The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 27, 1926, Page 8, Image 8

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    -V.-. .mu ..... Si... - :.
8 . ... - T1IE OREGON STATESMAN; SALE!,!. OREGON ; - ' t FRIDAY MORNING, AUGUST-27, 1026 ; " - . v
r 1 1 "" " " umii-u.1. .1 'Li j i - . . '. "" ' " . - - r- .
Big. Crowd Gathers Outside
Funeral Parlor Contain-
. ing Actor's Body .
(EW.. YORK, Angi 26. (By A.
P, ) Barred doors tods fajiedUo
dityrtrarsge; " crowd1 from RSther
ing. at the Broadway; faneral. par
lor where the body, of Rudolph
Valentino lies pending the funeral
Monday. !
;- There were, however, no trampl
ing ; thousands such as besieged
the establishment .yesterday and
Tuesday while the doors were open
to permit the public to view the
actor's body as it lay in state.
. The only untoward event today
waa when a dozen persons tried
to rash the doors while an eight
foot funeral wreath, sent by the
United Artists corporation, was
being taken, into the parlors. Po
lice quickly dispersed the onrush'
ing group.
Only a few persons, viewed the
body today. Those baring cards
signed by S. George Ullman, who
was Valentino manager, were the
only ones allowed to enter.
Mr. Ullman had- ordered the
doors closed to the public last
midnight- after he. had. watched
the vast crowd - thajt' Jammed "the
streets apd had reached, the con
clusion' that the spectacle, was
"horrid, irreverant ! and ' morbid."
Approximately; 50,000 persons
viewed, the body yesterday..
" .. Today H was found that hang
ings in the parlors had been ruined
and bits of gilt ornaments chipped
off and carried away as souvenirs
by the members or the crowds that
fwarmed Into the place before the
doors were - closed, , '
CHICAGO. Aug. 26. At the
time of funeral Be rr ices in New
York on Monday for Rudolph Val
entino, memorial services for, the
dead actor will , be held in Chi
cago, it was' announced today,
''The services will be coincident
with' those In New York.
frAn " association was organized
tcday with' a Judge, an ; assistant
Etate's' attorney and, three lawyers
as its Incorporators. . It .plana,. to
erect a monument .to Valentino in
acme city park." ' '.,
A. H. Moore, 23 JN. High. St.
apartments, and atora where yon
can get high quality furniture and
furnishings for . every, room ta
your house - i)
Tha BaXe-Hita Bakery. Bnsj
very day supplvinr beet homef
with 'bakery good, of all kind;
Mkedln a kitchen clean a your
own. 846 8Ut St t ()
, . ' . t " ;.: ;
(CoatiM4 from p4,j., i
the trees are in no immediate dan
ger, local growera believe.
The delay in picking, caused by
the. wet weather, enabled the dry
ers to catch up with- incoming
fruit.' Prunes in this district rip
ened almost over. night and unTesa
cool dry weather comes it will be
impossible to care for them within
the. keeping period,
;; Dry ing. tests to date, indicate,
that the. prunes are running, fully
15 per cent below normal, a bush
el . of green fruit producing not
over 1? pounds dried. Twenty
"pounds Is the usual figure. This
will; result in at least one grade
lower In the price scale than the
Bame sized prunes would ordinar
ily, bring. ,
VThe average grower in. this dia-j
trict 1 more worried over the
pr(ice outlook ' than.- the. weather
damage and it Is- said that many
would, welcome conditions that
.would destroy a large percentage.
- . . . J; - : - . : !; .
r ' : '" - ; ''!-'- -A . . , ? . : ;. . j
. - : - . , . - ' . -. - . - ... -t, : A - - ' m- i . . - . . - - . - . . v . . . .v i w . - r- rfjf.a
- - . .
J : - . . . . ..- I
-Hi Color thilOt Rch, WiW
I L . w, ;
This is the third of. a series of
six pictures being published:' tn
The Statesman. ' Children are in
of'theicrop before harvest is com
pleted. ? ,
EDGENir; Aug. ZA (AP).
Rain here during the-last 24 hours
did considerable good- to pasture,
but there was some complaint of
slight damage to tomatoes. Rain
fell intermittently- during most of
the night. There was no;wlnd..
ASTORIA Aug.) 2S.-rAP)y
Precipitation,, to. the amount of
1.19 inches fell here during the
past 24 hours .bringing the , total
rainfall for the- past three months
up tor slightly , under three inches.
No crop; damage was; reported
from country, districts.
WENATCHEE, Wash.. Aug.. 2C.
(AP). -A heavy windstorm
struck, the Wenatcbee valley at
about 2:30 a m." today and' Is be
lieved to hare blown -off a large
number of apples and especially
pears which are banging loosely.'
SPOKANE. Aug. 26.--(AP).
Wind that reached a velocity-of
6 lour. here caused some
damage early, today to apples and
pears, chiefly the latter, in or
chards of eastern Washington and
northern Idaho, said reports re
ceived, here.
It' also carried great quantities
of dust, which; was; followed by a
rain in various sections. " -
BEND; : Aug. 2 ( AP) .This
city and surrounding community
was free from jstprms that visited
other Oregon, cities the last day. or
two. Temperatures lowered, some
what, but thef' wleather -continued
fair. ' ' . "
SEATTLE, Aug. 26. (AP).
Ditpatches placed the prune crop
damage in Clark- county at $500,
000.. Rainfall, of 1.42 inches at
Chehalia, in Lewis county, was re-i
corded. . The normal, total, of Aug
ust precipitation i here is .62 of an
The Man's Shop saves yon a ten
dollar bill on 'eteiT" Qlity
Shirt, hats, ties, collars. High
grade clothing, perfect fitting,
Ions wearing:,. .416 8tata. ( )
". Pomeroy . Kaena, i Jewelera
never rail to give yon , 100 on
the dollar. : Watches clocks pin,
charm Standard high grade
stock In all departments. ()
St: Helena Western Spar Co.'s
Columbia, City mill, sold for $250,
000, will be opened! September 1,
by Murphy Timber company'
Fat: the
Of Hie
a 4 e t
pAH tHe QtrvrxTiriTi
vited to, color, these pictures and
send them to The Statesman. The
60 sets of colored pictures consid
(CoaUnntfd from I.)
brought forth'' many suggestions
concerning the band concerts ot
next year and thereafter. One is
that some way ought to be found
to have, more seats in the park.
.Thef undaare-.inadequate. .One
suggestion is that a mill tax be
to ted, to be used for; the band
concepts and. for an. advertising
fund to get more industries for
the. city, and a greater "number of
desirable settlers. j
Aa Jt is now, the few put up the
money for these things, and every
body benefits. The public play
grounds, it is suggested! should be
People, have attended the band
concerts from, all over the valjey,
this year; as far as Cottage Grove,
and from Vancouver. Wash. One
Portland man and his family
have attended six of the concerts.
The farewell crowd tonight will
no doubt be the largest of the sea
son. '
Miss Eva Roberta. will, give two
vocal solos on tonight's official
program, which, follows:
Stars and Stripes- Forever" Sousa
Selection. "Woodland ij.. Landers
"Old Timers " Walts ..1.1 1:
.... By Brother Jack Hughes
Popular numbers S i
"When Irish Eyea Are Smiling:
"Tonight's My Night With Baby"
Overture, "Poet and Peasant"
..l....;..i... Suppe
Vocal' solos, Sometimes, and I .
VM-isa My Swiss" .i.. I
:-Eva - Roberts, i
'fMy Maryland Pnhrer,
Overture, "Princess of India".
: - -L-. King
Stabat Mater March ............ Losey
"Star-spangled Banner."
' Nash. Furniture Co. : takes .-the
lead with ' low. prices on chairs,
rockers, tables, wood and steel
beds, springs, mattresses. Saves
yon 2S. 219. N. Com'l.
rnnxG btjt deap. todat
(AP). The dead letter office of
the- local post office is anything,
but . .dead today. There arrived
from Los Angeles a baby alligator,
that had. eaten It Way out of its
container on the train, swallowing
the names of both consginor and
i"!B " 1 1
- . -m ' ' C " v s.
-.' -. . j i - .... ' - . -r. i . ... I
ered .best will be rewarded with a
free ticket to the wild west show
coming next week.
Bita Tor Breakf apt
Last hand concert tonight.
The weather man is kind to the
prune and hop pickers. He Bays
Flax harvest in the Willamette
valley has been over for a long
rm r J0 fj m H
OjJ 'qc- -- -I if ii -
V s.-
t imev - Soma, of , the f flax has not
yet: been delivered; . is.. heldL in
barns til the growers ' can. get
time to haul it Inl , But flax har
vest on the Tenny ranch in Colum
bia county. , near. Clatskanie la
only fairly started. Of the 200
acres "there, only about 35 had
been, pulled, before., the rain of
Wednesday night. A start waa
made of pulling the flax there
with a couple of the Martosz
machines, but they had not been
perfected sufficiently to handle
the. bundles. So three state ves
sot pulling machines (Canadian
machines like the other. 14 in the
Salem district) were sent down,
with expert machine men to work
them. It was thought two would
be enough, to take care of the 200
acres, but a third was sent in or
der to be ready In case one of the
others got out of order. The
flax on the 200 acres did not ripen
very fast. It was late sown. But
it Is doing better, and a Very fair
yield is expected. Not $40 a ton
flax, but an average of about $30
a ton flax. But the seed is fine.
It will make a good yield, plump,
entirely free from flax rust. It
will likely be used for planting in
the valley next year, or most of it.
Fifty kiddies are going to see
the 101 Ranch Wild West Show
a week from today. The colored
pictures are already coming in to
the Statesman office. This is the
biggest show of the kind . in the
world. It will have a street pa
rade, the longest on earth. Next
Friday will be circus day in Sa-
Smlth & Watkins for tire serv
ice at a lower cost. Vulcanising
and retreading, tube repairing. If
yon have .tire trouble Just call 44.
Corner Court and High Sts. ()
Walter H. Zoei, automobile
tires, tubes and accessories. Vul
canizing that holds. High quality
superior service. A trial makes a
customer. 198 S. Com'l. ()
Dirijing Room Special
Huge'naut Walnut dining room
suite. A beauty. See it in our
windows. . Consisting of & dining
chairs, 1 arm. carver, buffet and
dininjiable. .Regular $190
A Special $139.75
jVYool Robes
; New Designs.
May be used as blanket, auto robe
or davenport throw
Special $5.50
Automatic Electric
Endorsed by Good Housekeeping
Institute. Regular price $155
al $135
Several patterns Inlaid. $1.29
Several patterns Print . 98c
Several ; patterns Felt Base 59c
, Bring; ;Your Measurements
All models excepting Orthophonies,
Pantalopes, New Brunswick and
7 t I
lem. the like of Which was never
ney,1preparesThe - meals- for- the
workers on her husband's . ranch,
In Alberta. Among the farm
hands.are a French prince, a duke,
a nephew of Lord Derby, and the
son of the ETake of Manchester.
m V "
Historic Fort Tfenry, : whose
gallant defense inspired "The
Star-Spangled Banner," Is to be
restored by the government. Plans
hare been made for equipping the
fort as it was at the. time of the
British attack during the War of
1812. - -
D. H. MoshW, Merchant Tailor,
Is turning aut the nobbiest and
best fitting taiiof made suits to
measure. 100 business and pro
fessional men bny of Mosher. ()
New line of satin ana vengellne
hats for better wear. The very
latest for the smartly dressed
woman. The Vanity Hat Shop,
287 Court street. ()
More than 300,000 Essex own
ers place stamp of approval on
EBsex as greatest car on the Amer
ican market, for the money. F. W.
Pettyjohn Motor Co.. 365 N.
Com'l. ()
(Continued from page 1.)
Local police officials pondered
the matter for some time, and as
the Centralia boy said he was
willing to work, they took him to
the office of the Liresley hop Com
pany, where he was given a job
at the Lakebrook ranch.
The other boy, cured of all de
sire to wear the spangles and
bright suits of the circus, was sent
home to his father in Portland
Eugene Contracts let for 13
new paving and sewer projects.
Bedroom Special
2 inch continuous post Ivory Enam
el bed, Simmons double deck coil
springs, and a 40 lb. genuine cotton
felted mattress.
Saturday Special On
5 Yards Cretonne 98c
Ruffled Curtains with Ties
Pair U .....98c
A large assortment to. choose from
Floor and Bridge
Some very attractive patterns
to choose from
Vi Price
Dozens of fine Wiltons in. 9x12
sizes that sell regularly up
to $157.50
Now $95 to $115
40 lb. Cotton $ 7.95
40 lb. Cotton Felted . $ 9.95
50 lb. Cotton Felted.. $12.95
35 lb. Silk Floss $19.95
TTk -X
- - - t
Electric, Gas, Water, and
Railway Units in Seven
States Affected .
PORTLAND, Aug. 28. (AP).
Details of organization of ; the
People's Light and Power corpor
ation, a holding and operating or
ganization under which have been
merged ,13 public utilities . In
Washington, Oregon, Arizona,
Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin . and
Vermont, were announced here .to
day from the offices of W. B.
Foshay company, the managing
organization. The properties con
sist of electric, gas. water and
street railway units. Those in
Oregon are now grouped in the
People's West Coast Hydro-Electric
corporation, formerly the
West Coast Power company.
According to announcement of
the Foshay company wben the
various properties were being ac
quired, the consolidated units rep
resent a value in excess of $8,
000,000. A. Welch, who formerly
controlled most of the West Coast
Power company properties, is
manager of the People's West
Coast Hydro-Electric corporation
and directs operation of the or
ganization of the Oregon and
Washington properties from Port
land. The local subsidiary operates at
Toledo, at Waldport, Florence,
Clatskanie, Burns and Newport,
in Oregon, and in Shelton, South
Bend, Ilwaco, Cathlemet and Stev
enson in Washington. Cascade
Locks, Ore., also comes into the
Living Room Specials
Mohair Davenport....-.....J....$89.75
Velour Davenport ...........$59.75
Jacquard Velour Davenport $6975-
Velour Fireside Chair .$33.75
Davenport Tables .'...$12.50..
Mahogany End Tables $ 4.95
Steel Range
White Enamel with bujff et top a
dandy good range like you pay $75
for, other places.
Several Suites of
Bedroom and Dining
Room Furniture
in Ivory and Walnut
25. Off
A big assortment of high class,
standard, genuine Tennessee Cedar
Chests to choose, from.'
20 OFF
We have too . many patterns of high
class dishes to list here. Over 30, pat
terns of open stock and lots ot . close
out patterns at reduced prices.
Come in and see our up to date
Dish Display .
: - ' . : i u ' -'-''4:' - lr !
? ... -U iv;
aystem ; through ? being linked
with Stevenson. Wash, r
. '.--i.tinti nr the new oyer-
riding corporation-wasperfec ed
In 'New York, if. w " -offices
ot -ithevEanitable. Triuji
-Thte.. Foshay oompafljr
in-Portland,' Minneap
aXClB aa-" -
-and' New
OllS. St- i"UI
Tork. . ; ... ? -, '
Halik & Eoff.BlectrlShop. ttt
c, RTrrtb'. electric.
from motors and flxto d sup- ,
"iTL. wtrinr. oet-prices, and ?
look at complete stock. r -
The Atlas Book and tUtjm
Co.. 4$5 State atreet.
literature; and fine stationery.
Complete lines. You wlU. PP.
tlate the Jow prices. ' . K
Y., Aug, 26.(AP.)---Citizen scJv.;i
diers 1600 strong passed In re-rt-,
view before President Coolidge a
Platsburg Barracks today. N
Carryinr for the first time be
fore the commandeMn7rhief the
new colors of the citizens mili
tary training camps.- the second
regiment to be trained here this
summer nad comprising youths
from New York" Delaware, and
New Jersey swung down the pa
rade ground apd, by 'the ;canopied
reviewing; stand, under which '.the
president stood for" the ceremony.
HL. stlft Fnrnltnre Co., lead-1
era in complete home furnishings,
priced to make yon the owner. The
store that studies your e.vetfy need
and Is ready to meet it, absolutely.
: r.
Klamath. Falls New $41,000
city library will beftnihed. by
Thanksgiving. , i " '.
N ft: t'Wli t:
' lit
" - 4 ... X
j i ;