The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 22, 1926, Page 20, Image 20

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! S
'r Plt Serried Station, at Hebo. familiar landmark to all Salem
people-, who go to the coast by that route, is owned by P. D. Ott of
k u em. and. numnii h . ivin t. unn . u ...... .. -
. , , . . y -p . . bb , t nines irom
FcrtJ to ! fove Lcrtpst i I! "
i C;;StecLrn Generating; Units
- DETIlpIT, Au." 2tThe Ford i
Motor company lias placed an trd-1
er with the Internallnnai fnmfjiis.I
tlon -Engineering: Corpor&U in for
the equipment of ihrise ad d i ti on al
boilers at the River Hon plant,
with complete water walls and air
heaters, amounting t5 more than"
500,000.- v. ' ' '
.TEeleDoITers7 togEernBoni
bollerva!readr fitted-irirh Interna-
uonai com ousuon equipment, will
be the f oar largest capacity steam
generating ; units : In! the ; world.
Each will have a generating ' ca
pacity of 600,000 to 650,000 lbs
of steam. .
.'Automobile Safety in Ond ; Finger
1 . ' . '. ' ' " w. WVV.VVV UWU-
, - cross roaas or omaing line between the upper I era place stamp of approval on
i sex as greatest car on the Amer
in murks tnr thn minia : V VTT
" -MO iijuu. . . I iaitinhii Mnf. , .
luxe slue visits
. V. B; Barns had. all week as. his
K-t P.' C. Wilson; who repre
sents the Perfect Circle. RIng,Cd.
J Wilson Is well rersed In the
unncipai or Uie Perfect Circle
, Iing, whereby it saves oil to- the
motorist, and was able to give the
r ichanics much' valuable Informa
tion.- - -.r
;j- The .advantages, of putting an
effort behind merchandise Is well
BVown fa the matter of. the Per-
rlag has been ifae' principal seller
lirthe east,' bat only" recently has
lherT'een any effort to Introduce
alaUT. the, west. XEoweYe'R they
nave . now begun adver
tising,' and recently . &r Burns-Dan
iuoi orotners the same
an has Uken over the distrlbu
lion for Oregon.- -
-'-.-OAKLAND, Cal., Aug. 21The
earnings of the Star Car division
or purant Motors; Inc.,, Including
lUyes-Huad OSody corporation,' in
the month of June, f were $511,
after depreciation and fed
eral income taxes, according ' to
K. S. Jones, sales' mana ger of the
Pacific coast SUr' factory, here. :.,
- . L . ' .
.Yirtue: 'hn attribute that can
! maintained; only by -constant
effort .not to be'eaugbt. " -
UNIONTOWN, ,Pa.Becausotof delight when they bite into
a crash between a motor true our pleB Bnd ci Better Yet
and -.".a, locomotive In which the I hrAArf.
l ; A ... : - .l.I " .
viujuouie sanne worst oi ii, me i Better Yet Baking Co. - i - ()
started suit for' damages against
G. L.. Hamilton, the moter. truck
. In nearly - (syery grade crossing
race betvfeen A railroad locomotive1
and a motor; vehicle that ends in
a tie, the locomotive comes out ort
. ,
. The Far West Is the best nlace
in the world to live. In. to raise
children in,, to come., la 'and. stay
top; ; -The tables. ' were f ecehtly I in because It ha? more; automo-
tarnea in new ngiana, penn,, i ones per tnoas&na pojJDjatlon and
howexeyer,1 when a"; heavy ioai I consumes more gasoline per car
truck crashed intor ir Pennsylvania I than any " other; region of similar
railroad locomotive.. !; u. .w Ham-1 limension on the rlobe- 'That. it
iltoh,- owner of ? the truck filed 1 1 ' real" moa.thtnl.r Sounds like an
suit against the railroad in" which I old-time booster blurb", doesn't it?
ne asaed S3. sou oaraaes. , I JjooX. at It ; this awy : .The , dos-
Iloalroad officials Immediatoly I session of a car pei family indl-
niea counter suit against Hmu-1 cates a huge purchasing power in
ton. claiming . that he wai the I every stratum of the DODulatlon.
cause of the crash,. since in their I Gasoline consumption t . indicates
legal opinion the non-proviaian of I that - the families ace nsine" the
anti-skid chains when needed An I bus. .'More families : lnr- thet- Far
stltuted vj reckless drivings They I West i have more- money to soend
luriiier ciairaea inai. ine locomo- i tor ruoDer - naes. Which means
tire had been damaged by j the
motor , Uruck . to the extent ot
Pomeroy ; 'A Keerie, Mewelers:
nejer lau w trive you . iuu on
the dollar. Watches clocks, stns:
cnarms. aianuara nign graae
stock in au department.. (
that, they can aford to send their
children to school for a longer
time than anywhere else. Which In
" tarn means Jbroadejt education,
better citizens,; a, wider, deeper
democracy. And . school statistics
confirm' the deductions f drawn
from automobile , ownership fig
Hospital: i A way station - on
iuk roau io me cemetery. '
, -yt,.
Mrs, H, -. P. stitb. mil I In err'
Most beautiful bats in Salem; all
hapes and colors i full stock from
which to make fins selections.
Best quality. S33 Stata Et,. ();
This ear is fined Ui
J VSH r s m U UaC UL W " 1
Ira' Vail, national dirt-track champion, flcinonstratinir th now at
ty varuam Rear sliift to Harry II arts,, winner t tlio 120 mile raco '
at Speed way , NV J, and to racing : drivers nd officials. ; Left' to
right; IB.- J Thompson,. CluUrm an Contest. C'omtulttre, A, A. A.,
Fred Wagner, starter at the big rares, Ira Vail and HarTy Ilartz.
After four years of rigid test
an Important safety deviee for au
tomobiles has- been -perfected in
the .vacuum gear shift which
uiaKes we snuung or " rears ax
simple as retarding the. spark. By
the" use of. a partial vacuum ob
tained; fxom the engine all faults
of electrical, mechanical and mag
netic gear shifts are-avoided.
.Por -i beginners and .those ner-
yons when driving IA traffic the
vacuum gear ; shift" removes their
great handicap- since no compli
cated coordination of leg and arm
movements is necessary. The full
braking power of the engine may
be used descending eteep danger
ous grades. Ift hand' turns and
stopping and stajting in dense
traffic ; beco mes a s i m pie q uestlo n
Lpf moving' one finger. -
The gears can be shifted bv
this finger without takinr either
hand from - the wheel. It Is only
accessary to ; move ? the speed se
lector just under the rim- of the
wheef and : then throw out- the
clutch as tidttal. A special latch
makes, it Impossible to ao into re
verse and &ear cinnot be strfp
ped. , . '
A final ftest of the naw device
was - recently made. Three- rs
equipped with the shift started
front Larch mpntr N; Y.? and made
Ihe trip; to Boston with the dyiver
of the teBt car. manacled to the
wheel. . His -right hand, was made
fast by a handcuff which was not
removed until the car reached the
automobile speedway near Atlan
tic City: This trip wa continued
from Bostoh' through Maisachu
setts. Connecticut, New "York" and
rw Jersey to Philadelphia n(1
then to Atlantic City. .
During the' return trip" the test
car was driven by Ira Vail, cham
pion dirt track driver, who was
manacled as the, first driver'; had
been. . At Larcbmont.;N.Y the
handenf f - was unlocked by the
Chief of Police In the presence of
other town officials ahd of Georgq
th Sexton representing the.' invest
or. Driven by day, and night and
through two very severe storms
the; entire journey' was without
any mishap and a neV safety rec
ord made. 1 "
H. L. Stiff Furniture' Co., lead
era in complete homo furnishings,
priced to, make yon the owner. The
store that studies your every, need
and is ready to meet it, absolutely.
H. Tv Love. th$ Jeweler. 8 3 S
State St. I High quality jewelry,
silverware! and. diamonds? The
gold standard of values. Once a
buyer at ways a customer. ) 1
mmsa i
President "of Oregon - Motor
Stage Association Sees
..Progress. 7, .
r "Stage service in the northwest
has Increased by leaps and bonnds
during the ixv year. ; Many new
services Save been inaugurated,
additional ; schedules have -been
added on existing lines and new
and" Improved equipment has been
placed- in service on all lines,, so
said Mr. Lemen. President of the
Oregon Motor. Stage Association,
In a recenl Interview." ,
"The recent 'X C. C. hearings
over the. United States have, dis
closed the fact that this growth
and development is typical of the
whole X country .'V. continued Mr;
Lemen;? "In every section feeder
lines have, sprung Into distance,
serving the ; sparsely settled dis
tricts and ' giving regular f sched
uled service into the metropolian
areas. y
"This growth has been so rapid
and conditions are ; changing- so
fast, that, it is Impossible .to say
just what this, new system, of
transportation ? will grow Into." ;
"Authorities at each of the
hearings have ; advised that It
would be a great mistake to handi
cap this pew transportation agency
and prevent Its growth and devel
opment: f-. No limiting regulation
nor ' excessive tar should bo im
posed that will discourage or re
tard this development until it has
had a chance to expand and prove
its .economic .worth.; -..Within'; the
next few years, when things have
settled down and after the stages
have" taken their proper place in
the transportation system, then
with all tho facts before them, the
legislature can decide' the proper
place for the stages in , the trans
portation field and can Intelligent
ly: provide , regulation and ; taxa
tion. vsr -s--;'----::- . r-
The Truck and Bus Bill was
passed, imposing an. excessive, tax
ation on the motor stages, which
would; have compelled 8.5.; of the
stage lines - to cease operations.
This would have been a terrific
blow to the 'isolated sections and
towns, as there are a great number
of towns In the State which have
no other means- of communication
with the outside world besides the
motor stage. , ' .
: Capital City Cooperative Cream
ery. Milk, cream, buttermilk. The
Buttercup butter ha no equal.
Gold standard of perfection. 117
8. Coml. Phone 299. (
; MAKixG' jumit cmzpxs
Cross-country motor - travel is
making more tolerant and broad
minded citizens out 'of thousands
of Americans by giving them a
We Sell and Service
; VC.T.C.' ;
Balloons and Cordi
Tires andTues
tiric4 Viili lcav Felt ;
Per Pair
Lloyd E.
387 Court Street
senso of l;inshl;i wit'? V i. .'ry
as a" whole. The diaU.. e 1 ..(a
these camps under f '. :. c-trt.o and
palm, means' .nothing, to the leis-urs-Ijf
s tourists p.etwecn .these ex
tremes he passes through states
with individualities so di?tifirt
that crossing? the, line Is like at r; -ly
entering another country.
First Prize, alcntj, ii
$1000.00! And four
teen, other zizzzblz .
. prizes. Surely, ycu
want to cater this
Speedometer Llilcc.: 3
Contest, which v, ;J
- strcte the extra mile
age that is buil into
CTC tires.
CTO Dealers have full de
tails. Q, Get the prof.tale
i story now! t
r '
"A CTC Tube Adds MiUs fc
, A.lmzrt A.ryTire"
IQaintn t New TricnusTl. rc ;, !t
lIxtraMir.:zz" -vimi
i t,-; iMv
WIiaiUKMp 6r?? Whatimilli Do?
; . . i J- i-...; --j -.-... i. fsf. .,. ..-.:.V :f .- .-.y -n.,-..,-
: Y EJeIT vc-ta-i is yours vvheri you buy lissd '
5 You are sure of good service: exceptional
. Value: llhCral frrm rnnrtanni ffArm..
anions you have the car, end a fir
e , trade-in .&IIbwaace whe y'ou are;
Read These Testima;ziai
, ; - , ..
;. ' ' ; v- N
4 '4
ZGjfXoTUi Jlighj Street
Telephone IO93- 1.2
A ?
f'-ZZ. . --ili . HiiS
r.,..,... mr'-j -
1 -':a.-,.;;..Lil..,-0LJ!L-i.jL4':
til.. ..1 j 1 c . - .lis 11 t 1. a
t, b. Sa!om
Under every conceivable COO"'
"31 dition cf , weather, and tea-
throuIi the crueHms ;ordeslof
-; constant grind, -hour tftcr
hour, day-in day-cut; over
the steep hda, tho etrait-'
. Crvay;- th: pd, ruLCidztn
and 'rouIr dirt rods 'that'
cover' tf. i 1,123 crea cf Gcn
cxzl Ivlotorx Tiov'.r.z Ground
ti-.- C-. Wn.w J t JJ
h'a3 prerved its v.crllil'
Why hunt all over America' for
a warmer climate for , the winter
when , we have it here', on - the
Nestuca. Bay,(in the" southern part
of Tillamook county, Ores;on.;
Why hunt for mineral, springs
when you can buy a pound of- min
eral that will make 20 gallons of
the best mineral water' in the
world? .-..- . s
Why hunt -for a' health 'resort
and good water, when ; we have
them here? . Millions o gallons
of thet j best drlnlting water are
going to waste every year.
Tahe, advanUge of this, great
opportunity. T I, will assure that
ypu will be honestly treated and
reasonably charged. - : t .
Kelp ore la mined from a blue
shell roclc formed by a sea-kelp
deposit. ; The r mineral Is found
only tljree? feefc nndergroupd; It
ueiongs, 10, ine ocean. t ; .
The magnetic water Is the wa
ter that is on the ore and' the
granite and . the , water;1 from the
Surface can i not . come in contact
with it. This magnetic water Is
very - pleasant to' drink, .but i the
atr .must b kept from: it. ; : ;?
The color. Is blue, but as soon aa
It geU in contact with oxreen otf a
I ,ow temperature - ( 3 0". degrees) s it
f J-turns; re4 '1 M paint ;and it will
Ucnarge wun an iod or e.arth at 60
derre. 1 - im.ii....
viuuu ; at , ax . temperature of.
drink it. ' Also, the magnetic wa
ter will charge with: microbe at
a temperature of, 106-12C., . ,i
" The magnetic wafe ? i 4.L
doubtediy the water -that Iwa on
the earth In the beginning of all
vegetable and animal life millions
of year ago, and L call it "Magv
netic.'Uocene Water. '
A. C. (Hld)Iilj,hop A. J. Konsseau
I'houea 21i:o-UiU5
sr,o Aorth High Street
- i
(Mildred ; J. s,tolt) ' ?
v The following is a conversa
U6n the writer had with Mr
urooien ort the Brooten
ore Baths recently:
'Can you give me 5ome points
Kelp-Ore?" I asked. "Why
is Jt so curable and how came vmi
to know of its" curative power?"
"1 can't snare
much time," Ur.
Brooten . replied.;
"You see all my
time is, taken up
by people wh
come. .. here for..
help. I have to
stretch my tima
as far as possi
ble;! don't get
more than five
hours sleep in
every - 21 hours,
b u t; t h a t s
enough." ' ,
,"But ; t-ottMaX
you . in a few
minutes give mo
soiua LaL on tlio
mysteries of its
H. H. Brooten.
cuTlng properties eo I can get an
idar I persisted; "An -idea
would be worth a lot to the peo
ple." ; - t ' ,
"Well, I have : no . time, to go
mm ; it ail," 1 said . Mr. Brooten,
a. -i. a. .,
,viu. majo.i.can give you. "an
Idea, as you say. To explain It
ail would take days. ' : t
"To begin withl handle the
most necessary, things - for - the
benefit, of humans and that ,1s
vibration. We will say' that VI
bratloa makes tha-'world; It is
the founder ot life, i Vibration
also is the main agent In Keln-
Ora.' Millions of, years ago Vi-
oration was so immense, it work
ed this kelp deposit and charged
it so strong that today., when pro
perly treated! it controls other
Vibra'tions which arev a, detriment
to people and cause much sick-!
.."The" sickness of Deonle todav
is over-Vibration. All thlnea
have Vibration, but an Intelligent
human has thoughts and these
thoughts,' if strong . enoueh: will
materialire in the body and form
a silicate. .This Bilicate is' the
cause of sickness. '
"I don't mean all thought is in
jurious,' but let a person worry,
get dissatisfied or angry and
lot mote 'things that upset him
and his Vibration will, double its
speed, , Thelresnll;Mhfin.,YlhrA-
tlon has gained this speed. Is the
formation, by the uniting millions
of tiny. hard, sharp silicate frag-
uieuu, ;ui a jutrmiui ; cilicaie
This silicate causes sickness of a,)
kinds. -It is a kiilei.!
, ."Well; now. Mr. Brooten. what
does Kelp-Ore db. a.a you say, to
this'.VIbratfbn, or over Vibration
In. a human?"
"Well, it la plain to see that
Kelp-Ore . has so many , more Vii
pratlona than a human being could
evervhave. nThat wheni a person
drinks or 'takes a Kelp-dre bath
or puts a Kelp-Ore poultice onl
the ; Vibrations'; lri ? a human" are
overpowered and brought toTnor-
-row. Mr. Brootp. I would
like to ask one question .metre
How do you know that; this sill
cate comes In the body from these
Vibrations?" v 5 ; . ; v i
"By taking an illustration from
nature, you can see it plaln You
take the aand on the beach, i It
is a silicate f brmed from Vibra
tlon. ; Going through the water
meeting the . shore and silicate is
The magnetic powers -of - the
Kelp-Ore assists to control vibra
tion. Send for booklet vhtch
gives, full information" and 'ex
plains Kelp Ore.
' Beware of imitation Kelp OrteJ
There Is fake ore on the market!
The only original Kelp Ore-Is that
having II. If. Brootcn's signature
and photograph on booklet and
boxes. .
Kelore, 1 2.50 per lb; Post
age extra. . . '
Trial size Kelp Ore, 60c'.
- Kelp Ore,- 92.60 per lb. Post
age extra.
t Kelp Ore -Liquid, r
"Urine analysed free
ox. bottle.) '. t.i
Cottages with stores, bed spring.
, . , and electric light
at moderate
rates. . - .
. .Baths, $260
;each.:w 4
ranoramlc View of Brooten'a Iiatli ir
How to. Reach
- Brooleu'a
. ' Baths
Take Roosevelt
highway do nth
from Hebo. Turn
off on road to
t Pacific -'.'C. I t y ,
'.about- one-fourth
Untlaw. after.- this
turn you will see
s!sn - "Brootc-4'ii
.Baths." Take
. plank road up
I will give a list of patients
who are- glad to testify as to what
my hatha .have done for them. I
al;glethe namer 'f some ; of
thosewho have been cured ? by
drinking tthV ore water some ty
drinking . the magnetic water,
some by using the oxide of iron
the same as antiphlogistine. and
some whose hair, had been falling
until they; were nearly . bald, .who
by taking shampoos in my ozone
oxide mineral were able to check
the falling out of their hair, and
start the hair, growing again.;
Mr. A..W. Atterbury. of; Tilla
mook. Ore., had been- sick for
many years with heart disease and
stomach trouble.' Could scarcely
eat anything, - was . sd weak he
could hardly walk around. Took
baths for one month and drank
the pre water, which made him
feel likea new man.." Could eat
anything at the table. " Gained 40
lbs. in weight and ever since has
been in the best of health, lias
traveled some ; and been at work
and- well for, 8' years. Is now, 75
years or. age. I' ... J X-- .-:--X --i
Mr. 'Johei BlackwelL ot Sheri
dan," Ore. had been In poor health
for a couple of-years: Was told
by doctors he was - In :i the last
stages of cqnsumptlon. . He was
so weak he could scarcely' walk.
Was advised to take some baths
and. drink the oxidized ore water;
Took ten baths in magnetic water."
It would be impossible to convey
an impression - of the impurities
that came out of his system.
Took-10 rripre kelp ore baths and
began to gain In strength and
weight: In 25 days he had gained
2 pounds; He, be'eame heavier
voan ne naq ver. oeen before, at
58 years" of age. lie U stilt using
oxidized. or,e water to drink. Will
not be without it. ' He enjoyed
the' best of health for four years.
Mr. S. B. Crowley, of Rfckreall.
Ore had beeif In poor health- for
many years. Some doctors called
his troubles neuralgia and some
called It rbeumalism, and he suf
fered many deaths every- year.
He. was advised by physicians to
try -urooten's
Kelp Ore baths:
At the first bath
we learned Vthat
all the pores on
the "Jower ; body
were closed; and
it was no wonder
that his- health
was in such con-
dltion. ' After 6
days of drinking
the magnetic wa-
e r and some
kelp ore water
ad' massaging with, the wonderful
soapy mineral and bathing: in hxagi
netic water, and also sweating in
the oxidised steam, . a glae-like
perspiration came out -of - the
poresT and In five' days more 'the
perspiration came freely and the
nerves - and f muscles and glands
soon worked like clock work, and
the patient's health; was better
than, ever before. "lie has now
been In gpod ' health for over two
Tears and is 75 years old;
I, was suffering with sugar dia
bptes. I went to H. H. Brooten
for treatment, ? By analyzing . my
-urine he found 60 soUd. - I
took his treatment for four days
ana in mai ume sugar was gone.
It seems to me that I can't be too
thankful' for the twonderf ui treat
ment.; 'Diabetes must be Inheri-
tory, my mother;; suffered many
dreadful' disease for five , years
before she died, and the . flesh
finally rotted off the bones.
am hoping that these lines will
be a help to people suffering of
the 'same. Now I am drinking
TKelp Ore"- every day. ERWIIP
WOtFE, Blachly, Oregon, a
I wish to say a; few words in
praise or Brooten 'a Keln nr r
can heartily recommend it for akin
diseases. I had an infection on my
tape. ror years and it continued to
spread and become more deeply
bcbvou. ineo. WOOlen'S Kpln CYrn
and It healed like magic in a very
short Hime and never returned...
J. W. Tabor; Bellingham, W,ash.
t tlfish to Bar. ; soma ' nnlilnir
words about .. II. II. Brooten'a
"Kelp Ore" so that others can be
helped if they have the same mis
fortune as I had. : While I was
cooking over a hot stove my arm
was naaiy scalded. -1 did not nav
much attention to It and started
a" big washing and must have got
poisoning from the aoao.-- Mv
arm started to well up and began
to pan something awful, a red
streak began to come up the arm,
my fever was 104 and blood roL
on, had started In. I took; two
f " .. .. .... . J u . .v 444 t
wash dish of cold water and
bathed my arm in that solution
for five hours. Sometimes I put
the : wash' dish - out of doors eo
that the solution would get cold.
My fever went down to normal
and I had no more pain and took
up my work the next day. I can
heartily say that H. II. Brooten'a
Kelp Ore Is worth its, eight in
gold.- It should be in every home.
water, Oregon. ?
;;--..;;-,;.;. r- . X
Mrs." Renny Mulky, of Amity,
Ore., had chronic eczema for eight !
medicinal treatment but to no
avail. She was advised by her
family physician"' to . take Eroo
ten's Kelp Ore; 1 Bath." - First
bath gave great relief. In seven
days-; the pofey - Were' open, per
spiration flowedfreely and nerves
werd uleted-Aftcr 20 days she
experienced, riot mora ! .itching sen
sation and jWatf entirely cured.
She has been in the t at of health
foe eigh t 'years. 'r . ; "-.
Mr. A. B, Rice, of Venatchee.
Wn had, sugar diabetes and couid
not eat anything but walnuts. He
was waiting for the last hour to
come and was a burden to his
famUyand. misery - to himself.
He heard of Brooten'a Kelp Ore.
and began to drink very strone
-solutions; of it.. Ifo be ran to cet
better health, from the first day
He gained, la weight anrl in two
months could take up his work
as engineer on a steamboat. lie
has enjoyed, the '"best of health,
for six 'years.' A great surcrizg
to his doctor.
BROOTEX-S 1UT1IS-Looiln5 Out Towiml the Vadl
A. G. Heater, of Sheridan. Cr
had chronic bronchitis and was in
poor health. Tho lur.3 would
not oxidize the blood i -. 1 ! o Buf
fered with shootlnar I a ins all -through
the tkest and a!! thrm.e-h
the body. . Hi, trk1 -all. 'kinds
of remedies fcut-foutJ no relief.
He was advised to take "lirooten's
Kelp Ore" hatha and ia doina so
lour! that his
poroH uni ncr- -vous
system were
out of order.
After fifteen
days ho exi
ienced no
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gain el weight
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s ince.' '
1 t J
. U. BROOTEN, Predictor - CI '