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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 12, 1926)
- - TmmgnAV MftRNING. AUGUST 12, 1925 ii 7 r I I Cs&aon'a Lar&zni;. Crowd Sees ffrntemNMe TaMt Title fr6m-;'GroMo POM SITS LOSERS OUT 2 TO 0 Laderback Gets 30 Strike outs in Series, Jenkins .? - -. Gets 18 ... By BOB BISHOP . Playing to the largest crowd of fans that has turned out this year, the - Papermakers made ; a - clean sweep of Twilight leasee honors byVshuttinc out the. Grotto 2-0; ' The game was hard fought from th first, but Lauderback waa too I hot "and 'the Grottoans were nn . table to hit the offerings. , Jenkin. Grotto luirler,, dereioped a badly .strained arm In the third and was .forced V, abandon-the box in faror jOf Adolph; ;;Y" - It was horse and horse np to the third,-the Grotto getting one hit in ' the first, their - onira' bingle - of - the game. The Paper Co. ' was unable to find Jenkins . until the third, when two hits attd an erfor .went for the first riuC naney. singled to left." Stribling went. 6utshort to first advancing i Itaney to second. ! He was scored from that bag by Slwklns smash to right center. : Simkins stole second bnt was thrown out attempting-to make third. Blank enship got on when the catcher ' dropped the third strike, hut I Chapman grounded to second end ing the fun; The Grotto replaced Jenkins with .'Adolph in the fourth after , tbiy had failed to get a man on base," in-4heir time at bat. The big twrrler went in cold and the - first, three men up got safe hits. Versteg and . Lauderback hit to right field, Verstek coming in on " th latter's. hit which-bounced off theB boards. Gould rapped out a screaming liner to left, but Adolph . had "warmed up by' this time and whiffed 'the next three batters without a struggle. : f - With three more chances at the bat -the Grotto dried desperately ' ftoseoro, and hit the ball hard 'six times, 'but the" Papermakers were 'ontaeir toes, and no Grottoan was able to reach first Both second b&aetaen played good ball, hand ling six chances- apiece 'without a retinal. -ix : The '-pitchers - were - in great shapp in the series. La.uderbacks eight strikeouts and one walk last nigt brought his j total to 30 strikeouts, three walks and three . men : hit for. 21 innings. He han dled fire- chances without en er roirj Vhilvtbe loton f on fid hjs offerings I6r2li fe httsv -ien- . -kina .itchba' 6 frames-. amassing m reeerd r of ;'. 1 8'stikebnts o wal atid' receiTfhg hb: chapcei. HUttibwa&-'l 8- 'saf evhis.c - Adolph pitsfcdl three inning's spiking dot f If4 batters'and - walking nonet ' In-the hitting Vferthe; series,' - Wa.tkins - of the Grotto - leads off 'wItbj)OJ---v'Ift;; is J followed, by GonIdv!Vn'd''Laud"erba(;k' TbF ihe PAprCo! who hare . 5 0t' and?.3 3 3 respeetltely ' f: iff V ' ; ; j i - 'This -game" closes, both 'leagues and.: gYes ' the gold v baseDalls awarded "bjr Kenneth1 'Brown, to , therPapermakersi the othlff league. hes similar symbols of ifctory given 'by Anderson's go to the Post" dffice plypi's. The . game between'.the jchain pio& of the two, leagues promised ' earlier In the season, "has not" been act H npon by the "boardy: but steps will- be taken " at ' .th?. t directors' meeting tonight to arrailgeuch" k ". : contest, ' " o ? 'f V T f ' . r;joeup. f9rf' final "aear" world series. gam last nigbt:- .? nA?ER CO.: ti, , V; PROTTO ' : Simkina. 2b. . Paulsen. 3b ' : Blakenship. ra- - Brown bs , Chaptnan-lf :' Acton "lb r Vcrrteg ;tm f Jff Adolph 2b-p : Lauderback-p - - WHkerscn m . GOpldv 3 4 r ,WAtWns'c" Wlfertt-'M :: White If . Itaaey.lbv i v - , Ellis rt2h . Stribling rf j ; Jenkins; p-rf ; Umpireti Jones-Laird.. . i7 -i- P.tE. --Sharrs i Harness ' and Leather Goods Store. 170 3. Com'l. Suit cases, Tallses, portfolios, brief cases glores and mittens.- Xorge stocJu, . The p.Iooeer store. V , ( ) .f.-'- ,-- v. t Pdtton'a Book Stcre .offers . all the latest In Birthday Cards try theiii 'ABk to be shown .the' fun- niestof all catda. Scotch Birthday. 340gtattreet, t ; ( It.'X.'Stifl Fnrhltnre Co.i lead ers in- complete home furnishings, prtoed. to make you the owner. The store that studies yonr wrery teed and is ready tOLmeet It. absolutely, rjEifcy.Bros.. Hts the flhest garden.-; lawn and flower- seeds, Poultry supplies - and fertilizers; Lowest prices. Seeds 6t .high ouafitr. ;78 S. Cdm'. St. . '.( . .tr-tt ,r z -. Quality - painting both Tarnish and. liauer work, ta onr modern equipped rpaint rhon. Washing, greasing' and night ' serrlce; tire reprtUra. Wood's Aato Serrlce Co. Ilartman Bros.' Jewelry Store Watcliesr-clocks, .rings, pins, dlaJ monds, charms, cut glass, allTer ware, Standard gooda - State af Liberty. St: - - () Eaier Local mine owners pre pare comprehenaiTe exhibit of ores and talae products. V , POBMI DEFEATED BY SEATTLE -10 70 3 Game Played in r Canada; Mangum Relieved by Meek , er in Sixth ilnning ; r,n SeaUl lO; Bearers 3 .VANCOUVER." B. C., Ag. 11. By Associated ' Press ) .-Seattle baseball club of the Pacific Coast league defeated. Portland 10 to 3 here today. . The Indians hit Man gum for two , runs In . the first inning, but' Portland came back with heary stick work in the third and pounded.out Its only runs of the game. Seattle got four in the fifth, two In the sixth and two in the eighth. Meeker relieved Mag num in the' sixth. .A game 1b played here every Wednesday that Seattle is scheduled at home. -' Score- R. II. B. Portland .... ... 1 3 7 2 Seattle ....10 12 1 'Meeker,- Magnum and Tobin; E. Baldwin. . Angela 10; Reals 3 LOS ANGKL-ES. Ang. 11. Los Angeles trounced San Francisco 10 to 3. to take the opener of their series here today. Score It. II. E. San Francisco ........ 3 S 1 Los Angeles .10 13 1 Malls. Hansen. Griffin and Ag new; Yelle. R.. Jacobs and Han nah,: Reed. . , Oakland 5; Senators 3 OAKLAND. Aug. 11 Oakland defeated Sacramento 6 to 3 today. Score R, II. E. Sacramento .......... 3 8 3 Oakland 6 8 0 E. Shea and Koehler ; Dicker man. and Baker. I ; . Stars lO; Missions 7 SAN FRANCISCO. Ang. 11. Hollywood bunched , hits In two innings and aided by glaring er rors and bases on balls in another, trounced the Missions' lu to 7 to day. v . : : - f Score R. H. E. Hollywood . ......10.11 2 Missions ............. 7, 12 2 ; Snellen back, and Peters;. Chris tian, O. Schrader, Dickert and Murphy. i : . Satisfy your sweet tooth with those good Whitman's candles. We hare the exelusire right of sale to this line In Salem. Crown Drug Store, 332 State. ',r . () Picture time Is here, . For jonr films and kodaks and kodak sup plies see Nelson Hunt, Drug gists J Corner Court and Liberty streets. Telephone-; : :.'.' -f) X--- t 1 'ii . "". i 1 ' 1 " . . " . . , , At Shipley" the ladies of Salem hare satisfied Ihemielres thai they cap gat the finest spring and sum mer frocks, cdats and. dresses erer shown in Jhis city. ' y ' () 3 Resounding Trouncing AcJ . ministered io Philadelphia; - Pirates Lose- '' 'U. Red 21; Phillies 3 . 'PHILADELPHIA, .Aug. 11. U3y Associated- Press. )--Cincin-aatl ' ran' amuck here today and evened the series with the phiUIe3 byt winning the fourth game ,21 to. 8. . "Score - .' R.:'H. E. Cincinnati ... ... ..21 .21 - 0 Philadelphia; r.;.... .......i. .3:10, 3 Mays and llargraves. Wingb; MitcheU. Vierce, KnighC WllloUgh by, Ultich and Wilson. Hebjino. Brooklyn 4 ; pirates 2' ' BROOKLYN, Aug. 11. Brook lyn gained its first victory in ten games today, beating'. Pittsburgh 4 to 2.;;.v v - v r , Score' ' , R. H. E. PitUbuigK a;..' 2 12 1 Brooklyn: ; ..r....... 4. ;'t e V: Yde. Aldridge,k.'2onger, Adams and Gooch y Vance. McGraw and peberry, llargraves St." tools 2;' Boston b BOSTON Aug. i L Jess Halne pitched ia. second sbnt-ost of the season : against- 'Boston and ,thc Braves ended their current home stay , by dropping, a 2 . to 0 game ti St. Louis-. -r ; ' I - : i score" ; - ; r; uV e; st. Louia 2 ii e Boston , . ......IJL. ' & . Haines and -O'Farrell;" Wertsi Hern and Siermer.'n Chicago 11; Sew Xork.l ' , NEW YORK, Aug. ; 1 1. rChlca go .stopped: the . winnrng rash of the giants here today 11' to 1, Bush, allowing three, hits. . t - . .Score , R. II. E.r Chicago .'..:..:-.'.Il ll,f ,2 New York . '.-;vV.'.'.-'I' j 3 ! 4 Bush' and - Hart qelt' Con sales; Ring and Snyder; MtMullen. 1 ! i Max O.' Bnren. furniture, carpets,- everything for -the home. Most; beautiful Axmlnster . ruga. Beautiful line of picture for your home. 179 N. Com'l. , '' lY REUS FLAY RIVALS SCORE S TO nnuunniMiirwrnr , . , 1 . ... ... TIE DOUBLE LOSS Washington Wins 2 Games of Ooubleheader 5-4; Cleveland Defeated. Senator 5-3; New York 4-4 WASHINGTON. Aug 11. I By Associated Press.) The New York Yankees sustained a double defeat today. Washington taking the 11th Inning second game of a double header 5 to 4, after win ning the first by, the same score. . First game : Ii. II. E. New .York . 4 9 0 Washington 5 9 2 Pennock, Davies. Braxton and Severeid, Collins; Coveleskie, Mar uerry and Tat. Second game R. II. E: New York .. ,. 4 10 1 Washington . 5 11 1 Hoyt, Thomas, Johes and Col- tins; Severeid, Crcwder and Tate. Chicago 7; Cleveland 3 CLEVELAND, Aug. . 1 1. Chi cago defeated Cleveland. 7 to to day, the game going 13 innings. Chicago made five runs in the ISth. Score R. II. E. Chicago ... .7 13 0 Cleveland-. 2 10 0 Edwards, Lyons and Schalk; Shaute and L. Sewell. Myatt. Detroit 4; Kr. Iuis 1 ST. iJbuiS, Aug. 11. The De troit Tigers bunched hits today $ A - ' t"m f ...... t , - t-. :. . ' " ' s i ' ' . - Pacific Coast Seattle 10; - Portland . , Los Angeles 10: ,Frlac3( 3. Oakland S; Sacrament 3. Hollywood 10; . Missioits 7 National League f Cincinnati 21; Philadelphia 3. Brooklyn 4; Pittsburgl, 2. St. Louis 2;- Boston, g Chicago 11; New Yorjfc 1. American League Washington 5-6; New If or k 4-4 Chicago 7; Cleveland v Detroit 4; St. Louis i;. Henry O. Miller. 184 8. Com'l. St., where most people prefer to get their auto parts for all makes of cars. Trade there aod make sayings on all auto parti. () and won fro mthe St. Lous Browns 4 to 1. Score h. H. E. Detroit ! 4 S O St. Louis 1 16 3 Gibson and M anion; jZach&ry, Ballon and E. Suaug. ; ' : T Chas. K. Spaulding Logging Co., lumber and building materials. The best costs no more than in ferior grades. Go to the big Sa lem factory and save money. ( ) Cobbs & Mitchell Co.t lumber and building materials for every purpose. Get estimates look at quality of material, then you will order. 349 S. 12th St., t () For sale at all Company stations and at .tha best independent dealers " - . ' . - i' I ' i. . ' .. . It takes in all three! Champions of the cinder path live and breathe these three axioms: 1 li startof? the mark likes a flash Y 2j strong, rythmic stride 31 powerful, dashing finish And the sprinter knows he must have al three to win. Likewise, motor-Wei, to give what 999 out of 1000 motorists wanti must have in 'perfectly ;proportioned. combina tion ljcjuick: starting according to seasonaj deniands 2 full measure of power 3 mileage. That is why the 999 like Asso ciated It gives them "more miles to the gallon." The secret of Associated performance is its distinctive chain or series iof boiling points. ; ASSOCIATED iY' ' $ustaintd : '. Is V i-' f ... DEATH OF DUCKS LEADS TO STUDY Dr..W. H. Lytle. state veterln arian will leave here later in the week for Harney county where he will ,jnak!an investigation of : a diaea&e, which has resulted In the death of thousands of ducks Ih that' section of Oregon". Experts from 'OAC will accompanythe state veterinarian. Last year a large number of ducks died as a result of the mal ady in Klamath county. Although ah investigation was conducted by officials at that time they failed to determine definitely the nature of the disease. Dr. Lytle and his associates wit Itake with them laboratory apparatus with a view of taking blod tests and making other in vestigations. G. W. Day, tires, twbes and ac cessories. Has the Goodyear tires, the standard of the worlii. Mr. Day can give you more mileage. Corner Com'l. and Chemeketa. () The rug and carpet department of the Hamilton Furniture Co. is one of the most complete In the state. All rug prices below regu lar list. ' () First National Bank, the bank of friendship and helpfulness In time of need. Interest paid on time re posits. Open an account and watch your money grow. ( ) An employe who needs watch ing is dear at any wage. OIL COMPANY Quality Products ' t .,.',;- stride . c 4" Pacific Coast' W. L. Los Ahgelea .78 4S Oakland - , . :6S 67 Sacramento .. ... -48 1 Missions 1- - ..-3. S3 Seattle p. . ..-3 68 Hollywood ............... 6 1 69; Portland .57 73 San Francisco .., ;..5& 76! Pet. .544 1527 .500 :4la .469 .438 .423 National Pittsburgh . St. Louis Cincinnati New York Chicago Brooklyn Boston Philadelphia League W. L. 61 45 .61 49 .... .61 51 57 52 57 52 .....I.3 58 ......4 4 6 4 . 41 64 Pet. .575 .555 .545 .U23 .524 .4.7 .107 .390 American League ' W. L. Pet. New York 71 41 .634 Cleveland 63 51 .553 Philadelphia .....59 53. 532 Detroit 59 55 .518 Washington 56 54 .509 Chicago' 57 56 .504 St; Louis 48 64 .429 Boston 35 74 ..121 MILTTftflV PORTUXD. ORFGON A Srtwt Noa Sretnrlan MtHtanr liMrdo( School for Hoy a UVItmry TraioliKr Hm lei tofiMC ' far Kery tur finish ummMJ V nj I Smmtmm HANI It ir Med ford Woodmen of I World building a I12.000 lodge build ing. 1 : -for surface protection, economy and colorful beauty. I This is the time to paint, Jef ore rain sets in. Your Rasmussenidealer will help you choose paints and colors. 1 .-...!-;; YYVf j-r y: ;.Y.' .. v,f .--i; --'.v..-iv -, RASMUSSEN & COMPANY ; Y . ." Portland -Seattle . : i ' " j i j , ! t,f u - .y RASMUSSEN PURE PAINT ao CreoKttc Shingle Stain: Ptarch Floor Paint; Barn and Roof Paint; Truck, Tractor and Implement Paint; Auto, mobile Enamel; Spar Varnish; Roof Coating; Concrete ad Cement Coating. : ... . . tY l-'-'v-... WaH-Xura Washable WaH Paint; Raeolite Enamel ; Indde ZJ" -"!.; uusuu; r ioor ana varnish Stain; Bath Tub EoamdDurable noor Varnish, Presto-lac a bruah lacquer HLTCHEON PAINT STORE 154 South Commercial Y . - : Salem, Oregon : CUV CAUMICT,EW Monitor, Oreeon . N. BECKKR & SOX. AVoodbnfJLn . N. SMITH FURNITURE CO., Mt AnYOon RnAitennrr Johnson mill estab lishes new record for production after 'being remodeled. . J' n Sold 6 : 'Tl, HUY YOUR PAINT AT A. PAINT, STORE" f f Kit 7 1 - , i