The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 18, 1926, Page 21, Image 21

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    - : - ! - : -- I .-..!
. - : ' ' : I " -. r.
VOTED M ni nc i mc
Juicer on the series -Br Oldsmo
bile is also Announced.' This bal
ancer,' a development by General
Motors, counteracts en tine Vibra
tion.' , ; . ..v. .
i' ChromiUm plating, recently an
I nouned as an exclusive Oldsmo
bile -method of plating, is also
among the prominent features of
.this car.Arominm plating has a
imora dnWhle n.... '
proof, hit$AT and more permanent
ostre 4 ii face than former types
rf ! PwtiAc. This feature has re
itken the point of consider
ai f yd iomendatlon tbrourhont
the leading technical publications
Jt ee fntomotlve industry as a
ran. u ,'aaTancement In automo-
n4 hods. ;
A 'cv'ked advance in motor car
design' evidences itself in bid's-'
I moiMid s new crankcaso ventila-
1 tion system. Withhis new fea
ture or design Oldsmobile enzin-
iers have been successful in com
'tftlng one of the oldest problems
AY 4 . a -
oa tne mausiry crankcase dilu-
all internal combustion en-
glZfS water is rormed by condens
ation. Cold engines do not burn
all of the fuel on starting. This
water and unburned liquid fuel
pass into the crankcase and form
what is known as crankcase dilu
tion. Crankcase dilation is injur
ious to the lubricating qualities
of the oil and result in shorter
engine life,
In this new series "E" Oldsmo
bile one-third of the air that pass
es through the carburetor on the
right side of the engine is drawn
in through a breather port on the
left side of the crankcase. This
air circulates through the crank
case( and takes off with it the on
burned fuel and water: in. tb
crankcase and in that manner eli
minates excessive dilution with re
sulting longer useful life of the
oil and longer engine life. A part
ot the oil vapor in the crankcase
; is drawn into the combustion
fcambers and improves the lubri
ation of the tops of pistons,
alves and upper cylinder walls.
uoau ausi ana aire xorm an
abrasive element in engines and
consequent wear. 'The new Olds
mobile has dual air cleaning. The
master air cleaner is back of the
carbuetor and cleans two-thirds
of the air as It enters the carbu-
The New Oldsmobile Landau
i i
' -
by the raising . and broadening of I H 0
the radiator shell are further em-1 f
phasized by new heavy fiill croT If
fenders equipped . with lart
skirts. . These new fenders aW
skirts not. only f urtherji beaitjfcy
(Cstianed from pt 1.)
j : Asuana-iuamath
Falls: M-
the cars, but also reduce Splash
of water' on
windshield. .
the car Jbody hd
i ' ' "' I ,
fcST2"Tir1- Photo .bow. how twin b.m bliit. r cotTou!l
with fl r.V. J ."T ii f l I now nw uutmant panel. indiMCUT Usntcd.
TI1IT1 I l ii I
I oa all can ia the Kn.
rear axle ratio to 4,73 to 1
Through this improvement fewer
revolutions of the engine are re
quired to drire- the car a given
distance. Normally a reduction of
gear ration means a loss ot power,
but " this 'change in the new Olds
mobile does not require a - sacri
fice of power because the added
power derived from the enlarged
engine and other improvements
leaves, a new surplus after the
change in gear ratio
The center main bearing! that
supports the balanced crankshaft
has been made more rigid! and
stronger to provide still smoother
performance. Other improvements
such as a slight change in the
contour of the cams, double valve
springs, such as used in aircraft
and racing cars, contribute mater-
lallv to added nower. loneer life
III. . . t
.rior uireci, wane iue secoa air and gtlu smoother performance
cieaoer is on ine DreaAner port in
connection with crankcase ventil
ation. Both cleaners are of the
centrifugal type.
The new series Oldmobile has
a "two-way" cooling system and
follows a new practice in design
and operation. This new cooling
system embodies the best features
of the two accepted , manners pf
rrnge-pressure type cooling and
thermo-syphon type cooling. Even
temperature control of cooling
has been a problem of automotive
engineers for some time. Valves,
valve seats, spark' plugs and com
bustion chambers heat faster
than do cylinder walls and not
until this new Oldsmobile design
cooling system was announced
had any. successful methods of
amII a . rm .
m tuunng i no cviinaer wans too
I much for efficient . operation
nbeen develooed. . At .the.'ooints
where greatest heat is generated,
DrfcfUtntA ririvan 7a fa, la olppnlot.
lied thronrh a.' manifnld tvott naiu-
This full flow'of water about
f, the cylinders would cool them too
I nuch. Therefore the circulation of
Y water about the cylinders has been
restricted and retarded by the use
of thermo-syphon type action, in
which the rate of circulation is
largely governed .by the reaction
of the heat to be dissipated upon
the cooling water.. These combined
types of cooling in the "two-way"
sytem efficiently cool the parts of
greatest heat and maintains suf
ficient warmth about the cylinder
wails for even and efficient oper
ating temperature throughout the
entire engine.. This advanced type
of cooling . contributes ' materially
to added power, longer life and
smoother performance of the new
series Oldsmobile.. ;
A new hih velocity hot section
manifold is a, part, of .the. improved
design inf the - new Oldsmobile.
This design retains the high vel
ocity given the Incoming gases as
they leave the .carburetor and pass
on into the combustion chambers.
An improved Jacketing of the in
let manifold, being above the ex
haust manifold is affected in the
vertical -section above the f carbur
etor, and assists In more complete
vaporization of the fuel. The inlet
manifold, being above the exhaust
manifold and heated by it, re
talped the highly explosive state
of incoming-gases. This new de
sign contributes to the ' still
smoother performance of this new
Oldsmobile and to its greater op
erating economy. f -f 0.
An oil filter has been added to
jthe hew series Oldsmobile.? ; The
niter prolongs the lire or tne en
gine and the longer useful life of
the lubricating oil. Sediment and
foreign substances are jremioved
as the oil passes through the filter
and filter bag from the rear cam
f fcfjt bearing. Should the f liter
Jbag become clogged with sediment
without ithe knowledge ? of'4ho
driver, the- lubricating system
functions In the normal manner,
'there being no .danger of shutting
of t of the supply of lubricant. All
principle parts are pressuro lubri
cated."' .' -
: TAn important- factor In contrib
Uhg to the still smoother per
formance -hi' the - new-series 'E
Oldsmobile , is the reduction ot the
Thermostatic control of the
charging rate of-the generator is
a new feature ot this improved
Oldsmobile.' -Charging- rate - auto
matically increases when the en
gine is cold and decreases as the
temperature becomes highe. The
spark control remains full
"A new ventilation of the cluteh
housing that affects a. cooler run
ning clutch; the increased torque
of the starting motor; sl new type
or longer life.. clutch with more
and larger bearings are other im
portant improvements.
This new series Oldmobile re
presents marked advancement
without basic change in. design of
car that has proven popular dur
ing the past year. '
While no drastic changes have
been made in the outward appear
ance of the latest Oldsmobiles
numerous refinements haVe great
ly added to its appearance and to
the comfort and convenience of
driver and passengers.
The more massive lines
The new two-filament Ibeadlight
bulbs are being used on! jail, mod
els. These eliminate the dangers
of night driving by providing non
glare full illumination I jelose to
the car when in the "dSinV.posi-
tion, and the Same bright light
but thrown forward on j the road
when on "bright." As!! an addi
tional safety factor, the light con
trol Is placed at .the!! steerinf
wheel center. This permits the
driver to operate the lights, off
on. dim. bright o'r parking, with
out removing hands ' from the
wheel. !i
Indirect lighting is a feature of
the new walnut finished instru
ment panel by which all the In
struments, artistically grouped
are individually and directly il
luminated at night-, without glare.
These instruments. Include, beside
the conventional speedometer, oil
gauge and ammeter; a fftelgaye
carburetor choke button and a
combination ignition; switch and
lock. - ; ; il .
This latter Is of entirely new
design and is positive locking. The
ignition lock must be released and
the key removed before, jthe switch
can be turned on. When! the igni
tion is turned 6ff the Ignition is
automatically locked. The coil i
built with the lock integral and
is built in a steel case on the
back of the- instrument panel- in
stead of at the side of the engine.
This prevents a thief wiring
around the lock. ; 1;
Additional beauty ihas been
given the bodies of the. closed
models. Rear seat cushions have
been lowered V 3-4 inches to in
crease headfbom. Thtsj ; has been
made possible by removing the
tool compartment front! under-the
rear seat, to under thd front seat
where they are more accessible to
the" driver, f ' ' U .
I Willamette Vallcy-Floreace
i t .Highway ,
; Junction City. Cheshire. Gold
son, Blachly, RainrocktMapIeton:
: Maple ton, Florence: Dirt road.
Impassable after heavy rains.
ODrvallis-N'rwport Highway
Corvalls. Philomath, Wren. Ed-
dyvllle. To'df. Newtwvrt: Macad-
im. Rooaevelt Coast llighway open
north to Otter Rock.
Mc.Hlnnville-TilUmook Highway
McMinnville. Sheridan: Paved.
Sheridan. Willamina, Grand
Ronde, Hebo, Tillamook: Pari
naved: bilanra macadam. ' Oilinr
operations under way 1jpwecn
Sheridan and Grand ROnde.
sft. Hood 1xko Hlshwar
Portland. Government CaTEp.
Hood River: Paved to' Gresham;
balance . macadam. . QtlJog. opera
tion under way between Sandy
and. Barlow Pass.
OresoB-WasbliiKton Highway
Pendleton - Washington state
llne:; Paved.
Pendleton - PHot-Rock - Vinson-Heppner-Heppner
Junction: Ma
cadamized except between Vinson
and' Lona which is under con
traction. "
Crater Iake Highway
Medford - Trail - Prospect - Port
Klamath: Macadam. Oiling be
tween Eagle Point and Trail.
-' Redwood Highway
Connection with road to Oregon
:. . Caves
Grants Pass - Kerby - Waldo:
Graveled road in good condition.
Waldo-Crescent- City: New road
open -tor travel. - ;. j
Kerby-Oregon Caves: Road In
good condition. Oregon Caves now
open to public r-.. ' -
McKeaafe Highway .
Eugene , Belknap Springs - Eis-
ters-Redmond-Bend: Macadam .
Alseav Highway . t -Cbrvallis
Philomath '-" Alsea
Lincoln. county line: .Macadam. 1
' Lincoln county line-Tidewater:
Dirt road. Rough but passable
when dry: Impassable after heavy
rains. ''..;--"
Tidewater-Waiaport: Macadam.
The Electric Restaurant serves
elegstnt meals' and lunches. Try
them: you will coma again, and
bring -rrehr friends. Best in Salem.
479 State St. ()
. According to W. E. Burns Dan
Burns,- Who vin addition to his
parts business, has the GMC truck
agency, logging operations are
picking up.i For a-long, time the
lumber market has been off. But
that conditions are improving is
shown by the fact that this week
Dan Burns sold two lumber Jobs.
One is a 3 ton; the other a
ton -trailer. Both-ef them go in
the mountains beyond Albany.
As the prosperity of this part of
the' country is largely bound up
with the lumbering industry, ev
ery one is glad to see a step forward.-
The . Peerless Bakery, 170 N.
Commercial. Sanitary, up to date.
Prompt "delivery. Bakers for those
who appreciate the best. Increas
ing patrons tell the tale. ()
To) W31 1 7:i
V - right amount put in i
Willard t"l-F;lClAL Wilhrd
Electrical Service Station
Service That Satisfies
531 Court Telephone 198
Mr. Used Car Buyer :ji Have you
.'nan 4fia Mat -Kit-a at (Ti A finnitnl
MI4 D U W U w.riliwi
Motors Incorporation? ' See Biddy
given Bishop, 350 N. Hlgft Bti iw)
. . '! "
Nash Furniture "Col lakes the
lead with low prices on chairs,
rockers, tables, wood andj steel
beds, springs.' mattresses. Saves
you 25. 21 N.' Coin'l. ()
- ii
&0 of all repairs on' thei motlug
parts . of motor cars come from
lack of grease. '!
It's just as convenient to have
your car greased as It is to buy
gas. '!)
Drive in every 500 miles frit pays!
Salem Super
Yang A Eckerlin
Service Sipi
s s s
High and
Ferry Streets
; Idea
Un precedented
tlir Cherry- City Baking Cos
bread, plea and cakes are of high
est vialityr On of Oregon' most
sanitary ba!rl?s. Vk?t It, worth
that is zA broad in the Jtynd
Thousands Now Turning to the New Cadillac
For ihe Only Thing That Really Counts
. !-
Whatis this thingwhich is making new thou
sands turn to the new, 90-degree, eight-cylinder
Cadillac and reopstering sales records
unprecedented even in Cadillac history?.- -
It is people's minds and people's pocket
books it is the different kind of days and
weeks "and the different kind of hours and
months which people enjoy in the new Cadil
lac it is a turning away from the old idea
that any sort of motor transportation will do
to the sounder ideal, that the fyid of trans
portation is the bhly'thing that really counts,
- miles uncertain and miserable and costly.
It is a widespread awakening to the realiza
tion that there is no substitute for the satis
' fied thoughts which Cadillac engenders :
for the zestful, restful miles and the , easeful
hours, days, weeks and months for the
: only worth-while things in motoring arid
; the things which alone spell value.j " : r
Cadillac is entering upon a new era ofexpin
, sion and 'appreciation: for the quite: simple
- reason that more. teople than ever before
; have come to realize that while" a motor car
Ti- t. rearnon and z revulsion away . may be onl v motor car, a CadUUacis always
from the type or motoring wmcn mauc uic . v-wnw-
:o o i :.o a. g t
- , . .
or oi-ria.At MOToa,s-cKf oa,ATioii
7 1
'4 -V
365 North Commercial Street
' - t
v a f t r w .. a.
f. 4 -r . . V
. . s -
A DDQia& Brothers 5&dan
1 ',
F. O.B.. Detroit
People are surprised to, learn that this beautiful
and sturdy car now sells for $895.
They have heard so much about its exceptional
value that they are under the impression it sells
for a higher price.
Moreover, the Sedan possesses all the roominess
and character of closed cars that call for a much '
greater investment. ' -
It is substantial in appearance because it is sub
stanualin fact. And serves its owners far beyond
the period usually expected of a car at any price.
The body is all steel safe, sturdy, fireproof; and
smartly finished below, the belt line in coolie
blue lacquer, with cartouche yellow stripe
upter body in black lacquer shields and fenders
in black, oven-baked enameL
Blue Spanish genuine leather, upholstery, remov
able rear seat-back, and optional wood Ox steel
wheels are included among many other features
that commend themselves forcefully to the buyer.
Many 'who expectea to buy a cheaper car, now
find that Dodge Brothers product is well within
their means. Many , who had expected, to buy
something more expensive, how find everything
they could possibly desire in these smart -and
dependable vehicles. j
See the cars for yourself and investigate our
attractive time-payment plan. ; " J,',
TOTiririg.Car. - - -' - -- 795 '
.... Roadster - - - - 795 1
, . ...Coxipe - - - - ; 845 ; -
f. 0. b. Detroit. ' ' . J
Bbnesteele 'Mptothfco..
: ; --Xi: -rzr -Telephone 423
i - 'r "l -
) S
whU. A;::a t;:r-N::, .()
--If -