The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 03, 1926, Page 2, Image 2

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V ivrST ZlT'lIjLlS' J. ' ' . '1 J ' J ' . : : I - il - TTTF.snAY MORNING. AUGUST 3. 1926
? jj g . THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALJSM, UlUSUUN j -. , . . H . . - -
1 tl " 1 11 I II 1 IHI II I
9X11" 1,11 " " " iiimw e-aaw ! i - a awa, in.a i iaa i i .i i aeaaeeeaejaei I aa I a a mil - . - - -
. hrrpnrn i-nrt mm
lift) 250 Is Present Estimate on
Two hundred and fifty mem
hers of th ialm American legion,
Inr-litding th championship drum
corfwi, are expected to leave on a
special live-car train which has
1 beeo chartered to take them to
the convention at MaretifitUd. It
wirt' tea re the eorner of Trade and
L.ibrty streets at 9:30 Wednes
day -evening. Tickets are on sale
at 184 North Liberty street.
U drum corps experts to run
off with the prize It raptured last
yeaK" -It is. practicing ort a Muni
to i given at the convention, but
details are being withheld. The
official delegation from Salem ex
pects" to propose-a resolution for
redistribution of dues, to cut down
tbctmouDt now going to the, na
tional headquarters.
Imports from Coos Bay are that
the people" of rNorth Dend and
Marsfafield are turning out in big
numbers to work for a successful
convention. A crowd of more than
1200 is expected to be present.
The people are perfecting plans to
bouse this number comfortably,
'and to prevent congestion in the
A reception is planned for
Thursday evening at the Elks
clnb rooms for the women guests
who will attend. Organizations of
Coos Hay are making extensive
arrangements for the entertain
ment of the women.
A huge beach ' dinner and sal
mon barbecue is , being planned as
one of the principal events. It
will be held at Charleston beach,
near Marshfield.
Kigu pouts have been placed nt
points on the roads near Coquilie
and Marsfield directing the visit
ors to the convention, as many are
expected to go by automobile. Any
one interested in the trip is asked
to call Morrl Hace, 1995.
The Opera House Drug Store.
Service, quality, low prices, friend
ship j-give Increasing patronage.
Old customers advise friends to
trad here. High and Court. ()
. if"-
0.,J. Hull Auto Top Paint
Co. ' Radiator, fender and body
repairing. Artistic painting adds
100 to the appearance of your
auto: 267 S. Commercial. ()
L. A. Scheelar Auto Wrecking
Co., oldest In the Willamette val
ley. NewH aridused- parta na
equipment. Low prices and quality
service here. .1085 N..ComLr . ()
(Contianrd irnm yg, t.)
Ferry, wast considered by the com
mittee, which, ; recommended that
the catch basin there, be taken rare
of by a sanitary sewer.
On motion of Alderman W. W.
Rosebraugh, the council, voted to
pay George C- Will $25 for his
sewer and allow him to attach it
to the city sewer, aa his house
is now without proper drainage.
The committee on licenses re
commended that Harry Ralph be
granted a permit to sell soft drluks
and the report was adopted.
The city recorder was Instruct
ed to prepare a-bill for the cost
of a tire and nozzle for the fire
truck, which, were lost going to the
fire in Da Has Sunday, and that
the bill be sent. ta the city of Dal
las in oa.1 'it does not offer of
Its own accord to pay.
The committee' on health ud
police reflorjed;. on a petition of
residents ilea r Oxford park to have
tLe license for baseball games
there suspended. No such license
exists, according to the report, no
it could not rbo taken away. The
report was, adopted.
Recommendations that a. license
for a billiard 'room be granted to
Romaine & Long, and for a card
room to Harry Ralph were adopted.-
' -
A report was made on the pe
tition of property owners on North
Commercial treetlto prevent mer
chants from -displaying goods on
the sidewalk, stating that the of
fenders - had been arrested and:
fined. C ' "
A recommendation that a license
to conduct a hotel be granted to
J. H. Stanton' ud W. C. Culbert
Bon was adopted, 'as was another
to grant a license to John William
son to erect a theater providing
the city engineer approves agree.
The council decrdetl to ask' the
afreet ' commissioner to remove a
blacksmith shop and house from
the middle or Pine street, between
Front Ktreet -and the river. The
owners had; refused to move the
buildings of their own aecdrd.
The city; attorney; was; instruct
ed to .take . thovnecesary action
for vacation "at an llejri la- Mock
j 17. Nob minVTf '.;I".ilVi; .
I Tha, city recorder, was instruot
l 1 ttr1sstt bonds for th city's
fT share;; in" paving Myrtle street. ,
An. application by the- Cherry
I CitTV market for a soft drink
! license ;waa referred to the com
mittee; on licenses,' and an appli
I catidTby C. U Gainor for license
tc conduct a rooming house was
! feferffd to the committee on
i lealta and police.' c j i ; -?
A petition i with, ' 51 signers for
V trt light on Waller street was
,ief erred , to the committee on
"' Petitions for sewer on Snuii.
Twelfth street aad on Mill street
ilji - - j s j .( v v -
'cw nrnriea nlinDis: Tiv t-.o roinl
similar units a-tiie State Legion
toKraph of tlje orps. They will leave on Wednesday.
were referred to the committee on
A petition for paving Twenty
second street, otherwise known a.s
Thompson avenue, was reterrei to
the committee on streets.
A petition for changing the
sidewalk line was referred to the
committee on streets and to the
ty engineer.
Resolutions for assessments for
pavtng portions of K street, Mc
Coy avenue, 'ottage street, und
Trinity street were adopted.
Sidewalk resolutions for por-
tions of North Capitol street. My
ers street, Lincoln and Liberty
streets, were adopted.
The matter of constructing a
sidewalk on Summer street be
tween Madiiion and Jefferson, was
rfferred to the new planning and
zoning commission,
A bill for accepting a deed of
land for an alley from Oscar Red
field and wife, was parsed, and
for a sewer from Thomas Kelly
vas also passed.
A bill for assessment for im
proving Hivcr st reel was 5.
The Man's Shop saves you a ten
dollar bill on every quality suit.
Shirts, hats, ties, collars. High
grade clothing, perfect fitting,
long wearing. 416 State. ()
C. F. tlrelthanpt, florist and
decorator, 123 N. Liberty.. Phone
JS0. Flowers, bulbs, floral de
ligns for all occasions. Pioneer
and leader in Salem. ()
While you are at tne office,
we'll wash and grease your car.
Let us help you give your car the
best of treatment. O. J. WiLaon,
Buick Motor Cars, phone 220. ()
(Continued from pa go J.)
canvassed.' Reports filing into the
nation's oapifal necessarily are but
abbreviated on account of an ex
cessive arnotmt of governmental
telegrams", .the Herald's corre
I m. f And C,
and return; X6day limit
Profit by reduced roundtrip fares to Califor
nia in effect throughout the summer. 16-day
limit tickets are on sale daily this year; round
trip to San Francisco and other California
-' " points equally reduced. Also, season tickets
Oct. 31 limit at slightly higher cost (stop
ove.( ' -v -v -.
Four trains daily each way, including the
"Southern California Express' direct via
Sacramento to Los Angeles. ,
O. L..rrlltift4cct f&krm. or A. A. MickeL Ti. F."& P. AZ
' ' , 1M Liberty Street V.-' .--sMs
Champion Legion Drummers
.J. .:JJ'. i!A
organization are erectel to score
Convention opening in SlarshfieM on
spondent declares.
The remainder of the Herald's
story follows: j
"Conditions in the interior, par
ticularly in the states of San Luis
Totosi and Nuevo Leon are grav'e.
and considerable, trouble was en
countered by state and federal" of
ficers in carrying out the central
ejovernment's closing orders and
the sealing of the church doorls.
Sunday morning, it is reported Ut
Vexi-o City unofficially, but re
liably, orders were issued by the
federal government that the gov-
rnor.s of states request that strict
embargoes be placed on the sale
of all arms and ammunitions arid
Hiat the order be conveyed to aji
persons engaged in the sale 6f
orinamnty. Violation of the new
t-rder will meet with drastic pun
ishment. !
"The military and police of
Mexico City continue to be on the
alert. Centers are heavily guard
ed und streets are under armHd
guards of ,i Wee. ;
"Although ;in undercurrent Of
dissension is very evident, there
has been no mass demonstration
oiher than those of Sunday when
bands of more devout church to
lowers, forming hi:man barricades,
sought to prevent the execution if
I he closing ol der."
NO(J ALES; Ariz , Aug. 2. For
mer President AUardo Obregbn,
considered a potential presidential
candidate in the 192S Mexican
elections, late today threw his
support to President Calles in the
ration's religious controversy by
declaring the "hiyli dignitories of
ti e Catholic church provoke.! thia
conflict." "f
The statement was contained in
a signed declaration given to thi
Associated Press. !
It was (iener! Obregon's first
I i.blic statement regarding th$
c -ntral government's policy sinc
the religious luw was enacted, and
was issued after he had refused
earlier in the day to commit )iini-
s If.
old Drinks
Original Yellow Front
!. North Commercial St.
:n competition with lO or a dostcn
August O. This is the liUeNt pho-
Every General Independent Dealer
is now pumping this latest and
greatest of gasolines the gasoline
that on May 30th broke the world's
record at the hydroplane races at
Newport. It .was developed for hy
droplanes. Now it is ready for your
automobile ;
$1,000.00 in cash or tho .
winning came
We need a natne for this new gaso
line a name that will be expressive
ot a motor fuel that is
premium but costs no more than
others. .
Here's what you will get from
this new gasoline
The first time you use this new gaso
line you will get
A noticeable increase in power
and pick-up both winter and
Less carbon deposit
, No cranlc'Cse dilution
A noticeable increase in gas miles
Nofuelkriofks v ;
No pitted valves or fouled spark
plugs $
Economy Drive Through
Three Countries Is Made
by Cycle Company
The single cylinder Ilarley
Davidson miUorcycle whicii is
making a long distance economy
est from Vancouver, It. C. to
Tiajuana, Mexico, arrived at Sa
lem at 1:?.0 this morning in per
fect condition. After taking on
gasoline and oil the machine was
turned over to Harry W. Scott the
rider who pilots the machine on
its next lap toward Mexico. One
of the features of this test is that
the motor is not permitted to stop
during the entire sixteen hundred
Ralph H. Kletzing qt The
the latest and greatest
development in motor fuel
well worth
Look for the Green and White Signs 1
Statesman, and II. E. Oliver ot
the Union Oil company of Salem,
offJeia'lly checked on the amount
of gasoline ami oil taken by the
machine on its stop here.
H. L. Stiff Furniture Co., lead
ers in complete home furnishings,
priced to make you the owner. The
atore that Btudies your every need
aud Is ready to meet it, absolutely.
Mrs. II. P. Stlth, millinery.
Most beautiful huts iu Salem: all
shapes and colors; full Block from
which to uiake fine selections
Best quality. 333 State St. ()
All is not gold that glitters. All
meat is not 18 karat of perfection,
but if you buy it from us. you'll
be safe. Hunt & Shaller, 2t',:t N.
Commercial. ()
Eiker Anto Co., Ferry at Lib
erty St. Autos stored, and bought
and sold. Cars washed day and
night. Low prices and service will
make long friends. ()
Kere'c why you will get It v
This new gasoline is highly volatile
but perfectly balanced. Gas miles
have not been sacrificed to produce
that increase in power. Every drop
vaporizes it burns clean, leaving no
deposit to produce carbon. It contains
no acids' or sulphur to pit valves or
foul park plugs
To enter the contest all you have to
do is follow the rules. Write your
name oa the coupon or else get an
entry blank from your General Inde
pendent Dealer. Everybody iseligible
to enter the contest excepting the
employees of the General Petroleum
Corporation and their families. Try
it first. Then name it A thousand
dollars in cash is waiting for the
- lucky person.
i Drain .your crank-ease and fill up
with Parabasc It's your insurance
for as perfect a motor at the end of
the i run as- ar tne '
LA cnAKDK, Or.. Aug. 2.
Pen Jam in McOiunis of Wallowa
diel at Wallowa yesterday after
noon of injuries received in. an
automobile wreck Saturday night
a mile aest of Minam, on the La
Grande-Wallowa lke liighway.
McCinnis and two other men were
returning home from a dance when
something hapened to one of the
wheels preventing control of the
car, which plunged off the grade.
Mcliinuis' head was crushed and
he failed to regain consciousness
before death.
The other two men were un
injured. Ira W. Jorgensen 190 S. High
St. Parts for all makes ot cars.
Best.equipped auto accessory store
fn this section. Prompt and re
liable service the rule. (
Rock Creek Trout hatchery
to be enlarged and improved.
Roles of the Contest
1. $1,000.00 ta caah will b awarded by thm Gaaaral PatroUiua
CorporatMMi far tl aama that to ta baat, ia opisioa W tk
judftea, for U Bw General (? Gaaoiioc. ;
S. la caa of a tia all tying contaatanta will racaiva tb full uoul
ot tha jrriza. . t
t. Thn contact officially opa Asgoat ta4 ao4 cloooa Aavat Slat
All cntriaa baaring tb Auust tlat poatiaaxk will bo u4f ad.
. Tbo foDowiac woll-kaowa a4vrtaiac
of tb Oaaanl
aml Pvtrolraa Coraocatiaa
trolaum Coraocatiaa
r, Ga. Mgr., Gaoaral
Diractor of
. GaaanU Potrotauam
A4. Mgr., Gancral Potroloaai Cory-; W. H. B. Fowl or, Saa
Praadaco Chroaiclo : A. G. BUbv. 8attl Timoa: W. H. H oat tag.
LoajBachPraa-TtoTani;W.J.Hofanaa.PortkutOTicn aiaat
6. K. Peacock, Pacific Coaat Mgi.,B. W. Arr aV boa.
S. Ia jadglac tbo aaavas tbO iudf will award: . j '
Up to TS poiata for tuofalaoM of aaaio (daacriptiro vmlao,
adaatabiUty ta adrtrtiamf, aalaa off ort, otc..
Uy to IS fioiats for orl jjaaUt jr of una. .
T7b to IS aoiats if aaato i writtea oa bUak oblaiaad fraai a
Gaoaral badapeadcat Daalar.
. Tha aadaioa of tbo Jodcea ia to bo SaaL I
T. Each wtaafant aaay aubaUt aa maay aamaa aa ha Uboav
S. Only tboao aamat writtaa oa blanks or caapona which ara ooav
plctoly ftllad vat wUl b jadad. , v'
. Cveryoao ia Waabiaftoa. Orocoa, California aad British frlai
Ua. aacaptiac ooapioyaos of tao Goaarai Patrol mat Caraaraaaa
and aaabor of taote oagibio to oaataato.- -
Cutttowt HaarfrTitartrrV -1
General Ptroium Corporation, 704
Snd CBHfu dinct or itaae it imkh ymmr Glraaraf
Gasoline is
My General Independent Dealer la - . ' "
Name . .". .
Addreaa - Js-- y ; 1 r' . : ' ' . - '
My name ia '
Myaddroaale .-
i4-year Told movtava girl
LEWISTON, Mont.. Aug. 2.
Fourteen-year-old Doris Carroll of
Cat Creek, Mont., was burned' to
death in a fire that destroyed f
home of her parents, "Mr.-arj. '
Ambrose Carroll, Sunday ght.
According to "lad viceB here.' the
girl was trapped in the home af
ter other members of I he family
managed to make their scapf.
The Peerlens Makery, 170 N.
Commercial. Sanitary, up to date.
Prompt delivery. Bakers for those
who appreciate the best. Increas
ing patrons tell the tale. )
Slt-t Non-Mrrtarlan Ullftarr
ttu.Mf'ttir fihsul lor liuya
MlflUrjr Tralntmr Hnii Mitairal
UctcloiMcnt for fcverj iur
asthoritiaa aa4 axacotlroo
will act aa iudf i
will act aa )udf o:
Patraiaaaa Ct : Was. Walkar
Cor. : L. Hoamaa-Piatbor.
Mataon Build ins, San Francises)
Imdtptndtml Dmtltr