The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 27, 1926, Page 3, Image 3

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    . - . ... i - I ' ' ' , " ' " - t
,i' - y TUBOREGONSTATEUN.SALEU. QUEZON - - r - - . - . ::--FtimYl . .
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By AUtRED BUNCH :: Phone 106
'Mrs tyfryliead to Attend
Conferees in Oberlin, Ohio
Mrs. George Moorhead (Jenelle
Vandevort) has completed plana
for. a three weeks' absence in the
east, going directly to Oberlin,
Ohio, to attend a meeting of ex
ecutives of the national student
assembly of the YWCA.
Mrs. Moorbead is chairman of
"the , Seabeck division of the na-
S' "lonal student YWCA council, rep
esentlng Oregon, Washington,
Montana and Idaho.
In Tacoma Mrs. Moorhead will
3oin Miss Irma Kaufman, who will
also attend the conference in an
pff icia'l way. Miss Kaufman is
Second vice president of the Na
tional Student association of
The Oregon representatives plan
to spend a day in Chicago en
While the YWCA group is in
conference, Oberlin will also be
the scene of a similar gathering
of the YMCA. Thp student vol
unteers have also chosen this time
and this place for meeting.
At the close of the YWCA coun
cil meeting, the seven divisional!
chairmen in the United States -of
which Mrs. Moorhead is one
fill meet with the other two bod
ies in further conference.
Mrs. Moorhead and Miss Kauf
man will return home over the
Canadian Pacific. Representatives
of the Canadian student move
ment have already invited the
northwest dllegates at the con
ference of Canadian Volunteers at
Lakp Louise., This conference will
last -one week.
From Victoria' Mrs. Moorhead
"will make the trip to Seattle by
..boat, and will pass through Salem
on hor way to Coquille where she
will make her home. Mr. Moor-
ead will leave for Coquille where
i fe 'hp-is a mftmhpr of th hitrh sr-Tinnl
t : - W " "W-ulty, on Sept. 5.
I Mrs. Jaskoski Returns .
From Minneapolis
Mrs. Frank Jaskoski and daugh
ter, Misa Josephine Jaskoski, ar
rived home yesterday morning
from an extended visit in Minne
apolis, Minn., as the house guests
of Mrs. Jaskoski's. sister, Mrs.
George Kapler. A brother ,of Mrs.
Jaskoski and Mrs. Kapler, Hiram
J Bell of Mansfield, Ohio, visited his
Bisters at the Kapler home during
thefcramer. Mrs. Jaskoski and
Mlsi?5" Jaskoski also visited in
Jamestown, N. D. The trip home
was made over the Canadian Pa
cific Visits were enjoyed4n Van
couver and Victoria, B? Ci and
in Seattle, . Frpm Vancouver the
tourists made the trip to Seattle
by boat.
Guests From Seattle
Mr. and Mrs. George Moorhead
entertained as their guests at din
ner on Wednesday evening Miss
Joyce Gowan, Miss Sylvia Gowan
and Walter Jones of Seattle whe
are on a motor trip to Los Ange
les. Miss Joyce Gowan was maid
Jt p of honor at the Moorhead-Vande-r
.'rV'vort wedding on July 15.
Spend Day in Portland
Mrs. George E. Dorcas, Mrs.
Louis Lacbmund and Mrs. John
J. Roberts spent yesterday in
Marion Couple Marries
Miss Louise Horning and Stan
ley Ford, both of Marion, were
Quietly married at 11 o'clock Tues
day morning at the borne of Her.
W. C. Kantner, the officiating cler
gyman Visitors in Eastern Oregon
Miss Sylvia Marsters, Miss Gre-
trude Ellis and Wade Ellis are
spending 4he week in eastern Ore
gon. They expect to spend part
of their vacation at Wallowa lake
Writers to. Meet in September
Since next Tuesday is the fifth
Sunday in the month, the next
meeting at the writers' section of
the Salem, Arts league will come
on September 7. At this time Mr,
and Mrs. Charles J. Lisle will en
tertain at their home at 1041 S
Thirteenth btreet.
t - .
Visit in Eugene ,
WRecenk gnests in Eugene were
Mrs, M. N. Chapman and Miss
Oda Chanman. who visited dur
ing the Trail-to-Rall celebration
at the home of . Mrs. Charles
Chambers in Eugene.
Sun and Wind Bring Out Ugly
Spots How to Kemove Easily
Here's a chance, Miss Frcckle-
e.. to try a remedy for freckles
concern that it will not cost you
a penny ' unless: it removes the
freckles; while if It does give you
a clear complexion the expense is
Simply get an ounce of Othlne
double strength--from any drug
or department store and a few
applications Bhould show you how
easy It is to rid yourself of. the
homely freckles and get a beauti
ful complexion.,- L Rarely Is " more
than one ounce needed for the
worst case. . Y: ' :
Be sure. to as the druggist for
the double strength" Othine as this
strength i is sold. under guarantee
of tnooey bark if it fails to remove
your freckles.
Othln .L3C?oraiodes'IttC,v But
i iii iiipri iirinpr in n "
Salem Boy Goes ,
to Washington
Lucien Hayes of 3 4 1 North Com
mercial street left yesterday for a
vacation trip to Montesano, Wash.
He intends to visit his sister, Mrs.
T. C. Roberts, until October, re
turning then to Salem. In the
fall Mr. Hayes will join the mar
ines. !
Trip to San Francisco
Mr. and Mrs. U. G. Shipley ar
rived home the first of the week
from a ten day motor trip to San
Return From Ocean Park
Mr. and Mrs. George Hugand
tons, Robert and Wallace, are
home from a vacation at Ocean
Park, Wash.
Elton Von Eschen Is
Guest in Salem
Prof, and Mrs. . Florian Von
Eschen have as their g-uest this
week their son, Elton, of Kansas
City, Mo., who is employed as
chemist bv the lan.oat hiVlnir
jpany in the United; States.
On Tuesday evening Mr. and
Mrs. E. T. Barkus entertained Mr.
Von Eschen as their guest at din
ner. Mr. Von Eschen and the late
John Moody, son of Mrs. Barkus,
were very close friends up to the
time of Mr. Moody's death early
in the summer. Mr. Von Eschen
is a graduate of Willamette uni
versity with the class of !23, Mr.
Moody having also entered the,
university in the fall of 1919. Mr.
Von Eschen arrived in Salem last
Saturday 'and will remain until
F red Paulus on Vacation
Fred Paulus, whose vacation be
gan last Sunday, is on a trip which
will take him to Crater Lake and
thence to, California. Mr. Paulue
plans to visit at San Francisco and
ai Stanford university. Theodore
Paulus and his father, Christopher
Paulus, are at Newport where
they will spend the rest of the
Guests at De Long Home
Mr. and- Mrs. Loren Basler of
Boise, Idaho, are "guests at the
home of Mrs. Waaler's parents,
Mr. and Mrs F. C. De Long." Both
Mr. and Mrs. Baider are gradu
ates of Willamette university.
Vacation at Watseco
Miss Margery Gilbert and Miss
Mildred Gilbert are enjoying a va-
ation at Watseco. The Misses
Gilbert went tctthejbeacjj on,,Wefc
nesaay, , planning to return by
Monday.? " "
Visitors From Seattle
Dr. and Mrs. W. C. Kantner ar
entertaining as their house guests
this week their daughter-in-law,
.Mrs. Clifford Kantner and her son,
Jean. and. daughter,: Miss Kather
ine, of Seattle.
m -
Guests at T ooze Home H
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tooze ot
Sherwood, Or., and Mr. and Mrs.
Bert Tooze of Portland motored
to Salem yesterday to spend the
lay at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Fred J. Tooze at 1680 Court street.
Frank Tooze and Fred Tooze are
brothers, while Bert Tooze is the
son of the former.
Derbys Return Home
Mrs. F. H. Derby and her grand
daughters, Kaherine and Marian
Derby, have returned to Salem
alter having spent the greater part
of the summer at Newport.
Chas. K. Spaulfling Loeelne Co..
lumber and building, materials.
TV - 1 . - i '
ua uei cuaia no more man in
ferior grades. Go to the big Sa-
tem iactory ana save money. . ()
The Commercial Book! Store has
everything you need In books and
stationery and supplies for the
chooL office,or home, at the low
est possible prices.'
NEW YORK, Aug. 26. (AP)
Monte Munn, sensational Nebraska
heavyweight, knocked out Jim
Sigman of Brooklyn, sailor scrap
per in one minute and 52 seconds
of fighting in the first round of a
Six round match at Madison
Square Garden tonight.
Munn, brother of Wayne Munn.
the wrestler,, and a former Ineni-v
ber, of the. Nebraska legislature.
weighed 213 ; Sigman .weighed
NEW YORK, Aug. 26. (AP).
Making his American debut.
H,arry Person, Swedish heavy
weight champion, defeated Johnny
Higko of Cleveland on points in
the feature' bout of an all-heavy
weight card at Madison vSquane
Garden tonight. : 4
"llUf Ml'XN WIN& '
' IORTLAND, Ag. 26. Wayne
(Big).' Mnnn, Nebraska heavy
weight wreatler,;-won over Wally
Dugid., Canadian wrestler, 'after
23 minutes of grappling tonight
when he threw his opponent from
the ring so violently that the lat
ter was unable i to con tin ue ' the
match. .,." " '
story; v business ! block to -. cost
$48,000. '"-i i j, "
: Grants PassBuildlngso ,far
thla year is more- than double-the
ni iitnLi ii utit nil
11 - " ' - .-' i ; ' i . . r '.
Smaller Crowds Than Ex-
l pected Present at Silver-
ton Health tventi
SILVERTON, . Aug. 26.-4-(Spe
cial to The Statesman.)-! While
not as many took advantage! of the
o pea-house at the Silvertpn health
center yesterday as the committee
de-sired, those who came showed a
great deal of interest ini the ma
terial the center had collected.
Mrs, Le Roy Lemman, in charge
of the loan closet, had j her col
lection on display, and explained
to the visitors in what manner the
closet was of use to the commun
ity. Materials, articles of clothing
and bed linen which have been
donated are loaned to people in
case of illness, who are unable to
afford some of the necessities.
Mrs. Jasper Dullum, chairman
of the nursery committee, dis
played the bandages and other ma
terials used in accidents and in
fections. Miss Ida Twedten; coun
ty, health nurse, uses much of
these materials during the school
year for the school children.
On display were also the (hairs,
clock, scaler and many other do
nations by friends of the center.
Beautiful baskets of ksters,
salvia and butterfly flowers 'added
tc the attractiveness of the Irooma
which held the display. Tea was
served to the visitors. Miss Cather
ine Woodard and her committee
being in charge. Besides! Miss
Woodard, those serving on the
committee were Mrs. F. Rahn.
Mrs. Carl Loe and Mrs. A. D.
Others who assisted in serving
were Mrs. Charles Reynolds, Mrs.
Forrest Stamey and Miss Dorothy
Quality painting, both varnish
and laquer work, in oar modern
equipped paint rhop. Washing,
grwasing and night service; tire
repairs. Wood's Auto Service Co.
The Midget Meat Market never
fails to give you the finest meats
and fish. There is but one place
in Salem to get the finest fish. The
Midget Market has .It for you. (
The Opera House Drug Store
Service, quality, low prices, friend
ship give increasing patronage.
Old customers advise friends . to
trade here. High and Court. (
Hart man Bros. Jewelry Store.
Watches, clocks, rings, pins, dia
monds, charms, cut glass, silver
ware., Standard goods. .State at
Liberty St. j ()
The Salem Hdw. Co., most pro
gressive. Every accommodation
given to those in need of best
hardware supplies. Work and pro
perity the motto. 120 N. Com'l ()
Ira W. Jorgensen, 190 8. High
Bt. Parts for. all makes ot cars.
Best equipped auto accessory store
In this section. Prompt and re
liable service the rule. ()
A Little Rain-
Wheri One Is Prepared For It
And there's no excuse
for one not being prepar-
ed considering the large
selection o& umbrellas
that we arc showing.
You'll find them "just in-
. side the door." i . :
, of balloon cloth and rub
' ; ber slickers. Choose
yours early while selec
, tions are best.
Tli : I7T .' t7TjLl nr
jMf:-.. vJ.A..y.v.'..v..-jk-.v.A-.-...1.... - .. i. . -. .-.v.-.-5:-fcaf
All Nations Represented in
Conference at Helsing
fors, Finland
"We are having a wonderful
world's YMCA conference here in
Helingfors. Finland," states a let
ter received here from H. W.
Stone of Portland, a delegate to
the conference. "There are over
1500 delegates not counting wives.
Germany has the largest delega
tion with over 300; the TJnited
States next with 200."
An account of the trip from
England to Finland, with descrip
tions of the various cities visited
on the way, is given by Mr. Stone.
"Our Berlin meetings Were held
at the Hochschule fur Politik,
which stands opposite from the
kaiser's old palace. Our first ses
sion was addressed by Dr. Julius
Richter, head of the College of
Theology, and one of the four
men who govern Berlin univer
sity, and by Dr. Arnold Wolfers.
also of the university and an Ex
pert on the problems of taxation.
"Dr. Dibelius, professor of Eng
lish at the university, and author
of an authoritative book on Brit
ish government, something like
Lord Bryce's "The American Cqm-
monwealth" on the American gov,
eminent, gave us an address on
the great cultural problems .of
present day Germany.
"We have had leaders in Paris,
London and Berlin state the case
and condition of their natioas.
They all admit that they areJnua
bad way
They ail take debts and
reparations and hold Locarno to
be the one bright spot. We have
not found a man in Europe who
does not believe in the league -of
nations, though they would all
like to change it a little or a good
The Peerless Bakery, 170 N.
Commercial. Sanitary, up to date.
Prompt delivery. Bakers for those
who appreciate the best. Increas
ing patrons tell the tale. ()
. . . -Wr Tm.
Mrs. George Henriksen
Inspiration for Party
SILVERTON, Aug. 27. (Spe
cial to The Statesman.) Mrs.
George Henriksen, who Is leaving
next week for her new nome at
Parkland, Wash., was the inspira
tion of a pleasant little afternoon
party Thursday at Trinity church
social rooms.
Mrs. Henriksen, who has been
secretary for Trinity Ladies' Aid
society for a number of years, was
presented with a silver coffee ser
vice. Refreshments were served
at the close or the afternoon.
Pontiac Landau Sedan $895
(price at factory). Easy to pay
on the liberal General Motors Time
Payment, Plan. Viclt Bros., "The
House That Service Built." ()
G. W. Day. tires, tunes and ac
cessories. Has the Goodyear tires.
the standard of the wor&tt. Mr.
Day can give you more mileage.
Corner Com'l. and Chemeketa. ()
Capital Bargain House, Capital
Tire Mfg. Co., Mike's Auto Wreck
ing. Three in one. Bargain cen
ter of Salem. Thousands of bar
gains. H. Stelnbock, 215 Center.
Gabriel Powder & Supply Co.,
lumber, building materials, paints
and varnishes, roofing paper. Get
prices there and make a big sav
ing. Office, 175 S. Com'l. ()
O. J. Hull Auto Top & Paint
Co. Radiator, fender and body
repairing. Artistic painting adds
100 to the appearance of your
uto. 267 fl. Commercial. ()
3S.. Slate surface roofing applied
over your old shingles.. We have
&te 200 lobs in Salem. Nelson
Bros., plumbers, sheet metal work,
355 Chemeketa. .j- ()
Telephone 165.- Capital City
Laundry. The laundry of pure
materials. We give special at
tention to all home laundry work
Telephone and. are will call. ()
Froui- the Story l' V1
. . ,v p -- ' . t
with iLL
Shirley Mason & ri C v-
Barbara Bedford r 'vfcSrli SY '
David Torrcncc 1 ( r-1?SW-f '
. EVENINGS .;. ,; CrTWB-
O R g GO N
lllhb IIWI I I UIIMI i
Inspection- Journey4 Will Be
Taken., by PEP
Company'. Guests
About 50 Salem. clUxens will
make ah inspection Journey to the
Oak Grote power plant , ot ' the
PEP compaqy ..gunjday,. morning,
under- the auspices of W. M. Ham
ilton, division manager of. the
company.' ThdypttrpoSe of the
journey is to make-the citizens of
the community acquainted with
the plants and property of the
company. i
The party will leave Salem" at
6:30 o'clock in the morning by
auto, weather permitting, and will
go by way of Oregon City and the
Clackamas river to Estacada, 60
miles from Salem, which will be
reached about 9 o'cloek.
The party will inspect the
Cazadero plant of the company,
which is on tfie Clackamas river
a mile from Estacada, and then
make a trip on the company's pri
vate railroad up the Clackamas
canyon to the new Oak Grove
plant, about 40 miles up the can
yon. This plant has just been
completed and is considered one
of the leading power plants ot the
district. It is far up in the heart
of the Cascade mountains.
The trip up the railroad from
Cazadero will be made in an open
air gasoline "speeder" and a
couple of trailers, so old clothes
will le the proper costume for
the members of the party.
A basket lunch will be taken,
and eaten at the Oak Grove
plant. The party will leave
Cazadero on the return trip at
5:30 in the afternoon, ' reacfclag
Salem at 8 o'clock.
Doughton A snerwln. Hard'
ware. 286 N, Com'l. St. Hardware,
Builders' Supplies, Paints, Varn
ishes. Give us a call, you'll find
or-r prices reasonable. ()
Silverton Canners End
Packing of Blackberries
SILVERTON, Aug. 27. (Spe
cial to The Statesman. The ever
green blackberry pack at Silver
Salesmen, Salesladies and Re
tail , Merchant. My items fit all
of you. Salesman averages $1.00
profit for every realer called on.
Costs dealer 2.00.. he sells for
$a.50. makes $160 on $2.00 in
vested. Salesman makes $1.00. Jf
you -are a Salesman or wish to
become one. If -you. never sold
anything in your lifeJ I will tell
you how to make better than
8100.00 a week" (Address)
Geo. L. Lane, Mansfield e$o
i n
ton has been - com pleted and ; is . 5 ,
0 0 0 cases larger than. expected at
.the beginning, of. the. season.
The Silvert9B Food - Products
company, a cooperative concern,
expected to: pack 10,000 cases of
blackberries, but .. instead, 15,000
cases were.packed. , The. company
was at that unable to care for all
the blackberries- Jn : f he Silverton
communlt.Carrsts and" beans
are now; being-canneCi
f 5 BIG
A Dainty and Novel
j "'" ""'-""V : ''"1"''
fcrssssrsl managers' association thTrrrnyrJ'
Matinee 35c Evening 50c J--
iA. new Conception of Modern Syncopation and Classics
'A Lesson
ritimm mi
; THE:-. . -fk
Supported by ' - )
t At the Theaters-Tod-ay u
v- 7-. J.VJ '
- TlWjEkbioi Five Tracts', big-
time, vaudeville and "WithQTjt
i Oregon Lewis - Stone. -Shirley. , ,
Mason in "What Fools Men," from-
the; story : "Joseph- Greer, and HJs
Daughter." .' ' ; V
Illigh Evelyn
Stocking Sal."
-.'ent in "Silk
Musical Offering,
With -
in Golf"
The (liampion " MouUil1
Organ Player of tue
Rudolph Valentino v iiri "The Eagle";
t - . - - ' w .
mn m tor n
m mm a sa ma. rm i : ssbsk a '.n.-rn
m ii -
! I
; i
19 25- record.