The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 22, 1926, Page 19, Image 19

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    : ,10 TO DID
1600 CAflS DAILY
New Building to Be Erected
for Manufacturing Porn
. ttatf Sixes Soon ... -
S- 'tremendous, building and
expansion program announced re
cently by the Oakland Motor Car
company looking toward the
building of 1 QOO Pontlae Sixes and
600 Greater Oakland Sixes dally
actually got under s-way- this last
week when A." R. Glancy, presi
dent and general manager of the
company . turned .the first spade
ful of sod. In the presence of of
ficials' and'; department ? beads, for
the. construction of the gigantic
new separate factory for manufac
turing Pontlafe. Sixes--rv;;K'i
Mr. Clancy announced that final
cost figures for this new building
program call for : the expenditure
of $7,600,000 Instead of 5,000,
000 "as flr?t-announced and also
for the completion of the build
ings ' Ja.nuary.lsM i
There will be .nine ' acres ". of
basement under the gigantic as
sembly plant alone, which Itself
will be a. quarter, of . a mile long.
In thi whole plant there will be
approximately 30 acres of floor
space under, roof. An excavating
company has already I begun the
st n pendous .task cof moving 350,
00 cubic yards of earth at the
rate ' of 100,000 'cubic feet a
month. Actual construction oper
ations are "scheduled to get under
way-in three weeks. -
At Shipley the ladles of Salem
have satisfied themselves that they
caa get the finest spring and sum
IB er frocks, coata and dresses ever
shown la tola city. )
k. i a inevTotei cnassis, nitea wun
ryf . special "library body accom-
r iiodatlng hundreds of books neat-
aijr Biiaii&cu wit BuriTra, is emeritus
ita ixth year af service. with the
vanston, TIL, public library. "The
portable library; brings , literature
to the suburbs during summer
month's when schools are closed. ' .
X. H. Moore. 235 K. HIgnf St.
apartments, and atore where you'
can get high quality furniture and
furnishings for every; roem In
your house. , 4)
! Although most neonle feel that
j tire- covers are most valuable as
A a protection from raini snow and
'Vt these factors are negligible as
' , ,oipared to sunlight itself. Rub-
I her cracks and oxidizes In sunlight
.1 and for this reason monufacturers
wran tires with heavv naDer dur-
J log. shipping besides as.a "protec-
non against : scratches ana airt
Cobb it Mitehell Co.. lumber
and building materials for every
purpose. Get estimates, look at
quality of material, then you will
order. 34S S. 12th St. -; ()
.--T - :" . .. . '
It Is a well - known fact that
motorists considers'the tire cover
merely as a decoration though in
actual fact It 'shields "the spare
tire from the. sunlight. rVhich its
well known as a destroyer of rub
ber, and ' to get the greatest, pos
sible service from spare tires XTC
engineers advise the. use of tire
covers.-' , . ;
Berlin-Dancers Showing
. , Charleston More Favor
BERLIN, (AP) The Charles
ton Is just beginning fo assume
proportions of a ballroqnf craze In
Berlin, one year after being Im
ported from the United States.
The Dancing' Masters' Associa
tion has announced that the res
erve of dancers "has- at last' been
broken down aud that by - VCbar
lestoniqg" they no longer feeMhey
are putting on an exhibition per
formance. -. - . - r.;
The Charleston is none too ton
ular! on the stages Five'hundred
members of the Wandenroegel, a
New Youth organization,; recently
precipitated a riot when they de
manded that Miss -Wickl . Werk
meister be. "thrown out'"f or do
ing the "heathen dance. "; Shouts
"Do you call that art; filled the
theater. Scores of fist fights de
veloped. Police stopped the show
and cleared the theater." ,
I 0 -1 t M ' f t- 1
Own Hand in "Worth -Wood
- ST. PAUL. Minn., (AP)
Clinching her Job by a daring capt
ure of two illegal, hunters Mrs.
Florence Stukel. one of, the few
women game 'wardens, .is in the
Minnesota Jake , country , making
life miserable for Betters, dyna
miters and other illicit fishermen
One cold wintry day last winter
this Intrepid woman tracked' a
pair of "poachers? from the scene
of their kill deep In the woods to
their automobile parked along an
isolated road.' 1, When the driver
refused to halt Mrs. Stukel fired
her revolver at a rear tire and
punctured it. . sha vara a ..ov
ular post with the state warden
force arter conviction of her cap
tives, j . ,
f Mrs. StuTcel. a widow, quickly
graduated from an office position
to field work. Now she fearlessly
scours the lake country surround
ing a one-room cabin headquarters
which she built. Her companions
are Miss' Marian Colby, another
woods enthusiast, an,d her dog. ; '
Bonesteele Motor Co.,' 474 S.
Com'K. has the Dodge antomobtle
tor you. All steel body. Lasts a
lifetime. Ask Dodge owners. They
will tell yon.- , , .
4; Let us prove how near perfect
tion our tires are by showing jovl.
Tire cover free with each tire pur
chase. Malcolm's Tire Shop, 205
North Commercial, ' " ()
KIker Auto Co., yorry at Llb
rt.St. Autos stored, and bought
and sold. Cars washed day and
night. Low prices and service will
make long friends. ' ()
i .
! First Vintage of Wines
! ; Hungary's Liquid Asset
IT : gary's most valuable iiquld"
a- tt former Comm Issioner-Cen-
.frul Jeremiah Smith found, were
- 0,000,000 bottles of the finest
iLfinfeage wines, which the Covern
'lnent was willing to sell at one
fourth thejr former prices Among
these were a million bottles of
the famous Tokay wines, produced
onr in Hungary, which could have
been bought for a dollar a bottle.
Before the war Hungary , was
a great wine-producing and con
! suralng country. Its citizens drank
freely of the delicate, amber-colored
wine from .the slopes of the
ifaned Tokay mountains. Cut the
riroat.war brought an end to 'all
s i conviviality, and the averasrn
igarlan Is now content to drink
Grovtli of Closed Cars
Lrinked to Buick History
NEW YORK, Aug. 21. The
growth of the closed car is closely
ly linked with the history of the
Buick lotor company, - -!
First one must go .back to the
1914 period. At that time people
thought the motor car had reach
ed ;-: its senlth. Valuen were -believed
to 'be nearly perfect and it
appeared i to many that ; automor
bile sales had reached the satura
tion point, that prices could nev
er be reduced. . This was' before
the war when materials and-wages
were flower t and ; the 'dollar was
worth nearly twice as much as it
is today. ' . .
i In 1314 the'Bulclc Motor com
pany built one closed car, a coupe,
a strange looking affair, described
in the catalogue as "a closed car
of magnificent' appointments,
every detail complete nothing
left to be desired. It had a 112
Inch wheelbase, four cylinders and
35 horsepowerv. It sold for $1800
from the factory. In contrast ii.
the present, a 4-passenger, 6-cy-Hnder
coupe, selling for I14C5.
which has a horsepower of 75, a
Saleq Super
Yung & Eckerlln j g
, .
Tough time to change tires on'
the road. Better drive In often
and have us look 'them over
and take care of them for yori"J
This low. costing service will;
please you. - You 'Only pay for
what you get.
hivice Station
S S S v
High ami
Ferry Streets
1 '
; s
' ?
f - . ' . t
x ' 11 , ''
'I .
, 7- : I u J T ' - ' -
. -. ' i -' - . i i -
Coal and Dry Wood at Reasonable Prices
Crfiting Local and Long Hauling - rJoving
143 South Liberty v - ; ; v Telephone 930
ame -
ana met
J - Dodge ; Brothers have Jc'ept ,the .faith. V v5-
: J Year-after yearlheir motor car:hastcon- ,
. : tiriued to mature into a better and better
- - .product. .. V. v .
'V 7 .
;j Beauty has been added to dependability,
V Comfort and silence to beauty." Endlcs3
' ; refinements, have been made, arid. the
- basic sources of Dodge Brothers quality.
maintained in every detail. , : r
.. As a consequence, the NAME Dodge
; . Brothers is even more valuable than the ;
; great Dodge Brothers plant itself, and
eminently worthy of the public confi
dence it everywhere inspires. .
. The public may resl' assured that a ,
Good Name so priceless will - be safe
., guarded jealously, by. those who hold its '
. destinies in their hands. 5 :
Sport Roadster . fll50 Conpe
Touring Car . . 067 ' . ,' Hi&n
Delivered , ' .
i " -J . , "
1 474 South Commercial . ; Telephone 423
"f t lJ J GI 4a.) W- saJ U L 3 Lr i w
X "1 "
120-inch wheelbase and every
modern improvement.
Even a greater comparison Is
shown id the '1911' closed car.
That was a 40 horsepower, 4 -cylinder,
r7-passenger model, with a
wheelbase? of122 inches. Its cat
alogue ' description read, ; "The
first Impression is pleasing to the
eye and' suggests beauty and class.
The simple elegance o( finish, and
graceful lines have, never been
equaled. Today it would be a
cumbersome thing; topheavy, and
overloaded with accessories." It
sold for S4 000. ' .
In 19T4, Biiick built Its first
six-cylinder touring car, called the
"finished automobile." It had 48
horse-power, very little , extra
equipment and sold for $198!;, The
highest . priced open car that
Buick guilds today, the model 55,
is 75 horse-power, Jias a 1 2 S-lnch
wheelbase, four-wheel brakes, bal
loon. tire-, .extra .sport equipment
. for comfort arid appearance makes your
car just like new, , ;
u A set of our Enclosures on your open car
:";gives you sedan comfort. : '
Our Paint Shop is spoken of as
f 4 I'One of the Best in the West"
'lJ ', Let us make your car new. Only
, experienced workmen employed
" ' Open or Closed Models ,
. -,;?-- . ' , - - -.. - . , .
v'-;Tops Glass Washing Greasing
p t t. Painting Storage Tire Service
Gas. Oil
Woods Auto Service Co.
T. C WOOD, Mgr.
Phone 809 Oregon
and Rella-for only $1S25 factory.
During " 1915 no closed cars
were manufactured. The demand r
was .'all for open modeis and with
the approaching war, a closed 'car
seeni a-useless luxury," . - -
f Today, however," the closed car
has become so popular "that of
Uuick's '16 'model.. 12 ki.
closed type ' .
The Man'i Shop saves you a tf rt
dollar bill on every quality eutt.
Shirts, hats. .. ties, : cofiara. lllz'.t
grade clothing, rnrfeft t'.ll'.: ,
long wearing. 416 Ktata. (
visit the anSGOia
, . . . ..
Wonderful caverns within a mountain
of marble. ; '
Hotel accommodations at the Caves. 1
50 Miles From Grants Pass via the
, Redwood . Highway .
Well Say
It Ig Unusual
We lake in your old equipment
and give you new Miller
Balloons . ,
von Yovn old tirf.s, Tinnis
r For All 'Autos Wearing Size 29x4,40
If we were to publish the allowance we will give on your
old equipment, everybody wouldsay we are crazy. Drive
iip and ask us. ; . '.
Miller Tire Service Co
197 South Commercial .
Phone 313
- 1 11 """ .. " '1 I I . . : ; :
. 'TpkrP7r A- ):- v. n . o -
i rTTT!S "TTTn yT TT TT M-T7- TT A T t7 '--
- -. -.'i, . r ' , r r . ... . . I - m t - - I f - I 1 - I v t I ...1 1 ' ' I M I -' W f M . I .-5 A . 1 ... - I W 1
. Good . : Ms a Kemmmm p see .
i I
... 1
BONT. rniss -seeing this :New Your first favorable impression of
Paige Brougham-r-newest of smartness . and comfort will be
the hew-Paige models. Yon will further enhanced once you rtake the ,
wonder how a' car so fine can be - wheel of this remarkable car and
sold for only $1295 f.o.b. Detroit learn at first hand how easily it
- - ? - - : ' - handles how quickly it accelerates v
The beautiful. Brougham body is how safely and surely it stops
larger than most sedans. Its interior, (with Paige-Hydraulic 4-Wheel
is roomier. : Enter or leave the rear brakes) and how speedy and ,
seat from either, side without dis- powerful it is how economicaL
turbir-g those in front. Five adults : lowered with an' ultra-modenv,
relax comfortably on deep-tufted highly-perfected Paige-built motor
cushions Hie mart Jines of this I yOVi will find this car sc leader in
Brougham are enhanced by a finish performance in any company. Ask
of rubbed, waxed and polished lac- for a demonstration it will nor
quer ia two pleasing tones of gray. obligate you in any way. .
of this lSew Paiges
Improved Paige-built Motor,
none more modern nor better
lubricated Full High-Pre
are Oil Feed to ell Rotating
Parte, including wri.t pla;
cam shaft, auxiliary shaft and
tappets Counterbalanced
Crankshaft SUent C hain dm
' ins, with automatic takeop -Air
Cleaner AllMets l Oil'Lu
bricated UnlTersals -Springs
54 Inches lon Shock Ab
or bers BalloonTiret - Palje-
Hydraulic 4-Wbeel Drake
? i . t tfi
I- Bearlnss -Saw blade Steel,
Uht Acting Clutch thort
Throw, Easy Gear Shift
Coincidental Lock Auto
matic Windbield Cleaaer
Dash Gas and Heat Indicator
" Stop Li Lt Dome U'.t
4 J
- - -i is
"'VrV. '
. ,' 7 i ... : .- )
..V.VA v v, ,
Trumm Motor Car Coiii':r;:y '
349 North Gcmmerciar Street Tcler:!:cr.2 CZ'J
r or even plain water.