The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 13, 1926, Page 3, Image 3

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By, AUDKED BUNCH : : i Phone ids 1 ' V -' :
Missvbvender , Announces
Betrothal at Tea in' Portland.
; Of vide interest In Salem 1? the
news of Tthe' betrothal of Miss Z,
Anne Lavender to Cephas J.' Ranv
joist of Vashipn, Wash. ' The an
nouncement ? ot, the engagement
was made bo" Saturday afternoon,
August 7, when Miss Larender en
tertained, honpflng . Miss Elaine
Oberg upon her return from Chi
cago. r The attractive ' affair took'
place at the home of Mrs L. J.
McDaniel at 5 2? East , Nineteenth
street, rortland. . ' ' "
Lorely summer , flowers, with
gladioli predominating, 'decorated
the rooms. In the dining loom a
color schemQ of yellow; and white
usea, wun- yeuow , can ales
burning in yellow candelabra. Mrs.
I J. MxDanlel cut the. Ices, while
Mrs. Raymond-B Rogers presided
at the, urn. Assisting in. the serv
ing were Miss Mollis Vick and
Miss Myrtle - Jensen of Salem, Miss
Loroa Lovett of Portland, and
Miss Pauline Weiss of . Vashon,
Wash. .."U- .
Numerous college friends of the
'bride-elect were included in the
guest list, v : ' -v. -"..'
Miss Lavender is the youngest
daughtef of "Mr.1 and Mrs. JD. , P.
Lavender of 17S0 i Court street,
while Mr. Raniquist is the oldest
son of Mr. and Mrs. E. C, Ram
Quist of Seattle. ' v
Miss Lavender, is a- graduate of
Wdlamette TtintTers ijy ;vitlU the
class of 2f;-Vitie)was m member
of both lhe?Biit CM'sorjW-fty and
the Adelante literary' society. Dut--ing
the past stfason ehe'aias been
teaching at; Yashop, a potdtion une
wiU renmeV-tliejrst'of Septetn
be A Mr. Ram 4 u 1st iraAWSC man,
now in businesin' VBshion. .....
The wedding w ill be "an event
jpi tne co
Visits ii
f the coming summer'.
in Astoria :. '
r',. Miss Elizabeth Hogg is visiting
witn friends and relatives in As
toria, ' She plans to be away for
three weeks.
Popular Salem Girl
Announces Engagement '
at Formal Tea
In every jway a distinctive af
f a ir, ' th.e tea - of y esterd ay after
noon at which Mrs. John J.-Rob-orts
announced the engagement of
her v- eldest : daughCer, Beverley
Hete llr. John Crandall Wat
son, of Oakland, CaL, was doubt
less the-, outstanding social affair
of .the week, f : v .
One Tiundred, and ' fifty guests
were invited to eail between 4 and
f o'clock-, to .greet- one. of Salem's
nowest brides-elect.
Mr." Watson is the son of, Mr.
and Mrsl W.' Watson, who'have
recently moved to Salem.
The .wedding Will, bean "event
of the coming spring.
Oregon Delegates to
AtteiLd CoTiventionS - -
The Oregon auxiliary to the
United Spanlshar. Vf terans will
be represented by a large number
of delegates at the national-: con
ventlon of ' the veterans in Des
Moines, . Iowa, August 15-19
Leaving on sk special ?!ar yester
day.' the delegation will make sev-eraf-i
slope' enu route. . Mrs.- Edna
Carr of Portland, department pres
ident, goes .with tbef endorsement
of the Oregon 'department council
as candidate for a place on the
national board. :
Ofegon women delegates Include
the following: Mrs: Cora Thomin
son 2 past "president general : ' Mrs;
Fdnf Mu-Carr, department presi
dent; -MrsJ 'Blanch Lundberg,-. de
partment ;ec3ejtfrry ; ; Mrs. ! Audrey
Graif,1 president of . Scout Toiihg
auxiliary; Mrs. .Gertrude, McCar
ren Mm c Irene Campbell, Mrs,
Mary Steepy; .Miss Adeline Carr,
MissRuth Carr, Miss LaU fa Carr,
Mrs: Ann Anderson, "Mrs. Nora
Baker. '."Mrsw-. Catherine Florence,
Mrs.' Al Harrhnan, all of Portland,
and ' Mrs. Donna Waddell, Rose-
burgt Oregohian. ' '
i . . 'P' - ' U
Leaves for Oakland - ;
George. G. Brown' plans to spend
a few weeks 'in Oakland - as ' the
guest of his - sister, Mr, s. Frank
I'rnne. -. v, . -Dauahter
Is Born
Mr. and: Mrs. Harold T. White
nre receiving felicitations upon
the birth, of a daugbterj Shirley
Ann at 9:30 o'clock -Wednesday;
Aug.vllat the Bungalow matarn
' Ity home. The" little girl weighed
seven aud ono-haiz pounds.
Recent Br4e Is Honor
Guest at1 Attractive Shower
Mrs. Malcolm Oilbert (Inex Gol-
VJwJkyhose hiarriKfe M an event
He July at Seaside, was the in
'-' - .4 n .lis. nlawl
RUiiMBU lUr SlUOW wo-'
janeous , shower I ASt Saturday af
. tor noon -when Mrs Robert Dacn
and Mrs llorace ! WilHston. wre
1 ostesses' at the Dantfj'boine. v
' ; Phlox, and -snapdragons Tn the
k rose and pink shades decked the
moras. " The afternoon was spent
In hemming ; tea : towels 'for the
honor niest. At the ' ref reshmen
.. hour Mrs. B. CV Miles cot ' the
. ffr r rto criipstst f ornfesr friends of
the Honor guei, muuueu mi .
ll If i-"3Aliln 6pooa;lnhal vspors;
U U rr'7 "f-!yr ? -j-u
0 t
i i
r- BAte. Miss Helen Pearce. kiss
Dorothy pearceMiss Margery Gil,
bert of Dayton, Ohio, Miss Mary
GUbext. Miss Mildred Gilbert, Mrs.
liay Smith, Mrs; Ross.Mies,, Mrs
J. O. Goltra. the honor guest, Mrs;
Malcolm Gilbert of Portland, and
tbe hostesses, Mrs. Horace Wil
llston and MrsHobert Dann. .'J.
Fortnightly Club Meets:
,: The Fortnightly club of willam
otte university met on Wednesday
for ah enjoyable evening onthd
banks of Mill Creek near, Turner,;
Mr.and Mrs. LT. A. Wood worth had
charge of the arrangements Prof.
and Mrs. Burroughs will phm the
j PcbIc tor, the latter part of -this
I ' jzr- ..
rarticipanis bn Wednesday were
Mr. and Mrs. . I Ai Wood worth
and son Hovrard. Miss Ruth Stone
of Portland, . Prof, and Mrs. It:
Darwin Barroiigas, Dr.a,nd Mrs.
R. M. Gatke, Rrof. and.rMrs. Roy
nee Woodworth. and son. Horace1" the host, the sixth guest.
nr. - - .
" jt -
Group Enjoys Picnic
Mrs. Horace Wilnston, Mrs. T;
TV Geer ; and MJss Mary - Gilbert
were hostesses, on Monday night
at a picnic honoring Mrs. Malcolm
QUbert (Inex- Goltra) and: Miss
Margery. Gilbert of Dayton, Ohio.-
The picnic was held on the bants'
of Mill creek east of Salem, Roast
ed sweet, corn was. the piece; dd fe-l
s. stance pn toe menu.
In the group. were Mrs.. Malcolm
Gilbert (Ines Goltra) of Portland:
Miss Helen ; Pe.aceMla Dorothy
Pearce Mrs. Robert: Dann, Prof.
nhd":tMrs.; Horace Willisfon and
sou, HoraceMl I, M is Marge'i y Gil
bert, Miss: MUdred Gilbert. Mrs.
T. Gecr and Mis Mary Gilbert:
Visitors Frojn Wisconsin
Mr. and Mrs.. Frank Wingate,
who are on a motor trip from Su
perior, Wis., to Valejo, Cal., stop
ped in Salent, as tbe'guests.of Prof.
and Mrs. Korafe - Willi&ton early in
the week. .'V. "sv"'"
Guest From South Dakofa
aiiss uvaAiijies is entertaining
as her house jguest at the B.C.
Miles home a friend, tiMiss Jluth
Griffith of South' Dakota. f '
Returns From Portland
' Miss Beryl Marstera, who has
been spending several . days In
Portland -visiting withi frrsnds, re
fimied to her home in" this city
Wednesday evening.
ruriwi) r i wilt, t vi Liu tu
Mr, and Mrs. B,, F Lucas and
Mr. and MrsVlra Cf. Nelson were
artiesta this week of Mrs. Annie B.
High at her home, '698 'N? Liberty
street. Mr. Nelson and MrsLucas
are's brother and ? srsterwof ;JBts.
High. ;- '
air, ana Mrs. tor a s
Entertain at Bridge .
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ford enlef-
tained at an attractive 3 affair of
th week when on Wednesday eve
ning they were hosts atbiidge,
honoring Miss Helen Rose and
Miss Letha Wilson. , Miss Rose,
whose home is in Astoria, plans. to
leave soon for a year in? Paris.
Miss Wilson, the house guest of
her sister, Mrs. Kenneth Brown,
Nia visiting here from Los Angeles.
Mrs. P. D. Quisenberry and Dr.
Jerry Backstrand won the honors
of the evening.
Those playing at the tables were
Mr; and Mrs. Karl Becke, Mr. and
Mrs. William ;Gossej Mr. and Mrs.,
Asel Eoff, fflr. nd Mrs. X4W fs
Griffith, Mrs; George Rose,.3lrs.
Floyd Edgerton, Mr. and Mrs; Pi
D, Quisenberry, Mlas Dorothy Pat
terson, Wallace Carson, Frank
Durbln Jr., Dr. Dolph Craig, the
honor guests. Miss Helen Rose and
Miss Letha Wilson, and the hosts,'
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ford.v; ,
inn - . -
f i f
' - -.I
. .. . . . j
35? :
ff JiJLf-".
- ' ' . ! . . " ;,. -j---'-, I'". - ' M--:K ? p -jiflv
: '-LOOK- OUT FOR ' ;
. ii ii ' urn .-.v.
Social Calendar. ,
towa picnic, fair grounds,, Aug
nth. t . r; , vi; t' i .... ;
itynique Dinner Party f
at c fianks nome -k:f
The home of Rev. E. H. Shanks
was the setting for a delightfully
nnfqqe ' dinher party on Wednes
day evening, August-.ll; when"'a
group of six gathered together as
an aftermath and celebration of
the successful ascent of one of the
higher peaks in the Cascade range,
and; to decide upon an effective
means of raising funds " to defray
expenses and ' pay fines which in
curred during ihe trip. 1
I ... . .
The dining room was very taste-
folly decorated in black and white,
the, contrasting color note being
miniature ' camp fires such as are
sometimes left burning.' in a na
tional 'forest' and colorful signs
placed in conspicuous placen about
the room bearing,'"Gef the habit,
If you smoke in the woods, be care
ful; "Did you put out, the!ast
spark?" "Protect the forests, it
pays"; "Prevent forest fires," and
virions other of a similar nature.
Covers were laid for four guests
ijonnnie Johnson, ate without a
r ......
cover. A very delicious dinner
was prepared and served by the
host s sister. Miss Barbara Shanks.
Favors were tiny picks' and shov
els" and various other fine fighting
equipment. The speaker of the
evening was C. If. Durham, more
intimately known to his friends as
Bull. The subiect of his address
-was "Wrest Conflagrations How
Jo Eradicate Them.? He inter-
fpersed.his lecture with a very in
erebting. .demonstration, of the
roper . method of breaking match-
s exunguisbing cigarette stubs.
utling.,put camp Ores, etc. He
Jtated thai, there were many ways
t avoiding fires in the woods, and
the surest of. which was to use
canned heat. All those present
testified to the truth of the above
statement, and, also commented
Upon the wonderful endurance and
speed of tha forest ranger who
chased them down the mountain.
The bonfire case wilL be tried in
the Portland courts and the
amount of the fines sent
the guests through the mails.
, Those present for the occasion
were C, II. Durham. E. It.. Foster.
R. J. Harden, J. J. Johnson, H. T.
Jtidson and the ho3t, Alfred Theo
dore Shanks.
Statesman Staff
flans Ficnic
''Employes of ..The Statesman
Publishing company, together
with their families and friends,
are making elaborate plans' for a
picnic which will be held toward
.the end of August. " The guests of
honor will be 'Mr. and Mrs. R. J.
Hendricks, Mr. and Mrs. Carle
Abrams, and W. and Mrs. Fred
J. Tooze, and their respective fam
W..C. Dibble Observes
pirthday Anniversary
The attractive grounds at the
me of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Dib
ble, extending to the banks of the
Willamette river, formed the
scene for the supper party and
bonfire which honored Mr. Dibble
on the occasion of his birthday",
the anniversary being celebrated
on Sunday, August 8.
tThose who assembled at the
Dibble country, home In Polk coun
ty for the evening were Mr. and
Mrs. W. C. Dibble, Miss Nellie
Dibble of Palo Alto, Cal.," iijss
Lucille uckefV"ifr. arid" Mrs.
Ernest Eufer, Mr. and Mrs. Albert
Richard Wet Jen, : Mr., and. Mrs
fjtoijkee. Wlllistpn, M. Wd Mrs.
it a f ray Wade, and faW Carol S.
Dibble. ;
f ti : -o:. -l -
J "Adolf, 'give me some money for
asnew evening dress." ; ':
i 'Where is the one .you had?'
I "A moth ate it!" Stockholn)
f i
-m J
-, I- ,
Cartoonist! Appel has never forgoften the days of youth when
he "carried water" forthe elephant In order q see, the pircus.ber
formance, and he has set forth some imreasipnof -the day,Met!aring
that his first big circus waai Sells-Floto, which will be in Salem on
Wednesday, August 25. ;
T !Sl8 FOB U1H
I , v -. J
. 1 -V
Merger Will "flake Place if St.
John's Congregation
Confirms T
SILVERTON.l Ore., Aug. 2.
(Special.) But a small, number
attended the business meeting of '
Trinity church HVednesdajr night
and not much interest was shown
when the question of union was
brought up. . -
The question as submitted by
the committee also included the
calling of the Rev. S. J. Llndseth,
present pastor; of Sf. John's
church, to serve jointly at least
for the time being at a salary. of
12000 a year, j A few1 members
spoke for the union while . these'f
opposing it made no. opposition
other than in voting against the
measure. The final counting of
votes showed 52 and 10 against.
A report has 1 not yet been "re
ceived from St. ijohn's church al
though there seems to be little
doubt that the measure wUT cafry
there. If it does, as it is expected
to do, then the new program will
take effect September 1 and the
Tells How to CM Bid of These
I'gly Spots and Have a Beautiful
. There's no longer the slightest
need of feeling ashamed of your
freckles, as Othine -d osble
strength is guaranteed to re
move these homely spots.
i Simply get am eunee of Othine
from any drugji or department
store and -apply & little of it night
and morning and! you should sdon,
sec that even tho orst4, freckles
have -begun to, jdlsappear, while
the lighter onos have vanlshed.en
tirely. It is ejdom that' more
than an ounce 1$ needed to com
pletely clear thef skin and gain a
beautiful complexion. ' "k
Be sure to ask for the double
strength. Othine,! i as ' this . is sold,
under guarantee of money back If
it fails to remove your freckles. j :
mil -
Ulllt : '
r" fli',
1 j
,35c ,
.-50c M
Rev. S. J. Lindaeth will act as pas
tor forbpth congregations.
Other matters taken up at the
'Wednesday night meeting were
the election of an, organist and of
pa member for the board of direc-
ttors. Miss Dora Henriksen and
Miss Marie Corhouse, orgapist and
assistant organist, both'lert' dur
iag the month" of ' July;" Miss
Mamie Holman was elected' to
serve as organist with .Miss Esther
, Towe as her ' assistant. Louis
Meyer was elected a member of
the board of ' directors filling a
vacancy left by , Dan Dybseter
who recently went east.
Louis Meyer acted, as chairman
at the meeting Wednesday night.
The - west Side Irrigation ; and
;Water Ditch company, with, head
quarters in Wallowa county, hfas
been reinstated . by the 'state eor
poration.4ejartment. The capital
stock is $1000, and the incorpor
ators are S.- D. M,oore, C. W. Wo
mack. J, H. McCubbtn and S. J.
Cussins ; v '
v rhJ Eugene Lawn Tpnnis asso-
elation Rhs beeb" lhcorpbrated "by
Donald Young, Edward Kimball
'and H. O. Seale. ' The corporation
"Is located in Eugene. There is no
capital stock.
5 Those kisses are best which
make . the least noise, . and the
same rule holds good In prayer.
Sweet Cookie -ypii'lli
be more than satisfied!
Matinee 35c
5, BIG
r With Hall,& Barr. " : '
V 'tpTesentlag i .
-.V'f-v ' ."S Episode-Frnj Life, . - ? ,
f Entitled. : v -z - K
"Under Uie Bridge'
Stevens redding r -
-'I In .... In '" : '
"Bits f This and; ne Meanest Man in
, - Tbnt'V I ' the World?
I. i , . ; .... I . -v '
I.. ; f " Dainty Delineators
"Tattibllng nerrots? . " " . of Sonjr '
""y.1- ' 1" FEATURE PHOTOPLAY" V ', ' '
. i J;. ::, ; XRINGlXOVE ;
" H WITH . -
j -'"Mr ri
Limited Amount of Stock Of-
fered iti VVejst Coast
Pulp i& Paper. Cor
t Theodore OsmuwdVtor' IS years
associated with the. Hawley Pulp
Paper company, and 'during the
pasy"ll ".years", its secretary "and
treasurer, has resigned and has
associated ' himself with the West
Coast Pulp & Paper company, af
ter having made a careful inspec
tion and study of their site at
Tumwater, Wash., and all the fa
tors; necessary to insure economi
cal. and successful .manufacture of
paper, together with'the nornjous
building's already-In place cad the
new' construction about to begin.
Mr. .Osmund Is so- titorougaly
convinced f , the merits of . this
project, ; that he has anade a very
substantial "personal -'inviestment,
and h,as been elected president
and general manager of the com
; The West Coast Pulp & Paper
company was organized by Salem
people in 1924. One of their first
moves was to employ L. A. De-
Guere. a nausr mill engineer with
the' highest' record for efficiency
and economy in paper mill con
struction, and 'With over 0 . sue
cessful 'plants in operation to his
credit." ' Mr." DeGuere made a very
careful study 'of 'the site ' and the
buildings, taking into coosidra
tlon their, relation one to the oth
er for paper mill purposes vthe
water supply, pulp- supply," trans
pc rtati.on, both rail' and- water,
cheapness of power, ' and - made . a
most favorable "report and "has
since prepared 'tentative plans for
the new-' construction which ii
about to.' be .-fn; '
i The Salem peopje interested In
this enterprise are very much
Kiatified that Mr. Osmund 'has
been secured-as executive head and
genera manager, believing . that
the Dollcy and the manufacfurine
success of the company is, human
ly speaking, assured. - It Is ex-
K'cted that. the first unit of this
plant will be in operation about
January 1. The mill will start
tvslh one paper naklhg. machTne
in a machine room built to carry
three machines, and with am pit
space ioft for" several additional
machines in the future! The capi
tal, investment is extremely small
considering ihe capacity and char
t cter of the plant. The mill will
bi: a specialty, one and will make
'no news jprfnt, , , . . v .. ..
A limited amount of common
and preferred stock can be had,,
ai d this appears to be one of the
projects where the Investor coin
ing in at the beginning will Stan's
a very good chance; that his com
raon. stock will increase very rapid
ly. wbilo his preferred stock will
pay 8 per cent.
- Evening 50c
IV ,-. ..
Construction :of 41 Miles of
RoaQto :Be.;UecideQ at :
'vj.!ii.:.,.U'-"" C:. : ;:
Bids tot the construction of ap
proximately 4 Ir miles of road and
one; bridge w.ill : be ; opened." at - a
rieet'ing of the state highway com
mission to be hild in Portland on
Thursday, lAtgut t,: r
Projects iorwhicn: bids, wiu be
opened follow i.A '' Ji. - m -v"'.
Benton county Alseai- Moun
tain-Philomath fisectlooi of the JAI
sea highway 6.13 miles of grad
ing.. '
Benton and; Lincoln counties
F. ddyvllle-Blodgtti section of the
CorvaUis-Newport highway, 16. 7
miles of broken jsj.qne resurfacing.
Jefferson county Rubble mas
onry parapet will construction it
Ogden park.onj The I Dalles-California
Highway, near Terrebone, . .
Lake 'coaniyj--Drews - valiey-
Iakeview. section of the Klamath
Fallii-Lajtevlaw t nigh way, .16,1
niles of broken, tene surfacing. -
luiaraooic i county wneeier
nrlghton section of the Roosevelt
Coabt highway, 2. SS miles of grad-
IQS- . l ... t
Jackson' county Bridge over
the Rogue river on the Pacific
highway atJGeld ; Hill, requiring
approximately '140 cubic yardsof
excavatiom f Y ': ' '
SILVERTON 1 Or' Ane. 12
(Speclal4)Thel Whippet car be
mystery! - ' .
- ""Thrills!
- "-Suspense!
I ill ...-i.'JU U ,. AM4
. .a
. ... . .
' ' i I
. ,r';- ..... - -. - - f.. V .j
Every possible device is
; these:fall f rbeks to &e
j -f ;...:jiv i . 4.
H v tiered, frequently describing a seal- .
s loped Hne, or a box pleated. B(jdics v '
lQiplyrQfiajlxilejs treat-
menis, -in , crepe saua ana. seer. a
'crepes; and fnoire these frocks have : c
girdles, yoegscarfs and high, col- X V .
' ' tits' i with embroidery and., 'draped; ' '
1. " Salerti Sf ore v
488 Slate Stvf"
I At tlie Tlicaters Todr.7 i
? . -. . . t I
t KisiBore nve acts ois-uaie
vauddviile,- and ' IClaine Hammer?
stcinUnDaring Love.'
, , 1
r Oregon -Irene SRich and : Clive
Brook, in "The Pleasute Buyers."
-- Bllgli Lefty Flynn
aall's Greater Catch."
in "Mul-
longing to Dr. O- W Keene was
stolen: Wednesday,- night while
parked on First ."street. . It Is be
lieved that the reform school boys v
reported in town todk the car.
C V i
C I " f - : !
, . i - ' '--
i1.. , n
,, -. Ul :
. . . '..
i "- i ..
t "
- . - . -.
- Lito.l
- ' - . j
i L - .. .
- JN
TTY. :
i. i.
A r C n o w .h.e.i njr:
shown for; the first'
time.r The Blojised
Silhouette 'shares ...
honors; with pleats
and drapes ' in ; fall .
frocks. : : .
used in
the effect
cm.: - ..
Portland Ki
! i
i !
-V 1 A
. A A . ,
, A A -. A A . A A A A A A A A.. A k Art .