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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 15, 1926)
THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON WEDNESDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 15, 1926 S SEARCH FUTILE Expedition Hunting - Jacob -l Rosenthal Gives Up, No ! ;. Clue Is Found FIFTEEN BANDITS HELD AincrfraiM Admit Inability Identify Suspects; Old Man Believed HHd Captive" ? tc fa Wild Country . MEXICO CITY, Sept. 14. -f A. P.) -The 'search for Jacob Rosen thai,-wealthy-American of Wood-mere,-Long Island, has proved fu t tie. ' HV was, k jdtf aped by bandit Sunday while returning to Mexico City by antomobilefrom Cuerna 'vac. ., The , others of the., party, Jack fcahlcr,: a prominent Ameri can resident, of Mexico' City, his wife and Joseph RufT. Mr. Rosen, that's prospective son-in-law, were robbed at the time but permitted to continue theie Journey.:. " i ZlhTerrd Ruff with a picked squad of aieiican "BOldier, started rtUtVetrdar to trace the bandits but 5 returned her "after valmy pluagiJigHnJto the- dense, woods nca fin ttzilhaca, "where t the out rage, occurred, having spent hours in Irutlless search for the missing man and his captors.' 'The whereabouts and plight of the. old. man are a complete, mys tery," said Zahler. j "That region is wild, almost' Impenetrable. It sejns to me tobe possible for.b'anr dlts io hide tfiere indefinitely ' with out Wng found." ; ; ; ; Fifteen suspected bandits have been Arrested near Huitxilaca, whichJ". town .is under, martial. law. Every 'j resident Is being; sternly questioned" by the military Tor. th purpose- of locating the bandits or the..' companions. - No wofd has, been received Uher from;ltosen thai or the bandits! But under in fret lone to get the bandits dead or alive, ; the federal troops and rrnk Counted noli? detachment? ttu,'i!csJe City continued. t scosar ; the woods and mountains of the - wild , country i where the American s hidden. . ' $u thin is e was able to iden t?fyttwo of the suspects as mem hi'A of the band that robbed him", ,lufZahler ays,ho was not able to -identify ny one positively, re in sr Inge's I tho8e Indians look niikji'. I'dcclino fo be responsible for a man's death by saying I iden ttieif 'him 'when I was not "cer tain".' ' -r:- ' : Mrs. Zahler Is proceeding to CueVnaraca 'and will try to iden tifypne or" more 'of the arrested Director's Department Store is building up a reputation for guar anteed.., merchandise; conducting a real department store; making ste&dy progress too. ; r. () v W. jjay, tires, tubes and ac cessories. Has the Goodyear tires, the, standard of the. world. Mr. Day, -can give you more .mileage. . Corner Com'l, and Chemeketa, () TAcZrJEDUCflON' V ' '.' . t S U I40VE' IS OPPOSED II aCobtia4 frB yg .y ' I l t s i i . w i i -1 reason i an jacrease in. business du4 fot reduced" rates of taxation!: Heifeell further test should be glvlij the present la w. before a fur ther tax reductfoti ts attempted. , It .would be'.especiaily unwise; in Jiis. opinion, to , reduce taxe now !when business is. good, only ... to .be. forced to increase taxes when a business depression comes. AHax- Increase, d aring -a period of depression,-it-was declared,- wpuld .retard a recovery of business. , At present, it waa pointed out, .there, la onjy. a, slight .margin be - tween government income and ex penditures, and when this' is tak en lata consideration-the maturing obligations the treasury, is obliged , to meet on account of the pqblic ; CLOVER HULLER WANTED In good runninrj or der, 27 to' 36. inch w i t h ate mmin g cylinder preferred. See us at once." U D; A. WHITE SONS' f; ' iS;";jPlion6:lC0:.- 261 Sbto Street fT iSalcnii Ore. : U-Rjen Asks Investigation ; : Be Taken to Civil Courts John Carson Would Be Asked Kozer to Strike Name of 1 - Election Charles E. Henshaw of Port- land testified - before the Marion county grand jury here yesterday in connection 4 with " the investljta tion 'of charges that Frederick Steiwer, republican candidate for United States senator,1 falsified his primary election expense accounts. The charges against Mr. Steiwer were fijed by W. S. U'Ren, Port land attorney, and were based on affidavits signed by Mr. Henshaw. ' Other Portland men who have been subpoenaed to testify in con nection with the probe are E. E. Stackbouse, Walter Bridedemier and Charles German ;lTaey are members of the Multnomah Coun ty Republican club. PORTLAND, Ore.. Sept. 14.-4 ( AP ) -W. S. U'Ren in an open letter to the editor of the Morn ing Oregonian, today - invited the editor to join with U'Ren in ask- ing District Attorney John II. Car son, of Marion county to start suit against Secretary of State' Kozer requiring Kozer to strike from the ballot the name of ' Frederick Steiwer, republican ' nominee for United States senator, unless, "he (Mr. Steiwer) 'files a' true and lawful campaign account. t In'the fetter U'Ren stated thai i. ' :.v. - . . ;i debt tat '"slight margin is' a', de ficlt :''vyf -"j ' . Whffe the "treasury for the first time, . it-; was added, was able t$ meet those maturing obligation last . June without borrowing, It has . been forced to , borrow' for meeting, the September 15 public debt maturities. The interesjt charge alone on the public debt is 48.000,001) a year, and it was said; any .considerable reduction j ia taxes at present would require a substantial, lessening, in , the allotf ments to -thersinklng fund that might react upon bonds .issued to the ' public in a way to damage public credit! The Salem Haw. Co., most pro gressive. Every.i accommodation given to those, in . need., of thest hardware'supplies. Work and pros perity the motto. 120 N. Cora'l () The Dixie Balcery leads on high ilnoa hrenrta nicta ' rivilrfai anil fancybaked supplies of every kind. Best by test. . Ask old customers. 439 Court St. : v t ? ( NATIVES GlVKX MEblCIjSfi TANA N A, Alaska, Sept; 14. (AP). The medical supply boat Martha Angclin,' -operated by the United States bureau of education, was on its way to Ncnana for the winter, after treating- .more than 50 natives along the Yukon river. Fall hats and a Dew line, of felts, $3.95 to $4.95, and the ex clusive Priscilla Dean children's hats at the Salem Variety Store, 295 North Commercial.' () W. G.' Krueger, realtor, progres sive, fair; equitable. Growing city and country: make possible buy$ that will. make yon good money. Complete listings. 147 N. Com'l. Buster Brown Shoe Store. ' High class, stylish looking, comfort giv ing,' long wearing shoes for-the least money. Come and te convinc ed. 125 N. Com'l.. () QtsQcnc'c Cocacircttd Gtoccttc Ptovo WorttEayoS Tbcir r.3attoa Eugene,home of the University of Oregon, has. thousands of square yards of concrete , streets. In fact, last year Eugene's yardage of concrete paving passed the half million mark, l : Eugene! first experience with concrete pavement was on Franklin Boulevard. This " paving is part of the; Pacific Highway, and is one of the heaviest traveled sections. ' The splendid service this section gave , from the time ifwas opened to traffic seven years ago had much to .do with Eugene's , extension of .concrete .streets throughout . the city. ' ;" ' . i ltt true, even surface U meeting every requirement of modern traffic, and at 4 maintenance cost next to nothing. l'- , The rest of Eugene's concrete streets are " 'v ,worthyoI their leadctnd their sturdy mates in 3000 other towns and cities o thj . United States. ... .Concrete gives you more pavement value , ., per dollar invested than any other type. - r f- r - i AH tf iht f frfhocUtt on Xonert J ' atrt. Ak for jomt copy. ' PORTLAND CEMENT ASSOCIATION r GiiCO Bu2dinj; v -- 1 ": TOITTLAND; OREO. . - . . ' ' A T?ii6da1 Organization ta &AXmrsv:n4 Exl4 tha: Ue$ ef Concnt ' 7 " ' OFFICtf IN f t CITIIf , . - - . r . - J ' ' I - - f . " ' - ' . ' - " ,f ' t - .i( -.'i-m"' h ' K to Bring Suit. Against Sam Frederick Steiwer From Ballot he had appeared before the Marion county grand Jury and that he did not have sufficient legal evidence to offer to warrant an indictment against Steiwer on charges of failing to account for certain cam paign fund expenditures. U'Ren said the proposed suit would bring into open court' all the parties, so they could be cross examined. He added:. 1 ': i "In addition to the Henshaw charges and the 'yellow ticket' fraud, the court will be able to question you and Mr. Steiwer and some others about a $46,500 Stei wer campaign fund that I am told --and that I believe was contrib uted by some corporation men in Oregon and eastern states prior to April 13. This $46,500 slush fund was in addition to 'the Stei wer campaign expenditures cov ered y the accounts filed with the secretary of state. If the story is true, and I believe it is, that would furnish one reason why candidate Steiwer swore only to campagin expenses made after the 13th day of April. Any eighth grade school boy would know, on reading the' law that Mr. Steiwer's statement that be 'is not . required to account for money spent before he filed his. formal declaration of candidacy is foolisti." KL1 WIZARD HITS. n Offensive Against Roman ism, Aiienism and Boisev- ism Asked by Evans . WASHINGTON. Sept. 14. (AP) An immediate offensive against "romanism, alienism, bol shevism, and anti-americanism of all. kinds" was the battle cry sounded here today by the Ku Klux Klau by its emperor and im perial wizard. Dr. Hiram V. Evan's. There was an instant and vocif erous response from the hundreds of delegates attending the third biennial conclave of the organiza tion. Time and time again as the Imperial wizard mapped out the Klan program of the ensuing years the Washington auditorium rang with the cheers of the knights. While Dr. Evans was cheered again and again during his address the greatest outbreak came when he urged klansmen to use every effort to take the United States out of the world court. lie was declaring for adherence to the principles of 'the founding fathers against entangling allian ces. . . ' The imperial wizard asserted he had heard it said that the league of nations would interfere in Mex ico,, and predicted that if Europe did Interfere "in that country it would find itself in trouble. - - "If any European nation lands M force in Mexico," he shouted, and if the United States govern- kment is ; not ready to act, thank God there are enough . klansmen in America to repel them." aristocrat of pavements facts an In our . mmmm BRITISH SEH! , BATTLE CHINESE Affray Called Serious as Some Reports List Native Dead at 2,000 LONDON. Sept. 14.-(APJ. Reports from "China prinfed here today described fierce fightidg on September 5, between the British forces and ' the Chinese. Some dispatches reported 2,000 Chinese casuaJties. ;The officials here say that figure is "very greatly exag gerated." though it is admitted the affray was serious. The encounter was at a port on the upper Yangtze river between General Yang-Sen's legionnaires nd a small British" naval force. It was much like an eighteenth century naval battle staged for the movies, with hand to hand fighting. The British were greatly out numbered but effected a dramatic release of the British officers held prisoners aboard merchantmen which had been seized by the Chinese and crowded to the rails with guards. Everything appeared quiet as ihe Kiawo. manned by a British naval force, steamed alongside the captured Wanhsien. AIL. that was to be! seen of the Wanhsien .were groups of natives squatting about in a seemingly peaceful manner. But as soon as the British party came ; aboard, the snip became alive with riflemen and machine runs -poured a leaden hail into the British seamen. It was esti mated that 400 Chinese lined the rails of the Wanhsien and poured deadly fire into the Kiawo which was promptly returned. While desperate fighting was going on. on the lower decks a boarding party swarmed aboard the captured steamer and rescued the British officers who had 'bar ricaded themselves in the officers' quarters of the vessel. The. fight ing continued for an hour after when the British ship drew off with the fire of everal thousand troops on both sides of the river centered upon it. The British gunboat Widgeon ran close ashore and opened up with a quick firing gun and the gunboat Cockshafer, with her six-inch guns, Silenced Yang-Sen's field pieces and de stroyed his headquarters and other marked positions. It was learned later, that , Yang- Sen had decamped 20 miles"4n land several hours before Ihe fight;-. While the Kiawo and.-ttj.:t:totuty to 4TO East Wanhsien were engaged Chinese guards .'aboard the other .com mandeered ship, the Wantung, tried.jto-kill two British officers held prisoner aboard her. - Both Jumped " .overboard',., and one was drowned while the other swam safely to a French gunboat. , The Commercial Book Store has everything you need In books and stationery and supplies for the school, office or home, at the low est possible prices. () The Man's Shop saves you a ten dollar bill on every quality suit. Shirts, hats, 'ties, collars. High grade clothing, perfect fitting, long wearing. 416 State. () Dr, Edward E. Boring I "Let fih as - Staples vll ; i ... toyour '" sm, slsht" 'vi v Are You One Who Neglects His Eyes? .. .... .. From, both a business standpoint and a health standpoint you owe yourself to properly fit yourself for your functions in life by getting maximum-results from those most needed, most used,, and " - ' of times most abused srgam1 your eyes. If you have not tha eyes that give t . you these' advantages, .then take steps to put tbem In a condition to give you the best efficiency. , If your eyes are not right and you, feel that they should be attended to, : ,w why put -it off any .longer. . - Come In at the first opportunity 'and - Let Staples See to Your Sight. CORNER STATE AND HIGH STREETS " -- "Balem, "Oregon In Connection With Red Cross Drug jCo. O r: o I Visitors Reported 1' ; in Salem o ; . f vt . t, o V. A. Smith ' of Eugene visited this' city Monday. E. Mcintosh of Corvallls visited Salem Monday night. A.rA. Spencer ot Eugene was a SiJem visitor, Monday. F. W. Marks of Eugene spent Monday in this city. C. 3. Gunther of -Portland was in. this city Tuesday. F. J. Rennie:was in Salem Mon day. He is a resident of Eugene. J. J. Schapf of Amity was in the city Tuesday. Charles Porter of Aumsville was a, visitor in Salem yesterday. Thomas Kearney of Itoseburg visited Salem Monday. W. K. Taylor of Corvallls was a visitor in this city Monday. Mrs. J. N. Johnson of Albany was a visitor in this city Tuesday. Pure Japan silk plated over lisle hose for men. Regular price $1 special this week 55c. Scotch Woolen Mills Store, 426 State street. () Chicago Tourists Watch Waving Arms in Wheat Pit CHICAGO (AP) To see the Roman salute given in all its classic perfection, visit the Chica go Board of Trade. On an excit ing day, the crowds of brokers in the wheat pit really outdo the Fascist!. v, Especially of late with wheat prices whirling wildly, tourists in Chicago seem never to tireof the picturesque spectacle of a forest of waving arms thrust skyward on 'change. Hafee vour trip Kast v on low round trip C excursion fares expires Saturday, September 1 8. Final re turn limit October 31. Liberal stopovers. Agent will tell you exact fare from your city and help map out your itinerary. IPAIIIFIIC rem tMPoaMATtoM and resxrva XION CALL ON OR WRITS (ireneral I'assenger Dept. 637 Pit took Block Portland, Ore. 2 PHONE 120tt TOR APPOINTMENT Old Payrolls -Show Value of Pre-War Negro Slaves ' MOBILE. Ala. (AP) The warehouse of the Mobile and Ohio railroad has given up several pay rolls made out to slave owners, the oldest having been made out and signed by Oliver Peers, for mer, slave owner connected with the M. & O. in 1858,. three years before the civil war. On the list were such names of slaves as Tom, Washington, An thony. Jefferson and John. Each worked in section gangs of the M. & O. before the Civil war. They were "worth" $20 or SZ5 -Your Golden Automobile Opportunity School Days School Mays Dear Old- Yes, they are dear old days to the kiddies but they mean planning and buying for mother - - -"'4 Yes the manufacturer has taken just as much care in the making- of these coats as mother's received. In fact they look just like mother's fur collars, large buttons'n everything. 2 to 7 to 8 to 12 to a month, according to their phys ical abilities. In splendid handwriting, clearly legible despite its age, the names of the negroes' in slavery, their masters and wages were written in separate columns on the unbleach- . - - , j i ed paper. Gabriel Powder & Supply Co.. lumber, building materials, paints ind varnishes, roofing paper. Get E rices here and make a big sav Office, 175 S. Com'L I) Cure that cold and that miser able feeling in a jiffy. Get some Quick Cold Tablets at Nelson & Hunt. Druggists, on the corner of Court and Liberty Sts. Tel. 7. ) Prices reduced on reconditioned used automo biles. Neatest, cleanest and most select stock of used automobiles exhibited in Marion coun ty will be displayed in the beautiful salesroom' at 365 North Commercial street this week. . " "'.". e Exceptional offerings, wide range of models including: Ford Ford Coupe, Ford 6edan, Ford Roadsters, Buick Touring, Buick Coupe, Nash Touring, jewett Sedan, Essex, Chevrolet Coupe, Chevrolet Sedan, Cadillac Sedan, Rickenbacker Sedan. Look these cars over now. Entire salesroom devoted to used automobile display this week. It is your opportunity to secure a good car and save money. F. W. PETTYJOHN CO. 365 N. Com'l St Phone 1260 CADILLAC -r- NASH We have made here we have children, from .. the tiny tots to Willamette's pride. Just Like Mofhe r s SIZES 6... .... ,$4.48, 55.48, 59.75 9. 14. 16. $6.98, 9.98, $12.48 . 57.48, 512.98, 514.75 512.48, $16.00519.75 'VCr tf ft 9 Archbishop Favors Irish Dance Tunes for Youths BELFAST -(AP)-'Jazx is all very well for blase "folk, and men and women' whose lives are worn but." said Catholic Archbishop G1I martin ia Galway." "but . for boys and' girls with -elasticity In their limbs it is unsuitable. For them Irish dances are best.? v . Vibbert ft Todd Electric . . High at 'Frry Sts. Evembins electrical. Guod service and low prices are bringing an increasing irade to this store. , : ; () ' PORTLAND. Paving on Line Road from 8 2d street to Gresham, will cost JH35.903. .- it easy for mother.. arranged two full' I' i ) i "I 4 M c j i m 1