a i.f SSLEU HI 1M UP III IE Cupper and Simpson Have a Large imgaiion rrojeci , Near Springfield i JTIio followlnjt aftlcfe "apDcarco in the Eugene Guard ot April of this rear) : 1 , ) ny ii. m;hahden , - TlilIeaiof:frrigatIonl3 com- lnonfy associated with arid , or Beralid,fcJKsidLioPaThe Willfni- ctte-raileyis neither arid nor semi .ur!d.ixIivCcL IC i. as a whole ' oiio. f 'the best .watered areas, in Aineriyu, jIf owetr-thee dlmatfe conditions ' hcreV. Are b4th.:.that whilt;a.porHoBi,of the year ther is raiaf&U. in abufidancd at ether . aeasonlr there is scarcely" any A large porljoji-iJLJAelcron-krowinis season is, '-.In fact," almost;.. wholly f wilbpjrtrutaflL Thpbe conuittoas are, stable - ana- can do aepeooea upon from year -.40 , year. ? Fortu nateTy theyraIsollcn4 themselres f to Um practice f supplemental if rigatlon niost XarorableV -A., 1- towuM-4eiiLul Irrtgaliott "1 1 Theyalue . of .irrigation waters tit atittblment the'natnral rainfall - during periods of - regtilar or 6- casioivai arougbt nas Decn repeal tdly 'demonstrated .in all parts, qf the Kfuiry. .jMatJttlT tardeners erryMrr,e: j praciic:"iti generally. 8prlni),tBe;systcni.''iBy this teeans . thtf fcrfenajbleAl Urgrcatlyr;In -' crease.-iliciri prixlirettrnj' both, ify by ulasHlier grpvHng seaaob .4 after tbe seasonal TalnXall. : Tiiia .- same Increased crop production .will , naAurallfxfol.iow. intelliKent , buppiememai irrigation 01. general farm, caops It. is Jn,'ihtsfc regard mac tnq snoject enonia be. of. in tense, concern to everyone inter ested irf life greatest, and. best de velopment "of; tfce 'Willamette val ley. -lana. producing but one- third , to one-halt of its,capabili I les Is aTpotential asset that should certainly oe- realised upon.- . ; Larjid Area May bc.Irrigated . It is Qdtnated ty competent en gineers (.hat there cn area . of ' 5? 1 gx A A ei -. ' m . 4 easily, lrofi6l3k Wougb t. under EupplemeMal., irrigation in. the WimtlevalIey,V,rndeK;the prsMtce 01 hcii sj-Eiem., tue an n u.tl fetf r ns f rom .t his a rea would, in aiif probability, 5t3tf,inDretnah dotbled.This wduld.' in fact2 be addi&s. Quarter ot a in lllion acres to the 'uroductire- area :ot tlm val- wnBideratdpofeyeyTcsenVtli ' vaterresouroeS-ol- hi? valley are , UependabH. and! almost unlimited. Thin is trident lo anyoneaad the contour," of the .'la Sd of much of the vaUey:. is suth that irrigation ruay bo jcaaiiy ahd cheaptyrapplied. kaoMJ Condltroi-f Itlght . : Another favorable factor to su ft plemtntali'lrTtfration 1 ' the tact that eycry Tear, daring. the ?sum mer. mnlhs,; very : little' rain" falls. The average rainfall at Kugene for , the . zubslhs , of :.- June, . 'July and August is as -follows: - - June ''..i,-;.'. :J:::;..1.54 inches Jnly"p.;.V..T...nv. :AJ inches ' Augu'st" . ..Z..!!.!. ;51 inches This is but a total of 2.52 inches of rainfall Jn three mnnths; a less amount than normally falls. n the cemi-arid soctloas during the sane ; porlod. Wp- i aro assured . hero every yer that during, those .months. dry; conditions .will . pre vail. Thus we fenow that. when irrigation wattrs ara applied at . this. season of the year , that; no QttthUboek Toiayl : (K i 1 ot help Tou clan vntiv- s yjcadon. Get a copy of i ' OrezimOutdo6r?.--ittxi3. t rated vacation guide, frota : Vour local aileiitv. . -.,-;f, Profit 07 lowffummer fares ,; and fasf, comfortable erv f Ice to the beachet and other f resort playsroundsV i Ait about tfifHtrarcr- CaXiomia and tX -"v J; o O. Darling, Ageht, Salens. -' or A. A. Itiirkcl, D. V. P. AY ' 181 Liberty Street VV I' . UnvSAtTnREflOK. -': .':' , "' '' " ' FRIDAY MORNINGi AUGUST' iaMS2fi heavy rains wilt follow and make the water .supply excessive. Thlsl is indeed a : happy ; condition, aod one that obtains in very few sec tions in America-where supple mental irrigation' might be ap pHed. ; : , . ' 4 ' Object lesson at Home. 'Right here at home Is an object lesson in supplemental irrigation t hat should interest the citisena of rf Eugene, and all Lane as "well. Just north of Sprhigiield there is an irrigation system In -successful J operation at this time and enough experimental work has- been done vhere-Mo - Jastify- all- reasonable claim's as to the value cf irrigation in this section. , 4 "On avfarni; of 285 acres there is growing at this time 145 acres of red clover and 45 acres of al felfa. . ahd all ": Junder ;i irrigation. When the dry season 'comes next summer.' -as . it surely will, these irops will not slacken in growth. Water the only limiting factor, will be supplied and additional yields wilt be as certain as the seasons 1 H : ' : ' - A Largt Irrigation Project -This Jand and the system thht scpplles It- is owned by the Eu geneSprittglield. Land and Water company. The officers of the cow pany are IX. C. f Abies, president; Percy A; Clipper, vice president, and Jlobert J. Simpson . secretary and treasurer. ! i 'Mr. AVtfr Is very actively inter ested in the project and is an en thusiastic belietcr ; in irrigation. The farm is under the' active per sonal, management -of. G. W. Hob son.. Mr. Hobson is an experienc ed irrigation man, having fariiieVi for some Jyears, .ear. Bend Where -firigation is generally practiced. Only during the lost two.years has his projectboen nnder jeal; head way. The, water ; is taken from the McKenzie. river and a 'water right to irrigate vl 8 00- acres has been secured.. lielow the Abies farm there are hundreds of acre? of land that -mar be easily watched by this project. : ! ' ; A '. ,? X Alfalfa and Clover ' Alfalfa and clover are the 'ma jor crops grown on the farm, al though there is also a considerable acreage of young prune3. On May l6t last year an acreage was" sown to alfalfa. -Two cuttings were made; the same "season and today the field is rank, thrifty and ?f good color with many of the plants a foot or more in length. rty-fl re. acres of ' alfalfa wre sown lasVQctbber. This 'field -also; looks promising.- In ..October of 1524, 'a. large was: sownto bats and red. clover. ' A'Aae crop of oats' was harvested' Jast'fall and now there", U a; beautiful stand oJ ciover upon- ihis- land. A sowing of -clover- alone was, made last Ocy tober. and this too is in fine shape.' i all there ase-oa-00 arref cloVer-an. iUalfa grow ing on the Abfes farm. . ;'- V".-1 S- : Mr. Ilob8on Is aiC ciperioncfed alfalfa grower aid . is enthusiastic over. the prospects for Its success ful, growing here under supple mental irrigation. lie v believes that, it Is enli rely possible to mbrp than .double fho normal, yields.-of .tlfalfahere!'when the fields can bo flooded d ft rrng the drx period. " Mr; Abies and his associates are deserving; Commendation for, in itiating this project and backing 'heir faith in irrigation so sub stantially; It will be well worth while for local people to obserye ust what Is- being done,- at close hand, in aiding and furthering the agricultural development of this immediate territory.. Aurora -Ten acres flax, sold, to state prison s plant. Dald R. Ill Etzel S08M4. j " I - v ROSTER & ! MEN'S FURNISHINGS MENfS AND BOYS' WORK CLOTHES -. - . j -.. r.;.; Big Variety '. ; , : ;lee's uinalls . ,. : Khaki Blue and Express Striped , BOYS': WAIST OVERALL PANTS - Blue Denim, Good Quality, and Belt to match 1.25 . MEN'S OVERALLS BIG VARIETY 51.00, $1.25, $1.75randr$2.00 NEWlStyEATERS - .1 r Just in; Beautiful Goods.: rJYetty Patterns - ' - : ; J ' f - - - - - : DAY'S WORK SUITS FOR MEN . Neat Serviceable Low Priced Tug of War. Suit.. 'Gaberdine Suit . Best -Moleskin Suit.:;. m MEN'S AU-WOOLINE SUITS Best of aothinfir - New Styles- New Patterns . 1 - V .7 : : i, .. Wonderful .Values J , ; $40.0b$35lpfJ, $32j)ind $29.00 " DAY'S ALL WOOL" TROUSERS ",: ::Cobd;;P - L: :C5.00; CGOO, $750 and; $8.50, ' 1 ; ' - 1 . ' '" 1 : i ' - '' ' .T-.l.i .-..,'.. 'i: u. .. . -.- . f .-i.: t -..-i '.r .;; - , . -.j - - ,- Extra size clothing; for big rhen. Pants and overalls up to 54 waist measure. Shirts; up to neck size!- 20 nd large cut. Slim shirts for e tall, slhn man:r ; f 240 zM 24G IcrtiT CcinnicrcillStrr-t iesnsTOJoi Clii SUilY Booster Trip to Start From - FallsCityat80'ClocK . . Sharp . FALLS CITT. Aug. 12. (Spe cialsPlans are practically com: plete f or ;,the Booster CaTayan. to leave Falls City Sunday morning. August 15 at 8 o'clock. Chairman Munyon estimates that from 35 to 5 0 cars will be lined u p for" the trip. A" traffic officer from the sUte highway . department . will lead the caravan with Mr. Mun- ; The trip will be: made to the forks ot the road where : the Val sets delegation will Join the party The .next scheduled, stop is at Si- lets, where a picnic dinner, will be eaten reinforced with hot '.coffee and f'trimminsV" and a "surprise furnished by the local boosters of that community. After an informal meeting, the trip to Newport will be resumed.' I . Np effort will.be made to drive for speed. No one who is accus tomed to pavement driving alono. or who Is nervous i in mountain driving sliould attempt this trip. With care to have brakes, tires. stearing gear, in short, the entire car in good condition, plenty of gas, oil. and water In the radiator. any igood driver and any make of car can make the trip with min imum danger. . . The road is longer -than it will be whei a permanent route is es tablished. -It- now climbs moun tains, makes short turns, and wan dors around to greet the farmers In a way no through highway will ever do.i But. while making these detours, one is enjoying some beau tiful scenery, seeing the mountains and woods as they are. when left alone. ' . The citizens of the western part of Polk county are strong for this road. The people in the Siletz basin want a short cut-to Portland and Salem. They want to be closer to the outside world. And who can blame them? Good roads are becoming as necessary to a happy life as bread and butter and jam or as gas and oil and a "flivver." Hazel Green - Mr. and Mrs. Max Wood and daughters Elsie and Avis, Mrs. Wood's Father, August Zelinski and daughter Tressa ot Portland bai fmoi ave returned from several days tor trip to eastern Oregon and jVashington. . ' Mr. 'and Mrs. John Pietrok and children of Stayton spent Sunday with Mrs. Pietrok's parents Mr. and Mrs. Peter Zelinski. Mr. and Mrs, J. CT Zelinski and children spent' their vacation at Oceanside. Mrs. G. W. T)avis entertained with, a .birthday dinner for. her mother, Mrs. Kirkpatrick ot Salem-. ; ' Louis Wampler left for Klam ath Falls Wednesday. Everett and Alvin Chapin of Portland' spent Sunday with their brother in law -and sister MY. and Mrsr Jack JIall. 'c , : . - La- Ubj'rBTts Cleave . and Guy Allen Looney "have' returned from the" Y. JM'TJ, "A. camp'ne'ar Tay lor'e' grove.-"' "V -".- " ; Mr and Mrs: Fred Hashblebach- GREEKBftUGI 1 ..:$7.50 . .:.59.50 ...$9.50 , CV9-... er celebrated their lilver wedding. There were 150 ? (relatives and friends present;, a dumber from a distanced TheylelTed a quan tity of snver.-: i.rfe?':t i Tyron- Patten of jsatem la Tilt ing his Aunt Mrs: GL W. Dayig n ffir ana jure,- ci3"tu. wuuifcau. Sr., nave as a gnesi Mr, Dunigans sister. tlx Ur. and Mrs B. C .lidskfand uncle Mr. Domgolla bf Balem. Sun day. 4 r , Mrs. O' W. Davl was a guest at a shower Wednesday givten for Miss Nina Dickson! whose mar riage to Homer Dairisi will be an event of August-18i - - . I Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dnnigan Sr. and -daughtjer Mrs. Wampler and guest spent Wednesday on the Columbia highway, j -1 ; C. Stover of SaletaT;will give a "Kitchen party" at Q . G. Looney's. Friday August 1 3. at 2. o'clock. Mr. Stover is representing the Aluminum . Cooking Co. ' There will be a lecture on. f Food and Its Relation to Health." All women of the neighborhood are cordially Invited.. ' : - r ' Miss Gladys Ward bf Philomatli was. a week-end guest of Rev. Miss Luckey. j h-' ; r. Funeral Services q Be Held - Saturday After ipe-n at 2 0'Clock SILVERTON. Ore.J Aug. 12. (Special.) Mrs. Maude Roland died at her home on iforth Second street Thursday morhing follow ing a stroke of paralysis. She was 47' years of ageat It he time of her death. ; . Funeral services 4 ill be held from the Jack and Eliman parlors Saturday afternoon 4t i 2 o'clock' with interment eemetery. at the! Silverton MELLON KEEPS SILENCE r TREASURY SECRETARY SAID TO BE UNCOMMUNICATIVE GENEVA, Aug. 12.-f-By Asso ciated Press. ) Still Maintaining his policy of silence on interna tional problems, Andr w W. Mel lon, American secrei ary of the treasury, arrived here today from a week's visit in Rom ;, where he had several informal cc n.ver&atiious with Premier Mnssolini and 'Fin ance Minister Volpi: Mr. Mellon told a co 'respondent for the Associated Pruss that-he had nothing to say about inter national problems. He added that too much importance had been given his visit to Eujrbpe. His stay at Geneva was really to pass the tini3 until Saturday when res ervations at the Hotel Royal at Evian, .France, 30 miles; up the lake, will - be available ' The secretary will motor to Etian Saturday, where, he expects to rest for a week oil ten days. He said that he would decide later whether or not' he will go) to Paris No experience amounts1 to much. unless It takes some of jthe conceit out of you. Ball Masi)ii - i ! Jars i Pints 75c Quarts 85c J r 4 1 Fruit Sugar 100 lb. sack 6.25 v 25.1b. sack $1.73 i ' ( . AVhiteKiilg I SnVini 14 Bars 49c t - "Tomatoes I jGrand Island -Solci Pack?. V afor38c!;-.T ( Dozen 51.50 : : .Royal Baldng -t, Powder ' 12'oz. 43c l'pk.' Iloyal Gelainc Frcc Pure Italian Olive Gil f t " ... ... Pin! Oti-rtrCOc! rniHiin DniiRih nirci U HUUIIULH1IU1J LO SUDDETJLY THURSDAY r mm mm ELSIi'lEOFFElie Assobiation Vaudeville to Be Presented, Together With Pictures , The National Male Quartette will , be the head Hno act at the Elsinore theatre today in a com bination vaudeville and picture program: Four other acts of As sociation vaudeville, will be of fered. Elaine Hammerstein ,in fDaring Love" is presented-as the feature picture. " v . ' The male, quartette "off ers "Un der The Bridge," an' unusually good acting number. Wolfard and Stevens, comedy singers and dancers, present "Bits of This ad That." Dancing is the backbone' of their offering and they also sing well. . "The act called the' "Meanest Matt in the World" is a comedy of everyday life. Miss Dorothy Ded ding, amiably portrays the charac ter' of a .business-like young iaay who1; has to handle and deal with the. Meanest Man- ill the World." IwLJm flayed by Mr. Jack MacBryde. The Manilla Brotners "iumo- ling Pierrots," will make their ap pearance in an acrobatic novelty. They will amaze and entertain their audience with a series ol contortion tricks, tumbling, lifting and ground acrobatics. An exceptionally fine program of songs will be delivered by Janet Hall and Hilda Barr, "Dain ty jbellneators of Song," whose voeaj Italentsbave Invited favor able comment by many music critics. FIVE MINERS RESCUED AFTER BURIED IN MINE (Continued from pas 1-) Cobb, agreed that nobody lost hope of being rescued except Castlller, and he gave his com rades final Instructions for care of hJs, family in event he died be fore rescue came. "The men were cheered most of the time by the sound of the drills, which three impatieni squads "ot workers were driving under direc tion of engineers and shortly be fore they finally were, rescued they saw a light and one of the entombed men shouted: "We are every :one right back here." i Diclt Wright and Freeman Cobb, th'e latter a brother of Ran dojoh, Cobb, were- the first to reaefcv the imprisoned men.. They found the men in prayer and one of the rescuers told them, to keep quiet, but they kept on praying until, they were taken out. The men walked unaided to the shaft, with the exception of Cas tlller, and were hoisted to .the surface in buckets. Watson's greeting to the crowd was: "Where's my horse? I 'want to ride him home!" - After first aid the men were sent to their homes and family re unions were in progress. 'Their Women folk had clustered around he mine opening for a week, their eyes red with tears " and they Jaughed and . oried when word came that their men. were saved. Several of the women,- overcome with emotion, began shouting, but Rot hs Quality. Foodstuffs Order Yoilr Meat With your groceries, one delivery and on account. ..-"Meat Department s Fancy Baby Beef for Saturday T 1 : ' Choice Fryers , -: : 1 to 3 pounds each . Hens . v. , 2 to 4 pounds': ; I'. Canning Teaches . xtra Khcy Elarly . 'Grawfords ; Bartlett 90cbu. PiotlivGrccery Go. Phones 1805-G-7 No char sef on delivers Thirty day account service were calmed by grim faced mine workers. ''I '- '- " J . The men were given : a little light food and Bent home and put to bed, j It was decided - to give alt of them complete rest and not allow them to see any more. visU tors for a while. Tney were weak and worn and after their rescue the strain began o tell. Watson, who had so cheerfully shouted lor his horse, could only smile weakly and acknowledge the greetings of his people at home. . , Work of rescue was supervised byGarth Hearne, mine , superin tendent and part wner.and it was marked by harrassing mishaps for the drills, by which it was sought to drive down a pipe to carry wat er and liquid food were constantly broken by hard rock nnd th'e mine pump failed.. A larger one was brought from, Memphis. When it broke down, two days ago,- extra parts were brought from Memphis by airplane. : ' :A " t Conditions at the mine were heading today' toward normal again. " ; This evening the national guard troops, brought to Ikeep spectators from: interferring with workers, had gone. Tomorrow a force of men Is to begin clearing out the mine preparatory to re suming operations. '.' - Gas Fuel to Propel ' . Largest New Balloon FRIEDRICHSHAFEN, Germany. Work ;is progressing favorably on the world's largest Zeppelin type dirigible, half again as large as the Los Angeles and designed to test the feasibility of trans-At lantic passesnger and packet" sei vice. "- '"''' ' '' The dirigible will be the first to be propelled by a gas Instead of a liquid fuel, an epoch-making lri vention credited to the Zeppelin works chemist, Dr. Lempertz. It will be named the L. Z. 127.! Dr. Hugo Eckener comander of the Los Angeles on the'flight from Friedrichshafen to Lakehurst in October 1924, is In charge of the construction. The air giant wfl cost approximately ' $1,300,000 which is being raised by popular subscription. Dr. Eckener sard the hydrogen content of-the gas bag will be 3,800,000 cubic feet, exceeding that of the Los .Angeles by 1, 400.000 cubic feet. It will be slightly longer than the Los An -gelesand propelled by five 420 horsepower .Maybach motors. LAND PROPERTY VIEWED NECESSITY OF CROP FERTILI ZATION. 18 EXPLAINED WILLIAMSTOWN. Mass., Aug 1 2 ( By Associated Press ) How to coax greater productivity from the soil is one of the major, prob lems facing mankind of the fa ture. Dr. J. C. Brand, executive secretary and treasurer of the na tional fertilizer association, told the institute of politics today. He said that civilizations have declined as the original fertility of their soils was exhausted find warned that this country, still, in te period of soil exploitation, was rapidly approaching the point where artificial fertilizers must be relied upon to keep production high . enough to feed America's millions. A decline in civilization will result if the robbing of the soil Is not stopped he said. - , Amaizo Oil Pints 28c . Quarts 49cr ' Half Gallons 95c Campbell's Baked Beans ' 3 for 29c 6 for 56c 6. Cliquot Club . Ginger Ale (5 Pilsener I Brew; i Fort Pitt'PilseneV Muenechener A -Case of 24 bottles $4.25 jGerh Blend Coffee sMib. 3 lbs.' 51.45 - .v Tuna Fish Yis Light Meat . "3 fcr 72c PMIL ROERSESTWE Lands of Oregon and Wash ington Said to Contain 81.5Q0 0eer. ; . 5" Game animals are stiil fairly plentiful in the 22 national forests of Oregon and . Washington, according- to forest . rangers esti mates compiled for-192 5 by, the forest ; service. Jn making public the figures ' the . forest service stresses the fact that these, figures are only estimates, made; however, by the men on the ground who should have the best opportunity of knowing local game conditions. According to the j state'mept there are about : 59,000 head .of deer in the .1 4 jiationalj forests -of Oregon, and" over '22,500 In the eight national forests of jWashing on;, a total of approximately 81, 500 -for the two states r, 1 Elk rank second with" -over 1 2, 00 head, 8,500 being. credited to the national', forests of Wash4ng ton and 3,500 to the national for ests of Oregon.,, Next come black bear, wfth 5,600 for Oregon and 5,700, for Washington, or a total of 11,300 fbr the national forests of the two states ' The report shows 2,000 mountain goats ip " . ' i - .. . Get Hep to Yourself and PHONE 313 - "WE LOVE-TO CHANGE A TIHE' . It's a Proposition of Service With Us. v Miller Tires 'and Tubes Will Do the Business Miller Tire Service Co. f . . ; "RUSS SMITH ' 197 South Commercial ' Phone 513 Here's - Your BARGAIN For Week End Selling we offer you several fine lots of good mer-, chandise. All these lots are standard mer chandise and they are priced below the market for quick selling; - vL. :vi;: lot No. i "; : Standard Razor, Blades : : " :? Gillette, Gem, Everready, Durham-Duplex Enders, all hew blades-not the regrouhd kind. v. Take any -package Saturday -.. -. 30c . : " V - LOT No. 2 ' . '..-.., i A' large assortment of , Pure White Enameled Ware Pans,KettIes, "Wash Baisins. etc Just right for hop pickers and campers.;. Choice of. any piece' of" i-the lot,Tnly - t . LOT No 3 ' Steel Knife;and Fork Sets , ' - ...Set consists: of 6 Knives and 6 Forks, full 'size, and . . weighty Saturday special, only 4 "C' c':LQT?No. 4 -.'V . . - Another.big shipment of those Fine Heavy- Brooms . . r" . " vi 1 Most every one has. bought these at former sales. . .They are good values at double the price. But the ; . whole lot goes Saturday for only - 50c each -; : ;Ve want' to show you the :Kev Lldtaoinah Electric Varhr This is the latest development. in washing machines. It is made m Portland, is backed by local men and is the most perfect machine we have, ever seen. The price is lower than many; inferior machines. Wc. give terms SO. E. ' , iNorih Commercial Strrtt ;M'!:;;HAr.DVAnE, paiots & :iac:ii:;:.;iy, . Washington, but none in Oregon. Some1 80 mountain sheep are " list ed about equally divided between the two states. v About 30 antelope are given for Oregon, while 50 caribou and 15 grizzly . tear are reported on tho national forpsts of Washington. , Theso figur re late only to th national i, iefct areas of some 25 million acres in the'two"etates.";iJ T'he summarised estimates for all '"the nations! - forests of the United States show:- Deer, 605. 900: slk, 72.000; antelope. 7,500; black, or hrvmn bear. 46.200; grizzly bear, 5,600; caribou, 140; moose, 6,000;. mountain goats, 17,000; motfntaln sheep, 12,000. ' 1 - RESTAURANT PURCHASED HEXDKRSOX' AN1 MEXX1S TO TAIvK OVR PROPi:RTV R. G. Henderson', Chemawa post master, and E. Cf.- Mennis, asso ciated with him for the past two years,? yesterday "purchased tho Oyster Loaf restaurant, 418 Court street, from" Nick Katslvalls, tak ing possession at once. ' Mr. Henderson, who was born in Salem, 'and has been at Chema wa for the past 25 years, will con- tinue to operate hls store there, dividing his time between theei, while Mr, Mennis will be in charge of the restaurant here. Mr. Men njs came to "Oregon from South Dakota two years ago. Improved service is promised. - ' - ifu- LIST A-T.T.m rJ - . . ( V r -'v 1 r V -A A J v A t 4 v w . fc A. jL- A.