The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 18, 1926, Page 2, Image 2

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X '1;t
iirs Patterson .
On For Public Debates
Governor Declares Himself "Delighted" With Reply, but Asks
Vnln.otl.. - A II a 111 1 I
uahuuiuvu ui Aucgcu riaiiuues dismissing
. , , v ; Concrete Discussion i v. , - :
Walter , M. Pierce, governor" of
; Oregon. yesterday replied In the
following terms to the open letter
released on September 16, by I, L.
Patterson., republican candidate
for governor- at the November
election, declining an invitation to
meet in public debate on issues
coming 'before the people: ' t
Hon.' I. U Patterson,
. Salem; Oregon. ' " ';'
My b?ar ilr.f Patterson;
"I ?imveTljead" your open letter,
whieb wasjgiren to the press with
!i release date of September. IB,
lowever published by your prin
cipal - spokesman.- the x Oregohian.
uu iue loio, one aay prior 10 tne
release date. .' - ; . ,
"I must confess to you and to
the people of Oregon that I am
dissapointed In your" answer, for
n amount of letter writing can
property inform thenedple of "this
. state ,tr here you and 'I stand on
the issues 'now before the people.'
I again, invite yd tr. to appear ori
the platform , with ne. I will' give
yoo the ;opening- and -closing, of.
every debate, at any time, at any
place. . In fact, yon shall have
eve?y? advantage,"," The questions
pending are of such vital import
ance that; they should not be set
aside with a "wave -of the hand, aa
: you; have attempted to do in your
. letter to me.
"In your platform you say 'Re
duce taxes' by redncing the cost
-of government.'. What do you
. raeajh.Hlut? Would -you abolish
the.ftat hospital, with the num
bers' of in maf?fs Increasing 200 a
yor? Would you turn 8 00 -feeble
minded loose?. Would you reduce
tbe,jYy. for prrmary. election
Would yon reduce or wipe ont en
tirely' the appropriation for the
state library? Would you handi
cap the institutions of higher
learning by giving them a lower
appropriation than they now re
ceive? Would you cut off the ap
propriation for market roads?i
Ydii pay you favor reducing-the
cost of government. Would- you
lavor the repeal of the soldier
bonus law? -
."Are you in favor of any redis
tribution of the tax burden, or is
It, in your opinion, fair and equi
table as It now stands? Do you
believe that those, who enjoy 62
per'cent xif he " Income . of the
state and ; are- paying less than
10 per -cehjl of ' the taxes should
be, asked to contribute more than
thijt are, now paying? Do you be
lieve in a state income tax that
wonM force the special interests
o(4he state to pay more ol.t;l
burdens of government? D.:yon
believe In a graduated income
' tar? Do you believe that the man
with- an income of $4,000 a year
'should pay as much tax . as the
ma-with an income of $10,000?
In -other , words.are- you. in favor
of ihe Grange income Tax bill
now before the people?, Are .you
in " jlvpr 'of the Property , Offset
bill., now being sponsored by the
special Interests In an attempt to
deceive. the people? In return, for
theffubilc support that Bruce Den
nis! giving to your- candidacy.
are ;you in favor- of the . Dennis
resolution? Why doyon not tell
the voters that if the Dennis reso
lutloji is passed it :wiU -mean
raising from visible property of
the state an additional
llon 'dollars that the state now re
cere from. the Inheritance tax?
' jJknow that foo art in favor of
all eeipts-from gove.rnment land.
le.s cpenses. belonging to . the
pcole'of Oregon. I congratulate
yop apon your endorsement of the
ooJerfI work of Senator Staa connection with his tax-re-fundjng
bill. - V - I .
fcjfoa ;tate " you favor- plaetig
thi penitentiary under the; board
of control, this simply means that
as ; governor you would want to
sbirlc the responsibility. Can you
name a. period In the -history of
Oregon when- more was aecom-
MUhed at the" penitentiary than 1
baye acomplished during the past
four'years? Why make the board
of -rontrol 'the pardoning board?
Kct commission in the state has as
much responsibility r as many
dnties as the board of control
Why add te-'their -burdens "when
we "have at the present time an
efficient parole 4oard that opr-
- atewitnout expense to the tax
. payers? : .. ' . ,
TTf ; i 83"' . "Fewer pardons.'
Would ' you expect to get by In
four 'years time with fewer than
four' full pardons? That Is my
- record. True, .several, conditional
pardons have been granted for de
portation of foreign criminals.
When 'the United States Depart'
meat of . Immigration cooperates
with' 'the state in deporting these
criminals to foreign shores, would
you refuse such conditional " par
donsT?N When thesentencing jndge.
, thdistflct attorney, the sheriff
and other "Ihlerested'officers, of
the law recommend that a ; sen
. tence be reduced dr changed,
..would you.refuseTJd jjlsten? , . -"If
you found -ainan ; In Jail
, wlth.ta loathsome diseased in "dally
. contact with other prisoners.. what
, would. you, do with him? What
wonld. you do in a case "where a
man' has served, his jail sentence
f six. months foe bootlegging, has
no money to pay a $500 fine, his
wire and .children without funds,
' ?ring Hi'ported by jthe taxpayers,-
- i that Ui'an is offered Work pro
vided ,'be lsr grunted a reprieve?
; Would; you (Compel him,, under
-. such vonditions to cay out his fins
In jail at the rate . of $2.00 per
day? Or would yon grant him a
preprieve, holding his sentence over
him, allowing him his liberty to
earn money to support his family
and pay his fine?
"Do you! know that everp pro
hibition official In the state of
Oregon In the state of Oregon to
day must take a1 pledge that dur
ing the life o his commission he
will not take a drink of intoxicate
Ing liquor?, ' . . (
"1 am delighted to know that
you are in favor of hastening the
completion of the Roosevelt high-
Way. Would you change my plan
of 4pay as you go to 'bond issu
jng and , waste money as it was
wasted in the early construction
of highways in Oregon? The re
cords show that -$13,000,000 has
been spent; in new construction
since I have been governor, and
no state- bonds issued. ; ' Do you
know that Oregon today has one
of the best road construction high
way 'commissions in .the .United
States, and: that the oiled macad
ams of Oregon are .the best and
cheapest in the country? The
Rosevelt highway, under my plan
will be completed In a very short
tinrecand that without the Ibbu
jince of, ban da, ....:....'.. T - .
"What'do"you mean by 'adjust
ing automobile licenses'? Do you
want to reduce the revenue f Just
what do you mean, by .'adequate
provisions .for retiring bonds
State bonds, now fall, due at serial
dates and are paid and cancelled
. "You say -issue no tax-free
bonds.' Do - you expect to violate
the state consitntion, or, .do you
expect to change it? ,
notice that you say' 'the fish
and game commission function
for the people and not as a poli
tical machine.' You accuse me of
not reading your platform. I feaf
that you nave not taken note of
what I' have already done with the
'fish and game commissions. These
commissions have Been out of pol
itics foe many months. Ask Burgh-:
duff nnd Shoemaker.
"What do ? you mean by 'play
fair with ex-service men'? I note
that' you want to reduce taxes.
Would you o!o so by repealingHhe
balf-min levy for the soldiers'
"1 am delighted, to know that
yon wisti to 'maintain higher stan
dard of public schools and insti
tutions of higher, learning." Would
you accomplish v this -by reducing
the amount of -money, these insti
tutions 'are' getting?
i-TCom out front your peach, or
chard and tell us. Are you willing
to help In some legislation " that
will make the special Interests- pay
something like a reasonable share
of the 1 cost of maintalng our
Bcbools at their present high ef
J'What Is yonr real opinion on
irrigation matters? You vsay, you
want legislation.. Legislation to
what effect? I am opposed to the.
state's assuming the $10,000,000
in bonds Issued by the various Ir
rigation dlatrlcU. Are you? Over
$3,000,OQO. in.bond8 have, already
been issued to take care of de
faulted interest, and this unlet be
paid- by: the -general taxpayer. .
"Dare. you to declare to Cair.
Thompson and your ardent banker
supporters in this1 state that you
will oppose the state's assuming
those . district irrigation Rhonda
amounting to $10,000,000? JDo
vou know that Lair Thompson and
bis associates will be before .the
next legislature with a plan .to
compel Ahe taxpayers' of 'Oregon,
to assume the losses of the irriga
tion districts that, are now in fi
nancial difficulty? Would you op
pose such a plan?,. Just where Itt
you stand on this Important ques
tion? I am delighted; to know that
you : have some . interest in me
farmers who have for years lived
in these districts and are now
losing' their . farms ' by, reason of
the schemes and ' jobbery. . of the
men who are today ardently sup-1
porting you for rovernor. ;
'Now that your f peaches are
harvested and there remains six
weeks of the campaign plenty, of
time in which to make yourself
known I ask 'you to speak in
specific terms and not in glitter
ing generalities. ; ' ' ,
"Where and when shall the de
bate take place?" ' .
. . Yours reepecttnlly", . i
. Governor.
. (0atia fvoaa, pa( 1.) .
court ' as soon as her illness per
mits for.-arraignment.
Mrs. "Kennedy pleaded "not
guilty" and waived ' the; reading
of the. complaint.'. '."Preliminary
examination was set for 10 o'clock
Monday, September. 27.' ":
. Together . witty ; the evangelist
and her mother,. 'five others .to
night are under charges of felony
on, wo. counts growing out of al
leged attempts of Mrs. McPhrson
and those named In the complaint
to represent the -surreptitious dis
appearance: of the evangellst'iwas
a kidnapping, and attempt to pre
pare .false evidence to support the
gigantic hoax, the complaint 'set
forth. 1 --: r ' K: 'J- : 'r-y
Kenneth1 Ormiston. ,lforiner
radio operator at Angelas temple,
and Mrs." Lorraine Wiseman SJe
latf, : whose statements that the
War Ambassador
Oti New Service
' s i
v ' N
. "!
James W. Gerard, former V.
S. ambassador to Germany, has
been appointed as the public
representative on the New York
state . industrial -commission
,-which is making an exhaustive
study of, industrial and labor
Carmel Miss X story was a" hoax,
are two others named in the fel
ony charges. The three others
were under names- of, John Doe,
Richard Roe and Sarah Moe.
t Mrs. ,Sielaff surrendered to the
district 'attorney's Office? at about
he, same time that; Mrs. Kennedy
appeared. Pending Jthe arrange
tnent of baU she "Waseld in cus,
tody. The John Doe named in the
complaint was said to be for sf
"Mr! Martin'.' named by Mrs., Sie4
laff as the man who asked her to
come from San Francisco or, Los
Angeles in." connection with C the
Miss X" hoax. He is believed to
be a former private detective.
The Richard Roe warrant was
said to be issued for any v person
who might later be implicated in
the case, while that for - Sarah
Moe was said to be applicable to
the "Miss X," a Philadelphia
' ThnnneA on kin' b"no-h8.1f a tea-
elevatpriW enter the-of flee o( tpFOSClSt PfCSSUTB
chief ; investigator ;f or thd1striet
attorney a battery kj fiaamfghts
were exploded i b it camerkinenT
After remaining In the offices; a
few minutes. Cohn came out "and
asked that no more fla8hfightsTe
made and said that-Mrs. Kennedy
would pose for the photographers
after her arraignment. ,
The posing was done In a conrt
room not In use. Mrs. Kennedy
and her attorney were . photo
graphed. While the" cameramen
coached here how to sit and ex
ploded their flashlights, she- sat
very;, still and willingly obeyed
them. The cameramen kept tak
ing pictures until stopped by her
After this Mrs. - Kennedy was
beseiged' by newspaper reporters
until taken away by her attorney.
She had ; no . statement to make
and quietly and smilingly - told
the reporters so.
(Continued from pge 1)
the courts. Speeding resulted in
137 arrests while 36 operators
were held for reckless driving.
Sixteen drivers were arrested tor
operating their vehicles while - in
to cicated. Switched license plates
resulted in , 17 arrests, while 11
drivers were held because of hav
ing overloads.
A total of 158gl.40 was col
lected during the month as the
result of the officers activities.
Of this amount $2621.25 repre
sented delinquent fees. Th.e re
Sale value of stolen cars rpcovereo
by the officers was $6850.' Fines
imposed for molor law violations
totaled $5763.95, while fines im
posed for offenses other than mo
tor vehicle violations aggregated
The state traffic .officers trav
eled a total of 69.9.85 miles dur
ing the month and visited 2888
town's and cities.
There are now 38 stati traffic
officers in the field, and practi
cally every main xraeled road in
the state Is under patrol.
Rear Admiral C. S. Townsend.
of the Critish navy, is reported
to'have been forced to give up
his leadership of the' British
naval mission to Greeco because
the activity in Greece of Italian
fascists. Mussolini is held di
rectly responsible for the forced
recall of the mission.
,When the weather is warm
there is a demand for dishes that
woman and a friend of Mrs. Sie-" do not require time or work to
laff. according to her story. I Pr lr- u 4
on cannot exist on cool drinks
Official verification of the ill
ness or Mrs. MePherson was ob
tained late today when Ben Cohnt really a problem to trv and nro-
chief detective of the district at- vide cool, tempting and nourish
torney's 'office, went to the door ing foods.
I During -hot weather -the, body
(does not require so many, heat
(.producing foods which contain fat
and succulent salads.. So ks 4s4-ioBs at equal distances apart
attract the eye, whet the appetite
and still supply sufficient food
value. Every meal should have at
least on hot dish, which may le
a light soup or meat, served wilri
a cold salad or dessert. If the
meat is cold, serve the fat kinds
of meats, other than bacon, for
the" leaner cuts supply the ne
cessary protein.
The large variety of vegetables
now on the market makes it easy
to combine with meats for a well
planned meal.
Mam and bacon are both appe
tiing as well as economical foods
for summer. In the first place
they are easy to prepare. A ham
may be baked and served as a hot
dish, .the remainder served cold,
with salads or in a combination
meat and salad dish and also in
sandwiches for a picnic.
Kitchen Suggestions
To itt Radishes for a Garnish
Select long globe radishes and
emove tip end. Wash and, begin
ning at root end, make six in-
of her. .bedroom and announced
ne haa a warrant for ner arrest.
She did not reply, but one of the
nurses replied: ' "
"She is too ill." .
Cohn then left the temple. The
district attorney previdusly an-,
nounced : that he would exlend
ereryq consideration 01.&eiaii4
would not ormally attempt " to
'cajiseher arrest unUl'-she ls able
to appear at the hall of justice.
District Attorney Asa Keyee "ex
ploded reports . that Ormiston
might be granted ' immunity-- for
turning state's evidence, when he
declared that the radio operator
who- rented the. Carme cottage
tour days before the evangelist
disappeared, .would be brought to
trial and prosecuted, upon the
same footing as others in the case
He issued instructions for imV
mediate notification, to ,be sent
through the identification bureau'
to every . police department in the
country to arrest Ormiston on the
fefony warrant Issued today. At
torney S. S. Hahn, who had an
nounced that Ormiston was in
the .yjcinity of Los Angeles and
would surrender " today " to turn
state's evidence,- failed to produce
the radio operator. - Instead the'
attorney issued a statement .say;-.
Ink; that Ormiston had not acted(
quick enough and now It is too;
late to do 'anything for him.. : j
All through tEp arraignment
proceedings Mrs. Kennedy was as
calm as it she had been attending:
a service in Angelus temple, j
and heavy meats do not appeal to.
os. But you must remember; we.
have to have a certain amount of
protein, fat and minerals and vit
amines. The minerals and vita
mines we secure through the
fresh salads and fruits,-jwhile the
through the skin, extending
nearly to. the stem end- Pass a
; thin-bladed knife under the sec
tions, of skill and cut down as far
as the-incision's extend. Place in
cold water and let stand an hour
l orjtwo, after which time the sec
tions ot cut skin will tola back
resembling a tulip.
Soiiictlt'iifi; Xfw for Supiwr
J. Housewives who are always
searching through the current
magazines tor new lunhceon o
Of course, people who engage
in out-of-door exercise sitch as
walking, golfing, tennis and swim-.
der, 1 level ( tespoon of salt, 1-8
teaspoon ot '.pepper, . and add to
the other ingrddients. Drop by
spoonfuls on a ' hot,, well-greased
griddle, flatten with a. knife and
brown on both ldes.
Hot Dreads that Are Xot Heating
Not many of us like to do a lot
of cooking or baking on a '3iot
day but we are all convinced, I
am sure, that one must have at
least one hot dish at a real to
accompany those that are cold Qr
iced. - -
The' hottest part of baking or
cooking of course is the time we
have the stove or oven lighted,
the preparing of the dish itself
takes but a short time.
- If the hot bread. is to be served
at breakfast, most everything can
be done, even to the greasing of
the pans, the night before just be
fore retiring. Beating the egg,
adding to. the liquid and combin
ing with dry ingredients; which
were sifted , the 'night' before
means a very little wort in the
morning and but a short time-for
the oven to be heated.
Macaroni Tlmbale; With Lobster",
Mushroom Sauce 7
Cook two-thirds a cup of maca
roni, broken in inch pieces. In
rapidly boiling, salted water and
rinse in cold water Let drain un
til ready for use.
In a double boiler scald one cup
o f heavy cream, ami two cups of
soft bread crumbs, one. cup of
cheese, cut ih. very small" pieces,
one teaspoonful of onion juice or
phnnnori on kin' oho-hal f a tea-
spoonful -of thopped parsley and
pimento, hdpped fine, three eggs,
beiten slightly, one teaspoonful
of paprika. Stir. until the ingred
ients are blendedAdd the maca
roni "and ' turn into a mold which
bas been buttered and lined with
paper and let cook until the mix
ture firm. ' .
Saute about one-half pound of
lobster meat. Unmold the tlmbalo
garnish with the lobster and
round the-tlmable with ;
v M.Mlroom K-e "
: Saute one pound of sliced muh
roms; drelge heavily with flour;
stil until the flour, is absorbed;
add one-fourth a teasponful Hf
salt, and one cup of cream, and
stir until the sauce, thickens and
bubbles throughout. - '' -
For Boys and Girls
(all agesj
For the girl we have a large selection of the newest things
in sport oxfords in all the new creations. We are showing
styles embracing every pattern known to the shoemaking
world. Prices ranging from
$6 to $10
We have a complete line of this nationally known Scout
shoe and we have every size to fit all the boys at the pres
ent time but they are going fast. We have placed large
orders but if you want your shoes to start school with, we
would advise getting them now. Prices are
$3.95 and $4.95
- - c'.,
'J! -il . "
. t ..
Mi.,u;;:" "iijiti.::a.a..M mm". f.iu..
a : :! !in-u : m -a -i ... mm w tss.m.m utsm m h.i iui la-nrintHit.iw m.uhh : mm wi mi mi w w i nr
All Rubber Heels put on your
shoes for half price on Wednesday
m w m: ? m v- w uc w i: m m mv- w
i ii : ic. ni ifii ro m tm in sw ;r;i rilnt !-n wrnt- nn ir-n m myr.j ri'tus n wi lifl'f 'lBi liiKlti mi iw iw wi.ldi innriinHI'
fat and protein, must -come fcojn. LupjSejr ideas will Jte delighted to
some other , source, -. 4 iftrythe following recipe for Pota-
to Pancakes. When served with a
tart apple sauce they are delicious
Toone well beaten egg add one
mlng reel a need for -more" sub- pound, of grated .raw potatoes anti
stantial foods. 1 small finely chopped onion. Sift
Summer fods must be preDared together V2 cup of flour. 1 level
and served in a way which will teaspoon of Calumet baking pow
11 . j& I... ...J
I f '
when she stepped from the Ben Lyon and oarn:y Qldf leld at Oregon JNpw
Buy Almost New Cars, Save Dollars Big Reductions,
Willys Knight Sedan . Hupmobile Touring x
2 Willys Knight Touring 2 Overland Touring'
- Overland Sedan. Willys Knight Touring
, Overland Coupe .;. . " Maxwell Touring .
2 ClevelandTouring Chevrolet Coupe .
f Moon Touring f', Buick Touring:, Glss Enclosure
;-' ; Studebaker Sedan--New Rubber and Paint
Willys iKhight Touring, Sport Model
;;v ; y PRICE; $50 TO $ip6o
Marmon -. Willys-Knight . Whippet Overland
, 1
711 VnTTI? Corns nd calluses
JJKJ IVJUIX remoTed withou
fTJPF,fP Pin. orenes.
1 d & -L Ingrown Balls re-
UTPT? moved and treated.
nUIXi. - P,,ns ; in feet,
vetk foot, flat foot, foot strains and
fallen arches adjusted. Do not suffer.
I will girt yon the best that science
can produce in scientific chiropody.
with all new machin-
JJPyr ery. Wo ns nothinf
but the very best'
grade of leather that money will buy.
fan j 8 Shots
Km Psmpj
RaEBdsd B00U
3Z6 StateSL-McxliDllL&iia
. Mr. Jacobscn, In charge of this de
partment, is an expert in his line has
spent years In factories and repair
shops and will do nothing bat high
grade wotk.
T"""1 " 1 " l! "i-"'- '1"'"" i-JH'iiii!"P.w-itiitl'iiii'"W'i.uii m.i iiujai"ams-j.uwij JMLm ji mn. ,u iixms. .wwmi
i 1 '
firii o 1 v
11 ii j win ooive 1 our
OeairOM Heating Problem,.
m. 1 o 1
Supplants Stoves and .
Fireplaces v:
If you have been heating by stoves
or fif eplaces, yo'u will want to care-i
fully-investigate the Heatrola. It
is just the thing for heating homes
and buildings of the smaller size,
especially those that do not have
basements. " -
Heats the Whole House
Installed in one of the living rdoms,
or hall it keeps the whole house
warm. Beautif ully.r - finished in .
grained mahogany enamel to har
, momze with finest home furnish
ings. - ,: -.. -r
Burns Any Kind of Fuel
You can use hard coal or soft; lig
nite, pr slack or even wood.' The
fire control is so perfect the Heat
ola will hold fire for 50 hours on
one. charge of any kind of coal. -;
Come in and see this , wonderful
t heating, system or phone us and
.we .-will gladly call and explain the
Ilea tola in detail. .
ty,.- f).
'J t)
f i .r
"Colonial" Wdod and Coal Ranges
v Montag Heaters
- Trade
in Your
Old StoVe
" Heater
Gootf ;
427 State Street
i 1