SUNDAY MORNING; AUGUST. 22, 1025 'Vlli' uttr:n? statunjian, 4kkiU.n . :- ' - ' T77 v-.-- -.9' 1 - - - ' . f : -r i JU L. i J-i - .HJr .W W St if. 5 N. ; ... .Ventilation .CtPrXOOJI ., fQxifO -'7 -.' -..-'ilX'-. xT&-'j''""K'r" V'-a- C5 ' if -i JT T v: J ' tlviiiqLQon; J i jalxs Telephone 1-; v - J y FCEG LiLt i!SD . - - - -V.-i Rasterihg;bf Office .Rooms Wain, Part of Work Still - .-Incomplete1;- r ; ' Construction of. office rooms' at Che east end of the new paper mill a nnex aia , the' main' work' yet v ;nv f.nisbed' there, y Plastering, f the office remains to be' donev.and v.prk on it wilU sart Monday or Tuesday. l jWas anHouncedk" tv:A The ce'w.'otTIce.ap'artments. c'onr - L - j.': Will Be Feature of New - ijip: toon 4 . i , - i uITGftE.1WL,3 ihAt U.of the maor rooms i 7-7- 4n1 r-" bare doable etjosore bo aeces- I Tyzs : y l rfVvMi ''S'rm ; I IimVJI-. ' T flll ! r J tVJV.- I ljttll - run no .W I 1 :axd specificatioxs r'uftxisiiEp tor' Tf Tir:TntrfxTr - l 'in 'ATMmi; 1830 ' V - Saleni. Oreson tain two rooms situated one "floor level aboTe Commercial street and occupying a spaced 13 6. by' 32 feet in area.; extending across the en tire front of the building. A stair way at the southeast .corner leads to the rqoms.t Carpenters are now at work building ,thia stairway. ' Two-thirds of the large amount 6t window glass nsed on the build ing is in placed ' The instating ot this glass is expected to last about 10 days or two weeks more - : Forms naTe been taken ' from the last ' cement, laid, on an ' elevator- Shaft - at the Tear of the building, and, : the elevator will be installed soon'. .. Laying of the patent tar roofing material- was halted by the recent falny Weather, but it can be fin ished in about one day of snnfly Low v - s 4. .-tLct. U3 - i... ..-I. J. V.'. t a 1 - .' . , m . - ,. . i t Hofne Plan " ' . j While primVrliy designed as J a permanent ..home Qra,sQiall , family the house plan of today, designed : toy ? Harry JJoland 'of y the Unlrersal ;Plan t Serrice, , cmiq wen oe vsea lor xne con- straction of a beach or moan- ; tain resort home; t , 1 'The elans , DroTlde for : four rooms, the feature of which is "i (he 'large living-roomv H feet 1 ' t inches by 17 feet, with a me ' v lace In the center of the outer en ..occupies the .front f the !l ' souse, white to the rear are . , t,hor sleeping quarters and bath- , rooni. ... , " saryiio aaeqnate Teniuauon. a I The "plan provides for ant ex- ' terlor finish Is Bingfes, thoagh for pef maheht construction," ef- fectiTft resalts coald he obtained ; by the use of brick. The brick stoop, with the ; small portico above adds materially to the f"0" aaas materially to the appearance of the front ot the house wnich is gabled. . 1 weather, according to a' statement Friday. "White olf paint is being sprayed on the tinder side of.the roof and three "monitors' which ran east and west the whole length .of the roof. - r , ' A cement lining will belaid on the machinery pits built 4nto the concrete floor In the near future. As soon' as the ... machinery has been installed . In these - pits, ; the same lining will be laid on-the rest of the floor. a - , t , .t ' Some . of the machinery ;ls - al ready the ground and will .be installed, as .soon as the construe lion details have been finished. - Electrical fixtar'es I are hot1 lil yet. Connections will be installed for lighting : and for ' electrical starting and stopping of the ma chinery. - . Pontiae SIx---a quality car' that taxes no manVpurse. It bas qual ity in desiga,"in workmanship and in materials. Vick Bros, at .High and TraoTe atreets. - ,) ; "jlaift L Eoff Electfltf Ehovthi Court fit. Everything Electric, from motorir and rixthres and Sup plies to wiring. Get prices and look at. completer stock v . . GO Heat your homb Vimcai v'"v V- X - : in Prici " ? r 1 . v Scientifically, Installed 3 : ' "'it, ' ""A ' c . . fijure ;bur -ractal W fcJ' -. hLJIUiii: l.itli. . Chambers -arid Chambers Moves 'Into Recently Finished Building . i The Chambers " & , Chambers Furniture company is rapidly moving- all 4ts equipment Into, its new building Just completed on North High street. . The last touches pf construction ; were put on last 1 1 About the , only y work left , tin eompleted is - the .marquee along the front lot the; baUding which will .be put in as- soon, as it Is com- Eed at i the ? fa'ctory. t Supports f forms for it are already In . I" The. Capital.- Business college, Which ' will occupy -the top, floor d to moTe io until about Septem ber 1. The plant it will occupy here is considered one of the liipst Ifficient and modern business cbl lege plants in this district. 1 4 " Lked Possum -Meat , MT. VERNON. O. (AP.1- There are' - persons her who -re member the last days of Daniel pecatur Emmettj the famous composer bf VDlxle, --who f Is buried ' in - RfoundTiewu cemetery, hear Mt. Vernon. ' 'V:.- Wmmett; was Igbty-hIo years bid when lie died, 'lie was- born here in 1815 "and N died- ' in. his cabin, not far from his birthplace. I spent many ih hour in m- mett's cabin," said 3. W, McCon kle. !How be could - sing, and play the violin. He would sing by the hour, in hia old; age, if a fat, sleek possum were promised him at the end. j Ife was passionately fond1 hit, the meat of that anlmaL" Emmett received inspiration for the swinging Jilt; of Xixie jwhlle Watching a group of nefgroes load cotton on the-wharf -at -Memphis, according to McConkle. y . : "Thtf r were htemmlhg said McConkle: jus keeping, time as tbey fuggled the bales, and some thing in their attitude' and song gave Emmett (he inspiration for his Immortal tune! V Sees Better: tasKWest : ', -r - Relations In Students 1 . CHICAGO. "Harden of the ( world's peace, rests on the youth or the nations the slldents." Coincident with the expression : of this thought hyiHarry F Ward, secretary o t the Methodist Federa tion; for Social Servicer,. onl Ms5 re turn from- a year In the Orient, It: has been , announced that the Student Conference held at Evatfs- ton last Christmas "wfll hare two outgrowths (his year in att Amer ican f student gathering at the Unrrersity of Illinois, .September ti and a meeting of foreign and American ; students in New York, September 10 to 17. " ' '-Added., significance to the Sin dent movement In America, which hs a coaneerpart In the Youth movement In Enrope and the Stu dent movement In the.Orieht,- was given by Mr. Ward's appraisal of world possiblUtlesi : ,i u:-i ;r After a yeabt'wprkflwith tbe students of theOrient,: he said. l come back with , the conviction that, , the graves r menace., to .'.the fvlarp; peaceful and ; cooperative development of : mankind Is tthe growing tension- between the: peo ples, of. the East and hose of the West. Unless ,th Is can be checked it will lead mankind, in ;at genera tion or two, into a'torse; jcatas trophe than the - late European war.? r . v-1 - Ds ti. Mosher, Merchant.TaDor, hi. turniaif .aut-. the nobbiest and best fitting tailor - made, suits to measure. 1 0 0 , Jtuslness ahd'jiro fesslonal men buy of Mosher. () Thejojfscfnihga;H j owndeaianinrfrbailttoyour needs end requirements, ctre innutn-' I erable. . ': 1 - : ' - 1 sr : -J - If you own your own improved .prop-"t-erty discuss with us bur plan." " Ve enh ' cave ycu ccncidcrablb mchcy and fre quently vc arc able to assist you in a' vay tlicit will mahcit possible for you to build nov. - " BULGIII -37 ' STAT SimNecac'siii - Range 7eather Prophecy ;' ; WASHINGTON; D. aIf you can keep strictly scientific Ub on the temperature and radiation of the sun, long range weather, forecasting is: simple". . . & -; 5 , . But there are few places in this world suited even to the placing "ot supeTsensitive'instruments which record the suh's temperature and temperament. Dr. Charles G. Abbot ot the National Geographic : Society-Smithsonian Institution solar radiation eiitiori has returned from a trip of 30,000. miles in an effort to find the likeliest spot for observing.the sun. 1 His ifivestigations took him to the, edge otthe Sahara des ert in JOgerdti to the sandy, wastes stretching, back from; the Nile, to the Sinai peninsula where .Moses received the Com inaridments froTn God; to the wild warrior tribes of the hills of Baluchistan and at last to the land of the Hottentots of southwest Africa.' w 'c"- ' r.; ,There, on ail isolated; precipitous peak he, found his goal, and there caves are now. being fitted out to receive tvo Amer icari observers ;a,nd their delicate , instruments for rneasuf'ing the sunsradiation Orie more essential step in the attempt to make possible weather; forecasting weeks and even months ahead has thus been taken f. For long.;range weather Dr.i Abbot's, expedition for the tion is apart. To explain the expedition's place iri these stu dieS' will require aii understanding of present'sUtusV ; f For more than 0 years ithe Smithsonian has been' mea suring the sun's light .and heat. By 1903 the institution's scientists varied from day to day and from year to year They tested this fndusiany:-tfletetirenfe t stations Jraftgirfg f roni; gea level to Mount;CaTif brnis" to th0 Deserts'- of ; Saliara arid Chili, over many years of study before they allowed themselves fully to believe it. ":i By 1925 ionclusve proof had been j developed t.that: this, vafatfon ; influenced th. earth's Weather. The manner in which this .influence, isf brought to bear, i however, is very complex and .has not yet' beeii fully unraveled, t fn:k - -; - : - .' : wit: i - But it seems demonstrated that a ) variaQon, as maJJ as pn&half 1 of one ter cent is stiff Iciento produce rqally notice able' changes in weather. -1 For jthis reason it is vital that the measurements of sloar radiation Joe accurate to the. highest degree. increase, this accuracy is the main reason for the establishment-of a new station in; the Eastern. Hemisphere. Daily measurements from this istatiott will check those inade at the two. stations in California and Chili, which the Smith soriiirt 4B.6has '"i-iT:: .i'jThe ideal spot for pleasuring solar radiation would be at the top of the earth's atmosphere. ' In choosing a site for; the new station, therefore. Dr. Abbot had to seek: gpot whose conditions approximated as topv of the. earth s atmosphere.' First, the air had lo be as pure as possible, free from dust and smoke it. had to be dry, cause even a -small amount of water; vapor absorb great quantities of sdlaY radiation it had!, to' be; rare, which condition could pnly b satisfied b choosjnir a high altitude ; it had be be uniform and uncnanging, . r t T ' sr ) "The search for a site approximating this ideal was and difficult tut DrrAbbot finally fdtrnd a peak in the Hot- cenxos .country ooum j aijt tief e ,the new station? is; to be per-sensitiT mstramenis, some oi them . desisned by ..Dr." Abbot. which record temperatures to the millionth::, of r : degree. "Two American scientists, bap"py; to serVe even .'.in this world's-nd place," are ; already bh their way. Ahf:t; the; f reult TTarmers, shippers, bnlldefs .all . whose work contains v the Sreatber . ele ment -wfil be able to know what to expect with.' reasonable cer-' tainty.: ipali Observatory 1 Part of School System OAKLAND, 5 CatOna"p of i; the most important . municipal enter prises in Oakland is astronomy. Inatltlttfde tat ; least, theT city Owned ' observatory has been 'put above, everything else, ; for.. fit stands on a high hnt just outside the "paving.' u::'"f '11 Anthony Chabot. founded It in 184 wUh the gift, of instru men tt hen - considered . larger and a iiseable financial donation The observatory has the regala ipm. revolving rome and how possesses' a" twefity-fnch'TTelescopo and moch other -valuable equip ment. K -yx. m t: J- :fyn ?vy - As a part of the pnblie school system "It serves - as a class room not only for 'school children but also for thousands of growh-n'ps- members of clubs' and others bf the general public who are becom ing asi famtttax ;wttlr the milky way as Are residents of some cities with" the landscapes in their own to'wnshI$s7r;:W""S Cy pur plan we build yvi' a ;K6nXe td fit; ycur wishes and re-. j rirentcnts,: ;Tiie lc5-. dblacmd close in, Ve Cicit yea to f xhsnCe ' belli tiie property I UL for National. Geographic lExpedi nearly .as possible those at the ica wnica , saiisnea mm. . Ana establishedV fitted: with the Dbylencf ftondfon K6lc41 " Strong Places With Boys I LONDON. CAP), Sir: Arthur EConan Doyle has a strong . place in the affections of English boys. His '"White Company," "Sher lock Holmes" and "Brigadier Ger ard" ; are prime .favorites with" f a majority of .12.S09 English boys between fourteen and eighteen to whom . the YMCA sent qnestioh alreiThe boys also Tiked Jack London's "Whit-- Fang." and "Pickwick Papers? and "Tom BrowttVScholdayS., - ' - . ' - - ' Much discussed modern sex no- y.els.r'eceve4 few. the . re plies. .. British .boys apparently In cline to, adventure, detective .and sport' stories in their preferences. In r"eply : to queries as to .what stories affected, them most before they were fourteen, Treasure Is land," "IlobLnson' Crusoe," ."Kid napped . "S-rt-Ws ramlly ; Ttobin- son f KBnUworth.;r ti "Westward llo" and ."p.Ilgrlm's. Progress wefe most frequently mentioned. JMie,0vD6wrt fiblninatefixi; i as County Comrnissioner : STs 3 PAtTLCv (AP) rHlke , ;0! Dowd, popular, St. v Paul citizen who held the world's middleweight championship from 1911. to 1920, has. Just been rewarded, by ; his admirers .with the nomination .for county commissioner of f Ramsey county. --'Cv; w::' --:-:i--r- v O'DowqV who as world's champ- iott . enlisted - .iH taeJ service ' and oerred" overseas, won the v title from Al McCoy in 1917 and lost it three years later to Johnny Wil son. He retired from the Ting about three years ago. If O'Dowd is chosen for office in the,, final election, his annual salary will be but a small part of what he received for many of his ring engagements. Retire and' Grow Young, , Sir Oliver Ledge Says LONDON. Sir Oliver lAdge laughs at the theory that retire ment Is fatal to busy man. At 75 h? says he is feeling younger than he did for years before he gave up regular work. : , "Everyone should retire In good ftime.'for it Is an absolute tonic." declared Sir Oliver. fIont-walt till yon wear 'out,' is my advice. Retire while you ate. In good form so you can do all things y.ou de sire.' 'I am Jfeellng a lot. better I ban I did when I was still In har ness." i But Sir Oliver is -not retired In the way many men think of re tirement. He is busy roost of the time with experiments of various sorts, and only three months ago announced tha discovery of a new' sort of wireless 6ct la wtlcli il- latfon Is abolfsi 3. - ' U WS, S p. m. Call 17 tor TTPOGRAPHICAI ITSIOV Ho. J10 Piidmt, O. r. EaJ -r teUry. M. 0. Pilkeatoa. JtMto Me- end 6atvr47, 8 :0 p. m. - -v-, CA RPENTERS. ' UKIOH KO. 1065 Arthur Tack, iit Tlrm. Wm - Putt it. irrtrT. EXTELi AND BESTACTBJLSrr KM clT local 4 52, crerr third Monday, :-45T ,Cort.- Hel -!. cretni'7. gALEM' CJflOM LABEUf LEAGUE , r- Atmt. - r. W. Soar. . cwUry, BoS I 44S, Salam. Ora.---g:i;ti ,--;;;;..r., t raATEayAi ordb or kaoues, rr Wadnwday, Fratarnity Bail, 8. M.,WiUett. 8ery.-Tel. 889-a,. --, KNIQirrS- OP - PYTHIAS; HEET3 AT . , Pratarna! Hall Tory Toeaday aTaalo j. .si Visitor tad. N. Park Sturjea, O.C . Wiliir Lanen, K, of R. 6. - --- -- - S XZU Ozt&n Otsttzztsa ; Pabiiahed etary woraitif xept Hon da y al Salam. tha capital ol Oreyom. for Classified Advertising Daily or Sunday "' S eDt per word . '5 eonta pet word ft eaaia r word Threo timaa 8is hOH 1 mo. dsUy sod Sua 20 centt par word tlo rata, .idverfiMBiaat- atoat la : , hVAi- taka .for Wa aafl5. . Ada. fa Sunday ONLY (. na-tia rat-' . ': 'yx.f -y..i .. . Ai vrlfi'amaU " (oitcspl ' Psrtoaalil tad Sitaattoaa Waatod) will ba tkn oto( Uaa teiepaono it taa adrartlaar la .Baacribar to oboae, . ' ?h SttUtat ill .rtetlTf adTar-(TaemeBta- t aay ima,of tha day ? I bL ,. To-? nr proper, clatufloa tioaa ids ajuoukf he Ia,MfM T p. bw " ..TEliEPHOlSl! ;2r. OB 883 , M?ney to Loan y - oW it lb T5sTAns ' v . (fOVT Ladd.- Baair Banlr " SK HONEST ADVEiiTl SING Tha eoV "', Bf autat ba kept Ira from anytSuaf of a qoatlionabla natoro. HisrapTaaam aations will not ba to! era tod. lafor - via tion thowin-,any iioatiooablo, l- teat om ftha part of tha adrartita i thotild 1 ; reprtad it 'tb awa- papar or tha Salaa Ad elntt. bzk 0 roa top and paint: maa Sf. 'Cotnmarttfal. . Sal 64 .B.wl9. Wanted O WASTE! TWESTT - EVERQBEENJ Kn-T leerj Harr ton t mclr. Picking priee 3- cents. Iaratd 8 miles south of Sclent St Saaoyside. " Ben HOP PICKEna - WASTTEI- POK - TWOT of 6ur yarda.' Uitoma fiascb near Xa- epdene, 1T acrea,- and Curtie RaiKhv Bear I Tmlbot atation, 80 acre a. 1 Usual eeommodattOBa t anrisbed. Tarda . i& excellent eediti4n t - ricking, will befia about - September 1st. Register . mow at Adolph Bros. , cigar .store, -or V Enrrbfat A Cornoyer, Boa 2, oyer Pen BayB - atore - -' " " ' 9A3Z SM NOW W8TIKO HOP -PICKERS POa Williams Hop Kancb. Commence frost 1st to 6th of September. JU H. Taaek er, B. 2, Salem. a Phone I15FI2. An Chinese Women RndinO . Freedom in Industries - . - SHANGHAI.- . (AP.V The lot of .Chinese women Is improv ing. ' - They. , are emanlclpattng themselves front the thousands Ot years of customs which relegated them: to household seclusion. If their" husbands were wealthy, and to anlmal-llke f drudgery In the fields if wedded to poor men.' t ? Recent surveys of ' economic conditions show that many banks ahd t : othei1 commercial concerns are employing Women' of the mid dle and higher classes,4 and that many are becoming members of learne'd : professional , , ; .M a n y Shanghai banks employ Chlnesa girls ; as student . clerks, training them for positions as stenograph ers and secretaries. tv f yi Young women clerks, -l to r the astonishment of those who knew China a decade ago,- are common ly used in - commercial .houses ; of numerbus cities. Women are add ing greatly "to the wealfh of the country. ' Soap anjAvfcfcrc:ve , u , .Chicago- Stores Xlzzh ,. CHICAGO., , . Chicarci which onceranked. not far fcclo'w Pitts- bufgli in its reputed abllityt tro dnce'i smoke' and dirt? and which still vinauages to collect ' a-fair amon ut of griirie heTertheless has some of the: world's whitest and cleahest buildings. ,Ct yy , This is not a paradox, hut . a tribute to the ;cleafslng v.gnalities of ant ancient . prodiict pounced on for. modern skyscfapef f eonstruc tion terra -eotta,-" Smooth " n-nA glossyil yields readny to a little soap and water . when oweerg give the umidiBg s their annual or semi annual. baUL:V.: :y,iAykj: - . j Many of the huge department stores" along. "Bute street are snr faced in whlta terra .cotta i and after-the eisricg cleaning they pre sent a flasklngappearaBce among their. duller brick and stone neighbors.-' . . .. ' - Among the newr bull&inrsj bulll or terra cotU are the "Wrigley twin towers" which continue their da?t?inp' TwhltencEs , eve n through the nislit under a battery 'of dow- erful floodlights. A. lfdla runnlp'r 40 ijaIIe3' an hour -requires a-Quarter cf a nil? to Stop, . An BBtortnhllT. rnm-lntr 25 '- i'"i hojr l ,iy" L f tr,,ped in 0f?ft. nr.;-.: -r fl.! nf Era m LmiI No. 441. Help Vaated Ilalc a pa vino rx)sTiox ur:v to nr.v- 'MwAKtivc t r-hrc?r. 'iske order '. HhoM-iioirry direct t wrer. lood 1 income. IrrHnB Writ now. Tn ren fehoe iitg. Co.. 82S Moh.wk Bids.. Portland. Oregon.- . WILL HOLLYWOOD GIVE ME ck.iu.i Kond nhoto Fred k rui. l i - Dbot rrd K l Hoi It wood. Cl. 1 1 Help Waated Female 13 LADIES WE PAY 115.00 PER 100 TO -gild Greeting Csrds. free particnlars iot addresad envelope. YorkTille Card Iept. K0, S64 Lexington Are WORK AT' HOME S8 a doaen nakins scarf. Experience unnecessary. No eanvattlnjf. - I'articulars , tor t"'P. Lianit .. berries, Ic, Deptrf B. J2a, y-Lyn.. Mass. ; IZhii NEW .INVEXTIOS PEEVENTS SHOUL ' der straps, slipping. . Real comfort at lKti Women adore it. Wilt send you one PKEE to BdrertiKO U Write Lib- g. 13a2a Saleamem 15 UGHTKIXG STORAGE BATTERY i compound. Charro discharged . batter. . iea instantly.' . Eliminatea Id method entirely, Calloo Iree to agents. 1'ord Batteriea S6.20. Lighting Co.. St iBl -Klltft !'- ' 15a2 FIXE PROPOSITION FOS LIVE WIRE talesman to-' sell, economic transporta tion. " See Harry W.-Scott, "lb i.'ycUt - Mn.'; 147 H.- fwa.n-i.l,- -.- 1 -a'J 17 BIO PROFITS TAKIKQ ORDERS FOH( all . Wool guaranteed Suite at 23.83. We deliver and . collect. Cotn miss ion nd benub.. Crane-Kent, Dept. 89, 224 , K 8th ; SU Ciacinnsti. l?2Vt" TAItORINO AGENTS - 12 PT. ,.-Wa .hare -profitable, ffuick : aellitHS addition to your present; fin.. An ex-. ( hmiTe .srtlcle. Ko "comprtition. No ioTestraent required, Writa today foif full particulars. No obration. Wind er Coat Co., "Dept. B-141, 225 W. 'MadiaoB. SC. Chicago " . ' 17a2"' : : Waatsd-Bpienst fOn . GARDEN JPLOW1KO, PA" T.HT Nf dirfrLn and team work. l'Ao'- "tilt , - - - - , - .. , ... A' Ate lit . . 21 GARAGE toft. i. rOB. RENT. 365 WASHING .2Is25 WE i ZIODSEKEKPSO SDITE. S OXJ5 . Bleeping room extra. 713 Center Ft. - .-.y . t....-,..;. ;..,.r .... .itUl' SIX-ROOM .COTTAfB AT KSWPOK1, weU furBtabed. fbone 1480-i.., . . . .--- ,21421 -I, i - i - ' - PETUTED CARTS.-glZS Id ET tVt IS' vordjn.,ior Eont," prica, 10 -oi aaott.. StataamM SaainaaS - Oilioik J. jrownd-Xloor. rxnmiSHEt APA&TitEST WITH (U) daa. .1394 X. di,W. - : 21-if FOR RENT f HOtTBFt AST APAIL1V sraota. T. L. Wood, Sal f '. : . ... .4 - "n,;a,if : Fo Ite'at---Apartiliats g3 r rOR:RENT-COZY APARTM-ENT; HOT ra tor beat, lights, aod water furnt&beil. - Phone 4 (ift-J. forenoons. . ' . aDaaa" WELL FURNISHED, 8 . 'aooiiS.' PR K -ato- tath. J4r f a. - 23 i y tt .". Tog JUnt Soused 27 ' . KEW MODERN 4R0OM BUNGALOW S end BOok.iSSS 00, . 147?' Msrkat Ss. Get key frpm UUSSELLE, 17j S. Hi;D. . - . .. - . fc7aa ' SEVBN-SOOM . HOUSE . NEARLY FDR , niabed. -. fine looatioo. '155 bo. Com'li ::: - - - - -272 .i:;"Xe Seat -raraaa S3 I BATS SEVERAL IRRIGATED FARMS for rent.. P. E. , Thonseon. Tomer, .0u Phoan f XX. - aaltt Wsated ZXXacectBTaeoTJLS 35 - WANTED ON MAN, 'ssw.- Phone 1TP3. LIGHT DRAO ? - . S5a24 LOT ON LINCOLN AVE. -WILL ACCEPT carpenter work- as part pay. 1595 So, , Com'L ; - ojaSS COOK STOVE 1748-R. WANTED PHONFJ . S5a2S PLAIN SEWING AND MENDING. - PhoB'1149-T city lor country. : o5a2j" WANTED-BY.. RESPJ-CTAI-1. Z :;il die aged gentleman, room with fatt- in Brir'ate house. Box 1 -.7, -. Statesman. ' : Sia30 Btrr xjbkj) itens nxrrnixo. .t jwel ;.y.'--hias, -Tools,'' Bicycles. f ur E change. S24 N. Comnerciat, phoae 856. . teW r- .. , WANTED PRIVATE ..MONEY POii farar toasts. -Wn have sevaral applies tiona on hand. Hawhiaa -Iiohrtf . .lae. $05 Orepd Bivf 8idl4ii rURNITTJRn PACKING7; TO . FJIP Gieae. Powers i urnivara Co. Tor. Cala S7 PETIT PRUNES, APPLES AND CHICK en. E. JT Ay era, phone 100F3. . -w , . '. ..... . . , 37a28 ONE WINCH ESTER -30-30 RIKLE ANI one Winchester So-SO. ,all Bacon HALES AND FANCY CRAVENSTEINS. . Ruliftoa's, Rt. 8, Box 59. Bring t-rxs. . . ,.. . S7aiitf IOR SALE JACK'S i SANDWICH Rhoppe a fcarctin if takes at on-. lirbt door eskt Blijh Hotel. S7s'JJ MACHINERY TARgUH A R POTATO di??era, plow end eltor typo., Far quhar Cider Treves, 15 f BBI. sues. Psrquhsr Hay 3 ! r& aud ed tiriaders. . fsrqnhar , En..ns Boilers And SawmU'.i. Write for Iree Cata lost. - . . . . Western Esr)abr I'achinery Co. , ,220 East lt fetreet, , . Portland,. Ore-.a 37sC3 VERY PINK 3 LAV '! .leaving town., lii r !a . ml. t. OOMbiNATIO. AlA-4-AW ZlA. K, heating atotre. kitchen cab. net. ' '--Center .St. - ... ... , 37a'22" woz sals rtr - NEwr.r x 10 . eenta a boaa.. States maa Oi...c, 515 South Commercial. &t. 7j22tf C MELODY SAXA?: ONE. LIKE NEW, fine case, lets i'h i half priee. Call od try it at 849 i ral Avenue. 37a23 :' j cds. Eitr i rr th in. , .ag, "moodi t- X "it," pri'-e I ---S aaeh. . uttlltil i,iiae. t ...Isa, - rround lioor. FOR SALE ONE MAESWFXT T LEC- ( jkl trio wexher; 1 Victrt,i; i , oe-toclc ' t , trpwriter; I Iiirry - t&;; 1 for II ltQ. Box 84, fctautsman. ii7a24' c-4. heed . baby cir.r.ucr. . IN COOD . condition. Will aeti or trade i r pal lets. Tel. 13j6J. iiaai BARTLETT PltARR ON E CE NT A pouad. BpponSt 40 rntt a Vx. Close la, triog boxea. 813 . rsl A - . L .6tf TRESPASS T.-.iTir PrintM ii r-ii 1 l!tf th , 1 hst 'i ' TI"" 1 - --. I'ro&ei - " , i - Sn. .- . 1 1 r 9 in. i, hear t (rlTeH ' ' iJ.fl .'f Of r 3 fsr a. r 2 7atf PERFkction n:c::i i : , St the i'l-st-yg ..!, ir i caty, I'iivts Cu.ii. ::ady V 2