THB OREGON STATESMAN, SALESl, OREGOU THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 22; 1926" 7 ' 1 Union Rooter, VaGD CARRIERS AND BUIIADCO LA- bor.r Local No. 441, mto Wll p. m. Can ' Mr aaoaw CAPITAL TYPOGRAPHICAL TJNIOH No. 210 Preoideat, G. F, Evans; so retery. M. D. Pilkontoa. Moots aoO ond Satarday. 3:00 p. m, CaRPkS UNION NO. 1065 ilaets Tlr ag. Artkor Tucker, nresideal: Wm. Pcttit, Secretary. Skilled mechanic furalshad Phoa 179. HoTKL AND RESTAURANT EM ntovres local 452, every third Monday, 4oi Court. Ilasel Pierce, secretary, v SAI.EM UNION LABEL LEAGUE Meets at Labor Hall oa eail ( pros! d-nu P. W. Soars, secretary. Box 4 43, Salem. Ore, Lodge Roster, FRATEDNAL ORDER OF E ABLE 8. aaoot ,Terr Wednesday. Fraternity Hall, 6V M. Wlllatt, Soe'y. TO, 889-B, -. KNIGHTS OP PYTHIAS MEETS AT Frstaraai nau ") ""' thib Visitors iavited. V . vtnsoa, o. cj Walter Leaon, R. of R. B. - tXfct Oregon Dtattkman Published ovorjr mormiaf (txeopt Moa day) at Salem, tho oapiUl ot Orsgoa. Local Rates For Classified Advertising Doily or Ssndty Onatima Three time 2 coats por word 6 oonta por word 8 ctato nor word Six timea 1 mo. daily aadSua. SOeents por word la order to oars tao mora snaa oao time rate, adrertiaomoal . most roa la consecutive issues. - - No Ad tskaa for less tka S5e. Ada. rua Sunday ONLY charged at oao time rata. , y - .- , Advertisement ( txept T'snoaals aad Situations Wasted) will 00 takea Vr telephoa If tko advertiser la subscriber .to phone. -,- r The Statesman will receive edvr tisemeaU at aay time' of he day or a night. To insure proper ciaaaifiea tions ada skould bo in before 7 p. an. TELEPHONE SS OB 583 Money to Loan OS RIAL I STATS T. K. FORD (Over Ladd Baak Beak) ADVERTISING -nrvrT AnVERTIHING Tkaae eol- 1 . ama mast bo kept free front anything ef a qnoatloaablo as tare. Misroproaea- J Utions will not bo tolerated. Infor aiattoa anowiag aay qnostionanio ia teat oa tko part ot -tko u vert iter hoold be . reported to thia newa psper or tko Salova Ad elqb. Am to Tova BEB US FOR TOP AND FAINT WORa. O. X. Hull Auto Top and Paiat Shop. 267 S. CommoroiaK 6al6U 'Notice of "Final Settlement Notice is -hereby- siren tbat the . undersigned has filed in the coun- ty court of -the -State ot Oregon 1 for the-Codntyof Marion, her duly veTiflyjt.flnai account as .admints Itratrnt ot the estate of Frank R. j Reynovds, deceased, and that said court has fixed Monday, the 2nd 'day ot "August, 1926, at the hour of ten o'clock a. m. of said day, as the time, and the county : court room in the county court house in Balem, in Marlon county,-Oregon, as the place tor hearing said final account and all" objections thereto. Dated at 'Salem. -Oregon; this 21th day ot June, 1926.. V ' EDITH M. REYNOLDS, Administratrix of the .Estate of Frank R. Reynolds, Deceased. Ronald C. -Glover, Attorney for Administratrix. Salem, Oregon.- . I0TICE OP HEARING OF FI NAL ACCOUNT Notice is hereby given that the final account of C. E. Mason, ad ministrator of the estate ot Pheba ; Mason, deceased, has been filed ii the County Court of Marion tounty, Oregon, and that the 10th day of August. 1926, at the hour tf 10 o'clock a. m. thereof, has ! con duly appointed by such court ss the time for the hearing of ob jections to said final account and ; he settlement thereof. AH per sons interested in said estate arc hereby reftMreditd appear in said Court at skhtHf me, avnd place and show cau8e,if any they have, why r; id final account' should not be allowed- and1 approved by said Court. ' C. E. MASON. Administrator of the Estate of Pheba A. Mason, Deceased. AVILLIAM A. TRINDLE, . Attorney for Administrator. July 9, 16, 23, 30. a6 Notice of Final Settlement ' NnttoA In hprphW a-tvPTi that the unaersigned nas nied in tne coun ty court of the State of Oregon for the Countv of Marion, her duly verified final account as adminis tratrix of the estate ot Mary J. Reynolds, deceased, and that said court has fixed Monday, the 2nd day of August. 1926, at the hour of ten o'clock a. m. of said day, as the time, and the county court room in the county court house in Balem, in Marlon county, Oregon, as the place tor hearing said final account and all objections thereto. Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 24th day ot June, 1926. EDITH M. REYNOLDS, AdViistratrix of the Estate of jf Otry J. Reynolds, Deceased. RfltiAid C: Glover. Attorney tor Administratrix, Salem, Oregon. j,25;,jly 2-9-16-23. I General tXXarkets I I'OJCTLA.ND, July 23. (By Associated ' rvss. w nest: t)uu, nard white. July i-:; August Sl.40;, SepUmbor $l.4U o. neari. juit bi i- Aunut; laa- r8f,on Jufy $1.40;., Aairust $1.40; 8ep JTJvmbT . 1 .40 1 soft . wbt te. - Jo Jy $ 1 .39 ; r white. Jul, a 1 39 30- k.u. temberl.Sff.r Hsrd winter, July $1.33; ATrgwt-44.; -Ben.temkerSl-.a3i wortkeea- aynns Jul August n.aa; ptep- temlVr.4l.3J j Wetern red.' JuIt $1.33: Auawst tliU4.8esUmWr 4f.2t, - Uala. Ko.. 2. 34 pound whrta feed Joly 77: Aarast $27: eeptembe $27: No. hi mr, Jtr 2f 1 . Amgast 836.M; Septomber $2$.60. , Barlor . 2, a 6 -pound July $36t Aug mat. $26. September $26. No. 2, 44 poai July $25; Auui $35; Baptambaf Belp Waited A,nPW- J'O HOP PICKERS FOB ; Williame Hot " Salem -Pk.llall: """fcZiZ ' Help Wanted Male 11 WANTED--YOUNG MEN TO LIarv auto line,, 2 s month training, tome waKca, teen open shops aad miir baainesa. A big money maker $250.00 r"" u V Mo good babits and tarnish beat f reftrcnces. Address Box 2, Slataman. lljUo Saleai 15: WAXTEI ooon siirsuiv; ; atO;iop aad Paint Co.. 26T 8. Commeretat Bt. ' -15j,15 WaatodIrnsioTzaiomt 19 WARLV-OEKERAL OFFICE WORK. bookJcecpiBK or eolWting. V k N Hiea. Washiaeton. Hotel. State St! W2lk5 JARM' Bi" MARRIED MAX. I Root- Solt, Jefferson, Ore. 9j34 FOB GARDEN PLOWING. BA8E34EN1 atgalBg and teaja work. Pkoao 72 Pa - IBraMtf For lUmt SI 7 ROOM Vr&KlSIIED HOUSE, READY wb. rnone iuo-j. 2Ij27 fU BUST PRACTICALLY NEW. wuera itorrsoB naagaiow, fnmare. garage, laov juaaison. fbone 2J37-K. 21j27 DESK ROOM FOB RENT IN BUSINESS office. Uood location. Addrosi box 602. care 8tateamaa. 2tj23 FOB RENT HOUSES AND APART aaoat. r. JU. wM, 91 State St. 31ml2tf rCRNlSHED APARTMENT WITH Gar den. 1S96 N. 4th. 2lm24tf FURNISHED APARTMENT. PRIVATE Batk. 543 Court St. Phono 1057. 2lj23 PRINTED URD8. SIZE 14 Bf 7"4 IN. Wording, "For Boat," prioo 10 cents oack. Statesmaa Bnaineaa Ottico, ground floor.' FOB RENT- 5-ROOM UNFURNISHED apartment, with or without garage. Adults only. Call at 845 Marioa St. or W. A. Listen, 80? Oregon Bid. Fay HeMtAartmamta 23 PRINTED CARDS. SIZE 14 BY 7 IN. wording. "Roomi to Boat," prieo 14 eaau nach. Sutoamaa 3aaiaasa Oftica rronnd floor. For Beat Hons a 27 WANT TO LEASE BY THE YEAR, 6 roora strictly modern fnrniskfed bouse. Close in, fomare. fireplace, full base ment, 'built-ins., etc. Address II esre Statesman; " 27j22f For Rent Farnu 29 I HAVE SEVERAL IRRIGATES J ARMS for rent. P. E. Tkomaaon, Turner, Ore. Phone 8 XX. . 2 9s It Swaps OO CAR FOR LOT. -A -GOOD SIX OB -FORD Coupe '23. for dear. lot. Lee Russell. 1370 Hood.- - 3jgj Wanted Miacellaaeoaa 35 WOODRT THL AUCTIONEER BUYS Furnrtura for eask. Phono 51L 35atf WANTED PRIVATE" MONEY FOR farm loans. Wo kave several applica tions oa head ,' Hawkins A Roberts Iae 205 Oregon Bldg. 85dl4tf rURNrTURS PACKING FOR 8HIP- msnta. Giato-Fowera Furniture Co. - - - - 35s20tf For Sala 37 FOR SALE HIMALAYA. B LACK BE B'- ries 3o per lb. pick them yourself. Pbone llK2t. Rt. 3. Box 42. 7j25 L OATS AND VETCH HAY, $15.00 DE- nvered. cwver" f can Titz. ' 3fjl6tf FOR SALE OLD NEWSPAPERS, 10 ceata a bundle. Statesman office,- 215 Sooth Commercial St. - 87i22tf GRAVEN STEINS ARE READY, NICE elear'apptes. ftulifsons, Rt. 8, Box 59. Bring boxes. 37jl8tf GRAYINSTENE APPLES CRABS. AND chickena for fries. 1'none xOOi 3. K. J. Ayers. . 87j25 HONEY AT 12e PER LB. M. MEAD. 87a6 Phcne 8F5. TRESPASS NOTICES. SIZE 14x9 INS , printed oa good 10-oaaeo caavaas, bear ing tko words, "Notion la Hereby tiveei That Trespass ig It Strictly Forbidden oa These Premises Under Penalty of Prosecution." Price 15e each or 2 for 25c Statesman Pub. Co., Salem, Ore gon. 87atf For Sale lavostoelt 39 FRED W. LANGE. VETERINARIAN Office 529 S. Commercial. Pkono 1198. Res, -f- t t a,?9281 Aueust $39: September $39.7.". , . 1 Millrun. standard. July $23 :. August $23 ; September $22. " .' '"hat PORTLAND. Julv 22. (Bv Assoc is tel Press. -Buying prices, "New Crop: Tim nthr 17la; alfalfa -$I8.50: oat nay $15; oat and vetch 14.5UtS I3t straw 7. 50 fa a per ton. "Selling prices "$S. a ton more. . "',?t " , ;l$ PORTLAND." July 22. (By Assoeiatffd Press.) Fata lc higher:-best churning cream 40c per hundred, net shippers tree in sone 1. Cream delivered Portland 42c per pound. Raw milk (4 per cent) $2.25 ewt. f. o. b. Portland. DAIRY EXCHANGE ' ' PORTLANDS July 22. (By Associated Press. )t Net prices: Butter extras 3714c: standarda 37c: -prime firsts 35 He: firsts 34 c: errs- extras 3 re: firsts sue. Me diums 26c; current receipts 23c. She donned her coat and hat as he grabbed. his.. "Are you going to town this morning my dear?" he queried. "Just as soon as I can get there 3klnnim and Slasher advertise a bargain sale, very special, of gold fish." "Good heavens! I believe you'd buy a hippopotamus , if. you thought, it was a bargain." - "Certainly not. One "in the house is enough." MINUTE MOVIES E0 NNHEELAHVT; Colonial SlrRiAL :-F0R ; FREEDOfA- Hit? UHSONlE, . WO HAS, FALL-. Ett ifcgEFLV'tN . LOVE AnH'A-- r VCUHb A3EKSH ; i hazel CEARjt; I .".i.i- 43 ASH WOOD FOR SALE. IN THE TIM- ker -' -aear' Fiaaer Ktatioa; a boat CO cordf. Phone 1748R. . ; 43j!5 19-INCH BLOCK WOOD; f 8.T5 PER load. 4 loada $14.00, alao dry fir aad oak, aay loagtk. Ckaa. Ckriateaaoa. Pkoao 142. 43alltt OAK ROLLS FOB SAW MILLS, PRTJN E uricm, ete wagoa material and rtry oak lumber all dimensions. lllihee Mill and Maaafaetery, Oakland, Ore. v. . . 4314 18-INCH OfclT FtB 8EOOWD OROWTH oak aad Mku Pkoao 7 IPS. AC. D. May field. - - ; . 43fltf BEST GRADE- OF WOOD . . 4' ft aad ie-inek . ; i trr mill wood. Oreea mill wood. r Dry tecond growtk fir. Dry- 4-ft. ask. aad oak. FRED E. WELLS. il Prompt 'delivery aad rooaoaablo pr!ce. 280 Soatb Cbarek. Pkoao 1S42. 4318tf CITT AND COtTNTBT WOOD SAWlNO. Alao old boafda. Fithef Broa. Pbone 1819. 4311 8 tf SALEM FUEL TRANSFER. 1752 Trado Btroot. Wood, Coal. Brianeta, Tranafer fend Moriag. Pkoao 629. 32frt 16 INCH MILL WOOD PER LOAD. 2.7S i-tn. in nr por loaa, V3.751: 18 inch old. fir por toad. 64.25. Prompt delivery. Tel. 2313. Tracy Faal Yard. 1067 D .atreot. 43a22tf GOOD COAL DRY WOOD,: PROMPT DELIVERIES. BILLMAN FUEL OO. 1 TELEPHONE 18SS. . 12U Mlacellaaeona 51 FURNITURE tJPROLSTERf NO AND KE pairiag. Giaao-Powora Far ai turn Store. 51a20tf FOR SALENEW CONCRETE MtXER and 2 horse power engine used . only ono week. . Guaranteed. Build ' your own foundation or side walk. Hav-e no bso for It. Take it at $85.00. A. WHITE, '2173 SUto. ! 87tf WOULD' "LIKE "TO ' CONTR'ACT ItOR hatching eggs from Reds; Barred and ; W. Rox, Baff Orpkingtons and JcTsay - Giants; for. next winter. Also need , batching eggs from now until October or November. Park's Monmouth Hatch- cry. 376 S. 24th St.. Salem, 51j27 I-o at and Foaad 53 FOUND PAIR RIMMED GLASSES; AND case. Owner may get them at States- man office by paying for' this ad. 53J23 LOST IN DOWN TOWN DISTRICT, ring, colored oblong set containing scroll and turquoise stones. Reward. Phone 569:J.' r3j23 'Personal 55 WANTED BY GENTLEMAN. YOUNG lady or widow witbont children to travel by auto'' companion to Canada. Good time for right party. Write Ben Fske. -Gen. -Del., -Salem. 5Sj39 Money to Loan- 57 WANTED LOAN OF S1500 ON TWO new bungalows. Soeolofsky, 841 State. : - 57jlyltf YOO OAN .HOT XOSE ON- OUR LOANS. Any amount you need. Prompt serv ice and low rate. VICTOR SCHNEIDER, Realtor. -147 N. Com'l St. Pkoao 67T. 67J13tt FEDERAL FARM LOANS 6H. F. L. Wood 841-State St. 67m7tf Wanted Lo 39 WANTED Money to loan oa good real estate ae- earlty; i W. H. GttABENHUaST W. , Roattora. 134 South Liberty St. : ' - Pkonw 616. 6mt9tf Real Eatate Directory 62 BECKE 189 ft.' High. A HENDRICKS ' 'Tel: 169; A. C. BOHRNSTEDT 147 N. Commercial. Tel. 877. BUSSELLE. Realtor. 175 8. High. Tets. 35 or 1935. CHILDS 920 State St. A BECHTEL Tel. 172T W. G. KRUEGER 147 N. Com'l, Rm. 1. Tel. 217. JOHN W. 826 Oregon Bldg. ORB, Tel. 3485. GERTRUDE J. 492 N. Cottage. M. PAGE ; Tel. 1188. SQUARE DEAL REALTY ' S. Nat' I Bank Bldg. Tel. 479. WELLS TALLilAN SON 216 Matonie Temple. Tel. $18. TIBBITS A ELLIOTT i 841 State Room 7. Tel. 80S. TRIANGLE REALTY CO. N. Liberty. Tel. SSI. 218 ULRICH A ROBERTS ! 122 N. Commercial. Tel. 1$54. ATTMSVTXZJB E. T. PIERCE Aumsville, Oregon). Real Estate 63 Own Your Home JUST FINISHING. MODERN 5-ROOM noose in good location. Fireplace, full basement. Will sell on easy terms. Bulgin k, Bulgin. 3J5 State. ; 03j24 WANTED AT ONCE THE BEST 5 TO 7 room honse with basement in Nortk Salem for $50 down, $50 per month and interest. We have 3 parties want ing kouses for rent 5 or more rooms. Nortk Salem preferred. Salem Land Co.. 293 N. Commercial. 63j20tf SALEM HOMES 5 room modern home, east front, close in on No. Summert st $8000.00 7-room very rood buy in Nortk Salem, east front, good terms $3,000.00 5-rooms north east Salem, new and mod ern, good terms $3750.00 5-rooms northeast Salem. - very rood cor ner, .only $2500.00 Let Us Ftnsnce Yonr Homo' -VICTOR-SCHNEIDER, Realtor, City Loans Insurance ( 147 No. Com'l. St. Phono 577 63j20tf gjND HOW , WHILE UNREST AhAt REVOLT FILL IHfe: Weed Tmr Bail VHH&S OT- TWE COLONISTS' : - OF BOSTON TOWAJ LE" . Vj S TURN TO A PEACE' I FUL COLON IAL, Hurvit j on iHt-y y iiiTt nr iriiti WMHI t U,rk- v-Sfc.w ; ambo voo DOuJM- 3 63 FOR SALE OR TRADE ,160 ACRES OB vainrprared land ra Ldaeoaa - eoaaiy taree miles - from tko coaat, George Broders. Albany, Or. ' J 63j2d THREE-ROOM -BUNGALOW". I NORTH Lilrty ' St, '81350.- 8ix-room ko n sa le w. low ht ttiO. .Seven-room kovae cton in 4iK); Uas station and resi dence, good income. . F. L. Wood. beo. F. Peed. J4t State ST. ,1 63j23tf NEW TRACT OK LOTS TO OPEN SOON Uet-ln on tkese now, let ua tell yoa about thepu Paved street, tuaail down payment. SeoT BCSSELLEJ 175 St payment Uigk SU Pkono 66. 63j2 a 8IX BOOMS. AND BREAKFAST NOOK, furnace, iiraptaee, oak. .f loora : ia liriag and dining rAm excellent fplnmbing ' and eJectne fixtnres built iaa, closets, concrete terrace tps nd walk, "best of construction, new, paved street.- east front, English atyte aadvery attractive. Price 35, OO0. tsrma. Pkoao ' owner. 1748 R. .j . 63JS0tf FOR RALE-NBW 4 ROOM HOUSE AT 1290 Madisoa.SL. Box 180 States man. - 1 i j 63J31 OWN YOUR OWN HOME A COZY, double) constructed, kouse. j hew, four rooms and breakfast . nook With half acre rich ground, city watet. lijrhts, phone, etc, without city taxes. Price $2730 on terms like paying .rent. Carle Alrams, 14&3 Uhemeketa St., Phone 169 U. - -. ' ,:. 63j20t FOR S-VLE PRACTICALLY NEW four-room modern bungalow, furnace, garage,'- cement walks and) driveway, fruit trees, 10 cash, baltnet like rent, near new linen mill, would con aider tot as part, payment, 1330 Madi son. Phone 2337-R. 63J27 COMPLETED HOME $4850,: ELK0 trie range and. faraiahed. taiek pos session. 1-3 cash. Oa paving south Church. Weeks at Hsndricka, 189 N. Higk street. ; C3J25U LOOK . LOOK The best close in site for a -bungalow court, on State and ICtU, 150x300 ft. For price and terms . See CHILDS A BECHTEL, Realtors. 320 State street. . , 63j22tf NEW STUCCO. HOUSE. 4 ROOMS. AND , nook, furnace, fireplace; 1 hardwood floors; oa paved' street, $3650, very easy terms. North, new on South High, 4 rooms and- nook, strictly1 mod ern. $4300. terms, anyone can handle. Good . modern o-room nause 1 n ti ' thorne Addition. Portlands price to sell at flJjO: Wtll exchange lor Dome m kalem same value 4 rooms East Salem, furnace, - variety fruit, paved street, $3150, terms like rent. - - k WINNIE PETTYJOHN, ReMtor. 216 Oregon Bldg. i 63j22tf BEST BUYS IN HOMES $10,00O- Real home, brand new, 8 room bungalow for $8500. $6300 Home for $6000. $5000' Home for $4000. $450O Home for. $3 750. The above are strictly new modern bungalows, five, six and 8 rooms, best of loestion. best of terms. - BEST BUVS .LABORING MAN'S CHANCE Very good houses and lots with small payment -dowa, balance like rent. $200 down, price $800, 4 rooms. $200. down, price. $-1200, 4 room. ( $500 down, price. $2500. 8 rooms. . We make specialty of bargains. See CHILDS t BECHTKL. Realtors. 320 State street. - 63j22tf WANTED GOOD. OA3tA9Av. LANDS, Alberta preferred, ia exchange for WillametU valley ' farms. Also city property, for clot in acreage. Salon ?ro party wanted ia exchange for a ina horn 4 in Vancouver, Waehlngtoa. Brand - new bomea for sale oa vory easy terms. ' Bargains aad axchances Sea Barber. 200 Gray Bldg. 68m20tf ARE YOU HOMELBSS? WE HAVE many good modern homes that. can bo bought ' oa liberal terms. Shop - birr photos or let us show you? TRIANGLE REALTY. 218 - N.; Liberty, i t 63J2ltf $3,000.00 CASH WILL HANDJ.E A 20 acre. Pacific . Highway . Tourist folly rn m nncd eanro armni--Tarfaad at !. 0H).Ot) and paying a splendid income. One of the bcbt situated rand most beautiful in. tko state. Will bear close investigation. Ko trades considered. A. CBOUKSSTEDT" " 147 No. Com'l. St., Salem, Ore. 63jl7tf I BELIEVE I OFFER THE BEST VAL ue for the money in an 8 room modern house in South Salem there is. Wm. Fleming, ' Phone 303, or evenings 1734 il. See me. 63j22U GOOD BUY8 15-room apartment house eloso in, $4500. Terms. Close in furnished .apartment bouse $12,500. Will take residence. 5 room almost new bungalow, good lo cation, $2750, $100 cask will handle. 5-room new bungalow, basement, fur nace, garage and paved street, $3300. $500 down. f Modern 8 -room homo on Lincoln St. $7000. Terms. Four-room home close in near and-attractive $3700. Terms. Small house and good lot, some trees, $500, easy terms. Loans and insurance. MELVIN JOHNSON 109 S. Commercial St. Phone 559. 63jl8tf ATTRACTIVE FIVE-ROOM HOUSE ON Market St. close to grade school and junior hix-lt school. -Practical! new double construction, full cement, base ment, furnace. $3500. Yon couldn't build it yourself 'in thia location for less. $50O cash will handle. Owner, Phone 2275-W.r 83j24 TRADES $11,000 FOR-48-ACRE FARM all tillable, good soil, fully equipped, 7 cows, 30 hogs, crops and furniture, $11,000 can use a house in Salem. 60 splendid acres well; improved $9000. can nse Salem residence. 55 Sitvertoa road improved acres, $ll.OO0. can use Salem residence. 10 fruit, acres $1500, can use ear as part payment. Rooming honse ' close worth $8500 for- small tract close. 1 4 McGILCHRLST PENNINGTON 209 U. S. Bank Bide. Pbone 140. ! : 63j22tf OKKRKKKKKKKKK"KKRKKKKKKQ K K K K K K SALE OR EXCHANGE I K ! I' K 3 well located, close inj acres kt on Pacific Highway. Nortkj Fair , K house aad tots of fruit. Priced K K K K K K AK K K K K K K right for quick sale or will ex change for city property. j K K K K K Good lot on . Garden ' Road, cloe to Ni" Capitol -Paving and sidewalks paid.- $650. Terms. 'See FAUGHT at ; J . List , . 147 N. Coni'l St..' With Us . Room 1 . L ' V K K K kC -K K K K For Results.. Pkoae 217. K 63J24-JC 'OKEKKKKKKKKKKKKKEKKKKKO . .rm&fitfxyAior; Raal Xatmto , ii - w . --a NMAOOr3 frkVSlLl'- AVE A A.TJN 1 n -- ii,:: w 63 FOR SALE EJCCHAKGE OR RENT. BY owner, fvl-JH acre farm mear Lebaaoa, 1-H acre farm near Salem. Call after - 5 p. m. O. E. Hogao. 1080 Highland . Ave. ' . 63j29 Clos to Salem -a fruit farm brinrtns reat.dividends. .Come aad Scs tko peach- ea now. f aOQ. aa aero. A iome worth. e mora than the prco asked, f 9 500. 7-room hensp, east treat, eloso to 'all acboolx, $6000. - - ; , Close in- on N. Summer St., 6 room koase. tJflOO. s t?-Buslnrsa lot, mov kouie to .rear tor yoa. 3200., i . Business lot eloAo In, $8,000. 1 Trade 10 acre, tract, splendid location for frTicc stn'ton, for "house and lot in Salem. 21 lures trade for linxiness location. OcilruUe J. M. Page, 192 N. t'otlsare Street. - 63j20tf THE BEST MODERN RESIDENCE IN Halem for sale at a sacrifice it taken at once. Have a fi room modern house on paved Mrret, right off State north. A real bay at $3000; $500 cash, and balance $30 per month. Best paving garage in valley. Ask usabout it. One.- of the best paylug groceries in Sabrm priced. right for quick sale. Art and nerdlecraft shop doing a fine business; Ben, meat market in Salem. Will ' sacrifice for Quirk sale. . 1 4X acre dairy . ranch. Mocked anil equipped. " i 11 exchange for. good Sa les residence. r nlly equippad -chicken ranch, netting aronnd $500 per month. Will trade for SaJern or Portland property. 47-acre' ranch for sale at a sacrifice Atl in cultivation, fine soil and build ings. 4 mile, to electric station. '1 his ranch is completely stocked and equipped. ,i A close in fruit tract with enod buildings value $7000. Will exchina-e for a clone in Salem bouse uitab for roomers to name ralne. 1 If yon hare property for trade,rall and see nt. We can exchanre what you have for just what you want. Let us write your fire insurance. ! SEE GASKILL EARLE FOR PROPERTY 166 S. Liberty St. Phone 224: 632tf GOOD BUYS IN HOUSES AND LOTS - 4 loti on pavement, South Salem, $450 each, terms." 2-room garage house, lights, water, paved street, 41000, $150 cash, bal ance terms. 4 roonrs. nook, modern but basement, garage, close in $2300, $200 cash, bal ance like rent. 4 rooms, strictly modern, double ga rage, on pavement. North Miei, $3150. $500 cash, balance terms. ' 5 rooms," strictly modern,, nook, new, garage, .on pavement, $4000, $500 ca&h, balance like rent. . .:' SOCOUOFSKY. Real Estate, , Loans, Fire and. Auto Insurance. 62j23tf "OREGON FARMS ARE GOOD' ' 80 acres, all cultivated, good buildings. crop. 'stock with place, take home in as part payment. Price $10,000.00 20 acres, good smalt buildings, well, liv ing wster, fruit, berries, timber, pa-s-ture, cows, chickens. Consider home to $4,000. Priced at $6,000.00 List With U VICTOR SCHNEIDER, Realtor Farm Loans Insurance 117 No. Com'l; St., Phone 377 6ftj20tf SOME OP OUR BEST BUYS. - WE HAVE MANY MORE. "Fine lot near Capitol, price $700, terms.' ' Eleven-room modern home, three blocks state house. 70O0. Twelve-room modern borne, six blocks Bush Bank. $6500. Five-room modern home except basement, $3250. FiVe-room home, bath and, toilet price $1900 bct of terms. - SAI.EM REALTY CO. No. 462 State St., Salem. " Cnj23tf FOR BALE-t4 VACANT LOTS IN igood loeaflotv free and clear, will sell k-heap cr exchange all or part for ba ilees residence rd assume. 8ee owner. AiWkite, 2173 State St. .63j7tf 'Good 6 room heme on Marion St., frtfttr -fine-tot. -snap, $3750; - - Several good lots, $375 to $800. 40 aero farm close in, buildings, fruit, creek, wells, timber, good soil, only $80OO, easy terms. New busines building for residence. 28 acres stccked and equipped farm near town, pared road, $5000 for resi dence. Nice modern bungalow, ff. Salem, sacrifice price, easy terms. We can match four exchange PERRINE ti MARSTERS 212 Com. Club Bldg. 63Jlltf GREATEST TRAD19G ORGANIZATION ' ON THE PACIFIO COAST Wo have over 3000 propertioa listed for exeaango. ' Every kind of property, every price, every location. Wo can matck year exchange EXACTLY. If yon would like to trade your property TODAY-eoao in TODAY. See GASKILL A EARLE. Realtora. Successors to Parker Realty Co. 16$ 8. Liberty. Pkoao 2242. aftmlSt Real Estate Trades 65 CHANGE Of CLIMATF-j-IE THAT IS wkat you wish we have go acres of fine alfalfa land all under irrigation; 5 room house, bam, chicken house, ga raga, etc. in the Redmond district. Ac cept Tour Walem home or small valley farm. ALSO 35 acres near Boardmaife all irrigated. Fine for alfalfa, sweet potatoes: and melons, lias 4 room house, barn, ch token boose and garage. Ac cent Salem residence or small acreage. store or filling station. ..iANY .MORE Eastern Oregon properties to exchange for yours. TRIANGLE REALTY,' 218 N. Liberty. 65j22tf TEN ACRES BEARING ORCHARD, LO cated- in the edge of Dallas, Ore., to exehang-e for Salem property. This is free from all incumbrance. Might assume mortgaged property if equity is right. Will . consider vacant lot; Phone- 624-W. or call at 865 Marion St., Saturday. 65j23 Real Estate Farms BT 44-ACRE DAIRY 5-ROOM HOUSE,- 2 .barns. 2 silos. 134 miles to normal school, Monmouth, on pavement, elec tricity in. $150 per acre. Cows aad eovipmeat can be sold. -180-aere dairy and grain, $12,000 worth of buildings. First class soil Has had good' care. This farm doea pay. 1 mile to Monmouth on pavement. SloO'per acre. H cash. -C6k acre dairy farm. Fair build tags. .Might accept house in Salem if priced' right, mile to Monmouth, $8900. - 137-acre dairy' farm, old buildings, but livable. Stream on place. 50 acres 'cultivated. $3200.00. . OCT TlEMIN'G ' Monmouth. Ore. :,.-V 67J24 RoaJ Estato) 'MAJOR BlVJCSP0N JS COMJNS To, SEE VOV3 TO-r4tGrU,elFeA- HE HAS ASKED rnllD UAKIO." I love the. DAUSV4TERr JEBEN r 41 - 1 'r a . 7 1 V'."c XUmsI state Smsmrlsavm 69: SUBURBAN HOMES vHEAP 420U. eloe ia. 2 k .acres. Fruit aad Iterrio. modera 3-room bangaktw, elec tric ligkts, bath, aook; water aystem. Paved road, jdst east ocity, near car line. . It'a living in tko country- with city privilearea. - ONE ACRE SNAP $210O fine one acre tract, 5 room bun galow, 5 rooms, not far oat. - BEAUTIFUL' 3-ACRE 1 RACT Kast of baleas. ' No bldga- . price $1273. BEAUTIFUL 10-ACRE vRACT $4750 on Pacific kighwaj. about balf in bearing prunes, best of soil, new 4 room houset ngt, noite. finUhed, good well and running water on place. - J-'or real barKains in farms S'CinU)S ft BECHTEU. Realtors ".2 Stttlo. slr-t.- fe!j22tf Wanted -ReaJ Ektate 71 WANT MORE LISTINGS I I have the buyers if you have the property. Nowt BUSSELLE. 173 H. High St. Phone 3: Plentye f oaicsmen to snow your property. - - 71j25 Wanted Awtoaaobilaa 77 CASH PAIP A a to Co. FOB FORDS EIKEB 77ml3tf For Sale Used Cars 79 STl'DEBAKER KPEl'IAL SIX '23. NEW Dui-o job. Car in fine shape. Will sacrifH-e for ch. 27 S. Commercial St. Phone 57.- , 79j2. Reward You can collect your own reward by BUYING your Kord here. Every one of these Fords will reward you in money savea 11a aervit-e given. Fords Rebuilt Ford Coupe 1924 model. New paint, guaranteed mechanically and hell mjr inr nearly nan tne price Ot a new- coupe. We have a number of 1923 and 192 tourings in pretty good shape which we have not had time to overhaul so that we can guarantee tham. They are for sale at a vory cheap fitrure and will ruh for thousands of miles with very little expense. 1922 Overland Tour. :...$100 1924 Star Rdster. Any reason able offer will be accepted. 1920 Chev. Special read end Runt fine. We'll sell at junk price. Valley Motor Co. Sslem, Oregon. 79i20tf ESSEX 4 FINK SHAPE A RKAbfll i and a car for5 service. O. J. Hull Auo Top and Paint Co. . 79j25 FOR SALE 2-ton Deaby -4rucki- 1923 model in good condition. Stake body, 5 and 10 inch solid tires, -almost new. Will sell cheap for rksh if t'sken at once. Write or phone to John Wesley, Scio, Ore. 79j23 Look These Over Best Prices Best Terms MacDonald Auto Co. If you are looking for standard make cars, open and closed, see onr stock before buying. - 5 pass. 1926 Cleveland sedan. Nearly New. 5 pass. 1926 Ovtrland sedan Nearly new. 2 pass. Overland, coupe newly painted, good condition. 5 pass. Bniek roadster 5 pass. Mcoa touring. 5 pass. Willy-Knight touring. 6 pass. Overland touring. 5 past. Templar . touring, extra equipment, wonderful mechanical condition, specially priced. Service with ah cars MacDonaid Auto Co. Open evenings and Sundays Marmon Willys-Knight Overland 79jl0tf Fine Used Automobiles Attractive prices and convenient terms. Buirk Master Six Coupe in ex cellent condition. Rickenbacker Sedan, looks like new. , Overland touring car new paint. Buick Roadster, fine, condition reasonably priced. Old&mobile. Touring. Ford Sedan just taken in trade. Ford Touring car just painted, in good shape. Jordan Eight in Line. Hupmobile Sedan, fine condition. Essex Coach, slightly used. Used light cars, $40 and up. Look over the select stock of used cars. Splendid opportunity to buy a car that will, meet your requirements. F. W. Pettijohn Co. 356 North Commercial Street. Phone l2fio. CADDILAC HUDSON ESSEX 71j23tf Used Car Bargains Be Sure and See Them M oirr"hrk-o at A Alt'4n'fC Our ears are priced fight, and terms right we stand behind them, nearly all standard makes and models . to choose from, before "you buy see MacDonaid Auto Co. Cottage and Ferry St. Phone 409. Open evenings and Sundays. Marmon Willys-Knight Overland 79j23tf The following dialdgue was was heard in a railway ticket office: Mrs. Brown (buying a railway ticket) What became of the tick et clerk who used to be at this window?. Ticket Clerk-: He's in a lunatic asylum. "You don't say so. What, was the reason?" -. "A shock." , "Shock, eh?" -"Yes," one j day , last week woman " came to' his window bought a ticket, paid and walked, away -Without stopping' to ac-tr o Afrtn ftf nnaBtlmif ' ' SQUtRE ENOCH BAVBERRV.A M'EALW TOR4, HOLWNG&UT SCANT syA PATHy R3RTHE REBELLIOUS COLONISTS Ar4DREVJMANDy rAE . " - - I 11 1 -. 7 TRVElS AREBEL.- - HE OPPOSE (SECRG? AND IHB LAMI 5 PN(5LAMP V H5,is PytM NQW STIRRING UP. rEELWG-j -t . ijgmi love cus$iFim:; Of Reliable Baslness and Profeaalonal Firms Arranged In - : v - Alphabetical Order for Quick Reference ' - . ATJCTZOXEEXa , P.N.Wpodryf ' AUCTIONEXR -Tko Woodry everybody' kaewa. ' Cask . paid ; for- used fsrnitara. -Boa.. aad atoro 1614 N, Buosmc St. Telephono $1,1. T r - . 1: ." i I ? - IL F. WOODSY SON ' Auctioneer- i t . Pays Cash for Used Furnitara. 271 N. Commercial. Telephone 75. ACCOUNTANT O. ED. ROSS. ACCOUNTANT AND A iter. 831 U Rtata. Pkana 2098-R, 1 al7'26 onaaaafwaawasas-tiaaeassaBBSMS BATTBBY AJfD BXEtTTaUCXAJTS R. D. BARTON EX IDE BATTERIES, starter aad geaarator Worn rill Soath Commercial. . ,---- - - . ? -aaBaaMSKaaBassWBBSBBsaasassaaaasaaBaaBBBi TYf.1 wlWttif Phoaa 198' VWll 7 COURT St'. wilTjams BICYCLES AND REPAIRING LLOYD E. RAMSDEN COLUMBIA BI- eyclea and repaimar.- 87 Uoart. CHINESE REMEDY . L. L. JMCK-e-L, M.,H"UM TTHinaa SiadielaO Oomoany- Ttm.lT. an kanwn diaeasa. 420-426 State. " . tSOtt CHIROPRACTOR DR. H. B. SCOFIELDi P. -8. G 828 Ore gon bldg. Phone 2194. DR. O. L. SCOTT, PSC, CHJROPRACTOR 256 N. High. Pbone b-k or si. HXMBTITCHXNQ HEMSTITCHING. STAMPING. BUT- ton and pleating. Boom 10, over Millera. Phono 117.: . ELECTRICIANS FLEENER ELECTRIC CO HOUSE wiring by hour or contract, estimates furnished. Phone 980-171 Coart St. FARM PAPER IF YOU WANT TO GET THB BEST J farm paper send five 2 cent stamps to I the Pacific Homestead. Sklent, Oregon, for a three month trial tnbtenpuon. Mention-this ad. POCLTRYMEN SEND EIGHT TWO- cent stamps for special three momns trial for tho best and oldest Journal in tho west. Th article and adver tisements are of special interest to the soultrr breedera of tho Northwest Northwest Poultry Journal, 211 Com mercial street. Salem, Oregon. FINANCIAL INSURANCE MONEY TO LOAN ON SA- lem homes, business niocxs ana a pay ment houses. . P. H. 3ell 520 U. S. Bank Building.. .Phono 2474.. FOR SALE FIRST AND SECOND Mort- rar.s. . Trust - imois.. tonwacia vn koases Will net 6 to 30'. BECK E A HENDRICKS tt.:i, niJ. isa-H. HiK Ht. FARM LOANS PLENTY OF MONEY ti loan nn anad farm aecority. CITY LOANS Wo aro loaning Prn- dentin! Iniuiiaeo Oompaay moioy on ..nilniirNi ,nd . hunQMl nrouert V. at &H,' p' eommiasibn. Hawk ina Roberta, Inc., 205 Oregon Building. . .j - . d-14tt FLORISTS FERNS. CHOICE ROSES. GLADIOLU8, perennja!, hniba,-woepinf inrea, ins, etc. Bennett Nursery Co. Fairground Road. Tel. 1280. fl5-'26 CUT FLOWERS, WEDDING BOUQUETS funeral wreaths. dacorOllonB. u. I. Breithaopt. florist, 123 N. Liberty. Phono 3iO. INSURANCE I1ANR REAL. ESTATE. GENERAL IN- suranea. G. W. LAFLAR, 410 Oregon Bldg. Insure Yonr homo or car aaw Phone 161 . BECKE a HENDRICKS Heilig Bldg., 189 N. Higk St. jt-tf SEE SOCOLOFSKY AGENCY FOR real estate, loans, tiro aal auto ia anraneo. .- LAUNDRIES CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY "The laundry of nro meteriala." Telephone 165. . .1264 Broadway. THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THE WEIDER LAUNDRY Telephone 25. 263 S. Higk. TUT- THE HOMR WW WASH LAUN dry.- Pkono 17 1. 1356 B street. jl7tl , LADTX8 TAILORING i D. H. MOSHER TAILOR FOB MEN aad womeav 474 Court St. MATTRESSES MATTRESSES RENOVATED BY THI Capitol City Bedding Co., 1190 North CanitoL Called far and daUverod. All work guaranteed. Phone 19. f 19U I MEDICAL MOUNTAIN BALM C9UGH BXMEST Phone 5I7-W. ACUSX0 STORES grapks, -sewing maehnes, aheet musi. aad piano studies. Repairing phono graph and sawing mschiaes, 482 Stati 1 rrr, otm - NEWSPAPERS THE PORTLAND TELEGRAM, mALXk- Agency Tho Ac.' Tel., "39. 1 - THE OREGON -STATESMAN. 50 CENT! oer month delivered - to your kom. early eaek mornlnr. Tel."23 or f53 KTJE8X&Y V STOCK FRUIT. "NUT AND SHADE TREES foarcy- Bros., -na . o.; commercial. -. Bye Ed Wheelan i Hi IN - 1- t " ' . ink 1 i. ' PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER GENEKAXA Insurance. Heloa Corey. Tel.- 80V " PACEJaTQ AMD SHTJrTTNQ j- FOR EXPERT. FURNITURE PACKINW and ahipping. call Stiffs Faraitaro- Store. Phone 941. - PAPERHANOraTO AND PAINTINO PHONE GLENN ADAMS TOR HOUSE deeoratiag. paper hanging, tinting, ota. Reliable workman.' s PIANO TT7HEBS , EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED no tuner. Iave orders Will Maeie 81 PRXVTING FOR. STATIONERY," CARDS, PAMPH , lota, program, bocks Or any aund ,ef , priating. . Call at tko Sutoasaaa Priav ; . . . . n . . n 1 . t . - , ins; asepartmans, tii o. vaaiHniai, Tw. 68t.- PLUMBING' PLUMBING . AND . GENERAL RNPAin work.' urabor orot., l s. jjiborty Phono SAO. r- ' - - f lt RADIO ... .: - Radiolas: For Etery Pnrpoao Every Farso j '.AirSUadaret Bfaoai J. .at Radio Taboo . ! '--'" a "- -"-'"' . BlUK EOFF ELECTRtO -SH0F .337 Court St. Phana 483- BEAX. ESTATE - IF YOU HAVE PROPERTY TO . SELta or tt yon aro looking for a aonta, lantv or business property, aeo os. ! BECKS HENDRICKS - 189 iN. High St.. Heilig Bldg. - tt REAL ESTATE Tell me your needs. 1 1 know properly and people in Salem and can surely helpwork' out plans to -aseet your rr-uuu-ement. - Homes little aad big. In vestments' and business openings in Sa- -lent,, a city growing aa nerer before with: out-took ' promising in . the .ex treme. The time of all times to buyor. inrest is" the prnt.v ' "' s HARRIS, Masonic Bldg, TaL 795. 2449r mimmmmmmmmwxxmmimmammmmmM:J SCAVAHGBES CITY GABBAGB CO. OFFICE PHONB 85. 157 8. ConunsreiaL . Boa. Paoao 2290. SECOND HAND GOODS BUY USED MEN'S CLOTHING, JEWF.I ry, Unas. Tools.- Bteycles. Star E change, 324 N. Commercial.' phone 35ff. .... , AVJ WANTED EVERYTHING IN CLOTH Inr and ahoaa. Beat prices paid. Capi tal Exchange. $42- Nortk CoiauBereiaJ Pkono 1366-W.- 8T0VE3 AND STOVE REPAIRING STOVES FOB SALE REBUILT ANZ repaired by export. All kind of wow ra wire fence. - Fancy, aad plaia." Hnf baskets aad hooka, logan kookt. Saieit Fence aad Stove Works, 250, Cons 8t.- -- - - :- ' '.-- --"-- - ' ' TRANSFER AND HAULZNO TRANSFER AND HAULING OF .AL1 j tirai ' - WE J4QVE STORE: AND SHIP SOCSl hoia goot. our specialty is piaao an) furnitare moving! . Wo also mak con try trips. We bsadfe the boat coal art wood. Call en a for prices. We gi ( good measure, rood' quality and gmj aerrieo. Lartner Transfer Co. Paoaa 94 1 CAPITAL CITY. TRANSFER O 22 omvm ct. i-oono matnoaTinf forwarding aad storage oar apocialti Get onr rates, r ... , . - t" WELL PEIT.T.TTfO R. A. WE8T," BT. 6. BOX 108 I S mile oast oa Gardsj Phone 110F5. road. WATER ' SALEM WATER, LIGHT A POWER CO Office S04 Soath Commareial St, Tot per eeat discount on doaestio flat ratet paid ia advance. ; No deductiok for ab enea or aay canto onleas water ia tko - off your "premises." - - : - - , TRAVEL ' Safely. Swiftly aad Comfortably in kuasss of tho Parker Stag Lines. 8tag. Leave for . - -SiWerton 7 a. saw. 11- a. aa4 8 p. as. Mt. Aagel 11 a. p. m. Dallaa 7 s. 9 a. a, 11:25 a. at, 2:10 p. 4ilA p. -as. Fall City 7 a. n2:10 5:15 p. aa. -. .. - ; -. .-- . - - Iadepoadeaco T a.' as a. oi4 11:15 s. m4 1:10 p. aWI:ll a. a Sunday only 8:30 p. aa. . . - , Monmouth 7 'a. m 11:15 - a. m., : 8:10 p. m, 5:13 p. as. Saaday oaly, .7:10 p. m., 8:30 p. at. -- ,,, MeMinn villa 80 a. 2:19 p. ra 6!1S p.' as. ' ''-a-!- v " -."- '-"' " ' Newbarg 6:80 . BJu, S:1S p. 9:15 p. m. Tillamook 8:89 a. at- 2:16 m. i ' Call 223 or 696 fox lafonaation. " j! ' J. '; 1 itUt r ... - - d3tf .Salem Markets FEED ' - "' ' No. 1, wheat, "wkita Red wheat, aacked .$ 1.30 - - 1.2 4 . -14.00 Oats, per ba. .- Hay; oats, Tetch per-ton . P0EK, MUTTON AND BEEF - r Top hogs ..- . ,., ..$ - .13' Sows - t . .101 . 11 Dressed, hogs .18 " Top steers 1 .J.15.6 Cows 2.4 Bulls ; . : - , a Spring lambs, nader 90 lbs. JO Too veal 80.0 Dressed veal . i-s Dressed hogs . 0 POTJXTBY Light keas -.16. 17 Heavy boas -.. -.20(m.22 .16i.2J i 6.S bprtag Rooster Heavy fry EGGS. BUTTER, BTTTEErAT staaflard, '.,- -; . '.24 Selocts .29 Per pound ,ia Battarfat -u' IJ. .40 Cream batter .42&.41 VEGETABLES. rRUTTS ,- "- .L . . . .... . T m , esreaoio oeete. asTcaea Onmns. dos. bunches Rsdiahc. doi. bunches X'clery S Nfcw cabbage ,.. r; Ieal I' tturo j . Comb lioney. par doi. : .4.755J3.23 Naw; pea a . ;.0 String beans. 1 .10 ' OM potatoea ' . 2... 4 kerrics . JL. 3 . 1 0 ,? Local new -potatoes 2 (rf j ', Watermetla 'r -1.. M l i Caalaloupcs T -V "4.0O t., IU?leiia'-i-Verofii fdXstfict to epehd " $"1 700"f or' clay nlacaa'ara rrladi'ihU yeiV r' . : ,- . - . '-?" ' -Klamath Falls -Callfornia-Or e- foa Powtr cotapaay cocstrucling 28 miles hew- high voIts3 lias, to cost 1250,000. ' - .PUBLIC. STENOGRAPHER fi.1 .-"dOfeg.B'J ... .Kl .$l.C52.f u."-. .na Kll ,m .ei.iBiai'l'US