The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 03, 1926, Page 8, Image 8

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i GOOD MEElllll
The Place for the Annual
Gatherins Will Be Wood
burn Next Year
The Bonney clan, vrfcich held its
annual meeting at the state fair
ground on Sunday, had a rery en
joyable session, with a bountiful
picnic at the noon hour. The at
tendance was about 150, L. C.
Sherwood and wile and daughter
coming all the way from Los An
geles to attend, and W. P. Bonney
and family coming from Tacoma.
There were short speeches in
which the memories of the pioneer
P.onneys 'who came to Oregon in
the early fifties were called up.
and a beginning of the collection
of data for a family tree to be
printed was authorized. This is
to be under the direction of W. P.
Bonney of Tacoma. who is secre
tary of the Washington Historical
society, occupying the same posi
tion as that of Geo. 11. Himes in
Oregon. The Bonneys date back
to 1634 in this country, beginning
in Connecticut, and a number of
them held high commissions in
the Rerolution. Dr. Truman Bon
ney and other members of the
family were prominent In the
pioneer days of Oregon ajid Wash
ington, Woodburn is built on one
of the Bonney donation land
W. . P. Bonney of Tacoma was
elected, president of the clan 1 for
the coming year, J. M. W.
("Wlke") Bonney of Carlton. Ore
gon, vice president, and Bonnie
Scott Bert nelson of Woodburn,
Pry's Drug Store, 280 N. Com'l,
the pioneer store. Everything for
everybody in the drug supply line,
with standard goods and quality
ervice always. ()
Mr. Used Car Bayer: Have you
seen the real buys at the Capitol
Motors Incorporation? See Biddy
Bishop, 350 N. High St. Tele
phones 2125 and 2126. ()
'(3ld Loves and New' Strong'
Drama of Algeria, Now
at The Elsinore
Tourists crossing the Great
American Desert recently thought
(hey were witnessing a- mirage
when they perceived a long cara
van consisting of camels, an ele
phant. Arabian steeds and a small
army of Arabian tribesmen mak
ing towards what appeared to be
a populous Algerian desert village.
. It was no mirage, however, but
simply the company of "Old Loves
and Jylew," Marion -Fairfax's new
picture, which is now .playing at
the Elsinore. The company spent
three weeks making "location"
scenes in this desert oasis.
' An advance group of artisans
built a replica of an Algerian vil
lage, with its baked-mud walls, its
turreted mosques and crooked,
bazaar-lined streets. In the group
of film stars accompanying the
caravan were Lewis Stone, who
has the principal role of El Hakim
which is the Arabic for desert
healer Barbara Bedford, Walter
Pidgeon, Tully Marshall, Kather
ine McDonald, Ann Rork, Arthur
Rankin and Albert Conti.
"Old Loves and New" is an
adaptation of "The Desert Healer"
the E. M. Hall novel of 8,000,000
readers, which tells of an English
man, his love of life blasted by
tragedy, who goes to the Algerian
desert to lose himself among the
natives and there finds the big
xomance of his life.
The Bake-Rite Bakery. Busj
every day supplying beet hornet
with bakery goods of all kinds;
baked in a kitchen clean as your
own. 345 State St. ()
Parker & Co., 444 S. Commer
cial. Don't fail to see Parker
about repairing your car. Expert
mechanics at your service. All
work guaranteed. ()
C. A. Lutny. Reliable Jewelry
store. What you are looking for
In jewelry. Where a child can buy
as safely as a man or woman.
Repairing In all lines. (")
sun pot
Rev, Henriksen, Corhouse,
Dybsetter, Thompson,
Receive Presents
Best M e d f o r d Tomatoes
Take $1.50 for Top,
Peaches Naf $1 Box
The tomato market in Portland
has assumed an easier tone as a
rtsult of liberal receipts from the
Rogue River, California and Yaki
ma districts, says the Northwest
Produce News. The Dalles to
matoes are now going at SI. 50 to
1.75. and best Medford tomatoes
at $1.50 for top. Peaches also
are easier, with most of sales
nade at under $1 a box. Most
of the home grown Crawfords arc
going at around 80 to 90 cents.
H. T. Love, the Jeweler, 335
State St. High quality jewelry,
silverware and diamonds. The
gold standard of values. Once a
buyer always a customer. ()
TJlrich & Roberts, realtors, 122
N. Commercial St., know property
values and make for you profit
able Investments. Will both save
and make you money. (V
Army and Outing Store. Biggest
bargains in clothing, shoes, under
wear, hosiery, gloves, valises and
suit cases. The working man's
store, 189 N. Commercial. ()
SILVbTITON, Aug. 2. (Special
to 'gfe'statesman. ) The Luther
an Brotherhood of Silverton spon
sored a farewell party Saturday
night at Trinity church social
rooms for four of its members
who are leaving, three of them
this week and the other, the Rev.
George Henriksen, by Sept. 1.
The other three members whom
the brotherhood honored were
Amos Corhouse, Dan Dybsetter
and William Thompson. Mr. Car
house, who has been a member of
the city council at Silverton for a
number of years and who was
also chairman of the board of di
rectors of Trinity church for sev
eral years, will go to Minnesota
to make his home.
Mr. Dybsetter, a member of the
board of directors of Trinity
church and an active member of
the Brush Creek Parent-Teacher
association, will also go to Minne
sota to make his home. He will
live but seven miles from the
home of the Corbouses.
William Thompson, the son of
Mr. and Mrs. M. Thompson, will
go to the old Thompson home in
Canada for an indefinite stay. The
Rev. George Henriksen goes to
Parkland. Wash., as field secre
tary of thoPcific Lutheran col
lege which located there. Rev.
Mr. Henriksen has been pastor of
Trinity for the past nine years.
As part of the program given at
the party Saturday evening, Mr.
Storruste presented each of the
four honor guests with a billfold
from the brotherhood with the
instructions that the billfold
should be kept sufficiently filled
to insure a return trip ticket to
Silverton. A short musical pro
gram, and a number of talks by
members were given. Members
of both St. John's and Trinity
churches were present and, and
following the program a social
hour was enjoyed. The question
of uniting the two congregations
was touched upon favorably by
many of the speakers.
Cross Meat Market. Biggest,
busiest and best In Salem. Choic
est steaks, bacon, .hams, sausage,
lard, eggs, milk. Absolutely sani
tary. 370 State St. ()
Gabriel Powder & Supply Co.,
lumber, building materials,; paints
and varnishes, roofing paper. Get
prices there and make a big sav
ing. Office, 175 8. Com'l. ()
Two Silverton Cpuples ;
Vacation at Rockaway
SILVERTON, Or.. Aug. 2.
(Special.) Mr. and Mrs. II. Haa
land left Sunday for Rockaway
where they will spend a two, weeks
vacation. The Haaland shoe shop
will be closed until Mr. Haaland
m s n o o
iJOijyMLiip n n n p n
ffioney JS'MJ) Cash 1
5K saving' & imijohid ngi$tch L stores
eA carload of sweet Angelinos, bought in the south.
The most delicious Melons we have had.
Per Pound ejk
Fancy red, ripe )Q Marion Full Cream m q
3 lbs UUZ 2 lbs. 45C
Cascade Brand QO - 9 lb. j
4 lb. pails VCC Bags 4SC
Quick or Slow Cooking
3 Regular 15c Pkgs. 25c
Graham or White
4 1-lbs. Loaves 25c
Quart ICI Van Can,DS wth Tomato QQ
Tins 4i7 C Sauce, 4 med. Tins OuC
returns. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Le
gard are also spending their vaca
tioa at Rockaway, going out tW
same time as Mr. and Mrs. Haa
land. . Mrs.. Haaland and Mrs. Le
gard are sisters.
Director's Department Store Is
building up a reputation for guar
anteed merchandise; conducting
a real department 'store; making
steady progress, too. ()
First National Bank, the bank
of friendship and helpfulness in
time of need.; Interest paid on
time reposits. j Open an account
and watch your money grow. ()
1,500 Former Residents
present for iGathering,
Officers Named
Approximately 1500 former res
idents of Nebraska, coming from
all parts of western Oregon, were
present at the annual Nebraska
picnic held at Corvallis on Sun
day. The address of welcome was de
livered by L. O. Lewelling of Al
bany. Following jthe picnic din
ner a number by the orchestra was
played and Judge j Jacob Kanzler
of Portland spoke. Mrs. H. W.
Hand and Mrs. J. ,S. Taylor sang
a duet, "Nebraska" with E. von
P'orrell of Englewbod, Colo., and
C. M. Kern of Cottage Grove, for
mer congressman,! sixth district.
Nebraska, delivering addresses.
Officers of the (association arc
Dr. C. O. Anderson. Corvallis, re
elected president;! H. W. Hand,
Corvallis, secretary-treasurer, and
Dave Kife, Corvallis. Frank Price,
Corvallis, and i William Stetters,
Albany, executive Committee.
Fear New Duties Would Shut
American Apoles From
Market, Claim
Try a Good Watermelon We Plug 'em
and Guarantee 'cm
Northwest fruit: shippers are
much concerned over the increase
in import duties I on American
fruit in Cuba, which is imminent.
Word of this intended action was
received by I. L. Plette, manager
of the Yakima ; Valley Trafftp &
Credit association, says the North
west Produce News
The president of Cuba is about
to announce an increase from 6 2
cents for each 100 kilos of fresh
fruit to $4.16 for each 100 kilos.
Since our kilo is 2,204 pounds, the
increase would be from 14 cents
a box of apples to 95 cents a box,
which would In effect shut Ameri
can apples out of Cuba.
Cuba is a large j consumer of
northwestern applet and if the
proposed increase Is allowed to
become effective it will mean the
elimination Of northwestern apples
from the Cuban market.
Mr. Plette at once wired to W.
H. Jardine, secretary of agricul
ture, urging him toi use his best
efforts through t h e national
administration with the Cuban
government to withhold the impo
sition of such an increase in the
import duty as is proposed. Mr.
Plette has asked the Yakima
chamber of commerce to wire to
Herbert Hoover, secretary of com
merce, urging action.!
Similar telegrams are going
forward from Hood River and
from Wejiatchee.
No Good Reason Why Grow
ers Should Not Sit Tight
as to Prices
Prune prospects indicate a
slightly larger than 1925 output
with a corresponding decrease in
the hold-over supply, leaving no
Klarger quantity for the world
prune market, says the market
specialists of the Oregon Agricul
tural college extension service.
"The prospective world's crop
has not changed greatly in recent
Kveeks," says the report. "Some
Improvement is noted in condition
of the California crop, but pros
pects are not so good in the Jugos
lavian and the French crops."
From the five-year average of
305 million pounds produced on
the coast the average export has
been 111 million, leaving a little
under 200 million pounds for con
sumption in the United States. In
cluding the small carry-over the
exportable surplus this year may
be not far from 150 million
pounds, unless unfavorable con
ditions from now on limit the out
put to less than 350 million
pounds. The output has run from
312 million pounds the last four
The coast exported 151,406.000
pounds in 1925-26, and 171,771,
216 the preceding year. The prin
cipal countries receiving this fruit
are Germany, United Kingdom,
Netherlands, France, Scandinavia,
Finland, Belgium. New Zealand,
Mexico and Argentina. It is the
European demand that really
makes or breaks the market for
Pacific coast prunes.
"Jugoslavia is our chief com
petitor in the dried prune markets
of Europe where competition is
largely on the basis of price, al
though California prunes rate bet
ter in quality and sell a little
higher. Exports of dried prunes
from Jugoslavia amounted to near
ly 90 million pounds in 1925 and
Tibbert & Todd Electric Store,
High at Ferry Sts. i Everything
electrical. Good service and low
prices are bringing in Increasing
trade to this store. j ()
The Atlas Book and Stationery
Co.. 465 State street. High class
literature and fine stationery.
Complete lines. You will appre
ciate the low prices. ()
Bonesteele Motor Co., 474 S.
Com'l., has the Dodge automobile
for you. All steel body. Lasts a
lifetime. Ask Dodge owners. They
will tell you. ()
Esther Byberg Visits
Parents in Silverton
SILVERTON, Or.,; Aug. 2
(Special.) Miss Esther IJyberg is
visiting at the home j of her.par
nts. Mr. and Mrs; J. lly berg. Miss
Byberg is in training fet a hospital
at Los Angeles. She! was met at
"Salem by her brothert Jonas.
The Salem Hdw. C6., most pro
gressive. Every j accommodation
given to those in need of best
hardware supplies. Work and pros-
perity the motto. 120 Com'l fl
1 h ;
Cobbs & Mitchell Co.. lumber
and building materials for every
purpose. Get estimates, look at
quality or material, then yon will
order. 349 S. 12th St. ()
. White House Restaurant. 362
State St.. where hundreds of peo
pjo prefer to cat. IA11 jyou want to
cat for less than you! can eat at
homo. Quality and service. ()
1 I ! T -v
Chas. K. Spauldlng Logging Co.,
lumber land building! materials.
The best eost ntf or-th&B "in
ferior . tfradeMV-'Go ;t,thf,j3l fca-
Annual Reunion Held Sun
day, Many Distant Rel
atives Present
An annual family reunion was
held at the residence of Mr. and
Mrs. John T. Park at 494 Univer
sity street, on Sunday. Those
present at the reunion Were: Mr.
and Mrs. Albert Douglas, Mr. and
Mrs. Jess Douglas, Jack Douglas,
Mr. and Mrs. Glols Reeves, Mr.
and Mrs. Ellis Reeves, Mr. and
Mrs. Steve Aitkins and children
Benton, Lena Belle and Emma
May, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Murphy,
Miss Nellie De Cae, Mrs. Ella
Yeager, Ray Yeager, Walter Yea
ger and Mr. and Mrs. Taylor from
Vancouver, Wash.
Those present from Salem were
Mr. and Mrs. Fred E. Wells, Mr.
and Mrs. E. B. Daugherty and
children, Florenz, James and
Alice Fay, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin
Lien. Elmer J. Roth, Mrs. B. J.
Wallace and daughter, Leona
Belle, Miss Leona Park, Clarence
Park and Ernest Park.
Fate of Oolph. Highway
to Be Met on Thursday
TILLAMOOK, Or., August 2.
(Special to the Statesman.) The
fate of the proposed road from
Dolph to the coast down the Ut
ile Nestucca river will be decided
at the meeting of the county court ,
here Thursday. It is understo
that timber Interests along ,'ttat? j
proposed route are opposing tho r
road. -
these vetoes ;
G. W. Day. tires, tubes and ac
cessories. Has the Goodyear tires,
the standard of the world. Mr.
Day can give you more mileage.
Corner'Com'l. and Chemeketa, ()
Max O. Buren, furniture, car
pets; everything for the home.
Most beautiful Axmlnster rugs.
Beautiful line of pictures for your
home. 179 N. Com'l. ()
Nash Furniture Co. takes the
lead with low prices cn chairs,
rockers, tables, wood and steel
beds, springs, mattresses. Saves
you 25. 219 N. Com'l. ()
I See your doctor. VicVs, how-
I ever, wQl allay the irritation.
ur doct
will alia
Omt ir Million Jmrm UsmJ Ymmrt
Series 115
5 Passenger 2-door Sedan (Modrf 20)
4 Passenger Sport Roadster (Moo X4)
5 Passenger Sport Touring , 25)
2 Passenger Coupe
4 Passenger Country dub Camp (Mxl 26j)
5 Passenger 4-door Sedan Zl
4 Passenger Coupe (Model 28)
Series 120
5 Passenger 2Ior Sedan (MaJeMO)
5 Pas-enger 4-door Sedan (Mod 47)
4 Passenger Coupe (Medcl 48)
Series 128
7 Passenger Sedan
5 Passenger Brougham
4 Passenger Sport Roadster
4 Passenger Country Club Coupe
5 Passenger Sport Touring
5 Fsswngrr Coupe
Acm! PMC
flu I L Itm.r Cm km bow
froim axU to kkW ad Sccica On T
(Model 50)
Model SI)
(Model 54c)
(Model 55)
(Mad! 58)
iltorit tiT rtwlr irharffTHl Irmrrfc Kartea:
bq Serf O TwtBtrU 12Q iraaa
388 North Commercial Street Telephone 220
Why should you pay more for foods five days in the week
than is asked Saturday, the sixth day. Buy at Busick's and
receive full value every day in the week. Why not? J
Blue Tip Cascade Pure TIT) , j
Broom Lard oakery
One of the best No. 5 pail -.
to be had 4 ds net . ;
Special You 11 like these large
86C loaves of delicious
freshly baked .
Red Tip Crystal White t J
Broom Soap Bread
Regular value 73c 25 Bar
Special 2 Large Loaves
67c $1:00 25c
Iodized P. & G. White Naptha
Salt Soap 3 Small Loaves
,5csize 27 Bars 25&
2 for 19c j $1.00
Matches Ground
Full count ii j Also French loaves
16 cubic4nch j ChOCOlate sandwich loaves, as
6 Boxes lib. Cans well as all the fancy
20C 30C pastry to select from.
Sure We Deliver Free to all Parts of the Gity