The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 18, 1926, Page 9, Image 9

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Men every Monday ia Derby Bldg.,
Court and High streets. ' Hours 10 to
12 a. m. and a to 4 p. m. Alt interested
in Bible study cordially invited. Funeral
services eonductrd free of charge in Ba
lem and TicinitT . k. ku-al Hlhla r
. Phone 1450W. Sunday, July 18, at 8 p.
V m.. 'lirAf trill be a public lecture in
lrbffyMg., by 'has. V. Best. Habject :
t :Ia VA the End." Seat free. No eol
ctioiil '
Anaoal state, camp meeting of the
Church of tiod : trill be held at Wood
l.nrn July 15 to 25. Services each day
10 a. m., 23p and 7:45 p.- m. -
Center and liberty Sts. I B. Culver,
pastor. All aervteaa at the rJiurrh are
,1 -continued Sunday and the rons; rega
nun .ia cooperating with, the other fivsDg
, b.-al churches of the Salem district ia
a unioni gathering, at Qoinaby where
.. iviren are to he held an follows : Sun
(iay school :45, preaching at 11 and
j in by Rev. V. I. 8aamtugh. ' Kvang
. li.-at League of Christian Endeavor at
rmon at a by iter.' F. B. Culver.
First church. Corner of liberty and
. im-keta Sts. Sunday morning service
1 1 o'clock. Sunday evening services
.run tinned duruig Jnljr aad August.
il,jwt of lesson sermon, "Life." Hun-
hool convene at 30 -a. m. Wed--il.iv
evening testimonial meeting at 8
, liK-k. Heading' roam 209 Masonic Tom-.-.
open every day except Sundays and
inlay from 1 1 to 630; every evening
rpi Wednesday and Sunday from 7:3o
!; Sunday afternoon from 3 to 5.
North Winter street at Jefferson Ave.
Thomas Acheson, pastor. Gilbert Wrenn,
ns-utant. in charge of the Junior church.
'1 hi church extends a glad invitation to
th public to be present at the follow
mi; services on . the coming Lord's day:
luirrh scliooj 9:45 a. m., with classes
for sH a?es, in six separate departments.
Kiudy the Bible- with us. Public worship
i.t 11 a. m. Sermon theme: "The Voice
f the Spirit." Pastor in charge. Junior
. Lurch rviee den tir -at this hour,
jtrv. Wrenn will preach to the young
I'l-ople. We specialize in yoang people's
work. Three chapters of the Epworth
League meev fr devotional services at 7
p. m Open forum for adults in church
m IiouI and 7 p m. Hear Mr. Ben F. Wil
mii. of me. Iicotherheod Hank, Portland;
( iuixtian layman, traveller, and lecturer
ot international note, at 8 p. m. on the
theme: "A 20th Centurv Solution For
L. th Cestur Problem.. 't - The- labor
unions of the-city "are roftf rally invited to
rtt-nif. Special jnuaie by. the choir- mora
ine and -evi-ulBg.-ITkii-building 1s' largo,
and well ventilated a good place to v-or-hip.
241 Sratev
A veteran oficer of. 30 years, Com
n indant T.-AVPit. 'tt Sacramento, Cel.,
have charge of the Bunday seivices
ht finnine a ll a." iU. 'Sod 8 p. m. Two
Kona and a daughter wll assist with mu
m. and song: '.aptaini Malcolm and Ion
Pitt, of San Francisco,, and Mrs.
. a-nes t'orsyxb. t ..Portland.
A lively Sundajr Vhool begins at 2:80,
md a young BMple's meeting at 6-:30 p.
, - . , -
Meetings - of tfie Week , on . Tuesday.
Thursday and Saturday 8 p. ra. Sincere
Dtl -ome to all.
On Church street between Chemeketa
and Center streets. JCorman Kendall' 'i'ul-
ly. 1)1 ., ftastor Sundny school at 9:30
a. m., 'Mr: H. E. Barrett,' superintendent
'orniug worship at 10:45 a. m. Sermon,
"Joseph, the " Urttmer," by lr Tuliy.
Youn I'eople'e 4 societies at 7' o'clock.
Kvcaiag orhip at o'clock. Sermon,
"The. Keasonablenesa of Jesus," by Irr.
Tuliy." Thie church, is cooperating in the
on tJospt?) strvicee at"-4 :t0 o'clock at
ijpritork -under the auspicespf the .Young
.' s Clirfsftrfujjasaoc iatiotu Yj'
. AWAvtlif m. t:
15th and Milt Sts. Patrick Iahlin, pas
tor and Sunday -achoel superintendent,
fjuniay. school p:45 'a. "m- Morning wor
s:np m -twdisli IL a. m Epworfh league
7 p'S uC Evening service 8 p. m. The
Woman's Foreign Missionary society will
iwtt oa, Monday 7'3(r p. m. in the home
f Mr. E. Iludie. Prayer meeting Thurs
njy p. m. You are ail cordially invited
to our services.
Rev. H. Elmer,. pemberton, former pas
t r of the-erorrh, witl'fcv rhargof the
11 o'clock services this morning.
19th and Marion Sts. C. H. Hopkins,
Pastor; Mrs. Hopkins, assistant pastor,
19it Maion St... phone 479W. Service
11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sermon topics;
hrist .Seeking Frnit,'!:. morning, and
' The Propr.ets Call..' evening. Sunday
school: .9:45 a, m. Superintendent, Frank
Tit wilier. Young peoples ". meetings : Sen
ior Young People's meitiftg 7 p. in., Jun
ior Christian Endeavor 7 i p.- m. Week
day servicv-? :,, jVednesday" evening at ft
o'. lock, prayer ad praise service, led by
the pastor. The pastor will preach Sun
day morning, Mr. Hopkins will preach
-Sunday evening. Come and enjoy these
19th and Ferry, 11. C. Stover, pasto.
Services 10 a. in., and 8 p. m Sermon
Topics: "A Beneficient Man," and a
nature sermon on "The Desert". The
young peoples choir will sing "Quit You
Like Men," (Ira Wilson) in the morn
ing service. Miss Pearl Eyre will sing
in the evening service. The Sunday
school and morning worship are merged in
a service from 10 to 11 o'clock.
1348 X. Church St., J. J. Gillespie,
nasi or. There will not be any services
at the chapel for the next two Sundays
on account of the state camp meeting at
W'oodburn, Ore, July 15-25. The camp
ground is situated one-iuart.r miie t:-ith
of the town close to the S. P. line wita
tcood camping facilities, an auditorium
0x80 well seated and well lighted. Ser
vices each day lO a. m., 2:30 and 7:45
p. m. Also children's meeting 9 a. m ,
Your Finest
but the one that's
slightly soiled i can f
be made to look
like new.
Just telephone and
Nour car will call
231 North High Street
and young people's Meeting 6:-10 p m
We give the public tttrtial,rnvitaiiou to
jstttnd tha er,tc. " t - - , -
( t'orner vl . W witer 1 Market
atreets. Mortimer ,C XHarke, paafor.
H-rvicei II .Hi.- p. arv Senuon topics:
"The More AUmdaut Life.'i a) m.', -'A
ricture of SalVatioQ," p. !m. - Special
music: There wilt, -be special aingjng at
both tho morning nd evening services.
f5unda acboof .5, amperibtendoit lr.
rank 8. 8chte,vyung fopla" raeet
0:taJUrtly I. Oookfis tha.lead-r-
Prayers and praise service at T:80.
Week-day services: ClottageV prayer
and praise service, at t;. MVVeek-uaya
Jnealing each Wednesday af tbrnoort ' ' 2
o'clock at the- :hm of Vra.- Caroline
jJackon, 1.46a .Jti Winter stjjeet. irayr
meeting Thurudayn at 7 45:fi AU ares.w!
romed at eftch service. -You wUl enjoy
.the splendid spiritual atmonphera of this
Jrhurcli on the corner. ; -J' '- ,
church on the corner. On next Wednes
day the Free Methodist camp meet i fag be
gins, ou the new greunds on the Beaverfon
road four miles from Portland. This year
the Oregon nal ronfren wjll be. held
in connection with the ramp aaeetingThe
senior Bishop, . Walter aJ Sellew of
Jamestown N. Y. will preside an dwill
preach dily during the entire ten days.
Rev. A. J. Milton of Spokane will preach
each evening '
237 State street. Ralph 1). Bullock,
pastor. Residence 251 Mission 8t phone
1439-W. Assistant pastor Harry J.
Morriss, residence, Kilverton Rotfri. Phone
15K14. Services: 2:3t) and 7:45 p. m.
Sunday school 1:30 p. m. Week-day serv
ices: Revival meetings will continue each
night at 7:45 this week except Monday
under the leadership of Evangelist Harry
Billings. The tnterest and Attendance is
.increasing snd , hungry sonlsi are finding
that Jesus Christ is the Almighty. Saviour
f Soul and body that He was in the
first century of the Church. The sick will
lie prayed for on Friday nights. Come
and step into the fountain while the
waters are troubled. 1
17th s Nebraska Ave. P. V. Hoff
man, paHtor. residence 174- Nebraska
Ave. Services 11 a. u., 8j p. ra. Ser
mon topics: "'The Man Who rorgot," a.
m; "Life of Moss,' ' p m, ; Communion
service Sunday morning. Sunday school :
10 a. m, superintendent: W. W. Rose
braugh. Youngi People's meetings: Jun
ior and Senior, 7 p m. Week-day serv
ices: Prayer meeting Thursday evening
Liberty and Marion. 1 Ernest H.
Shanks, residence: 549 N. Liberty, phone
1920. Services 11:00 a. m.j 8:00 p. ns.
Sermon' topics: "The Marks; of the Mas
ter," a ra.; "The Joy ef thie Harvest,"
p. m. Mnsic by quartet ehoir. Sunday
M-'nool 9;45, superintendent. Kd. Schunke.
Young People's meetings: 7:0 the B. Y.
P U. meets for its Huntlay evening praise
and Bible study. Week-day services:
Prayer meeting on Thursday evening at
Corner of Capitol and Marion Sts. M.
Denny, pastor, residence 966; Marion St.,
phone 445-W. Services 11 a. m , Uerman.
Sunday school 10 a. m.. superintendent.
Fred E Kruse
Church and State Fred C;0'aylor, pas
tor, residence, 636 State St., phone 974.
Services 11:00 n. m.; p. ra. none Ser
mon topic: "Recharging Spiritual Bat
teries." Special: I'nion service in
Willson park at 4:00 p. jm. Sunday
school 9:45 a. in., superintendent" 11. F.
Shanks Young People's meetings: No
Kpworth Leagne service on Sunday even
ing Week-day n Thursday
evening led by the pastor, subject of
Bible study: "The Peace off God." The
Sunday evening service "will be discon
tinued during July and August in de
ference to the Union service; in the park
at 4:00 p. m. i
Ferrv St.. 655. Pastors.; H. E. Cas
well and Mrs. Caswell, 2660 Oak St.
Phone 942-M Evangelist Frederick J
lietts of New York City will! be in Salem
over Sunday, and will speak Saturday
night to the Young People, land on Sun
day night. Subject "The1 Greater of
These." Sunday afternoon 3 p. in. Sun
day school 2 p. m.
343 Court St. O. S. Johpson, pastor,
residence 1935 Maple, phone 1917-W.
Services: 3 and 8 p. m. Sunday school:
2 p. m., superintendent, S. Berkey. Week
day services: Meeting on Tuesday even
ing at Mission Thursday evening .evan
gelistic meeting in tent on South' Com
mercial St. The Mission will engage in
meetings with Evangelist Hansen and
party, and expect meetings will continue
for a number of weeks.
Center and High Sts. E. jr. Whttaker.
pastor, phone 294. Assistant pastor,
Vivian G. Whisler, residence 1 444 N. Win
ter, phone 431-W. Service's ! 1 1 : 00 a. m.
8:00 p. hi. Sermon topics d "Does God
Really Hear Us, ' a tn.; "Tie if an Who
Fell Asleep , During the Sermon." p. m.
At the morning honr Ineij ' Wood and
Vivian- Whisler will sing a duet "Deep
er Life." At the evening hour Esther
Deifenbarh will sing a olo : "Prayer
Perfect." Sunday school: Sj:45. Young
People's meetings: Christian! Endeavor at
7:00 will be held in Marion Square.-park.
Lewis .lory will lead the meeting; . The
Topic is- "Wlat We May Learn From
the Out-of DoArs.', Week-day services:
Prayer meeting Thursday night. Special
Music. Topie "'The Work ip, Africa."
West Salem, Pastor, Vj I.. Cannell,
residence 975 Front - St. . Phone '1341-R.
Servicea 1 f a. m.,' p. ia. ' Sunday school
9:45. superintendent. IX C. Sebem. Young
People's meeting:" .Epworth" and Junior
Leagues . at 7 oieWcfcl Week-tday, services :
Prayer meeting Tliur&day, Evening at 8
o'clock. Mis L LeecA wll preach in
the morning- and the pastor will have
charge of the evening service.
8T. 'PAUL'S (Episcopal.)
Church St. at CSvemeketa i Rector, Rev.
II. I. Chambers. Services: o!y Euchar
ist at 7:30 a. in. in tbeehanel. Morning
prayer with short "sermon at 11 a. m.
Church school at 9:45 a m.l r The-Young
Peoplw'a f fellowship-- will not ' meet . on
this Sunday but will picnie on Tuesday
evening Announcement is being made
that the--Bishop's 4Jampaign will be ob
served at St. Pauls Church early in
October If " wOl T be two weeks cam
paign with Archdeacon Webber of Ha
noi s tb xotssioner
13th and Center Sts. A. F. Hilmer,
pastor,' -residence- 684 X. Winter St.
Phone 680-M. Services at 11 a. m.;
T;3 J. W Sermon topics: "(mr rela
tionship to theses! of the World" a. m. ;
"The Value of Song in Our Lives," p. ra.
Sunday ecfcoel conyenea at It) a. m., su
perintendent II. H.'Grallup. Young Peo
ple's r meetings: 3 here will be s no Ep
worth League meetings nntil September.
Tha moT-ning aerviceis in German; the
evening service in 5 English. A standing
invitation is given to all.' .
-t. "' ' - j
Court and JJ 17tU Sts. "The Church
Wit ha Family Spirit." H. L. 1 Putnam,
pastor, residence 1106 Leslie St.. phone
1425-J. -Jttttior pastor,, Mrs. R. L. Put
nam? Services 11 k. m, 7:30 p. ra Jun
ior service 11 a. m. Svrmon topics:
"Cenventioa. Echpee," or "My 'Impres
kioas Received at he Cnnvenfion a. ra.;
"Gamaliel's Advite gale, -p.: on Music
furaihed by Mrs, oy Turner Moaes' or
chestra siuiy choir. - Sunday school 9:45
a. m Superintendent: .E. W. ; Cooley.
Yonng People's meetings-: - Christian En
deavor 6:30. i ' meeting for adults,
young people- ankl children. - Week-day
services : , thir week day servicea and
meetings' wrtl"!) announced, at morning
worship. Our annual convention at Tur
ner ia a matter of history.' Come hear
all about it . today. Also let all en
deavor to be present at and support the
Lord ' s work in every way we can at
every service of the church during the
summer. We invite strangers and
friends to worship with us.
1 it
Center, and Liberty. .Charles E. Wrd.
pastor, residence 440 Center, phone
591-R. Services 11 a. ra. Sermon topic:
"Highway of the Heart," a. m. The
quartet will sing "Babylon" bv Wivison
and "In Heavenly Love - Abiding," by
Bischoff. Sunday school: 10 o'clock
superintendent: Mark MeCallister. Week
da yi services: . Mid-week meeting Thurs
day at 8 o'elock, subject: "How Does
the Suffering of Jesus Help Men!"
South Commercial and Myers. J. Wil
lard .DeYo, pastor, residence. 348 Myers,
phonic 188-J. Services II a. m., 8 p. ra
A quartette will sing and Mrs. DeYoe
will sing the offertory. Sunday school
9:45, superintendent, A. E. Rhoten.
Yonng People's meetings: The two
Leagues at 7 o'clock, subject "Christ's
Conception of Prayer." Ruth liaselton
will lead the service; Helen Hertzog the
Asliury. Weekday services: On Thurs
day evening at 7:30, John 14 will be
the chapter. I.. C. McShane will lead
the meeting. In the Sabbath evening
service Messrs. HeYoe and Springer will
sing O. K. Kxcell's song "A Sinner
Made Whole."
Chas. K. Spaulding Logging Co.,
lumber and building materials.
The best costs no more than in
ferior grades. Go to the big Sa
lem factory and save money. ( )
Keeping Mexican Boundary
Lined Up Proves Hard Task
EL FASO, Texas (Associated
Preps) Keeping the internation
al boundary between Mexico and
the United States properly "lined
up" is no sineenre.
At least, this Is what George
Curry and Gustavo P. Serano,
Uncle Sam's "stake ' keepers" in
the southwest have found. Light
ning, rivers and other natural ag
encies as well as human hands
keep them on the jump continually
lest the boundary line stray afield.
A recent inspection of the mark
ers between here and San Diego,
California, revealed the following
casualties: .. .'. . ' -
One marker sunk without trace
in Quicksands.
Another demoln-hed by light
ning. A third covered up by excavat
ors in the Imperial valley in Cali
fornia. A fourth, at the Colorado river,
was all out of kelter. A change in
the river course put 600 acres of
Mexican land on the American
Cobbs & Mitchell Co., lumber
and building materials for every
purpose. Get estimates, look at
quality of material, then you will
order. 349 S. 12th St. ()
(Continued from page 2.)
were used in decorating the din
ing room.
An interesting feature of the
evening was a clever mock wed
ding. The bride-elect found many
beautiful presents after which
light refreshments were served.
Members of the club present
were Miss Dorothy Smart, honor
guest, Mr. and Mrs. William Moses
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hale, Mr.
and Mrs. Ralph Lee. Mr. aiid Mrs.
Ernest Lee, Mr. and Mrs. Albert
Ramsyer, Mr. and Mrs. Harry W.
Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Allen,
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Frazer and the
hosts, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Hum-melt.
siciari d:Mhlete Son Harvedjoo Acres for Hobby
.'.... v ' t . . , ' ' V-
Central Press
One of the
farming' This
hobby, however,
the aid of his son, Alpha, one of
vesting with a combine more thaxt
Paramount ofCicials havto a
problem on their hands they
don't know how tj cast Hiss
Hazel Forbes, national beauty
contest winner not utider contract
to them. Screen tests) have shown
that she is capably of playtng coy
ingenue or vamp roles with equal
facility. I
Among other beauty contest
winners who have played in Para
mount productions ire Dorothy
Hughes and Fay Laniphier.
Steeping in linf vith the rest
of the producers whol are heeding
the demand for new faces Para
mount is encouraging new play
ers. Whether they Ivill conduct
another school ofj picture acting
is not decided.
In a recent article in the Film
Daily, Cecil DeMijle. once known
for his gorgeous bathroom scenes.
sums up the present position of
the screen.
He writes:
"We seem to
be j drawing to-
ward the period ijn which the ex
treme will gain &ot popularity
from a film enteijtaifiment stand
point. Recent developments seem
to point as a fact
takes to its heart
that the public
either the verj
large, spectacular
presentations of
some outstanding international
. - - - - i . . -
topic or a very
small but very
intimate cross seqtiop of one Jiu-
Oss, , OUs k. Greases.
Tires, Tubes, Accessories, Etc.
-- rireproor
Every Auto Service.
Washing tt Polishing.
Oar. Patrons Must Be Satisfied.
Coast Street,
Strictly modern- Hot and
cold -water. Steam heat,
in all ToomSvj Newly ren
ovated, j
Opposite Boat Landing on
Front Street ' 1
J. J. T0BIN, Manager
Cherry City Cottages
fwo and four rooms. Near
the beach. Wood, light-and
water, auto shed. Every
thing furnished- but linen,
silver and tip bedding. .
From S8.00 to
Newport,! Oregon
11 n - 1 I
7. '
Central Press Photos ""ni"i ,il''' fUll" "
leading physicians and surgeons of Wichita, Kan-
returns him a good income. Dr. J.
the leading high school athletes of
800 acres' of wheat.
man life or a particular phase in
that life.
"The in-between pictures, the
picture that arrives at neither
intimacy nor spectacular strength,
will meet with little favor. The
public is growing very tired of
slipshod methods in story telling.
"Five years from now the com
plexion of the motion picture
heaven will be 'completely
changed. There will be practically
none of the present older stars
who will be shining at that time.
Within five years we will have
gono into the second generation of
motion picture, and because we
are now going into that genera
tion, each year from 1926 will
show an increasing number of
rising new faces.' '
Joseph Cramer, who was 15
when P. T. Barnum discovered
him and put him in his circus
sideshow billed as "Rubber Neck
Joe." is a member of the cast of
"Fine Maners," Gloria Swan
son's latest picture. He claims to
be one of the few original Barn
um freaks still living.
"Broken Hearts of Hollywood,"
a. photoplay just completed by
Warner- Brae., is a story about
.motion picture making and movie
stars replete with the many dra
umm er is
$8 miles from Salem-easily reached by auto, stage or train excel
lent accommodations.
Service Station
oline, oil and
cy and staple
goods. Radford Bros., Props.
f Newport, Oregon.
Aoerican Flan
Home Cooking a Specialty
Wonderful View of the Ocean
Midway between Postofflce and
Nye Beach
Newport, Ore.
Don't Forget EAT
Also good rooms
titty Corner from Postoffiee.
Mrs. A. Threadf old. Pros.
Newport, f
- Get keys at
r Thomas Souvenir Store
Newport, Oregon
f 15.00 per week
y-ru-.rvrLTL-u-Lr.WiJ.'.u. .ui-u-.- -ir V .....
:m?ya AwrwW4
has a peculiar hobby, that of wheat
D. Updegraff, left, above, with
Kansas, has just completed har
matie situations that arise in the
film world.
In addition to the regular cast
of "Broken Hearts of Hollywood"
which lists Patsy' Ruth Miller,
Louise Dresser, Douglas Fair
banks, Jr., Jerry Miley, Stuart
Holmes, George Nichols, Anders
Randolph and Emile Chautard,
there are also- included sequences
A Blanket
"TSrirl I Liability! Accident
Automobile insurance is exactly that- an organization
that offers you the greatest protection at the smallest
You can guard against fire, theft and accident by being
careful, but when the unexpected happens, will you suf
fer the damage yourself or will you recover in full for
your loss?
You're taking a chance. Play safe. Insure your car.
Fire Casualty Disability Life
U. Rational Bank Bldg. Telephone CO 7
Otter Rock Hotel
. Picturesque LocatUo, '
Beautiful Scenery,
and Store, gas
accessories. Fan
groceries. Lunch
Tont Cnttaeea
nished with sleeping quarters far 3
Beach Inn
Sea Crest Cottages
Fronting the Beach
Wood, Light, Water, Auto Shed
all tha vear Writs for folder.
N Carls Arms,
The Log Cabin
Dancing, Heals and
Newport; Oregon
Nye Beach Bakery
Confectionery and Meal
Home Made Bread and Pastry
At Nye Beach, Newport'
R. Kasbohm, Proprietor
u Tjunjxrijxrsj-ur -iijTLTiLruirM-ir-iri""' ii"
Home comforts.
. . . Orsgoa
"As You Like It?-Grill
1 TTader new mansgeaieBt -'
W. I BUSH, proprietor.
Sea Foods Our Specialty
- Rooms and Confectionery.
Nye Beach, Newport, Oregon
with, Jolui Uarrymore, Irene Rich,
Syd Chaplin, Monte Blue, Dolores
Costello, Louise Fazenda and W1I
lard Louis.
Because of his portrayal of Cap
tain Flagg in "What Pric Glory"
Victor McLaglen has been given
a long-term contract by . Fox
Films. He Is to be featured in fu
ture specials to be made by them.
The size of the toot ion picture
world is realized, when large casts
of important people may be as
sembled for a production, com
posed of players who have never
previously worked together la a
picture. -
The cast engaged by Marshall
Neilan for his production of
"Diplomacy is a large one, filled
with well known actors and act
resses. Yet with the exception of
one pair, no two of them have
ever appeared together . before.
Julia Swayne Gordon, who
plays "he Marquise and Earl Wil
liams, cast as Sir Henry; worked
together frequently when they
were both members of the Vita
graph stock company, but Blanche
Sweet, the star, has never worked
with any of the cast members, nor
has Neil Hamilton, Matt moo re,
Arthur B. Carew, Arlette Marchal,
Gustav von Seyffertitz, nor David
F. E. Shafer's Harness and
Leather Goods Store, 17 S. Com'l.
Suit cases, valises, portfolios, brief
cases, gloves and mittens. Large
stock. The pioneer store. ()
Hartman Bros. Jewelry Store.
Watches, clocks, rings, pins, dia
monds, charms, cut glass, silver
ware. Standard goods. State at
Liberty St. . ()
of Protection
with rood lloors fur
flewpon, vre j
, ,
j Theft j
4... ' . 1 II
'1 v 1 - ' "'" '.
and will prov e 1 1
Jiyour acts. When
we started to build on
North High street we
first bought the.lot of
r 1
a oaiem man we
then went to a Salem
firm of architects.
had them draw our
plans Freeman .&
S t r u b 1 e n e v er
thought of going out
of town. We then
got bids from Salem
contractors, Carl
Engstrom giving us
the best bid-crave
him the job, and he's
doing a good job too.
Theo M. Barrt a Sa
lem man gave us the
best bid on heating-
he got .the job V
John B. Nathan, a
Salem man, was low
man on plumbing, he
got the job. '
Capital Electric Co.
was low on lighting,
of course a Salem
firm, -and got the job.
Hutcheon Paint
Store, Salem men got
the painting.
Every man employed
on the job is a Salem
man,' and also every
one on the job is a
union man as well,
according to Bill Yar
nell, the very effic
ient foreman. When
Bill is around things
move, and ; .Bill is al
ways around.
The 20-year guaran
teed roof was put on
by Nelson Bros., Sa
Brick , furnished by
Salem Brick and Tile
Co. , '
Cement work done
by A. Bombeck, Sa-'
Brick work by -Vies-
ko, Salem.
Plastering done by
K. Y. Barnard, Sa
lem. -
In fact every thinrr
used in the buildinrr
was bought from Sa
lem firms. Action
rather than words
are what count.
Yes, ,we believe in Sa
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