The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 22, 1926, Page 17, Image 17

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, u imririiiDnniine
Tho Line:'
UQ!!T Cr.(l r.G3ELS
.... i , Li ij
CMDIli ur-llUJiL'Jr
- j , T . -
i .. -
Ca r Already Recognized as
. Best Adaptation of Euro-
Special Trains to Arrive' in
; Detrbii' Joday, With
-i Westerners' , . : ,
Butify Highways la : . -M
Outlined" 5-
WASHINGTON. D. C., Aag. 21.
As a eaultd a-Burvejtjnada Jx
'hundreds of IU affiliated motor
'.clubs throujbont ,th jnation the
AmerioaiiAtitoVnobiie : association
broadcast from Its national, head
i us"Hers here today. an 7 urgent
appeal : calling . on state officials
eferywlere7?li t?ike J Iniihedlate
steps to sweep . away tne debris
; that mars the beauty of the land
f , ( scape and-ln laartyyitjatances adds
-ftion'g eajnoOjgJFyp.-j v."
Z The headqnarters'-of the nation-
- ' -Ti mntnrisr bodr made two iDfr-
' eifie points in its-appeal, s-fcJeh. is
mainly addressed to state highway
; officials in charge jot ,road .man.
" tenance, construction and ifUDer
'Vision,', as' follows: -,:-.-;si
. First, there Is so much adrer
jtlsing:: material lqngr;JJ.e bJ-h-ways
that the motorist is constant
. ly confused as between these var
i' legated signs and the signs -set up
t by the states for, his safety and
tconTenience Iq.trarel. , ,
, Second, in many Jnstances the
scenic beauty whieh- is , th6gfeat
i appeal in the call, of the rpads. Is
'.marred because of the -continuance
along many of the. main hlgh
' way of ansightiy, tumbledown
shacks of all' kinds that constitute
an eyesore to the motoring pub-
V - Max 0.-BrswrHiitwr. ak
nets: Terythins . for the hxme.
1 tiMstifni line of Dicturei loiVoui
7t N. Com;SV-
.Ttis Commercial Book Store baa
f7rerjthin yoa lKok and
Xtiionerr and uDpiiea for vt&e
wool, office or tome, at the low
eaJposslble prices. ''.(
i Henry Ford's own career qual
ifies him to speak with conrictiori
about helping . men to help thetm
jselfes.; When he was a mechanic
earning $2.S0 a week, he worked
nights for. a jeweler td meet his
room rent. The famous routing
system now used In the -Ford
plant was the outcome of a youth
i ful plan . to make 'k- fifty-cent
; w-hes. He Introduced the eight
hi'day in a power-plant where
he went to learn something about
- electricity that codld 4e applied
to his . gas-engine experiments,
fter working night and day for
yearron hla idea for an inexpen-i
: sire two cylinder car, he '" foundJ
himself on the threshhold of suc
cess only to be left, at thirty, with
'a wife andchild,-no capital and
"m,o Job. Mr. Ford'i present opin-
Ions were tormed" In tne .tnict-toi
the day's work ,at . a bench long
jbefore he had leisure & Indulge
v iis present hobby for the restora-
' t tiAn nr aariramertMii imnmirit
, , j r..
J? Ffia Tltof fliVart loada nn fithr
class breads, plea, cookie .and
. fancy Daaea supplies vi eyery ubu.
i Best by test. Ask Old customers.
43fqourtst.i I-
The Marlon Automobile Co. The
Btudebaker, the wrorld'e greatest
automobile xalue. Operating" cost
small. Will last a lifetime, with
icare. , Standard coach 1415. ()
That taxicab driyera can. arbid
accidents has been demonstrated
in CleTelandL- Ohio. , Lwherer! 132
chauffeurs : completed v "three
months period without a single
crash. . This' record secured a re-'
duction during the h first; .month
of 61 per cent over, the preriobs
month in the ; cost of accidents.
iThe accident prerention campaign
was staged with' the cooperation
or the Cler eland branch qi the. Na
tional- Safety Council. ?, The care
ful drivers were given cash jprtes,.
banquets and theatre parties and
white gold signet rings., " -
w 1 .' ; 1".
four Best Friend
V A Saved Dollar
,vv - .. .
? You can save many
' dollars and still enjoy
the out-of-doors by rid-
ing an
i1"' ' Indian
It's Safe and Economical " f
s See" them at the -
MI)IXTY" MOOT1E, Prop. "
tf ' The. jiew Whippet Was' -a companion, by several local
bathing beauties during the "not weather here. la the upper picture.
Mrs. : Jerald SmIth is , seen: standing-. on the running board ' of the
Whippet: bn the hood Is Iss JB?a;Schultz, fancy divings champion
of,the 1924 American Olympic-ieamatPariSr who recently won sec
ond, place .In the. breast stroke event at the Tacoma northwest tham
piOTshIp'meet. In'Tont bf tbe car is Miss Ignore Preston,-former
Oregon state fancy diving champion; and contender for the next Ore
gon team. Mra.fSmtth, on the running board7 ia Salem's contender
forhe half, mile event bn the pext Olympic teamJ" " - r;- 4
The mermaids are Seen In tbeilower ' picture admiring" the new
VTOlysKnighr-'fO." rBoththe-Wiiiys and the WPlare old here
.hy theR'l.tMacPonald iA,ato .colnpahyJ;:' Vr-.: ? a 'r:-
:. Frank Farmer, driving xn Im
portant Bugatti car in the qualifi
cation trials ' for a recent Sesqal-
centennlaljrace.Jtook a bad skid
after ' having attained a speed of
oyer 1D0 '.miles: an hour; 'and" ran
on into the woven wire, link fence
that surrounds f the .Philadelphia
Speedway . track. .This fabric
stretched , and ' strained under the
Impact, ; hut remained intact, thus
preventing ithe car from leaping
into ! section rl of the -grandstand
where a Jarge number 'of
people were, seated,-1 So, great !.waa
the momentum that the car stood
straight :up , on the radlato' then
fell backward ! again- bn the rack.
toubtlesar dne .to the resiliency of
the woven ' wire m guard barrier
which acta on the same principle
as a life net. Farmer escaped; ser
ious Injury. , ' '. ? : . -
.When it is known that, for a
light car to strike an Ijamoyable
object at .20 miles an hour , an
amount of energy is exarted eaual
to dropping a 00-pound site from
the top of a building SO feet high.
Some faintcbheptiocait be ihad
of the tremendous' trilh ;t'bis Hi
Way gtiard successfully withstood.
- Honesty: 'Something. that needs
much exercise to keep in working
order. . , . ; i : .
"The importance - of -a Vrade
name-in-.t he antomobile - Industry
as ..well as id any other is shown
in ' t he public !acceptanceof y thf
.name !WhippeV as nsed in con
nection with ' the new 'European
type light car produced by Willys
Oyerland, says R. .N. MacDonaJdf
local , representative :s for WIllysr
Knight and Overland motor, cars.
, "-;' When jais car was Introduce
a few "weeks 'ago" the name was
Ihe : tpqgup, of, everyone familiar
with motor carg.' i YTere goes' th
pew'Whippety was a couatryv
wide expression ' ... ' A
i !TTratffe officers; on tthe street
corners hailed the car ' by name
Urchins pn the street ikoew thf
word ,'and 'ahrilled it . as the . cat
drove by. v interested - car Jbnyeri
iasked for It,,brjf8'tfade name apf
were'famUlarwlth'what the name
signified when I' they came; in xii
se the new car. . - '-".p.
, "Automobile men wre unanf
nous in i stating hat it ushered i
an' entirely new type' of car, and
subsequent ' word from motos car
factories Indicates that t h I s 'is
entirely true.' T : . ' 4; J
""It seems certain now that fur
ture developments along the line
of, European .type light cars m$
be " classed as $the 'Whippet type
of automobile which Willys-Over.-land
pioneered in this country..'
Seventy? jiaembers of the Chev
rolet Motor pompany of Callornia
left the.. Pacific Co Thursday,
August. J 9. to attend the organi
zation's, . annual , copvntlos ' at
Petrol t. ""Thirty men rom 'the
factory : in .Oakland, twenty irom
the Los Angeles zone and. twenty
from the Portland aone .made up
theexpedition from the .west.
VAU day, today-Attgust 22nd, at
45 minute intervals. Special" trains
will pull into .Detroit f rom . every
section-of ihe- Unltedlstates bring
Inr th jintireyeid pre j4 fhe
Chevrolet 'Motor Company.; 'a
total of m800members of the bxgan
ixath:riesent( 4c?uding
sales;: seryicflt accounting and
ptonfotiottlrepresentatlves. '
to j bi Wibjroiuipja raitomoWlea
aear beginning January' 1st and
probiemOit iatrnirttng that:jrast
aumbe-If: ulUlw4Jl,be fhreshed
put durlftg the'aoeet '"f -tT-" "
bn theihirdday Chevrolet vis
itors ija etrpH rioipated ;jn' a
big .outing as .guests of , the com-,
pany. The-f estivitiea'-wifi be-held
aboard the "Western States," one
?- O. Jr HuH Anto Top " ft ' Paint
Co. -Radiator ;-Iender-andedy
repairing. . Artistic painting adds
100. to the appearapce p ypur
auto. 2S7 8. Commercial. P)
You can buy your meat here in
perfect confidence. Don't worry
about-, the cost, we'll keep that
within reasonable bounds. Hunt
Shaller Meat Mkt., 263 N. Com').
-XX you fail, never mind; you can
still be a "horrible example." --
Install Perfect Circle Rings
.. -.'ie; . !..:; . '.- . "
- t , -
'.You'll note at once a difference in your oil consumption .
' ",- ,. . ,
High St. at Ferry-?-. 7.-'-; 7 Salem, Ore.
' f;: Stcdebaker. Dealers fcr Sen i J Ilrion County
15 I) MX 3
1 --
-3 .::-
Can. you tKihU of anything fairer than that? And this applies
not onlyj to Used Studebakers but to all our used cars. We don't
ask yop to keepf to you. And t
Sve leave the decisiori entirely up to you. Drive any of our fine ..
i .used: rsiori. tyre: days. ; The PLEDGE says that if .you find it V
Vn?pfi :nvJ reasonbacjc it comes rrio' argument:
1-A11 uscJ cars Che public shall he honestly represented. v ,
. " lO ' A 11 -C A J f . 1 (...' . -.. mm- . . mm . . .
ah oiuui auiojaoowcs wnicn are sou as cenuied cars nave
sbeeri properly. rf -conditioned and carry a 30-day guarantee for replacement'
lofdefectire parts and. free ;servicecn adjustments. ' , - , '
J:5-UEvery xed clt is consplcocsly marked with its price in plain fie-
. .ores, and lhat price, jlt as the ptfce'of our new cars, is rigidly maintained. ;
'"4 Every purchaser of a used tar may drive it for five days and then,
ii Boi saiisnea 10c anys reason, turn 11 dock ana appiy tne money paid as a ..u,
Bumpers frcht af;:l rc nrl Fpot Uiht, rar view.mirrori air shocks, rear seat windshield, ,
clock and water' meter, swipe. -Just overhauled, ; new pistons,- pins, QCQC flfl
rinrs, bearings taken up, valvesround. J ust like a new car..;j....:. v3oDUU
Just overhauled (none of the best shops in the city.' Paint of a beautiful dark, blue
'to match that real Lhie leather tspholsteryl This is one of the best COOC Hft
?lmys xt have JwdUhis ycar-..... LjL PoDU U
, a - ' V -w - J ' ?. . ' "' '" ' ' j t- .! e .' " t , r v "
' ' ' 1 - - ' -
.L 1 ? ' - , . - . e .-. . . .. . .... , I - 1
Snubbers, swipe, trunk anJ trunk rack, s ix good j tires, mirror, motometer and
fcari rap,;frpnt, scndf rear Lempers,1 spot light, i In 'the : best :of A-l C7QC 41 fl
shape atu j.'..;J...;J,:.4:; r Ol oD.UU
. . 5 , A few' Fords aha phevrblets as is, at a femall payment down.
1 f,' . - Ul: btandlook them ever, v:. , v ,
jFiyeJ?ays? Trial on AnyCar in the House
For Sale at
235 North Chu-;a Street. . ;.
i ii
Phenca CC5 id C32
C.tha lads passenger boats on Lae
Patton's -Book- Store otters
postage stamp ' collectors wonder
ful chance .buy stamps. full
line of packets xf stamps from all
ipal-6riSe'-srdrtd'oa sale. t)
Chas. K. Spauldlns Logging Co.,
lumber and bnUding "aaterlals.
Tha best costs -no more than In
ferior crades. So to toe ble Sa
lem factory and care money. If)
New line of saHfl ana vengellne
hats for 1 better wear. u ihe very
latest f for j! t$e5 smartly -dressed
woman. ' Tba iTanlty Hat Chop,
387 Court 'street. " . ()
I ;: .-'
7.1 Tat: X'siJt'vp.'s' :Bijxse
.... .. . t ' I " . : ' . ' ....
Scvca -niQntKs In. Vorkmanhlp, and -quality ia
fjo yoy, coull )rnateTiala;rovided-for iie Crft
not J)uy low-. . 'lime in, Six that taxes no man'
. priced jux with- . purse.' "
outvpayjns the- v Hiere, for $S2S, are , superior
penalties f or-; closed bodies bV Fsher and ensi
"4inaty desisn, ' rleerintt joecificatioiis .that are
; ordinary- abearance, , ordinary ; causing ?uycrs.: by tens of thou
icornfort and ordinary stamina; . '.aandi, to iwrn 4way from longer.
But thcPontiacSbchas-chaneeti i -established cars and turnt to the
,-jnU aut and in p doing -ihaa -tpcntiac Six for 'those qualities of
, -sir" j' '
occome probably tne jnosxwuacty .performance, road ability and
discussed car in America today! Vendurance tixat t afone provides
r 'HereifquaUrydVfsi '7 r .' ': ,
yuc sfa t swu saw. xf rsi.c r s-itMwim:
"j ' V1CK :BR6S;;:Sale-,.,brfigon
. i. disassociate;-. ueaierse . A. .v ,
-MILLER MOTOR CO., Albany, Qreron; -'FUED T. BILYEU. Scio, Oregon;
S.QU, . Oregon; GEO. tDORRWoodliUra Or,egUT-vG- J. 4SCHBKETVEA SON.
Pallas, Oregon: HARRISBURG GARAGE, jiarrisburg-j Oregon; JOHNSON
, v- -.:7, :i::---'-'-y;---'eKkAf'4 1
' P IV o o
1 1
all .pilous, aipppiii
.;,rv;. & -fl - . fc.-'. , , s- v. .
' Uiii.StFuaqKrrY of therpower phtnt '"3n:4raffic it arterites so smoothly and
4 vvvt A..Ji in' tiiis' new Willys-Knight Six"Sev- . so rapidly that it is the easiest of all cars
ll.cnty' is. prpyea and acknowledged to handle.
Zm - most powerful engipe, per. cubic inch of . rWl:1
piston dispiaament;everi3uiltasock aY send - ff "secotoir
F,,uuul7 1U "CM:- . S ir -These ar& the features of performance
sleeve valve construction adapts itself yo on quickly prover yourself,
to tne prinapie o nign speea engine , phey are mide aU the more acceptable
comtxuctjoq m a manner not equaled to you e actio 6f foedl
by anjr other type of motor. r : . " ; bries which are the type used by ?3
The result is a performance which is en- of the finest European carsjby fhe'easy
tirely without equal in anVdther car in t riding of the r chassis, which engineers
tne price and size class pr this new Six f.?ay pracucauj unoreaicaDie -ana dt
. 4 v
Try it out. At well oyer 60 miles an
hour, this car runs as smoothly and as
the superb-luxury of the body, i
quietly as at speeds of from 25-30 miles '' !fTbenew WtUys finance PUnmJfns less
an hqur and without the slightest ev- s.fjswwry fcut v imdUti ' dotvn pajinen;
- ff . a - ...... ,.- i . - ; 4. . . . a s.- . 1 - .
1. 1
n tb fjfv t Si.' it S:, ". .
: I. '4. tl
r - . ftUM f.oJk fjbctorjr
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i ! J
f -Mtfk. mbV .-ok. A w .
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. - . ' --
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