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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 14, 1926)
MANfc SALEM, OliEGQN TUESDAY 3I0RNING. SEPTEMBER.14, 1926 s, mm.mpeu :Jmere for May Brings Philadelphi a doy fi aassassaasaasaaassssaasaaal II iaasssaasasaaaa- ' r ber 18, .according to an .a no u ment rade yesterdajr. ; The first matches will be. played Saturday: Th J Tent bag. been held In Sa lenC eery .year. ajnqe jt .became a city ot enough size to furnish com petition. Last--.year, Roy Oker berg, . s.tar. University of Oregon tennis and basketball player, v was Winner and" the yearbf$rei'Ted Emmet 'of WjUamette ,'untyerajty. copped, the "prize. ' , -i No women's, events , will be beld this year., , ad .not enough women are eypcted , out to furnish com , petition. .: Men's . . doubles .and men's singles will be the only events. flt',4s. hoped! that enough ' will sign' up to make 32 -entries in ' th singles and -16 ; pairs in the damrtwr. )Hlia--wiU simplify the . amk fbrthe schedule makers. Drawings -hare pott been made yet, Jut -will be, prepared so thaf the. .IttcUeduIe of ".matches will be out in .time to appear -in Friday moral ng's Statesman. The matches wfll'be arranged sok that they can be played whenever the players haver time.' "In the past cbjnelder- abla trouble arose because .many Hen m ed ?n. is be to he dy et- II- he hn Crecii-&n4 " French Jlageman of Salem ; high ' school' and Jack Mintcuand-IvanJWhlte, Willamette nnfverslty: championship team. x -.Anyone who wishes to enter the tournament can. da ao; by signing up'at Anderson's sporting goods j strjkbe, number off entrants Is unlimited, according to Francis . Lbtt, who is in charge of arrahge meaU,' assisted hy Ivan JVhite.' .. G. W. Day, tires, tubes, and , ac ces?qtieK JIaa the iBoodyear "tires, the standard of the world. ' Mr. Dajr-an-;.give'syou more ..mileage. Corner Command Chemeketa. tJ The' Commercial Book Store ,hai eveythLh'you iieed in hooks and stationery, and supplies for the school, office, or home at the low . est possible prices. ."( f ' a 1 . ! j ".. ' .' w The Man's Shop saves you a ten dollar .bill on every, quality Unit. Shirts, hats, ties, collars. High grade -clothing, perfect fitting, loiirearintf. , State, '() Fall- hats -and a new line of felts, 3.9 5 to f 4.95, and the. ex clusive Prlscllla Dean children's hats at the Salem Variety Store, 295 .North Commercial. 1 () W. G Krueger, realtor, progres sive,' fait eauitahle.i Growing ity and "country make possible buys that wfll make, you good money. Complete lutings.; U NCom'l. BusferBrown Shoe Store. 'Jigh' class, stylish looking, comfort giv ing, ' lone .wearing: shoes for the least money. Come and be convinc ed. 125 K. ComT. () X Chevrolet dveir "by an ama teur .lowered train time between L jAogeles, and, Omaha by ftwo hours. . ... . . ' ; - Pure Japan, silk plated over lisle hose for men.; -Regular price $1 special .this .week; JS5C- ; Scotch Woolen MilUi ; Store, . 426 $tate treW ; . L". -l !() , Gabriel . Powder. & Supply iCo., lumber, building materials, paints ind varniihes;. Tooting paper. ?Get prices here and make a big aav Jb.? Officer 175 S. Com!. ?() re" 'a 5. i -14. TtlUd inert ufckJy 01 thak 'chronic PSes or ether Rectal and Coko aHmcnU. ' ThecotamlrriUtio tiadermteiitg both physical and mental ,T?0W i MKAxn-i 2 4 i PH I LADELPHI A, ept. i8f (APJ : tTho Dempsey-Tunney heavy-weight title battle slated to be held in- the great .Sesqui-Cen-tennlal stadium on' September -23 was! the orphan of the; pagllstlc world until Philadelphia welcomed it. Tex Rickard put It on the doorsteps of both Chicago and New York, but it was denied a honfe in' either .city ' ' tot various reasons. . " fter t being ; blocked' in New York at first,-Rickard .was in the midst of negotiations to stage the fight in Chicago when a sudden switch in sentiment by .the New York State Athletic Commission brought .the promoter ; hurrying back to Gotham. It seemed -certain then that the Yankee Stadium would house the spectacle but when a final show down came the license powers re fused to give pempsey a .'permit for the bout, holding that- he was first obliged to meetHarry;"Wiils. With only a. month to go, RicE- ard , suddenly shifted th& battle ground to ' Philadelphia after de ciding pot to press the issue furth er in 'New -York :f or attempt ia utilize his sersey city . staaium, Boyle's Thirty. Acres. ' , , x In the light of the months of bickering, s uncertainty and ob stacles that .figured in. -the. situa tion, Fit would Jie difficult to im agine Rickard . having ,ny .mpre difficult time trying to stage a heavyweight, title match' but he says he did. The first ope he ever staged, -the famous Jef leries-John- Bon tilt in 1910,' save him more trouble than any, other tight -Je ever promoted. ' "That fight, ,;you win recall originally .was. slated to ; be held in San Francisco,' Rickard said. They had a fight law, there. everything seemed all aet'Vahd 1 went ahead and invested some thing like 140,000 in. erecting a wooden stadium. Then, without the slightest warning and only 30 days before the .match was to come t ofr, Governor uuiett saia we couldn't bold it. I, swallowed the big money loss, pulled, up stakes and took the fight to Reno, Ne- ada." ;-r -,. -ft,: :: Since then,"howeyr, R,ickard has had comparatively r smooth sailing in most of his ventures un til this year's difficulties arose. "Politics usually . have been .at the root of most of my troubles, said Rickard. "Somebody ajways wanted to bare aflpger in the pie." . 'Reformers also have-tried to block my plans, on ;. a. number : of; occasions. I don't know why it is but the yalways pick on a heavy weight title fight as the one. event In, boxing to criticize and class as brutal. It must he because they're sure of Receiving more publicity on such occasions than they would if they objected to a mateh at tracting .less public interest." "Process servers who wait in ambush until the last minute also can -be annoying." , the promoter continued.' r'Dempsey may think he has been harried with law-suits but he isn't in a class with Firpo. "The big Argentine, was always being subjected to some.jcourt ac tion and: a summons in one of them was -served on him only .an hour before he was, to step into the ring with ;Harry . Wills, at"Boj!le!a Thirty .Acres in -1924. I had to put up a 350,000 bond on the spot to Jteet him from beinic taken In iail 'kept from going on with the fight Cemeteries are. filled, with auto mobile drivers who contested the right; of way regrets the National Safety Council. Cure that cold aad-that . miser able feeling in a jiffy. Get some Quick Cold Tablets at Nelson & Hunt, Drnggi8ts,,pn the corner of fjourt ana j.iDeriy sis. :ieu -j. The Salem Hw t!o. most pro gressive. Every. , accommodation given to those in neea or , oesi hardware supplies. Work and pros perity the motto. 120 N. Com'l () The Dixie Bakery leads on high lass ' breads, pies, cookies and fancy baked supplies of every kind. Best, by test. Ask; old customers. 439 Court St.- V" : : ' i?) Vlbhert ' .Todd Electric Store. High at Ferry: Sts. ! Everything electrical.' Good aery Ice and low prices are bringingan increasing trade to this store, . v . ( Smith ft Watkms for tire serv ice at a lower cost."-.-Vulcanlxln and retreading." tube repairing. If you hare tire trouble Just eall,lU. corner, court and, High st. Z S i v .- - . - .. ...... : y The Cherry Oty Uaking Co,s bread, pies and cakes are of high est quality. One of Oregon's most sanitary bakeries. .. Visit Ji., Worth while. A Salem show place. () ,The Marlon Automobile Co..ThS Studebaker. the world's greatest automobile value. - Operating cost small. .. Will iast; a lifetime, with care: Standard co ach. 1 4 1 5. I Passenger' seryice opens .Sspt: 13, on Cascade . rute. JSuKf-ne- Klamath -cut-off ef the 'southern Arnericxin League Results O r'7 ' o qiHCAGO. Sept. 13. (AP) McCnrdy's triple with the .hasps filled gave Chicago a 3 la 2 vic tory and an even break ; in the, doubleheader today. Philadelphia won, the first game 5 to 2; . " First game ' R H. E.' Philadelphia . . ..... . 5 12 3 Chicago . ''. .... .. . . . . . 2 ; Ehmk. Walberg and Qochrane? Connally and McCnrdy. : , I . V Second .game . R. 11. E. Philadelphia . . .'.i ;S. Q Chicago , ' ., 3 1 0 0 Rommel and Cochrane; Fa ber, Thomas and Schalk. DETROIT, Sept. 13. (AP) Gibson tfeld New York to three hits and Detroit won the second jgame of today's doubieheader 4 to 1, after taking the. first 4. to 3. Firsts game . H, II. E. NewYork S 10 1 Detroit 4 7 0 . Shocker, Braxton and , Ben gough, Collins; Whltehill. Danss and Breasler. " Second game - R. H.. E. New York . . . . ... . . .. 1 - 3 1 iietrolt ... .1 4 7 1 Jloyt, Thomf18 , -Zeverid: Gibson and, Manlon. ' iH ; ' CLEVELAND, Sept. 13. Cleve land took the last game of the 'series with Washington here today' 8 to 3. The fi?aiure- of the game was the pitching and . bailing of Pitcher Shaute. Scored- f r: H. C; Wasbingten ...... . 3 4 1 Cleveland ' ... t ...... 6 1 1 0 Crowder and Rueli Shaute and Sewell. i , Quality naintlne. both .varnish and lao.uer ,work, in ohr modern equipped paint shop. Washing, greaaipg and night service; tire repairs. Wood's Auto Service Co. Wardrobe Trunks as low as 124.70 and as -high as 85. 18 inch Cowhide. .Hand Bags with leathei lining 'reduced from8 to $3.90 Max O. Buren, 179 Ni Com'l. v () Pacific Coast Results SACRAMENTO, Sept. 13. (By AP,) Portland took, the last of its games with Sacramento today. 5 to 2, to annex five of the eight- game series. Benching .three sin gles and aided by ' an error, .the Beavers sent four tallies over the plate in the fourth, to sew up the game.' - Score , , R. H. E. Portland 5 9 0 Sacramento . 2 7.1 Lingrel and Berry: . E. Shea, Keefe and M." Shea, Koehler. Nash .leads the, world in motor car values. Beautiful display of new models at the F. W. Petty john Co., 365 N. Com'l. ;;() ; White House . Restaurant, 3 2 -State St., where hundreds of peo ple prefer to eat. All you want to eat for less than you can eat At bojne. .Quality and serrice. () 1 1 1 , 1 " 1 ' " L - i Army and Outing Store. Biggest bargains in clothing, shoes under wear, hosiery, -gloves, Tall&es and suit cases. The working man's store, 189 N. Commercial, () What do yon -need in the hard ware line? Mechanics' tools, house- bold goods, and cutlery, anything you, wish. :Quallty at a low price. Square Deal lid w., 220 N. Com'l. V'JiCP. ?). A. HMooreSS NtHigh St. apartments, tvd .store -where yon can .get high quality furniture and furnishings for every jroom in your house. .() Hi L.. Stiff Furniture Co., lead ers in complete home' furnishings. priced to make you the owner. The store that etudles-your every need and Is ready to meet it, absolutely. 1925 Dodge type A sedan, all new tires, new paint, overhauled. The.hest .buy in .town. Several others very atractively priced. Otto J.,Wilson. ; Parker & Co., 444 S. Commer cial. Don't fail to see Parker about repairing; your car. ' 'Expert mechanics at your service. ' . All work guaranteed. () O. J. .Hull Auto Top A Paint Co. ' Radiator, 1 fender and body repairing. Artistic -painting adds 100. to the appearance of your auto. ,267 S. Commercial. ( i meo) e , BECKE & HENDRICKS - f .ttmaliMa. a All lTr.rfi i f 'v iti4i"uinsvrj ,fi nu fh.aa4av ... . . ilelU Theater Lobby O I o I FrYMtfUS BATTLES for-the ; '. ; I I I HEArVYWEIGHT TITLE I O -' Aoflmt4 Press O c Bill .Squires '.came, all .the way .from Australia .to be knocked out in . , the . first . . round by ; Tommy Bnrns .at Colma, Calif.. July, 4, 907. jBu.rns had gained recogni-, tion as the champion following the retirement of Jefferlesl" . ' : The champion of Australia .re mained in . an upright position in the ring only eight seconds over two minutes. -Dispatches did not state Ills 'recumbent, record. Squires was flat on his back, 10 seconds after the opening: bell. ' Upklnd spectators suggested, when it. was evident, that Squires .would be' unable to take any fur ther active part In the affair, .that the formality of counting liim out be waived by dragging him from the Ting . ' ' Jefferies was, the referee. - ', Eyfe-witnesses said that while it would be unkind to call the Aus tralian champipn a "dub" he was certainly a "false alarm. There was nothing in the record to contradict this..' . . , . . Although .the going . was , not good, 9000 persons made the loug trip to Colma. If you want tlie best tires for your car come to the place where there is a -large assortment at the lowest prices. Malcom's Tire Shop, 205 N. Com'l. () Patton's Book - Store, does sn perior . work in Kodak .finishing, hand coloring -and enlarging in their plant. " Try them, and see the difference, aid Stale St. . () lb. General Zlarkets iiynsrocK iPORTIxAXD. Sipr. 13. AP) Cattle and ralTft: Calvea 1 r more lower: rent Rteady. Reiptr CaWteSSH; 110 through). . Ctts . 645'." . Hteer? medium rummiiu $(i(i T; hi(t8, ton .own and medium f4.7fri'T; iowk, low rntter and iiieri4 2f 4.."ti; tollV ROod $-4.7.r'5.25 ; cult-rs Jtd.ralliiB, ctnnrrs n1 tiugna 4 W 4.7- -l. inediiiin fto ehoire, milL' feedx exclude S(M10.5); rnMsi and common Sft S; dealers, medium and choice 1 1012.50; culls nA com mon l.50(fi 1 1. i -. Hog 50 to 75ft liigb'er, receipt J.580 (l&fVtt tbrouith)'. .fieavjr wftiitht (250-::to pounds), medittm, good and rhoico ltM! tp 14; mediom weikhl ("O0-.'(5o pound) common, medium, goti and choice $4 3.ur r14.a5; light weight (.lSO-'J6o yonndxi eommofl, mediym, good and choice tl.2Ti ftr l4JV(); light light (t8t-'360 pound,), (onnon, racdinm, good Md rMM l4(i' J.4.5U; pju-IUng httcs rough -and aDoon SUoghtcr pig ponnd) mcdinm, good and choice $13.7- fftt4.r0: feeder and atoeker pig ("n-ir.o pound) modi om, good and oooice 14e 1 5, "Hi. Hoft or oily hogs, and roast pig excluded in above). ,fheep and lamh i Lamb 50e higher; ytwringa Hie higher; xereipl 12fi. UmU medinm to choice $10 jB..iiOi. ,amlai. cull, and common $frr'; -yearling wether, mediom-?lo -choice tt.5An 1U7A; ewe, tonau to choice in.H; cuUk, jT2aid. . . . ' Ontidn attotation based boat Ifonnt Adam. Utern Oregon and imilar . type. iinM. rew Taney lamna selling aoove GStAIH PORTLAND, Sept. 13. ( AP) Wheat: BBB bard white. HW..BS. Baart. federa tion, oft white, western white Jiartt win 'tr September October S1!S ; northern upring September, October $l.'-'7. Oam, Mo. 38 pound white feed and gray, September, October fiH.ftO. . Barley, N. 3, BW 45 pomid .Soptenv. brt OrJoberfS?. torn, No. 2. P.T shipment. September' S3S; October! 43S.2S. . . ' T Uillruo, standard, September, October $20. :BAT PORTLAND. Sept. 13. ( AP)-r-Hay. buying price: Kaatern Oregon timothy 2J6i22; do.ralley S17l?j; cheat $13: alfalfa 117.50 (Si 1H: iat hay oat and wetch $14.&06US; . atraw $1( 7.50 per ton. Selling priees $2 a. ton more. . PRODUCE . . PORTLAND,, Sept. 13. Ap) Batter steady r extra cubes, city 404 c: aland- arda SVie; prima firaM a7,c; first So; puDVa 47c; cartons 48c, ". Milk steady, bet churning cream 44c per poand, net Khippera' track in xone JL. Cream Sniirered Portland 4d par pound. "Raw milk (4. per .rent), $2.25 cwt. I. o. b. Portland. . V - " . Poultry, steady : eood .call for hearr. 4at hen moA jrnga. fox, Jt trade; Jieary aen :.(-Ztc; light iOc; Spring, white , 222e; do colored -. 23K4c; Toung white duck . 22 2 3e i . oolored, li 'fiend ., j,. ,, ' : -. Potatoes an4' onion steady ; onion lo cal Ir alU VBTila Jbc&.li W tatoes - sack. .WHEAT . WEAK - , , CHICAOO. Sept. 13-4B ) Oin val ues -averaged lower today, Baying power remained .slacked during the greater rpart of the trading and the clone- watt weak with wheat hatf la 5'8c, eorn Unchanged to &-e-lower, oats unchsaxed An 1,8c off and provision at the same.-a Saturday 'a V - WOOJ, tTROMO 7 BOSTO?f.v Sent. 13 -t AP The . we. ket is etronT for combing 70' wool. Orade t pood length Uple i scare andl price is irequanny a Minor caRiafcatJon -a a sale. In order to get a sufficient supply of 70'a, buyers have takeiv fift'TO'a and even B4-70', - especially . if . of a god length staple. Report ;f - the strsgth of . the 1 in Anntralia at the opening and also the fact that the wooU, run lighter eoaracr this aeaaaa, may have bee aa Incentive for mills ia buy- mora .freely of spot foreign-line wool.. 1 -.. f. ZXAXKT - PORTLAND, Sept. 13. AP) Dairy Exchange, aet prices: Batter Kstra M'Vifi standards as ; ., pv4m t iret T!4C; ftrsts 37. Kggs Kxtraa 41e; first .18c; pullet H5- receipts -ttndersiuid lOr ' L . - V. -3 , j f lArJiAMa 1AI -'4ivit.fVBW u 19 .North ;Hlgh O i ' o I ?NalipnUIe.cagye j ffiesiilts . NEW YORK, Sept. 1.V tAP) After losing a doubieheader to the Pirates yesterday, the Giants came back and smothered Pittsburgh 9 to ! today in. a name featuring four home runs. '. Grantham; -hit two four-baggers off Jimmy Ring. Score !R. II. K. Pittsburgh 0,9 1 New York .911 1 V.Hill, Morrison, Koupal, Yde, and Smith; Ring. Daries and Me Mullsnr Florence. NEW YORKvSept. 13.-Epha Rixey, allowing only four hits, shut, out the Brooklyn Robins 4 to Q today. ' Score n, 11. K. Cincinnati 4 ti Brooklyn o 4 1 f Rixey and Hargrave; Crimes and Uargreaves. Philadelphia, sept. 13. The Chicago Cubs, although hit by the Phillies here today, defeat ed the locals 3 to 1. .Score R. H. E. Chicago 3 5 0 Philadelphia ... 1 7 0 , Blake, and Hartnett; Dean and Hep line. I BOSTON, Sept. 13. Boston de feated .St, Loqis here today in an extra inning contest, 5 to A, and enabled Cincinnati, which also won today, to tie the Cardinals for first place, in the National League standing. , Score R. H, B. st, Lpms . . ;.. , . 4 11 1 Boston 5 12 2 1 - Sherdell 1 Atftianler nnil nEnr- l.rellWerti!. Benton and J. Taylor. Patton's Book Store offers Itnb ber Stamps that print clearly. For the -next rubber stamo teleohone Lihem or -call. You must try their Quick drying starpp pad. () FOREST OHOVeI Bond issue f 444,178 authorized, for new 4.231 sanitary sewer. SPECIAL OFFER TO OUR READERS!! A True Copy of the Declaration of Independence Bcjautif ul Copy . in Three Colors on Fine Book Paper ear : BLZE i32 in. by 20 in. Suitable for Framing This year marks the 150th year of Arrierican Independence. Every patriotic American will wel - come the opportunity of owning a full size copy Qt theDeclaration of independence. ' This is a true : ' wrMwi.w.&nm aVe. . t " - Zrntihetm ous -document stgned July lUi'. . . ' ' - , . This cdpy is large-enough to read and -is . litho- HURRY !V SUPPLY LIM1TTE WORTH MUCH MORE 15 SpuUi Commercial 'St." V- YTELSliE Beards of 'All Colors and Types Imaginable Seen in "Miss Nobody" - Red boards, black beards, blue beardsin fact, beards of all col ors and every imaginable shapes are. to he seen in 'Miss Nobody." the First National picture showing at the Elsinore theater last times today, featuring Anna Q. Nilsson. DuriUK the screening of "Miss Nobody" the four leading male act ors' paid no attention to the growth of their beards, for they are seen as ".hoboes." Measuring the growth was a dally pastime be tween the scenes. Walter Pidgeon, leading man, held the record with a growth for two weeks of one and a half inch-' es. .Others in the beardel quar tet are Clyde Cooke, well known comedian; Mitchell Lewis and Ar thur Stone. Several of the technicians and co-workers pn.thje picture fcave the quartet moral support by. allow ing their o,wrj beards to-grow. Among thosa- was Wirt Gunning, editorial director, ftnd - Lambert liillyer, the director. In "Miss Nobody" Anna Q. Nils son is seen in' men's clothes. Nat urally she doesn't wear whiskers. She is one of the very few who doesn't. Again in this picture Miss Nilsson wears the '"Shebo" bob, whieh became so famous when she appeared in "Ponpola." "Miss Nobody" is an adaptation of the celebrated story by Tiffany Wells, entitled "Shebo." Clip the coupon to be found elsewhere in this paper i. "v it i m m m a tti ii av ii I via mm . n n Utfi' t"'-V- ftt? Copy J u In CONGRESS. Jew4.w v&iaittmoirrfrofW sea, i-a- . ' e ii ' m .1. 1 1. . , im, i .'jCiL.'x i . ,y r. a (This is greatly reduced in size from copy) -.. YOURS .FOR ONLY . 'One -Coupon ' AND 3Ss - r- O I I :iO-1S:0 KOW (491). S. dinner eoneert ; -7." children"' program; 7:3. . trfMirla ; educational book review lu ll!, dnre ... . n. (.oil. Mo KPWV t!lJ. "-7, Miseha 1VI orthrstiri: 7-. organ ; 8, atudia piosram: 11-12. orjtau. J i S:UM-lt:Ml KOIS t319). fi-7, pipe or gan: 7:4.. talk: stttdio prorraiu. 7:m-7i3i KTBK (21). jonris mi4. music. 7:30-lt:4-- KPJR fSsS). 7:Sft-S:13, iovrnat Jnaior; " 9:1, Maste at fhtr Masters, , r,:fMj KtSO (3t) Oakland. , concert; fl, PilRrira's hour. f,;o KKIN fi;S, Int Beach. B. or . ttan; 7. bandbox,; T;30. book chat: S, projrram 9-m, proirram; lo::u -12, vaudeville." -;-fi:o rKPevX.. (310) Padeaa. C.. re- . ports 5 S-Jl, enncert. V . ; - fi lX, KMTR f3f" UolLvwood. ' , pro gram; 7. talk; S, errhevtr; ft, dance orchestra. -r.MMi KHQ. (394), Spokane., fi, oisrhe- tra; 7. prorrant; .0, jrorram; 11-l.i, or- eaa eancert. .? C ,H KFYYl (250) -ftan Francisco;" S, orchestra; 8. baliada; t::SO, vo-al; 10-12. orchestra. " , -C;0l KfjWB 252) Hoi fy wood. S. ninie S:10. orchestra; 1S-14. frolic. 6:15 KKI t07 l.o AncleK. 6:13 edu- cational program; 7. dime orchestra: M. concert; S. propram; 7. dam-e T--)iMra: rt, -concert ; 9. joersni; 10, radio clnli. 6:30 KPO.(42) 8an Francisco.- tTmo. orchestra:- 7. orchestra H. orchestra; 9, masieal program ; dance orches- trs. r. ;:jO -fclU (40") I.o .Vugele. 6:30, Chil dren's program; 8, studio; 10, orchestra. A-.4H KKOA (4-V1) Seattle. 6:4... pro gram: 7, prvcrMn; M:lo-l. studio program. C:ao KNX--337) Hollywood. 6:30, or chestra 7, program: Kt. orchestra. 7:00. KFSI 024) Kan IMejjo. 7-10, pro gratn : 1 ! 1 , orchestra. S;(iO KFWM :t2i Oakland; S-9:30. projrmm of miiKic and feature. . - .-o CNRV (291) Vancouver, It. C. 9, tiroRnim : 10:30, orhcira. ' 9th KTt'L t:;Ki) Keattle. 9, musical prorram. . The Electric Restaurant aerrea elegant meals and. Junches. Try them; you will come again and bring your friends. Best in Salem. 479 State street. () Chas. K. Spaulding Lagging Co., lumber and building materials. The best costs no more than in ferior grades. Go to the big Sa lem, factory and save money. . () for Home or u - - 5fato 1 ifji" if ij . fm graphed in three colors oh .fine book paper, all ready for framings It is appropriate for home and f fce--JuAthe thing for the homejwhere chil- w!111! - - ;reave-Qily-.aveiThmited number to distnb-- , - e to our readers so jbrge you to act quickly. The .-cost is slight. Something you will treasure for- i V over; , i n . - ' 0 ! WHILE THEVj LAST! OR THREE FOR -National Iyengar- Team -Cincinnati St. Louis . . , Pittsburgh , Chicago t New York Brooklyn . , Philadelphia Boston .'. . American league - Team-f-- - .' New York . . . Philadelphia '. Cleveland Washington . Detroit " . . ; . . Chicago ... St. Louis Boston . . Pacific Coast Iy-fljrue Team Los Angeles . Oakland . . Missions . .. Srfcramento -Portland . Hollywood . Seattle ...... San Francisco . .70. 98 Ira W. Jorgensen, 180 S. High St. Parts for all makes .of oars.; Beat equipped auto accesapry store' m this' eeetlon. ; Prora-pt - and re-; liable, service the rule. ') . Always fresh, and delicious" and you can depend n it., , We makej our-bread - light -and -JghialaBome-and"eTak it 1stngMr-- -Btr Yet Baking Co., 1 6 KOolW'l. ( ) " C. F. Bretthaupt, florist and decorator. 123 J. Liberty. Phone "380. Flowers, 'bulbs, floral' de signs for all occasions. - Pioneer and leader in Salem. ( Oregon eggs now being snip regularly to United'.Klngdom.. 'Office i of the Original . j' Large - Enough" to Read Appropriate , for J Cottage or Mansion .SPECIAL LOW " PRICE ; Salem, Oregon W. - L. Pet. j R2 60 ;&K1 . . .V..R2 0- .S77 ......79 -62 .SG0 . . .-...77 4 .54 fi j; 66 71 483 ......65 77 .458 . . . . .152 81 .nlv i . . . . . .55 -83 i3S9 W. L. Vet. j . .,. .86 54 v6i4 75 , 62: TfifT i . . . ,81 6! .54.a. I, 72 ,S V 533- Vj ....73 68 .518 71 70 .503 L 57 84 .404 ....45 98 .315 W 1. Pet. .9J9..-65 .603 ..89 74 .546 85 78 .521 S3 82 .503 81 87 .479 ' .79 .& V470 i .77 90 . .4 60 .416 i 1: 1 c - i j r J r atir.v;