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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 14, 1926)
U 1 i Tltfe OfiECk)K SATSSMaM, SALEM, OtlfidON - TUESDAY rORNINGrSEFTEMHER 14n926 M7f A Q Union Roster BOD CARRIERS AND" BUILDING LA borers Local Ne. 44 1, Mil Wed, t a. -.m; Cell 179 foataav iJ.t ' CAPITAL TYPOGRAPHICAL. UNION at. nv-"rrtit"v -- f MUrr. M. D. I'llkeutoo. Meet 4 3:w p.. aw.- . , OA RPENT' UNION no. ioes : Arthur Tucker. Meta B,,eide5FWB-.. Skilled iVosaie fa" Wit it. umurt. furihd. Phea 179. HOTEL. Aim RESTAURANT KM- DWYMt Hl i7 Mui mvmvmj. 457 Court, Haaal Pierce, secretary. S A LEU UNION , LABEL LEAGUE 4 KMtl tt ubor Hall ta eH of prosi-1 deal. F W,r Basra, , aecrevary. box i 443, Salata. Or. Lodge Roster fTtATERNAL ORDER OF EAGLES, meet rary WadaeaoAy. Fr.Urn.ty Hall, 8. M.WlJJstt. Soc'J. T.l. 889-M. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS- MEET 8 AT j-rstarasi -- ""r w - Visiters lavitd. N. Park Stargee. aa; Walter Lenon, K. f R. 8. tx&e d?rr son &taUtnan Published every Booming (except Mon day) a Salam. the capital of Prague. Local Rates -For Classified Advertising Dally ar Seadav On tint Three tuaea 2 centa per word 8 eenta per ward ft MintM dm1 word D1A . . J.,l,.idlM IBMittwrwoM Bis tines I a order, to ears the mora thaa oaa time rata, adrertlseuaot unit r ta conaeeatira iaeaaa. m No Ad taken far lea, tkaa SSe. Ada. rua Sunday ONLY akarged at oao-tim rat. ' AdTrtiBata ' (aieapl ParaaaaJt ad Sltnationa Wanted) will b Ukaa over tit telepboa U U adTrtisr la a aabaeriber to pboa. Tke Suteataax. will raeair adrer tiaeiaenta at any tlm at tke day or aigkt. To inaox prorer elaaaifiea tiona ada aboald to la before 7 p. am. TELEPHOICB 28 OR 6"f Money to Loan OH REjOj ESTATR r. a. Ford (Qrer Ladd ft Bnh BaaK ADVERT! SIN O HONEST ADVERTISING Thee eel r,BI mat b kept (re frees anytklsg . lAf tatKDi wilt eot be tolerated. Iaior f i asaUoa ihowing any aneetienabl U- V I teat oa tbe part et tha adrartlaer 1 aboald be reported to tkis aewe- paper or tk Salem Ad dab. Aif jtapa--". ' ft SEE US POR TOP AND PAINT WOR O. i. Hall Auto Top Aad Paint Short 267 8. Commercial. : 6ld JEUlp Wamfd 9 HOP PICKERS WANTED AT MINTO " yard. Phone 1267-J. s!4 HOP PICKERS WANTED- DUKBIN and Coritoyer. Phone 491 or call of fire orer Penney'a' StAre. 9I4tf HOP PICKERS WANTED Mill take you out and return yon after work. Spend id bops, good ramp for rampra. Call lor trana- porlatica. CV C.-Ruaaell. -.F 8l WANTED TWO NEAT APPEARING men or womeato aell nationally adver tised gennine ailk boaiery and lingerie xceptknal opportunity. Box 67 Grant Pass, Oregon. .. 21 HOP PICKERS "WANTED. WILUAH8 Jk Tbacker Hop TareV Traeka leare east end of bridge at 6;30 A. M. Phone 115FI2. 4tl HOP PICKERS WANTED $1.20 PER !. H miles north of Salem. Spendid hp. Urive oat., or come out and rauin. Ten daya ptrking. Rt. 8, Bos 1 4, C.C Kaaaell Phone 59F22. 9al4 Hlp WMte)d-MAj4 e 1 1 WANTED TWO SALESMEN to tall real ektate. If yoa hare confidence in your alf and can tell the truth, we can use you. Mutt hare car. No "high preaa wra" men wanted. TRIANGLE .REALTY. CO. ; 218 X. Liberty llaltf Help Wanted FexaJtla 13 EXit:BiK.a;D bookkeeper and stenographer wanted, addreaa 29 care Statesman. . 13sl6 SaJesanem 15 SALESMEN WANTED WITH CARS. EX perieoe not neeeaaary. . Large profit. Something new. Oive fall name. and adi -,dreia. Box I9 8Uteiman. 1514 Aceata Waxivcd 17 WANTKI MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTION . eoliritort fr,r K. F.' D. and small town . work in wentern Oregon and western Wanhiugton, good opportunity for am bilious man. apply Circulation Man ttrr Pacific Homestead, Salem, Oregon 7lr Wasted Axmvlwranamt 19 'WANTED CAMP WORK OR DAY . work. Phone 106C ; I - 19sl ' I. ' ' :ariknter, shingleb. new and old work. N on Tin ion. 173 8. Cot taire. Arthur Wilsoiw -- 19ai5 BY tXPF.RIEXCED APARTMENT PEO pie. Man ia experienced janitor, wif i experienced caretaker. 'Want ate ad; work. Reference furniahed. Box 630 Statesman. 1916 POR GARDEN PLOWING, ' BASEMEN! -digging aad team work. Phone 72F . 19ml4t tawmj SI OFFICE SPACE, "gronad floor location See BCSSELLE. 175 S. High. 2128U OFFICX ROOM FOR RENT, CALI Phon 559. - Sl24 PRINTED CARDS. 81 ZS 14 BY T IN Wording. "For Beat." price 10 cent each. 8 la tee me Baaia Office ground floor. , , FURNISHED APARTMENTWITH Gar den. 1398 N. 4th, . 21m24Q FOR RENT ! HOUSES AND APART menta. 7. U Wwd, 841 But St. .. 21mllt for Kamt Apart nmamta 23 - i lViENT $33, 5 room flat. Adultatf ijfe- in and vacant. . Beck .Hen dricks, 189 N. ILgh. 2315 APARTMENT ATTRACTIVELY formshed; private entrance and bath; lr-skfast euniumeZlA Hnxiaesa man or .imii preferred. 449 North Capitol ftr-et. - ; - . , 23l- H'KMsilKD APARTMENTS. 1110 N. , 23sl4 hKST "AZEt. APARTMENT8L -'l Hael. phea 939W. y 23a31t BOOS, BUTTER j'OftTI.AND. det-i 13. AP Egg Lfc'',;u cr Kaaday were oaly 295 raen. ' ' l'mand was greater than the supply, r.iim,, km ,t 4le crrent reeeipta at v-c and ii i. .. . , it . j I""1., rBn- Storage wlthdrawala iri" r"e. - " eh. i halr was : steafly and . nn--.nB.,',l ."ceu on firsts .which were a t ' 87 eenU. Receipt wer 1 Output 14,902 pounds and pounds were taken out of storage. KnORXR.-iipiana recelyd for 25 LARGE FURNISHED ROOM FURNACE v heated. Suitable for four -students. WiM serve two meal. 860 E St. :;, v1 ; . 25sl9 GENTLEMAN'S SLEEPING" ROOM 1M new bom - 49 North Capitol.. 2515 PARTLY FURNISHED HOUSE KEEP ing roams f board a ad roam. raen 1960-W ovrll 2111 Maple Art. 2514 FURNISHED; ROOM,. WITH OR WITH out ' board. . 1-1 TO Court. , ' i'hone 1180-W. if "!- ij14 Fax) JELemt Koumi 87 for rent-room strictly hod- era -house, sleeping porch and garage, $00.(H Sorolofsky, 34t State. 27li SMALL HOUSE $12. MONTH. 2205 Nebraska. 27sl5. 2 APARTMENT HOUSES, AT 173 ANIl 1734 8. Ottage. Part or. whole John Hoyse. lour, Mill. -. 27&n 8 ROOM MODERN HOUSE. IDEAL Lo cation. Large ground aparo. Would prefer to lw.e. Call at 1 29 It. St. 27al5 Tmr Rmmt Favraaa SO t HAVE SEVERAL IRRIGATED FARM - far rent. P. E. Taomaaea, Turnei Ore, Pbaae 6XX. 29ali FOR RENT 80-ACRE FARM 8 MTLKk. from Jefferson. 00 in cultivation. Firet rlasa soil. $S6Q. , Fred Thomaa, Mar ion, Oregon.' 29&14 Wavrntaq Mlaellamoma 35 WANTED TEAM. WEIGHT ABOUT 100O lbs. each. E. John Nunn, Jeffer. on. Ore. 35s 19 WANTED PLACE FOR 2 GIRLS AGES 9 and 10 years, to room and board. Bos 56 care Statesman. " 35sl5 WANTED PRIVATE MONET Po farm loan. ' Wa bare aeveral applica tieaa en hand. llawkina Roberta lae. 205 Oregon Bldg. &dJ4d WANTED SECOND HAND PIPELESS furnace in good condition. Phone 126-J 35sl4 PURNITURR PACK1NO FOR SHIP it. . Gleae-Pvwara JTaraiture Co. 852011 am Far BJ 37 HIGH GRADE PIANO LIKE NEW. Will sacrifice for quick sale. $10 monthly will handle. Write M. Gar nett care Standard Oil Co. for par ticulars. 37s21 CANNINO TOMATOES 60e PER BU shel. Bring boxes. Phone 127F2, Roberts Station. 37sl7 FOR SALE FRESH COW 6 YEARS old. Jersey-Durham, very gentle. Third house. East of Turner on pavement. 87sl4 PULLETS FOR SALE JERSEY rLACK Giants $10 per dozen. Phone :"-K2l. Lee's Hatchery. 37s14 CONCORD GRAPES CHEAP. PTTONE 1135-W evenings. 37sl6 FINE FALL PRARS 50 CENTS JiUSHEL and fcWfet cider.' clean and pure 30 cents gallon. Bring containers. 849. plural Avenue. - 37sl4tf $f5 OPAL KANGK, 1'RACTICALLY new for $35. Call at Dan Larmer'a office or phone 930. 37sl4 LAST CANNING PEACHES. FOSTERS and Salwaya. Imlah Fruit Farm. Phone 52FJ1. 87sl6 FANCY GRAVENSTEIN&. RCLIFSON'S Rt. 8, Box 59. Bring boxes. 37s22t FRESH PRESSED GRAPE JUICE, $1 per Gal. Sweet cider 25c per Gal. 10l N. ComM. 871 GRAPES . FOR SALE, 3 CENTS PER pound, six mile east of Salem on the Pen road. Route C, Box 29. Phone 86F13. ji - 37al6 BUY A "GOOD USED PlAx6 W have some exceptionally good buys in fine used pianos J. P. Hal : $135.00 Bebr Bros. .$ 195.00 .Kimball . $235.00 Behr Bro. , $225.00 Ketsow : $285.WJ Smith Barnes . $285.00 Ivera k Pond $2C5.O0 Terms aa low aa $6.O0 a month. THE JORTIANI MUSIC CO. '335 N. High St. Salem, Oregon. - . 3715 PEACHES THE SOLWAYS ARE RIP eaing at Dud Gibson's place.. Juat a little ways out on tke Wallace road. Watch, for the sign on tbe oak tree or phoae 116F12. 37il4 GRAVENSTEIN APPLES , FOR SALE Bring box. , Coma avenlnga. Rt. 8, Box, U. , - ' i ; 87a26tf FOR SALE ' AUTOMOBILES FOB guaranteed used -cars or new Chryslers see Bnrk, at Oinrich Motor Co4 Phone 635,. 87a24tl SEE THIS ONE BEFORE YOU BUY Atwater-Kent Radio, cabinet and loud speaker. Cost $215. Sell $110. 65U D street. 1175-R. ?715 fOR SALS OLD NEWSPAPERS, 10 cent a bnadla. Stateimaa affie. 2 IS Soata CommercUl St. 87j22tf RINTKD OABiDS. 8IZB 14 BY Ttt IN wording. "Room to Boat," prlc It eenls aaek. JBtatoamaa Boaia Qt$e ground fleoiC fRESPASS NOTICES, BITK 14 BY 9 IN. Printed a good 10-ounca cahvasa, hear ing the words, "Notice I Hereby Givea That Trespassing I Strietiy Forbidden oa These Jremiee Under Penalty of Proaocnttoa.V Price 15e each or 2 for 25. Statesman Poo. Co Balam, Ore gon. . ; Tat .' ' -' ' For Smim iJTaatocM . 33 ' BED W. LANG E, VETERINARIAN Office 829 8. CoauaareiaL Phon 1198. Ra. Pbon 1866. . 89m28tf Wood F 43 FOR SALE WOOD w 16-INCH AND 4 foot iir. $7.50 per cord. Phone 80FU 4314 it ivn le.Tvmr nt.n fir for rale. , Also grab oak. f hone isr. 16-INCH OLD FIR SECOND ORbWTH vak iM aa, i jraoa tm. j. v. ir fild 1 v, ' v , 48118tf 4ALEM UEL TRANSFER, 752 Trade Street. Wood, Coal. Briquet Traaaf and. Moving. Phoae .'' -. - -.. . : --.-. ' 43a20tl 6 INCH MILL WOOD PER LOAD. $2.75 --10-iB- 2nd fir per load. $3.75 r 16 lueh old fir per load, $4.2$. Prompt dflivery. Tl. 2318. Tracy Fval Yard. 1087 P itrMt. . 43a22tf MINUTE MOVIES FOR FREEbOK FINAL , EPISODE. Tmr Reat -Raeaaa v JfJtH&lNECK tgief now) Tb GENERAL - AHO SOVfc BtDS WS WIFE AH AFFECrtiOMATE.- FAREWELL 43 CITY AND COUNTRY WOOD SAWING. Ahto old board. Flaher Bra. Phone , 1819. , . daiiatf GOOD COAL DRY WOOD, ' PROMPT DELIVERIES. HILLMAN FUEL CO. . TELKPHONK 1886. . , ASj29tf Best Grade of Wood Dry1' wood 4 ft. Head 16-rc. ' ' K I : Gra wood, 4 ft. aad 16 iaea. Lrg loada eontoia 197 eabi feat . loaded loo. Small . loads eoaUin 128 aabi feat loaded loose. Large load ar th cheaper ta bay. Order now aad atoaey. Mill wood ia our apeeialty. ' ' Prompt delivery aad reasoaabl prlc. Ffed E, Wells 280 South Church. Pboao 1842. 43al0tf Mltntllatiaaaa 51 FURNITURE UPHOLtfTIRlNQ AND R8V pairing. Uieae-Powera Furniture Store. 6120tf JLoat aad Faaad 53 FOUND BATHING SUIT SUNDAY. J'arty may have same by identifying and paying for this ad. 1963 N. Fifth. 53s 1 4 Peraomal 55 NU-BONE CORSETS INCLUDINO ,COR-tet-less," surgical corset and eor aeietts. Pboue 23C7. Mra. O. H. Littlefield. " 5is32 JaTaaap to sVavava 57 investh;ate. our disappearing mortgages, just like rent. W. It. Grabenhorst It Co., 134 South Liberty St. Phone 515. 5712tf . i, i PRIVATE MONEY FOR. CHATvEL Loan. See BCSSCLLE, IV 5 8. High St. i7l8tf FEDERAL FARM LOANS H. F. L. Wood. 841 SUte St. 57m7U Baalaeaa Oppartatmltlaa 61 CONFECTIONERY A-l LOCATION Butcher fhop, rash only will talk, re duced $500. Gertrude J. M. Page, 492 V. Cottage St. 61l4tf RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT FOR SALE at a bargain. Complete outfit will be sold at a price which will be attrac tive to anyone contemplating starting a restaaraut, or conducting a -dining room during the state fair. Call at room 301 li. S. Xatiohil Bank building or phone 1945. - 6114 LARGE INVESTMENT 1. Quarter block, very close in $21.- OOO. Present returns net 5 per cent with certainty of increased valne NOON. 2. Brick building. $22,000. Nets 7 per cent. In path of business. 3. '$14,000 buys small " apartment bouse. BECK E & HENDRICKS 189 N High. ClalS BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Grocery store in good location doing good business, $300 for fixtures and invoice stock, will amount to about $80rt, terms cash. Grocery store -with fine territory, good building, cheap rent, fixinref. and stock, offered for a lew days at $1600, terras rash. Grocery store . doing good average business, stock and fixtures, $2,000, terms cash. Well established restaurant, doing good business, $3000, will sell or ex change for acreage near Salem. Socolofsky, 341 State, Real Estate, Loans, Insurance. 61sl4tf Raal Eatata Plraatery 68 BKCKE Jk HENDRICKS 189 B. High. TaL 169 A. C. BOURN ST IDT 147 N. Commercial. TaL 8TT.; BU8SELLK, Realtor. 175 8. High. Tela. $6 or 198S. CHILD 8 Jk BECHTElT $20 Stat St. , TaL 173T W. O. KBUEGEB 147 N. Com'L Rau 1. TaL 2 IT. JOHN W. ORR, 826 Oregon Bldg. TaL 2488. GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE 492 N, Cottage. TeL 1186. SQUARE DEAL RJLALTy" V. 8. Nat' I Bank Bldg. Tel. 470. WELLS TALLMAN BON 218 Masoai Temple. TL 61$. TIBBIT8 Jk ELLIOTT 141 SUte. Book 7. TeL 803. TRIANGLE REALTY CO. 213 N. Liberty. , TeL 68 L, ULRICH Jk ROBERTS 122 N. Commercial- . . .TaL 1854. VICTOR SCHNEIDER, Realtor 147 N. Com'L Phoae 677 AUK8VXXLB E. T. PIERCE Aumavill, Oregoa Real JCatata 63 Own You r Home LARGE CORNER, APTviHOUSE ALL . furnished. 2 baths. $0000,. will take lot or house and lot ia trad., Serxice station,'. 5 -room house, mod ern in every -detatH one acre set in -fruit- $7000. 'Splendid. opportunity to .establish store. " .:T .. . -'-. 5-room-new modern bouse, 1 acre on Uliiii $3500. . , : Mednr 5 -room Rouse close- in $3500. GERTRUDE 4. M. PAGE 492 N. Cottage St. . ... . f .. 63si4tf WILL BE BACK WEDNESDAY FROM - the middle west. If yoa have Oregon land to exchange for farms iir Wise a- ia, Minnesota or North Dakota, see - me. .' A. C. BOHRNSTEDT 147 No. Com I. St. Salem, Oregoa. 63al2tf REAL HOUSE BUYS 4 - room modern built-in new Kella stone finish bungalow, . hollow tile con struction, $2500. $150 cash balance $25 and interest monthly., t 4 rooms, nook, strictly modern ex cept fire place, garage, all stucco con struction. $2700, $300 cash, balance like rent. 5- room strictly new bungalow H timber finish, English type, garage, $4500, $1000 cash, balance term. 5 rooms, strictly modern bungalow, large lot, fine shade, paved, street, close in, $5500, Vi cash. - Kocolofsky 341 State, Real" Estate, Loans, Insurance. 63sl4tf rlD NCM) SpUJRE . COL EBEH TRUE. RESCUN? BAI?- ALSO MArcTES, AM ASToNlSMlNG-STATEMENT Wood far Bala ' -AND VULVW CQhi- RIAGc N0V1 ( EVERy MOMENT I MULL BC TUlNlNO- J Or vou ,My eCLOVED, AND will., f fS VAURR-y BACk; TO SCO AS -SOON AS trtSrZ? VIE HAVE- OM OUR S lacva: -trusgle" for -Jf . i- 63 LARGE. CORNER 3 LOTH, 3-tOtM boose $aiou 15'are so located to' build many honses, 'trade for Salem bonse and lot. GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE 492 , N. Cottage St. J i , 63sl4U WHAT ARE BUIf JJINO RESTRUTHfNS They are proviaiona in the DEED it self that make every bam in Laurel Park a fine Residence for 25 years. Lots $475 on ap. Norte. -where High way hits Fairgronada Road. Heche ft Hendricks. 189 N. High street:; 315 LOTS FOB YOUR MONEY, BU8SELLRI 635sf FOR SALE 11 ACRE TRACT. 2 MILKS east of Salem on Pen road. Goo I buildings. Easy terms. Phone 19P14. t;3l5 SIX ROOMS. ENGLISH STYLE. AT tractive. East front, street paved, fur nace, fireplace, nicely finished. Well located in foatb Salem. Fhoao own er 1748 K. e3a29tt Bl'Y THIS! 7 KMM PLA STEREO house, east front, part basement, ce ment, near school and bua line, targe fruit trees. apple, 4 cherry and -4 walnut treea and some smaller 'trees I walnut tree nrnr than pay taxes, good chicken bouse, garage. Iai fitix l'-5. 4ioa. Reasonable terras. . BERTHA ZfEHLKK . C71 N. CapHot St. Phone 2166-J. 6312tt SPECIAL I1ARGA1N ATTRACTIVE bungalow home, well located on., Fair mount hill, large east frcut lot, paved street. Price $57., reasonable terniK to right party. If foil want a snap, here it is, W. H. (irslx-nhorxt A 'o, realtors, J 34 S. Liberty St., or phorte owner at 2172. ti.'isM FOR SALE S ROOM HOUSE, GOOD . term. Phone 727 between 1 p. m. nd 8 p. m. or call at 1325 Jefferson. 63a25tf BUY A LOT Covered with nice shade trees, cost ing S3.'.0. build you a amall house- and atop paying rent. ' BUY A HOUSE Of 5 rooms, neat new and modern, except basement. Paved street, ga rage. $2800, 00 down. Bl'Y A MODERN HOME Everything complete excellent loca tion, 7 rooiiiH, basement and furnace, large lot $500, near grade junior and lnCh school. See J. A. MILLS, G3sl5 STOP Look Listen Read We are going to sell three good houses for less than appraisal value. All three houses for $4500. Now get two of your friends and. your self, and get busy, if yon want in jcet a borne cheap for about balf value. See Child A Bechtel, Realtors, 320 State street. 63sl4tf FOR 8ALF. OR TRADE One .1 room nearly new modern and one 3 large room houses, only 5-bib., from business center, always in de mand. 9000. Terms. 8 nice lots and 5-room house for dwelling in Salem. What have youf Priced right. 5 acres adjoining the (ijy all under cultivation and in crop and fruit, a fin piece of land near. Garden Road.$20il. Terms. 5 n om bungalow, new fine place. near Capitol street. Small payment down, $2800. Several house's to trade for ranch, may assume. See me soon. 480 acre highly improved farm, fin buildings, Faulk county. S. 1. All fenced, barbwire, water piped to house and barn. Will take small farm and some city property Clear of tnrom. brance. Price $50 per acre. G. W. LAFLAR, 40fi and 7, Oregon Bldg, 63s 14 LOOK Why pay rent! When yon can buy a good home with $10, $20O or $500 down, balance like rent. Also some choice lots, acreage tracts and farms. See Child It Bechtel. Realtors. 320 State St. . 63sl4tf HOUSES .YOU CAN BUY ON TERMS " 6- roora house. North Salem, pared street, a good buy, $2650. Term. 5-room bouae. Southeast, paring ia, aot modern. Price $2800. Term. J 5-room house Northeast, paved street close ia, $2500. Term. 7- room house. Northeast, larg lot, fruit and walntKa, paved street, close in, and a good boy, $4000. Terms. 8 room bouae. North, good location, paved street, $3200. Term. Several new houses, well located aad priced right. VICTOR SCHNEIDER, Realtor. Money to Loan.- ' 147 No. Com'l St. Phaa 577."' 6322tf EXCHANGE 100-.. ACRE FARM Lo cated 11 miles North of Salem, "close to Paeifie highway, all under cultiva tion, fenced, fair, -buildings, orchard, gravel road, mortgage $5500. Will ex change for clear property that will carry a loan of $2000. Eight-room house,' two lots on cor ner, will exchange for any clear prop erty' that will carry a loan' of $1000. Both parties in need of money, act quick. Two nice furnished apart ments for rent. Also SEVEN ROOM HOUSE, basement and furnace, close ia POR RENT. - - - F. L. WOOD, GEO. F. PEED 341 State St. 63slltf FAIRMOUNT HILL HOME. MUST BE aold at once. Actual socrifiee of $1200. Modern to last minat.'. 8a 1690 Fairmount Ave., or sea my agent for partieulara. , - - a , BU88ELLE, 175 8. High St. . Pboa 36 Open Evenings 8sltf Greatest tradi-ivo organization on the pacific coast Wa'hav over S0O0 properties Tiatod for xcbnge. Every kind of 'property, very price, every location. - Wa caa match your- exchange EXACTLY. if yon would like to trade your property TODAY, come in TODAY. Se -GASKILL Jk EARLE, Koaltora. Successors to Parker Realty Co. ' 16$ S. Liberty. Phon 2242. 63ml2tf OKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKO K - 5-room honse near tbe Engle- K K wood school. Price $2250. K K Small cash payment, balance like K K rent. (K. K K K 5-room house at 2365 Maple K K Ave. $10O rash, hal. $30 a month. K K Including interest. K K - , K K 4 -room house in N. Salem. K K Price $2400, $200 cash, balance K K easy terms. K K X! K It U KRUEOER. Realtor! . K Write Your 147 N. Com'l 8t 4 K K Insurance. Phone 217. X. K 3al5 K OKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKO BilH ALL MV HEART CXJR. MAR "TteV)fL.ANtlSHALL SIR PROUD AND HONORED lb HAVE.: SON-tH: law: Dark IW5 Follow -twj of .OF COURAGE.. AND SCRjFtCE Raal Etata SELVES-FREC-FROM THE-TV RAiy-Of- 4tN& GBDRrSEUT f i Finally on ozT. tq, n?i '..-i-SSSSS' ' SEAi: CDRM WALL! S AT Vt?RT0uM -- A FJEW !f?ff ' 6EMERAL- EBBM "JROE HUfeRt&S?-. HOME SSS-lsifS --XVejR LITTLE SCN .'-CPRM -., WLETHS,( CPlfSfT OFREEDpM , WAff GIVING BlrTtM rro A HZW NKffort ' ' a! " 63 FABIU WANTED POM PKNTAU -s : PURPOSE .- - , 1 00-cr farm or mora wanted for cash root, 5 to 10 acre tracts wanted for cash Jt monthly , payment rest. , . lO.Oww first mortgage note oa : farm k exchange for cIua in acreage ar - eity horn. - ' , SALF.M LAND CO 293 N. Commercial. Phaa 1127. 63a29tf ANYONE DES1RINO A GOOD HOME IN , one of the best residential districts of the eity south, east, front, a magnifi-y- tent view, aix 'rooms, plastered, full basement, paved street, garagn corner -lot 50x150, close to school and car. - 4uly $5,500. BERTHA ZUEHt.KE 671 JT.- Capital St. Phone 21H6-J. ' 63sl2tf CLOSE IN HOME SITES. QUARTER and' HALF acre tracts on paved street rJosa to car line. $SOO end up. others not on DavrrecHt at $300. If you will nay cash for a tract we will build you a house. Call and we will show yon. F. L. ,,Wood. Geo. k Peed. 341 State St " 63sl8 WOULD YOU PAY $250 FOR A HOUSE I t Then pay the balance out like rent. Instead of having a lot of rent re ceipts you would be paying for your home. The valuo of Salem property i . rapidly increasing. Your home would .'increase in value if you wanted to soil. . A new five-room, modern house well . '..located in South Salem can lie purchas-- 'ed on -easy terms. Street puved, near "-school, and in a locality that is being . rapidly developed. A small cash pay ' taunt and you ran move in today. Phone owner, 1748-R. C3sU -4 , i WHY BUY A CROWDED HOME PLACE in thfe iioisy dowu town district, when .you ran huy much cheaper a quiet home a little farther out with shade, fruit, berries, walnuts, grapes and flowers ! Three biff lots, plastered 6 room bonne, basement, fireplace, bath, r garage poultry house. Joins new Tux edo park high school site, close to street car and grammar school, $38u0. House and 2 lots $3,50u, 849 Rural Ave. -or W. C. Conner, owner. States man office. G3sl0tl SOME REAL SNAPS la homes, acreages, farms aad stock i ranches, also 'houses to rent snd I money to loan,- and insurance auto and fire. THE SALEM REALTY CO.. 462 State St. 634tf FOR SALK HOMES AT BARGAIN PRICES $2600 Good five-room home located on Fairmount hill. $ loo down dsI auce $35 per month including in terest. Immediate possession. $25.0 Nearly new four-room bungalow located on paved street and car line, double garage. Immediate possession $500 down balance eaay terms. ,$2750 $500 down buy a good five room home with cement base ment and furnace, garage, locat ed within one block from state house. Immediate possession. $1700 $100 down balance $J5 per month buys a good six rr-om house nearly new, located on Cherry are., North Salem. LET US WRITE YOL'R FIRE IN SURANCE. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. Realtors. 134 S. Liberty St. Ms 14 ATTENTION HOME BUYER 5-acre home, bldg.. fruit, water. Sacrifice $2000, take residence. 7-room home, 2 fine lots, paved St. f4'iO0 easy terms or take acreage. 2 nice Bungalows $750O for good small farm home. Good equipped Tillamook dairy ranch : for residence or acreage. 40-acre ranch near Salem bldg., fruit, creek, fine location for income : property. For good bnys or exchanges. PERRINK k MARSTERS 212 Gray Bldg. Csl4tf Real av4 Tradea 65 FOR TRADE 40 ACRES HIGHLY IM ' proved one mile from. Wetter, Idaho, on State highway. Good buildings. Will trade for Willamette valley farm load, see O. K. Sayder.. OA N. lath. Phone 1714-W: ... C5sl.r. FOR EXCHANGR- 12-ACRE FRUIT ranch with good si room borne well ' located near Liberty School. Price $11,000 owner will exchange for city property up to $7000. W. H. Graben horst A Co., 134 S. Liberty street. b - . 65sl5 FOR TRADE SEVEN-ACRE ORCHARD, 'Okanogan county, Washington, for city pToperty. Investigate. Mrs. Ketman. "431 8. Water, Silver ton. Ore. phone Red 2851. . Costf Real Estate rami 67 LET US SHOW YOU OUR IRRIGATED tracts where farmers are making good. Only 3.0 minutes from Salem. Phone 65F15, -67s9tf SPECIAL 45 acres N. of Salem just off high way,- 7-rootn' house, barn 24x32, ga rage, 2 chicken houses, 1 mile to school, ' non-resident owner. Price cut from '$9000 to $7000. A REAL BUY. 20 acres, 11 in cultivation, 5 more can be. Well, spring in pasture, 4 room unfinished, largo barn, good fences, rock road and mail route and close to school. $1750. Terms. MELVIN JOHNSON .109 S.- Commercial St. Phone 559 '! ' . t7sl2tf "FARM OPPORTUNITY" For the man with determination and about $1500. We have a wonderfull dairy aad stock proposition oa coast. W speeislixe in farm and caa help you to what yon ?ant. Our irrigated land are taaaraaee against loaa. .VICTOR SCHNEIDER, Realtor. , Farm Loans Insurance. - 147 No. Com'l St. - Pboa 577. ' - 7a29tf DAIRY FARM FULLY EQUIPPED. IN- - eluding producing Jersey bard, for sale ' oa terms that will pay out. .Will ae ? p bans of vacant lots on part pay- soent. Writ m what yea caa offer, i Price $23,000. Address Box 124. care .Statesman. 67a31tf 7 ACRKS IN FRUITLAND WITH FAIR buildings, 3 acres logans, variety fruit and walnuts, $3600. Will exchange for 'city home or restaurant business. 1 acre ia West Salem for $475, ez v eel lent soiL electric lights, water and - telephone at place. a 30 acres equipped for chicken. elH - trie lights available, go d buildinrs. 4 iv mil to paving. 3 acres, berries, $3500. - 25 H acres near Kiser school, all ia - fruit, berries and - huts, good build ings, fully equipped including centrifu gal pump and Cletrae tractor, creek and some beaver dam. -Inherited by East ern man who will sacrifice for quirk sale., Let me shew this and submit of fer. - - . WINNIE PETTYJOHN,' Realtor. -216 Oregoa Bldg. V 7sl2tf WREOVER, FROK HEHE- r A TORY BUT A CITIZEN OT AMCFtlCA.AHP TFelX)ri! Raal Xatata r- r- v - r . i - J cc.i-j ? m i Pain and zlqcoshzjo- Cwyj DAVS TOTRy 7HE VtttV SOULS , IS'-: Raal Eatata SalaTUaa C9 ONE HALF ACRE TRACT ADJOININO city, city water, lights. phone, paved ' road, overy city convenience, but no city ttoxe. Fin garden land enough to support a ' family from spare lime . work,- . Price - $8iO. .Terms easy euough to suit. Salem highway . tracts, also new house : read y - to e-apy en Oct. 1. Carle Abrams. 14d5 Cheatete ta .St. Phone 1814-J. . 0sl4tf COME TO HEADUARTERS FOR ' HOMES A suburban home of "five" rooms on an acre of ground. Lots of bearing fruit. Electricity sad your own .water system. Close to schools nad car line, frw only 2n'50.lHi. ANo'i'HXR ONE, Three acre of fine soil; nice shade trees aronnd the honse: Four rooms plastered down atair and two up. Iriced at $2L50.00, worth more. TRIANGLE REALTY CO. 218 N. Liberty St. Phoae 651 llF.AlMvUAIiTKRS FOR UOMf.S Clntt Waatod Aataaaaallea 77 CASH PAID FOR FORDS KIKER AUTO Co, 77ml2tf Far Bala TJaea Cars 79 Great Sacrifice On Used Cars Nearly all late models in Sedans and Coupes, in standard makes. Get that used c-ar today and save dollars. We p-nst make room for shipments of new cars. Very Liberal Terms Trades Acrepted. MacDonald Auto Co. Co Hate and Kerry Streets. 1'hone 409. Ope.n Sundays and Evenings. Marmon X illys-Kniht rl-n -79sl4tf We Sell You Service Not a Repair Chevrolet Tonring 1923 $285.00 Maxwell 4 pass. Coupe. 1923 $650.00 Dodge Coupe, 192 4 69.-..(X) Dodge Roadster. 1922 $375 OO Stnbebaker Club Touring, 1922 $fi.-i000 Oakland Touring. 1921 $295 00 Willys-Knight Tonrinjr $450.00 Paige Touring, 1922 : $495 00 Gardner Sport. 1924 500 00 Star Touring. 1924 ........ $395.00 few cheap Fords. Open evening and Sunday. Trade and term. Certified Public Motor Car Market 255 X. Cburth Phone 885 and 882 79S15 Save $2W on a New Oakland Sedan See Vaiiey Motor Co. We Can Also Save You Some Money on a New Dodge, Any Model , 79s2tf Good Will Oakland Says: "We have found the road to success by giv ing better used car values." 1925 Overland Six, 2 Door Sedan . $750 1922 Hudson Touring ... ..- $475 1924 Overland 4 Dodr Sedan . $500 1924 Overland ' Roadster . . . $475 1920 Dodge Touring ... . $285 1921 Ford Sedan $175 1922 Chevrolet Tourings . . $50 VICK BROS. The House. That Seilcc';Biiilt',.;.;;":v ' ,. ; ; s79i2 Used Automobiles Exceptionally clean" stock' of used au tomobile displayed at our salesroom. Wide range of models, coupes, sedans, touring can, sad roadsters which merit th consideration of the earetul buyer. Jewett Brougham.- - Buick Touring Care in good condition. Cleveland Touring car. . r " Ford Roadster, Ford Coupe, Ford Se dan. - r Baby Overland. " Rickenbacker Sedan, looks like new. Chevrolet Coupe--inr excellent condi tion. . , .. - Chevrolet Touring. . Cadillae Sedan, show very little wear. Buick . Coupe. Hudson Coach,' late model. Essex Tearing. Nash Touring Cars. ' Mitchell Touring. lierce - Arrow, 7 -passenger. . . F. .W Pettyjohn Co. 365 North Commercial Phone 1280 OADDlLAt) - NASH - -79SI2tf "Two DAy? , . LATER. EEM AND BARBAf2A tAjT-MAKl.4 rnLLrrCtS HIS OVBv Ect :R& GOlNtS TO HAVE saXDERF)LTimes I :S TbStWEP, ifrpbtrp-t ' I w ,i r- a f 1 ar- SBT J z. B - bb om . w CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIHECTOHY Of ReUaJUe'BaslBewS and PieawIOBJtl Ftrra Arraased -( Alphabetical Order for Quick Heerenca ; ' .; "' AUCTIONEERS F. N.. Wood ry AUCTIONEER The y everybody knows. -Caah paid for used furortaro. Re, aad store J 6 10 N. buasmor St, i - Talcphoaa 511. H. P. Woociry & So, 271 N. Com'l. St.. furniture store. Bar- grains in furjilture ot all kinds. Agent for Lang ranges, beat maae Also auctioneers. () ACCOUNTANT O. ED. ROSS. ACCOUNTANT AND Aad iter. 231 V. Stat. Phono 2098-K. a!7.26 BATTERY AND ELECTRICIANS R. D. BARTON EXIDB BATTERIES. atarter aad generator work; 202 South mga. ; Pboae 108 COURT 8T. JOK' WILLIAMS BICYCLES AND REPAIRING LLOYD E. RAMS DEN COLUMBIA Bl cycles and repairing. 387 Co art. CHINESE REMEDY L. L. DICK L. M. flUM , Chinese Medicine Company Help any known disease. 420-426 State. s3tt CHIROPRACTOR DR. H. B. S0OFIELD. P. S. C, $28 Ore- gen bldg. Phone 2194. DR. O. L. SCOTT. PSC. CHIROPRACTOR 256 High. fbone 8'JS-IV. or ov HEMSTITCHING HEM 8TITC H ING, STAMPIN0, BUT tons nd pleating. Room 10, evr Milldrs. Phon 117. ELECT EJCIAKS FLEENER ELECTR-IC OO. HOUSE ' wiring by hour or contract. Estimates furnubed. Phone 980 171 Court St. FARM PAPER IF YOU WANT TO GET THE BEST farm paper send five 2 cent atamp to th Paeifie Homestead, Salem, Oregon, for a three months' trial subseriptioa. Mention this ad. POULTRYMEN SEND EIGHT TWO cent stamp, for special three months' trial for the best and oldest Journal in th west. The articles and adver tiaements are of special interest to tha poultry breeders of tbe Northwest Northwest Poultry Journal, 211-Commercial street, Salem, Oregon. FOR SALE FIRST AND SECOND Mort gages. -Trust Deeds. Contract on houses Will net 6 to 30. BECKE & HENDRICKS Heilig Bldg., 189 N. High St. FARM LOANS PLENTY OP MONEY to loan on good farm security. CITY LOANS We are loaning Pru dential Insurance Company money oa eity residences and business property, st 5H7t, plus commission. Hawkins A Roberta, Inc., 205 Oregoa Building. d-14tf FLORISTS 3UT FLOWERS, WEDDING BOUQUETS Funeral wreaths, decorations. C P. Breithaupt, florist, 123 N. Liberty. Pbon. 880. INSUKANCB LOANS, .REAL ESTATE,-GENERAL IN aurane. G. W. LAFLAR, 410 Oregoa Bldg. '. - Insure .' - - Your horn r ear bow . . Phone 161 BECKE A HENDRICKS Heilig Bldg.. 189 N. High St. Jt-tf LAUNDRIES ' CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY - "The laundry of pare material." Telephone 165. 1 12C4 Broadway. . THE NEW SALEM ' LAUNDRY " . THE WEIDER LAUNDRY -Telephone 25. .263 S. High. TRY THE HOME WET WASH LAUN dry. Phone 171. 1356 B etreet. j!7tf LADIES' TAILORING D. H. MOSHER TAILOR FOR MEN nd women. 474 Court St. MATTRESSES MATTRESSES RENOVATED BY THE Capitol City Bedding Co' 1190 North Capitol. Called for and delivered. All work guaranteed. Phone 19. fl9tf MEDICAL MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH REMEDY Phon 517-W. ' . : MUSIC STORES GEO. C. WILL ,P1AN0& PH0SO- Sj,.H, RWMHW, IIP- WMWl ad piano studies. - -Repariag "pbono grapha and sewing machine, 432 State street, Salem. .; : ' NEW8PAPEES THE " PORTLAND - TrtLKG RAM, 8 ALEsi Ageney Th Ace. TeL 939. .-. -- THE OREGON STATESMAN,- 30 CENTI? 'per month 'delivered lo -year beta early each momlag. Tel. "i or 883. ' . . , NtTRSEKT STOCK :Ct- FRUIT, NUT AND SHADE .TREES Prey Bros, 178 8. CommercUl. PUBLIC .8TENOGRAPHEB ' PUBLIC '- STENOGRAPHER.' -GENERAI lasursaee. Notary Public. Belea Corey, Tel. 36. . - . FAFERHANOING AND PAINTING CHAg BENNETT,, PAINTING r. CON , tractor, interior decorating. Phon 1937-J. 541 Mill. - - , S PHONE GLENN. ADAMS FOR HOUSJ decorating, paper hangiag, Uatiag, etv - Reliable werkmaa. " -' i " - - ' ' - By Ed Wheelan SOME" til . T. . , 'j-rrk! ' -' 9x- xcofuiv, 2 FACXXNO AND SHIPPING FOR EXPERT FURNITURE PACE1NU . aad shipping, call Stiff s JCaraitar Store. Phone 341,- . - s ? PIANO TUNZES EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED Piaa taaor. Leave order Will's Ma si Stee. THOMAS PAY, PIANO TUNER. NOW at the Portland Musk Co. 355 N. High. - Have yoer piaa taaed by oae-whv baa -had year of experieace ia the work. .'--' - - ' a3tl rRtNToro FOR STATIONERY. CARDS.' PAMFH let. program, book or aay kind et printing, call at the Statoeataa Priae ing Departmcat, 213 B. CammarcUL, Tel. 583. . PLUMB TNG PLUMBING AND GENERAL REPAIR work. Oraber 8rs, . 154 8. Liberty Pha 550. ilPtf RADIO Radiolas For Evry Purpose Every Parse -v - au Btaaeere aisa i - - - . of Radio Tsbe HALIK A EOFT ELECTRICAL SHOP 837 Court 8L Phoae 488. -. REAL ESTATE IP YO0 HAVE PROPERTY TO SELL or if yoa are looking for a home, farm, or business property, see as. BECKE HENDRICKS 189 N. High St, HeiUg Bldg.- Jgtf REAL ESTATE IIABSI3 OFFERS - -' ' - GOOD -.-ROOM COTTAGE AND 2 EAST . front Iota, each 60x1. IS at D aad 22nd : cement hase-.uent, paved street; high and well drained; fine value at- tftduo; easy lerms; owner will trade for, any thing ho can use. - , ' :' - - ..i.-; TWO-THIRDS commission to say censed broker making sale. HARRIS. Masonic Bldg.-..ToL 79ft, 2440-3 - - - ..:.J3;- , . v -. Ill SECOND HAND GOODS BUY USED MEN'S CLOTHING. JEWEL ry, Una. Tools. Bicycle. Star'-'K caacge, 324 N. Commercial, phaa S(5. elt WANTED EVERYTHING IN CLOTH tag and shoes. Best price paid, C pi ts! Exchange. 842 North - Ceauaereial Phone 13S8-W. - . . STOVES AND STOVB EEPAIRINO ' STOVE8 FOR SALE RKBUILT AND repairea oy expert. All kinds of wov en wjre fence. Fancy and" plain. Hot baskets aad book, log hooka. Sole Pee aad Stove Work. 250 . Oeod St. . . - TRANSFER AND BATUNO TRANSFER AND HAULING OF Aid auaua. roa TZts. WE MOVE. STORE AND SHIP HOUSN noius goeas. our specialty u piaa ant furniture moving. W also make eeuav try trips. We handle the beet coat an4 wood. Call oa aa for price. W givt good measure, good cjuality aad goo unit. Lrmr Traasf.r C. Phoae ViJ CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. 22 oiaie as. r-boae 833. Oiatrihatix, forwarding aad aterage ewr aaoctaltp Get our rates. - ' -- . ; well XRnxnro R A.' WEST; XT. 6, BOX 103-A. PUONt j,rg. mm oess on tjaveen road "WATER SALEM WATER, LIGHT A POWER- VU sn vraairau as.'lal per cent diaceunt on domeatto flat rsU paid la advance. No dedaeUea for al ence or any cause antes water ie Sbtj oft your premises. - . -. - . . " TRAVEL'--' J -'--' Safely Swiftly and Comfortably . la busse of the Parker Stag. Lias. Stage Leav for -'-. Silverton 7 a. ta, X t. Bi a. ta. Mt Angel H a. au, 5 . as. " J a. m, $ a. m, 11:25 a. at, , PaUs City 7. a. as, 3:10. p. rnl 2:10 p. 3:15 p, au- , Independanco 7 a. as, 9 a. -a U:15 a. m. 8:10 p. au, S:li a. ta. Saaday only 8:80 p. m. Moamoath 7 a.', 11:15 a. as, 3:10 p. as, 5:15 p. as. Saaday aaly, 7:10 p. m, 8:30 p. as. , MeMtBBville 8:80 a. ta, 2:10 . m, t. l:M f. as, 5:15 p. m. . Tillamook 8:30 a. ax, '2:10 a. as. CaU 322 ar 696 for taioratatUa. 1 - . W . . d23tf, " a a a a Salem Iarret I FEED . - . - . i 1 . ao. 1, -w neat, -Whit .,, Oats, nor tm. : " Hy. osta, ewtah per tea PORK; MUTTON AND BEEP - ivp nogs . r - I.00 :Tp, - . , , Kg? M Cow - . .2i.4 Bull- . : ...,...4.e .- Spring tambs, andsr 90 lbs. . ;Top veal , 7 , , . . , Dressed veal ., ,,, . ,-, . , .......i. - .18 "Dressed hogs .... ,t. x , .... .18 . POtXTBT - Light hens . - Heavy hen :..1 .20 1T6.23 , 6e. J22 isprtng Rootrs - Heavy fry EGOS, BUTTER, BTJTTEXTAT ""elects Per ponad Dntterfat Cream, batter VEGETABLES, TBTJITS- J;. v tfe-awi oevia.- aacsea , . Onions, sTos. bunches J.-,.40 5?. BO ,- CeUry dos. beaches .750!3 l!l0 , ,reb,,Jt -i .--".f' !i ;Te' - ..-T.-- f------ -.fcu ..Comb honey, per do. new peas -.. ... striae eeae 111! - -. Iiocal wew potatoes .Local eaj-italaiuMia ; LcHl. toraatees I Y UEVl CORPORATIOHS: I . ! , . ' The Lincoln . Park' ' Memorial PArk Maaaoleura, .with' beadqa&r ters In Portland and capit-al $trxk of $50,000, hait been lnenrporaletL by W. S. . Wordea, TL Kellyand Jay Bpwerrtjan.-'Artlciy-s" e? ere fl iM In ib-.state corporation3 depart meRt. yesterday. -- -. - -- -. . The Paatagc-a Theater cifeipanY. a California corporation, lias L -n grantt;dperrai8?ip3 Jo ererst- ia -Oregon.. The: capital Etock -is flO, 00 ; ...'' RettolnUons of diKSolytfca- liava been filed by the Hickok-Robert--8oa Tiibr company r.f Nurth Bend,: the Englf vrood T.'h ' a V dar rompahy and tLd C. ..... i , ,i Discount corporation. - - l 1 1 tat. 1 it ".33 7 .s - . .24 .4 4U . m .. , 1 a ' i.iiiiinianlii m e li - . -.14" : i iii - rJL-.U." .2k.t r'i .i ..... . ikfti.i : - T,J1! -- J -- . A'UOl VillUI UUIIU1U5 X