are all possible on' the
new Capitol organ keyboard at
the wish of the organist.
At the console the organist has
under his control 200 .keys, in ad
tionto to a foot pedal board. Sev
eral hundred pipes are contained
in two organ lofts over the stage
The new Capitol theater organ
concerts will be supplementary
features of the program. In ad
dition, Viola Vercler Holman and
her Capitol orchestra will be pre
sented. Quality painting, oocn . varnish
and laquer work, in., our ' modern
equipped paint shop. Washing,
greasing and night service ;tire
repairs.- Wood's Auto Service Co.
Smith & WatKins for tire serv
ice at a lower cost. Vulcanizing
and retreading, tube repairing. If
you have tire trouble just-call 44.
Corner Court and High Sts. ()
"Seventh Heaven' Drama
Has Laughter That-Drives,.
Tears Away j i
"Seventh Heaven," which will
be produced by Streett's New York
Players at the Elsinore theater on
Tuesday evening at 8:15 'o'clock,'
ranks second only to "Lightni"
in the list of John Golden; plays
that have enjoyed spectacular pop?
ularity on Broadway. For two
years it packed the Booth theater?
which record surpassed even that
(Continual from pa( 1)
baby takes almost all my time, and I scarcely have an hour
to devote to court duties, social, activities, tr anything else.
In my girlhood, I thought I'd
princess, but then fate always spoils most of one s areams.
v :IJke"my.mbttef;:I'W'WVvliiTnuch time to charitable
and hospital -work as I can; but you have no idea how many
other things a queen is called upon to do.' 1
The queen said one of her greatest problems was to ac
quire the Serbian language and be able to converse with the
peasantry in their own tongue.
"Serbian, HKe all Slav language&.5he said, "is incredibly
difficult. Only now, after two years effort, I am beginning
to understand the language when I hear it spoken, but I can
not yet speak it with any facility, and of course I cannot read
orwrite it." , -.
Queen Marie is no longer the
buoyant, vivacious, youthful girl
One knew in Bucharest five years
ago. She is now essentially the
maturer mother, with a more ser
ious outlook in life. Her former
girlish bloom, gr-aceful figure, and
adolescent features have given
way to a full; rotund face, that
suggests the Teutonic type, a flgi
1 ,T.r; ::. i i
of "Turn to the Right, The First
Tear," or "Three Wise Fools," the
last named play also being writ"
ten by Austin Strong, author of
Seventh Heaven."
Added 'to the, other elements
that have made friends for the
Golden plays, "Seventh Heaven"
has thrills and heart throbs remin
iscent of "Madame X" and "The
Two Orphans.' for it is keen, lit
erate drama in which- laughter
drives tears away. -It -is" filled
with, the life and color of a little
known Quarter of Paris." is a splen
did, example of playwriting, and
mukes an impression that is al
most "indescribable in the tumult
of patriotism and happiness evok
ed by the last act which helps to
make "Seventh Heaven" a deft,
delightful and surpassingly good
The entire cast of New York
Players and many additions are
required for its interpretation.
Tom Chatterton appears as Chico
Mary Daniel as Oiane. Helena
Shipman was in the original New
York cast as Arietta, the saucy
barmaid. Richard Obee plays the
good Priest Pere Chvillor.
Triangle Realty Company
Consumates Many Sales '
'During September
John F. Mielke yesterday closed
a deal for Dr. E. C. Hickman's
modern home at at 1765 State
street. Mr. Mielke is a retired
business man from Stayton. The
Mielke's will move into their new
lome during the next few days.
7'hfs deal was handled by the Tri
angle Realty company. Among
other home sales made by this
company recently are the follow
ing :
Jiaymond Way of Rickreall
buys a home and 2 H acres on the
(Jarden Road from Mrs. Sarah
Halvorsen.' '
Mrs. Halvorsen buys a home at
1745 South Liberty street from
Mrs. Margaret J. Martin.
Mrs. P. J. Lester, recently from.
Villisca, Iowa, buys a modern
bungalow at 2390 Brooks avenue
from Arthur K. Oldenburg. ,
Mrs. -Gertrude E. Rydo buys a
home at 2060 Market street from
Otto E. Rogen.
.Vibhert & Todd Electric Store,
Higb at Ferry Sts. Everything
electrical. Good service and low
prices are bringing an Increasing
trade ; to this store. ( )
' G. WY bay, tires, tubes and ac
cessories. Has the Goodyear tires,
the .standard of the world. Mr.
Day can give you more mileage.
Corner Com'l. and Chemeketa. ()
-Nash -leads the world In motor
carvaJnes.' Beautiful display of
new models at the F. W. Petty
johniCo.v 365 1. Com'l. "()
be content with just being a
u re that is almost obese, and eyes
that convey melancholy and intro
spection. But the Queen of. the
Serbs, Croats and Slovenes has the
sanje" fcfct-sonal charm as of old;
. -
Pat ton's Book Store does su
perior work in Kodak finishing,
hand coloring and enlarging in
their plant. Try them and see the
difference, 340 State St. ()
: ,?v:t , iv ', !,
Florence mmutm
8U3IS '
A strange sort of school it
would, be In which the teacher
worked all the sifms and gave no
problems to th pnpils to solve
for themselves. - ', '
'iJVnd what is Life but a school
where,- under the stern tutelage
of Experience, we learn the .dif
ficult lessons of existence and
solve our problems well or ill, ac
cording to our mathematical pre
cision? - Two and two make four, where -ever
we find them and the mean
ing of a minus sign never chang
es. True, we graduate from the
classroom into the world of af
fairs, but constantly we must add
and subtract, divide and multiply
in order .to balance the accounts
Life insists upon us keeping. If
there be a shortage well, it
means that we are defrauding ouf
self. Sometime, somehow, we wili
have to make it up. So, unless we
wear the cap and bells of those
foolish unfortunates who ever
fail to profit by their mistakes,
and with time our error3 grow
fewer and our wisdom increases.
However, there is one decidt-d
contrast between the 8vm& set
down on the classroom blackboard
and the problems with which we
are presented when he are older
grown! Every child who solves
his sum correctly obtains the
same answer. But in the world
of affairs problems are as multi
plied as mortals, and in character
as varied. . There is no such
thing as a fixed solution. In hfs
own time, in his own way, every
'grown-up" works out his sum
according to his nature.
S6me folks arrive at' no conclu
sion without a great deal of noise
and. confusion th the process. Ev
ery one is asked for an opinion.
Eventually every one's advice is
ignored and the -'noisy folks''
have-their, own way, as they in
tended to have from the begin
ning. ' Other people consider their per
plexities their own affair. In si
lence and with the aid of their
own common sense they "sum up',
their perplexities.
Such a man was John Master
son, : the English gentleman ' of
Gilbert rankau's latesFt novel.
"A perfectly normal English
man, this John Masterson! Sound
of mind and sound of body. Slow
to anger and deliberate in. action.
Not quick to perceive, yet wholly
devoid of imagination. A man
of quiet common sense rather
rather . than flashing7 talent, of
plodding purpose rather than of
sudden intuition. A man of the
open spacee, of blue seas, and
brown deserts -and green prairies;
a man to whom all these un
bought things were worth more
than all the gold of a million
aire." .
Suddenly Fate-pours into his
lap a cool five million o rso. Then
things begin to happen. He falls
in love with and marries a young
and beautiful girl. And the
young and beautiful girl falls in
love with John's best friend. The
falsity of a friend 'and the un
faithfulness of a young iwife are
enough to break this sort of a
man's heart. As it was the an
guish drove him away from tha
haunts of men into the wilderness
, -
"In this place, "Sanctuary,"
there came to him the white triab
le of self-sufficiency, and with it
complete cleansing. . . .'. . All
sorts of truths began to make
themselves plain. The past. mean ?
nothing; it is only a preparation
for things to be a lesson!"
' How do we proceed with our
problems?. Do we 'do out' sums'
in public? Or Is John's way our
way? .
If it is, somewhere re
from v the r maddening
w.e hold communion with
; wrestle with our inde-
conquer the foes within
Planning Your Home
Probably neither yourself or your wife, understand
drafting or the preparation of specif ications. You have
an idea, all right, of just about what you want and you
know how much you can afford to spend on your new
home and its furnishings. '
There is where our service conies.. We take your idea
and the information you give us and work up your plans
and construct the home for rou, after assisting, you to
secure a proper location, if "that is necessary
Have Your Rent Money Build You a New Home
. 275 Stale Street1 ;
to re -roof again ;
THE last Johns-Manville Asbestos'
shingle that you lay on your roof
is the last shingle you'll ever need to
lay on that roof. Fir Johns-Manville'
Rigid Asbestos Shingles should last as
long as the building they, protect and ... .
embellish.' .
- . ':
are made of asbestos fibre and Portland
cement formed under tremendous hy
draulic pressure. There is nothing in'
them to rot or decay. They are abso- ,
lutely fireproof. They never need paint-'
ing or refinlshing. ' e
Write, call, or
particulars. Let us
of your roofing or
experts. .
1405 North Front
that would blur our vision, de
stroy cur prspefctive.. And when
we had made peace with our soul
then, and not until then we ar
rive at onr solution." " :' -
For students .going away to
school we are showing a large se
lection, of traveling bags, trunks,
hat. boxes and fitted ;ase. , Dis
count prices to students this
month. ' Hamilton's. . , , ().
You'll never need
telephone us for fnll
give you an estimate . .
re-roofing. We are i
Telephone -1 Rft
4 r-t