The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 18, 1926, Page 15, Image 15

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Pages 1 to 8
Good Roads
Innovations Announced in Design of Aimericmt M
! . - j , .' ,
1' Frl -
"Banish the Automobile Nui
sance," Plea of Those
Working for Safety
Back in Kansas, the other day
arose a court case over an auto
mobile that may contain the germ
of the solution of the most serious
problem facing American cities.
the autombile traffic question.
The authorities of a city sought
to "abate" an . automobile as a
Everyone knows that our pres
ent city streets , under existing
police traffic regulations, cannot
take care of the traffic they are
called upon the bear. Everyone
does not know-however, that a
minority of unskilled motor car
operators, plus antiquated, arbi
rary and illogical rules added to
a small minority, op cars that
could and should be "abated" are
forcing upon all the people the
almost prohibitive cost of widen
ing our urban thoroughfares, at
best a temporary remedy.
If only automobiles that could
be operated under control were
permitted on the streets and only
drivers who were possessed of
nkijl sufficient to run them allowed
to drive, our traffic problems soon
would become no problems at all.
Before a man is permitted to
operate a locomotive he must first
serve an apprenticeship covering
years and yet railroad trains are
operated under the most rigid con
trol. Throughout the length of a
railroad an army of inspectors is
at work constantly. The most min
utely critical observation 'is given
every bit of rolling stock.
When a piece of railroad stock
&hes a "bad order" , stage, such
asl having an accident to its
brakes, on the road, the greatest
care is used in getting it slowly
and safely to the nearest sidetrack
or repair yard. The whole division
over which it is moveInows of
it and Is warned. Carffw redoub
led if it is a passenger car. If the
"bad order sign comes to any bit
of rolling stock through sheer de-
(Continuad on 8) (
Principle Has Greatest Pos
sibilities, Says Young, of
: Hupp Company
That the eight cylinder motor is
the design in which automotive
progress will ultimately attain its
greatest perfection and that this
motor will eventually replace all
other types in the higher priced
field is the opinion of Mr. Dubois
Young, vice-president of the Hupp
Motor Car corporation. His opin
ion is based primarily on the in
herent capabilities of this motor
-jnore than, "any other to give
complete satisfaction .and second
arily it is based on the preference
that is everywhere shown by. mo
torists toward the multi-cylinder
motor. ;
'In the eight cylinder motor"
points out Mr. Young "is obtained
a complete blending of power im
pulses that brings the maximum
In , smoothness and quietness. Each
thrust Is perfectly balanced by an
other to bring a refined vibration
leas motor .performance such as is
Unobtainable in motors with less
cylinders. Although for. some
years past engineers recognized
the superiority of the straight
eight, it was never marketed In
any large sales volume until the
Introduction of the 'Hupmobile
eight.. Famed, the world over for
the precision of Its engineering
design and. the marked adherence
toi these designs In production,
Hupmobile was In a. most favor
jfofjle position, to successfully meet
his growing demand for the
' eight cylinder car.
"It has been shown that the
trend of the buying in the, two
great fields---whlch are the lower
and . medium - priced cars ha
been decidedly -altered !n the past
year. The lighter "Six" Is rapidly
becoming a pronounced sales
leader In the price toward multi
cylinder ears. .
"This trend Is founded on the
natural ' buying policy '' which
prompts the purchaser to seek, the
Pft&oc . t,nt Js . not, onIy up-to-
date at present but one. that is in
" advance of other similar, products
Overland Whippet Being
Shown in This City Now
New Product on View at MacDonald Motor Company Sales
' rooms; Follows Practice of Best British and French
Builders of Fine Automobiles
It has been anticipated for some months that a large
American builder of motor cars would soon be on the market
with a European type low, light car. The initial production
of what may be the forerunner of a complete change in our
great mass production of light automobiles made its appear
ance in this city this week. It is the Overland Whippet on
which the engineers of Wilrys-Overland, Inc., have been
workinsr. both here and in Europe, for the past two years.
The Whippet is now being displayed by the R. N. Mac
Donald Automobile company here at their salesrooms at
680 Ferry stret. i
This new car is totally different from anything we have
ever seen before in his country. It looks different, it acts
different and it serves a different but constantly increasing
demand. Mechanically, it is an adaptation of the best that
Sells Buick Cars
1 ; "
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SIIMKMSSHIMltW 1,.:' 1 1 if" Sim a -SSTSjl
.Photo W
Although a comparatively
young man. In point of age and
experience, Kenneth Wilson,
salesman for Otto j Wilson, pio
neer automobile deajer, is making
a success of his chosen line of en
deavor. The son of Mr. and Mrs.
Charles O. Wilson.) formerly of
Salem, but now of Eugene. Ken
neth was borne in Salem, in 1902,
and has made Salem his home
practically ever since. Otto J.
Wilson, his uncle, has been in the
automobile business; for years, In
fact sold the first automobile that
was sold in Salem and his young
nephew has been brought up in
the -automobile business. He
passed through the grade and
high schools of Salem and took
an academic course it the Univer
sity of Oregon at Eugene. He has
been connected with his uncles'
business for the past two years,
steadily, possesses ail of the qual
ities that go to make for a suc
cessful salesman arid is decidely
making good. !
Pratt's Fireproof! Garage Is
Offered as Solution to
Parkins Problem
C. S. Pratt is now
ithe proprietor
of the
Pratt's fireproof storage
garage, located at 2i
toZ South Lib-
erty street. This garage occupies
the entire basement floor of the
Traglio warehouse, a concrete
fire-proof buUding.
Mr. Pratt ctates that he has
room to accomodate about 100
automobiles. The storage spaces
being arranged so us to make it
easy - to get Cars in an- out. - The
entrance Is from Diberty street
and cars may be taken out this
way or through the alley which
is pared. j
- A Hardie steam pressure pump
is used in the car washing de
partment. Mr. Pratt states that
this system will glv a pressure of
380 pounds which j will remove,
dirt,, grease and oil from the car
without harming the finish. Ha
also states that It will remove
road oil easily. If this road oil is
alowed to remain Ion the car it
will damage the finish and become
a hard crust like pavement. -
. Day4 and night service Is now
maintained. Many ! business men
are storing their cars during the
day ratber. than, move them every
two hours or leave them out In
the sun.'The'garag is only 1
block from lhefcejitt of the bus
iness district which, makes it Very
nanny, -u - - i i - . . . ,: .,
Kurope Has to oirer m tne way or
powerful, economical engines,
with a wide speed range, more
power for climbing than has char
acterized even the best of the
European productions, and with
a flexibility, silence and smooth
ness of running which is new to
our light car production.
It is a quality product in every
detail from the trim, smart, ex
tremely low hung body with its
brilliant finish and superb uphol
stery to the last detail of its me
chanical construction.
The sedan will travel 58 miles
an hour, as easily and comfortably
as the great majority of our pres
ent day sixes and yet It is equip
ped with a four-cylinder motor.
It will accelerate from 5 to 25
miles an hour in 10 seconds, or
just half a second more time than
some of our largest and most
flexible sixes and it will cover
28 to 30 miles on a gallon of fuel.
It will stop in a little over twice
its own length from- an- average
driving speed for it is equipped
with four-wheel brakes, having a
drum diameter of 11 inches which
is larger than those on many of
our large cars.
The motor develops 23 per cent
more power, per cubic Inch of pis
ton displacement than any other
Contiaod oa 9t S)
sUpper ' views .' are of the new
Overland whippet touring and
the roominess of the touring and
the fineness of the coupe Interior
and the front riding compartment
of the two door sedan. . ' V
!Lower is of the two door model
with its distinctive foreign lines.
New Whippet Is Shown Here Today
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The three center , views show ' f ' a ' - If
Columbia! Tire Company An
nounce Plan to Determine
Wear 6f Product
PORTLAND.) Ore., July 17.
One of the most extraordinary in
novations m contests which pro
mises to bej of Exceptional interest
to the motoring public is now be
ing fostere by! the Columbia Tire
corporation, jnanufacturers of
CTC tires and tubes, in which
they are offeiinf cash prizes of
one thousand dollars down to five
dollars, making a total of two
thousand dollars in c&sh and five
other prizes totalling fifteen in
all, simply! requesting . motorists
using CTC'S to check the mileage
which theyjobtain from their tires
and the highest mileage perform
ances will be iwarded the prizes.
"This "Speedjometer Check Mile
age Contest" is without a doubt
sensational I in its character since
it is a definite; declaration of the
Columbia Tira corporation's un
conditional support of their state
ments that! CTC tires give extra
mileage and they are anxious to
show their Convictions of the high
quality of ICTC tires by offering
this cash prize! contest for motor
ists using their products.
In the pst thousands of testi
monial letters have been received
from CTC usefs attesting to the
extra mileaige i obtained, so the
Columbia Tire j corporation execu
tives conceived the plan of 'the
"Speedometer Mileage Check Con
test." This contest begins July 15,
1926 and will carry on to July
15. 1927, w;hen the prizes will be
awarded to the winners of the
contest but those who have not ob
tained full mileage on the tires
that they bought will be afforded
the opportunity of entering the
contest whidh closes July 15, 1928
carrying a similar amount of priz
es awarded.
Newspaper advertising has been
(Continued on pag 8.)
ML '' ' ' :f -.--m . i
Defective Braking Equip
ment Is Responsible for
Many Auto Crashes
Defective automobile brakes
have caused countless accidents.
Several years ago it was estimat
ed that there were 3,000,000 cars
with faulty brakes. Since then
hundreds of "test your brakes"
campaigns have been staged
throughout the country by com
munity safety councils, motor
clubs and public officials, whose
efforts have resulted in impress
ing upon the motoring public the
importance jot having their brakes
examined at regular and frequent
intervals. Closely following the
inauguration of the national brake
inspection movement, came the
four wheel braking system. Today
the automobile owners of the
country are gradually becoming
brake conscious.
It is safe to assume that the
newly built car is adequately sup
plied with all proper brake ap
pliances. But frequently these
brakes, unless given repeated at
tention, do not retain their effi
ciency, and it is possible that even
today, despite all of the attention
that the brake lrive has received,
thousands of motor vehicles, if put
to an emergency, quite likel-1
would display a condition far be
low the normal of safety.
The subject of brakes was riot
ignored at the Second National
Conference on Street and Highway
Safety, which has called attention
to the fact that at least forty
states require "adequate brakes
in good working order," some re
quiring two independent sets and
a few specifying the distances
within which braker shall be ca-t
pable of stopping a vehicle. The
recommendations of the Hoover
conference on this subject read:
"Every motor vehicle when op
erated upon a highway, shall be
( Con tinned on pass 6.)
Many Improvements Are j
Noted in
77 New Features Are Incorporated in "Greater Oakland Six1
now iseing snown in aaiem Dy vick urumcro.
Engine Developments Are Said Vital
The Greater Oakland Six.
try this week embodies 77 important refinements, featured by
smart new Fisher bodies in
iimsn, engine ueveiopmeuia 01
Silenced Chassis, an advanced
ment, ranking with the Harmonic Balancer, which was intro-
duced to the industry last year on Oakland cars.
The Rubber Silenced Chassis, another triumph for OaK -
land engineers, eliminates
. . .
fmmrl in rx-wrl t a fir r-O T-a nrn 11 Ti
luuim i.i iu.u.; JK,..e,...e, '-
ovrvfino- Vi nnBpno-pr tn
V "ui ; "
joint oi me onvesnaii lu liic
lates tne transmission, xnoiscs, wjuch, wuwuu t, tc wcie -
erarhed ud through the drive shalt are now entirely aD -
sorbed. The forward end or the
shaft is cushioned to produce an
absolutely noiseless drive.
Although the new bodies by
Fisher are charateristically Oak
land, they have been refined to
present an even more pleasing
symmetry of line and contour. The
one-piece metal back panel on the
closed bodies curves gracefully
upward to the roof, resulting in a
modish appearance that harmoniz
es with the custom-built effect of
the new, heavy full crown fenders
wider and thicker running boards
and new side shields. All cars
have double beading and are fin
ished in two-tone Duco.
The touring car has been dis
continued and in its place is of
fered the Sport Phaeton, a five
pasenger open car- of distinction,
completely equipped. The other
cars in the line include the sedan,
four-door sedan. Landau sedan,
Landau coupe, and sport roadster
Among the general improve
ments and refinements on the ex
tenor and interior of the car,
aside from the body line changes
are lie new, double filament de
pressing beam' headlights which
are so designed that, the driver
can depress the beam to a point
which eliminates all glare to the
aproaching driver's eyes without
(Oonttnuad on par 8.)
Oakland Cars
introduced throughout the coun
new and strikincr two-tone Duco
a iwu imtuic, uw nc
Oakland engineering achieve-
disturbing noises and rumbling
.i f jl -.1 J 1
Orl Ti (7 inp llTf ni IMP CrmXMIMiHMlI
ririf in nuiet. cushioned comtort.
oomTw no ff ,,T,?t7refll
icai ui mc uauouiiaoiwu,
Oregon Motor Association
Creating Interest in Ore
gon Scenery in East
Through the affiliation of I
A. A. A. clubs throughout America
the Oregon State Motor associa
tion is distributing the motion
pictures made in the Pacific
northwest, to the tourist centers
of America that more interest
may be created in the attractions
of Oregon and its sister states.
While at the national conference
of secretaries of more than &00
affiliated clubs ; in the A. A. A.
organization, held in Washington,
D. C, last winter, George O.
Brandenburg, general manager of
the Oregon State Motor ausocla -
uon, snowea iour reeis or tne
Oregon films that created a great
deal of interest. As a result of
that showing, calls have been
coming in for the films to be
shown by various. A. A. A. ; clubs
interested in the co-operative
work of the A. A. A. clubs in the
tourist industry.!
The latest demand for the Ore
gon films came from the Warren
Automobile club of Warren, Ohio.
under a request! from William A
Korth, assistant; secretary of the
Korth says: "On July 14th our
club Is holding Its annual meetinf
and we would like very much to
use a set of your films at thlt
meeting.'' i
A complete set of films taken
by the educational and- publicity
department of the Oregon State
Motor association, was sent to the
Ohio club for their showing. These
films have created no little Inter
est In motor, club circles as the
Oregon State Motor association Is
the only association of that na
ture which has incorporated, into
Its organization a motion picture
department for, the exploitation of
the natural -resources of its dis
trict. ' i !
Drive Yourself Co. to Oper
ate hrstrUass. Uars on
Mileage Basis
The "Drive Yourself Co.' lo
cated at 225 North Church street
ia .another . Salem institution re
cently, established and, its forma-1
tion and purpos la, to -rent
without drivers, i jv'-i'' :
cars I
Cars are rented, by the mile
and I
nothing but np to data late models f
are In use.,
These cars, are: kept in the pink
of condition, dean and attractive
and no junk is used.
The; man that wants to take his
family, for; a trip, can .now .rent a
car . in nice condition and drive
it himself at a very nominal, fee,
and can feel safO when he drives I
one of the cars and in addition to
this the appearances are such that
he does not feel ashamed to drive
The "Drive yourself Co." have
the mileage rate so, that the cus
tomer does not feel that he must
drive' the, car ai top sped covering
as ' many miles as .possible j per
hour,, which is generally the ease
where autos are hired by the hour.
The,Drive Yourself Co." go on
that theory that jwhere,-good ;late
model cars are rented and kept
in first class condition the public
will approve such an institution
and their motto will be first class,
courteous, efficient service, t
Many Evident Improvements
Seen in New Series "EH,
Now Being. Shown a
i The progressiva -developments
0f oidamobiia ; engineer fo
the past year nd the new values
j that re being offered in oida-
1 mobile for 4he coming year that
result ; ttom the manufacturing
I Amnnmlog knit s a rt era
mn.f . n,j
I ui kua
I ?"vlo""" "
M"6 l"ry being passed back to
j played throughout the country
i r0r the first time in the new series
i"E, oldamobiie.
I The new series "E", Oldamobile
six Incorporates in Its latest ap
pointments and specifications
many new. features of recogniied
worth and Improvements of dem
onstrated value. The results of the
changes in this car., ore edded
power longer life, smoother per
formance, new features of , driving
ease and security, better operating
economy and new body features
and anointments.
One new, body type is on dis
play In the Oldamobile series "E"
line, a Landau, Other body types
In the. line remain the same, in
eluding the standard and deluxe
touring, deluxe roadster, standard
and delux coupe, standard and
deluxe coach and the standard
and deluxe sedan -a total of ten
including the Landau. No change
has been made in the standard
Oldamobile prices. -
Added power has been . given
01d8moblle by Increasing the cyl
inder bore from 2 3-4 inches to
2 7-8 Inches with a resulting in
crease in cubic displacement -from
169 to 185 cubic inches, a slight
change In the tapered, dome-
shaped combustion chamber and a
1 new h0t section, high reloclty de-
sign of manifold.
Improvements vital to the long
er life and operating economy of
the engine have been made with
the introduction of crankcase ven
tilation, dual air-cleaning, an oil
filter and an entirely new design
of "two-way' cooling system.
All these Improvements increase
the operating efficiency of the
Oldamobile and prolong its engine
life. :-.;, :: . V':--.! ,
The use of the harmonic bal-
(CoatiBd b pst 7.)
Weekly Report on Conditions of
Oregon State IDshways
June 23, 1029
Pacific Highway
Portland, Oswego, Oregon City.
Salem, Albany. Harrisburg, Junc
tion City, Eugene, Cottage Grove,
Roseburg, Grants Pass, Medford.
Ashland, California State line;
West Side Pacific XUshway
Portland; Newberg, McMinn-
vllle, i t Corvallis, Junction " City,
Eugene: paved.
Roosevelt Coast Highway, Clatsop
and Tillamook , Counties
, Astoria-Seaside: paved.
Seaside-Cannon Seach Junction
macadam." --
Cannon Beach Junction-Hamlet
Junction: Under construction.
Newly graded with temporary sin
gle track gravel surfacing. Rough
but passable in all weather.
Hamlet , Junction-Mohler: Ma-
Mohler-Miaml: Ilirhwav route
via Brighton now open but on ac-
count of danger on planked roa 1
between. Wheeler and Brighton,
tratric. for. Garibaldi and poln U
south urgently adrlssd to taka
road via - Foley Creek which is
graveled, throughout. , ? ;
Miami-Tillamook. Hebo. Nesko-
win. Devils Lake, Sllezt River:
Part paved; balance macadam.
Newport-North to Otter Rock la
Lincoln coun tepOyn . . ,t . . 4
Lincoln county: Open tor travel.
Roosevelt " Coaat Highway, Coos
and Curry Counties '
Lakeside, North Bend: Macad
am. : Ferry across Coos Bay.
North Bend, Marsfcfield, Co-
qullle: Paved. 1 " -
CoquilleJ Bandon, Portrr Cr-
ford. Euchre Creek: Macadam.
Euchre Creek, Gold Beach: Nar
row mointain road. Fair condition.
Gold Beach, Myers Creek:
Myers Creek, BrooScIngs: Nar
row mountain road, rassabla.
Brookings, California stats llr.z :
Macadam, ' . ,
jCCoui.Uiuti a r; T.)
e might eelecL" V . v
- it . -..? tA.
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