The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 11, 1926, Page 6, Image 6

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    ,y--y: .l : - - - .r ;..:,,,.wf,.-,y'-,;rl,"";viia,.- "Vinr-'-r. ,r r-.i in V . n I i ir -f - Wir it H. I m i. " ' ' ' " wti Ti,n - r, , ,-w m wrra - ... am.. .... J ;
'.;.,---v;i-vVi itg,iK-' . .-ft , . , .i 1 .1. . ; 1 . - ' " 1 " ' V- " ' , ,f f , '.''' " . . V ; - ' ' r .
Cycols to Appear Here Sep
tember 19 in Final Game
--" of This Season
J)nly two more games remain on
the Salem Senators baseball sched
ule f or . thin season a r Nwtt Sunday
the local team will meet the fast
Montavilla team .at.,.Oxford Park
and the following Sunday thkr
old; rivals, the Portland Cycof
will appear here.
Sunday' game is expected
be a fast one, as the visiting ted
Is considered one of the best bu
teams in "the state. The Saki
team, fighting for its last chap
tif jeniain in the fall tourname
rave. Is expected to snow bett
baseball than in its two gam
last week end.
' In case the Senators win bo
their remaining games and Moifmain
avllla' and the Port of
teams lost a eouple more apie
all '.teams will be tied - for fir
place honors, necessitating a ft
t her, play off. '
Turpin. former Albany s&r
pit4her, will again be on the
mound for the Senators Sunday,
lie : has -pitched consistently good
bait "khlce Joining, the team, poor
fielding behind htm being mainly
responsible Tor his downfall last
Sunday. In case he Is given good
support and the" Senator regain
tfeeir hitting nowerthe local team
i.5?'eipected to give Montavilla a
close- battle. ;
John Harkins.' the Montavilla
ace, is expected to pitch for the
visitors. .In his last appearance
at Portland Harkins was: hit, hard,'
cr t be- Senators have.Jncreaaed
confidence in their ab tin yto wal
lop his offerings. , : - ei
Manager Nicholson of the Mont
avilla team has sent word to
"Biddy" Bishop, "local manager,
that a large crowd of fans will
com& t6wit from Portland to nee
the. games.
Salem has won one game and
lost' one against the Montavilla
team so far . this season, so dope
points to an venly matched con
test. ,;
Shy HuntingtpnMuitnomah
Club Mentor, Chosn
Temporary Head
All football coaches and offi
cials in Oregon will be organixed
Into an association if steps origi
nated at a meeting of high school
arid college coaches In Portland
Thursday night are followed up.
The next meeting will be Septem
ber. 13 at the Multnomah club
building in Portland., ,
In case such an organization Is
formed it will . endeavor to join
with the national board of coaeh-
'es and officials. The board will
select a list . of possible officials
Irpm which referees and umpires
for all games will be drawn.
Shy Huntington, Multnomah
club coach, was chosen temporary
.chairman and a committee was
appointed to promote the work of
organization. , ,
Opening ' of Season Calls
Nine Thousand to Forests
After Bucks
With an exceptionally large
number of -deer reported in the
woods , (his year, . approximately
9000 hunters have departed for
the& forests and mountains in
search , of their two backs apiece.
Conditions for hunting are said
to be good.
The, most likely places include
the Bend district. Cow Creek can
yon, Douglas county. Curry conn'
ty, Evans creek, Ochoco forest.
Blue mountains. Umatilla, Union,
t Baker. Grant and Harney coun
' ties, Imnaha and Snake river,.
McKenzie " valley and the Alsea
l toiai or & 4. vti u persons are
said to bold 1926 hunting licenses
In. the state. , . ,
This is a real Behr Bros,
piano and was manufactured
when they- made on ' of the
finest pianos in America and
has tone yon cannot beat at
any price. : If you are look
ing for something exception'
ally fine at. a very low price
call and see this piano at
once. . $8.00 a month will
Bay it.--.. ' s -r"
-...... .-, , ' ... . ' . - y ;
The Portland Music Co.
33 Jf. nh SU, Salem, Ore.
Observers Astonished When
Long Range Head Deliver
' ies Go Wild
11, ; 1920
Lord be with thee.
I Sam. 17
Aug. 28. -Only three factories "tr
It-Idaho Sugar company in the conf1"
this week. The three plants wht"
those at Garland, Spanish Fork, f
t the factories at Brigham, ElsinC"
idle during 1926. The condJa
Portlairations at the three plants select.
conomical way of handling this yeAj
other factory districts will be trallt
Dempsey concentrated his at
tack on body punching but when
he attempted deliveries to -the
bead at longe range, -his punches
were so wild they caused astonish
ment from close observers- ' The
title holder paid ho attention, to
defense. He was hit hard and
often, but apparently was willing
to "take a punch so he could reach
his objective of driving blows to
the body at close quarters.
The champion opened up his
boxing against Big Bill ' TateV
hammering away at the body,
mostly with left books. Tate,
towering above the champion, had
no trouble in nailing him with
rights to the head. Once he meas
ured him a hard straight right,
but Dempsey; without even blink
ing, came tearing 3n working his
left to the body like pistons.
Doc Bagley, Tunney's first man
ager, who is credited with the
early development of the challeng
er, believes Dempsey will be a
certain winner.
. "If Tnnney lasts three rounds
I'll be the most surprised man; In
the world," Bagley said.
STrtOUDSBURG, Pa., Sept. 10.
(AP In preparation for busy
days tomorrow and Sunday, Geae
Tunney left boxing flat on its back
today. He did no ring work, de
clined a chance to read of boxing
and refused to discuss it. Today
was a vacation.
Bryan Downey, the Cleveland
middleweight who .worked" -with
Tunney for the first time yester
day, departed today. It was un
derstood that the Cleveland boxer
and the Tunney management fail
ed to come to terms- Downey will
be replaced toy Jimmy Delaney,
St. Paul light heavyweight, 'who
will report probably tomorrow.
Billy Gibson, Tunney's manag
er. ' thinks his protege is getting
down to a fine edge and may or
der a suspension of heavy train
ing activities after execution of
the full programs arranged for
tomorrow and Sunday. It has been
decided that Tunney should enter
the Sesqui-Centennial ring at ap
proximately 186 pounds and train
er Lou Fink and his associates are
concentrating their efforts at hav
ing him near that poundage just
before the fight and not now. .
Pacific Coast
' Results
(AP) Po'rtland evened up the
series here today by winning over
the Sacramento Senators .5 ;toi 2.
Score R.; H. .E.
Portland i' 5 9 1
Sacramento . 2 8 0
, Lingrel-and Berry; Hughes, C
Can field and Shea.
OAKLAND, - Sept. 10. Earl
Hamilton's slow ball was too much
for Oakland today and Los An-
sreles evened the series with a
6-0 victory.
Score R. H. E
Los Angeles & 11 1
Oakland 0 -7 0
Hamilton and Hannah; De Lan-
ey, Ffazier and . Read.
( RAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 10.-
tBert Cole, the Missions star south
paw hurler blew up with a bang
'.today in the third inning and Se
attle made the first five runs' of
(Mbat turned out to. fie an 11
. Score- R. It. K.
peat tie ...11 17
Missions . . . 1 7
Hasty and E. Baldwin; Cole
end Walters;" f"
LOS ANGELES. Sept. 10.
Lefty Williams held Hollywood to
tnree .scattered pita aa pucned
San Francisco to a 6tto 2 victory
here today.
Score . f R; II. G
San Francisco V . 7 . . 6 " 9
Hollywood . . ...... ... 2 3
Williams and Agnew; Vargas
nd Peters. ;
Fittery; 'Phillips
ruuTLANU. Eastern manu
facturers deeply interested In silk
and: hosiery factory prospect t In
foruand .,- . - , .
M4MIN.JiVILLEc5-Llaflerd Co
lege ,will receive an to caravan of
S5 students from Idaho- - . '
Appears Slow arid
Large Number of Contests
Listed on Schedule Last
ing Seven Weeks
The complete football schedule
for the western . conference, con
sisting of most of the big colleges
in the middle west, has been com
piled by the graduate managers of
the various institutions and has
just been released for publication.
Opening games are October 2,
little more than a month off.
The schedule follows:
October 2
Wisconsin - Cornell college at
Purdue-U. S. Naval academy at
Ohio State-Wittenberg at Co
lumbus. South Dakota-Northwestern at
Minnesota-North Dakota at
Michigan-Oklahoma A. & M at
Ann Arbor.
, Iowa-Colorado State Teachers
at Iowa City.
Indiana-DePauw at Blooming-
ton, i
Hlinols-Coe at Urbana.
Chicago-Florida at Chicago.
October 9
Wisconsin-UnLTersity of Kan
sas at. Madison.
Purdue-Wabash at Lafayette.
Ohio State-Ohio Weslevan at
Columbus. 1
Northwestern-Carleton at Evan
Mlnnesota-Notre Dame at Min
Michigan-Michigan State col
lege at Ann. Arbor.
Iowa-North Dakota at Iowa
Indiana-Kentucky at Bloomlne-
Illinois-Butler at Urbana.
Chicago-Universitv of Mary
land at Chicago.
October 16
Wisconsin-Purdue at Lafayette.
Ohio State-Columbia at New
Northwestern-Indiana at Evan
Minnesota-Michigan at Ann
Arbor. v
Iowa-Illinois at Urbana.
Chicago-Pennsylvania at Phila
October 23
Wisconsin-Indiana at Madison.
Purdue-Chicago at Chicago.
Ohio State-Iowa at Columbus.
Northwestern-Notre Dame at
Minnesota-Wabash at Mlnnea-
Michigan-Illinois at Ann Arbor.
October 34)
Wisconsin-Minnesota at Madi
Purdue-Indiana State Normal at
Ohio State-Chicago at Chicago.
Northwestern-Indiana at Bloom-
in gton.
Michigan-Navy at Baltimore.
Iowa-Carroll college at Iowa
Illinois-Pennsylvania at Ur
bana. i a
November 6
Wisconsin-Michigan at Ann
Northwestern-Purdue at Evans
Minnesota-Iowa at Iowa City.
Notre Dame-Indiana at South
Chicago-Illinois at Chicago.
November 13
Wisconsin-Iowa at Madison.
Ptirdue-Frank Jin at Lafayette.
Michigan-Ohio State at Colum
BUS. -
. Chicago-Northwestern at Evan
iuu. a '
imnnesoia-Hutier ab
:- Mlnne-
Indiana-Mitsisainpi A.
& M. at
Illinois-Wabash at Urbana.
November 20
Wisconsin-Chicago at Chicago
Purdue-Franklin at Lafayette.'
Illinois-Ohio State at Urbana.
Northwestern-Iowa at Iowa City
Micnigan-Mlnnesota at Minne
a polls.
o o
HARTFORD, Conn.. Sept. 10
(AP) Johnny Rlsko. of Cleve
land, battled 12 . rounds to a draw
with Pat McCarthy, of Boston,
here tonight.
'Jack Gagmon of New Bedford.
Mass., knocked out Young Peter
son: of Detroit In one round In the
CLEVELAND,' Ohio, Sept. 10.
(APJ-r-Lotiis l'aluso. Salt Lake
City, was given the newspaper de
cision over Billy Wallace,! of Satt
Francisco at the end of their. 11
round bout, here tonight. They
weighed in at 133. y
. 1 - - v;
Rosedale f , -i
V Keith : Cap pock- is lielplns: , his
grandfather Albert . Bates during
the drying season.
Roger" Taylor and Ralph Walk-
Ler have returned to their homes
in California.
Laura Cammack is working a
few days In Salem. ' . ' ,
Manyyra -3 finishing " their
prunes thhi wpek. iy
Mrs. a George f Alexander - and
children visited at th' noina-of
Mr.. ana airs. j. i. Alexa n tie r last
wees. , a - -
War Hero and
An echo of the ereat war ten
French eeneral and one of the outstanding figures of the world war.
is shaking hands with King Ferdinand of Roumania.
Claire Windsor and Bert Ly-
tell in '.'Born Rich" Show
ing Last Day
A fascinating insight into New
York social life is given in '"Born
Rich," a First National picturei
directed by Will Nigh for Garrlck
Pictures Corporation. which is
achieving unsual success yester
day and today at the Oregon the
Claire Windsor and Brt I.ytell
play the leading roles in ,Born
Rich." the supporting cast consist
ing of Doris Kenyon,. Cullen Lan
dis. J. Barney Sherry, Frank Mor
gan, Maude Turner Gordon and
Jackie Ott.
The picture is based on Hughes
Cornell's sensational novel, and it
deal with the lives of those who
have been "born rich." The au
thor, while describing in detail
the pleasures and poys that are
the lot of Hie, wealthy, through a
series of dramatic events proves
that even the possessors of for
tunes are of the same clay an
those not so liberally endowed
with the world's goods; that be
neath their frothy outer shells
there beats hearts that would he
satisfied with life In a humble
cottage If they could find out a
way to m make such a drastic
change in their mode of living.
A novel twist is given to tho
tale by using a baby to brins
about the happiness tlat "Jimmy"
and his wife, "Chaddy." had been
seeking. Afraid that the baby
would interfere with their social
pleasures the parents had tried to
keep secret the fact that they were
parents,. -but eventually they were
proud to acknowledge their child,
and it was responsible for bring
ing them to their senses.
I for the
O Aiiof.imUd Pre O
Sketch No. 12
Jack Johnson tore a page from
"Uncle Remus" in defeating Stan
Icy Ketchel In the 12th round at
Colma, Cal., July 4. 1907. "Br'er
Possum" showed Johnson the way.
Ketchel drove home a. series of
terrific smashes to the champion's
bead. Johnson simulated groggi
nest and the challenger rushed in
to finish' him. Suddenly the negro
came to life and Ketchel's charge
was stopped by a right and left
to the jaw, either of whfch might
have felled an ox, in the judgment
of expert opinion of the day. '
The loser was severely criticized
by "his" friends, who declared that
he was guilty of carelessness ift
placing himself In a receptlye po
sition' for-the telling- blows.
yNo information , was available.
however, 'that Ketchel had heard
of Jhe tactics of ""Br'er Possum"
Jj "playing dead when he was very
much alive uy
Coast leaaue Team Calls
Back Farmed Out Playdrs
. , ' -:
(AP) Five meifrhrs of the fis
sion baseball club wbt-ere farm
ed out early in the season today
were ordered to return tathe San
FrancLsco team next week. They
Include Tom Oliver, outfielder;
Rod Whilneyi -catcher; Gene Al
len, fnfielder. Ed. Rose and Clar
ence Hutchinson. 7 ' :: 1
J- y:
Oot&e Grove, -Conktriictlon
rrfaking progress on new I OOF
Clumsy Following Three
King Meet
3'ears after; General Gonraud,
American League
o o
CHICAGO. Sept. 10. ( A P ) -
Chicago's winning streak of six
straight was halted by St.. Louis
today when the Browns took the.
final game of
in 10 tunings.
St. Louis
Ballon and
and McCurdy.
the serifs r to 4,
If. E.
10 1
10 2
Only one American League game
SALEM. This district will har
vest :j, 500,000 p3undH of rye
grass sed.
i ti" !; K; ntsiiiti'it sin; r, m- hu in i..' m
"Oh, if all women
could know"
When a woman learns the wonderful
advantages of wearing the Arch Pre
server Shoe of ha"uir. comfortable
feet that arc also vM groomed
she wants to tell all hrr friends.
Women never before hi c wa v'i
a shoe as this that's why tbey fcre
so enthusiastic
3ZC SratSt
partmm :w Mimattswwif-stKPSw mmmtmimmmmimKM'mMw-mvimv-wi'M tu mmm mmvn a arm im.s
7. .. . '
A.', . "
Becke & Hendricjc!
Tnsurance 6f All lunds. Tel. 161 - t
nelll Theater Ixbbf. ! 1 89 Xqrth High . .-
National League
PITTSBURGH. Sept. 10. (AP)
Cincinnati regained serond place
in the National league by taking
the second game of a twin bill
from Pittsburgh today. 5 to 2,
! after having " lotn the opener by
the same score.
. First same R. H. E.
Cincinnati 2 9 2
Pittsburgh r 9 1
Rixey and Hargrave; Kremer
land Smith.
; Second Ramp R. H. E.
Cincinnati S 10 1
Pittsburgh 2 4 2
Lucas and Picinich; Morrison,
'Aldridge, Yde and Smith.
The Phillies broke Guy Bush's
record of S straight victories to
day by taking the Chicago Cuhs
into camp by a score of 8 to 4.
Score It. II. E.
Chicago 4 9 1
Philadelphia 8 14 ft
Bush. Blake. Milstead and Har
nett; Willoughby and Henline.
BOSTON, Sept. 10. The hopes
of the Cardinals wefe bruised
somewhat today when Boston de
feated St. Louis, 11 to 3. The
Braves made IS hits off Alexander
and Reinhart. .
Score R. H. E.
St. Louis 3 11 3
Boston 11 18 0
Alexander, Reinhart, and O'
Farrell; Benton, Mogridge and J.
Taylor. .,""
- - -
I General Market ' t
i 9
PORTLAND, Hept. 10. (AP) The
marktl in bare of good lettm-o nl fancy
prices wotilit 1e pil for some right now.
Practically nil local stock is soft Pugct
Sound ami rIifornia mock i not ranch
Uettr at this time. Colorado is ship
pine the best lettuce in the conntry right
now anit getting fancy prices. Walla
Walla onions h.ivit about completed tlwir
season. Most of the stocks a're softening
and Kproutinjf and siring way t the
Oregon Yellow lenvers.
POItTl.ANU. Sept. 10. AP) P.ntter
tteaily; extra cflhes city -lOVsc; Kt.indr
S9'4f ; prime firstn "-lUr; firsts
).rints -17c; cartf-n 4 He.
PORTI.ANl. Sept. 10. AP) "Milk
steady; hef.t clmniinc treain 44c p r
pound net shippers' track in rone one.
t'ream delivered Portland 4ic per pound.
K.iw milk (4 per ceut) $2 2-'i cwt. f. o. .
Poultry steady: heavy hen 25?25c;
light Itic; springs white 22'k''J3c; do col
ored "'-Mil 'J4c: youug white ducks
2 .ic :" colored I "ifirr-1 7c.
Oiiiom steady; local 7"c Gt $ 1 ; Walla
w.m mmwM kiww.ut. m Mwnmmm wm mi r: u m-miir
tte tm( root fiu
MaTluI - 4l5tilfiirA
fit' frr
K 1
WalU SOrQ St. Potatoes trsdj, l.25fcj
PORTI.AXD.-- Ore... ,Sep. 10. t AP
Cattle and ralre nominally steady: cale
steady; Ctlfn tuedium to choice, milk
let excluded. ll.SH: cnlU mtui am-
mon $(! Sni 9 ; Tealt-rs. medium and
rhwico l l.iK. ; 4-nlla mud rm
roon $1 1 i I
Hogs, steady, receipts l."0.
Hheep and lambs, steady. Heceipt 8fi.
r."(l through.)
rRTTAVD, Ore.. Sept, 10. (AP) :
Wheat. BBB hard white. September, tfc
totter ! 2H; Baart, "Pederi. Septem
ber, October $1.27: noit wnte Septem
ber fl.27. October western white,
hard winter, September. ciober tl.Sd;
noriliern spriiiK September, tclober
$1.26; western red, Septemlier, ) tober
Oats, No. 2. .Tfl pound white feed and
Cray September. October f28..", ttrley.
No 2, BiV 41 pound, KepteHiher.'tletober
$27. t'orn No. 2, KV nhijiment Hejilen
ber $.17. .10, October $18. MM rnn, iUn
lard, Septeinlwr October t. .
PftRTI.AVD, Ore., Sept. 10. (AP)
Dairy Kxcnange, net. prices: Ktttfer
extras 40.j ; standard Va ; prime firsts
"7,.-; firsts :ttw-; egjrs, extras 4itc: fjrsls
:!Hc; pullets :!."; cuTrrtit reeipts 34c.
NEW YORK, Sept. Kt. (AP) Evap
orated apples, dull: prunes, eaay ; apn
ctits an dpeaches dull; hops Mteady.
rHtCAOr. Sept. 10. (AP) Covering
by shorts and a general evening tip in
anticipation of American government crop
report not due until lonxirrow hours
after the close today brought ahont a firm
undertone in the wheat market. Just
ness was quiet, however, the market mov
intr within narrow limits. Light receipts
of all grains tended to check selling. At
the finish wheat was unchanged to XMc
higher, corn was unchanged to 1 .r-8e up,
oats advanced 1-S to 7-c. and provisions
rose five to :iOc.
BOSTON. Sept. 10. ( AP) All wool
lines are. finding a market according to
trade reports. Kxpansion continues mod
erately. Little real progresa is being
uado tu advancing prices. Most of the
rwent development have been in the
larger number of buyers nn the market
and the greater volume of wool moved
Tnpa for men's wear have demand for
larger quantities of the fine grades. ' An
advance of 2 12 has been realized on
46's. tp owing to the strong position of
low quarter blood 4G's combining wool
PORTLAND, Ore., ept. 10.
Notice of Final Settlement
Notice is hereby given, that the
undersigned have filed in the
County Court of the State of Ore
gon, fdr the County of Marion,
their verified Pinal Account, 'as
Kxecutors of the last will and
testament and estate of P. M
Cook, Deceased, and that said
Court has fixed Monday, the 4 th
day of October, 1926, at the hour
of 10 o'clock A. M. of Bald day, as
the time, and I ho County Court
Room in the County Court House,
at Salem, Marion County, Oregon,
as the place for hearing said final
account and all objections there
Dated-at Salem, Oregon, this
3rd day of September, 1926.
Executors of the last will and
testament and Estate of V. M
CoOk, deceased. i
Ronald C. Glover,
Attorney for Executors,
Salem, Oregon.
Sept. 4-11-18-25-Oet. 2, -192G
Vol ice of Assessment for the Cost
. of Improving North Fourth
Street from the South Une of
Norway Street to t lie South. Line
of Colum hut Street. - -Notice
is hereby Riven that the.
Common Council of the City of
Salem, Oregon, will, at or about
7:30 p. ni. on the 20th day. of
September, 19 26, or at any sub
sequent meeting of the said Coun
cil thereafter. In the Council
Chamber of the City Hall of Sa
lem, Oregon, proceed to assess up
on and against each lot or part
thereof or parcel of land liable
therefor its proportionate share
of the H)st of improving North
Fourth Street from the south line
of Norway Street to the south line
of Columbia Street, in the City of
Salem, - Marion County, Oregon.
All persons interested in the
said t assessment are hereby noti
fied to . appear before the said
Council at said time and place and
present their objections, if any
they-'nave, to said assessment, and
aPPly tb said Council to equalize
t heir proportionate share of same.
By order of the Common Coun
cil, September 7, 1926.
M. POULSEN, City Recorder.
Date of first 'publication hereof
is September 10, 1926. '
Date of final publication hereof
will be September 12, 1926. si 2
Notice, of Assessment. for the Cost
..of Improving North Liberty
Street front tle. North Line .of
Norway Street to the South Line
of Jefferson Street. ' -'
Notice Is hereby given that the
Common C6uncil of the City of
Salem,-Oregon, will, at or about
7:30 p. m. on the 20th day oT
September.. 1926, or at aiiy laiib
seqtvont meeting of the said Coun
cil thereafter Jn,. the Council
Chambers at. the" City Hall of Sa
lem, Oregon, proceed to assess up
on and against each 1rCjpr ; part
thereof, or parcel ot Jaad liable
therefor-US proportional e thare of
the cost of improving North Lib
orty ,Street from the north "line
of Norway Street to the south line
of Jefrerson Street,' In the City of
Salem,. Marion County,- Oregon.
All persons Interested In the
Raid assessment are hereby jiott-
.f led : tri "appear . 'before .nhe' rjald
Council at said time and place and
presents their objections, If any
they have, to said assessment, and
apply to said Council t6 equalize
their proportionate share of same.
- Py order of the Common Coun
cil September 7. 1926. "
M7 POULSEN, Clty-RecorderJ
- pate of first publication hereof
In fteptember 10,-1926." r
t Date'of final publication hereot
Tbe egg atarket wa firm with Urrer re
cripts of l.:ljl rases. Extras advanced
a cent to 40 cents. Olaer gfadeV were
un banged. Storage wilbdrajK "wetf
312 rases. leaving. casriln band.
nutter ouering were eqiy. M ine
demand and prices were ufet-hufieed. 'Ar
rivals were. 12. 4 "0 pounds, out put 15.
"C8 pounds and 3 7 taunds were takes
from storage. - Present coaler holdings
are .irf2.2i pounds.
I'oultry and tressel meats cleaned op
at unchanged prices.
j Too Iate To Classify J
place to wark for room and htard.
tiasses all iu morning, fall .144 be
tore H a: m. 1911
JkilcxT -i:
. Notice is herehv aivn. that thA
iindersiKBl-haa filed in- the Caun-
ty .;ouri or toe state .of Oregon,
ror. the County of Marion, his duly
verified Final Arranat. m ndmin.
istrator, with the will annexed, ot
tne estate of Mary S. Howell, de
ceased, and that said Court has
fixed Mtjndar.- ttm 20th dav of
September, 192C, at lhe hour of
ten o'clock A. M. of said day, as
the time, and tho County Court
Room in the County Court House
in Salern, Marion County,. Oregoui
as the place for hearing said final
account and all objections thereto.
Dated at Salem, Oregon,. Jala
13th day of August, 1926.
Administrator, with the will 'an
nesed. of the estate of Mary S.
Howell, deceased.
Notice of Assessment, for the Cot
of Improving ySorth ';'.l Liberty
Street from the North Une of
Hood street to tW.jortIiuijiv
of Norway Street.
Notice, is bef eby;given that the
Common Council rpt the City of
Salem, Oregon, will, t-or about
7:36 p. m, on the 2 0th day "of
September, 1926, on at any sub
sequent meeting of the said Coun
cil thereafter. In the Council
Chambers of the City Hall of Sa
lem, Oregon, proceed to assess up
on and against each lot or part
thereof or parcel of land liable
therefor its proportionate share
of the cost of improving .North
Liberty Street from the north line
of Hood Street to the north line
of Norway Street, in the City of
Salem, Marion County, Oregon.
All persons interested - in the
said assessment are hereby noti
fied to appear before the said
Council at said time and place and
present their objections, if anj
they have, to said assessment, and
apply. to said Council to qtiali?4
their proportionate share of same.
By order of the Common Coum
cil, September 7. 192C.
M. POULSEN., City Recorder.
Date of first publication hereof
is September JO, 1926.
Date of final publication hereof
will be September 12, 1926. 12
Notice of AsscftKinent for the Cost
of Improving North Sixteenth
Street from the North .Line of
Marion Street to the South Line
of I" Street.
Notice is hereby given that the
Common Council of the City of
Salem, Oregon, will, at or about
7:30 p. m. on the 20th day of
September, 1926, or at any sub
sequent meeting of the said Coun
cil thereafter, in the Council
Chambers of the City Hall of
Salem, Oregon, proceed to assess
upon and against each. lot or part
thereof or parcel of land liable
therefor its proportionate share
of the cost of improving North
Sixteenth Street from the north
line of Marion Street to the south
line of "D" Street, in the City of
Salem, Maripn County, Oregon- T
All persons interested in" the
said assessment are hereby riotl
fied to appear before .the .aid
Council at said "time &nd place
and present their objections'; if
any thcy.bAfeP tO.Balds3e8spxgnJt.
and apply to 'said Council to
equalize their proportionate' share
of sariie. r "'; - " ."
. By order of the Common Coun
cil,. September 7th, 1926.
, M. -POULSEN. City Recorder.
.Date of first publication hereof
is September 10, 1926.
Date of final publication hereof
will be September 12. 1926. 12
Notice of Assessment for t ha Cost
of Improving North Slxteehth
Street' from the South Cdrli'Line
of A Strrrt to the Sobth Une
f ty Street.
"Notife is Jfaereby given that the
Common Council -of "the Citr of
Salem, Oregon, will, at or about
7:30 p. m. on the 20th day of
September; 1926, or1 at' any sub
sequent meeting of the said Coun
cil thereafter, in the Council
Chanvbers of the City Ilall of -Salem,
Oregon, proceed to assew wp
bn anil against earn ' lot-' pr; art
therepf 'pr parcel of :land liable
thereto'r'its proportldhate ihar of
the cost of : improvhifi: North
Sixteenth Street from the' hoiJJ
curb line of ''A" Street ,'to the
south - line -of "D" Street, in the
City of - Salem, - Marion County.
Oregon. y jy
' All'-person interested in tht
said- assessment are hereby noti
fied to appear before "the said
Council at said time and place and
present their ? objection!, it any
they have,' to said assessment, and
apply to said Council to equalize
their proportionate share of same. '
-7By -order of the Common Coun
cil, September 7; 1926. 1
M. POULSEN, City Recorder.
Date of first publication hereof
Hs September 10,'lft2.
Date of final publication hereof
wllI'iHi SepWtabfer n; 1926, - 18