V-.' ' l TmSOREGON. STATESMAN; SAmi. OREGON RADIO JUkK USABLE BATTERIES Many "B": Batteries. With Lots Service in Them Are Tfiro wri Away Many radio users seem to lahnr under kh tfelnmlnn tht -ft.,. . yj" batteries has been In steral moiitha; it fs true :t poorer results from night or two. of poor re ception due to atmospheric condi tions f&qaentiy confirms the set ornerVjreconceived idea that, bis batteries are about done for, and otxi they go. usually with many weeas or even months of. useful service still remaining in them. Sometimes, the '.'trouble" Is pure ly .imaginary, t , - -. ' An amusing incident, of this na ture, recently came to Jigat in a mid- western? xt tri'-ri, A," prominent physician was tbe proud, possessor of a "super-hetr" made especially for him .by a Jdcit:radto expert. powered; t A with, ary duty "B" batteries-whlfchT.iinder nor mal conditions of use should have run that particular receiver about nine months. After he had used the set six months, he began to imagine it wasn't . working as well as it used to, , so he called his friend on the telephone and tried to expain the trouble. When the expert learned that he was still using the original "B" batteries, he Immediately' told the physician that he needed new ones. The trouble was surely -"due to" "run down "B" batteries so the "ex pert" said. This physician has a friend who is connected., with, a large i,. battery manufacturer in that city, and who had furnished the original "B" batteries for the "super-net." The battery friend was told of the supposed death of his batteries and was requested to corme around with a new set. Knowing the ten dency of the average set owner to throw his" "B" batteries away too soon, the battery man tried to convince his friend that his bat teries were not at fault, hut to no avail. The "expert" had diagnosed the trouble by telephone and the remedy was clearly indicated new batteries. So new batteries it had to be. -i?-,frtv' ' '' The battery man"' was still un convinced, and to prove his point he worked a sleight-of-hand trie on his friend. Instead of connect ing the new batteries to the set. he re-connected the old ones, anf ep asked the1 doctor to tune ir Sfrfee how the set worked. He was Relighted ' with "the perform ance. All the; "trouble" had beer tleared up, and the "expert" wa findicated. The physician was left under the impression that he was usinf new "B" batteries, and his satis faction was complete. Not until three months afterward was he obliged to get new ones When the hoax was explained to him, he was cured. Hereafter he will not blame all his trouble in discriminately on his "B" bat teries. Another case illustrating the fact that broadcast listeners are prone to throw their "B" batteries away too soon, is that a young amateur In central Michigan who recently built a battery operated transmitter. His meagre funds were exhausted by the purchase' of parts, leaving nothing for the "B" battery to run the" set. He accum ulated a supply from batteries discarded by his friends who owned receivers, and with these supposedly "dead" batteries, he established communication with a fellow amateur in California. There is a janitor" in a large New York apartment house who has had a receiving set for over three years,' and in all that time he, has never bought a "B" bat tery! He gets his power supply from. the dumb waiter batteries thrown away as "dead by the tenants upstairs. They are throw ing their "B" batteries away too soon, which is fine for the Janitor but hard on their pocketbooks. ; SUNDAY .ttORNIKG, itILY 18t 1926 First of 1927 r uM run . -wrx fa wot t JLrjLvr vs. vjlkj . ayvr jl . I . :i . -.-...?! . . Cr " H int. 1 I' -.J I I ive Here ?.-. j: 1 -mti- II " f' n n r-1 ip mmw -"T" r v p-J T. - vr'' $1 lt tt , "" -- 1 1 1 5 ir , i va $E2 " . ygfciwMxe,ii riiiiii-f i 1 - jt v ' 5 ' "' r"-' r T - S J.. f 4 1 f . .:'w.'-::-.xw.... ; - , 1 1 1 1 1 i :i '4 x-L -il f Sport Roadtter iShdwing neyr Fenders, Hub Caps and Headlights f MANY IMPROVEMENTS " IN OAKLAND CARS (Continued from page 1.) - - " -t reducing the light Intensity. A unique feature or these new head lights is the foot control located on the floor at the j left of the clutch pedal which j enrjfbles the driver to keep hisAanda'bn the driving wheel at al' timesf "By pressing the1 foot control he may iepresa the lights and with the same foot pressure raise them igain to driving position. New large hub capi enhance the appearance of the wheels, while the new croVT reTfidfers"oT he'a'vy metal and unbroken line, ' and new, deeper and heavier running boards are' all designed to give the !ow-Bwung appearance of the most costly cars. The new; bindings for the running boards are assembled without screws, .while "new side shield on running board add a 'ouch of beauty to the fender de sign.' ' -y- i: - Added touches to the niceities of interior' equipment include a walnut finish gear shift lever ball, walnut finish, horn ! button, new trottle control on the steering wheel and special new Oakland hardware of distinctive design. The new one-piece headlight and fender tie-rod has been re-in-forced for more rigid ; support of j- headlamps and front fenders. A new, larger motor driven horn en ables the driver to sound more positive warning. A smoking set is standard equipment on the Landau sedan, four-door, sedan and sedan. All closed models have new cushion springs 'and new dome light. Smoother and quieter opera tion of the engine itself results fro nxthe use of a new camshaft and new valve spring retainers. The velocity of the valve return is lower, thus eliminating valve clicking, also .valve spring swish ing and rocking are entirely done away with. Greater general efficientcy of the engine is also accomplished through a new oil drain piston, a new carburetor with single ad justment and new oil relief and pressure valve. The comfort of passengers has been materially in creased by the use of chrome van adium steel springs at the rear end of the chassis. Easier hand ling and greater convenience arej assured by new steering gears In the lead, of the newest types" of. automobile creations, the Greater Oakland Six. Introduced throughout the country this week, embodies 77 important refinements, featured by smart new Fisher bodies in new! and striking two-tone Duco finish, engine develop ments of a vital nature, and the rubber silenced chassis, an ad vanced Oakland engineering achievement ranking with the harmonic balancer, which was introduced to the industry last year on Oakland cars. The landau sedan, sedan and sport roadster are three of the several cars on display in the local Oakland show rooms. New fend' ers, hub caps and headlights are additional improved features of' f ered Oakland jj purchasers. eter has been Increased to .917 inch the largest diameter piston pins used in small bore engines in the United States. A new cross-member section is used to further 'reduce frome dis tortion on rough roads. Because balloon tires tunning at high speed are effected by unbalanced conditions in the wheels carrying them, the tire hvalves, cap, etc.. are balanced with a small counter weight on the felloe of the wheel. The sedan and four-door sedan are upholstered in new, wool vel our which blends with the walnut enameled garnish mouldings. A new foot rail bins been placed in the sedan and a! new robe rail and foot rail with nickel-plated end brackets in the four-door sedan. The sedan is finished in Dundee gray, with wheels of the same color, black upper structure and straw colored ptrlping on body, louvres and whjeiels. The color, of the four-dor sedan body and wheels is St. James gray, with black upper structure and striping of Fairie Red Ion body, louvres and wheels. j The Landau feedan and Landau coupe are finished in Peter Pan blue with Robin Hood blue upper structure, gold; bronze striping! and natural woo? wheels. The in- j strument boards are inlaid walnut with genuine American walnut window garnish rails. New and luxurious mohair upholstery in complete harmony with the other interior fittings was selected foe the Landau sedan. Regulators are fitted to the rear quarter win- in summer driving. The front floor mat is covered with felt in this car and the rear compartment with carpet, while front bumpers and rear guards are standard. Important changes have been made in the Landau coupe. The body itself has been lengthened four inches, . while the rear deck is constructed to give greater room and more graceful lines. The rear deck door may be removed entirely. A package compartment door is now provided for golf bags or small parcels, on the right side of the deck. Spanish leather up holstery carries out the color scheme and. affords the durability desirable in this type of car. The quarter windows are built '"D" shape to aid in keeping the lines of the upper structure symmetri cal. The two sport cars, the Phaeton and sport roadster are the most colorful cars in the lino- and most completely equipped. The four passenger sport roadster may be obtained in optional Duco color; combinations, standard - scheme being; Devonshire maroon and El Paso, tan while those desiring a car with less, striking colors may have . a: solid color finish in St. James gray, -.: " . The Phaeton is a car of ex treme distinction with a two-tone Duco color combination of ;Merri mae beige and box elder green. It is finshled in gray Spanish leather of , a shark-grain finish over gen uine ; hair pads, and cushion springs which make the interior of the car as comfortable as it is pleasing in appearance'. A folding .top is standard equipment with the top boot fiting snugly over It when . lowered. Windshield wings of plate glass, nickel plated front bumpers and rear guards, rear view mirror, windshield, cleaner, solid walnut, steering wheel and nickel plated headlights are added features of refinement on both these cars. Nickel , plated head lights are also' standard on the Landau sedan. Gasoline gauge on the dash is standard v equipment on . the Lan dau sedan and roadster. These types, together with the Phaeton, are also fitted with special, artis tic radiator caps. All closed cars have the follow ing equipment: Fisher VV one pi e c e windshield, 'windshield cleaner, regulators on all side windows, shades, dome light, nickel-plated door handles, cowl lights, door locks, visor, rear view mirror and luxury type cushion springs. 1 i pniHiie rimiun ycotiiigs As distributor for the timktin. Roller Bearing Co., we can give your immediate service oh any bearing, r , W. E, BURNS DAN BURNS (Xot Brothers -the Same Man) High Street at Ferry Salem, Oregon Day Phone 422 or 2300 Kigtit Phone 273-R Jot Economical Tran$ptHation yisTr i worn i r n 7 MLi Vick Bros, are selling the Oak land and Pontiac cars. Agents for the valley counties. Pioneer firm in autos. Oakland coach now only $1290. 280 S. Hi$h St. () G. W. Day, tires, tubes and ac cessories. Has the Goodyear tires, the standard of the world. Ulr. Day can give you more mileage. Corner Com'l. and Chemeketa. () Vlbbert & Todd Electric Store, High at Ferry Sts. Everything electrical. Good service and low prices are bringing an increasing trade to this store. () EfTtV niotor-vith an urto-dat'c2izr . j j ' tna include everything , " H. L. Stiff Furniture Co.. lead ers in complete homo furnishings, priced to make you the owner. The store that studies your every need and is ready to meet It, absolutely. The Bake-Rite Bakery. Bus every day supplying best hornet with bakery goods of all kinds; baked in a kitchen clean as your own. 345 State St. () Sedan K-ToaTruc QQfT rrt : T m rVwnfcwirl Ch irtl rumv? a performance that has civet it a; ' I V ff world-wide reputation for d e . L,y pendability. ; i . . ., ajk any one of Over a miiaoa , Chevrolet owners women as , well as men and' the answer :. will be-Ir! smooths and power " ful easy to drive economical tar1 operate and above all, so . pehdablef Phone fdf a demon' sfraiidrf today! - i3 550 IChatsUanly) l-To Track 9 Siriott Dotim Payment Convenient Terms ' - .i So Smooth So Powerful Newton Chevrolet Co. Opposite City Hall Telephone JOQ0 m ' QUALITY AT LOW COST rith a 15 to 1 ratio and a new steering wheel. Piston jln diam- dows of this bodyj type for comfort .Parker & Co., 444 8. Commer cial. Don't fail to ed Parker about repairing your car. Expert mechanics at your service. All work guaranteed. () The Salem Hdw. Co., most pro gressive. Every accommodation given to those in need of best hardware supplies. Work and pros perlty the motto. It9 N. Com'l () DEAD-EYE DICKS TO LAND IN JAIL- - One of the factors that contrib utes to the increase of motor ac cidents which is .frequently over looked is the prevalence of one eyed cars. The next time you aro motoring after' dark, just count the number of approaching cars tt j have but one lamp burning:. ' number will astonish you. many such cars going in your di rection that yon cannot see. a This one-lamp practice is very confusing to drivers and frequent ly causes ; serious accidents and rloss of life. Our police authori ties should follow the example of the Buffalo judge who recently imposed stiff fines on eight such Dead-Eye Dicks for driving in this ;way. . - " '--- 1 l-t-' "v v WINNING AND HOLDING GOOD WILL je Sedan a Last Tear . ' This Year " Next Year & $1095 , -! Tr & T-r - I : V vw-v r -Tr-v 77. Ilefin,ements No Increase in Prices strtidngly beaudtul two-tone i pdeo color combinations; new dbtible- Foremost among the" refinements ' in the Gteartr Oakland Six is the r! RubherSilejiced Chassis an epochal -and exclusive feature ; freeing the Oakland Six from the noise and rumbling found in . ? ordinary cars and permitting pass en 1 gera to ride in quiet, cushioned . comfort. This new achievement combines with the Harmonic Bal i mncer to jplace the Oakland Six far In advance of current motor car design. 4 Other, refinemeflts include smart new Bodies by Fisher in new and OeUmni Six, $ 1 025 $ 129S. filament tilting : beam" headlights, with ' conveni en t foot control to make night driving 'safer; vital en gine developments includinjgjnew camshaft and new valve spring retainers resulting in still quieter performance. !. ' Come in sec this Greater Oak land Six examine it drive it . before buying any automobile at any price. .You'll agree that the car has few equals in quality, r i ! and no equal in value! to OalW Six, $82S, Sadmn me Gp. AU pricat mt fctor Ejr to pay om. ik Uurd Mir Tifmrn i j of I Qeneral I Motor $ I :1 '- " VICfc BROS."; Salem; Oregon iKcnrUTE UKAI.EnA MILLER MOTOR CO Alhanr, Oregon; , FRED ..T. BILYEU, K pt. TAYLOR. Lebanon. Oregon: SILVERTON M 6do,' Oregon: 10 TO ft CAR CO.? Silrertori, Oregoh; GEO. DORR, wwhnrn Oreroor C ' J. SCHREEVE V SON. Dailas.oregon: nAftlUSBUttU uaiuiuiu.- amsourg. ; UlrlchA-KoherWWsjtbrs, 121 Xf - - ' - 1. mmm nnrt jraijw; ; aaaai af ot-yott, profit- f Oregonl Miml&XMKS0119 IN THE LEAD Fisher's ?engndering experts skilled beyond their calling by virtueVoI years of continuous re search and experimentation with all types of body construction unhesitatingly aver that none but Body .by Fisher exclusively used by General Mofors lor Cadillac, Buick, Chevrolet, Oakland, Oldsmobile and Pontiac cars aSords the essential virtues of safety, beauty and com fort which characterize every Fisher product. Quite 1 logically' the public knows '. that when any improvement which really gives an en hanced measure of safety, comfort and luxury is perfected. Fisher will be the'first to present it just as Fisher has created and been the first to present every important4 improvement in body design and construction of the past decade. ' , G E N E R. ' A L, , ,M O T O iV., S , m m mmrn .mmm m , m mn jimr .r mm a m i r" lit tk ' ri ; - mr m 3 .3mw w -a, iirr iitrnr vruif iiv ji t hi - i i'nii' as n mm &as- jt m a m mm r . a a u mw m. rsk .mm m. -j m. . k. ti nt m m a - r mm, & i I ! me laveeimeais... uuui who and make you money. I)