The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 08, 1926, Page 20, Image 20

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    -. ' -
v r . Kin-
. - i
- (
M ill II H'Ml -1J J IlK it
Develops - Greatest :-i Bfnkft
Horsepo wer, in. Light Car v
..v rieiuiiiesis snow -
While much . has iKjea said re
, rdingte-.1arge power a$veloV
mentof the itoUll dimension tad-
tor, as bint :t or racing ara;' it has1
: 'remained for tha new-: Ovetlahd
JWTiippet, the European type1 light
car recently announced by Wlllyi
.Oveiiand, Inc., to bring. anequlv-'
: alent slargre' power development
- from " small dimensions.' -to-' the
standard ear' production -for pas
senger use in this country?)
. The Irated bora Tpower of the
engine In : this light car is lower
.thaa that of any other light car
built la America, It being rated at
slightly over 15 horsepower. The'
developed brake vhorse power ,is
' 51, whichis; the highest brake
- horse power f yet "reached r by any
stock produeton' ligfct ycar, four
. cyllndef 'power plant in tEis coun
try, ' ' .- ' "- ..' " 1, '-'
This Is In accord with the pow
"' er developments 6r the Edrdpeaii
light :.. car rmotora.: whiclt: sffow
about; 100 fper.' cent greater 'de
veloped .power than their rated
power ablUty. The; irentee1: light
. four cylinder-motor: ln-this ; coun
try f hows approximately 20 per
cent increasqjn' developed power
: otei rated gi:-?xt'.
The . developed power- of the
Whippet motor gives approximate-'
i ly one, bora power; for-every -66
J pounds 'height Ci!theircaf; "thelse
danVmodel-jhelng used for these
, f!gres.;?f;f"'..--",;:.''';C-;';
; With , 6 0,e VTdeateys ajready ns-
, lag the ; M6yV Whippet models in
daily demonstratlpns, remarkable
record it poar. performance are
being received. Already a Whippet
hasibec -drivleV ti the 4 top of
' PikVa peak in Colorado, ; without
h a ymg to ;t op ta kr ; o4 v water,
, a' eat rarely accomplished-byf any
makfofear';- A; y
Z ,tnf competitive demonstrations
Jt.bas shawa a power performance
n hljt 'illnjblng. 20l per centjjht
excjew of 'ihat 'ql ?vk. nearest car,
Ih'th'e'jlghtV feur cylinder fclass. , '
, 1 priTeb from Kansas City" to
Denrirg Wilppettyefaged 40
"roWes .an hour, for the last 200
, taiies of the trip which'was 4nade
over dirt roads. ; CT
'-The! weight of f the crankshaft,
'Which is 50 per cent heavier than
the :V9ntll&tfoiif'cym&tr
car crankshaft the large-siae yet
the crankshaft bearings, whicfr are
' equlvaTent "fo those used on the
large, motors, the short,' : rigid
.crankshaft f " ) eons trnction, , the
lengthy of tb J connecting rods
' ' which are 60 per cent longer than
the average parts of .tt)l nature
. on other liht car motors, have all
brought: abbatr ar "freedomnf om
, vtbratlojt.;, which ; is ' immediately
noticeable ; in the performances of
. . Comments , by users hare beeit
tpi the effect.that in smoothness
and.Mn flexibility, ' the'r Whippet
runs like the average sIxLJ"
- Tests to determine rfnel econ
omyhave. shown that the factory
claim of 80' miles to the gallon at
normal driving speeds can be ob
tained, by 'the average driver. Jfiis
. is 'a -striking performance in view
of '.the1 high ?powerf develbpni'ent
of the motor-i-r .t--i?
- J- -1 ' . " - ' ': v --j
. sKew line "of sattn and vengeline
hats. erTWtterwear. .fThe'-tery
latest" lor the saartly-- dreased
wohiaii TTwVMltyHai Shop,
38r Cdtorf atreet; "iV A; (
,:4 ... :;l i
.-ip-gag,,, iTjarBesa1; and.
Leather Goods Store, 170 8. Comi;
Suft'cases; Yalise", rortfolioa,fTbrief
cscs -gloT'ca-aaSl mittenaT1 Large;
j toeJK.HTL,if pioneer, atotav, ()
Jjy:-: "' ; ' " K
LdADEDr noLtlEiffs & &
, during the entire run, iThe .Fed-
. erai Street elt" is considered one
h , of the : mostrheavily'i-tr'aftlcktjd
; , The car after making stops for
' takl&g;on' and discharging passen-
wer. started in : low .tear. and
within 1 00 feet was operating in
- llra, George .Watt' Mjjr.
Twixt'L4ike and Ocean "
The tartest and' most ciod
era 'hcM. on Tillsnoolc
r:: 'end slalc3'4 fcathingr,
L; -tin?, sea end lalia fish
!rr clan . diis, hiking
end Lunticj. . : j ,
' lj C; : JUl':Yc:r "
The 'newlr develoDed ' Hamilton
transmliston pplied Ho Fbrdaon
tractors, was demonstrated Friday
morning . on the Jim, Amort . farm
near 'Shaw. Rush Hatniltbn, -designer;
of ihe ew transmission,
had charge of the demonstration
which was -given under the atnplc-
es of the pyailey; Motor 'company
Of Salem; Ford and' Fordson'deal
ers. , ' ": . (
In the group of pictures above,
W. OHardy, c tractor manager
high gear" at tlie average speed of
trolley.: t
I The schedule i of the Federal
treetl car line calls for a trolley
every eight minutes at the. various
checking points' . maintained by
the company, and the J time made
by the. Overland six equalled that
of the regular ' trolley -i schedule.-'
. Patton's - Book . Store offers all
the ' latest in ? Birthdays Cards try
them." ; Afck to 'be shown the' fun
niest of all cards, Scotch Birthday.
340 State street.:,.' t ()
The Electric Restaurant serves
elegant : meals nd Blanches. . Try
them; yon -will come again and
bring your friends. Best In Salem.
47 .State Stf'-v f -:-sf-
Housekeeping for 3 or 4, wood,
'water bedding, flights, dishes,
:'etc.;12per jweek, pr $20, for
Ziwoareoks.' ,T? -'- --
Cool and - pleasant, i protected
from 'wind,: neaif beach, y store,
etc. i. 4 ;
Summer road now open. Drive
west and nbrth from Tillamook,
city, or drive to. Bay City and
taker boat whlctrmeet8 trains.
Get circulars lat ' Statesman; ?.
;,""' 7 Office', -:
-'. ELSIE M . ROGERS,' Mgr. .
LJZIlayocean,' Oregon; ,.. ;
-t '
v rv
v. '
238 North Hi3h
with the Valley f Motor? company is
seen driving the'Fordson with the
Hamilton 'transmission. Bill Phil
lips, manager of the Valley Motbr
Company and his small son, and.
R. "E. J Reed and Rush Hamilton
are seen in thebackgrpund.
In 'the Secbnd plclure, Mr. Ham
ilton, designer of the appliance, is
seen -at the left,, and Mr. Reed.tof
the Mitchell, Iewia & SUver com
pany of Portland is standing next
to him. - Mr. Phillips and iis-eon
are seen directly back of the steer
ing wheel. : ' tiv.
The ; inset shows Reed demon
strating the depth of the' furrow
made by the plows. His- left hand
ispn the ground. The tbum of
his right hand points to the top
of the "hard-tack" and his fore-
- - ,.; . . . ' " . .
, tOOK
Mr. Used Car Buyer:
"Hudson 7-Pass..Tourinff..::.,--..J. ,$250 -
Hudson Speedster (Glass Enclosure): .-!$300 . -r
Buick (6) Touring: l...:--.i'...:..-J.....1100
Buick' (4) Touring : 'J. r... :$l60 ,
Oakland ( 6 ) .Touring .1$ 5 ,
- '"v 4odge T6uring.u ...: ;5 tT5 I
i iSew 1926 Chevrolet Touring:.:.:..'. ... :$5$0 i t
Late 1923 Chevrolet Coupei... . .1..$350 ; i
All these cars are, -in good running -condition and will gtve yoo
a lofof good transportation and are priced for; quick sale It
vrui pay you 10 xook mem over.
r See Biddy
is to ? tie f irecrackers
it hard on. the dog. , . ,
You can make your- car run: by substituting
I placement parts 'for tifcxN
can't get the same service.
Genuine parti are cheaper." They fit,' they don't
have to be machined to niake' them work. And
genuine' parts always. lasf-Ionger.' : ,
We ' are AUTIJ ORIZHD: f actoryi service . represen
tatives;for; practically every - make of v electrical
equipment used on' the cars scldin Salem. We,
use only GENUINE factory, parts. -r r " - b
'Genuine i Parts ; Are vBetter-Ask i the -Mair j f
T 1 i
'4 i
S A .
f .Wjwy aMUr ' th" i 4f.
finger to the bottom of the hard
son. - - j - r
;,The bottom picture shows Har
dy of the "Valley ( Motor company
piloting the tractor,' with an. Oliver
disc, three-bottom :plow used "in
the demonstration. . -i.
.Theitractor equipped with, the
new; transmission, puRed thfer plcrw
easily. -'The device iincteases the
draw puirSO per cent and; gives a
Whel "base 13 - inches;longer
than normal. ? !
, . . i , .-
t?A demonstration was also giv
en this week on the Al Vernon'
farmliear-RIckreall, where the
tractor plowed a soggy field said
to beiinposslble to plow, dragging
a three bottom plow through it
A furrow eleven inches; deep was
. made. !.-!:'.
: I . V M
Bishop,'. 5 .ilrUM
1 ! -J '
J to his tail. 2 But
UliNis pans, but you
.' . - J". .A
Wfeofr .S
Plenty ; of peeckEvideqt - in
iMan'Case'But Cohtrbl:.
"In my observations of automo
bile, drivers,' T-'am H Yeminded' of
many ? busfh ; iedguers' Wh6 have
been tried oul Tor places on the
big leagues and tave 'f ailed ln"the
pitcher's bok;-. ' a1d George O
Bratfdenburg, general rriandger of
Iheoregdii" .State Motor assocla-
tion.--"In - practically all instances
with the . pitchers,, they were sent
back to the "sticks." through -lack
of control. Wonderful speed they
had," Jut no c'ohfroLiKow 'you get
the point.. Too many , auto drivers
have . wonderful "speed but lack
control.1'".'".' '' .;'
In' analyting' ue p'jrase as, ap
plied to " the auto (f driTer, ;.Vwon-
dortui speed, but no control," Mr.
Brandeqburg pointed out that the
lack ' of :, control was ? due to too
much- spee,d in., most instances.
When V car gets to a certain speed
otf 'ordiiOtry traction as 'found on.
out Wghways, It Is beyond ' con
trol, and'' with' " our highways
crossed "by pHterseciJdns,,' and vi
sr6hiobs'cured frejtu4n'llr ty VatnB,
there is ever a warning . to be is
sued io "the fellow with wonder
ful speed and too little control.
Even on a straightaway; a car be
comes hazardous beyond a certain
spedd; as blowouts, or., a dozen
mishaps of the mechanism of the
car wilL result In a spill that will
not only endanger the. lives of the
occupants' 6T. the car but of those
in the immediate vicinity of the
unlucky one.v
Strict attention to the path of
the motor carols ..another item
tnat receives too little attention.
Many .drivers, traveling at a good
'ate of speed have a habit of look
ing everywhere but down the path
of the. auto. If one must look into
the eyes of other occupants of his
auto while talking, he should tem
per, bis speed to suit such acca
sions. . If scenery must be enjoy
ed, it is Incumbent upon 'the driv
er to either .stop or forego the
pleasures of such attractions A
miaJ-gu'fdea auto at "high speed is
: . s . v .-, ,r - ,r v ' : -: - -
- r ?n.- i.vV'-' &
' . .. N.
OOO jTidgeTitsugvjestshat . gain of 551;iri- the first six t
rvt ivW retf a7 the new cars f months of 1926. Vv ! . '"'' '; ;
: before jr-ou'Buy . hriy.C
. comes votir Krri
cannot d
of;the;4 newest "and', finest Paige , these Paige. wrs.wUl not delicti ;.
with arfy or every other car. - For ! mfls f wond ;ful ,
v Paigebelievcs that' ybu simply .pcrfance they display. - .1 hey - ,
appe ar ar. . : - sheer - downright "sVantane6isI
dollftrio.-i'wil: r-'valu'er'thcse'..,
- larpsr ra ra.r.; t; . t .nvw
: . "ttr -V- .ryvneei orajscs Dnng- in em to
. their amazmgiy-lGvv, prices. . .. .. r cushioned rest immediately. -They
The newest Paige'cars sell fori' easiest cars U the world
nearly.a thousand dollars less than Pndle in traffic. ; y
t last year's Paige models. And they demonstration ' will cost you
do it because Paige xs building encf; nothinrr and touH never know
, ; selling five times" as many cars this how much greater value you can
year as last. indeed, iaige s-aies
' throughout America re-
just as hazardous to( the vinptorlst
as too much speed witA' a lac of
contror wr to tie asptrtag Twiner
dfrthe blgiea8acjs:t -
"Wonderful 'speod.-but no 'con
trol." is. an epitaphthst might, be
wrXttea on jthe -to.nW of "great
number of'casaltres 'that bceur'on
the "highwiyu "ahnuallyj-H""i" -;H
1 'Ai T l. vT. i .' .' -',u
-Telephone i.l65Capital Clty
Laundry. The laundry "of . pure
materials; ::We;f gtra apeclal at
tention, to all home laundry work.
Telephone and we will call,'.'.: ()
; .: ' ": 'tr'
. .The rug and .carpet, department
I pf .the Hamilton, FurpltTire ,Co a
state! All rug prlceallqwregu-
lar list;
. )
0. J. HULL
267? South Commercial
Paige, wel-: ' ' -X' -; . "'r
the;new low prices of..
. . .a . 'a- . . . u i mm v a m i 1 i it ww i a a i a a i r
utw wj. aaiuaivMa A . aa 4 9 ' " i I
ims rear '"i : -. . ;
v iiuw utuui gttaiu value j.uu wui '
aige saletr getnfor;ydur"mor.i'y until you,
igistereda lcJorJ !pre.V" QaU pfhor.a-r-sobn. ;
KttJ iitllA ...... Ukiwfcb
- i
rfCovtinfted frost pmre- .y v '4
ness. and ' established . ai new. low
record i in Paige sellihgf prices.'; r
"On the other 'hand, UhO cabriolet-
la'the -costliest car 'prtlie
Paigellne, the "engineers 'having
mounted on'; the '? BtandardXi25r
inch chassis a' "body so' distinguish-,
ed'as tb be Of outstanding' beautr.
ThlsVear. Which " Is: readily1 con
vertible t troop the.; coupe:, type ; to
the Open Toadster, has found favor
both as a car. for the business "or
professional' man 'ajid a$ a" strik
ing sports model. It embodies sev
eral new f eatures that 'cause com-
i - nient f roin ari ;Wh'o,r inspect iC les-s
when you have your; car refinished
with "!':;"..: r--r-r:::l:'-
Eve,ry job guaranteed for ; orte .year.
Beautiful colorslustrous and durable.
t -t
Get nOur Special Prices
Auto Top and Paint
While"' the slightest rpeu c,tc . ;'L
pecially the emb'sejl-it'"r'-?d
in' the 8ea4, the Iuxilrjm ir.'-r-liorLirlbfapd:
WJtvajaia' ar
rangement' by which the car is so
quickly changed"" to an one a
moaei.. v . .
; Compieteilne f 0 f red'
rubherhose- at wholesale Vri-.
Keep .your lawn" green the month
of August.' Malcolm's Tire Shop.
.205 N.; Commercial. SU . ; ()
' ' Have - you tried Better ' Yet
Bread? ' Sure you'll like it. ' It
makes ; your children, fctJUlhy and
sturdy. Ask. your grocer. Ifa
made by' the Better Tct Baking
Cot;' 264" N: Commercial. . f ' t)
'Im m 1 i 1 4 1 ii H H I m t H ' ' till
v;;-''. :
" v ; :
of this Nc; Jciz
Improved Vl --v iUtMot4sr,
DOMm'rcc. rot I ' r
Izbrirtt Fu., . . u
v;u t cca to au kui
VVhe tibe r - 53
. - 11 cated Uivrl Jp- 125 M
incites lor 2-7 lath r ."e
Shock Abotbet 6 lack
Balloon Tfrat rif;.llT
draullc 4-Wfceel Cr'.f tirf
Sterie tlr-l LI. rt
lost twr I !de te1. 1 t
Ac0cClut 'i CSe-rt'i , w9
tlr Cear t '.'r -CoacUintal
! A '