The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 22, 1926, Page 9, Image 9

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    At? r t
- C . .... s, . 1 .
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x i
' r'7--rrsrtioti&T - ; r
lE8LtB--Soh Comiuertial an- My
mto,.J. WiHar leYoe, pastor, 84 Mr-
era. phone 18 W. Berrlrea 11 a. m., 8.
fas. Beraroa testes: "Lefceere Ai Hh
, As;" "Martin Ltati the Star o the
VV iforSBetion."' Special ! ;at . both
' IcWtorftf; ;.aa ' rvice. Sunday
nchoel: aojwtntendent E. A. Rao-
ten. The "tn-o . Ep'wortfc Lesgues; at" , t
o'clock. Anoonaeement to be triads ia
Btatemin rrlr- ii tlit 'weekv , Tie
. j.astar 1 kom f rorA at 'vaeatioa 'and
will preaek-botk aaraiaf id (tuIdj.
r".: , V -BAyTIST,-r .
FIBST Cornet Liberty ..raa Marlon
6ts Ret.'E. H. Basalts, pastor, v fUMe
school-at' S:5; Edward. Schanke, 'super
tatendenfc. - Classes for ' eJl. v Morning
-warakip at eleYea.. Sermon te-pfcv "Living
Out tko Lor of God.". . Keening at 8
'clock, 'topic, '"Tha , Lie Krer
Tela 'Against .U0 o-!.".' 'Professor
WUUans J. 8Fjr vof . LinftelA " CoUegn will
preae-a at bottt errleea. - -
CASTLE CHAtEL 17th a .Xeoraska
Ave., pastor, .P. C, Hoffman, residence
, 1743 Nebraska Are. Serrieea 11 . m.. a
p. as. Sermon topics! 'Tortrese ' of
Baal", a aw; 'Baashlho Christians,"
p. m. Sander fceheol 10 a. nM tapertn
tendent, W. W. Roeebraagk. Junior aed
enior yotur people meetings 1 p. m.
Prayer meeting Tknrsday ereoiag.
iASOX.LEE Winter etreet at Jef fer
al' Are., Tkemaa ' Aeheson,' astor : Gil
Urrt Wreaa, assistant pastor - ia 'charge
of the- janiar ehmrek. . Ckarek school at
: a. aa'witK ait drpartmcDts, earing
.far all arcs; kferBiag worship at 11 a
ra- Ir. Robert Cstke, Wi Harnett aarrei
ssiy. preaching v People, of all faiths wtl
roasoi to wershlp tritkr a. - fitrangera or
iHitora looking fo k chare k home eirne.
. ially farited te worship with ns. Jier.
"Wreoa? preaehee ta the itrnior clinrck
downtaira- at this Apwr. ..All yowig new
tle ffomf to 16 years f age iarited.
Lpworth Lerpne meet t 7 t." m, In
threo chapters. , ISreaiag Worship at S
p. ' at. . 8peakef to aw announred from
. the' areraiar PDl't- ' The pastor will
rs this week-ead from his raeatiow.
wekassiag kaad awaiu. all . who attend.
. 1 . MTTnODlST 4 ":.:;J
t-OftD llEMUKIAL West 8sle. Pas
tor, P. k ; CaanelL- residence 975 Front
Btv phoae 134 1R. -i Services ; it t. as..
the Biblo-. 8anday school: 9:45. s
. po riBteadcnt. D. . Seliean. . Janior
leaga 7 p. sb. Prayer meethif Thursday
nrearar ab. Sc a'deek ; Kee. . Mrs. C. If.
Burleigh will preach in the aaoraiag and
the" pastor. ' Rev. P. L. Caanel ia too
655 . Tenr 6t and fra. H. It.
CMwelV pastors.-. cjndsy cbool at S p.
m-, woevvtusoB, aaperintefiaent. Preach
lag sei-rieea Ot p. m. and -p. j. .t Re-r.
Kev. Moos of 'Oakland. CaHjT-, wUI , coa
dae aehtt ememfwyped HKTALL cm w
elect the aerrices end will remain here
for several days and win kava charge of
wee sneauaft. j , .
. . , t-f- p -i eiTRXSTXA ' .
COURT 8TBKt.r Court and 37tk 8ta.
K. l. , Putnam, pastor.- resfdenee, 1105
Islie:t!t phoae- 1425V, junior pastor,
Mrs.- R. J rotnam, Hervice,ll a,
7:3a p. hi. Junior service It . m. 8er-ron'.topicsf--"The
Rirhtfal puco of
Prayer ia World Evsacvtisatioa WLZ
The Alwaya Afterward,; p. sa. Xusie
fnrmisked by orchestra and ekoir. 1 Ban-
dsymahool:.9.-45 . nt, saperiatendent,
E. , Cooley. Volunteers will vialt shut
las i (temooa. Christian Endeavor
6;0 p. -m. - Jaador if senior iaterraed
Ule. Interesting ateetinffa for yeang peo
ple. - 'A.dult prayer meeting :BO ia audi
torium, .Wednesday: Volunteer meeting
- P. ,mt Choir practice J :Sd. ? AVo x-
lf'?Bd V rty''"i to' mlL 'The
T ckurck with a family, ipirit.' f
feTJ' PAUL'iH- harck . street af Ch-meketa-
Pastor, liev. H. Iunca Cham-r-era.
Holy Eucharitt at 7 :30 mi AH
the -Tkapel Hcrning service with ' abort
ormoii by the rector at 11 . m. Church
aehool at :45 a. as. ; tr-. . , , , .
s ' V- -- . - " "'A a .;', .
- " ' : . ' V.-EVAjrOMJCAlf-: fe',? '-
FiaST-Center and Liberty atreeta.,
P. B: Cnfve, pastor: Sundty school :43.
1- L. Thornton, superintendent. Presett
ing 11- Bobjeef, "Tno Bible Method of
financing the Work of. the .Kinrdom."
Evangelical League of Christian Endear
w 7 p. -as. '-Amut Mtlee.- preaidec Bar-
t (Continued iron psje 2.f C ' .
. i , - . ' j
to te riTn at the-.Silverton health
center badruarterm att the Wash-Ington-Irring
uIIdlnt?C. Thursday
metl . prpitV 2rt! to 4:3
Q,clock) August ,2$. VThe tiarpo
' of, the tea U to giv the .inothers
an all others Jiqtefesteid-ajQ.Qpporr
tonJtF f4to., tasjiet th1.0g?pmeQt
th health center, haa veollectad
elnrJpg ibe fast rear einca it hit
been f n nctlohln . - ' v.
JIlss Ida Tweetoil, oqat health
Bflfne, and 4Hs3 Catfierfnef V6od-
ra, coairman . 01 ine neaitn cen
ter committee, with, their, assist
Jinta, -will act s hostesses, the
cat are of the ' tea- will naturally- be
iniormat. and ereryooe Interested
'U asked to .come.'-n,f -rr?s-.!-;'
H.-P Woodrr strS6nttn"JT.
Con'L St-.-rarnltur. storw. v Bar-
alna la furnltnro - ef- all -kinds.
Agent (or Lang ranret, beat made.
fUao auctloneera. : ()
t H t: . ; : '. : ,
First Page of Schpbl
. Bpdks Cany X)!d Glory
-TO PEKAi Ererjr pupil In the
public schools of Kansas will see
Old Glory dally next winter, even
If .the kchool may be too poor' to
buy a flag. ' . ; . - ,-,CJ
-.The 'first page of each of the
one million rolumes pnbllshed at
the state printing plant this year
will be devoted to a picture . of
the American flag. '.I- The picture
appeared Mn several v editions of
Ute texts last year, but it will
be found In every book this year.
- Insertion of a full-page repro
duction pC the flajr in coIots kwas
auggested to the" state printer by
the Americanization committee of
the Kansas American Legion: ,
iJreasLTcs Cornet Civcn v i
: -' Him by Cuccn Vi;tcria
: McPHERSOX jicom-
fortable - Kansas home hero re
poses a silver cornet, the gift of
Vlueca ; Victoria to Harry Hap
trood.". Only.' one other- like pre
sentation was made by Queen Vic
toria during' her reign and that
as to Bugler Dunn,. Boc'ri War
hero, to whom she gave a- silver
bugle. . 1 v t ; f '
' Jlapwood, of a musical family,
began playing a cornet at tlo aa
of. eight, was 1 a member of - the
laraous Dlsgatch . band of Kansas,
fcrrrd; triti sstcral clrcr-3 Z'A
Hia Phelps,' lesJer. ' o'clock aoqj and
pralsa service odowtd by acrmon. .
, ' CK21STIA2I 5CI:?CS' ". -r
- FIRST Cbemeket and Liberty - at's,
Sunday : morning services-at 11 o'clock:
Bunday evening aervieea are discontinued
during July and August , Subject t the
lesson aeraion, "Mind." J Sunday 'u hool
envenes at 9:30 a. .' AVednesds-r eve
ning testimonial nteetin at o'tlrck,
Beading room 208 Masonic ..Temple, o en
every day except Sundays aad hoiLi vs
front 11 ta 5:30; every Sunday
W ednesday and ' Sandsy , afternoon front
f 1 . ' T
P ?.Ab .TtDIXGR 3451 ft' Coart ?ku'
C. 8. Joknaoa,: pastor, residence, 1935
ATaplo Ave., phono 191TW. Services S
and 8 p. m. Sundfty achoal B p. m'a'tf
periatendeat, 8. Berey. Week day scr
vieet: Tuesday,' .Thursday aud Saturday
eveningt. ; - '
: ' ! 1 COSQaJBOATTOAl. .
FIRST Lalirrty . and . Center T.Stw ftev.
C E. ard, minister. . Sundoyu sehool at
10 a, m.. I. U. MeCslliHte soerintend-
tnt. ' Pmachtng servrco.- 11 ; a. at. '1t.
V. C. Kantner Will deliver the sermon.
No evening service. . . ! ..-
- chueoh or oofl; -;?v'
I 1348 N. Caurca St.. Pastor. J. Gil
lespie, residence, .1315 X. Church .St.,
phone 1973-M. -Service 11, ar-mv t:30
p. m.' Sermon topic: "Joing Ike .'Wilt
Of God.". It aw m.; Song, testimony ahd
preaching servieo at T:SO p., nr. Sunday
school Ji ' avV m saperinterndent; Mrs.
Walter Barkus. -Young People's meeting
f :4i p. m. Leader, Ella Ilaha.- Subject:
''Two Crminala Tried aad Found Guilty.
Prayer mooting Wednesday evening T:30.
Tuachers meeting Friday evening 7:45 at
J. U McKinney ltar K. Church St.
i ' CHEISTJAW . ! ' 1 -
J iFIRTCenter and High.' Paster, B.
fD. W'bitskr. residence , -Court Aptx
phone 2340-K; avsistaat pastor,; VivUa
O. Wkisler. residence, 444 N.. Winter,
phone 481 W- v StrvUea 11 a. p,
nv; .Sermon- topic: "Things .That iHin
der Spiritual Growth. a. m.t t,Vbf 'jn
jrelcomo Guett,'! p. in. UpeeiaT 'nnie
at all' aervieea.;- Sunday school ht3.
SuperiRteadeat,- lr. H. Ci Epley, ' Chria
tiaa Kndeavor at 1 p. ra. Church" aTght
Thursday at 8 pi tnv Subject Paul.V
itol and Marion. Sta.. Pastor. 21. Iuiiy,
residence.- J6& Marion SW pkoao 445W.
Services ia English 11 a. nv Sunday
Hchooi. 10. a. nu. tupertnteudeat; i'red E.
Kraae. , ,
. ,-- NAZABEB13' 'o
lflh and Marion Sts. Pastor, C.
Hopkins. Teetdjaeo, 10 Marion, phnne
479-W; assistant pastor, . Mrs. - Hopfttns.
Sf-ryicea 11a. m 8 p. m. Sermon topics :
' 'Iv Proved : f Saerffice." ' a. .ni. ;
"Help Eaek Oother."' :. Special atunre aad
singing at each service Sunday.- Sunday
school 9:45 a. m superintendent, Frank
Litmiller. , Senior Young Peopln meet
ing 7 p, :u. TepU: "Th SUndard Chria-tian-
' Leader. Wilmer liuffman. Jun
ior Christian Lndeavor; TtlS p.- m'Mra.
Thoraa Nunnemsker, leader. 4'cdnedy
evening -t '8 o'clock prayer and f.raixe
meeting, led Ty- the pastor. ' Mrs. lTop
kins' will preach. Sunday morning. 4Uo
pastor" wiir ptach hunday evening. 7Er
;er3tbd3r welenthA ' j , ' f
i ARMY" PROGRAM- ProrraM ' f or Kun-
Ijday. Aug., S3, meetings, lor the general
! public at 11 a. at. aad S p. m. 'Sunday
lachoei at. 2 -an n m " fA kiA I- aj
1 t.m nn. .a
park, weather-, permitting,
meet at SiM'n. .
I Young peopla meet
H :"
Waited ScPiilehres.'' Prion . meti.r
Sunday afternoon Publio : cresset meet-
hiiiss on 'Thursday and Katnrday o com-
,inaj wrcx, n p. in, r.vrrytody has a eor
disl invitation Jo thcanectsl trtvri-&m n
u Wednesday,' August 25, commencing at
K8 4-'ab :"Xino years of -eonmibisl fe-
i.iicity- ana no calamity yet." Come and
see! Wholesome, fun or all, and-some--thing
at specrsl' fntrcs't to newly weds, or
' in ue maaiag.
Rc'reshraents. ,-
'Knight Memorial .19th aad Ferry $tat
pastor, H. C. Stover; residence,' 2 S.
19ta- .St.; phone, 1 1934 J. . Serrlfea I0
a. m. No evening aerviea. Serafon ton.
.ie: "A Promiso Kpt." : .
f? ' lctara. .'Tha Judgment Day." -Wkea
La-Ul the judgment eomef ; How long
a perion .ot time witf. What'triU i(
aeeompHjih? VThete and, other qucntiaus
will be smswered i lecture. ery
human being aheuM fro Interested rn rkid
subject. lerby .Bldgv. Sanday 22aek 6
."-m:-- ' '. . '
I . i ' e II i Si mi it - r...
Jn 1891; weif't to Morrison Wales',
where heoined the Grand VIc
toyiaa Army . band,:, ,.
' The Grenadier Guards to which!
the .tand vaa attached. hadIts
barracks In SUames Palace'-, Jn
Lpndoni and, the. s bandsmen came
In contact withmembers of 4be
queen-'s , household. ,Queenj;VY,
torfa i took. a jiersonat Jnteret - la;
her .musicians as - did the,- Drt
of York; now JCIng Georgo V.V '
When. Hapgood ; after , seven
years' of .service,;" resigned
Ameflc. thV,fjueori al'i public
gathering "presented him' "with a
silver -cornet With , a suitable; fn-S
scriptloh. Ufi '
-;lt.s'4i.-.i'i-v . '.f ' '''
Birmingham- Sticks : to .
u Antf-Bare-Knee ' Edict
Birm Ingham's , anti-bareknee reg
ulations, relating to the-stage
must be observed regardless of
the heat wares. - i"
This was the answer of the city
fathers to theappeal of chorus
girls appearing here who endeav
ored to 'have 1 the law suspended
so long .as the 'hot weather con
tinued, x - ? k . . .
'Jf 'Tights i must .ho worai - atl all
times,.: the council decided - j
i Birmingham -is iths only; town
in England . Which : insists, -upon
the wearing-of tight on. thdstag,
and the chorus . sirls have
talking ofboycottlng tbe theatres
here, 'especially. In summer, "i
Seek to Rename Historic :
Yorktown Spot, the Hook
: YORKTOWN. Va. Once a gain
the-1 spot at - Yorktown whereon
was fought the last skirmish: of
the - Revolutionary War will j
IcAoWu as The Hook," Us name
formany years.-. if the movemcrt
spotisored, by- the 'Association foi
the ' Preservation of ' Virginia An
tiquities '1s successful. The asfo
ciatlen Hopes to discard the name
"Hayes Store'V Which" , it 'lias had
for several years. ,
- Marking-'tho spot' where Com
wallls, -penned , In t-t Yorktown,
sought to;. get his troops across
tb York ' river and escape north
aril, caly to have tho;one com
pauy 'acfos3 meet the - American
airl.rrencli ferees at "The Hook",
lfayes' Store nas attracted" consid
'af.tentlon from the thou
sands of tourists i visiting York
town. The scene of the fight i3
'?rrrrnnv rr
.ti.l.iUlll U.;.L
TO CQi.iii LiCuiijY
Eleanor: Boardmah Declared
"Model .American -Wife"
: ; in:Picture ':-
The ever bothersome - question
as to whether i the . prospective
bride or groom should, furnish the
tevrv home. Is brought nrf by El
eanor, Bordman in 'John. M.
Stahi's tprodnctioh of 'Memory
Lane,"- seen ;at the Elsinore
theater Monday and Tuesday.4 I
' In the atory, tho husband,- play
ed by Conrad Nagel, takes his
bride to a ' home already selected
and furnished by bim, regardless
of hia wife's tastes or wishes'-Miss
Poardmari the bride;is highly n
.dlgnant over such a policy And ex
presses herself 5 in no uncertain
terms. .: -j '':AT''t-i' 1. '-'i
. "In this day, and age, if a worn
an does hot go out into the world
to help support herself and hus
band, 'the man is Ute -case ought
to be thankful enough to allow his
wife to express ' herself In' sbmo
way. If only In the household fur
niture. J .-.'' !
"The average' man knows little
about the outfitting of a' house,
and the things, that add' the
homey feeling, and after; all it is
the wife who spends most of her
time In the home not the hus
band. SjV-H -- v- . : 1-1 :f
- "If the man allows 'the woman
to run her own' household . as she
pleases, she' should not interfere
with " her husband's -business, or
try to "help him." "
William ; Haines is the: third
member of the trio of featured
players in "Memory Lane," which
Louis R. Mayer is releasing thru
First National. ' ' . -u ?i y,?-
? ; F'" L, Wooft and Geo. F. Peed,
real estate, S44 State." Farms aad
city prtf perty. . ,They . bring buyer
and seller together, for the bene"
tit and profit of both. ()
Sfe6f Vl tilth -Towers fflr,.:
Alabama Forest Expanses
" ' " ' I1- : , ". " 1
novation 'In' Alabama fire 'control
is la," group .' of steel obgervatlon
towers 16 be erected In the' var
ious timber areas of ' the . state.
The cost - Will k be '.borne 'by the
government.' ; ' j-' '"'
tough territory, a tiremay
by rn , lor a considerable time be
fore it is discovered,' sAld Colonel
P. S. ' Bunker, state forester.
" While the fyangeT eeksV the
highest '-points 'fori bis observa
tions', his view ia often obstructed
by; Ftjntber,l and ridges. J - la, , sucb
5a?ei great additional range of
: visiocf Is obfaibed - from -; towers'
whiclt afford the r Added - elevation
heeessitry to' Quick tire' detection.
V aarV'ejtirar
' rjf" S
-JJ Fxijhtcr, ,ThinIi3--City,' Fcl!is Crczy
' : -' ' " '. .. ' '.
' . ft '
, i '.-v-y J zi : , ?. :
: ; i ''" 0-
s.-'? "
: . ' -:
-. . : ' . . '
: . - -
i r-'" fi:y;.
t J. .'.
, , .1 ,
, 7 i
'."..":. -i rVf - -i'fii::$;j:A ,44-.f . AAa.'o; !
Chief Last Man, famous Sioux
fighter; who has reached the ripe
old age of -86, had not been oft
the pine Ridge reservation since
the battle of Wounded Knee un
til be joined Miller Brothers 101
Ranch Real Wild West and Great
Far EaBt, coming to Salem Friday,
Sonr -.5 ' ' . '-, ' i
' Last Man looked over some of
the big cities and t formed a con
clusion. "Pale faces 'run here and
run there
Rush to work and
rush home
Heap big hnrfy 'bout
nothing. Palo faces damn fools.
Love Scenes' .Background
Must Be Kept in Harmony
HOLLYOOD,. - Cal. -The old
fashioned parlor with puritanical
atmosphere is no place to stage a
modern love scene even in a pic
ture film. - " . .t t .
The , background ' fork's, "scene
embracing -. amofous; .J Iberalltles
mustybe" in sophisticated Jharmony
not to offend picture'audiences,
; hoarse, boorish love in a cas
tle would appear ludicrous on the
:' - vWith, the, opening oi tije AutUmrt sea$qri fashion ,
- '"in-feminine apparel .undcriror conjpjeie chansre ot
identfty cmeYging Tn 'nand'COlorful giie;'rich
; in fabric and lavish in the
aTaTat ATS i t' -am
tlie Smartest Modslb!
; ; . ; '.4 t - . t. . ' ;. . e4 ' , - '.'----. .
But there is an orisrinallty of line -and;- detail that
makes them distinctly tieW, Figured " pjaids with
: tailored or mandel collars' seem to'': be fif st .choice,
They, are -quarter'-or ;fulljline4 just--as one .may .
choose.5. P'br those who desire utility coats for Ischoof ;
and business wear, will surelyjbepleaset with bur
first showinff of these sport styles. - .
.Hie Tay Aa
fAU - crajfy.";. Chief Last. Man, re-
spected leader of - the Sioux, has
neverhad to hurry, except In war.
fare. ' He cannot see that hustling
gets anyone, anywhere--! If he has
to move quickly; he has his pony
move him,' and this be does when
! be leads the hoala of .'Indian war-
Lrlors into .the 10 1-. Ranch arena.
Last Man and. the other chieftains
ride their darndest .trying to keep
I up wth the wild Cossack horsemen
I of. the Imperial Cossack circus, the
I great , feature of the 101 Ranch
I show this season.
screen. f said Charles t. Cad waller,
art.;Iector, at : the ; Metropolitan
studios here: .:fA specific form
of love scene. In t the films loses
tnticH of Its suggestion when It I
made secondary to a. room design
that Ja Ultraaring. , ;
American; . audience , - tare
come to a -point where they accept
certain types of love .as being- pos
sible only In a distinctive en
vironment "'
v Troubles Can always De found
without a search warrant.
use of fur.
- i '-if- ' '
Voa Go Slcre .
y ,-Jt aV- - V
ihi:;iilUiUsi.iCiJJ i:.
R.E5I PiCliiE
tn "Beverfy ' of .Gfaustark1'
k She Has Made Most of '
' Her: Best. Role - - -
Marion Davies, . the appealing
orphan in "Zander the Great,' the
piquant princess' 'Mary' in "When
Knighthood Was in Flower," the
intriguing '-.-FeJj' of "LlghU Of
Old Broad way? --Marion, ;-i. Davies,
who Jbas given, the screen so va
ried a series of characterizations
that nothing eifTe seemed possible;
has come forward with still .an-,
other and this , time one that
marks a. new page in screen hls-
torj." f .- lyy:,lJi-i
j. - " . -y ' ,
i TaJs'fs- ber;role In "Beverly of
Graustark," her nw Cosmopolitan
production, may be ' seen fork the
last time today at the ' Elsinore
theater., .The World knows ber. as
a screen beauty, and as anl emo
tional star, and lately naa come to
welcome her digressions Into com
edy in whimsical; flashes In her
story. . . " ' " r
- But as a crown prince that's
new. v .- ..:""" '. ' ' -
- Sarah' Bernhardt did -what Miss
Davies: has done; in- "VL'AIglon" i
but allvln a tragic vein. Miss Da
vies .hag taken the same idea and
made- it) real-if ar-' more - convinc
ing technically, and. In a. 'serio
comic yein. There are 'many
flashes of humor and-much enter
tainment in Miss Davies'- masque
rade 4a a crown prince, to remark
ably done that at times one could
swear 'the Prince of Wales was act
ing he -iiart. - The likeness e
tweontbeiBTltisbjprJnce and ldlss
WORLD'S : 1'
BTORE ' .' '
demand -and such values
- i i f i. r.- . i i
i I.I I f-,l i
vf J I r
" " Mot 'Xlbne" TltiyiBW Eybrs??Ji?.pl;
. ;voitiAci 'fi bnrtarav tsHtH what !r rifht -the -kirtci -rf. valued voxt have a ri?
-. - . v MAM'eVaJ a tis V 0 aatoa n . a
Are Fatterned After Younfc FeHown Own Style Idea
Athletic Union SuiU
I , Lightweight, cool and very
rdmfortable for hot weather.
Good quality n a i n o 0 kf
losed crotch; f bttttonless
fiy front: Fasten With two;
'buttons at - ahotxlder -no
ether i butfojrt; well- rein-4
forced, r All siaes. Very low
SlipoVjer and
Lumberjack Sweatera
Bright - colored 4 squire '
cbecks-lnd plaid t. 'Well
shaped and Carefully knitted
of -worsted plaited or rtyott
stid . worsted corrtinations
Exceptional values at--- ;
rt? t)ri r i r
- ,r -v- 4
y I riS
V "" a w - nrCaaiaMsTSsjaia. i
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Davies: In. her ,bo7isUri-.lnakettp''.j3
posiUvelylincanny." 'iJ;-:
The story .1? & brilliant romance
f European'tcourt Intrigue, adapt
ed from the ;: fa mous ; novel by
George Barr-McC.atcheen, :one t)f
the ideal roriahces Of the 'decade.
Miss Daries play the heroine and
masquerades, , as'; the "prtnce In a
daringly" original situation that Is
fairly (breath-taklnet -
Changs Hat Styles to
- Defeat Vogue of Bobs
,7-PARlS.-The bat, simpler 'and
-unadorned; be it the toque such as
Queen- Mary, weirs, the .bell; - or
the pot f shape,.,; has -bad its day.
So;- at list'think the: guiding, irf
teillgenees .oitho Parisian : mill!
nery,- world; who ;' . have declared
waroa;--tt?!bA:as a mere utill
tarianir bSad-cqvering, ' cnly, made
possibIe-y the J prevalent custom
of bobbiisgVv''-- t-: -A'i v '
; The ca mpalgn willropen tn the
fall." TlMrw first, bats are now be
ing prepared lThey are elaborate
In form-'auf distinctive: in style,
but the ibobblng habit is growing
rather. thiivwaning, and the av
ersgeParUla shows no' Incnna
tlbhojt 1 returning to Idhff.tialr, s
' ;is Yolir CleaiMr, Giving .Vou Satisfactop-;'
J4- : ServicVon" Small; Kepairsr (.',-c .
We5 Give Special Attcntiow. to tfhi(Vv
. Telephone and Our-Delivery. CarVii-1 Call'
4 231 Ne HlghTelephDne 934 ; ,
V -.-- ?J' 1
rv -
' . j.ysniuiiuN-,
N. Liberty aStixjet-Salcxh
. J ? , V is- . i - '.... . -
to be found;liere eyery day
- - . : 3. t'.4- :i '?-1
? Sty!ed-to-tHerminute-rr
with - thej new slightly
broader shoulders , and.
snujness fat. hips. Two
button single-breasted or
three - button doable
breasted. - .
- PieViots y.and cassi-"
.meres the" quality kind..
Overrjlaidsi.i 'novelty,
stripes', fancy weir2
KiaKt Shirts
. Extra full Vent" for cota
'. .fort," SI ;td.0 ija. ;bs
Made - bjsc all , or ttt , S 4- ia.
'long; arm hoits and "elbows
cut wide j'sleeves 33 to 3
I InT lc V Low . priced at s
Our "4-for-i "
Hose fcr' Men'
- - . i f .
Everyone knows our fa
mous 4-for-i " socks ' for
men. . Tber ' are well-made
In every : detail with no
loose 'threads." 'Extra good
quality msreerized-lisle, in
cluding heel, toe; and to
Always at our. Nation
low price r
4;P '01.60'
A - - v V- - 5t:tc. ? f
( . ' ' v lecte 1 1.
a i "v. .- --X rear vi
f - - i- - .
'' -'
':. Statesman:; t:A'"dexisrcua wta
telongs.'to,trt7, :
A thorough cnimral and proaEOStonal achcumi
ship is the outstanding characteristic of the
State Univers.!. '. ' .
-i Trouitnc tfafftfrntn.' .1 -
"Mc1rjertmWrf3 ci .t'J CoIIe"? cf
literatuTC. Scknce--and tl Arts.
ArtKltcf-rsrirJ A"" zJArt.
DusirHjss"Adr.'r.'. Itl'J... i rduca-tk)rC4nm!"tn--r.-r
.' Ctuy
7ork Extcr"c Division.
$14 Te&y pes . Seegber - 27. l2$
for Information or cerstogue anc .
; V .- 7aa ReiMrmr. UntVrrmtf of
YT''- 'Orejon. ucrkf. Ore. ; .
v . rf-' r rV
ht to
in the.year. aWe do not
-- -""'.
Tbotuaads .Cajey " .
- This ICifd cf Sanies,
. The - thiugs :yo need, and
your family-, needs . cannot be
' determined by the calendar. It
may be a j?air of shoes today,'
an overcoat- tomorrow, articles
in the notion department the
, 'next day, and. so on.
. Rather than lnconvcn.ez;ce
yourself by waiting for a "sala,
in order to .'make yotx pur
chases at low prices, it "is be-
' h'eved that you appreciate beinj;
permiUed to enjoy, th lowest
" possible prices whenever you
- need to buy. ' " ' J
' Such advances are at this.
Store where price Are at tie
" .lowest figures all the time ratl-
- er . than part of the time. '
This is real puttie service.
Hats fcr VCX
neree - -Ths Ct v.
SOME hat, even for a If?'
then, llarmoni'i'r z silk
bands." in newest i 'iH cciifs-
PearL Sand. Villiw sd
Steel.' An all-round Lit
&t- .... -v- . , - .
t.' m91W
c - - s !
1 I II l
V ' : J ; -'