The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 03, 1926, Page 3, Image 3

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Jr ambient Salem Couple
V,tited in Impressive Service
a! .kteon Lee Church
Aiviressive wedding cere-
j,.,. Mftthodist V-hurch Sunday ai
t, moon at 2:30 o'clock when Miss
Hhea Corrlne McCoy and Mr.
I, nden 'Harri were united in
marriage by TRfV. Thomas Ache-
The chancel of the ehiirch was
beautifully decorated with large
pjlms and love"!.' baskets of pink
and 'white gnrnmer floors.
The bride was charming
in a
cown oC white e6get
."9 J
d satin
and trifogv 'hQ.o4i'aet 6f
whHe .rsebim, mtrwet pea
and white aster: "Her full length
veil was'serftred ittka'Hifreath of
orange blossoms.
Ailene Ritchie placed Lohen
gren's Processional 'preceding the
service and Mendelssohn's Reces
sional after the cerjfemony was
over. Miss Neva Cooley sang "At
Dawning" and "I Love You Truly"
in a very pleasing manner.
Miss McCoy chose as ner brides
maids Miss Veda McCoy, who was
lovely in a gown of orchid geor
gette and satin, and Miss .Bessie
Taylor, who was attractive In pale
green georgette and satin. They
carried arm bouquets of pink and
yellow asters, pink and white
sweet peas and gladioli. The
page, little David Putnam, was
dressed in white, and the flower
girl, little Corliss Clark, was a
diminutive' lass in pink voile and
carried a hasket-of .ro'ftg.petals.
The bride w$s giveirHn mar
riage by her njother, !V$ni
McCoy. Leroy , 'alkertjbjbward.
Roberts. Frank;litchietijJ Mar
riss McCoy acted!, as ul&. Mr.
Bernard Zobel sefftjsijest man
for Mr. Harris. ' '.
One hundred and twenty-five
guests witpessteJTthe cereniony and
participated in.',the"eception fol
lowing. Ices 'wefe? cut jy Mrs.
"Marie Pntnam and 'Mrsf.-ITefman
Clark. Assisting in the serving
were Miss Juanita Hacket, Lnella
Kaighn, Ailene Ritchie, Margaret
McCoy and Greta Harris.
Mrs. Harris was a graduate of
Salem" high school with the class
of '2 4 and has been employed in
the traffic department at. the state
.house. Mr. Harris was also a
graduate with the class of '24 and
jince that time has been attending
OA!. He is a member of Phi
Kattpa Pi fraternity.
trfe anc Mrs" Iarr'fl let for a
motor trip to the Oregon
beacies, and on their return will
be at home to their friends at Oak
WCTU Meeting Today
Tuesday; August 3. the WCTU
will holdrtb.eir. meeting in the club
rooms and the day will be spent
in sewing for the children's farm
home. There will be a short bus
iness session in the afternoon.
Salem People Spend
Summer at Ue Lake
Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Hicks and
daughter Doris, and son Loren
left yesterday for De Lake. Or.,
where they will spend the re
mainder of the season at their
new summer home.
Picnic at Woodland Park
A group of Salem people mo
tored to Woodland Park one eve
ning last week for a swimming
party and picnic. The affair was
planned in honor of Robert Mc
Intyre, who was home on a few
days furlough. He is serving in
the United States navy and is now
stationed on the U. S. S. Maryland.
The party included Mr. and Mrs.
rfcibert Weir. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil
Citric. Miss Ruth Hazelton and
Mr. Robert Mclntyre.
Foley a in Southern Oregon
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Foley and
daughter Blair left yesterday by
motor for Crater lake and other
points in Southern Oregon.
Praised. Lydia E. P&kham's
Vegetable Compound
niren Lvdia EL Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound for some time
be wittwnt it in
.tbMj. As ,i
jmA ,h Hdreni s
bots, I nave to
DgiiWIeet a
great aeal ana
your medicine
has helped me
wonderfully. I
was hardly able
to do my house
work: when I be
ean taking it.
and now 1 am a strong and well
able to da all .that Aud go
out nursing besides. I have also
used the Sanative AVash and found
i t beneficil." MtfS. JZsJnavve ii.
StewIbt.' 103 Davis St, 3reen
Jield, Mass.
. Vataabtm forWaJuw
-I bare found .IUa Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound. valu
able Viedicine for weakness M3
J: A PlvTscH.Box397,lAncasterPa.
Hundreds of vhtters like .th ese are
rsceived ly; the innkhamIedlcine
Co.. Lynn,' -Mass:. - frtw-J F1
women whoWy that their hearth
iaa im proved sinrft taklngXordia E.
Pinkhaa's Vegetabh? ConrpoTma.
I .... I
Phone 106
Miss Ackerman Becomes
the Bride of Mr. Fulton at
Impressive Home Wedding
A beautiful ceremony was sol
emnized at the "home of Mr. and
Wis. P. J3. Ackerman Saturday
evening, July 31, at 7 o'clock,
when their youngest daughter,
"Miss Mildred Irene, became the
bride Of Mr. Forrest Fnltdn, son
of Mrs. Hattie ditches. The cere
mony was' performed before a bow
er of pink and white sweet peas
and pink and white roses. The
arch was attractively lighted with
pink and white tapers, the candles
'and a ifioor'lamp shedding the only
light; ' V ' ; '
k. The-bride was lovely In a gown
of white crepe de chine: her full
length veil was secured with a
wreath of orange blossoms, and
she carried a shower bouquet of
pink and white rosebuds, pink
alid white sweet peas, and pink
gladioli. The gjoom was dressed
in Jgray. The couple were unat
tended. Mendelssohn's wedding march
was played by Mrs. R. N. Olsen
"(Mabel Ackerman). and Mrs. Ol
sen sang also "I Love You Truly."
Immediately following the cere
mony Mrs. Cora Hendry sang "Oh
Promise Me."
The wedding service was per
formed by Rev. R. N. Blodgett of
Salem, who also officiated at the
wedding ceremonies for Mr. and
Mrs. Ackerman's son, Otis Ack
erman, to Miss Alma Engelbart,
Miss la la Ackerman to J. F. Van
0-del, and Miss Mabel Ackerman
to" Mr. R, N Olsen. fr
l,VoIlowing the ceremony an hi-,
formal retention was held. Mrs.
. E. Ackerman and Mrs. 1 ditches
put the Ices, and were assisted in
serving by Mrs. R, N. .Olsen and
Mrs. J." F.'Van Oadel.
Mrs. Fulton was a graduate of
Salem high school with the class
of '2G and was prominent in Sa-
m -
O .o
Practical Nurse' society. "Mrs.
F.lla A. Koyal. C.r.7 Center street.
2 o'clock. ;
Writer's ' section of the Salem
Atrs League. Mrs. P.lanche M.
.lones. COfi S. Church street. 7:?
Masonic organization picnic.
Hager's grove. 3 o'clock.
Barbara Frietchie sewing club.
Mrs. 1 Philliiie.' 6 501) street. '
T.Trrion County "veterans asso
c fa; ir-ii Silverton.
lem's younger social circle. Mr.
Fulton is employed in the naval
hospital at Bremerton. Wash. Mr.
and Mrs. Fulton left immediately
for Bremerton, and in November
will return to Salem to make their
home here.
Guests for the evening included
Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Ackerman, Mr.
and Mrs Howard Ackerman and
sons Donald and Allan, Mr. and
Mrs. J. F. Van Osdel and son.
Junior, Mr. and Mrs. Otis Acker
man, Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Olsen,
Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Ackerman and
daughters Rose Marie and Ellen
Belle, Mrs. Cora Hendry. Mrs. W.
X. Blodgett, Mr. and Mrs. p. E.
Burson, Mrs. Hattie dutches and
Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Ackerman.
Miss Marsters Visits Sister
Miss Dorothy Marsters of Rose
bnrg is spending the week with
Micr sister, Mrs. Harry Pearcy of
Yomarco Class Entertained
Members of the Yomarco class
of the First Methodist church
were delightfully entertained Frir
day afternoon at the home of Mrs.
Walter B. Minier. Mrs. J. I). Fo-
, How long since.-fcou have bad a
good slice of bread? TbtrStfUl find
the Better Yet Bread very appe-
sizing ana nefuiniui. or saie oy
tUl, grocers. " - ()
There is nothing so satisfying
as to know you have good tires on
your car. The Malcolm Tire Co;,
Court and Commercial, can supply
you. See them. ()
jj"! (Mi?-.
11 K Vv;n;
- - - -r'
Social Calendar
ley and Mrs. L. C Marshall as
blsted Mfs. Minier at thje tea hour,
(i uests for fbe afterftruin ItrH ftded
atrs.'Ksel ISeanl, Mrs.
Mrs. IV. ' 11.
1. Cnrertt
Mr.4i Ash
ton of California. Mrs. i;. Li
F'orge, Mrs. J. I). Foley Mrs. Cecil
Hawley. Mrs. E. B. MitUard. Mrs.
B. E. Sisson. Mrs. Harry SwaffoTd,
Mrs. H. It. White. Mrs." Ed Tripp.
Mrs. Jessie Wheaton. Mrs. L. ('.
Marshall and Mrs. Honier Ingre"-.
Class Tea at Styles Home
The Willing Worked Sunday
school class of the Firs Christian
church will hold a dassitea at the
Lome of Mrs. Harry rftyles, 7 So
N. Summer street, Wednesday af
ternoon at 2:3 (I o' lock. All mem
brs and their friend are in
vited. Salem People
Retuin From Bench
Mr. and Mrs. B. O. M"11. accom
panied by Mrs. Moll's brother and
sister-in-law, Mr. and Jjfrs. R. E.
Handel, returned recently from
Xewport where they have been
spending a week visiting relatives
and friends.
Churchills Celebrate
Wedding Anniversary
In celebration of their third
wedding anniversary, prof, and
Mrs. Frank E. Churchill enter
tained last evening at ai "country
fair" at their home. 783 North
Winter street. The affair was in
the form of r.n open house for all
their friends. The celebration
each year is of the srtmo har
acter. Masonic Picnic
This Afternoon
Mrs. David Wright, evisor for
the local organization of. Rainbow
Girls, has received copies of the
song. "Rainbow Dreanis," from
the composer J. Lewis MjarEvoy of
Spokane. The girls practiced on
Picture tlnie is here, j For yonr
films and kodaks and kodak bup-
plies see Nelson &' Hunt, Drng"i
gistsi iiorner Court and Liberty
streets. Telephone 7. ()
Halik & Eoff Klectric Shop, 337
Court St. Everything electric.
from motors and fixtures and sup
plies to wiring. Get prices and
look at complete stock.
m m
a"ack stc rwct
' i
m. 25C JO
NVt the Theaters Today j
f, Tlie Klslnore "Old Loves and
few" from the novel. "The Desert
Healer" by K. M. IlnH.. with Iw is
Stone. Barbara bVd'To'rd, "Tiilly
Oregon Ernest Torrence. Es
ther Ralston. Ford Sterling. "Miss
America" Fay Lanphier), Doug
las Fairbanks, Jr. in "The Ameri
can Venus."
Bligb- Prise
Danger Girl."
ilia Dean in "The
Monday afternoon and the pre
mier presentation of the new com
position will be given at a picnic
of the Salem Masonic organ iza
tions this afternoon and evening
ai Ilaprer's grove. The picnic will
begin at :! o'clock, and at a picnic
lunch at C'Mi a special program,
will be given. All members of
ti e Masonic order are invited.
Los Angeles People
Are (iu-ests in Salem
Rev. W. E. MeCulloch an 1 fam
ily of Los Angeles are visaing in
this city for a few weeks. Mr.
MeCulloch is a brother of Mrs. H.
P. Stith of Salem.
Bohriistedts to Co Fast
Mrs. A. C. Bohrnstedt and
daughter. Miss Alberta Bohrnstedt
will leave Wednesday morning on
"tlx1 North Coast Limited for an
extended visit in the east. They
wJU make a short visit with
friends in Minneapolis but will
spend most of their time in G;:l s-
ville. Wis., and points near tlti re.
Miss St rattan
Tietams fa California
Miss Knth Stratton. who lia.
been tlie house jitiest of h-r urn le
and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. V. M.
Hughe-:, left Saturday for her
home in MsrysvilleCnl.
Ijii&s 'Sfyers Cuest at Beach
Miss Maxine Myers will be the
hoUse guest of Miss Josephine
'Capital City Cooperative Cream
ery Milk, cream, buttermilk. The
Buttercup butter has no equal.
Cold standard of perfection. 137
S. Com'l. Phone 299. ()
MtfMmmw mm g
One of the greatest programs Salem's Premiere
Theatre has ever offered its patrons, including: not
only twenty of America's most beautiful girls, but
the very latest fashions; a delightful romantic
comedy and the star debut of "Miss America."
Williamson of Portland at the
Williamson summer home at Can
non Beach. She motored as far
as Tort land with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Frank O. Myers.
Dr. Veal Cuest at .
Fri.ron Home
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Erisron had
ai their house guest over the week
end Dr. Jeannette Beall. a mis
sionary to China, who is now on
her way to Laichowfu. Shantung.
Chin?, where she has charge of
the Katbrine Mallory hospital for
women ami children.
Dr. Beall is from Kansas City.
Mo., where she and Mrs. Erixon
were childhood friends. Dr. Beall
leaves on the Empress of Canada,
which sails for China from Van
couver. B. C. August f. where
she plans to stay seven years.
Writers'- Club
Meeting T onight
A quiet meeting of the Writers
club will be held this evening on
the hanks of the creek at the
home of Mrs. Blanche Jones, 60G
South Church street.
Salem Residents Return
From Southern Oregon
Mr. and Mrs. George Moorhead
tnee Jenelle Vandevort l. Mr. and
Mrs. H. H. Vandevort. Mrs. Geo.
Moorhead Sr.. and Virgil Moor
head returned recently from Co
nuille. Or.
Mrs. Clark Returns
From Vacation
Mr--. Cecil Clark, bookkeeper at
the F. W. Woolworth Co.. re-
i turned last week from a week's
j vacation at Seaside. Airs. Clark
j visited with Miss Gladys Mclntyre
! of Salem, who is spending the
! summer there.
! Mi s CI writ oil
Visiting ia Xeirporf
I .Mrs. K. C. Chariton left recently
jto spend ten days visiting her par-
jents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Cooke l'at-
tini, at their summer home in
Newport .
Hartman Bros. Jewelry Store.
Watches, clocks, rings, pins, dia
monds, charms, cut glass, silver
ware. Standard goods. State at
Liberty St. ()
Touring in Nar ,
Fnuland States, '
Friends of Mrs. Frank Snede
cor .and Mrs. Charles Cray will be
interested in hearing of their de
lightful motor trirrt"hrou-gh the
New Kngland states.
They spent wnie time in Wash
ington, D. C.,,and made a short
visit in Xew York. At present
they are in Massachusetts. They
will return through. Canada and
down the Pacific coast through the
Canadian Rockies, expecting to
reach home about Attgiist l.r.
Littlefields Visit
With Son in Rosebnrg
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Littlefield
left Sunday morning for Rosoburg
where thev will visit with their
son, Mr. Leon A. Littlefield and
H. H. Brooten, F, Wilheart
and F, R. Beals Aid in
CLOVERDALE, Ore., Aug.' 2.-
( Special to The Statesman.)
H. H. Brooten, proprietor of the
Brooten Baths, announces that a
road will he built at once from
Hill yK?
iiiii V
II presenU I
'11 VU ocr. f, 1
'11 rro'01"' J
11 v y 1
Pacific City to his health resort
This road will run along tlw
1 va:tefrronT Of the NeSVtitca- rter-
to a ioit justibelow the:Broten1 t
place: , Wllheartrwhofi qU ;- -hs
between Brooten's and Pacific
City, and F. R. Reals, will, help
Mr. Brooten meet ;the -expense of
the road. It , is expected that the
county will oon continue the road
to the Highway another-mile and
a half, which will give a loop roatL
into Pacific City. j '
Ileppner- Farmers ' Elevator
company installs new, grain Bcales.
Its fresh
fruit flavor Is a
snorting -bellowing
on- on-
.can anything
save them
. ill
' - J
ImUlnSbtt iHsiHi iiiO.
ifir - 4r -r. it I
ft-- xiXttiJ'