The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 22, 1926, Page 14, Image 14

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Nicky 13 Hesse-Guest, of David ftlanrfn'Fisthf rof FrTd V.
t v V ' y v V
iiaurer, Wbo .YfcslAst In TJa&h to Reach Help When
: . IIU Party Was Stranded i-' . ,
NEW PHILADELPHtA CL-With A .'record 'behinci her J
f rvi Vor pftwa trcric Arctic expedi tionsV has retired defin-,
, i te !y f rcm:the sea, and is living in quiet'and eclasion, await
ins the end thatmust come even to ?Sts ' r " f-
ax icjcy is ine nouse-guest 01 uavm Aiaurer, latner or red
A ... . .
- ---- -
' .. ., ; - '
' i
' ?
"iw w;uiiu.raugeu isuna expedition, was siranaea
in the Arcfift in . - i , .
Picked cp as a scrawn black kitten "by.a sailor, 14 "years
ago, Nicky prospered personally, but the ominous portent of
She Was ' mascot on . the; ill-fated Karlukwhich was !
wrecked in an ice-pack in. Camden Bay1 in ! 191 3. : She was I
jiueu j.roui wie xvanuK Dy ja aiior,.ana taken Dy waurer
on ine iugnt across tne dreary snowiields to Wrangell Island
in a furag'on hisosled. Ijjf , . t '
; : Pn tne?way sheTOade friends with Mugpi, a 'three-year- i
Old Eskim'ft trirl. . Titpr. Mturhf nnrl
sea. Maurerand Nicky were rescued with "others of their
nartv in 11)14 ' . .' - - - - -
Nine years later at the time ht J'the second .WrangeH Is
Jand expeditidhafter "Jlaiirer was given up for -dead, Nicky
WJis brousrht hack tft hr masfpr'j' tiflmo lora i.' . - - 1
f. Now ; the only, persons she Will Isee 'are the explorer's
father; and his sister, Mrs. Kate Weaver. The rest; of the
. .time she spends: in jsolitary senile contemplation in the sun
,'ori tfcbac porchrof the Maurer home. - :j-f , 1 l it
; Theexplorers mother died here last winteri His widow
remarried A vbsira&ft ffoi Vinno nf tioi- Vn.VinMi'n V.,r-
: W ' mAtwrf maata-sa nil HUOUttUU O UCiUK HllfC
. was iiuaimoneu, now mrs. jjeipnme Jones, or Wilegu,
aatiirjdiffKt:dn Wall
; ! ,;'NEWiRKIoney is King In Well streetbu't'the peoi
pie, there are far. from being the pawns in the continual game
which t ftrinulflr . pnnirtnW r?war Vo TliMt M ...V
human, 'apparently more so iri their hour of relaxation than I
members of .other business groups.. ' .i' I '
iuun is atin i n inR nrnvurnm i xoi HFfiaif n iirht. in n hi
ttown, wjth only the slight difference caused by custom, and
environment. , f - , " j, - ,-V
. Thft ' f vta raro-rrtv
but tnen the sunlight shines straight ddwn inta the voids ahdl " v
. i its brightness i reflpotA n frho vt nwev. - nin.nn I r
, .. . -B. r-c " ...,.m.i,wwtiuohimob uui.vuaci:.
: I,,Rfif; shoppers rpersons -rushing "to "appointments,. or 1 -
- ' .....v wb.i,,!. nuui la .a unit; iaj rviux,
.All traffic except that essential to the district is. diverted
,at that hour; a:nd curbstone boundaries are forgotten;
,Theri J;he itatue of Washington looks down -on Nassau
street, ong of the few wide'ones where girls in. fours, groups
of youths, or here and there a lad and the "girl friend,' prbm
tnade.. Lunch is brief and they saunter about in . the 'middle
' me Btreet ujivu.iiie ciock striKes one.
. - . It isthe same pn Wall street itself'
xjuui tt naixuw aiiey 7r on.
WOuM.fni from rHTfr frt nrh
nejv-buildingis sufficient attraction
oan crowa around the guard rail
j rairoiing tne streets tlurmg
1 lhrt rpnn "tVioiT fnrtiins In inU.
combs. no velties-ian vth inr thf fWlroc
, V J entirely at variance :with the activity of , the
,S .-Money isa commodity, here, and all realize the futility of
. excessive display, except for the standard "prosperous look
ing'., dothes which are effected both by bank presidents and
twenty, dollar a week clerksr - "' : j, , . . .
vThe president und clerk eat side by side in the same lunch
v rdoms, particularly these where you .wait on'yourself and then
. figure 3our own bill. ,-t 4 - - ' . ,j
. v 'This action of the bahker, however, may be construed iis
ckref ullness, , as even small sums now "are 'guarded' closely.
Thispractice was evolved only recently, after & series of hold-
X 5ame Poyisn loomng, messengers stilt carry the little
. biack bags, but the bags ar fastened toTthe. wrists by harid
v cuffs .and chains, making it .virtually impossible for them to
be notched away; : The kidnaping of the messenger is pre1
eluded by. thd presence of two or .three anne,d, guards Walking
behind Turn with weapons in! hand in coat pockets, while the
. , . This quiets protection marks the street, for about the only,
'visit! policemen -Are traffic: officers. For the rest there is
wi .auuHuance uipiain cioines;men and private "iruarda' in
every, establishment. ' ' ' , - , , . -
. ;v.: , jbm- p-w ill '
y. v. "iiV n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Xv fX-X-XvX-X-:-X-X-XvX-X'X-Xv.y.:. , X-X-X'Xv.-
i i . i x I .::::::::.::: : : : :-x-:-x-: :- :-x-:-: yc :-x y-.-: 1 .. .'x-x-x:-.
Amm. -
V H dJ it! n j: :Mi -:, 1 1 J .
V)mSSf Li aLzJIJzJ " .
? . i , . - -"'p . r J- Mt ...
; V ' TrSfwl fluJfyloor; Mabrtag: the. washer :that .turns
;;. Xrtigs .that need cleaning so badly . washday into: wash Abar 4-
r : r -Dt, x 1 at. .
pi uuuc Luucty. a nere are many out-
. , . The Ravinia. OperaTiousi built in 105,fdr orchestral con-1
. , ' j . . w.... ""uvu is ttitiicu line ine Doay 01 a
. , yiol, and is made of pine of peculiar quality which, during I
the years, has retained its life. It has been subjected to cor-1
...w., u viic mnuiiieiiuj 01 oia Lre
mona, it responsive to tone as though it were alive. In 1
t wui; or ai me ga,ies, nearly a block distant, all is
Tiiicatea en route to the Oregon-state treasury-here to be
i'lt th veterans' bonus commission, were stolen from I
J he Union Pacific mail train hM r, in o!?!
cordi- to word received ere.l " ' " ' '
ijfei1? i Cia?f,aI'if!! window-display veet sponsored by
. z ntu uuiii ociJiemoer l to Zli this'
year,sit y.-c, announced following a.meetin? cf the club. The
irVTf;' J FSfn.n the fitreets of Salem, estimated at
:l,tUO, ttter.L.J a unular evenUast .spring and an even
. .xcaitr ziurua expected this fall.. ,
' - " . Triiay, August 20
. The Oregon AcprrHitp. TTnthowj. t-,.i
aUvAbecams a permanent crganizaUoa t.a jnass meetic- of
poultry CTowcrs frcm m-v "irt n- - t,n ui cf ccmmcrca rocrr,3 here. Officers for the new
; ' . After cor.-::c,rir. j a number of possible locations in var-a;.us;rr-
cf fern's bu moss district, the rpecial public
t " . vi cc,rV VIl T.5f T4tI appointed by Mayor John B.
.; 'J. ,,--v in pi-oposrl .srket cn the
- 1 . j .i.crti8rn side Cf I .: n irc4-
. v A r .it r-;i C r-.crcicl, inthe soutl.'in cf;'-:
r r . . I -- i - r ..ww ... . . a w M '
' .thii Wonr?fr : stanaing Maytafi: advantaeres which
so -thoroughly : that all soiled' soots. , muf 1 see t0 appreciate. .50 pounds
J cand and lint are entirely removed ' 01 ury.ciotnes are washed in one hour.
Overalls, workshirts. and soil m-
rnaHA tn!1nnTr , . - i - . .. larS are washed cean withnnt honfl-
V . 8 1 1
: -'A j'si tl - t.- ,1 v . . rubbing! Try it and prove to your-
' V' u ? ihe doesn't take ,a. self that the Maytag tis years ahead
- whole rday; ; either!, ; v Remember ? the ; of all other washers. ' - :
Newton, Jow
"nearest Maytag dcal-
'er for a free trial on .
'your week's wash
at l your home, '
No obligation. If
. the" Mavtaff rfrvsTi'f
sell itselfdon't
keep it.
- c
1 1 . n t
-3 - c at.
? . V ' . 4 ... , " v . ' - - - ' , ' - . 1 -;
j,X, bV'..-M '7f7 ';:tu)
-I .419 Ferry Street SalemT bregoh
:hahA,itr7: X. Tower Ave.; Colfax,, Wash- fflwi X. ;:.rV 'V.,". JHI" hL RK l". On...Ta3 1
(3olIiL.l Wnwfc i uenMmrg. Wash., 117 K. f'onrtl. Kt.- VJ: 1 "T- f." l Kt-,- Cottaee
10.:, Main .St, JUtomW 1114 VrV-- h. no wV Main 1" ;J ii5?2.
f)rc' Watson -riM.i v.. ... """"r'.Vr.'- nlOKa. wash.; 8. 5 WasliIjiirlAit si., :.i 'i Vnr, ,Wf," 123 N.
Hirer. Ore., is f i-t i7 V J. ".""V ' M:t" Walla, Wal,., a04W.'Alders"Velyl;7:::.'r,V: . & -iranH, Co.; Toletlo. Ore.:
. - , - r -. mrff s. -1 , , i -. v - - .. v r -r -
.Vail Kt.s :
Itoekefellpr Ave.;
Ikx 684;
Yaklma: IIool
! I I if . , ., ..
4 ;
.A' 4 a t f