The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 21, 1926, Page 5, Image 5

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. A
A, Cm; A 1 j
! V yho Weather
L. OREGON Generally fair but
fpewhat" unsettled In .west por
f iw normal temperature: light
, to moderate west to northwest
- winds along the coast. ' 5
- Maximum 73, minimum 6.7, Tlx,
er 1.0 rising; rain .01; atmosphere
part cloudy; wind, northwest. .
HpecLal Conununlcatlon - ;
Pacini. . LodCT No.. 50, at the
Masonic Temple at 1:30
Saturday. Auk.
21. 1926, for the pur
nose of : attendln the
funeral, of oar late Brother Fred
. W.t Ste'nsloff. Visltlnir brothers
' welcome. By order of E. A. Paul-
eon, w. m;
Will RoJld Horn
,A building permit V has been
issued to Mrs, E. L. Wiederkehr to
erect a one and ' one-half story
dwelling at 1 North ' Capitol
street. ; The estimated cost was
given as f 4.0G0. and "Carl Swan
son will be builder .X - , - V
Eat Tour Old Fashion Bteak -.
At the Lunch Box. 181 S. Lib
: Get Building Permlfc-f v
A. G. Crossan has-been issued
a building permit to repair a two
story dwelling at 534 North Win
ter street, the estimated cost to
be 11.000., .. . , . .
- Kospects Released r
Fred Baker, and Earl Rock, . ar-
- rested by local police Thursday
night, were. released : yesterday.
Baker .was held . on a charge of
t-.avfnr'awttrheri IImhiik nlataa and
- - Rock for Investigation. i .
Hop Pickers Wanted
Durbia U Cornoyer. 8ee adj. a3 1
Car In Accident
H. McCormlck of Milwankie re
ported at local police headquarters
yesterday' that his car was Involv-
- ed in an accident here. He gave
. i.t. it.. .'. . . .
,"'."- .;.-s. -v.. . -
Pays Speed Fine -
. A. II. Johnson of Los-Angeles,
arrested br, State Traffic i Officer
W. B. Cenn.on a charge of speed
ing, was' fined 310 yesterday by
Brazier C. Small, instice of the
.peace. -i "; l.vv. -1 - " ' '';' '
Saturday Special ri-
! I' .Aluminum sauce pan. 3 'In set.
an lor bye u. u. sun urnunre
Case ContlnHed-i ' -'
The case of Elmer J. Mangls, to
' - IO U4CU : 1U - JUSUUJ 1.UU1 b uu m
- rliirn nf flAHmnnnrl nf thraa
minor children, has been continued
until today when It will be heard
by Brazier. C. Small, Justice of
'.' the peace..
tail u iNurm ,
'.. Mr. anA Mra Kalnh Jnnnlnr nf
Jacksonville were Salem visitors
; Friday. Mr. Jeninngs is sheriff
1 there. -' - ' ' .
rwrniiure upnoisiery - j - - ;
. j t.,A
;r ash , repairing. - ueua rovm
r Furniture Company. - . a2tf
Relief Corps Meets
. The Women's Relief Corps will
meet in McCornack hall this after
noon at 2 o'clock. Regular busi
ness will be transacted.
Visits Parents -..
Dwight FIndley, who has been
working In Seattle - this summer,
is visiting his, parents, Dr. and
Mrs. M. C. FIndley. v . I :
Leave on Trip '--V 'V.
Mr. and 'Mrs. F. H. Struble have
gone for a trip to southern Ore
gon and Crate Lake. ;
Back.' From Coast.
. Dr. A. F. Gof frier and family
have returned from a vacation trip
to the: coast...'-l.: ..".-J.'.
Complaint Filed -
Grant - R. Bennett; - of the law
firm of Bennett & U'Ren, has filed
a complaint in the Multnomah
county circuit court alleging fraud
In the sale of stock of the King's
Food Products company. He gives
174 causes 'of action involving a
total amount' of about 3103,000
Undenvood Typewriter Co.
Direct Factory Branca
810 Govt St. Phone ZS2
. - Tj pent iters Rented, Sold,
ISepalred . ,
Special rental rates to Ctndeata
107 D CteeeO .TelephoM C31S
Gcatral Dznldn- Dur!n.
Cfoe Hoars froza. 9 sw ra. t 8 p. pau
MMVyS - M HMfM'tf
Ladd & Tilton Dank and its officers
are named as defendants, along
with the food company. The suit
wis . brought to protect; numerous
stockholders,. including , widows
and' others, - according to W. S.
U'Ren, member of the complain
ing firm, ll .'.-.' i , A 'r;
Hotel Bfat-ion '
. -
-Dollar dinner, served E: 45 to 8
Rain Helps Golf '. ...
The recent' rains - hare beeoa
big , benefit" ;io the i f Illlhee golf
course, aeeordinr to G. P. Shar
key, professional. y It is '.now ; in
Defter condition than It has been
in months. he. states.-;' - ,
Undergoes Operation
. 'A major operation .was perform
ed on Harold ?Regels at . a local
hospital Friday, r :7X'-X
LcwTccr Hospital.. : t
; , Frank - Pokorner has j been . re
leased .from a local hospital' to re
turn to'hts home:, in Woodburn. r
VrttVt'fj i " ' .. 1 V' - f:
Goes t Portland - ' v i:;.,"y::y:-,-.
r ' C. II. 'Gra'm, stater labor com
missioner; made a business trip to
Portland . Friday. - i
See" OBritows-;) L vl J V ' V .
Bararian Dinner set. IL li Stiff
Furniture Co. , ; ' .' a24
"" l: ' ?"-r-- '
Hike Pined-i.v " ,' ::
A crowd of hikers will leave the
state house, bound for Portland.
52 miles away, , the morning of
Labor Day. September t. In a
walking contest ' sponsored by a
Portland paper, .
Special 0 Boom Home
dose to schools. Cat to 34500
and 1200 will handle. Becke &
Hendricks, 189 N. High St. altf
Returns From East
Anna Paratrowich of. Chemawa
has returned from an internation
al older girls' conference at Gene
va Glen, Col., where she was oae
of a delegation, of six from Ore
gon. The - Oregon girls brought
back a trophy given them as the
best all round group present.
Hop Picking to Start
Hop picking In D. C MInto yard
will start . Monday, August 23rd.
Phone 1267-J. . 9A22
Goes to Portland
f?. A. Kella. local YMCA secre
tary, was in PorjUand yesterday on
business.' . - 'if!TYZ7
j 11 ' 11
Bearcat Party Tonight
:.' The Bearcat forum of the First
Methodist church will give a party
at the home of Esther Lifle. 1041
South 13th street. Saturday even
ing at 8 o'clock, All Willamette
University ' and , summer school
students are Invited to attend It.
Attend Oat August Sale-
Of furniture. Hamiltons.
Marriage Performed
j 1 Myrtle Kibbeywas- married to
Lorenz Schnuelle at the home of
the bride's parents, 640 . North
Twentieth street, yesterday, with
Rev. G. M. Hlrsch of Portland 6f
ficiating.K They will take a honey
moon trip to the' coast.
'i :
Wanted $2500 At Once
On 585 -acres of land. Let me
hear, from yon. G. W. Lafler, 419
Oregon Bldf. . . ' al5tf
; . - .;r.-
Return From .' Visit
. Mr. and .Mrs. 'jQt H. Llttlefleld
have returned from a week's visit
In Seattle. ' - ' .
Miss King on. Trip
Miss Millicent King, secretary
to the registrar at Willamette uni
versity, has gone to Newport where
she will spend the rest' of the
summer, . ...l:X"'.:'
Visiting Hei
Mr.; and Mrs. Miller and son of
Springfield, Ohio," are visiting R
R. Ryan of Salem.
Eat Yonr Old Fashion Steak
At the Lunch Box, 181 S. Lib
erty. . A22
From DePauw ; University
; The First Methodist church will
have the privilege of, listening to
a sermon Sunday morning by Dr
William Sweet of Jt?ePauw uni-
Lot Ir? 8, IS aa 14, Block 15, RIv
rviw . Prk, 8slem. Orojoa.1 Friea
S.250; lo SH ef SK4 of Soetloa
15. T. 11 8. R.- 9 W 14nela eoaaty,
- Orecoa, 80 aerca rood soil, part till'
able, part . sraxiag laad, uaimproTad.
Prle S3.400.
T2TRMS 10 each, balaaea 10 aiasl
aaaoal parmeata at IVM latere!.
A dress: Owner, Xf. G. Orendorff
;.60T : Vaa Nays Bids.
Tersity Greencastle. Indiana. Dr.
Sweet is la Salem visiting at the
home of Dr, M. -C. FIndley, and
will occupy the pulpit, in the ab
sence of Ihe pastor. Fred C. Tay
Jor, who Is spending a: week at
the beach with his family. .
: , , ' " '
Guilty of Asanlt jv ' ,
Judson Bresler; was arrested
yesterday on a charge of assault
and battery on the person of A.
H. Kleen. lie pleaded guilty be
fore Justice of the ;Peace Brazier
Small and his case was continued
pending his good . ' behavior, : on
motion of Lyle J. Page deputy
district , attorney, f Dressier . also
claimed that Kleen swpre at .his
wife. . '"rr
Vrc. Lert are, VTUk J adgment
Day When Will ' the . Judgment
Day Come? How . Long a Period
of Time is It? What Will , it Ac
complish?". These and other Ques
tions will be answered In lecture.
I very human being should be in
terested in this " subject. Derby
Bldg., Sunday,. Aug. ; 22, 8 p. m.
'""'" " ''''' " '" '
Get-Together .Heldr-C ,, ; ' f
'The :Nehalem ' Bay-.. Commercial
club, of which Mrs. Ben Lane of
Manzanita ,1s - the-1 secretary ! and
treasnrer, gave a get-together pic
nic at the Wheeler ball park last
Saturday, which was enjoyed by
about 259 residents land visitors
In 'the .north end-, of .Tillamook
county.. 'State Grange Master A.
M. Palmiter of Hood River ; and
Brother Kelley of Pomono grange.
Multnomah county,1 ; Oregon, were
the ; principal : speakers. A i ball
game and sports were enjoyed by
the. crowd. Many Salem residents
were "present. . ?
Special at Valeterla, Tel. 2227
Ladies' coats . 'Cleaned 9 1.50,
with fur 31.75. A21
Return From Trip (
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ralph have
returned from an extensive! trip
to the southern Oregon lakes, re
turning by way of Bend and the
McKenzie highway; Their . d au gh
ter. Miss Helen Ralph, remained
n Eugene to visit her aunt, Mrs.
Earl " Iddings and to attend the
Trail-to-Rall celebration.
Visit Our Household Dept ;
H. L. Stiff Furniture Co. !
License Issued
A marriage .license has Jeen
issued at the county clerk's office
to Myrtle Klzzey, 255 N. Church
street, and Lorenz Schnuelle, 40
North Twentieth street.
Car Hits Wagon
A. car driven by Helen Ahrens
of Lomita. Cal., was considerably
damaged when it skidded Into the
rear end of a wagon driven by T.
Leith of Gervais yesterday. The
accident occurred on the Pacific
highway near Gervais. Mrs.
Ahrens said in the; report made
at the sheriff's office that she was
attempting to pass the wagon when
another car : approaching rapidly
from the other direction- forced
her to turn in behind the; wagon.
and the slippery pavement caused
her car to skid. Slight damage
was done to. the wagon.
Complete Line of
Monarch Electric- Ranges at
Hamiltons. r ! A21tf
Complaint Filed j. :
The City of Lakeview has filed
with the public service commis
sion here' a complaint against the
service : of the Lakeview. ; Water
company. It was charged that the
service was .Ipadequate due to. a
defective flume and other ancient
equipment. ; j :'- '
MrO Aplet Injured-
Mrs.. R. L, Aplet of Stayton was
brought to a hospital here yester
day ' suffering from a cut which
nearly severed an artery of the
arm and loss . of blood. ' She was
cannfng 'fruit' at the time of the
accident. ..''
Pohle Estate 982,11
Herman Pohle, who died here
recently, left an estate of 382,110,
according to a report of the ap
praisers filed in the probate court
here yesterday.' 1 Real property
was valued at 335.800, and per
sonal property at 346,310.
Changed in 22 Years -
Arthur Wilson was born on the
Wilson farm three miles east of
this city " and: grew "' up ( in" Salem.
He J knew the Salem of, the ; old
days. "But he is' here for. the first
time in 22 years, and he finds ali
most everything changed for the
Phono 727
CHOICE of Tratib Genuine
Orange B'.oasom engage
tnent and wedding rings is a
tribute to the Judgment and
good taste of the wearer.
j ; :iLiimiA?r ciioi-i
g;mare Zal Jevera, Oaxaat
CtMe eaft Xesty.
(())(! DID)
Be sore and set this snap
before the other fellow does.
,V A 102O Studebaker Special '
touring with . good rubber, . ;
several extraa and " every-
thing in' the best of shape. ,
' This, car should sell for .
330. Our .'price la . 9275. ,
bette.r, generally.. , He. is a: cousin
of Otto J. Wilson at. whose home
he, is a -guest; being accompanied
by Mrs.- Wilson. and. their young
eat daughter, Eleanor, . There are
two pther daughters at, home, Lu
cile and Alice, .who are. .through
school, I Mr.iWilson is In te printing-business,
at Palo 'Alto. - Cat.,
where he - has been since he left
Salem. .'' They are - making their
trip by auto. . . . ' , . ; i
Aluminnm Sauce pans
; 3 In set. Sizes l.qt., tit. and
2 ; qt. 69c per .set for, Saturday
special. - H. L.i Stiff. Furniture Co.
'.?..!'?" ' ,f .. .V. ' -" A21
Accident Reported
Cars driven by A. W. Patchin
and J. W. Beckley collided, yester
day at the corner of Mill and Win
ter streets, according to reports
made at police headquarters.
Patchin stated that he failed to
see the other car until , he struck
it. No details ' of the ' accident
were given. '
' ' " :
Falls to Stop
Lucius Short was arrested by
local police officers last night on
a charge of failing to stop.
Fined for Speed
Bruce Spaulding and Fred Kay
ser each contributed $5 to the city
coffers by order of Police Judge
Mark Poulsen yesterday as a re
sult of their arrest on charges of
Parks too Long
H. R. Jones was fined 31 in po
lice court yesterday on a charge
of parking overtime.
Fined for Lights
E. R. Hunter, arrested recently
for failing to dim his headlights
at night , on wet pavement,! was
fined 32.50 in police court yester
day. . - ' .'i n'
Fails to Stop . '
Herb Howe was assessed a "15
fine in police court Vesterday 6rf a
charge of failing to stop, at i a
through street Intersection
Stock Is Sold
Resulting from the destruction
of his dairy barn by fire recently.
27 head of cattle were sold yester
day by R. C. Hallberg at his farm
seven miles east of Salem The
herd included pure bred! 'fifed
grade Holsteins. The prices aver
aged more than 3100 a head, or a
total of 32742. The. top price for
grades was 3126, paid by L. J.
Carl of Corvallls or a young cow.
Jj. A. yacn 01 cioreraate - paia
3165 for a pure bred. The buyer
from the greatest distance was
Fred Bonebrake of Roseburg, an
active bidder for the better stock,
who also purchased some grades.
Mr. Hallberg kept 15 head of cat
tle," but has not decided whether
to erect a complete barn .this rail
or a temporary one for the winter.
Roy Houck, . a neighbor, also sold
10 head of cattle at the sale
Visitors Reported
in Salem .
Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Hileman of
McMlnnviUe visited Salem Friday
Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Haller of
Woodburn yisited Salem Frlday-
F. E. Fish of Hubbard was a
Friday visitor in Salem.
Dr. H. C. Epley has left on a
two week trip to Portland.
Mrs. V. S. Smith of Albany was
in Salem Thursday. " .
O. M, Kay, of Worth Bend was a
Friday visitor In Salem.
R. B. Feffer of Summit, was In
Salem' Thursday. ' r v "
Mrs, H. O. Hamlin of Corvallls
visited Salem Friday, " s V
Mrs. W. Jerome of McMinnville
was in Salem Friday. ,
' Miss Katharine Kraemer V of
Monmouth was a Friday visitor in
Salem. ,
Caspar W. Hodgson of Zena
Oregon, was among the .Friday
night visitors In Salem.
" O. Richards of Portland is In
Salem this morning.
Mrs. J. B. Duncan of Ashland
visited Salem Friday. ; j.
E. R. Fay of Portland is a Sa
lem visitor today. ' 3
1 Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hamilton
spent Friday night in Salem They
are residents of Roseburg;'., i: I
Dorothy Gilfillan of Portland
visited SCalem Friday night. -
Mr. and Mrs. R. O.' McFarlane
of Hood River spent Friday night
in- Salem. . Kv- S .'A ' V
E. G Shafer of Bend was a Fri
day night visitor In Salem.: i f
, R. E. Morton of Portland visit
ed Salem FViday.
F; J. Blake, a resident of Port
land, is visiting Salem today.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Combs .jpf
Portland were In Salem frldr
night. , " - ': "
II. A. Lundgren and L. J. Allen
of Corvaiils visIUJ Salsn' Tridv
EMU mmit
in fiiEiin mm
Detectiyes-Will Break Dowii
Statements of Canton f
. - Detective
CANTON, Ohio, Aug. 20 ( By
Associated Press. ) Investigators
Into the murder of Don R. Mellett,
publisher i of: the Canton Daily
News, slain five weeks ago ; to
night, declared tonight that new
evidence, sufficients not only to
connect a Canton detective with
bootlegging activities but. possi-
niy to. ana him with the murdecr
ha;s been obtained. ; t ; j-- -;
. 'They said an arrest might be
expected soon, but did not indicate
upon which charge .it . would be
Xiased. , ' ri . . - ;
investigators dsclared today
they had ample evidence to break
down the statement of v Floyd
Streitenbergejr, detective ' of , the
Canton city police force, concern
ing the whereabouts of Louis Ma
zer, charged with . the murder.
Streitenberger was to have been
sought for questioning this after
noon but was found to have left
the city. It was at first feared be
had fled, but a check up showed
he had gone to another city to
bring a prisoner to this city.
Streitenberger issued a state
ment today in which he alleged
that a certain portion of an affi
davit made in. Buffalo, N. Y., by
Clement A. Curry, a -reporter for
the Buffalo Courier-Express, was
incorrect. Streitenberg declared
he was misquoted on the number
of times he had seen or talked
with Mazer since he arrested him
three years ago.
Curry, however, is said to have
declared ha could produce six, wit
nesses to whom. Streitenberger
made corroborative statements.
Investigators . here tonight scof
fed at the report that Bernard
McDermott,- brother , of Patrick
Eugene McDermott, is said to have
declared he believed his brother
had met with foul play. The offi
cials scouted the idea. k and ex
presses confidence that McDermott
is In hiding and that the officials
are trying to have him come be
fore them for questioning.
Rear Admiral Moffatt An
nounces Plans Calling tor
- c12 Millions
(AP.) Read Admiral Moffatt,
navy air chief, today announced
plans for, expenditure during this
fiscal year. of. approximately 312.-
000,900 made available by con
gress for purchase of new naval
, The-program is expected to add
282 ships to the navy air fleet.
100 of them being fighting planes,
47. observation planes, 61 bomb
ing planes, torpedo and scouting
planes, and 74 training planes.
Designs for the new planes will
be determined in competitive
flight tests and the navy depart
ment experts about' 24 airplane
manufacturing concerns to partici
pate In, the competition. .
The procuring plan outlined by
Admiral Moffatt indicates that
more planes than originally ex
pected, willbe obtained with the
funds available due largely to de
creased prices for certain types of
ships. The program is part of the
normal navy aviation plan and
does not Include any part of the
navy five year expansion project
authorized by- congress, v Funds
for the five year plan will be
available the first of July; 1 927.
Bravery: A-"1 trait, that shows
up when f the - heighi, reach and
chest measurement are' in your
(CfBtlanad tram pK 1.)
some representing ' the largest
hatcheries and breeding flocks in
the state. ' After recounting what
had been done in the . way of pre
liminary or gani2at ion. T Chairman
Brownell called for discussion of
the proposed plan as set forth in
the by-laws. This discussion soon
brought 'out the fact that breeders
as a class were anxious to estab
lish the certification work at once
and were, ready; ta make conces
sions, if necessary, to this end
Iateherymen, on the other hand.
were less enthusiastic, some open
ly -voicing' their, opposition to the
: ;Of those who finally signed up,
13 were breeders; Ore were hatch
erymen and five were flock owners
In j the - classifications " provided - in
the membership,:,;-Several sighed
ui in more than one class. -
'As several points of controversy
arose . that ; : could not be settled
without ; further -Investigation of
prevailing practices in other asso
ciations, those who signed did so
With the ; understanding that a
later, meeting will be held in the
near future, at which a settlement
of all uncertain points will , be
reached each member having the
rlghjpaf that time to withdraw and
have "bis fees refunded' in case he
U" dissatisfied. . '
-; It was announced that for the'
H tm SUM
At Oregon Theatre Today
UoycL ffutfftes iL fJaryAttoc Jt'Pit SorJet Stint?
Marion Oavles Masquerades
as Crown Prince in Lat-
- est. Picture
"The Three Musketeers." "Jaf
fery," and "The White Company"
made a man out of Marlon Davies!
" These are the three books, cho
sen by the Cosmopolitan star as
echoing the most purely male psy
chology she could , think of, which
she read and ; studied before em
barking on her masculine masque
rade as the ; crown . prince In her
new - Cosmopolitan production.
"Beverly of Granstark."
To enact a. man successfully.
Miss Davies decided that she must
first understand male psychology
in fact become so steeped in it
that he feminine side of her na
ture would nractically vanish. The
best way to accomplish this, she
decided, was to read books' echo
ing mans psychology and male
Ideas, while at the same time de
scribing male deportment and
How well the formula worked
can be seen at the Elsinore the
atre today where her new picture
Is now being shown. Every day.
before donning her uniform, the
star delved into. the adventures of
Athos, Tq rthos - and Aramis, or
into the doings of the ultra mod
ern swashbuckler of the Locke ro
mance, embellishing these impres
sions with bits from - the Conan
Doyle novel.
"It Is a fact," she says, "that
after reading a while it became
natural to wear, a unifprm. j ;lts
easy enough to get into a uniform.
but-mighty hard to look natural
in it unless you actually, think in
male terms and do it naturally-
a stiff problem for a. woman." ,
Miss Davies says v. her reading
did more to help' her In the diffi
cult role' than anything she did.
first year, while the membership
is comparatively small, the work
of supervision and inspection will
be in charge of MI.- E. Cosby, ex
tension specialist" In poultry at
OAC, thus reducing the costs white
the association becomes establish
ed. The association is incorpor
ated under the cooperative ' laws
of this state and'as such la en
tirely a non-profit concern, it was
announced. ; Its ' objects, as . Bet
forth in the by-laws, are to im
prove the standard of the poultry
of Its members by official super
vision, inspection and certification
of breeding Stock, "hatcheries and
flOCks. :" .-S;i: ;r ! " ' ' '
Products of the "members, after
passing rigid inspection, t may be
sold as. certified or accredited
eggs;, chicks or breeding stock, and
may be advertised as such under
a uniform trade-mark to be adopt
ed by the association. . a; ? -
Such an . association has been
operating In .Washington forfour
years and another is organised in
California, Organization of tho
Oregon association was hastened.
it Is said,- by the action' of Wash
ington in placing, an; embargo o
all Oregon chicks,' which embargo
has since been lifted for one year.
Blanks : that : are : Legal
Vfe carry in slock over 115 legal blanks suited to most any buslrrsi
transactions.' We may have just the form you are looking for at a L:;;
saving as compared to made to order forms.
Some of the forms : Contract of Sale,4 Road Notice, Will fpras, Ascln
ment of Mortffap-e. Mortgage forms. Quit Claim Deeds, Abstract forms,
KiU of Sale, Building Contract, Promissory Notes, Instalment rctcs,
General Lease, Power of Attorney, Prune Books and Pads, Seals I.e.
ceipts, Etc. These forms are carefully prepared for the courts ar.-I
private use. Price on forms ranges from 4 cents to 1G ccnl3 cplccc,
and on note books from 25 to 50 cents. -
the Statesman Publisliiiig Co.
.4 " .
""' i- ! ' j ;.
wwaai..l winaata,,t itawMMwwwai
Oregon Film' Embodies New
Orleans Actual Mardi
' Gras Fete ,
Lloyd Hughes and Mary Astor,
two of filmdom's most . popular
young stars, have the leading roles
in "The Scarlet Saint," First Na'
tionat's romantic drama of New
Orleans at the Oregon theater to
day. ..; ' , ;. .-.;: :; ,
Colorful Mardi Gras scenes tak
en in the southern city during the
picturesque , festival - form the
background of this highly enter
taining story which, based on Ger
ald Beaumont's story. "The Lady
Who Played FIdele." deals with
the romance of a New Orleans
beauty, who Is forced to marry a
man she does not love through a
promise made by her father years
, Horse racing, a prominent fea
ture of Mardi Gras week, figures
in the picture, and patrons of the
Oregon theate will be treated to
several sensational horse-racing
episodes. Two famous race tracks,
Belmont and Empire, were - used
daring the filming of the big race
.scenes. ',, . .. .
The colorful and fantastic Mar
di Gras scenes, embodied . in the
picture version of the Beaumont
story, were photographed by First
National 'camermen' at" the New
Orleans carnival last ' year. ; ; The
more Intimate scenes lot the fes
tlval were taken at the company's
eastern studio. ;' Xz " J" ?-. y--
'.;i Determined to; give picture pa
irons a realistic setting ' for the
New Orleans story, First National
cameramen7 were sent ! to -the
southern metropolis . and1 took
street scenes In which the merry'
makers disported ? themselves in
and about the highways and by
'ways. But the most unique of all
the scenes taken were-those shot
at, the famous Duke of Alexis brfY
in. the Tulane theater. ; -i '-,", ..
l ' (Continued front VK )
the whole history of the west,-
; The idea took root:, in other
communities,, until more than a
score participated and so the cele
bration today and yesterday .was
an. Oregon celebration, , .a -Pacific
coast celebration. , " ,i -t ,.; ,? t .
! Portland came with two bands.
American Legion .drum corps,; a
long line of floats and 250 leading
1 . Pe'a, "FlylnR Fox," Is the son of tlie Kamoan chieftain
1 ' Ta-avale, Tho Wheel,"' and Tn'ungalt, "Slio Who Sits
I .Quletly.'V Hla spirit la aa delicate as the scarlet hibiscus--I
flower ho wear over his mr. Hla laugh Is a- flaxh of
1. sunlight. He is Doy,' "elf, spirit of light, master of the
1 art of living. He. is the Peter Pan of the South Seas.
I Ills spirit well might make the whole world friend. . ,
J : . You Will Admire '
At Busincs3 Office, Ground Floor
business arid "professional men to
Join, in the parade today. Hill.;
boror was represented ly the Ore
gon Dowager Qaeeri," Salem.sent
Its Cherrians and a band,' Junctioa
City had a flot, Bandon sent its
beach men and a float, Corvani
was represented by, a long line of
decorated cars, escort for her
princess, Springfield 6ent march
ers and a float. ' . ,
- The ! prize winning' American
Legion drum .corps of Bend, ia
their snappy uniforms of blue and
golddrew applause. all along the
route.. Grants Pass cave men
pranced with war clubs In the mist
that fell, muttering horsely ."Its
the climate."
Vancouver had - & -girlsV Ktrlng
band, and a float. Klamath Falls,
had one pf the largest representa
tions with a band, the Pelicans
marching in a body, with floats
and a large delegation of citizens.
Albany entered floats and a girls
band.; - ' - i ' '
"What a celebration you have
made, said Governor Pierce.
"Never was there a play I beUevn
on ,tfc coast exceeding this pat
eant. I am happy to be governor
at a time when we are doing such
things." !'''' .!'' V.. .
V-rj ' r i v..-;'
Legislation: Something that
makes justice 'cost lis moro than
we can afford to pay 'j
John .Wv -Allen; 'died'at Pendle
ton Thursday, aged 70. Funeralt.
residence . near .Rlckreall this .af
ternoon at 2 o'clock. Dr. Bryant of
Corvallls presiding. . Survived by
three sons, W, B. Allen and J.
Davis , Allen of Rickreall and
Ralph W. Davis of Adams, Ore.,
and one daughter,' Miss Ethel E.
Allen of Corvallls. Webb's Funeral
Parlors in charge.1 ! (;.
II. P. Jones, died at a local hos
pital Thursday, aged 7X. Body
sent to Portland for burial. Sur
vived by.wldow. Mrs. E. II.' oJncs
of Portlands Webb's Funeral Par
lors in charge. : ' f .'.;;,J
ST. HILAIRE rCelia St, IJilaU-o
died this morning,. Aug. 20, at
the home of her brother, Felix
; LaBrancb, one mile east of the
city at the age of 76 years. She
is survived by her brother, Fe
lix' LaBranch, by four nephews
f . -B n A ulna n rrra Th a v a m ilna
Ore in charge ' oft the Salem
mortuary and announcement of
the funeral will be jmade at a
later date. . . . .
The funeral services for . Fred
W. Steusloff will' be 'held 'this af-.
ternoon at 2 o'clock at at Rlgdon
mortuary. Rev. W. C. Kantner
will have charge. Interment will
be In M4. Crest Abbey mausoleum,
the services there by Pacific Lodge
No. 60, Masonic order.
' The active pallbearers will bt
John Craig, D. C. MInto, Robert
Downing,' Edward Hartley. A. T.
Wain and Clyde : Rice, The fol
lowing Will act as honorary pall
bearers:. Curtis Cross, Dan J. Fry
Sr., Dr. R. E. Lee Rtelner, Jordan
Purvine, T. A. LIveslcy and Will
lam Walton. ; 1
Great Is Life, real and mystical,
wherever and .whoever; ,
Great is Death, sure as life
holds all parts together,
Death holds all parts together.
Has 'Life much purport? Ah,
Death has the greatest pur-
'port. ' r-
. , '--Walt Whitman.
W. T. Rigdon & Son
4i M tU tM, Wit I tut titt t Ui M