The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 31, 1926, Page 8, Image 8

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    a r .
dime war
-They Inspect - Place Where
They; Get Their Lights
- and Power
. -AhosMO.Rafm dmd( wer in-
'vltfed. hy Ihe Portland -fejectriei
Power coraDanar - to "visit their
Oak Grove "plant Ift l Clackamas
county, on Sanaa?, and Inspect one j
of the nrlnclnai sources of the
power and light that cotoo to Sa
lem 'over the transmission wires of
that coranany. '.-A - V : ;
"-'The Inyited guests left Salem
At , : SO and arrived at Estacad a
about 9. in order to eatch the elec-
f rie car 'and trailer leaving for
Oak Grove t that hour. A gaso
line speeder waa substituted fori
the electric car about three miles
U p' the track, and the balance of
the trip was made with, the speed
er and trailer: about 25 miles.
- A stop was made a little after
12 at the picnic grounds tor lunch,
with hot coffee served by an em
ployee of the company.' Then the
speeder and "trailer with, the vis
" Jtors went on, the track to the
intake of the 'pipe line. "This i
65. rfliles from Portland, and about
the same distance from Salem, in
a direct line. ' -
' Atejr 'Inspecting th.e ;dm and
intake, on. tne oak tirove rpra oi
the Clackamas river, the company
started uDn'theretunr trip. .They !
Dvade J a stop at the power 1 plant,
nsartr fdm? m j?i'Te?owi the rntake
. ty'rall pad 'nearly seven miles by
t bx ninW line 'that- conveys the
Plater to .the liower'plan. :
j,.Af ter v inspecting: the power
nlaht. 'toe-patty, proceeded to Es
lacida. .where supper was served
for'Tlsltors by. the company, at the
hotel there." O.B. Cold well, vice
president of the company, was
miiMi noon and explained the
wonderful project which the vis
Jlors had been inspecting, and the
ians f or further development "by
hlv: company. Mr. ; Coldwell was,
born near Salem : Is an Oreg6n
product, and was at home with the!
vptaitors. Y i -'Wi - C . 'v.;f
V The visitors' arrived home from
Sfyfco 10 Vclock, aU ;f eeling that
thy had shent wonderful-day
i'Z TJte Statesman will.' within tho
iextfBW-U'ys: undertake to give
' W.morX detailed description of the
" Oak Grave ' project,' and what Jt
Jul meanj,Ti : iue uiuta
lavmah . - ' '' 'Y'' , ' ' "
v The following wre among the
vtfcitnr makinr the trip froto
Salem: I- . ... Y : .
nw "f --iKITja-Rt Airier. -Dr:-1.-F.
driffithl Ceo: . V-Bernhardt, C. W.
UaheT, Cr O. Itlce, C. O; Engatrora,
C..A; VlbbeTt.'fc. 3. Jlertlck, John
Bi Oleat,. Watson Tpwnsend, U. O
Soyer.H. H- Kloepping, Mrs. II.
nVer -Alrs-'CtL4 C. Boyer. ' K., H.
Kloepping".. Mrs! H..H.; Kloepping.
.34ias Dorothy ;Kjoepping.Mariey u.
IVhiteYChasE," Wilson. Carle Ab-
rhms C.:P. Bishop, B.V P. Taylor,
. Trank N. Waters, Hehdrfcks,
v Mri. R. E Hendricks, Mrs. Joseph-;
Jiie - Stewart, William ! Ughtfoot.
: . Cuat'Heyden; Karl Heyden, P. M,
Pavtori: B. 'B.' Plackr JAtt. B. B
Ciek,-Paul Peyton, K. T. Steen,
Andrew La Dane, Mr. Stevens, ur,
Phil' KewnVeyer'i Mrs. Phil . New
. tneyer, Miss Loralne Farley, W. M.
' lUmilton. " ...
. RJatA ' iiirfac rootinr annlled
bveT.'your old shihgtes. We have
over zoo 0M in sajem. jvieison
TJroa.. plumbers, sheet metal work.
3 5 cnemeketa k'I
. - The Cherry Jlty Baking Co.'a
est quality. One of Oregon's most
' tf hue.' A. aiem snow, piace. t -
: - - a. . . - t
Large Vield of California and
" Washington Keeps tne
: Little tnovemeni of onions from
lirooks is expected for some time
because of the low market price.'
' The'-Hrst ear.of the -season waa I
sent out Saturday. : ,
" Much of the crop In the Lablsh
. district will, be put ' Into storage
for the , time . being, but a few?
growers prefer to send their crop
out, even at the low price avail-)
able.'- :.-.
, ? VA tar. of celery .was sent from)
- the Lablsh union Saturday to thej
, Florida markets..": Most of the eel-3
ery cutting will be done after the
JtJddie' of September, It Is be
lieved. AS the demand .in August
was -unusually light , -
t SilvcrtOn Girlteaves
to Take fiew Position
i x
-. . A-
- f - V J
I Place : of Burial Win be Decided
by Brother, Now on Way
(Vem Kurope
i Hnndred wore InJttriMl, y indows were brOk?n and upper .Broadway, ISew Tfork, I ratric . mor
alized m rrowds eiitimated t M,000 triel to.forre-their way nt-4hejoiprlM'lurcli tovtewtle
body. of Itndolph Valentino. photos show, tlie body on the bi with a lone mourner weeping at.its
foot; two of the latelk's'? adorers expressing their prayerful grief for him othe steps o the
hospital ' Ss his body yvh awaji and a glirapw of fhe milling crowd aimut the funeral church. .
Note' the prepoaderenoe of men. ' " , ' .; ; ' . .' .. ' . i
NEW TDBK, 39. (By A.
P.) Rudolph Valeptino was bid
den a last farewell by the public
The scene waa Broadway, which
bads em blazoned his name In. elec
tric signs and where only a few
years before be had worked as
dishwasher, and later as a cabaret
dancer at 150 a week. Solid walls
of humanity lined the route of the
funeral cortege which started at
a Broadway funeral parlor at
fiixty-sixth street, and ended at the
little church of St. Malachy. in
FoTty-ointh street. Theatrical
folk, movie fans, people of the
tenement district and the thou
sands who make up the variegated
life of: the roaring forties turned
out en mass.
Two women who had figured in
romances of his life followed his
coffin. Poia Negri, who had an-
nounced before his death that she
was engaged to marry him, fol
lowed close upon the hearse. Next
came Jean Acker, Valentino's first
wife,; who announced just after
his death that they had been re
conciled during his last days.
In the dim nave pf the little
rhurch within earshot of the
clamdr of Broadway's noonday,
priests chanted over the sealed
silver casket the solemn requiem
mass that bade the soul of the de-
jiarted screen star "rest in peace."
The candles, lighting the soul
of the dead on its way, flickered
into the faces of the hero and
heroine of the screen. In the
shadowed pews other friends - of
the . screen idol, plain men and
women of all ages, knelt to repeat
the, prayers the priests intoned.
As the priest Intoned "peace be.
with thee," Miss Negri shook with,
sobs," fell back in her seat, and was
supported by S. George ttllman,
who was Valentino's manager. Be--hind
'."her Miss Acker leaned for
ward until her head rested on her
knees and her companions admin
istered stimulants.
After the 'funeral the body was
removed from the church oack. to
the funeral parlors where It will
rfemain until h arrival of Valen
tino's brother, Alberto Ouglfelmo,
from Europe. , He will decide the
place of burial. .
Mr. Used Car Buyer: Have you
seen the real buys at the papitol
Motors Incorporation? ' See Biddy
Bishop, 360 N. Highest. Tele
phones 2125 and 2125. ()
. Pure Japan silk plated over lisle
hose tor men. Regular price ft
special this week 65c. Scotch.
Woolen' Mills 8tore. 426 State
street. ()
m ma fiw
The First Thins Is to
. With People With Milk
to seii ::
The Salem Dairy Products com
pany Is being Incorporated and
organized. The company has
some new Ideas for making milk
products. They will not be in
competition with ony one. They
will not step on any one's' toes..
Their place of business is to be
at 1261 State street. but they are
not rea'dy yet for the general pub
lic. This will come later; and
there will be a public invitation-
WbAt -they want right , now In
milk. They. want, to confer with
people who have milk to sell; the
milk of -one cow or several cows-,
Not. pure fcred oows. either. 'Just
good, clean cows, ;glvingi clean,
milk, and handled as they want It
handled, - - ; '
So K ; you can , furnish some
milk, these people want to see
yon. ; ' They would like to see yoft.
today,:-ot tomorrow, or- one .day
ihls week; the earlier tha Better,
- It is the Salem Dairy Products
Co., 1261 State street, phone list
ed the aa ma. phone number2233.
t Now; this 'week, for the ; milk
supply ,'and.then the business will
be ready for the general pu&He,
perhaps a week from tomorrow..
The Square Beat Hardware Co..
230 N -Com'l. Most elegant -and
practical lines of mechanics tools,
builders' hardware, cutlery.- Cotno
here and save the difference. K)
PORTLAND, Aug. 28. (A.P.)
Although Herbert Hoover, sec
retary of commerce, left no for
warding address when he left here
a week agofor a trip into western
Oregon to visit scenes of boyhood
In the region of Salem and New
berg, meager reports have been re
ceived concerning his movements.
Tourists report having seen him
at Diamond lake; that he had been
Joined by his son. Herbert Jr.. a
student at Stanford university;
that they had passed Wednesday
night at Crater Lake lodge, and
on Thursday they were seen headr
ed in the general direction of
Klamath Fills.
While here Secretary Hoover
ei pressed his desire to roam about
Oregon unattended, and unan
nounced. "Really, my visit, here
is Just a mutter of sentiment" he
said. "I want to visit Newberg
and Salem where I lived "as aboy
and hunt up some of my old-time
friends, -fish a little, and rest."
The Commercial Book Store has
everything you need in books and
stationery and supplies for the
school, office or home at the low
est possible' prices. ()
The Bake-Rite Bakery. Busy
every day supplying best homes
with bakery goods of all kinds;,
baked In a kitchen clean as your
own. .145 State St. - ()
Through Reclining Chair Car Service .Four Scbedmlea
Each Dar With Ston Oror Tritilezei '.
Leaving the Tenninal JHlofel
9 :20 A. L, 12 :20 P. 7 P. M., 1 :25 A. VU
One Way - $150 4
Round Trip . . $30.0Qr
One "Way
Round Trip
' For Iaf onuaUOB Call At
or Phone 696
California Fruit News Quotes
Prune Prices as Uniform j
Ho change' has ; occurred In the
prune iiuarket,- since i It opened, ac-r
cording to the California ..Fruit
News. - The crop "i in Calif ornia is
about ithe ' same as last , year's In
most 'cases;' with .a 'larger one In
the Santa : Clara, valley and a
smaller, pne in some of the other
districts : along the upper feaera
mento rrVer. ' ; ;:
Prices on this year's prune rop
are practically uniform with only
a 'small ; shading existing. Tne
prune association has withdrawn
from '.the! market temporarily
"Suhsweet" 50s and SS'in order
to check on its gradings.
i Practically all the 1925 crop la
sold. .
'Canital' Bargain House, Capital
Tire Mfg. Co.; pike's Auto Wreck-;
ing. Three In, one. Bargain, cent
ter of Salem, Thousands of bar
gains. ' H. Steinbock. 215 Center;
Doughtdn & sSherwIn Hard
ware. 286 N. Com'l. St. Hardware
uniiaers supplies, i-auiis. vmu-
lshes.. Give us a call, you 11 find
odr prices reasonable. " v
Monte Blue in 'The Man
' UpstaFrs" a Wa-rner
' Production r
"The CMan Upstairs," the j War
ner Bros. Classic of t he . Screen ;
starring Jibnte Blue,c is , at : the
Oregon theatre today.- - This - mys
three day -Jengagement." TbiJ mys
tery 'drama Y! is - based on p'Th'e
Agony Column," written by Ear j
Derr Blggersr and is said to
even more. riotous fun thaTnl "Sev
en Keys to Bald pate," the. famous
success of the same author.
-'Monte' Blue plays a young man
alone in London who is In search
of .romance. Dorothy Devore plays
the pretty girl .with whom he falls
In love and wooa by sending her a
series of ' thrilling letters, td satis
fy her craving; for adventure.
Heinle Conklin plays a colored
servant, Helen Dunbar Miss De
vore's aunt, and John Roehe an
army officer who helps give! Monte
some of. the thrills which his
imaginary -murder provided for
Dorothy Devore. -?R
ok Del- ttutb directed
Maris Upstairs, for which
Alec Raised a Lot of Fruit, I
But the' Reporter Made
It Too High" .
Hon. A.M;LaF6llette was In
Sdlem-yesterday. . He "wants 4-it
known that the reported who" fur
nlshed'the item about his ; peach
-crop -got the total a little i high.
The. reporter fpu it at 30,000 box
es oh thirty acres. : .. ..
Alev, as-he Is generally called
by his friends, says he did not get
that manypeaches from histhirty
acre orchard; but he. did get" a
good crop, 29,000 ,to 25,00C(
boxes. ' ,
' He Is not entirely 'through.'. with
liis peach crop yet. He has' some
fine Muir, and Wager peaches left
very' fine for canning. He sayfl
those 'who want these peaches will
have to come after them to the
Za Pollette.: farm on - Mission bqt
torn. YEvery body down that way
on route Sknows where the farm is
tor Shoppers B
ff ' . l.J
yy at
Days in Every Week th e
i 1 1 i i
Lowe. ,Jr
wrote the scenario.
e; T.
Newport Renumbering
houses prepares way for free tnail
delivery. rf
Hartman Bros. Jewelry Store.
Watches, clocks, rings,, pins, dia
monds, charms,: cat glass, 'silver
ware. Standard goods.. State at
Liberty St. -. )
; C. A. Inthy. Reliable. Jewelry
store.. What you are looking for
In Jewelry. Where ahild can buy
as safely as a map or . woman.
Repairing in all lines. 5 Y ()
Youll LiUe Our Three-in-orie Delivery Service
Bakery Goods
Silver Leaf
SILVERTON, Gtq.Y Axig. 2S.-
(Special) Miss Catherine Smith,
tha daughter of Mr. and Mrs. AY
H. I3mlth, . Jef t this week lor Kew
Orleans where she will remain for
two years as stenographer In ljier
r brother-in-laws real estate office. ;
Wh,e at SilvertOn, - Miss Smith,
7 was stenographer at the5 Lutheran l
agenc. ,
, Cobbs .& Mitchell - Cou lumber
and building materials for every
purposes . ! Get estimates, look at
quality -'of "material, then ybu" will
rw4 a i a i a n a . m. .j .... T . .-. . v
4 Pound Pails
: 7i "
1 1
It Wili Soon-Emiere
. t
. i-i
- ,
- ,
Fruits, Vegetables
and Groceries
One DeliVery
Quiclc Cooker v
Large Package
4 Pounds
QrolrVn Flour
49 Pound Sack
4 Cans
Hardwheat Flour
)Fischers , ,
Cream Rolled Oats
No. 10 Bag
Sura - -r Our Deiivcpy S&rvico
Y'J ' -
Soft Wheat
Valley Flour
. Corn Starch
2 Packages
PHONE 455 - 456
Buy; a B,csk of TicketsTheyVe Convenient
u,. .. . - . i...., .. . . . . . . , . . L w . . ft I V Jr r . , . h; . ., (S ..jf ,-
.;-;Y -X. -; ; Vv-'i"1-"' 7 ; v"--'
- - j