The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 05, 1926, Page 9, Image 9

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3 I
Aftss Levy to Arrive
Home on Tuesday ;, ' ?
Mr. and .Afrs.'s. Loyy received
; a telegram late yeiterday after
noon from their daujchter. Miss
Elisabeth Leyy, saying she would
arrive home on Tuesday of this
week. . ' - .
Miss LeTy has had an eiceed-tIn8T-interesting
summer 'in the
eastVNw lanrels cam -when she
MtVXited to play at the Sesqul-
centennial auditorium in Phil-
ueiuma last Sunday, the immense
mruciure seating 10,QOO people.
Miss Levy gave a radio program
later in the week from station
WPI. ... . ,, ;
Ilss Levy has haen entertained
in a particularly lavish manner at
the home of an uncle, a brother
. of Mrs Levy, by the name of Alex
, van straaten, who has homes both
in Philadelphia and Atlantic City
,tMr. Van Straaten. has one of the
leading silk manufacturing plants.
UiA Philadelphia.
... On August 18 Miss Levy was
awarded her master's degree from
the Ithaca, conservatory of music.
Miss Levy has divided her time
between Ithaca. New Pork City;
Philadelphia, Atlantic City, and
Washington, D. C.
Rev. and Mrs. H. D. Chambers
are entertaining as their J)Quse
. i ti -1 , ..
guesis uor me uiuur uny noiiaay
their son-in-law and daughter. Mr.
and Mrs- li M. 2ia&delof Port
end. "" '.:;.-; '
Dorcas- Society Jto Meet 4,
The Dorcas Soiety6f the Loth-,
eran church will meet on Wed
nesday at 2 p. m, at Mrs. W. C
Miller. 1289 N. Commercial St..
with Mrs. Van, Hot a.., assistant
Congregational Missionary.
Society to Meet - -The
Woman's -Missionary soci
ety of the First Congregational
church will meet-on,' Friday Sep
tember 10. at Hie home of Miu
Edith Hazard. 640 S- Summer
street. - '.ta.
Writers Club to Meet
The Writers' section of the Sa
lem Arts' League' 'will kneet on
Tuesday evening at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Charles, J. Lisle,
1041 South Thirteenth street.
Miss Ross Entertains With
One o'Clock Luncheon ..
Miss Ruth E.'R08S was hostess
, at her home on Court street Fri
day afternooh at a delightful six
cover luncheon. Asters and Knap
dragons in shades of rose and lav
ender were lovely on the table and
In the rooms. '' ' , J . .-: " '
Covers were placed for Mrs- Ed
win Thomas. .Miss Marian Em
mons. Miss Katherine Hamilton of
Chicago, Mrs. Joseph O'Neit. Miss
Ruth Bedford and the hostess,
Miss Ruth .E .Rpgs . . f.
Concert at First
Christian Church
k"he young people of the . First
Christian church are;,, making
plats for a concert ;at a church
. on 5 day toward the eta 6t the
montn- iW
Trip to ML Rainier
Dr. and Mrs.. George H. Alden
and their house-guest. Miss Anna
Harrison of Muskegon.-Michigan,
are spending the Labor Day week
end oh a motor trip to "Ranier Na
tional park.
cPcrrines Go to Eugene
Vj.Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Perrine left
yesterday afternoon for Eugene to
Bpend the week-end with their
son-in-law and daughter. Mr. and
Mrs. Ed Hodges. Stanley Perrine
will accompany tfis parents. John
Perrine. another son, whohas
been visiting at the home of his
sister for a fortnight will return
to -Salem on Labor Day with the
family. ' .'
Miss Faith Priday; U. of O.
Student, Writes From
European Cities
Exceedingly interesting letters
are being received by Salem
friends and relatives of Miss Faith
Priday who is-spending the sum
mer abroad as a delegate to the
various conferences from the Uni
versity of Oregon. "
Miss Friday is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Charles1 R. Priday
of 560 Korth High street, and be
fore going: to the University of
Oregon, attended .Willamette Uni
versity. On board the S. 3. Majestic,
Miss Priday writes. one of her
earlier jetters: "After writing in
New York, four of us visited the
International House at no great
distance from Columbia Univer
sity.' There Miss, Margaret Quayle.
who had been on the Willamette
. University , campus when I was on
the cabinet, and who lives in this
center, took us about, the building.
.' ; , . After taking passage on" or
liner we. found the first few days
a sea' very calm-and still..--A
week-seems a long time to spend
on a Bhip but the time really pass
es quite fast ..This morning after-
breakfast we gathered for ; a
French class in , necessary lan
guage for restaurant and shopping
use. . . .The Majestic will arrive
in Cherbourg tomorrow morning.
Jane 23. and on July 5th re will
leave for England... .1 have just
heard that we can ee the. lights
of England tonight 'at about 0
o'lock as we pass the island." -
The next letter to be considered
finds MJss Priday in London. The
date is July 7. .
iThe farther I travel the less
lW there is to write. . . .In Eu
rope people always tak time to,
Btart on irsi, trip and 'therefore
reach the depot at least three
qijartera o"f an .hour early, and
then sit and wait. . . .We. were de
lighted wltli tho French country
scenes and charming little; houses
of stone and brick. These Struc
tures are sor picturesque- amfd tha
surrounding green hills or. flat
t rftfl-rnvprprf land. In .Paris we
sUyed at a small hotel, the Hotel
du Pare at S 8 Rue Federa
tion, situated near the Eiffel
Tower. . . . ATter arriving, we went
-' Accl imated ornamental f nursery
stock, evergreens, rose bushes,
"frnit and shade- trees at Pear cy
Bros- in season.- We have our own
nurseries. -. 178.S..ComX ." i! tJ
. : ' j' - . ;' . 1 - '-.-J -
-- Sutherlin--Prune and pear can-
ning, well under way7 at local can-
fwh OommereiAl nd Myr tiU.
J.. WilUed Xe Yptor; reaideoee. 848
utrtet. , Phone. 188 J. Services at
11 a. m. and 7:80 p. m. Sermon topic,
'Th0 Glory, ot the Croi," noroing;
"Aartiae, the ' Mn of Faitk." even
ins. Special malic at both morning and
eTeaiog errice. Sunday aehool at 9:45
a. in. SuperintendeBta E. A. " Khoten.
The tve Kparorth Leagnei at 6:80; Lee
Jenninga will lead the Senior League;
Maxine UJrich the f ranera Asbury leagne.
Subj-ct. "The Polka Who Work tor Me."
On Thursday erening at 7:30 o'clock a
missionary prayer service 'wUI be "held.
Special prayera will be held for on r two
foreiirn missionaries. Miss Edna Holder
sndvMisa -Mariei Csrraer. Both are iri In
dia." , The ;r.on will- be foprld rn- Mat
0iew 128th-.:ThWomen'a Home Mission
ary aoctpty willfmcet 4th Mrs. Maseu
BihopMr. Ofan wljt be lesson Ued-
Court and North SeTenteenth streets.
K. L. Putnam, pastor; residence. 1 ICS
Lesjie. Phone. 142 5 J. Assistant pastor.
and 7:30 p.. n. Senior service at 11
asn U . a - a rr a n .
. orrmun WIS, 1 UJ fCMHl OmmmTI-
wr.m t turn a iaitci I
evening. Mqkic- furnitthed by Mm. 'Joy
a urnrr mws orenestra ana me cnoir.
Hun si A V ti-A. w - aiirHtoxl.
v . - b. tmm, t w vva. saa tjay:
rnt K W V... t.r.1.'. .
ings: Volunteers visit shut-ins in after-
ii v. ii. v nnsiian Mactior, o:.)U p. m.;
Junior and Senior Intermediate. Inter
esting meeting for the young people.
Adolt prayer meeting 6:30 p. m. Topic,
'Barton W. Stone The Lat Will and
Testament of ahe Springfield Presby-
- - - j ... . .11141, 1. 1. vi 1. j v l . 11 rr im
toration Movement. Week-day services:
wmtisi Doara meeung Monaay t p. m.
Innnrtint ttiut mmKAM f K . I
hu presenr. Wednesday, Volunteer meet
ing at 7 p. m. CUoir , practice, 7:30 p.. m.
e eiiena a jf inj weictraie Will -TM
Church With- a. J jTamily SpirU. '!
" 1-"- - w v. . . 1 uu- -v.. 11 all Wis L
Phone, 08OM. Service at Il k. m. Btr
moa toplct T'CleaWslnf b' be Blood."
Barclay',u f Superinten
dent, JT. H. Orallapb 'cN'ev'efatng'service
this Sunday. Cottage" prayer' meeting at
Mr. Schramm's, x .
-v ... . " - . .
Church fctreet.' letweeir Cfiemeketa snd
Center. JU v. S. K.' Tally. 1.1., pastor.
Services at la. -45-a. m. and H p. m. Set1
moa topies. The XUirint of the Age,'
morning; "The Enthusiasm of Jesus."
evening. Sunday school at 9:30 a. m.
ti. E. Aiarrett, superiutendent Christian
Kndeavor at 7 ll- - m , I'rvw mvetinir nn
Thru day at H p; ' m. ; mfislonary society
Friday, 2:3U p. iu. Beginning next Sab
bath. Sept. 12. tbe nonr of the evening
service, will be changed from 8 to 7:S0
o'clock." t i . ti ;:
. Center and Liberty. Charles K. Ward
pShtor, -residence. .440 . Centi-r 'street;
phone, 59 Hi. Services at 11a. m. Ser
mon topic: "Abundant Life." Sunday
school at I.O e'rlock; superintendent.
Mark MeCallikter. ' Mid-week i-tady and
prayer service, Thursday" at 7:30. The
to the CasiBofor the .evening. On
Frfday the-group visited the pal
aces in and around Versailles.
Continuing our excursion we visit
ed the, palaces of . the Trianon.,
First was the greater Trianon
where guests of the rulers were
entertained, and then the Little
Trianon; where the royal family it
self livedo Just, beyond a woods
which seemed very beautiful to
me after.all :the formal gardens.
In IbBi wooSsiT Is the Temple of
Love, surrounded by water. Near
it are the most charming and old
thatched buildings where one of
the queens had lived for a time.
After dinner the group was enter
tained; at the-j Russian Y. M. C A.
headquarters,' We met and talked
with these refugee Russian students-
I talked particularly with
Natalie Cherefeeteff who knew
Miss E. Breden when the latter
worked in Russia. Natalie would
be a countess if the Czar's regime
still existed . . . .
VOur allday excursion to the
battlefields' began about five-thirty
o'clock. . . -rThe battlefields are
green, now for tbe most part-lmt
the barbed wire entanglements are?
rusting1 between the lines of
trenches. The latter resemble
piles of dirt when a ditch Is dug.'
We saw the dug-out of a Gerjnan
prince. Luncheon was eaten at
an hotel which had stood at the
edge of the nattle grounds during:
and since the war. The innkeep
er showed us a room where
Pershing ate, and showed us also
a book containing his signature.
. In Paris again I attended the
opera "Lohengrin."
'Tuesday morning we packed
to leave for "England. .. .We
crossed the channel in a boat
much like the Oakland ferries, i .
On Wednesday we went on a tour
of London, visiting London Tower
where we saw the crown jewels
and the Mansion House (by spe
cial permit) . . . ."V
Interesting postals follow from
Karlovcl, Yougoslavia, Sinai. Rou
manla, and Vienna, Austria. Mrs.
R. J. Hendricks is in receipt of an
interesting communication from
Vienna in which Mis Priday out
lines more of the international
confetence .program In which she
is a sunyner participant.
i;uuUu.jti!jillisV : i X
. .Tfl "
-a, J ' .tr.
. tjaf''- . f-i
Select your favorite fabric now from- our
large stock and have it 1 .
: i fitted opu
Then you are assured of a long, wearing
J rvA nmll f if T in rr rrormnnt "PrnfoA oa lnx
. . Suits to
;.. -xri.' .r-'str-jTauar iavlen
1414 XZmrt Strwt 7
Woman's ' Missionary society will saeet
at the home of Miss Edith Hsaard, 640
S. Summer street,' Friday afternoon, Sept.
10. Every woman in the ehareh is vrged
to attend and enjoy good program. The
pastor is bark from vacation- a ad . hopes
to greet large part of. thai membership
at. the morning worship. f '
ruii gostel. Mission
237 State afreet. Raiph l. Bollock,
pastor; residence 251 ' Mission street;
phone 1439W. Assistant pastor, Harry
J. Morriss. residence. Silvertou road:
phone, 15F14. Services at 1:80 and. 7:4S
p. m. - snday sesooi. . 1 pj m. im
Wednesday,. Thursday, Saturday snd Son
day nights at' 7:45 Mrs. I. j L McCarty
frem India will be with as over tbis
week-end ( Sept. 5 ) ; also Urn Olive (Hot
land) Trfre and husband, who are on
their' way to India. This n the "girt
evangelist" who was. with, as in June for
a campaign. Come and., receive your
portion - of meat 1a doe , season ana
"times of refreshing from- the presence
of the Lord. ' f
Rev. Thomas V. Keenait pastor, corner
Highland and Myrtle avenue; i Phone,
1374. Beginning the first Sntiday ia
September and continuing threughom tb
winter month the schedule of masses on
Bandar will be at H and" 10:80-o'clock.
Henediction wHV follow the: late mass.
Confessions ia German will b ekeard oa
Saturday afternoon and evening, and be
fore the masses on- Sunday morning.
Masses on Sunday. Sept.. 5 at S aad 10 :30
o'clock. Week-day mass at 7 o'clock.
Fifteenth and Mill .streets. Patrick
Pahlin pastor, residence 2095 Trade at.
1 hoqe. 377J. .Services at 11. and 7:30 p.
m. Rev. Howard will deliver the sermon
in the morning. Sunday school at 9:45
a. m. ' Superintendent," the pastor: Toung
Peoples meetings at 7;JJ p. at. The
evening service and the League eerviee
re combined, wtth the League In charge.
Prayer meeting. Thursday aC8 p., m. You
ere all cordially invited to worship in our
church. ...... '
Center and High street. Rev. K. C.
Whitaker, pastor;- residence. Court apart
ments. Phone.. 2340R. Assistant pantor,
Vivian li. Whisler; residence. 44 North
Winter. Phone, 481M. Services at 1J
a. m. and 8 p. m. Sermyn topica ''The
Dignity of Labor," morning; "Sanctifl
ration," evaning. Lymau McDonald wil
sing at the morning hour, "The Lord Is
My Light,1 (Alliton). snd at the eve
ning hour . Marta Henderson,- Esther
lefenback and Ine AV'ood will-sing the
irio, "It Was For Me," (Blount.) Sun
day scliool at 2:4. (Hir Endeavor will
dismiss here for the meeting at. Turner.
Thursdav at 8 o'clock, church' night ser
vices. We are'Ktudying the Kestoratioa
Movement and This week we fill take
up the life of Barton W. Stone.
Meet every $unday in Derby building.
. 1 1 . , ....t hnnri.. 1(1 1 1) 12
a. m. and 8 to 9. )u. You are cordially
1 11 vi lea lit k 1 u a v 1111 u-- u t . . -
vices in Sah-m and vicinity conducted
fiee'of charge by local Bible class. Phone
Corner of Chemeketa and North Seven
tenth streets. U. E. Erhkine, pastor;
residence, U8K N. 17th street: , phone.
1008-W. Sertices at 11 a. ra. and 8 p.
m. Sermon topics: "The Dignity and
tlesseaness 01 i.aoor. n"i'i
pensive Morsels, or Playing , Esau. '
Evangelical League of Christian Endeav
or at 7 p. 111.; leader, Clyde Srrausbaugbl
Mid-week prayer service Thursday eve
ning at 8 o'clock.
Liberty and s Marion. Rev. Ernest II.
Shanks, pastor; residence, 549 N. Liberty.
Phone, 1920. Services at 11 a. m. and
7:30 p. m. SerniHfc topics: "Seekers'
After tiod,". morning; "The .Wonderful
Christ,", evening. uartet choir both ia
the morning and evening. Evening solo,
"Behold What Manner of Love," (Me
Derraid) Mrs. R. H. Robertson. Sunday
school at 9:45: - superintendent. Ed
Sebunke. B. Y. P. V. at 6:30. Thursday-evening
the. mid-week- service. "A
Study of a Hard Case That Jesus 'Met:'
st. Paul's" (episcopal)
.. Church street at Chemeketa. Rev. IL
Duncan Chambers pastor.. Early service
in the chapel at 7:30 a. m. and the later
service in the church at 11 a. m. Ser
mon by the pastor, topic: "Living Sacri
fice." The choir are expected to be
again in their place in the chancel. The
church school at 9:15 a. in. The school
wiU meet in the parish house instead of
in the church. for the opening. .'" The new
lessons wilt be jpven out, as well as new
hymn books used - for the' first time.
Scholar expecting to win the Bishop's
Cross will have to . begin on the first
Sunday in 'September aad continue until
Whitsunday, 1927. So Young People'
fellowship meeting, but regular meetings
will begin the next - Sunday.. Arrange
ments are going ahead for the Miesion
to be held Sunday, October 10. and end
ing Sundsy, October 24, with Archdeacon
W'ebter as the Missioaer.
Nineteenth and Ferry streets. H. C.
Stover pastor; residence, 243 S. Nine
teenth street. Phone 1924-f. Services,
to a. ni. and 8 p. m. Topics: "Clod's
SignalK,' ' mornin? "Permanent Sourcrs
of Enjoyment," evening. Christian" En
deavor at 7:15; Until tbe dedication of
the ew thurcii huildinjr, October 17, the
congregation worships in Knight chapel.
-. 055 Ferry 'street. H. Caswell and
Mrs. Caswell, pastors, 2660 Oak street;
phone 942M. Kev. R. II. Moon of Oak
laud. Cal., will open a week of special
services. Mr. Moon is a clear aad. force
ful speaker. His subject at the 3 p. m.
service will be.f"A Pentecostal Revival.'
Evening service at-7 :30. Subject, "Back
sliding?' Rev. Mon.wiil speak every
evening through the week except 'Mon
day. Subjects will be. Salvation,; Saacti
ficatioa Healing. Second Coming of
Cerivt. Sunday school convenes at 'J p.
m. Classes for alt. Special service fur
young people Saturday night.
Corner Capitol and Marion streets. M.
Denny, - pastor; residence,; 90S- Marieu
W Mama j ml" W
Wear a
It - s ', I
. .'-... ..!.. S. ..,.
During FairWeek
ana women. ...i
Phone 360
street. Phone, 44SW. Services a 1 1
a." m, in German. Sunday school' at 19
a. at. , SnparinfodeaW- red . g.i a. rase , ;
First Church,' comer of Liberty i
Chemeketa- streets. Sunday morning ser
vices at 11 o'clock. Suadar evening at
S. Subject of- lessons mora: "Man."
Sunday aehool sessions convene at 9:S0
and 11 a. m. Wedneaday evening- testi
monial meeting at 8 o'clock. .. Heading
room, 209 Masonic Temple,- open every
day except Sundays and holidays.', from
11 t 5:30: every evening' except . Wed
nesday- and Sunday. . from ' 7:30 to 9;
Sunday afternoon from S to 5.
J-ASOW LEE (Memorial)
NtHh Winter street at Jefferson, ave
rue. Take' the -North Commercial street
ear to Jefferson avenue. Thomas Ache
son, pastor; Giloert- W rend, assistant, in
charge of the Junior ehareh. This ehareh
extends a very cordial invitation' to'th
public to unite - with it In the services
of tbe coming Lord's day. The spirit f
Labor day will - be observed at- morning
aad evening meetings, aad the labor or
ganization of tbe city are especially" in
vited to be present. Church school opens
at 9:43 a. ra. Six separate departments
take ear of people of ait ages. Public
worship at 11 a. m. Pastor's theme:
"Christ and the Toiler." Junior ehareh
meets downstairs at this hour. . Evening
worship1 at 8 p. m. Sermon theme: "La
bor and Religion-." Pastor in charge.
The choir will famish special music at
these services. At 1 p. m. three chap
ters of the Epworfk League will meet
for - devotional services. Younx? people
welcomed. Good time assured. Mid
week devotional meeting of church oa
Thursday evenng at 7:45.
843 1-2 Court street. C. 8. Johnson,
pastor; residence, '935 Maple avenue;
phone 1917 W. Services at S and 7:80
p. m. Sunday school at 8 p. m. Super
intendent. S, Berkey. -Weed-day services
on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday eVe
ningtt. .The ordinances will be observed
Sunday afternoon. All evening meetings
at 7:30.
Church and State streets. Fred C.
Taylor, pastor. Residence, 636 State;
phone, 974. Assistant pastor. Margaret
mri-rls,nl. residence 903 Mill street.
Services at 11:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.
Sermon topics : "The Sacredness of La-
Ijor," morning: "Christianity vs. Chris
tianity," evening. Sunday will be- ob
served as Labor Dya Sunday, wUh . a
Hpecial message for laboring people. Sum
day Kchool. 9:45 a. m. Superintendent,
H. F. Shanks. Young People's meeting.
7:30 p. m. The Sunday school board will
meet on Tuesday evening at 7:30 for. the
l u if ui uiucvra ior ine new year,
beginnings October 1. Mid-week aervk-e
on Thursday evening, beginning at 7:30
o'clock. The services of the church will
change the hour to .10 minutes earlier in
the evenings beginning on Sunday. Re
ception of members will be held on -Sun
day morning. . Miss Margaret K. Suther
land, tbe new dirertor of Keligioua Edu
cation, has arrived in Salem and with
her aunt baa taken up their residence at
953 Mill street, iu one of the Palmer
court bungalows.
Wet,t Salem. F. Is. Cannelt. inlr.
Residence. 975 Front street. Phone.
1341R. Services at II a m. and 8 u m.
Sunday school. 9:4 . Superintendent, 1.
t. neoeau. Junior league at T p. m.
Praver meotine Thrkdav cvpnini?. at H
o'elotk. The pastor will preach in the
morning and Rev. J. I. MrCorraick in the
North Seventeenth and Nebraska avo-
n ue. I'. II. Hoffman, pantor; residence.
1743 Nebraska avenue. Services at 11 a.
m. and 8 p. in. Sunday school at 10 a. m.
Superintendent. W. W. Rosebraugh. Jun
ior and Senior young people's meeting at
7 p. m. Quarterly conference Monday
r.ight, with Dr. . E. McDonald, confer
ence superintendent, presiding. Prayer
meeting Thursday evening.
1346 North- Church street. J. J. Oil-
lespie, pastor; residence, 1315 N. Church
street. Phone. 1873M. Services at 11
a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Seirmnn topics)
'Ther Is- No Scripture Against Wearing
n Necktie or Using an Instrument," mor
ning. Evening, "There Is No Scripture'
Against Taking an Offering in Public
Wersbio or in Having a Missionary Board
to Send Money to Foreign Field. " Sun
day school at 10 a. m., Mrs. Walter Bar-
kus superintendent. Regular weekly
prayer service - Wednesday evening at
Nineteenth -and Marion. C. H. Hop
kins, pastor; residence. I960 Marian;
phone, 479W. Assistant pntior, Mrs.
Hopkins. Services at 11 a. m. and 7:30
p. m. Sermon topics: Morniag. ."The
Angel With Drawn Sword jn 11a nd.
Evening. "Have Faith in' God. Special
kinging at both services on Sunday. Sun
day school at 11 a. m., superintendent.
n ljitwtee. Senior Young People s
Meeting at 6:30 p. in. Topic: "Hesth
euim k Caallenge to Christianity.?' The
meeting is in charge of missionary com
mittee. Junior Christian JSndewvor at
6:45 p. in. Loader, Mrs. Thomas ,'Nunae
maker. Wednesday evening 7:30. prayer
rnd praise meeting, led by the - pastor.
Mrs. Hopkins will preach Sunday morn
iag and the pastor will preach Sunday
Center and Liberty streets. P. B. Cul
ver, pastor. Sunday school at 9 : 45 a. m..
1.. L. 3'hornton, superintendent. Preaeh
iug at 11. Subject: "The Open Door
of Approach." Evangelical League of
Christian tndeavor at. 7: Anna- Miles,
president. Laurence Maves, leader.
Preaching at 8. Subject. Ready "to Irui-
fill the Promise." Prayer meeting on
Thursday at 8, in charge of League of
Christian Kndeavor.
Butt t 5a, LTloa VirfTTik
(Pm'i), t yntfcv jsw Pre-
m wAstTgata aasa.
Now you catn present the
watch that men jof taste prefer
Every man hopes some day to possess
.a really fine watch "one which .will
reflect the distinction he expects to
. .ttain. : ; X
Yet he nWs so rnany new luxuries
and added advantages to give his fami
ly that the buying of his watch is con
( stantly rxsstponed. " ' ' " ; " '
What more accoile. gift could
,t you make for birthday or anniversary
than, a fine Gruen Guild Watchl .
CXir new Divided,Charge ServkC
' niAkes it possible for youto present
-the long-desired watch conveniently, by
purchasing out of income instead of
, savings. - - Your gift may be enjoyed
while you .are paying for it f ;
Hartmsan Brosda
Sialc at .Liberty
Ellliffl'S STAFF
Vidal's Arrival to Complete
Corps of Aides to Ore
gon's New Coach
gene. Sept. 4. (Special) -With
the expected arrival of Gene Vldal,
new backfleld coach, within a fort
night, the University of Oregon
Xootball coaching staff for 1926
will be complete. Capt. John J.
McEwan, head coach of the army
eleven from 1923 to and Including
1925. is the new head coach. He
will be assisted by Vldal with the
Dackfield, . Harry Ellinger and
Foike Leslie with the line, and Bob
Mautx with the ends. . Ellinger and
Vldal formerly played under Coach
McEwan at West Point. Leslie
end Mautz are ex-University of
Oregon football stars. In 1925
Leslie was head freshman coach,
while Mautg captained the varsity
and was named on Glenn War
ner's all-coast team.
Billy Rein hart, bead backfleld
coach last year, will be head fresh
man coach, assisted by Baz Wil
liams, who tutored the varsity
lineman in 1925, and who for five
yearn; previous was head freshman
coach. Williams is in the bakery
business here, but agreed to re
join' the coaching ranks. Both
Beth " Williams and Reinhart are
former Oregon lettermen.
Oregon will face no handicaps
this year because of lack of suf
ficient fields. Besides the varsity
and freshmen gridirons, three now
fields have been built within the
last two months, making fixe 'in
all available for scrimmage prac
tice. It is expected one of these
will be at the disposal of athletes
participating in intramural sports,
two fields will be used by fresh
n.en and two by varsity players.
Spring practice opens Sept. 15,
and Oregon's first conference
game is against Washington la
Portland. Oct. 9.
W. G. Ifueger, realtor, progres
sive, fair, equitable. Growing city
and country make possible buys
that will make you good money.
Complete listings. 147 N. Corrt'l.
For health and nourishment try
our pies, cakes, pastries, dough
nuts and bread. Better Yet Bak
ing Co., 24 N. Com'l., home of
Better Yet Bread. ()
Outcast Class in Japan
flighting for Equality
TOKYO. In Japan there Is a
class known as "suiheishat" which
has been social outcasts since the
beginning of the country. It is
composed of butchers, cobblers,
Undertakers and crematorium em
ployes. At present there are more
than 2,000.000 of these outcasts
in the Empire.
For some, time they have been
demanding emancipation from
their lowly plane and prominent
Japanese have been enlisted in
their cause. An organization
known as "The Soeiety for Re
search on the Problem of Har
monization" has been formed by
leading Diet members for the par
pose of bringing about social
freedom for the outcasts.
Buster Brown Shoe Store. High
class, stylish looking, comfort giv
ing,' long, wearing Bhoes for the
least money. Come and be convinc
ed. 125 N. Com'l. ()
ataaWi t aorta
veir, Praciiam
aase 5el4
E f
. Law- U
W Hew Ainrhf
. - - - ",:v..;... S
For Sport and Dress wear. Plaid,
mixtures and plain colors. Fur. col
lars, well tailored. See these won
derful values.
$1750 to
All Wool Serges and Tweed mixtures embroidery trim.
Ages 6 to 14. Regular "$4.90 values. Special
141 "North
School Days, golden rule days, made more pleasant by, the consciousness of
a complete new outfit from undies to jaunty iat. Every need' can be sat
isfied in our Children and Junior Department. Probably the most outstand
ing values are the clever dresses mad of cotton suiting and broadcloth
in sizes 6, 7, 9, 12 and 14. '
Your Choice at
$1.19 $1.39 $1.49
The Biggest Problem of All
We have done our utmosVto make it easy, for mothers to solve the stock
ing problem. We bought carefully and with much study using our, past ex
perience with, different makes of hose and we conscientiously recommend
the following: v ' --f.-' -!
. For the Girls Bur
lington combed yarn
benribbed stocking's in
.baize or black. F u 1 1
length and sizes to; 10.
Or 3 Pair 70c
. '.. - .
Crepe Satin Dresses, with V, round
or turtle necks. Embroidery trim
with , pleated skirts. Colors! black
claret red, rustic brown and green.
$32.00 $9.90
. ,. . -. . r" - ..v
For the Beginners
Plain and ribbed Pony
Hose in black and col
ors. Full l.e n g t-h..
These hose were much
in demand last fall.
Or 3 Pairs 50c
''-";....''- '...-.-
I " A.. Ja JKi I. V Jm - J --
Quality Merchandise at' Popular
-ft- "
to $18:50
H '
1 . . .
.For, the Boys Good
strong Wayne K-n-i-t,
stockings with double
heels and toes. I They
rare 'full length and
full'bf wear; s
Or 3Pairi)5c
.;'.-.-.--' -, - ,