I !. THS OftEGON STATESMAN, SALE!. OfcfiGto SATURDAY MORNING, JULY 24, 1926 ltoiohR6tf& HOD CARRIERS AND BUILDING LA borers Local Ner 441. Mtt Wed. p, m. .Cll 1T itr CAPITAL TYPOOBAPHICAI UNIOB No. 110 Preeident. G. 1". inu; aee retary, M. D. Pilkeotoav Meets aeo end - Saturday. 0-p: - CA REENTERS UNION JlffThr. evening, prt -r.U; - Waw Pa Arthur Tucker. HOTEL AND 1 - RESTAURANT EM ploreet local 432, every third Monday, 437 Court. Hatel Pierce, secretary.- SALEM UNION LABEL. LEAGUE VMM at Labor Hail oa nU of preel 4 rat. V. W. Bears,, secretary. Bos 443, Salem. Or.- Lodge Roster FRATEDNAL ORDER OF CABLES. meet very Wednesday, Fraternity HaiL B M. WUlett, Soe'y. TO. 889-B. KNIGHTS OF PTTHIA8 MEETS AT Fraternal Hall STery Tueeday erasing Visiters invited. T. D. Vinson, 0. G; Walter lyonow, K. of R. 8. bt rtSon Otatrfiman Pabliahad story morning (except Man day) at Salem, sapttnl of Oregon. Local Rates For Classified Advertising Daily or Sunday eoata par word 6 eanta per word 8 eenta Mr word Onatiaa Three timaa Six timaa ' 1 mo. daily ondSua. 20eeata per word In order to earn the mora than one time rate, advertiaomaal moat run in consecutive Issues. No At taken' for lean than 25e. Ada. iu Sunday ONLY charted at one-time rata.; Advertitementa (except Pereoaala and Sitaatioaa Wantod) will be Uken ever the telephone if the advert! aer la a aubaeriber to phoaa. The Statesman wiH receive adver tisements at any lime of the day or. night. To Insure proper . claasifiea tioae Ada .should ba in before 7 p. as. V tEraoxB ts OR 688 t Money to Loan OXREAL-ESTATE T. K. FORD ' (0tt Ladd aV Bnak Bank) ADVERTI8IN& HONEST ADVERTISING Taeaa eol . ini auat ba kept free front anything f n questionable nature. Miarepraaen tationa will not bo tolerated. Infer Botven ahowing any queitioaabte in- tent on -the part of tha MTortiaar a ho aid bo 'reported to thin newe paper or tha Saloni Ad elab. - -. .lAata .Taps-- S SEE US FOR- TOP AND FAINT WORK u. 4. nut An to xop aa jratna aop. 267 B. ComniareiaL 6al6t ftti Selp Warn tod 9 WANTED 1 KXPERIENCBD WAIT reM. Valley-Grill ... yi AM NOW. LISTING HOP PICKERS FOR Willi ma Hop Ranch. Commence about Anr. 25th. L. II. Thaeker. R. 2, Help Wspted Male 11 WAS-TED-YOUNO MEN TO LEARN aulo line. 2 mouths- training, itae wsir, tarn open ahops and manage VuMaeM. , A bie money maker 925O.0O required, ifukt hare, good habits and furnixh . Ieiit of references. Address Hx 6.', Stslonmsn. SnJeaaaeat" ' 15 WANTED GOOD 8ALE8MAN. O. J. Hull Aulo Top and Paint Co.. 267 S. 4 ommiraial Kt. loi'23 ...I . "NOTICE to creditors Notice -is Hereby given that the uodersfgned has been duly ap pointed by the county court of Marlon county, state ot Oregon, administratrix of the . estate of Carl fe. Cashatt. deceased, and any and all persons baring claims against the said estate are hereby required', to present said claims duly Terified as by law required to said '.administratrix at 1015 South High street, Salem, Ore gon, within six months from the date of ibis notice. Data lot 'first publication July 10. 1926 Date of last publication August 7. 1926.- ? ; M. C. CASHATT. Administratrix: ot the EUe of Carl U. Cashatt. deceased. BARRICK A HAIX. ? Tillamook, Oregon, Attorneys for Administratrix. Julrt-e-17-4-ai. Aug.. 7. T ADMIN ISTRATOItS . NOTICE OF "APlX)DETaIENT ' . . Notice: Is hereby giren that the undersigned, has been duly ap pointed by 'the County Court -of the State of Oregon for the Coun ty of Marion, as administrator of the estate of Barbara J. Leslie, de ceased, and that he has duly quali fied as sach administrator. All persons having claims against the estate of said decedent are hereby notified to present the tame, duly Terified and with prop er Touchers, to me, at the -office of Ronald C. Glover, 203 Oregon building, Salem, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated, at Salem, Oregon, this tnd day of July, 1926: ELLIOTT B. LESLIE, Administrator of tha Estate cf Barbara J. Leslie, Deceased. f Ronald C. Glover, I Attorney for Administrator, K- ' Salem, Oregon. Jly 3-10-17-24-31 EXECUTRIX NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed by the county- eourr. of Marion county, Oregon, executrix of the estate ot Julius E. Thlelscn and is duly qualified as .such. . ' All persons baring claims against the estate shall present them to the -undersigned within eU months, from the date of the first publication of this notice. . This notice Js published the first time this 10th day of July, 12. ' - Sigued: "JENNIE B." TfllELSEN. Jttly,ie17ai.31..Anig. T , PRINTED CARDS SIZE 14 BT 7H tK. .' wording. 'Rooms to Boat." wieo It 7: eenta oeea. SUvSsttSS B8la8M Oliics, WA5TED--GEXERAI. OFFICE WORK, Flies. Washington Hotel. State St. - - -.,... -lajs-- WB ,?AR BY MARRIED MAN. Bobt. Wolf. Jefferson, Ore. 19j24 WILL TAKE CARE OF CHILDREN while mothers work in catiiierr. 160 Division St, opposite Hunt' cannery. " f ' . 1 ' 19j25 FOR GARDEN FLOWING, BASEMENT digging team work. Phone 72P8 ' 19ml4tf ro Beat 81 WANT 2 NBAT WORKING GIRLS TO rent elegantly furnished front room oo 5r,"B"1 J,"r,-, Fireplace. 8'0.0O month. oJO N. Com I. 21jjj- 7-ROOM FURNISHED HOUSE. READY Aug. 10th. Phono 1026 J. 21j27 FLAT FOR RENT REASONABLE r'nt- furnace heat. Pbona 55J. or nU at 1234 Court St. 21j27- FOR RENT PRACTICALLY NEW, modern four-room bongalow, fornarp. garage, 1330 Madiaon. -Phone 2337 K. 21j27 FOB SENT HO08E8 AND APART aaata. F. X Wood, 4l But St. 21nl2tf FURNISHED APARTMENT WITH Gar den. !386 N. 4th. 21m24tf PRINTED CARDS. SIZE 14 Bf IN. Word i n r R..t in ..... each. Stateaatan ground floor. Buainaaa Office, FOR RENT 5-ROOM UNFURNISHED without garage. I panmeut, wun or wttbont garage. Adulta only. Call at 845 Marion St. or W. A. Listen. 807 Oregon Bldr. Slj3tf For Kent Houses 27 WAST TO LEASE BY THE YEAR, 6 room strictly modern furnished house. Close in, farnace, fireplace, full base ment, built ins., etc. Address H rare Statesman. " 27j22tf For Remt F; 29 t HAVE 8EYERAL IRRIGATBP ARMS for rent. P. E. Thomaaon, Turner, Ore. Phone SXX. - 29a Itf Swaps OO CAR FOR LOT. A GOOD SIX OR FORD Coupe '25. for clear lot. Lee Russell. 1370 Hood. 33j-i5 Wamted Mlaoellavaeotts 35 WOODRY THE AUCTIONEER BUYS Furniture for cask. Phono 61L Snatf WANTED ' PRIVATE MONEY FOR farm loana. We hare several applica tions oa hand. Hawkins Si Roberta lac, 805 Oregon Bldg. 85dl4tf FURNITURE PACKING FOR SHIP meata. ttiaao-Powara Furniture Co. 85s20tf For Sals 37 CRAWFORD PEACHES FOR CAXXIXG. are ready. L. Townsead Orchard. 37j30 FOR SALE HIMALAYA BLACK BER ries 3c per lb. pick them yourself. Phone lloF21.t. 5. Box 42. 37JS5 OATS AND VETCH HAY, 815.00 DE lirered. Clover $13.00. Call 72F2. 37jl6t( FOR SALE OLD NEWSPAPERS, 10 cents a bundle. Statesman office. 215 South Commercial St. 3 7j22tf GRAVEN STEINS ARE READY. NICE eleajr apples. Rulifsona, Rt. 8, Box 59. Bring boxes. 37jl8tf GRAVINSTEXE APPLES CRABS AND chickens for fries. Phoaa aOOF3. K. .T. Ayers. 37j25 HONEY AT 12c PER LB. Phcne 8F5. H. M. MEAD. 37a6 TRE8PA8S NOTICES. SIZE 14x9 INS . printed on rood 10-ounea eaavase, bear ing the wordsi "Notice la Hereby Given That Trespaaaig Ia Strictly Forbidden en These Premises Under Penalty of Prosecution." Price 15e aaeh or 2 for 25c Statesman Pub. Co., Salem, Ore gon. 87atf For Solo lavestoekt 39 HOGS FOR SALE. NICE PIGS, ALSO sow and 100 lb. slioats. Phone 95K2. 39j24 FRED W. LANGE, VETERINARIAN Offieo 529 8. CommercUL Phone 1198. Roe. Photie 1S66. 89m23tf Wood For Sal 43 ASH. WOOD FOR SALE., IN THE TIM ber .near Finser - station; about 60 cords. Phone 1718R. 43j25 1 6-INCH BLOCK WOOD. - $3.75 PER load,. 4 loade $14.00, also dry fir and oak, any length. Chaa. Christensen. Phone 142. 43alltf OAK ROLLS FOR SAW MILLS. PRUNE driers, etc., wagon material and dry oak lumber all dimensions. llliliee Mill and Manufactory, Oakland, Ore. 43al4 16 INCH OLD FIR SECOND GROWTH oak and atk. Phone 72F2. M. D. May field. 48U8tf BEST GRADE OF WOOD 4 ft. and 18-iMk Dry mill wood. Green mill wood. -Dry aeeond growth fir. Dry 4-ft. ash. -and oak. FRED X. WELLS. Prompt delivery and reasonable prices. S80 South Church. Phone 1543. 43tl8tf CITY AND COUNTRY WOOD SAWING. ' Also old boards.. Flakes Bros. Phone 1819. . 43jl8tf SALBM FUEL TRANBFErI 752 Trade Street. Wood, Coal, Bri quota, Transfer sad Moving. Fhona 629. . 48n20tf 18-INCH MILL WOOD PER LOAD. $8.75 18-in. Sad fir per load, 88.75; 1 fneh old fir per load. $4.25. Prompt delivery. Tel. 231$. Tracy Fuel Yard. 1087 D street. 43n22tf GOOD COAL DRY WOOD, PROMPT DELIVERIES. HILLMAN FUEL-CO. TELRPHONX 1866. 48!39tf Mlsedllameoas 61 WOULD LIKE TO CONTRACT FOR hatching eggs from Reds: Barred and W. Rox, Buff Orphingtons and Jersey Giants for next winter. Also need hatching eggs from now until October or November. Park's Monmouth Hatch ery, 376 8.. 2th St.. Salem. 51j27 MINUTE MOVIES ED M)HEEiAN'S ' ScS9U1 CENTENNIAt SERIAL FOR FREEDOM;. tPtejOOE 2 fftufy k ywa-M" 61 FURNITURB UPHOL8TER3 5G AND RE palriag. Gioaa-Fowara Furmitura Store. I els-JOtf FOR SALC NEW CONCRETE MIXER and 2 horse power engine used entry one week. Guaranteed.! i Build poor owa foundation or aide walk. Hare ao use for It. Take it at 883.00. - A. WHITE, "8178 State. - j ( SlJTtt Lost sad Foad 53 LOST IN DOWN TOWN i DISTRICT, ring, colored oblong met containing scroll and tarquoise stones. Reword. Phono 569-3. 63j25 Persomal 55 WILI PARTIES IXTEirESTED IN THE It. S. Frice Trxn Oil ProKperts pleaxe write. Bos 489 Statesman. j24 WANTED BY GENTLEMAN. YOUNG lady or widow without children to travnl by auto as companion to Canada. Oood time for right party.- Write Ben Fke. Gen. Del.. Kalem. 50j29" Maaey to Loam 57 WANTED LOAN OF $1500- ON TWO new bungalows. 8oeo!ofaky, 841 State. 57jlyltf rou can not lose on our loans. Aay amount you need. Prompt aorr iee and low rates. . - VICTOR SCHNEIDER, Realtor. 147 N. Coaa'l St. Phone 677. 87il8tf FEDERAL FARM LOANS 83fc, F. L. Wood 841 State St. S7m?tf Wanted Lean 59 WANTED Money to loan as good real estate sa- curity. W. H. GRAB EN HOR8T OO. Roaltora. 134 South Liberty St. Phono 515. 69mt8tf Real Estate Directory 62 BECKB 189 S. High. HENDRICKS TaL 169. A. C. BOHRN8TEDT 147 N. Commercial. . Tel. 577. BUSSELLE, Realtor. 175 S. High. Tele. 86 or 1985. CHILD S A BECHTEL 820 State St. Tel. 1787 ' W. G. KRUEOER 147 N. Com'l. 8a. 1. Tel. 817. JOHN W. ORB, 826 Oregon Bldg. TaL 1485. GERTRUDE J. 498 N. Cottage. PAGE TaL 1186. SOU ABE DEAL REALTY 8. Nat'l Bank Bldg. TaL 470. WELLS TALLMAN SON 216 Masonic Temple. - Tel. 618. TIBBIT8 A ELTjIOTT $41 State. Room 7. M TaL 803. 'TRIANGLE REALTY OO. 218 N. Liberty. TaL 651. ULRICH ROBERTS 122 Jt. Commercial. Tel. 1854. AUMSVXLLB E. T. PIERCB Aumsville. Oregon. Real Estate 63 Own Your Home JCST FINISHING. MODERN 5-UOOM hout-e in good location. ; Fireplace, full basement. Will sell on easy terms. Bulsin & Bulgin. 373 Stste. ' C3j2t WANTED AT ONCE THE BEST 5 TO 7 room houxe with basement in North Salem for $50 down, $50 per month aud interest. We have ! parties want ing houses for- rent 5 or more rooms. North Salem preferred. Salem Ijtnd Co.. 293 N. Commercials 63j20tf DOWNTOWN BUSINESS i CORNER Six butinp!h front. ahoM'ing good inrnnie. A good speculative investment. TRI ANGLE REALTY, 218 N. Liberty. 63j24tf Call at our office and let us show you a genuine lire income restaurant average daily income 870.00, stock, fixtures, and lease al $0500, or will trade. 1354 will answer your questions about trading your farm for two good bungalows in Salem. Call. At .?265U. A good . 5 -room bungalow on a paved street. . 3500 cash, bal ance, easy teVms. 122. acres witii good improvements,, te trade for a good prune orchard. North Salem lots are selling fast. W have a good one lor $1000. Commercial induLry is growing in Sa lem. liaf a home! here. A fully modern 5 room bungalow on a paved street for $3700, $500 cash. Balance to suit. For a completely stocked and equipped country home of twenty-five acres, only $l3i00. Modern buildings, best of land, a real money maker, an exceptional pUcc. Will trade See it. i . . ' Bargains like litis. A sood 7f-aere farm with 34 acres of prunes in good condition for $12,000 Let us how it to you. ULRICH AND ROBERTS 122 N. Com'l St. Phone 1354 63j28 GOOD BUYS '' Modern 8 room home ion Lincoln St., $7000. i Terms. , ' New Modern 5 room bungalow, -hard wood-floors, paving paid. 83500. Terms. 4 room cottage, good location, 81600 Terms. 4-roont bungalow in N. Salem, $1C00 $200 will handle. Lots in N. Salem from 8375.00 up on $10 down, balance to suit. Loans and Insurance. Will built to suit MELVIN JOHNSON 109 S. Commercial St. Phone 559. 63j24ti BEST BUYS IN HOMES $10,000 Real home, brand new, 8-room bungalow for $8500. $6500 Home for $6000.; $5000 Home for $4000.: $4500 Home for $3750. The above are strictly, new modern bungalows,' five, six and 8 rooms, best of location, beat of terms. BEST BUYS LABORING MAN'S CHANCE i " Very good houses and lots with small payment down, balance Hike rent. 200 down, price 8800.1 4 rooms. $200 down, price $1200. 4 rooms. $500 down, price $2500. i 8 rooms. We make specialty- of bargains. See GUILDS V BECHTEL. Realtors. 320 . State street. 63j22tf BEAVlNff Tr4E PEACEFUL. HOME OF PA BERRy . LET JS FeETURM -fb THE STFEET OT eoTpN ADHERE AH AtGRy MOB S &' HG H EFF4Sy W MATED MAT0FT &LUt Mlaeeliameoms' r a .J4fe IrrH ' ' aVSn .. 'O - - W w A .' II-"ytJ . 6 I sB-sBP a. B M ' B' 1 SBMSsW m 1 T I 63 FOR SALE EXCHANGE OB RENT. lh owner, 1-97 acre farm near Lebanon. 1-60 acre farm near tialero. Call attec 5p, m. . O. E. Hogiso,-1040 Highland Ave. FOR; SALE OR TBADEt 10 ACRES OF unimproTed land Lincoln, county. three miles from the coast. Oeerge 63j2d Broders, Albany, Ore. THREE ROOM BUNGALOW NORTH Liberty Ht, 81350.1 Six-room bunga low, low lots 82230.! Seven room house elobo in $4ikx. Has station and resi dence, good Income.; F. L. Wood, Geo. V. Peed. 341 State fcT G3j23tf NEW TRACT OF LOTS TO OPEN SOON Get in en these now. let us teJl you about them. Pared street, small down parmeat. See BISSELLK, 175 S. Uigh St. Phone 38 ' 6ji5 SIX ROOMS AND BREAKFAST NOOK, furnace, firepHee. oak floor ia liviag and . dining- room, excellent plumbing and electric fixtnrea built ina. closets, concrete terrace steps and walk, boat of construction, new.1 pared street, eaot front. English style and rery attractive. Price f 5,W0.- term a. Phono ' owaar, 1748 R. . 63j30tf OWN YOUR OWN JHOME A COZY, double constructed ; hoiie, new, four rooms and brejkfas nook with half acre rich ground, cjty water, lights, phone, etc., without city taxes.' Trice 3J750 on terms like : paying rent, t'urte A brains, 1465 Chemekcle St.. Phone 1S94J. I 63j20tf FOR SALE PRACTICALLY SEW four-room modern bungalow, furnace, garage, cement walks and driveway, fruit trees. 10' cash, balance like rent, near new linen mill, would con sider lot as part payment, 1330 Madi son. Phone 2337-R, j 63)27 COMPLETED " HOME-i-64850. ELE0 tric range and famished. Quick pos session. 1-8 cash. On paving south Church. Becks Si Hendricka. 189 N. High street. -Cjl6tf LOOK LOOK . The best close in hite for a bungafow court, on State and 16th, 150x300 ft. For price and terms See CHIIJJS A BECHTEL. Realtors.'. 320 State street. ; j 63j32tf NEW STUCCO HOUSE. 4 ROOMS AND nook. furnace. fireplace, hardwood floors; on paved street, $3850, very easy terms. North J new on South High, 4 rooms and I nook, strictly mod ern. $4300. term anyone can handle. Oood modern 5 -room house in Haw thorne Addition, Portland,, price to sell at $4250. Will exchange for home in Salem san.e value. ' 4 rooms East Salem, furnace, variety fruit, paved street,! $3153, terms like rent. i ! WINNIE PETTYJOHN, Realtor. 216 Oregon Bldg. j 63j32tf WANTED GOOD CANADA LANDS, Alberta preferred, ; ia exehaage for Willamette valley farms. Also city property, -for dose. in acreage. Salem Jiropsrty wanted in exchange for a ine home in Vancouver, Washington. Brand new. homes, for aale on vary easy tarma. Bargaina ' and exchange. Sao Barber. 200 Gray Bldg. 63ai29tf $5,000.00 CASH WILLi HANDLE A "20 acre. Pacific Highway Tourist fully equipped camp ground valued at $10, 000.00 and paying ia splendid income. One of the best situated and most beautiful in the state. Will bear close investigation. No trades considered. A. C. BOHRXSTEDT 147 No. Com'l. St., Salem, Ore. I 63jI7tf BELIEVE I OFFER THE BEST VAL ue for the money m an 8-room modern house in South ' Salem there is. Wm. Fleming, Phone B03, or evenings 1734-M. See me. 63j22u ATTRACTIVE FIVE-ROOM HOUSE OX Market St. close to grade school and junior high school, I'ractically new, double construct ienj full cement base ment, furnace. $3500. You couldn't build it yourself lb this location1 for lens. 85O0 rash will; handle. Owner. Phono 2275-W. ; - 63J24. OKKKKKKKKKKKtCKKEKKKKKKO K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K SALE OR EXCHANGE! 1 i 3 well located.! close in acres on Pacific Highway, North. Fair house and tots of fruit. Priced ; right for quick sale or will ex change for city property. I Good lot on I Garden Road, close to N. Capitol-t-Paving and sidewalks paid, i $050. - Terms. See F AUGHT at! List With Us For Results. 147 N- Com' Room : 1 . St., Phone; 217. k: 63j24 OKTxKKKKKKKKKKIfKKKKKKKKO 5-ROOM HOUSE AXD Bi ACRE FARM to exchange for SaJeta property. What haye you ! i ! ' 4 fine.-acres near Rickreall with 3 room bungalow, garage and chicken house.' sell cheap for cash or take city property. j . A fine 3-story dptJ house well fur nished. Fine location, good income. SfH cheap or exchange for cily hVtue. or (small ranch cloe hi. See mo for more information. I , 5-room house and f lots at Gerv4v for $800.00, 15 acre north of Salem, $1000. terms on both!. Small apt. house ion nice corner, paved streets, at a bargain. if you art quick Imporlant, 320 and 4d0-acre grain farms, im proved for Salem or vicinity, don't- call if you don't want o lira do. 3. nice fruit 'orchards for' sale or exchsnge. Now get liusy or you can't get the crop big IhU year. 8 lots nicely located for town dwell ing., may pay some! hoot. Come in and I will match you. . See me' for Loan! aud Insurance. O. W, LAtfLAR. ilO. Oregon Bldg. I i 6327 WE HAVE a splendli new saodern 2 apartment house on paved street worth $11,000 to trade for land. Good 4-room house ' near Capital , St. and worth $3000 j to trade for im proved acreage. j Large rooming house bringing good returns to trade for Isrm. 6 room house and; 2 lota worth $3500 to trade for v scant lots. Well improved ! farm wkh $2000 worth of stock, crop and equipment varne $11,000 to trade for Salam home. 30 aplendid acres near Salem worth $8000 for acreage close. One of best 40 acre farms ia Wil lamette valley with hew strictly mod -era house to trade! for Salem property or would consider Portlaud property. A real 5-roem ! modern home for 8450O with beautiful bery. lawa and, shrub- We write all kinids of insurance and auretv bonds. MeGILCHRIST PENNINGTON 209 U. 8. Bank BldgJ Phone 10. Attvve SAMt . -..TiML?,'0ftlft OP -THE v -MA30B'S - TORySPlC5' MAKBS HI? REPORT Koal EstaU 63 FOR ALE SEW 4 -BOOM- HOUSE AT . 1290 Madisou St- Boa 18ft Statea- man. 83j31 C1os to' Salem a truit farm bringing great dividend. Come and aee the peach es now. $500 an acre. A home worth mora than the pr'ca asked, $9500. 7-room house, east front, close.- to all schools, $6000. Close in on N. Summer St, 6 -room house. $5000. Business lot, move house to rear for you, $5200. Business lot close in, $8,000. Trade 1U acre tract, aplendid location for service station, for house and lot in Salens. 21 -acres trade for biiMies location. Gertrude J. M. Page. 492 N. Cottage Street. 63i20tf THE BEST MODERN RESIDENCE IN Salem for sale at a sacrifice if taken a I once. Have a ' 6-roora modern house on pared street, right off State north. A rcal-J.uy at ,$3000; $500 cash, and balance $30 per month. Bet payiug garage in valley. Ask us about it. One of the Jest paying groceries in Sah-m priced right for quick sale. Art -and needleeraft shop doing a fine basinesS. Best meat market In Salera. W'iH 'sacrifice for quick sale. 140 acre dairy reach, stocked and equipped. Will exchange' for good Sa len residence. .Fully equipped chicken ranch, netting around $500 per month. Will trade for taletu or Portland property. 47 acre rauch for sale at a sacrifice. A3! in Fultivation, fine soil and building-!. : ii tailfl to electric station. 1 his ranch, is completely stocked and equipped. A close in fruit tract with good buildings value $7000. Will exchange for a close in Salem bouse suitable for roomers to same value. If you have property for trade, call and see us. We can exchange what you have for juht what you want. Let us write vour fire insurance. SEE GASKILL F.ARLE FOR PROPERTY 166 S. Liberty St. Phone 2242. 63jt2tf NOW, IS THE TIME TO BUY or trade for that farm. 20 -Acres highly improved farm, good - smaU buildings, well and runnin; water, frnit. berries, timber and pasture. 2 good cows, 50 W. L. hens. -100 pullets ready to lay. close to scliool and paved road, mail route, phone line. Just the place for the youngsters. Will take Salem up to $4,000.00, bal ance easy. 73 Acres of good land on paved road, nearly alt in cultivation. Only about 7 miles out and -priced ' at $75.00 per acre with terms. 13 Acres well improved, at edge Ot Kalem, on paved road, only $7500. 40 Acres,, dairy farm, this is A-l place and only $4750.00 with terms. List sod insure with us. VICTOR SCHNEIDER, Healtor. Farm Loans. 147 Xo. Com-! St. Phone 577. 63j24 GOOD BUYS IN HOUSES AXD LOTS 4 lets on pavement. South Salem, $450 each, terms. 2 -room garage house, lights, - water, paved street, $1000, $150 cah. bal ance terms. 4 rooms, nook, modern but basement, gragc. close in $2800, $200 cash, bal ance like rent. 4 room, strictly modern, double ga rs go, on pavement. North Salem, $3150, $500 cash, balance terms. 5 rooms, strictly modern, nook, new, Sarage. on pavement,. $4000, $500 cash, balance like rent. MOCOLOFSKY. -Real Estate, Loans, Fire and Auto Insurance. 63j23tf ' SOME OF OCR BEST BU VS. WE HAVE MANY MOKE. Fine lot near Capitol, price $700, terms. Eleven room modern home, three blocks ntste house. $7000. Trclve-yoom modern home, six "blocks Bush Bank. $0500. Five-room modern borne except bailment, $3250. FTve-room home, bath and, toilet price $1900. best of terms. SALEM REALTY CO. No. 462 State St.. Salem. 03j23tf FOR SALE t VACANT LOTS IN . good location, free and clear, will sell cheap. cr exchange all or part for Sa lem residence and assume. See owner. A.4 White, 2173 State St. 63j7tf Good 6 room heme on Marion St., fruit, fine lot. snap. $3750. Severs 1 good lota, $375 to $800. 40 acre farm close in, buildings, fruit, creek, wells, timber', good toil, only $8000, easy terms. New business building for-residence. 28 acres atccked and equipped farm near town, paved road, $50O0 for resi dence. , Nice modern bungalow, N. Salem, sacrifice priee. easy terms. We can match yoar exchange PERRINE A MARSTERS 212 Com. Club Bldg. 63Jllt( GREATEST TRADING ORGANIZATION ON THE PACIFIC COAST Wa have ever 8000 properties liated . for exehaage. Every kind of property, every priee, every location. Wo can match your exchange EXACTLY. If you would like to trade your property TQDAYt-eotne in TODAY. See ASKItL EARLE, Realtora. Successors to Parker Realty Co. IS a.. Ltbartv. Phono 2248. fe.e..- ' ' 68mI2t Real Estate Trades 65 "FARMS WANTED" DANDY 50 acres on pavement 3 miles from town to exc4ianzfor- large .stock farm and assume. ANOTHER 80 acres well improved will accept ' dairy aud assume. WANTED valley Yarns for 105 acres improved and stocked. IDEAL dairy with 38 head Jersey stock for small farm. MANY INQUIRIES being received for good farms. For "Satisfied Service." Try TRIANGLE REALTY. 218 N. Liberty. 65j24tf Real Estate F, 67 44-ACRE DAIRY 5-ROOM HOUSE. 2 bArns. 2 silos, 14 miles to normal School, , Monmouth, on pavement, elec tricity in, 8150 per acre. Cowa and equipment can be aotd. ... ISO-acre , dairy and grain, $12,000 worth of buildings. First class soil. Has. bad good care. This farm does pay. 1 mile to Monmouth on pavement, -$10 -per acre, hi cask. ' 36 acre dairy farm. Fair build iugs. Might accept bouse fn Salem if priced right, mile to Monmouth, ,$8900. ' 137-aere dairy farm, old buildings, but. livable. Stream on place. 50 'acres cultivated, $3200.00. GUY DEMISG Monmouth. Ore. r 67j24 While ih ANOTHER SECTION OF "THE TOUJM EBEHTRUE ADtsRESSE A GATHER IN G Cf PATRIOTS Real Estate ON&.BNArAeEBEH TRUE, A ; Jri IMft FARMER -VN OM "THE R0APTo lXtNT6r4. : rVJOUJ.SPENDUS& ALL HIS TtMP TALKING- : "KS AGAWST.THE crcaun.1:: Real Estate Sabaurbaue 69 SUBURBAN HOMES .HEAP $420O, close ia, 2 acres. Fruit and berries, modern 5-room bungalow,' elec tric lightSrbeth, Book.-water system. Paved road, just east of city, near car line. It's living in the-country with city privilege. . ONE ACS E SNAP $2100 fine one acre tract, 5-room bun galow, 5 rooms, net far out. BEAUTIFUL 8-ACRE j RACT East of Salem. No bldgs- price $1275. BEAUTIFUL 10-ACRE vRACT $4750 on Pacific highway, about half in bearing prunes, beat of soil, new 4 room house, not quite finished, good well and running water on place. For real bargains in farms See CHJLDS & BECHTEL. Realtors. Htate street. 0j23tf WwBtedTXe-a Estate 71 WANT MORE LISTINGS! .1 have the buyers if you have the property. List Now! BUSSELLE. 15 8. High St. Phono 36. i.Plenty. of Salesmen to show your property. 1 7Iji. Wamted Amto-aaobUea 77 CASH. PAIP A ate Co. FOB FORDS EIKER 1Taal2tf For Bale Ueed C, T9 STUDEBAKER SPECIAL SIX '23. NEW Daco job. Cor in fine- Shane. WiM sacrifice for cash.. "27 8. Commercial M. t'fione 578. . 7Jj2." Reward You ran collect your own reward bv BUYING your Ford here. Every one of these Fords will reward you ia money miea ana service given. Fords Rebuilt Ford Coupe 1921 model. New paint, guaranteed- mechanically and sell mg lor nearly nan me price of a new coupe. We have a number of 1923 and 1921 tourings in pretty good shape which we have not had time to overhaul so that we can guarantee them. They are for sale at a very cheap figure and .will run for thousands of miles with very little expense. . 1922 Ovprland Teur ..$100 1924 Star Rdster. Any reason able offer-will be accepted. 1920 Chev. Special read end Runs fine. We'll sell at junk price. Valley Motor Co. Salem, Oregon.- ,,,"v,-79j20tf ESSEX 4- FINE SHAPE--A REAL BUY and a car fo service. ,;0'dYHull Auto Top ana runns. . . ;5 lyi-o Fine Used Au torn obi 2es Attractive prices and convenient terms Bnick Master Six Coupe in ex cellent condition. Rickenbacker Sedan, looks like new. Overland touring car new paint. Buick Roadster, fine, condition reasonably priced. Oldsmobile Touring. Ford Sedan just taken in trade. Ford Touring car just painted, iu good shape. Jordan Eight in Line. Hupmobile Sedan, fine condition. Essex Coach, slightly used. Used lizht cars, vi 40 and ud. Look over the select stock of used cars. Splendid opportunity to buy a cax that will meet your requirements. F. W. Pettijohn Co. 350 North Commercial Street. Phone 1260. CADDILAC HUDSON ESSEX . . - 79j23tf Used Car Bargains tse rure and sec it mem MacDonald Auto Co. Our cars are priced richt. 'and terms right we stand behind tUcm, nearly all standard makes aud models to ehoes from, before you buy see MacDonald Auto Co. Cottage aud Ferry Sts. Phone 409. Open evenings and Sundays. Marmoa Willys-Knight Overland 79j2tf U. S. FOREIGN TRADE IS SECURE SAYS COOLIDGE (Continued from page 1.) ment matters, the conduct of for eign relations, it was emphasized is in the hands of the state depart ment and the president. Heferring to some publi?hed re ports that Governor General Wood of the Philippine Islands was resigning his post, it was said that President CoolidgR could not see the -slightest foundation for them. Mrs. Cool id go this forenoon in spected the marine harracks, sit uated in the' woods a mile from White Pinb' vamp. An . illustration of the wilder ness -in which the president is spending his vacation ' was'.offered last night when honnds treed wild animal In the thick . forest across Lake Osgood f romWJilte Pjae camp. Froin its screams the guides assumed ft was either black bear or a lynx. Which are fairly numerous hereabouts. The dogs and the prowler made sach a disturbance that the White House collies, Prudence Prim and Rob Ftoy, were aroused and joined the chorus. The president, how ever, was said to have shown no concern and the noise finally sub sided. TRICKY GXJTTIXG The new skirts though narrow in appearance have all the width necessary and are cut so that one walks with perfect ease. Eugene Stf fMary'a Catholic win. erect $75,000 edifice. SHALL Mm NOT RESIST "THE HAND OPPRESSION ? SHALL E MOT fOR OUR. ftljGHT.? ? (p Tb-WRROVU , I SHALL NG - 1 MOVE MY TROOPS TO CAPTURE THESE; REEELS . BUT Tb:NlG HT T SHftLL ASKJ tEAR; LITTLef FaR&AK A , iO riAKKy ci!ssinBus;iEss DiiiECTonY .' Of Rellabla nualeaa"vnd Profeasloaal Flrma Arranged InT : Alphabetical Order ATJCTIOBEEBS . -F. N Woodry . - AUCTIONEER The Woodry everybody knows. Caak- paid . for used far nit are. Baa. and store 1610 N. Summer St, Telephone 611. ., . H. F. WOODRY A SON Auetioaaere. Pays Cash for Used ruraitoro. 871 N. Commercial. Telephone 75. ACCOUNTANT G. ED. R08S, ACCOUNTANT AND Aud itar. Z31 W Htata. roast XUWS-H. aU-'ld BATTERY AMD ELECTBICIAXS r; D. BARTON EXIDE BATTERIES, starter and gaaarator wora; t aoeta Commercial. j ; WillM Phone 198 COURT 81'. "JOBW1LL1AM8 BICYCLES AND BEpAlRIVO LLOYD E. RAMSDEN COLUMBIA B eyelea and repairing. 887 court. CHINESE REMEDY L. L. DICK L. M. HUM OiinM .Vfjutieino ('omDiBT Help any known disease. 420-426 State. - asotf CHIROPRACTOR DR. H. B. SCOFIELD. P. 8. 0 82$ Ore gon bldg. Phone 2194. DR. O. L. SCOTT, PSC. CHIROPRACTOR 256 N. Mieh. ftione ee-it or i HEMSTITCHING HEMSTITCHING. STAMPING. BUT' tons and pleating. Room 10, ovar Millers. Phone 117. ELECTRICIANS FLEENER ELECTRIC CO. HOU8E wiring by hoar or contract. Estimates furnished. Phone 980 171 Court Si. r ABM PAPER IF YOU WANT TO GET THE BEST farm paper send five 2 cent stamps to tha Pacific Homestead, saiem. vregou. for a three month'a trial subscription. Mention this ad. POULTRYMEN SEND EIGHT TWO; cent-atamtta for suecial three months trial for the best and oldest Journal iu the west. The articles and adver tisements are of special interest to tha poultry breeders ot the Northarest-f- Morthwest l'ouitry journal, ju com' merciai street. Salem, Oregon. FINANCIAL INSURANCE MONEY" TO LOAN ON BA lam homea. business blocks' and apart' meat houses. P. H. Bell 620 U. B. Bank Building. - Phono 2474. FOR SALE FIRST AND SECOND Mort gagee. Trust Deeds, Contracts on houses Will net 6 to 309b; BEOKB A HENDRICKS Hailia- Bldr.. 189 N. Hirh St, Jltf FARM LOANS PLENTY OF MONEY to loan on good farm security. - i CITY LOANS We are loaning Tru dential Insurance Company money on citv reaideneea And buainaaa property, at V4 plua a commission. Hawkins Roberta, inc.. zoj uregon ooiiomg. ! ' d-14tf FLORISTS li-FRNH THOJCE ROSES. GLADIOLUS. perennials,, sbrobs, weeping bfrch. iris, ate. Bennett' Nursery Co. Fairground Road. Tel. 1280. . fX5-'t6 CUT FLOWERS, WEDDING BOUQUETS Funeral wreaths, deceretiona. u. a. Breithanpt, florist, 123 N. Liberty. Phone 880. INSURANCE LOANS BEAL ESTATE. GENERAL IN auraneo. G. W. LAFLAR, 410 Oregoa Bldg. ' Insure "Tour borne or ear now Phone 161 t BECKE A HENDRICKS Heilig Bldg., 188 N. High St. ittl SEE SOCOLOFSKT AGENCY FOR real estate, loana, - firs and aato to anraneo. I LAUNDRIES CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY "The laundry of pure materlala." Telephone- 165.- 1264 Broadway. THR NEW SALEM I,AUNDRY THE WEIDKR LAUNDRY ' Telephone 25. - 263 S. HigkJ TRY THE HOME WET WASH LAUN dry. Phose I7r. 1856 B -a treat. jlTtf LADIES' TAILORING D..H. MOSHER TAILOR FOB HEN MrjBJSIaiMiBmaammi MATTRESSES MATTRESSES RENOVATED BY THE Capitol City Bedding Co.. 1190 North Capitol. Called for and delivered. All work guaranteed. Phono 19. . f!9tf MEDICAL MOUNTAIN BALM Phono 61 7-W. COUGH . REMEDY MUSIC STORES r GEO. O. WILL PIANOS, PHONO graphs, sewing machines, sheet innate and piano studies. Repairiag phoso- graphs sad sewing fuachiaea, 432 Stat street. - Salem. --i NEWSPAPERS THR PORTLAND TELEGRAM, SALEM Agency The Ace. TeL 939. r THE OSEGON 8TATESMAN. 60 CENTO per month delivered to year home early each morning. Tel. 23 or f 588 NURSERY STOCK ; .1 : FRUIT, NUT AND . SHADE TREES f fsarcy tiros., 170 s. commercial. By Ed Wheclan OP aJt his head- C?UAPtfTER5 MA3DR EJ Ut- FIGHT8 ANOTHER COM MUNlCATiON FROM 3E,S.' SA5E - SECRETi.y r.ToMOftrtoIW WARN- ME L4 for Quick Reference PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER, . GENERAL Iaaurance. - Helca Corey. Tel. 86. PACXtHG - AJTD SHXPFMO FOB , EXPERT- FURNITURE PACKING and ehipptag, call Stiff's Furniture Store, phone 941. - 1. -, PAPERHAKGUra and pAnmxo PHOXK GLENN ADAMS FOB HOUfiB deeersting, paper hanging, liatlag, oto. Reliable workman. PIANO "TUH EES EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED Piano toner. I .cava writers Will' Mnaae Stnre. PBnrroro FOR STATIONERY, CARDS. PAMPH- lets. programs, pooka or say aind or printing. Call at tha Statesman. Prias ingIepartmeat, 215 S. Commercial PLUMBING PLUM8INO AND. GENERAL. REPAIR work. Oraber Ikrei., 164 S. Liberty Phoaa 60. - - - ftt . RADIO Radiolas - For Every Purpoie Every Purae All Btaadard Sites , of Radio Tube HALIK tr EOFF ELECTRI4?8HOF ---i 887 Court St. Phono 66 . BSAX. ESTATE IF YOU HAVE. PROPERTY TO SELL or if yen are looking for s home, xersa. or busiaesa property see -at. BECKS A HENDRICKS 169 N. High St., Heilig Bldr. ' H REAL ESTATE .. HARRIS OFFERS TWO-THIRDS ACRE on Pacific lllt-b- way just south Of city limits; 448x200 feet; 5-room new cottage: automatic electric pressure water; , bath,' toilet, garage,1 woodshed,- foung ,. fruit aod nuts: $4000. easy terms or will ex ehaage for home- closer ia. - HARRIS. Masonic Bldg., Tel. 795, 2440 J - ' .'. . . r SCAVABGBRS City garRagb co. office phone 85; 157 . S. Commercial, .Baa. Pheao 2290. t SECOND BAND GOODS BUY USED MEN'S OMJTHINO. JEWEL- rr, Uuns, Tools, Bicycles. Star Ex change, 824 N. Commercial, phono 35A. - - A13 WANTED . EVERYTHING IN CLOTH ing and shoes. . Beat prices paid, Capi tal. Escbanice. 848 North Commercial . Phone ; 1U68-W. " - " - STOVES AND ST0VB XE7AXSIN0 STOVES FOR BALE REBUILT ANt repaired by expert.. All kiada of woo en wire fenee. Faney and plain. Hof 'baaketa and hooka, logan -hooka. Sale Fenee and Stove Worka, 50 Cour St. - - TRANSFER AMD - HATJUNO TRANSFER AND HAULING -Of- All kindr. Phono 72F2. f . , - . ., . WE MOVE STORE AND SHIP HUUSI hold goods. Oar specialty la plaao an furniture moving. , Wa alto make eeui . try trips. Wa handle the beat real at wood. Call oa aa for prieea. Wa g'1 good measure, good quality-and gntt service: Larraer Transfer Co. Phose 93 OAPITAL'CIfT TRANSFER 0. 231 Bute St. , Phone 938. Distrlbutip forwarding and storage our- speeialti Get our rates. WELL DBZIXXNG R. A. WEST, RT. 6. ' BOX "103 8, Pkoae 110F5. Z smiles ssat os Gardal road. . -1 WATER SALEM .WATER. LIGHT A POWER . CO Office 8 04 South Commercial St. Tat per eeat discount oa domestic flat rate . paid ia advance.' No deduction for ah ; aenca or say cause ualasa water 'is tha off your preaitee. ' ' ' TRAVEL --' -Safely. Swiftly aed Comfortably in basses of Jhe Parker Stage Lisas. Stagee Leave for Silvrrton 7 a. 11 a. m 6 p. s. . ML Angel 1 1 a. m., 6 p. m. Dallaa 7 a. m.. 9 a. u. 11:25 s. as, 2:10 p. n.; 8:15 p. as. Falls City7 . a. m.,J;10 4 , jb 6 : 1 p. mr f - ; r 1 ladepoadenee -7 a. nv, 9: a. 'sh., , 11:15 a. m 8:16 p,a ,6:15 a. mi Sunday only- 6:30 p. aa. f- Monmoata 7 a. ,m 11:15 . m., -8,10 p. m, 5:15 p. m. Bnndsy only, 7:1 p. an..-8:80 p. oa." I ' : Mchtinnvilla-a;80 O. ax,-til 0 p. 8:1 p. ja. ; ; ; ; J , New berg 6 flO w sa 8:10 pi sa. 6:1 pw aa.- Tillamook 8:80 a. as 8:10 p. m. CaU 222 or 698 for laforatatfam. . . -d23tf " ' 1 t?ntf Miisic League Helps Students Reach Goal NEW VORIC (AP.)' Fame dud wealth as an artist Ja an al luring picture that! attracts , hun dreds, of ; young men and women to New York. But - only s few achieve their ambitions. ' ' ; -' ' ' Some fall because the pathway is filled with heary obstacles. Dthers are, lacfting in talent' The mall number that' succeed know w hat; It Cleans to go through loo s and lean -.years. -. , - '-'::' , Realiifng the necessity of bridg ing the (RP between the time the teacher pronounces a young artist ready, for the public platform and the : period when he becomes es tablished and self-supporting, the National' Music League was organized.- It . ia headed by Mrs. Otto H. Kahn and directed by Harold Vincent MlUigan. "I can take you to ttimost any moYle . theater in the city and point. but talented artists in or chestras' who several . years ago had page advertisements in musi cal papers and , Were trying to make -a name for themselrcs," Mr. .Mllligan .satu.V '"The expense and lack of opportunity to per form were lop great and most ot them" have ; had; their : SDlrit crushed.' V - f"i;:"'., . . ' 1 i. . 1 i 0 H oli FAsiHoA ni id:;a rsrI Bend8 ovcr.'s .ctirnlns frock of! black cfciffca entrolisr d in small Dresden flowers la ensint shades of blue, yellow arl Urjnder. ,f - - - . 1 - r - .... - , tH4 - i-V M-J-: 'iii, -' a i zi8 ig i.Ujr-i'" Zwr. -. --asc--.-- -