The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 22, 1926, Page 8, Image 8

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Tiin Oregon" statesman, sale:i, Oregon
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I er of John Cattle. i SIr.'CurTle,
graduate of thevUnlTrsit7t Cali
fornia, -is connected a the present
lime with the Silrer alla Tiinfcer
company. , : ; .
. Covers at the dinner, were placed
for Mr Worie, Kcnnflh, licntson,
Kdgar Wri&htman, riohii Currie,
: MIhb Julia Currie, ait iho hosts,'
lr. and Mrs. J. C- C4 rrie.
- t i
Domiciled ;at Neskoxvin''
Mrsc RuBseli CatlinV and. Mrs.
Frank Spears are amongr-Xhefprom-inent
SalemlJnatrons doUciled at
Neskowin where they plan Ho re
main nntil tbe.jniadle, of apptcm
I ber. . necenlly- Mrfc Catiia tVlsited
Id Tacomi for .six weeks the
ae$t of her sister,-Mrs. U-S.
Mr. ind Mrs. Craig ArRive ?,.
t isaiem . r ouawinn r
'Mr. ami Mrs. Charlea Vtilerous
Crai": Hesent Jordan 'arrfJTed at
I their homeVat the Robertaf apart
ments on Friday fdJiowioi: a ma
tor weddinr trip to CVancoluver Is
land and the Oregon beaehtesT: The
, CraiK-Jordan,wMJng: wast an out
standing event Seattle I society.
tne marriage -navi3S laneja piaco
on August 11. - - i t
. .-airs, Craig win ltc$ nottored . at
numerous attractive a$iiirs, during
(jttsl3 at jliiott tlmr
- T
Mr.' and Mrs. F. A. ".EilAtt 'en
tertained. MrJ and MrsJ AtVHHl
of -t Grande and Mr. :uid -Mrs.
Thoznas.Ilill of Chicago i at t$?sir
me viauiors taier leanu ior i;ra-
Lter Lake. 'Thomas Hilli is a stu
dent at J?ush medical college ; in
Guests "fit Clark' Home
Mr. and Mrs. Cbeteter C. Clark
entertainled as their hlou-guests
last' week. Mrs. ulu B.' Shelton of
Parkplace and Mlds Ethel Butler
of Toledo, v Ohio. '. M rs. . Shelton
was formerly; art supervisor in the
Salem public . schools
Miss Hollfc.Vick is spendinir the
week-end in Fads city as guest
of MJss Mildred' Grant and of Mrs.
Gladys Paul. . - ,
1 A ..
1 r
:tue avijix swept over
. '- .. : J f ... . ,
"J '
'. i.
Th "wind swept over tfie fiill today, - ;
"" Romped jover the firs and dusty,oaksfc; J
JostFed the yellow grass in play
' 1 Ar;5 rustled the cofh with his merry jokes.
r r . .
-, The wind danced over the hill to-day
;; With the tansr of salt in his wake,'
- tike a sailor-bold hfe had "a way :
i Y.ou know the way , bold. sailQrs iajce !.
lie played a Jay! hornpipe for me . ' ,
' And tny f eet scarce touched the grass.
-A song "he sang of a star-lit sea, - : ;
, A man- a.moon, and a lass.
Oh, the tales I heard .within my car, 1 . J.
Must' never, - no; never1 be told., " ' j ;
Rut, sometime,-maybe, you may hear ' ' A
. If "your,hea'rt is not withered 'and -old. u
I, -. ..x ; i. i . - Perry PrescottReigelman.,
Vnoar left: Miss Z. Anns 1 Tender.
km ngajesMnt t Cepks . Raoudsa
of ysaaoBV .wsstunstcB, was nut kbvvsj
st a a attrmeUv te st tM some of Mrs.
I J. McDiniel, ?orUnd. esxjy is Aogoss.
Mini JLsvendtr is s vopnUr grsdusU f
WiUsatt university ' wtth tas clwi
1924. To wsddizrs wUl t pUet Htt
Uppr ric-ht: lOss . Bevsttey Hum
Xobsrts, alder dsafktsr f Mr. sn Mrs.
John 3. Kobe tts, whoa feetrotasl t Josn
Crsndsll Wstsoa of OsUsai, Csufomix,
was formally aaonneed st m t n Ass
ert -18 at tiis Roberts homs on Stats
street. The wedding will he aa event t
next sprbie;. .'',...-' -..v-.-
Lower- left: UttSe Miss Marlorie Jane
Klctaifn. yottrer dan filter of Mr. sad
Mnu. Kalh IL Kletsia. Marjoxle JTsm.
who has heea ' spendiaa- the past asonth
st Mansanita with her mother and hrother.
Hnld. and .'sister. Dorothea was sevea
months old last Sunday.
. liowar riant' Mtaa Marv Huff of Tiffin.
Ohio. -who has-eome to Salem to-make her
homo with ber ancle and aunt, mx. and
Mrs. I. C McShsae...-. : - I .
Guest at' Ohmart Home
.Mrs. E. ' V. Allen of Miltola.
Oregon, was a recent visitor at th
home of Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Ohm
art: Mrs.- Allen. who Is Mrs. Ohm-
art's mother, .Is (now a t Newport.
Callers at Junk Home
H; Recent callers . at the home of
Mrs. D. P. Junk land . Mrs. Bertha
Junk Darby were Mrs.. Elaie Hicks
or .xm., Dakota ana ner; sister, 'Mrs
Nettie Henderson of Portland, and
Carl Humphries vof' Pasadena, Cal
ifornla, a - col Idee - friends Mr.
Humphries is a nephew of : Mrs.
Junk. : v-- -
formed quietly at 3 o'clock, in the
afternoon with Rer. E. C. Whit-
aker officiating. :-"::X- - - V vy;A -i
Following a wedding trip .up the
Columbia Highway and to The
Dalles Mr. .and Mrs. - Townsend
returned to Salem and will be at
-home to their friends at 1190 Cen
ter street after September 1. 1
tiishops Spend Week
at Beach
Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Bishop are
home from a vacation trip to Sea-sfde,-
Oregon, . and Ixng Beach
Washington., .They were accom
panied -by their -: grand-daughter.
Miss Elizabeth Bishop of Portland.
At Seaside tho Bishops ' were
guests of their son and daughter.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bishop,
w bile 1n Long Beach tney visited
Mrs. Bishop's ulster, Mrs. Alec
Mufr of Portland.
Grace K. Chase and Robert
Littler' Announce Betrothal
Of .wide Interest In Salem Is the
announcement of the engagement
of Miss Grace Elizabeth Chase to
Robert .Mr "Littler,- both of Palo
Alto, . California, and both well
known in Salerno - -
f$Wa& Chase attended. Willamette
university as a freshman. later en
tering- Stanford university where
she graduated 'with the class of
1925.1 r Miss Chase is, the daugh
ter of, Mrs. Mary Knowlahd Chase
of Palo Alto. -
Mr. Littler is the son of Mr. and
Mrs. J. B. Uttler, formerly of Sa
lem..'.' He has been active in de
bate and oratory , since Ms grade
school ' days. At the Salem high
school - he was ' a. member; of , the
nutate championship . debate team.
SeUlowing hia graduation, he en
tend Willamette university where
he again excelled. Mr. Littler en
tered Stanford ; university, in the
fall of 1923 and is now working
toward bis . master's degree. Mr
Littler plans : to take his doctor's
degree1 from Harvard. .
During the 'past : ? year he has
been a member of the' University
of Hawaii at Honolulu.- - -.
No date baa been - set for the
wedding. -- -, . - w
Leave for Camping Trip
Dr. and Mrs. L. O.. Clement lert
yesterday for a short camping trip
along the upper Umpqua. . . .
After the wedding dinner, , Mr.
and Mrs. Waddell left oa a motor
trip to San Francisco. ; ;
iThe; following r former - Salem
residents were among those in at
tendance at the wedding: : Miss
Belle Miller, Mrs. Marie Matthews
and daughter: Isa belle, of On
tario. Mr.1 Oliver Matthews of Los
Angeles, and the Misses Lor a and
Ruth Purvine of Long Beach.
On Saturday, August 8, at -8
o'clock Miss Esther McDougel of
Los Angeles became the bride of
Mr. Chauncey Pruner.
The . former ; couple, 'Mr. and
Mrs. Waddell t: will mako their
home at 1120 W. 9 4 to stroet, Lo;
Angeles, after September 1.
SP'vid Month in Montana :
Mr." and Mrs. C E. Smith and
son are on their way to Hamilton,
Montana,- where they will visit at
the home of Mr. Smith's father, J
W. Smith. ;;- . 'iV;.
Guests at Neskowin ft I
Dt.; and ;- Mrs. J Shelley Sattr-
man, Miss Edith Burkhalter, and
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Harbison spent
the latter part of the past week at
Neskowin. , - . .
Motor to Southern Oregon
Mr. and 'Mrs. Curtis Cross ac
companied by their daughter Vir
ginia and their sons, Frank and
Edwin, spent the past week on' a
motor trip to Diamond and Crater
Lakes, and the Oregon Caves.
Mrs.,Egan Honors
Mrs. Rothschild - 5 .
The home of Mr. and Mrs. Al
bert Egan was the scene of an at
tractive dinner party followed by
an evening of cards, when on
Tuesday the Egan's entertained
for - their sister and : brother-in-
law, Mr.and Mrs. Joseph Roths
. ' -' k . . . '
vyer-8i,iue ainner were ar
ranged; for: Miv and Mrs."Clif f ord
Parmer, Mr J and Mrs. Lloyd Far
mer, Mr. and Mrs. E. V.-McMeglFl
an, Mrs. Claude Egerton ( Clau-
dine - Rose J , Mr. and "Mrs." Fred
erick Peckebach, Mr. and Mrs.
Newton Smith, Mr. and Airs. i. a.
Roberts'' Mr. and Mrs. Homer
Egan, and the hosts, Mr. and Mrs.
Albert Egan. . - ft
House fluents at
Goltra Home
.Mr. and Mrs.. Frank Baglry
rHfln Goltra) and F""'. jonrr
adena,( California
an extended visit
Mrs. BaRley'& rare::!
Mrs. J.' O. Goltra.
-v TintH !tr. arid "Mrs.
Willamette university graduates
Sih-erton Ihcdth fader
in Xnnnxnr I CCt "
A tea or a little
inaFv interest ' to
surrounding ' community
:;!;y "are
more t'
4 . .
I.Th ree Matronsnferiain . -at
Late Summer Tea ?'i ?;'.
' j Exceedingly' -attractive 3 among
the social affairs of mid-August
was the tea on Thursday after
Sioon at" which Mrs.! J Homer 11.
"Smith. -.Mrs. V. W. Poorman' and
; .MrsV -Ludlow. IL LeFurgy were
- hostesses at' the Homer Smith
boms.- Since, a rainy afternoon
" made it impossible to serve In the
' garden, the tea table : was placed
; indoors.;; Little 'Miss Eleanor Lu-
; per: greeted the; guests at the door
.. while -the hostesses made up the
-..' receiving .lLne.ftfft.ft.'i " v ft j
, - Assisting in the rooms .were
Mrs. Walter J. Kirk. Mrs. Karl
Becke.' Mrs.: Allan Carson,- Mrs.
Orris Fry," Miss - Helen Kafoury,
Miss. Mary 'Kafoury, Mrs; Clifford
Farmer,, Mrs.; E.; N. .GUltogham
and Mrs.. Lloyd Farmer.
, -rink-i inn J as,' ; blue- ageratums
' "nd salmon pink mandragons were
- : effectively combined1 on the center
table, while old rose tapers burned
In silver holders.' I.-: ' .: "
m ' A variety of the most. attractive
garden flowers ; wore I arranged
' ahoat the rooms. . - -v , v. ;, -.
Presiding at. the urns durln
the aftcrhoon welre Mrs; Josephine
Stewart, Mrs. Jennie' Buirk,' Mrs.
Groer. C. Bellinger , and Mrs.
Daryl Proctor.
Doembeckcr Hospital 1
s: Report; Is Received.
. A total or 91373.83 -has been
received by the Orison Federation
of 'Women's' clubj Doerabecher
- LospLtal. fund.. Sace the'annual
. . ccTrrtiou last lfay in La Grande.
, The tu::imer -contributions proved
gratifying to J the:; clubwomen's
committee In , charge of . the me
morial children's " hospital fund.
and widespread interest - in-the
work for the hospital this coming
year ' anticipated. "according to
Mrs. Saidie Orr-Danbar, past pres
ident of the federation and chair
man of the fund. - The committee
to take charge of the work is jus j;
being organised.' and ' names soon
will he announced. '. "
" FpHowingiare . the clubs whkb
have contributed to the fund since
early May: . . ; ; !".
Portland - Women i .; Research
club $500; Salem Women's club
893: Klamath: 'Agency Woman's
club 16.6 7; 'Marsh field-MIlling-
toniWoman's cooperative' dub jof
school district Np. )8 15; ;Hubbard
Woman's 1 club 82.50; Chiloquin
Woman's Community cltfb 866.66;
Shahapta Woman's club 85; Mill
City' Woman's club ; 825:;Forest
Grove 1 Woman g ? club .8 1 0 ; -Moro
Woman's club $50; Eugene clubs
3500. Oregonlan. -. -j j
.1 Lata -and
J C -1
v a rriocilla'
et tie t-'.r-rrth.Conr:;
a ,tew line -of
ii, ana tne ex-
raan children's
i Variety Etcre,
rc.'al. ()
t: ; E
;ft:s l'"i c t:,.l-.t
. -: rs iirisrsre, cat..;;
'i i -I t-va tla tT:r:;re-
vers Co.,
:-t an -3
. .' t;c:i,
Miss Hodge. Returns
From Canadian Tour 'ft
ft Miss Frances Hodge, youngest
daughter of r Mr. and " Mrs. - D. "A
Hodge, is spending the last weeks
of August in Sal cm as the guest;of
ber parents. : Bliss Hodge spent the
earlier part oT the summer visit
ing in Cornwall. Ont., Montreal
and Chicago. ! - ft" .-ft '-.-:
Early in Stpteniber Missjflodge
will go to Sprlagfieid . where she
is a member of vthe high school
faculty. i ' -
Pierces flake. Extended
Trip Into Washington
and Eastern Oregon
:ir. and ?lrs. L. R. M. Pierce
returned home duSng the past
week from exceedingly interesting
motor trips Into Washington and
eastern sad central Oregon. Th
lomer trip -was made in company
with I!r. and Mrs. J. C. Taylor
eni- diusMers,"- Marguerlte-Tind
Hxlzi, JcLa Jr., ct Tcrt-
landft The party left Portland for
Astoria, - going ' thence to Long
Beach. Ocean Park; and then to
Olympia. ft The objective .of the
northern trip' was Rainier National
park. Leaving Mount Rainier the
families returned to Portland by
way of Tacoma.' '.- .- Y
K From; Portland MrJ and - Mrs.
Pierce went in turn to Arlington,
Condon,- Fossil and Mitchell, in
Condon visiting with, d brother of
Mrs. Pierce, Stanley Forrest,. The i
Pierces crossed, the summit of the
Blue mountains ' to Bend,-- from
which. they later made the famous
Century drive, includiog'innumer-
able lakes In their itinerary. They
returned home by way-of the Me
Kenzle Pass and Eugene.
Guests to' Return Honie
Mrs. George Rea and daughters
Genevieve and Carol, of" Kimball,
South: Dakota, after spending sev
eral weeks in Salem as the guests
of Mr. and Mrs. William Busick,
plan to leave tomorrow for their
home. The - Busicks have enter
tained their guests with -a num
ber . of motor trips to. beach and
mountain resorts of interest; '
Home From Seattle .
Mr. and ; Mrs. ; H. V. Comptoa
ana cmiaren are - home from a
week's visit in Seattle as guests
of Mrs.- Compton's parents, Mr.
and Mrs.' F. W. Witbam.
Miss Rose Is Guest
Miss-Helen Rose of Astoria will
spend, the next ten days in Salem !
as the .guest -of her mother.. Mrs.
George Rose. - -- On September 11
Miss Rose will sail for France to
ipend a'year in study abroad.
Oh Motor Trip f
, .Mr. ana Mrs., 4. it. wmett are
on a two weeks motor trip to
Montana. In .Kalispel they are
being entertained at, the home of
Mrs.jWillett's parents. They plan
to Teach home late this week by
way f Seattle and Vancouver,
B. C. - r
Dinner, at Currie Home
-Tho country home of Mr. and!
Mrs. , J. C. I Currio. in tho Waldo
Hills, was the scene of an attrac
tive dinner party on a recent eve
ning when -Mr. and Mrs. Currie
honored Jake Worle of Wausau,
Wis., a Sigma Chi fraternity broth-
1 '' r -- i' -1 1 i
.The Dake-Rite Eakery. Bus?
every day supplying best homrt
with bakery gooJs ef all kiadj;
in a ancnea cieia tj your
own. 5a Ltat Et. ()
Salem Matrons
Visit in Aurora
t- Mr., John Giesy : and hia sister,
Mrs. -R. G. Hendricks of . Salem,
and Mr. jWill Hendricks of Port
land, were week end gtiests at the'
home' of Mr. .and Mrs. Charles
Becke. Aurora Observer.
Visitors to Return' !
to Michigan -
Jack, of Lansing, Mlchfcan, plan
to leave today for their lome, af
ter having spent several months fn
Salem as -: the guests of Dr. and
Mrs. W. H.. Pardee. ' The Pardees
have been ".entertained with In
numerable attractive motor trips.
Mr. Townsend and Mrs.
Mulkev Are. Married .
- Salem friends" will be interest
ed to know of .the '' marriage : of
Mrs. Fannie R. Muikey and Mr. J.
Walter ' Townsend on ' Saturday,
August 14. at the First Christian
church. -The ceremony was per-
Vtstt at Durbin Hom'e
Mrs. Frarfk Durbin Is entertain-
Ijhig as her house-guests at Nesko
win Mrs. Edwin L. Baker and Mrs.
Baker's sister. '- Mrs. Lena .Dela-
hoyde of Colorado Springs, Colo
rado. " .
Week at Gilmore Hotel
MrsV Mary Yockey and Miss
Elizabeth Bayley spent the past j
week at Newport. They jero at
the Gilmore.
Choir Mother Js
I Guest in.. Salem ,'
Mrs. Susan Laur of Freewater,
Oregon; Is .the, guest of Rev. and
Mrs.:H. C. Stoverf"Mrs. Laur. who
is supervising the making of the
choir vestments ft for ; tho Knight
Memorial Congregationalft church.
plans to spend a month here.-- ,
Former Salem People Attend.
Wedding in Los Angeles .
Of Interest to many Salem peo
ple will be the news of the wed
ding of Miss Nellie Pruner of Los
Angeles- to Mr. Gordon Waddell,
formerly of NewLondon," but now
of Los Angeles.' which was per
formed In Los Angeles on Sunday,
August 15, at the . bride's- home.
First National Sank, the bank
of friendship and helpfulness in
time of need. 1 Interest - paid on
time reposlts. Open an account
and watch your money grow. ()
Parker Co., 444 8. Commer
cial. - Don't fail to . see Parker
about repairing your car. Expert
mechanics at . your service. All
work guaranteed. . . ft . j,:Cl
, Y3oCJ?fi4a1 ;
1: :- : -jm-- - -:--'. ism-"-1
' i vUmllyteammmmhdmim ;: ... . . -. Soitd wtda mt IT
. ,i Uumm,Uu. . 4j com. nmmd, :
- Hl lee. , .
u i
' v.' Ai Ltitcy. : lltiiat3 .fsweiry I
store. -at you" are Srclir for
i3 j2T;ry. wtcra a c:. .: I t 1 t--y
S3 tsiciy r,3 a r i cr r. :--.
Give a fine Watch that will .
be prized for years
If your gift is to be a: lasting re
minder of your sentiments let it
meet the recipient's own standards
of taste tmd timekeeping service.
It is needless now to buv an in-
f ferior watch just because the
Our new Divided j Charge Ac
count permits you to select a genu
ine Gruen Watch by paying only
part of the purchase price now.
The balance may be reduced in
equal intervals out of your income
Mr.r;man Brcc. Co,
Jewelers - SilTersnitha
'Xziz nt Liberty Phcna 1233
1 r
Srwo j8 octangular
for Fall and Winter wear
' . - : - : : .- .'. . ' .
We Have Chosen Carefully in the New; York Markets
We Await Your Early Selection
The prices at which all our Rcady-to-Wear is Marked
ft this, fall rrke them really remarkable values
J;yliatever.the fashiofjs and prices, .ours are authentic and corrcc
A, Miix fP
. . . ju-yy, .. . f ,-M.r-- .......
...i. i v - -. ' : - n Wi I A
Jr ft
Never have styles been more original and ever so many fascinating materials
and trimmings are making their appearance. y
' : . . : ., ' -. . - .
We Assure You .Expert Alteration Service
v Novel details individualize the
newest - dresses ' for ' fall. . Materials,
are Satinback Crepe- and flat Crepe, i
in the lovely new fall shades as bur
gundy, amethyst, browns, beige, red,"
navy and black. Buttons and buck-.
les are in evidence, wool,' silk and
.tinsel embroidery. Styling3 are in
straight line one and two. piece ef
fects. . - , -
Dresses at 10.95, 13.95
15.95 and up to 49.50
Due to strikes in the New York Garment markets, garments were not com
ing in as fast as we wanted thern. However, now that the strike is over we
will be receiving many new 'things every day.
Children's School Coats Have Arrived and Placed in SicclT
Coat lines for Fall are varied,
blouse, dolman, bolero, the cape
Ktraicrht coat with line3 broken
panels and? pleatings all have their
"part to play, - Materials - are Suede,
Venice, - Bolivia and others. Large
and small plaids and designs. Many
coats are fur trimmed in novel nd
interesting ways.
Coats at 15.95, 19.75, 24.75,
35.00 and up to 150X3
Carefully filled, we pay
express or postage with
in a radiu3 of a hundred
trill r"ir"
.- f f I . t . ! !
VIzta Store
4CG Ktate St.