The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 21, 1926, Page 3, Image 3

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tSm&fii Smiety N&wsi
San Francisco Visitor
J It lored at Luncheon
Mi3oyd Egertbn . (Claudine
Rose )oi- San Francisco, who I
the house . gast. 6t her . mother.
Mrs. George Rose, waa the Inspir
ation for an1 attratitve bridge
luncheon on; a recent day when
Mrs. Joseph Rothschild (Margaret
Egan) of Portland, who Is domi
ciled at the Egan country home
on the River road for the anm-
A blue and rose color scheme
W was used throughout the rooms.
, The centerpiece was of rose! gladl
i oli guarded by ' exquisitely tall
' rose tapers in n?rr.
mer flowers were used on the aide
Aboard. Mrs. Homer Ooulet won
T the bridge, prize of the Afternoon.
Itl Covers at the luncheon were
f a tnr mm irnrtoB. the honor
aammw ......
ueat, Mrs. Clifford Farmer. Mrs.
Homer . Goulet, . Miss Louise
Thompson. Mrs. Arthur Goffln,
Mrs. Ellen Mfcssey, and 'the hos
tess, Mrs. Joseph Rothschild .
Miss Clark Is Guest '
MiB8 Ola Clark. Is enjoying a
vacation near Mount Hood "as the
guest of Miss Hatel Browne. -Miss
Browne has resigned her position
at the Salem high school in order
to accept teaching post with the
Portland schools
Vacation at ' a4 ;
Breitenbush Springs . .
Mr. and Mrs.-C. O.. Rice and
daughter Karline. and. MUs Jane
Cunningham, are home from a , two
weeks vacation '. at Breitenbush
Mrs. McNary in Portland'
Mrs. Charles L. McNary Is visit
ing in Portland this week, having
gone north on . 'Wednesday. Mrs.
voKan i si thn Heathman hotel.
J .i -" . ,.. ;
i if George Beck Is -
-1 if V rrifid in Tiliamook '
The Christian, church "at Tilla-
vedding. Sunday afternoon when
Miss Agnes Coates. youngest
daughter of Thomas Coates, be
came the bride of George Beck
of Salem. .The Rev.'Ai, T. Eaton
read be service' in the presence of
a large number or reiauves anu
I Miss Haiel Bodle of Bay City
played a piano selection and . W.
Thomas Coates, brother of the
ft Bodle also played the wed
ding; march.
Th hftde. who- was given In
marriage by her father, wore
sown of white lace nd satin ack
crepe- with V'lohg veil' arranged
In cap shape with orange bios-
sums. . Sh carried , shower bou
quet of Ophelia roses1 and maiden
hair fern. Her sfster, Mrs. Ben
Utter of Pprtland. the matron of
honor, was attractive In pink char
meuse -with a hat to match. She
If' der? asters and ferns. Virgil T.
JJ riniAn nf 1 Salem was best man.
y Ijee Doty and Ben Utter were the
rv ushers. .
After the ceremony an informal
'rt-ception was held in the chufch
parlors, f flowed by :a wedding
luncheon served to the bridal party
and; .close relatives by' women of
the church. A . pink .and green
color scheme with baskets, of glad-
r toll "and ferns was used in decor-
I atirig. . . -
The bride is a graduate of the
University of Oregon and a tnemi
jKrr'.ot Sigma Beta Phi sorority,
and-has been connected with the
state library at Salem since -her
..graduation. Mr,, Beck is a wil
lamette university graduate .Mid
lias been prominent in Salem mu
sical circles. He is a member of
Anh Phi Delta fraternity and
during4 the, World war was decor
cled by Queen Marie Of Rumania
during his service overseas.
Mr. and Mrs. Beck left for a
wedding trip to the beach and win
visit, In British Columbia before
sailing for Ketchikan, Alaska,
-where Mr. .Beck will teach, in the
. Bchools.
Out-of-town gneats at the wed
dink1 Included Mr.' and Mrs.. Bea
Utters Mrs. C. E. Ernst; Miss Hei
Ve ;Brnst, .Mr. and Mrs. 'R.;W.
. i f Remmintton. Mrs. . u. v eicn anu
J V Miss Enid Vetch of Portland; Mrs,
'Fmftburn and Miss H.- Brie of
Seattle, and Mr. and Mrs T. S.
Golden. Mr. and Mrs. Howard
Rer. VirgU T. Golden. uMr. and
2Wrs...Trott Vincent. Mrs.. Jennie
C. Vincent, Bertha A'!Vinceht;J
Clin ton Vincent. Mr. and 'Mrs. Ed
garM. Rowland and Mr. and Mrs.
Reed - Rowland of Salem. -Port
land Telegram.' -
Tf l.J. Ct-t Tt '.T -'.'V ;..
j I f r-vrmer aaiem iiexmcriis ,
rtftrbm Montana Are Visitors
rvV- Tterv. and Mrs. James Elvln. ac
companied by their son, 7 nomas
Marvin, and their daughter Julia
of Helena, Mont., are spending
Borne time; in Salem as the guests
of friends; Rev. Mr. Elvin was
pest or of the First Congregational
chUTCh of' Salem six years ago:
Rev. and Mrs. Elvin are traveling
hy. "motor. '. .
Spend Month at Manzanita
. Mrs. Ralph ' H. Kletting and
three children. Harold, Dorothea
and Marjerie. are home after
spending a month at Manzanita.
Over t be week-end th Klettiga
entertained as their guests Mr.
nd Mrs. F. S. Anunsen and child
i ' V'-?-"
Miss Edna Schreibe'r- '
Becomes Bride of M,' s . .'v
Albert Cochran ' , v .
A beautiful wedding was solem
nized at the home' of Mr, apd. Mrs.
Michael Schretber .Tuesday- at- 2
p. ra. when their daughters Edna;
was united in marriage to M, ,Al
bert Cochran of -Drain..-
Preceding" the ceremony '"Oh,
Promise Ikle". was sung by Chester
Phillips of Clat9kanle."a fratera-.
Ity brother of the iroom, and At
uawnmg ty Misa Alberta Koontz
of Haiscy, ftororlty sister, "of the
bride. Both" vocalists '-were J ac
companied by Miss Nora Pehrsson.
The bridal party "entered to the
strains of Lbhencrin's : weddins
nmrch played by Mrs; B; O. lland
fey of McMinnvllfe. The- feroom
was attended by: Mr. Phillips..
Immediately ' preceding the
bride, her small niece; Bertha Mae
Murray, made a charming picture
In an orchid '.dressy carrying a bas
ket of sweet peas. .. .,,
The bride, accompanied by her
sister, . Mrs. Edwin Bergstrom of
Astoria, matron of honor, was at
tractive in a 'gown of white satin
and silver lace. Her veil was held
In place by a wreath' of orange
blossoms. ; . She carried ra (bouquet
of white asters. I. ' -.
The matron- of honor was gbwn-
od in rose taffeta and carried rose
The ring ceremony of the. Meth
odist church was' performed by
Rev. Sidney W. Hall of Sllverton.
The rooms were, testefully decor-
ated with autumn leaves and as
ters. . A buffet liinch was served to
the assembled guests. . , . ,-; J
..Mrs. .Cochran Ja .-a .-graduate of
Willamette university and a mem
ber of the Alpha Phi Alpha soror
ity. , i - t -
Mr. Cochran, a graduate of Ore
gon Agricultural . college and a
member of . the Phi Sigma' Kappa
fraternity,. Is a teacher in Drain
high'scltooU ;
r After- a brief honeymoon the
young couple will no to Drain
where 'they will be at home to
their ' many friends. Telephone
Reglsier, ,McMlnnville.
Wtnns Attend
Eugene Celebration '
.Rev; and ,Mra. Gilbert Wrenn
(Kathleen Xa Raut ) were- among
those from ,' Salem in attendance
at , the Trall-to-Rail celebration
and pageant In Eugene yesterday.
Mrs. Needham Is
Luncheon Hostess . t
Mrs. F. E. Needham was hostess
oq Thursday at ,a..l:q.'cloe luneh
edtf honoring Sirs. L. G." Gibbons
on her birthday anniversary. -
, Covers were ' placedcifor? Mrs.
Gibbons, Mfs. Grant W. Day. Mrs.
Ross Goodman, Mrs. Glenn Yager.
Mrs. Roy Romaine and the hos
tess, Mrs. Needham. . 41
Motor to Washington
Mr. and. Mrs. B. o .Moll re
turned home Thursday - evening
from a motor trip Into western
Washington. - Mr. and 'Mrs. Moll
stopped for a visit with their son.
Gordon. '
Visitors JUtum io. A rkansax,
Mr. nd Mrs. R. E. IIendel, who
were the guests, of Mr, and Mrs:
E. O. Moll for five weeks, are now
on their way home to Heber
Springs, Ark. - Mrs. Moll and Mr,
Henpei "are Drotner and -sister.
The Hen dels, who are travellng,by
motor',' planto stbp at ; numerous
resorts on their way home.
August Bride-Elect 1$ ,
Honored at Dinner Party
Among the numerous affairs
honoring Miss Alene Ritchie, pop
ular. August bride-elect, . waa t
dinner given on Thursday ; even
mg at the lxeircnbacn , home on
Fourth street. Miss Ritchie '& wed
ding to Rev Leroy , Walker 'will
be an event of August 24.
r.Tbe. table 'centerpiece ' was- of.
pink and white scabiosa, -while
other attractivo , summer flowers-
were arranged about ' the rooms.
The evening' wa spent' In conver
sation and music. - ,:
Those- present at the dinner
were - Miss .Ritchie. . Rev. Leroy
Walker, Miss Winifred Ritchie,
Miss ' Esther DiefTenbaeh, Frank
Ritchie. E. C. Dieffenbach and the
hosts, Mr. and-Mrs. M. E. DJeffen-
oach. - -..
XV. R. C. to Hold Silver Tea
The .Woman's Relief corps- will
sponsor a silver "1 tea at- 2 jo'ciock
this afternoon ' In McCornack "hall
for the bene Stof the 197 'con
vention" fund.7 'The organization
i already planning for the enter-4
tain men t of the WRQ and GAR
at next x season's department -con-'
vention.' ' '" , '-
Members of the WRC will also
hold a business meeting ' tomor
row. . - : .--,-,."
Trip to Washington ,v
. Mr. and Mrs. V. A. Thomas of
Salem, in company with Mr., and
Mrs. W. Miller or Staytonr- are
enjoying a trip Into. Waahingtop.
They will visit Spokane and' Other
cities, and expect to be gone seve
ral days. " ' - :
EUREKA, Cal.. Aug. 20. (By
Associated Press.) The navy sea
plane PB-1 which left Sand Point
tteld near Seattle yesterday morn
ing on a flight to San Diego arriv
ed here at 3 o'clock this after-
Clara Cronin and , Clyde 0.
Uowmng'. Begin -Action
Seeking Freedom r
Two divorce, complaints- were
filed In the county clerk's office,
with the wife "as complainant in
one case. and,. Uie -husband in the
other. .Both couples were married
in 1M7 and each has one child. ,
Clara Cronn has Drought. suit
ajtainsf Daniel J. ;tonin, whom
She . married , in Gooling; Idaho,
May, 117'.; '.Tey have it son. 6,
and -Mrs. Cronin has a ppn, 1,
by'a' form'er marriage. - In the
.complaint she alleges that' Cronin
refaaed to .permit, thia stepson to
eat at the, family table and that
he called the child vile name.
. ( . . , , f . i
She also alleges that-he called
her 'vile names ' and '. ordered her
to leave.Tidme. She asks' custody
of their. 5 year old son. . . '
Clyde D. Downing has' filed suit
against Adelaide J. . Downing,
whom he married in Salem. Sept.
1917. '-They have ar daughter .8
years old. - '.;
In the complain Downing al
leges that Mrs. Downing has
treated him lnta cruel and in
human manner, and has associated
with other "men. She even went
so far as to pose as another man's
wife, he declares,, and says she
n tends to marry him as soon as
possible. r.
Mrs. Downing left him in "June
of this year, he states, and they
have not lived together since.
Mrs. Fred Haack . and daughter
Bonnie returned Thursday from a
visit at Oakrldge. They jwere at
the home of , Mrs. Haaek's daugh
ter. Mra. oland Dimlck.
J. E. Rhoten 'of Portland spent
a short time Tuesday at the home
of his sister, Mra. M. A. Barker.
W. H. Helsler is building an
addition to his home, south of
Marion and expects to move there
soon from Portland where he has
spent the last few years.
Mrs. G. Miles and children re
turned to their home nt Vackats
few days ago after visiting rat
the home of her sister, Mrs. A. F.
Lafky. j
S, E. Roland ia back at work
in the depot after a month's va
cation, accompanied by hia wife
and daughter Claud Ian. An en
joyable time was spent motoring
o .Yellowstone national park.
The Marlon Community dub
4ield its regular monthly meeting
Friday evening . . . Ai'j
Mrs. L. A. Doerfler and daugh
ter Virginia are visiting frtenda
and relatives at Woodland, Waah.
Scotts Mills
Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Mnlvlhill and
daughter of Portland visited Mrs.
MulvlhlU's parents. Mr. and Mrs.
A. L. Brougher. for a few Ways the
first of the week.
Mrs. Anna Nega and son, Theo
dore, of Santa Anna, Cal., have
been visiting her brother, A. A.
Gersch.and family , the past two
woeks. , - ." .''
Funeral services for the three
months old daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Marion Crites. who died very
suddenly," was held last Tuesday
afternoon. :Lv J. White conducted
the", services at the Christian
church. Interment was in the I.
O. O. ,F. cemetery.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Shepherd of
near Eugene visited at the B. F.
Shepherd home' Sunday. -. f
Ray Teller visited friends in
Portland and relatives at 'Wllla-
rnina Saturday and Sunday.'.-'
.Mrs. Joe' Barlink left for Ore
gon City Sunday where ''she will
visit friends tori a ,week. . ' ;
' Mrs. C. A. Dunagan and daugh
ter Miss Grace, and son Shirley,
went to . Portland Monday . where
Kiss Grace Dunagan was to un
dergo an operation in her throat
Tuesday morning. i.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Magee re
turned .home Thursday from! Se-
Sparklets ':
Special for Saturday
Only 4 :
27c a lb.
2 lbs. for 50c
Regular Price. 40c lb.
(2 C H A E F E R'C
OriginaLYellow Front
PHONE 197 ; '
', Pcnslar-Store
135 North Commercial St
: '
& -M
Maurice' Mouvet, world famous dancer, better known as
VMaurlce," has announced his retirement from the dancing stage,
according to word from Paris, and will settle down to. a home lire
with' his wife, formerly Miss ;Eleanore Ambrose, daughter of-a
millionaire oil man of Kansas
, j .
HAW j Juuuu.
Ottle. They were accompanied by
Mrs. Magee'a. daughter, Misa
Gladys Pearl, who Visited here for
several days.
Mrs. . J. S. Korb and daughter
Leone returned home Sunday from
Cloverdale where they had been
the past two weeks.
Walter Elmer, who has been
visiting his grandmother, Mrs.
Kate Landwing, the past year, left
for his home in Butternut, Wis.,;
O. Dixon was in Portland Mon
day on business. ;
Mrs. J. N. Amundson and her
daughters Claris and Helen, And
Mrs. W. A. SaUeressig were ' in
Mt. Angel Tuesday on business.
(.Coutmurtl froiopfe I.)
Sylvia Gaines,' Starwich said.
"Kallum told us that he was
almost positive but that he could
not conscientiously swear to the"
identification on the witness
stand. ', -.
"Miss Gasklll told us that she
had paid little attention to the
man and could not identify, him.
From the statements given ua we
were positive that Gaines was
'I . remember that when the
couple were being questioned here
In the office before they had seen
Gaines, they described him pain3'
stakingly and from their descrip-
U.ion PfJ , Jarrett, who
known Gaines for many yeaf a. Im
mediately nudged me and said: '
"Tt's Bob, alright.' (Bob is
nickname of Gaines.)
On June 23 we uncovered the
first of our two main witnesses.; .
'Acting on a tip frpm Tom
Barlow, a loan man, we went, to
the county . hospital where Louis
Stern was painting as a couhty
employee. He protested that: he
knew nothing of the case. -but
Barlow had told us on thft morn
ing of June 17, Stern came to him
and told him of Gaines' confes
sion to him (Stern) the night be
fore.' ; .
We took Stern to - my office
and after five hours of question
ing ne Drone down ana told us
everything Gaines had said to
The juty which convicted
Many Other Bargains at Our
August Sale,
City. Photo shows tnenvin a
.--v. -Jt : Ji
Gaines was the first selected in i
Washington under a new law
passed by the last legislature fix
ing a new system. t
! Under the old law the county
clerk selected Jurors by lot from
a list containing, the names of all
tax payers and voters in King
county. Under the hew statute
this list is given to the judge 'who
goes over it and from it .compiles
a Smaller and selected list for the
ensuing year.- This smaller list
then goes to the clerk who by lot
rails a certain number of jurors
each month. Half of the number
called serve for two months so
that there are always a number
of experienced jurors in service.
Prosecutor Colvln predicted that
al future criminal law' actions
will proceed with much greater
Bpeed by reason of the new sys
tem, as evidenced In thia trial.
Sylvia Gaines body was found
on the edge of Green Lake here
the morning of Juno 17. She waa
strangled and beaten to death the
preceding night. Thirteen days
later Gainea was arrested,
m The jury received the case at
i:0C p. m. yesterday and after de
liberating two hours and thirty
five minutes came to its decision.
Only three ballots were cast.
SILVERTON. Aug. 20. (Spe-
-cial to The Statesman.). The Sfi-
verl-on conAi unity fair, committee
has prepared premium lists of
prizes for ' the coming fair, the
dates' of ''-which have been set' for
Sept. 16, 17 and 18. The lists are
being mailed out to, farmers and
growers in the -surrounding com
"' One' $per Boudoir "
Lamp free with
every $20.00 strand
of Bluebird Pearls.
' Jeweler
.While They Last
: io T7rr
Represent the Furnitiife Rd-
porter and Keystone
Printing Co,
Miss May . Barton and Miss
i Grace Wagner ; of San. Francisco
: are Salem' visitors, arriving yes
terday. ,Mls3 Barton represents
the. Furniture Reporter of that
City, which is the leading trade' jmi
per for that line on -Ibis coast.
Miss "Wagner .represents the Key
stone Printing company of San
francisco: ' V " : ' 1 v
The ladles are traveling by Lin
coln automobile, and are prepared
for eatrrpfng. They are on a va
cation trip bf two months. Thdy
have five weeks before them. For
I three weeks they have vl3lCed Cali
fornia . points and will proceed
over the Columbia highway, f then
through'- the'Puget Sound country.
and Int6 British ".Columbia. They
came up the coast route in Call
fornia. They will return by the
valley route.
-They will be shown-the attrac
tions and Bights of Salem and sur
rounding country by C. F. Giese,
of the . Glese-Powers TFurnfture
company,1 today. They are already
wjell pleased with what 'they have
seen of Salem; Miss Barton knows
" 0 " I
ij -4, y
New Today ' v'V' i 0'
17ml i a areal hiclun
i ' - - - - -., - ..
II f f m -'A .,.., ' :'"... - I it
J Sunday Tr I - Sunday;; h
A girl who had all
men at her feet
t prce the ladies Tall
' r feU for.
. jl One and the same!
- .What possibilities
4 W iur UI ii I a hi ft
I twists, gales of
. I laughter, a dif f er-
f - ent love story, . in
f i.tts gicat maiimiiv
' . i
, Professor
'I !' : -i . ?Vu-y js&s:. .. - ': .... ;;;
4 ? :
practically li'iiij teadiusr lurni-
-- tCohtillUt-d froiu pg 1.) - ; .
the iarlff andVwants a fair shake
with the east." - There la no de-eire-
to tear down,?! he-,' protective
system, he added. h;x)ji "realization
that -witK'hetdemaad,for -American
jta.rm-jimducts-v dropping,,: in
Europe the farmer" must depend
more and -more on, the.'home mar
ket. '
"' A tariff on hides, fiow on the
free list, was -urged y i hja'Sebatr
who said that although the cattle
industry had 'recovered, somewhat,
its condition - still was lowv;;and
that.not wfthstahding. the relative
ly low prices-for--hideai ttfe prices
e s hoes have- sho wnria 'd ec rease.
He 'alfw nggested the'desirability
of a higher tarUf on' beef. Iri the
face of competition from the Ar1
gentlne and cm wheatt'V. ' i
- Asaertingi that there was no
great demand for plover, tariff on
any specif ief manufa:tnred goods.
Mr., Capper replied JTfat the tarirf
rates- on; ..AlumlnvnVproducts had
bee.n opposed1 byfarmers-when the
Fordney-McCnmbef' IfiYif f was- en
acted ajd . lie V pent ended., subse
tiuettt' events had' justified that
position, i ' ' .
.' ' (Uoattiaoeti irom-Vage .f
bibtioli "agent talked-- with him,
endeavoring -to.'persnade him to
novel .
5 !i it
t - . -s.
; - lj . .
: l I r-t0 V j Mon. andrTues.
w . CONRAD ' Jr
'-" NAGEL - ' r
A ' ELEANOR" ' " j V;
A " BOAUDMAN. ; j u
:, . Memory Lane '"
ph ' f .. ' .... m - :: i' a i
V - )-'v.;r v "A -
1 At tlie Theaters TcZzyi
O; ; j y O
- The Klslnore "Beverly of
Graustark. by' George Barr, Mc
Cutcheon, enacted"' by Anionic
Moreno, . Marion Davies, Roy
D'Arcy, Crelghton Hale".
. ,-, , '-i.'tt. j-. i
. Oregon Mary Aston Llord1'
Hughes in ""The Scarlet. Saint."
, BH&h -5 acta vaudeville ; ppd.
surrender. The boy refused to
do so. L - . . ' :
The wounding of the younger
boy came as a climax of crimes '
committed In thia section'; ' and
started'when they shot, their way
to freedom after being arrested at
Garden City, Kansas, .tor the-? rob-.'
bery of a filling station, - , '
They nxt. appeared on the out
skirts of . Pueblo; where .they held-"-up
and robbed, the officer who to- . .
day wounded the "younger of the-''-boys
and took his automobile, - "
Forrest, arraigned "this lifter" '
noon; pleaded guilty to two charg
es of 1 highway' robbery. '-He warf'-:
sentenced to ' 20 to 30 years in
prison on each "'charge.'' 5 -' ?-1 ;v
KoitGK Arrit:"s.
TACOMA, Aug. 20. (ByAssoi -elated
Press.) With the dlsman-:
tied and .crated remains of . the' fa-
mous transpolar airship Norge lit
her hatches, the -Waska-'Steamahip
Tanana arrived in port-from Seat--:--,.,,
tie today. . x- , - -1.- i . r-
inn "
Adults '..'.':."c
Children ...:..1.0c
Baleonv H.'c
Main Floor .1- .-S0c
. nut ' , . x.
: - - ' ' lllll - I '
A "i Children .
; ""I.
w t " ' " ' '