oieo ran SE11I LEAVES ' -w McNary Will-Confer - With -Members of-Matkmal Re-,-, publican tCommittee Senators C. L. McNary Wt here lat i night tor) Chicago where . he will confer - with, member of the national -republican committee in connection ' with the senatorial ' campaigns. ' j It was said that Sen ator! McNary Would be requested to, give a ,n umber o". political ad dress, in states, where the' repub licans face strong opposition. . - "There are seven democratic and-25 republican senators whose terms expire and whose successors will b elected in November." Bald Senator" McNaryl Consequently, the Imatn. battle-ground wilt be npon republican soil." Senator 'McNary v will return; to Oregon In' October to participate In the senatorial,, campaign. Be fore returning to Oregon Senator McNary-will-go to .Washington where he is slated to attend com mittee meetings having to do with governmental affairs. Tyler's Big Z Cold Capsules will cure your eold. If you don't be lieve it try It tcr yonrself. Tyler's is the only place. to get them. 157 S; Com'l. ; () UPTONS MILLER Pomeroy. & Kene,t Jeweler, never fail to give you 100 on the dollar. Watches,, clocks, pins, charms.' ""Standard high . grade stock- ln"all -departments. . ' ' ' ' y ; ; ' t u tj " : FQr 'i students golnrl"aWy to school "we are showing a large se lection of traveling bags, trunks, hat botes and fitted cases. Sis count prices tot .- students tnu momUw, --Hamiltonls. , () -l tat .! i t . DILTOTHE ACHE jf s f 2. ft i i .Car -, john'scjrr Gets 1 305 Peunds Frofri Three Acre. ... Mint Patch 'Carl Johnson, Route 1, Brooks. has-distil!edi2a&' pounds of pep permint oil from his three acre mint patch, located on the land of frs. S. W. Jones In the Late La bis h. beaverdam district; If that is not the record yield, f or "any country, any year, let any contender fc take notice, and come "forward. There are a number of mint rop In the Lake JLablsh, district. on boaverdam soil, that have been turning out as high as 80 pounds of peppermint oil to the acre. ; It frnay be said that this is almost an veragei; this year, for that district- ; ' , 'f That, Li very good,' when it is considered that 36 pounds is a fair average for the Indiana and Michi gan mint districts.- And our Wil lamette valley oil has a much, higher menthol content than that produced elsewhere in this coun try." and a better flavor, too. ."Most of the xfilnt growers of this section will be through dis tilling this week, though the big acreage .of the Hayes farm on Lake Labiah will take. longer. : , J I' New York Prices . f; The New York Commercial of last Tuesday , quoted peppermint Oil in that market at $9.50 to $10 a pound.' There have been some sales of the hew oil In; the Salem district at $5 "a" ton.4 5 P." IS. , Shafer's . Harness . ,and feather Goods Store, 170 S. Com'L Suit cases, valises,' portfolios, brief cases,' gloves 'ana mittens., Large stock . The pioneer "store.. () ? The Oners -House "Drug Store. Service, quality low prices, friend- shin ? slve increasing': patronage. Old customers advise friends to trade here. High and Court, () PASSES SUDDENLY Prominent Salem Jeweler Dies While Visiting Friends - at Hospital ;; Upton S. Miller, for 1? year a prominent Jeweler t of Salem, died suddenly from a heart attack on Sunday while visiting friends at the Oregon Tuberculosis hospital. Mr. Miller hadbeen in jutsineus on Court street for the past: 15 -years and had 'Tecently moved 'to a new location on South, Commercial street. " He was' 71 years old. t ' " "... Mr. Miller also owned a fruit ranch in the Liberty district and was; gTeitiy interested-In-the de velopment of ihat community. He is . survived . by j his widow.' Mrs. Carrie LL Miller, a daughter. Mrs. Ada Harris,, two sons, Fred -H. Miller and Miles C. Miller, and three grandchildren. , , ';, .The funeral will be held from the Webb Fineral parlors this morning at 10 o'clock'.. Burial will be in the Abbey Crest Mauso leum. Rev; Fred C Taylor will have charge of the funeral service. First National Bank, .the hank of friendship and helpfulness in time of need. Interest paid-on time deposits. Open an account and watch your money grow. () L. A..Scheelar Auto Wreeking Co:, oldest In the Willamette val ley. New acd used parts "and equipment. Low prices and quality service here. - 1085 N. Com'l. ( MOTOR DETOUR LIBERTY HILL Tsiew : Pavement C to Waldo Hills district Will Be Com : pleted This. Week ,' . SILVERTON, Ore., Sept. 14. (Special.) Almost .the -entire South side of. Liberty Hill has now been paved and was open to the motoring public on Sufday. The remainder of the road joining the new pavement to the old will be completed this week it is under stood. The road willjbe closed to motorists during working hours. The detour signs are at the foot of Paradise road and at Eureka ave lue. This necessitates' those leav ing Silverton for the Waldo Hills district to go out Main street, turn on to Paradise road at Scandia and on to the. Waldo Hills road again at the east end of Paradise read. Capital Bargain Roase, Capital Tire Mfg. Co., Mike's Auto Wreck ing. Three in one. Bargain cen ter of Salem. . Thousands oX bar gains. H Steinbock, 215 Center. Springneid Booth-Kelly - Lum ber company building $7,000 re tail lumber shed. , USE YOUR CREDIT SUITS i'fr Down 0 BALANCE R I 10 Payments AL KRAUSE ' 4 MEN'S -WEAR : s i The; Store AVith the . :'- Fountain 4 i '-USJ DECLARATIOrJ mwmmmitz .QET IT! r- V;- 1 - - For ' a short ' time ealj a as '. : . s . ' ft-; WBurtar ssppij lasts. : this ; COUPON AND IN 4k 35 ecu res - beast If a I . eop . ef this historic tfocaairpt . rTorth a treal -'Inlinw SlM 13 XSO lBaa- Ise ipeeUI prW, . J'rtsenl r mall this esw! ZcZCali&ZhZTmsJptn for ysW ropy to Ibl- . cn Fin5 EccIiPc? MAIL ORDERS .TJrtr. ET will HI led. ASdf 4r-ti: XCfi t-?Xi. v , pMtim ib4 itarkhrs oi CX C-fXlCC-'' wall erders. oemoFSfr DOCTOR MOMED Governor Terms Dr. Owens - Adair as Great Benefac ; tor to Society chief justice of the state supreme court; Sam A. Koser, -secretary of state, and Dr. W. B. Morse, mem- -ber of the state board of health. ' A number of state officials will attend '-' funeral services for Dr. Adair. -A-; . v- ' .' Officials said that Dr. Adair was. responsible for the enactment of the state sterilization bill at the 1923 session of the legislature. News rft the death of Dr. B. E. Owens-Adair who died at Astoria Sunday, was received by Btate, of ficials with sincere regret. Governor Pierce, In-a statement issued yesterday, said that Oregon deeply .regrets the death of Dr, Adair. "She was a most wonder ful women and a personal friend of mine." read the governor's statement. . I saw her only a few days ago when - we dedicated the- Astor monument at Astoria. Her in fluence will tell throughout the ages. Her book on Heredity and the duty of preventing an Increase 'of defectives and inferiors, will have a most lasting Influence and effect in future years than any other book published in Oregon. "I join with her many friends and her relatives in mourning the loss of this marvelous woman." Similar tributes ware offered by Miss Cornelia Marvin, state li brarian; Thomas A. McBride, - Capital City Cooperative Cream ery: Milk, cream, buttermilk. The Buttercup butter has no equal. Gold standard 'of perfection. - 137 8. Com'l. Phone 299.. v . , () Bend Pastor Will Visit Lutheran Brotherhood SILVERTON. Ore., Sept. 14. (Special.) The Lutheran Broth erhood will hold Its regular meet ing on Monday evening Septem ber 20th at St. Jphn's church at Silverton. The Rev. Mr. Bogstad of Bend will be present and speak. Other numbers, mostly musical, have also been prepared for the program. Mr, Used Car Buyer: Have yon seen the real buys at the- Capitol Motors Incorporation? See Biddy Bishop, 350 N. High St. Tele phones 2125 and 2126. () Doughton & Sherwln, Hard ware. 2 8 G N. Com'l. St. Hardware, i Builders' Supplies, Paints, Varn ' Ishes. Give us a call, you'll find our prices reasonable. () 93 YEAHS 0 SPRY AS A CRICKET "Uncle Jim" Whitford of Forest Grove Pays a Visit to Salem James ("Uncle Jim") Whitford of Forest drove, who will be 99 years young on the 30th of next month, was a fealem visitor yes terday. He was accompanied by J. S. Itoark, superintendent of the Masonic and Eastern Star home at Forest Grove, where Mr. Whijford has lived since 1922. . . Mr. Roark said they have over 80,00 visitors a year at the home, and tha Mr. Whitford shows over half of them around. He does not show his great age hi any way. He does not wear glasses, except in reading. His hearing is good. He stands as straight as a ramrod. His step is brisk and goes with the spring of a young man. He would easily pass for 60. He went to the home from Cottage Grove. He was born in cirnton county, New York, October 30. 1827. He was for a long time a policeman in Minneapolis. He was a timber cruiser; he cruised timber around jSalem 55 years ago, and worked also (n Coos and other coast coun ties. George G. Brown of Salem is a member, of the board of trustees of , the home, which has a fine buildings and a wonderful plant and is doing a great work. .; V '. Mr. Roark's father lived to be 108. and he looks good for a much greater stay on this -earth, which he enjoys so well. The reporter suggested : that .perhaps his out door life had something to do with his robust health, lie seemed to. doubt it. He tnrn-is nr.? worx in the woods in wet weather, espe cially in the coast counties, gave him a touch of rheumatism, which he still feels some times. P. L. Wood and Geo. F. Peed, real estate, 344 State. Farms and city property. They bring buyer and seller together, for the bene fit and profit of both. () C. A. Luthy Reliable Jewelry store What you are looking for in jewelry. Where a child can buy as safely as a man or woman. Repairing in all lines. () Btfyocean Important road, street and building improvements prevail this year. STAR OF DESTINY TO PROTECT MUSSOLINI . (Coutiaaad from pf I.; the need of flour. ; We are alike in our. principles, our aims, our similiarity is so great I can sum rtip In ' three words the: whole theory of the doctrines of thetwo countries' " '" "Write it I cried, throwing a pad of paper' as - one newspaper man to another. He dipped his pen into a deep ink well and wrote these three words. " 'Tenacita dJscipHna. eorag gio. Then with a : flourish of finality, he added in English the words 'anH work and signed his name Benito Mussolini, Rome, 13, Settemhre.,1926. "The premier handed me the slip of paper, rose from his seat. came to attention and made the fascist salute in farewell. t ' M 'My compliments to all Amer-" lea, was his last phrase as he stood behind bis desk, his eyes and nos trils opened t othe future." Eiker Auto Co.,- Ferry at Lib erty St. Autos stored, anxf. bought and sold. Cars washed (fky and night. Low prices and Beit y will make -long friends., . y i f ( Incendiaries set75 known for est fires In Oregon, This year. M1LITJWOV .YBN3 roHTtAXD. OAKCO !! Nn-Kf arlaa Military uoaiaiu School for Boym Mt'ltary Training Meaaa fhyslcaJ Ito-teintMnvut for bvrry timy SUMMER COLDS are lingering and annoying. ' The vry first night apply Varo Rub Owf IT Million Jn UJ rrfr e s t h e mi e w o n e are h e;re I Novelty Oxfords, Strap Styles Sport Shoes, Step-in Pumps, Colorful Contrasts in Dress Pumps In the midst -of the season of vivid colors and elaborate styles, we have not forgotten those who prefer the simpler versions of the mode. Richness is achieved through fine materials and exquisite workmanship. See our windows for the most surprising line of exclusive styles that has ever been offered the better shoe buyers of Salem. from $6 to $16150 Rubber Heels Put On Your Shoes For Half Every Wednesday -:- S 5? :-'Wr Sr Prides 25 Eluaili:ilimmi-liam;;ih1Jiia.,..,.rj.:.i,,..a.lii..i,;.u. ..; DO YQUR SZZZ ; Introwa kalla ra- HT77?T? ' ov4 jU traatod. . rains . in !,- wesk foat, flat faot, foot strains sad . faUan arckea adjortad.- D so suffer. X will r Um brt tXat adanca ' caa aradaca la adanufle , coinopady. Oonndt '-. f DR. M; D. VINYARD; 7, Kaaia &ae PmBasOU ' UT$aui Boots MkafABoata .EMtAfpLaoi MgHaMlJiUJiMiiLmuiaiiMimi lllll!im-g:.liHIIIBHMHW REPAIR 0v hop u wiU aU MW utchin-. DEP'T. ' T.. Wa asa aatklos t Ut vary baat, Prii af leather taat mosey wfli any. r Mr. jMokscn, la charge of this tfa parUaant, U an expert in kls lln kaa pant yean in factories and repair shops and win do BotUBg tat high grado work. y Out . he goes . old man depreciation when the Rasmussen painter-man comes in. The two can't stay in the same house not for a minute or a month. The Rasmussen paint er- - man is the man to tms with your paint problem -he's the fellow who uses nothing, but Rasmussen Paints and Varmshes. " - ' Ask your painter or your dealer. .RASMUSSEN fls COMPANY. . r Portland - Seattle ' - ' Tor' Exterior ' ' .RASMUSSEN PURE PAINT Aso Creosote Shingle St∈ Porch Floor Paint: Barn and Roof Paint; Truck, Tractor and Implement Paint; Auto . mobile ELriamrl ; Spox. Varnish; Roof Coating; Concrete) t atnd Cement Coating. k J v ,. - For Interiors Wall-Dtira Washable Wall Paint; RacoCte Enamel; Inside Floor Paint; QU Stain; Floor and Varnish Stain: Bath Tub Enamel, Durable Floor Varnish, Presto-lac -a brush lacquer for floors, . ' - ..., ....;-,, ' :- ' HITTniEON PAINT RTflTlF Sold by: 154 South Commercial, Salem, Oregon . "BUY - YOUR PAINT AT A PAINT STORBV : " O. V.' CARMTCIIEIj, Monitor, Oregon N. BECKER & HON Woodburn, Oregon ' . P. Jff. 83IITII rdlMTURE CO Mt. Angel, Oregon .i ( ( c i C i 4 T P.. 11 k