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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 24, 1926)
r ' v n j - . y- - r" V ' - V ' I 4 J x V Ld V O hrf y 'V r?:r . ! " v--. .i';.;.'-V-'.l'- 1 . ' - : ft r I r ;..- y . - , . ,, - '. r ai W ft I It 1. i 11 4 SBVEmY-SESm-YEAEi tent; - ' , - - ... Dr." Chnrles 7; EHbV Prcsi . dsnt Emcritous, of Harv-.-. srdPasseisi'-- RANK HIGH-AS SCHOLAR 5-t jr ...... t Dr. i Frmncl O. v. Peabodjr and , Dr. : AeBrf.'lffUdr.-FMtetItejU 1 i - Btral Sermons f NORTH EAST HARBOR, Maine Aug- 2S. - By Associated Prra.) Funerai senficc f pt Dr; Charles i W. Eliot, president emlterus of r Harrard Vwho ? die yesterday f at - bis sonimer homo -here "will be held- at t noon .tomorrow: ; ia the .: Union ;-Charch. of JNortheastIIar ior.. Drv Francis Peabody : of j V Cainbrldse Mass a " brother of t ,4he t first - Mrs. Eliot, will preach the sermon - and La assistedr by Dr. -HenryV WUder ?Fbdte of 'Bel mont,, Mass.. ' nephew of . Dr. ' "Ellot. r'hi-ft'-rX-W f ' . The body will. taken by boat to Cambridge fwhere" burial aerrlces wi b held, Wednesday in Che Appleton chape J, at farirard. Dr. Samnel . A. EUot, the only snrriTlns member of ; Dr.; Eliot's Immediate family wjll accompany his father's body : to Cambridge. Interment wilt be Is Mount An bnm -cemetery. Cambridge.- - ' ' NORTHEAST ; HARBOR; Me.. Ang.' 23J- Charles William Eliot, Harrard's. "Grand Old Man? and America VFirst Citizen.! U dead. , The, endCcame .Banday atk the age of 92 'to' the president emerl 4 tas of .. Harrard ; unrrersity, who tjp'Jiad been its president for 40 years prtoivto hisiitmaealj iat ta aga ;;" of 76, and whose outspoken -ideas " "oh' pablic affair commanded ;in? ' teraatlonal att'ehtloa . aJid reepeet He ' died ' peacefully at 'the Tiome wbere'he bspeatvthe"salneT for" years.T; HIs'son, the Tteyrsim uel A Eliot of Cambridge,' Mass!, was with him atthi end. . He had - beeS feeble all summer and .con fined to the honsej thbtfgh p till a few years ago beased "-td row:a boat, exercise at'whlch he became adept; in' college days; as'a mem ber of the anlTersIty crew 'and ot ; ' (CoaUaaa o pg9 5.) - -. h 'e'-' i." J m I i ..y-y :. ;.- SPAULDIHG AGAlfj HELD PICKED UP BT STATE MEN.AS - DHtXK.Q5lWGUWAY. ; ; . For the second tfme In a few weeks, A. L," Spauldlnir1 was brought into v the , Salem police station, charged with Tiolatlon of 'the liquor laws,' when, be. was ar rested Sunday -in company , with M. E. Hughes, of Salem; both be ing charged with, being drunk, on public highway. ..Tbe-arrest was made, on the Dallas-Salem .high way by state traffic officers. - - ' Spauldtnf 4 was arrested . here - a few weeks -ago on-, fci charge of drlTiag while drpnk and glTen 0 days in jail and a $100 fine 'by Mark. Poulsen, poMc"ttdge 'and city recorder. SpauUlng appealed the case to the circuit coart where It has not yet-been heard - Spaulding- and-Hughes - were turned . orer . yesterday to Polk county authorities as the arrest was made on: Polk i county - soil, out of the local police court's Jur isdiction. - SEDAfJ TAKES PLUHpE FALLS '500 FEET IZXO CItAT " ' ER LAKE; SPLINTERED - f . "- t KLAMATjr FALLS, Aug. 23, (Apy. -An s' expensive sedan beloBging to John . Swanson. owner of a Klamath Falls bar ber shop, toppled HOTer .the rim of. Crater t Lake yesterday, hurled I down j a 'f sleep .sloped gathering , momentum t n e n turned 'orer four times In the "air while making- a; straight drop estimated at 5 00 feet. The body -was reduced to slir ers, the ; rectangular i chassis frame stripped clean and left alone on rock, .while pieces of the engine and one wheel Jumped fully , 800x feet more into the lake, 120fff feet below tae suiting point. -The V type engiae broke lnti two pieces, one of which has been located in the lake, to getbertwith a tire standing on edge in 40leQr6r watef."Ko" one was in the machine when k ren. - , . t Hoover and v2NaGoin, Former Salera Boy, Seeking rrobiems in Land lie Knew- Before lie "Hooxerixed -7 ; a2sTation'DurIngWar,f - 'r " n ' : Herbert. Hoover: rsecretary. and CoolidffB cabinets and Senator Charles McNaryyare'going to disappear from Salem 4some morning' soon on'a fishing1 trip. Justr where ' they." are-igoingvi Mrl Hooverr who , was a' youth herein 1833, is not 'goin to tell ancj he does not.want anyone to ask -r;"' vt : - - - f j. Mr, HooVer came' west to attend the Columbia Irrigation League' meeting' In SeatUer. and he was called upon to make innumerable! speeches coming across the xountry. j That is 1 r f ?j-r'- i "s It m OEB.TBtIDZ'a.8T0TT . SEA BRIGHT. K. JsTh '; 1ierebomts, i bidding, best it know . t bow. for a Oertnid Kderle 4 wim it.- For rretml -day, nnw, , the--arif a el - th water baa beea- OTre4 - wits, .; thiek coat of it.'floaUar ia ttom aoa- obra BDa eirr'fnciaBt'far- at a. Batbtira mert4 fmot tb roIliaa-bat - uabrking aurf. cTered . with ; -oil perfectly pMd la apleadld atytefor-' h Vongl-ii los'iwUiM -ima. If -0rtnia -hal4 go a-bathiaff aero, aba cooW ;iatieaa. wkally- witb. tbaT . STeaainr earamony ad .ba off, merrily and folly equipped, for Ind'aYEa4 or rtAum: ' 1 - SO THIS IS AVSaiCAi . - ?." PARIS.--MaeoMioa of' too- - Sebt doesn't aabnopoKa tba waiiaf shk' ieat of all Frenebmea aor doea it obtevro their ita of tho real, the -trao JLmerica; - By way of Ulnatratioa, be 1.V reported -taf- a Presebaias,: dowaing i refaUr apertit ) tho Cafe : da XteoM, o-f ' i tho stalled : . Latin -Tartar, picked ao o Amrieit ew- Xaper, left thero Tr toorlit. Aa H ppad v he torned 'first to th. para of eotaio strips. - After while ha laid ; it dowa' thourbtfally, took another aip !: of afteraooa pleaar v aad then reao" wp. ahottted ;Viro lea Ajrieail"5 and thea bra vto JanP from table to table, banpmr itvpoeent byataodera .atrrtry the head' ahooHap. "WW-" ZfWIE, , EEKK aadWHAKAV? He . ended np by ditappeannit iato the cafe ia a flying- backward dire, which let aty kia-feet- rtaiblo above the table. . . When he bad beea reacoed,. ho esptaibed that be waa only trying to akt Alwrkit rikitoro -feet-- at hoiao.' . r- Jr-Terification of tbt aterr r to the Dome y day, along aboat .the' aperitif boor. ' EX-DRY "AGETJTIS HELD WILLIA3I McMlL'LS WILL FACE . ' pitAND jchy qctz . , i . ' William McMllls, ex-sUte ageht who-recently .! was dismissed from enrlce by Governor Pierce after he was fined for being intoxicated In Douglas coanty, yesterday was bound orer to the grand Jnry here on charges of assault and battery and impersonating an officer. The assault was alleged "td have been on i the person 'of Chester Vlnlng of HuhbardV- ... Lawrence Coon, Paul Jones and Walter . Miller, : alleged to hare been companions of McMills at the time ' of " the trouble, also were held to answer charges of assault and battery;.. - . . - 1 No motive - for' the attack wai glren br the officers. The attack was said to hare taken place, after Vlnlng had -been enticed to enter an automobile' occupied, by. Mc Hills and his companions. .. ; ' ' HERRIfi WAR -FLAKE- UH ' -x e v'" "- tl KXLLIXq OF TAFO IN DUEL TO BIS ' INVESTIGATED ' ,; i-' IlEItRIN, I1L, Angr2$.-(AP.) "Axoroner,s"Jtrnrlatetodar be gan an Investigation of the killing last night tn a road house Jiear hetd'jot :Harry1. 5, Walker,; Ati' Ku Klux Klan ! opponent and ; former body guard of Glenn Young, slain 'Williamson- county dry raider,- la a duel with Everett Smith, ' 2 who also was fatally wounded.' ; Walker, former' If errin chief pt police, who is reported be came an enemy- of Young, waa shot. In .the back and 'died soon after the gun .battle.i 4 . '.' , ' t Smith," a . new' man Jn Ilerrin, died early today in a hospital at Marion" near, Tiefe.fJ Examination revealed rthat Walker? had fired two shots from his. -revolver dur ing the duel, and Smith ffired once. TWOiHHLDVFOn SLAyUJQ COJIPAN IO.V I D UN TIFI li3 PAIR ki:ij dy OFnciina SnATTLI3. Wash.. Aug. 23. f i: Associated Press. Donald A. Iiugrard, 27, and Earl Taylor, 33, a negro, were arrested here to- nlsht as the .slayers of Andrew Hkgglund, in ? Tacoma," Wash., a weck'ago. . i '-'-:-:- : Police s-a 1 d the p a I r were lieatlfied by Charles Haywood, a negro, self asserted companion of Haggard -ajtid-Taylor n .tne. stay in c. llavwood was captured in Olvmrla. Wash., Saturday and was Real Vacation, to. Fchret. World of; commerce in: the - Harding one reaBon 'why he IS' glad-to be laOregon which' he considers home, so, that he can forget tor the ' time - being , economy,, com- merceand other details connected wfthhis public Jlfev ' - " Y "Ii came; to Oregon when the farms In' the : western part of the state-consisted of 40 or SO acres tE 'cleared land surrounded by fir treesTr' 'Ittw As a J constant battle WfthT 'the 'trees to get more land Cleared. : The. Job ef the smalt boy 'pn-4C"Zirm in- thoe'days"'was 'tqt bore two holes in a stuhip so they Woald come,- together, then -start them" to burning,? the h6les. giving air loathe iaBl36 blaze, and in time he sthmp would be burned utt . ; MAa a ' youngster this was my chief "Sab.' Every ; niglit after school and all day Saturday I had to "bore holes in stamps, so I came tdiekk upon'a nf tree as a' public enemy - , ff v,' ; '' Hoover came to Oregon as a 7 year old boy ' and lived Iii Newberg from 1881 until ll$6.;henhe moved to 4his'oCityp A; fyonth he knew alt of the swimming holes in the riVer aad all ot the pools and riffles 'where -trbnt are to' be found; - In ' fact, the tman who (Coatlhaod oapaso1 . AUTO, Kills UTTLE GIRL DRIVER OP DEATH CAR IS RE LEASED '1ST totl'lCEBSr :! 1 PORTLAND,'. Aug; JJ(AP). t Mildred 'Knndsea, aged t, was killed instantly today .when struck by an automfibile-ieood saw dffVen by C H. Burbott- . ; UtBrdeattt .was the 2 5th auto mobile ' fatality in Portland 'since Januaryil. - :." . . - Burbott .was, released' after be ing questioned by police. - JOURISTJS CLEAflED OUT REPORTS LOS OP CAR, WIFE, IOXEY AND -CHILD- ' BATTLE - CHEEK," Mich!, Aug. 23. Samuel A.v Hudson. :'a visiting tourist from - Bremen, . Ind.; today was the Victim of a thorough theft, he ' reported to police. Another tourist, - h "charged; made away with : his automobile, money," per sonal effects, -and also his'wife and child. . t - : - : - ' ; - l-T - ' '',"- ; : ii s-: . ii." :X;::r-': ; y- -vr-- - i .-,-, . - i SALEM, .OIIEGON, TUESDAY II PI i i , f : . .- ft I v till ULiUL.Jl i. . .tost" Romantic Figures on SilverScrcen Loses Pro- $ tractcd'Struggls'r. END COMES ITJ r SILENCE Chamber Heaped With Fowcrs at End of 4. Career Began as " - fT'fc.WeeActor, , : -f : Loss Slouraed . " ?. t: NEW 0RKV:Aas.:.'23: By greatest lover ol'themv all In Vthe iwhole history of motion pictures; died" today f It1. Por?eIght: days: he) had waged battle -against, disease'. su;ch 1 as he beverhadtoffightrto vanauisn opposing forces on the screen. A In. the hospital, as on the silver sheet,' he fb'u ght rallently, hts de termination to win never clouding the 'essential cheerlness. of " his disposition. -1 ' - K The last ' words he ever spoke, but a "few hours before" he died, were said, in trfendly conversation with, one -pt; the doctors who had tended him since his operation for appendicitis a week ago - Sunday. He said then that the greatest thing-he' was rooking forward to was fishing trip,' upon which he Invited r the -physician ? to ; accom pany, him. -i " ; Soon after, that' he lapsed into coma from which he never Tallie 1 From, time to time' he straine and' tossed; as tnougn tnere we words, he" wished to '; ntter. ' t'H three, doctors and two nurses be low abftve him, trying to catch h 'lOoatbiaad pass XI SAVE-BOYS FROM RIVER CAXOE : OVERTlCRXS, YOUTES NARROWLY ESCAPE' '-. ; ' ALBANY, Aug 23. ( AP ) Three ; Albany' boys, thrown from an overturned canoe,- were - saved from drowning in the '-Willamette river today'by three others.r" TheJ canoeists - were' Bert - Norman, Claude Wallace - and ; Clayton -Van Lydegraf, ranging in - age -from 1 2 to 1 4 years. They were rescued by: Glenn; Bartieher. Leson ;late and Pete Sears, who happened to be oft the bank. ' ' . ' y Bartleher, a few years, ago re ceived a Boy Scout bravery medal for saving the life of a companion swimmer. . ' ' COSIING TO RU THE fR YE f 4 J MORNING." AUGUST. 24. .1020 YOUTH,. SVEPT;THnOUG!I SOOpFOOTi'TUBEUVES STRENGTH -AND, COOLNESS SAVES RbY, ArTER" FALL Steps- on ' Sage Brush,- Drops -20 .v.Feet,'Is'" Carried, Away . ,' ' - ih . a -lift , - ' 4 , i J" By Current,- ; KLAMATir FALLS, Atfg., 23 ( AP). Swept' through the! 3,'oeo toot tunnel of 'the main irrigation canahin' the 'dead of "night. ahd saved v by his ': own coolness and strength v from what appeared rto be ' certain 'death,; was the expert en ee last night of Robert Herman, aged 16, son' of Ross 'Herman 'of this city,. : f . v Young. Herman had "Just climbed from; the edge of t&e. canal at. the entrance of the underground "con duct to the top of the bank,: when a piece-of sager brush broke under his weight and he plunged 20.-feet down ; the bank '.into- the canal. The Ifive miles'' ant hour f current swept him into the; black maw of the Conduct. His companions rushed for, help. ; . The fire -department' hurried to the mouth of ' the 'underground conduct with a palmoter. hoping but ?- hardly believing S, that .. the youth could bo allve.Y.'.Between 15 and.-2 0 i minutes- later -young "Her man, still swimming, but exhaust ed, emergedjfrom; the blackness of the tunnel into the ; moonlight. He lifted his arm and was : pulled" to the ' bank and safety. ILLINOIS PICrilC IS HELD SEVENTY.FIVE. GATHER TO . RENEW ACQUAINTANCES , it " ; ntf r-t -. - Seventy-five former natives' and residents Of, Illinois gathered to gether . Saturday . afternoon at Higer's grove, to renew acquain tances. 'A Following a dinner at '6 o'clock thi ' members of'the'.nil noia association were entertained by a ' quartet consisting of Eloiae, White, ;Rose Folger, Herbert Hob- sno and Philip Belt, i ' : - ' Governor ; Walter M; Pierce, a native .'ti Illinois, spoke n 5 the progress and 'achievement; ;:of vthe, state". "Robert Eye gare a tead Jng.', The annual election of Offi cers- was held ; and :thef following elected f W; WRosebfattgh, pre ideott Peart Eyre secretaitreas-. urer. - The vnext: meetingroti the association will .be ; held on ? Lin coln's birthday. . ; '.' V " QAMT0N -" CHIEFilS FIRED LOSES JOB FOLLOWING SCS- . PENSION AFTER MCRBERJf n ; -V'- CANTON, Ohio,. Aug. 23 YBy Associated . Press. ) ; Chief . of Po lice S.;'A.V Longer was dismissed tonlght by .Mayor S; M. Swartsi Lengel was to have 'Tettfrhed vto duty tomorrow' after sv 30 day sus penslon imposed Jtily 24 when the mayor considered that .the po lice 'inquiry . into the murder. Of Don Ri" Meilott, Canton publisher, had failed.-' ' ? rnnn l.LiiiJ: STUB!; liOBLEl lr - . . 1 - Xj -t t n ' til fl Ifl iudiU;U Residential, Store and Indus : trial Districts May Be 4 i- Sctby,Law SECRETARYfTO-BE HIRED Careful 1 1nvestigation - to - Precede J Definite! - Action' by Newly I y i " Appointed Planning ;; Commission - V- Little other than routine busi ness came before the 'recently-appointed . city toning .and planning commission at Its . second meeting In .the city half last night. The members "appeared 'unwilling to commit themselves to any set pol icy, as they have not yet had time to become : fully adjusted to their new duties. I A; zoning law.' will have to - be formulated,' dividing the city into residence, store, and 'Industrial districts before " the . commission can follow a definite policy in its transactions, and this law will not be decided for some time. ., " A committee of two men will be appointed to investigatethe mat ter of obtaining a permanent sec retary. Tne names - of - tne com- tnitteewin .be ; alinounced some time this week according to Louis Campbell; chairman.- . Several matters referred to the commission by : the ; city . council were considered;1, and. some other original' questions were "brought ttp. T'The petition of Dave Pngh 'to erect a combination store and residence at Church and . Howard streets, near the new - Tuxedo (Ooatlaaod o paco i.) jqyf.jSLUBSCpHf;ER REORGANIZATION FIRST -BCS- INEBS TON PROGRASr -EUGENE, - Or.,-Aug. 23. -(By A.P.)- Redistribution of the - C2 Klwanlsj clubs t in, theseveaj djst tri.cts of - Oregon, ; Washington, British j Columbia1;; and the Pan handle of., Idaho, informally, .dis cussed at today's opening sessions of .the , ninth annual district ' con vention in Eugene, Will come up ipr propoBea action tomorrow as the' first order of business it 'was announced by KIwanis club of ficials this evening. J . - " Election of a district governor and. lesser Officers and selection of the next convention city 'will bo on1 the agenda In the afternoon.!; :. . opoiaue anq Aoeraeen, wasn.t and The Dalles; Of.; are putting Itt strong-bids for the 1927: con ventlon... Practically all Pacini southern - Washington clubs -ar backing the' Aberdeen delegation SPAH,REeAin COMPLETE MOTOR TRiraitr IS RESOIETJ j oN. rocn? Oil tGHWAY. t PORTLAND, Aug. 23. (AP.) -Repairs'" of the; White - river bridge, seven- miles east of Gov ernment 1 Camp; have been com pleted and motorists .now are able td make the complete Circle. of the Moant Mooa- Lop: mgnway, ac cording to' IL B.: Van , Duzer, of Portland, -member of the( sUte highway commission. The' bridge was ' washed our last week when glaciers from 'Mount Hood were swept through White river as the result of the warm rains, - EX-HUSBAfiD HIT BY SHOT SASI.-SIIARP , WILIr PROBABLY RECb7iR FR03I SHOT.. ; OKLAHOMA CITY, Augl 23- Two husbands make a better tar get than one. . Mrs, Ruby Foraker, In Jail bere charged with discharg ing firearms within the city liar.its, says she shot at her; husband, Chaflle Her former husband, 5a tn Sharp, was hit by the bullet. Friction .over Sharp's presence In the bouse warmed Mrs. Foraker's trigscr finger, - she said. Sharp probably will recover, s :y, L SOVIET RECOGNIZED, SAID DIPLOMATIC RELATIONS 5IAY r?r: BE ESTABLISHED MOSCOW Aug.i 23. -(By; A.P.) It is Beml-oSMctally announced that Uruguay has recognized the soviet govarntaest as a ' lawful govern ment, and diplomatic relations be tween the two countries soon will J. , f f - SeriaiorSmooi ; ; ak&kiaih&Air, V i 0 .4:1 i ., is ? ' Senator Reed Smoot. of Utah, ; ventures .into) the' air for the -first! time, flying-, with- the' air mali' from v Los .Angeles -. to Salt - Lake CUy.-' He is jseen in flying toga and with parachute, all set Cfortto-'fiiihU";. StMlGIVES?UP SICDD Y SWIFT; RIVER '.MA KE8 "' RECOVERY t DIFFICULT . - 3,- The body of Grant Bafdereev 23, who iwas drowned- in; the. Santlam river hear5MllI City? a; wekOj' was jrecovf rd, Jate BundayAby a group of men working under - the direction , of ;.W. 'B. ; Gerth of this tj Mr4r Gerth described- the -conditions as being very unfavorable -as the river waa -very swift, -deep and muddy and ithe-workers were ban dicapped i by ,e a ? log Jam -; under which the i body i was fin ally I Ideat ed. Fortyor 50 volunteers aided in. th search Sunday 'and fduring the Test Vpf the- ' time ; nearly. : 40 were constantly at -work, he - said. Gerthr has, recovered' or ' helped to recover - some --1 J. bodies from drownings la recent. years. - Baraeree graduated from - the Oregon - Agricultural,-' college last spring-r and ' had since been r em ployed,' at T a : , civil engin eer. 4 The you th K war f'the jsori of ; Mr. : and Mrs; R.;D:'Balderee, whose father has beep - 'engaged- in- the' lumber business Tat" Mill' Clty for : a'' num ber bf .years, -.. SJ 'kTSi&i itSyy BAND?PR0DRAUT0r.iGHt CLAUDE-i jfTEVENSON uTOBt 1 ' ,-CIIERRLlN' SOLOIST ' Thfef program for tonight's band! concert has x been announced - by Oscar Steelhammer, director. One more concert remains ; after' 'this pne.j. . Claude Stevenson'? will be soloist tonight. The program loir lows:; ':' . X -'r-- Hostrauser's' March. i Chambers Selection, "Babes in, Toylaftd"- Herbert Uncle: Tom's Cabin ?A ''Dream ,i otj the; Old- SoutV (by re- ;. Quest) .y.?:.. .. ii,,,7.-:-Lainpke Popular numbers, v V ; v; Overture,' "Morning, Noon And" Night in Vienna" ...snppe Vocal solo, ','Till the Sands of j the Desert Grow .Cold; "That Certain Party ".4-. : y t: :.:- Claude Stevenson; Dance of the Sparrows' ,t - Richmond Selection,. "Chimes of Norman-' dy" '.y..x..Z.j: Laurendeau Excelsis March ....j........... Losey "Star Spangled Banner." ; - GRAB PORTLAND BANDIT ROBBllR NABBED IN ' SEAT- TLE FOR APRIL ! CRIME - SEATTLE. Aug; 23. (A.P.,)- Dan McLennan, Seattle police ' de tective 'who arrested J. R. Rogers here two months ago as a' suspect In the 315,000 robbery of a money truck in Portland April !l 8, today apprehended Eugene De Vine, 28, who had been Bought for the same robbofy.' ' ' ;.'.:;'; -v" ... iSicLfennan.' known as "Camera- Eyed Dan," was rldjag on.'a street car. and, glaaciDg out of a window, saw V. -V; standing on a corner. Um- got ' pfL- the car;: and harried back to,-arrest him.1 ; Two other PRICE FIVIJ CENTS j. b. r.uss, si, lilLLEDDV Cil" Becomes , Confused - Whil. Crossing Street, Hit, Die: In Hospital WITNESS CLEARS DRIVER Harold Winger, Driver of : Auto, : ; Declares Ho Sounded Horn, ' "l Tried to Dodge bat 24 Attempt Failed Joseph B. Ross, 76, living at 333 ; South. ' Seventeenth Btreet, diedrat the Salem , hospital yester day afternoon at 3 o'clock as a result of injuries 'sustained when he. was run over at Twelfth and Mill I streets by a car driven by Harold jWinger at 1:20 o'clock in th afternoon. " r , - d-Mr.V Koss' ; received s severe In juries -to Ais head and died .with out 'regaining, consciousness.. It' was believed that he ; suffered a fractured-skull, v - ; , " ..-.According. to an ; account made by Winger at police headquarters, he was - going, south onr Twelfth street, and ,Mr, Ross was crossing at- the intersection of Mill, Ho says he sounded his horn, but Mr, Ross stopped in the middle of the street and . became . confvsed. Winger tried to avoid hitting him but the accident could not be avoided, v; v. , i This account was substantiated by W. Ci ielse,: an; eye witness, who said that Mr. Ross was more than i halfway., across . the street, going west,- anduhat he apparent ly, became-confused-.. He. turned and went back Jo, the middle of the street, then started to run f or ward again, when the car hit him. -Mr--' Ross : -was ;,th rown about three feet into the air,. Mr. He Is stated, and fell on hia head, being knocked' unconscious by the blow. Mr.'Heisd did cot believe that the car passed over -his body.- ;v 7.. -Besides' Mr, Heiae, 'there were two other eye witnesses to the ac- ' " : (Oontlaaaa nit -paaa s. i . ' ' BATH I U G ' GIRLS GO EAST ASPIRANTS" FOR; "1HIS3 A5IEIU . ICA" FASIE IN CIUCAGO CHICAGO, Aug. 23. (By . As sociated Press.) Six bathing beauties, all aspiring ; to be Miss America in : the national contest at Atlantic City, came .to a rainy Chicago -, today in bathing . cos tumes. But their suits were dry, their .-permanent waves still wav ing, and a swim was farthest from their minds. ' ' . ' .'. , - Beach attire agreed "with all the party"- except Miss Dorothy , Mae Rathwelir Miss 'Tacbma;' who, was left at; Kansas' City "with a bad coldv Members'' of'' the group ar riving"'" hero included - Glorina Smith, Miss Spokane; Maxine Jcn nihgs, Miss-'Portland: Lcono F, EnglerMisa Seattle: and Jeanctte Roland, Miss Colorado; and Ruby Wanace, Miss Missouri.;' .r2'..TheVlart.'.wili;ieave''tomorrow for" Detroit, ," thence ' to Atlantic City. ; '.,;..; ' ' STATESMAN CLAN , PIC'.IC - . . ; - , EMPLOYEES GATHER AT STAY , TON PARK ON SUNDAY Approximately , ,150 employees The : Statesman , publiHhlni; com pany gathered at the Stayton city park,' on Sunday for a r'calc and programhat lasted well lata tt.3 evening.'. " ' , . '. i. E, A.. Rhoten, chairman cf thr picnic, committee, acted , as tc, -t-master, R.; J. Hendricks, Cci Carl s Abrams and 'Sen. Fred "J. Tc 0.3 responding.' J At the inee tins, a permanent organization was per-, fected,' looking to semi-annual bo eial gatherings ,.of tho group;Fol lowing gamesand swimming, a. tour of the Stayton irrigation dis trict" was 'made.1 1 -; 1 "MOANA" APPEARS j LAST TIMHS TODAY . . , ' . . - '; If ypo have seen "Moasa," the screen of Hfo and love ia Samoa, at the Oregon theatre, yon will agree that it is worth seeing.. It will appear ;tu8 list times today. . " --;f , It is made up of actual scene 3 from the mystic islancls la tl.o southern 'part of tka worli'3 greatest ocean. Life as it' Is lived tf the natitc3, . It M I im'cthlng ' new;, never before .fchown on. a screen. CoiI.l nvt r before' have shown. .. c!?eT3r?i to have confessed and t1"1 fivr --- -t aaaaSaaaMrSVeVN'.