The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 17, 1926, Page 5, Image 5

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temperature above nor
mal; moderate northerly winds.
Frldtf Maximum.' 8 uV "minimum,
53;yVer, -2. 2,r stationary; rain
fall, none; .atmosphere, clear;
w lnd. west.:,.r;
Plaintiff Loses Suit-
' A verdict for the defendant was
returned by a, jury in the circuit
court here Friday in the case of
Grace Dore against Ralph Gibson.
Mrs. Dore was acting as the ad
ministrator of the estate of Homer
A. Dove, deceased. She sued for
$18 6. 80, '"declared to be thebal
ance due the estate for the saleVf
some prunes; The case was ar
gued before Judge Percy. R. Kelly.
Harbison Files Salt -
John Harbison', 'operator of sev
eral service stations in Salem, filed
suit in the circuit - court . Friday
against Ed Swink for $117.50 said
due him for gasoline, grease and
oils delivered 'to Swink between
March 12 and April 24, 1926.
Hoar Evangelist Betls
Of New York city at Alliance
Tabernacle, Ferry; near Cottage,
Fat. and Sun. nights, 7:45. Sick
prayed for. Public invited. J 17
Mill Man Is Fined
R. R. MiIIer operator of a saw
mill located six miles south of
Salem on the Pacific highway, was
fined $25 in the justice court here
Friday following his, arrest on a
charge of inadequate fire protec
tion at the milL
S Check Case Sard jjC f"l5
L. Cavesof S
raigned in justice' court Friday
morning at 10 o'clock on a charge
of issuing a check without suf
ficient funds to cover It. He was
released upon his own recogni
zance and the case wos continued
pending a settlement.
Don't Ret Yonr Wifn Out
Of bed. Eat your breakfast a
tha Tllnpfc flat T rtnoii at R ' 9 ft a m
Liquor Seller Fined
Louis Hofehbredle, farmer liv
ing between Gervals and Mt. An
pol. was fined $250 and sentenced
to 30 days in the county jail when
he appeared before Brazier C.
t Small, justice of the peace, Fri
day. He was .charged with . the
sale of moonshine whiskey. Hof-
ffidle was arrested, by state of-
icye alter, tney say, tney pur
chased two pints of liquor from
LiU l hir Cafe
Now open for business at 171
S." Commercial. " Clean, quick ser
vice. jl8
Released From Jail
V. A. pfrlslrum of Snvertofi
was released .from the county jail
upon his own recognizance Fri
day pending a settlement of a non
support case filed against him in
the justice court.
20 Discount Fri. and Sat,
On corsets, corsletts and girdles.
Howard's Corset Shop 165 N. Lib.
' J17
Woman Obtains Release
Rose E. Kurre. arrested Tues
day night by, city police on a
charge of possession of liquor, and
sent to the county jail pending a
hearing of her case, obtained her
releasej Friday when she posted
the reqtifred 1500 bond. She was
arrrsted' under the name of Jane
Jacksoni -
! j i
Takes ration
Alice papenfus, stenographer in
hq 'Justice court here, left ..Fri
day ifor fa week-end vacation i
j i- -
Hear Evangelist Betts
Of Nejw York' city at Alliance
Tabernacle, Ferry, near Cottage,
Sat. and Sun.Tirghts,-7:45.- Sick
prayed f on' : "Public invited: J17
Would Ext end, Service
The Yakima Transit company
has filed application with the pub
lic service commission for permis
sion to engage In interstate pas
senger and express business be
tween Umatilla Or., and Spokane
and Prosser, Wash. The company
now operates between Portland
and various Washington points.
73c Victor Records, 48c
Or 5 for $1.90; Get your rec
ords now at this big reduction. H
L. Stiff Furniture Co. JIBtf
Leave for Interior
A number of state officials, in-
clud.i g. Governor Pierce, Sam A.
Kozer, secretary of state, and R.
R. Turner, state superintendent of
public Instruction, left here yes-
tfjday by antomobile for Burnt
U3ere they will Inspect the state
experiment station. F. B. Irvine,
Underwood Typewriter Co.
Direct . Factory Branch
BIO Court St. . Phone S63
Typewriters Rented, Soldi,
Special rental rates to StndenU
CTOfouccl' Telepho jatM
Portland newspaper man, and Sam
F.rown, state senator from Marion
county, will Join th officials at
Burns. The party will, return to
Salem next Monday. j
Free Lecture, Derby Bldg.
Sunday, g p. m. "Is Death the
End; Will Life's Lessons be Lost
Forever?" J17
Protests Speed Trap
W. H. Paulus yesterday sent a
letter to George Brandenburg of
Portland, manager of the Oregon
State Motor association, in which
be complained that officers at
Grants, Pass recently refused to
accept his AAA card In lieu of
$10 bail, as authorized under an
act if . the last legislature. Mr.
Paulus alleged in his letter that he
was driving, slower than 25 miles
an hour and that his arrest was
inot justified. Following refusal to
accept his motor association card
in lieu of bail. Mr. Paulus said
he deposited. $5 In cash and left
the city. Mr. Paulus has demand
ed that an investigation be con
ducted .by officials of! the auto
mobile association.
Save Money! Buy Yonr Piano 1
During our sale. Moore's Mu
sic House. jlG
Governor to Leave
Governor Pierce will leave here
July 24 for Cheyenne, Wyo.,
where he will attend the gover
nors' convention. He will be ab
sent from the state for about two
weeks. Gus Moser pf Portland,
president of the state" 'senate will
act t as goy.enor during Jtbe ab
sence of Governor Pierce.
f i t I r t
Attend Wedding fc
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Caspell
and daughter Lucile, of Aumsville,
attended the wedding of Miss
Janilla Vandervort, in Salem, on
Flax Coming In
Large quantities of flax were
ton indicating that sheds will soon !
be filled to capacity. It is of good
quality and length.
Wanted, Evergreen Blackberries
For cash. Claude McKenncy.
Phone 3 9C S. High St; jl7tf
Will Talk Farm Method . , I
Mr. Kibber, of Woodbur'n, will
address::ttb county Federated
Clubs at he Dallas i court house
on Wednesday, telling how he sup-i
ports his family and gets an in
come of approximately $5,000 a
year from 17 acres of land
Road Safe for Travel
The road from Valsetz to the
Lincoln-Polk county line connect
in? with the Newport road is safe
for travel, according to announce
ment made yesterday.
Bay Yonr Records Now
Practically all Victor records
greatly reduced, at Stiff's Furni
ture Store. jl5tf
City Council Monday-
Falls City council) will meet on
Monday night to consider bills,and
plans for sprinkling,! clean-up and
water supply.
Bridge to Go In
The new Stout creek bridge,
near Mehama will be constructed
by the county thi3 fall.
Visits Family j
Miss Viva Davie, of AumsviUQ,
employed in Portland is visiting
her family.
Best Waffles in Town at y, . , .
The Black Cat. Served all day.
, L .4"
Represent Cl
C. E. Taylor will I represent the
Corvallis Lions club at the con
vention, in San Francisco opening
Monday. Dr. L. E. j Hewitt is the
other delegate attending.
Service Clubs Practice
The volleyball aggregations rep
resenting the Kiwaqis and Rotary
clubs of , Salem are working out
nightly in the YMCA gymnasium
in preparation for their struggle
July 23. Both teams say the"y are
out for blood and expect to win
with ease, so a torrid struggle is
Mfta Paneck's BnU Station
275 South Commercial Street
Mml Bstoto Lai -4 Itwrmi
Santy Bnda
SXO V. U. Bask BMg. rln S47
LADD & BUSH Bankers
I I Established 1868 i
General Banking Business
Office Hours
expected. Another athletic treat
is forecast by the actions of the
Lions club baseball team and the
nine performers representing the
Kiwanians on the diamond, j These
two teams are also working out
in the YMCA gymnasium In prep
aration for their conflict ait indoor
baseball, scheduled to enjdure for
nine sanguine innings on the same
day as the . other JulyJ 23, the
date of the playground aay at the
Thirteenth street playgrjbunds.
Meyers'll Clean You
Center St. Valeteriai Tel. 2227.
Warehouse Rushed- . -
W. F. Ramp's riew warehouse
at Brooks is being finished rapid
ly and wiy be really for the new
crop of grain and, onions.
Mint Crop Reader
Hartly and CJraige of Gervais,
began distilling mint Wednesday,
the harvesting of the crop is un-
der way.
Loganberry Juice
rue Humphrey way, 5c. Chau
tauqua entrance.
Will Speak Sunday
Dan W. Wilson of the Brother
hood bank, of Portland will deliver
the Sundary evening address at the
Jason-Leje-church July 18. Sev
eral labor union representatives
will take part in the evening's
program. The main address of
the evening is entitled, "The Ap
plication of Christian Principles
to Modjern Industry." Mr. Wilson
has trjayeled, extensively and has
just rjefurnfd frjjtf jEngland wher$
he lefcturedfa grea deal.
Furniture Upholstery O
j lnd repairing. Glese-Powers
Furniture company. s20tf
Will Build Home
A building permit has been is
sued to W. H. Wilson to erect a
one story dwelling at 53 5 South
Eighteenth street, the estimated
cosl 10 De 1-uuu
Reports Denied
George Schwartz of Portland,
who furnished the electrical equip
ment for the new ferry across the
Willamette at Independence, was
in Salem yesterday and denied re
ports that the starting of the new
ferry on schedule would be de
layed by failure of some electrical
equipment to arrive. ?
Hoti Bfarroi.
Dollar dinner, served 5:45 to, 8
rvery evening. J2tf
School lirertors Namefl i
George Leffler ha been made
a school director at Hubbard, and
Dr. C." M. De Lespinesse has been
made president of the board to re
place Octav Vogt. resigned.
Party Is Kurprii
Mrs. J. F. Von Behren of Aums
ville was guest of honor at a sur
prise party in honor of her birth
day Tuesday. Guests were Mr.
and Mrs. G. C. Nance, Irene and
Glen Nance, Mr. and Mrs. E. F.
Wallace, Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Bow
ers and Elmer Bowers.
5 Victor Records for 91.0O
Regular 75c size, at Stiff's. jl5tf
Mont lily Meeting Held
The monthly meeting of the
Oak Lawn farm bureau was held
at Monitor Tuesday. Plans were
made for a community fair to be
in September.
Boys Enlertai
The three boys of Mr. and Mrs.
John Moe of Silverton were hosts
to' abwtrtf 20 friends Thursday.
Baseball and ice cream were en-
- - r :t . Ti .5 a i s
The Salvation Army
Can make good use of your cast
off clothing, etc. Phone 1820. jlT
S. P. Bearer Dies
S. P. Bearer, 35, died Friday, in
a local hospital. His body is iu
charge of the Salem mortuary.
Goes on Vacation
John Marr has left on a vaca
tion. He will go to Aberdeen and
then to Canada, to be gone a week.
Staples Optical Co.
Fits your eyes. Tel. 1200. J17
Attend Convention
J. S. ' Baker, Bolton Hamble,
Col. Carle Abrams, R. L. Stanton
and Henry O. Miller, members p
the local Veterans of .Foreign
Wars post, are In Eugene attend
ing the state convention.
Phone 727
10 a. m. to S p.
We have a few very attrac
tive buys inj light closed
cars. Now Is! the time to
trade your touring and get
a closed job j at very little
difference. When prices are
low Is the time to buy.
Joins School Staff
Miss Gladys jM. Jensen will
teach home economics in the ' Sa
lem high school next year. She
nas been a teacher at North Bend
Speakers Announced
Rev. L. H. Willard of Mon
mouth, Rev. W. I! Shambaugh and
Rev. A. P. Layion will speak at
the Evangelical church meeting
at Qulnaby park; today. Tomorrow
Rev. Shambaugh ; will speak twice
and Rev. B. F. Culver once.
Furniture Upholstery
And repairing. Geiee-Powera
Furniture company. 20tf
Patient Elope;
John Kelleher, 3 8.' inmate, of
the state hospital, eloped yester
day. He was on parole and was
employed in the kitchen. He is
described as 5 feet, 8 Inches," 189
pounds,' wore a brown suit, "hat
arid overalls. He was from Mult
nomah county, received here De
cember 4, 1925L
Go After Fish
Phil Jaskoski. Harold White,
Dave Church land Carl Finster
we- fishing at Clear lake yester
oay. Dance, Mellow Moon Benefit
Street railway employes. Duke
Moore's Aeolians playing. Tuesday
July 20th. J20
Marr Takes Trip
John Marr, manager of the Cap
ital City. Collection service, will
h ave, the city today on vacation.
After visitine ! his son In Aber
deen. Wash;, he will take a trip
through Canada, returning to &a
lem next week; '
First Church of Christ, Scientist
Of Salem,' Or., announces a free
lecture on Christian' Science by
Mr. William wl Porter, CSB., of
New York ' city; member of ' th0
er. Church, thd First Church o
Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass
achusetts, at khe church edifice.
Tuesday evening. July 20. 19 26, at
eight o'clock, j The public cor
dially invited to attend. ' -tjzu
Shower Given Today
Miss Gladys Emory will be the
guest of honor at a shb'Aref kt the
home of Mi's, j H. T. Hagett near
Silverton todaJ Mrs. Frank Aim
and Mrs. Hagett will be hosts.
Son Is Born N
An eieht-nrtiind son has been
horn to Mr. arid Mrs. Fred Vin
cent of Amity; He has been
named Richard Dale.
Guests Fxpectod
Mr. and Mrs. T. P. ileistigen of
Silverton are j expecting a visit
ffom Mrs. Lou Johnson, Rodney
Johnaon and R. S. Reynolds of
Fargo, N. D. I
leaves Hospital " '
Bert Terry of Silvertpn has been
incased from' the Portland Medi
cal institution; .whtrej e inder
went an operation. He was also
operated on at the St.! Vincent's
hartal iv. Tortland. : '
Leave for YeIliwstone-
Mr. and M?S- MickeUon of Sa
lem, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs.
J. Fishwood dr' Silverton have left
for Yellowstone park. Mr. and
Mrs. E. J. Chormley of Coeur d
Alene, Idaho, will accompany the
Entertains Guests
Mrs. W. -Wcpuines of Silverton
has her mother. Mrs. Mertch, and
her brother, Mr. Mertch of Fen
licton, B. C, as guests.
Lravc on Vacatioi
Mrs. Eugeri Moshberger, Mer
ton Moshberger, Ladrew Mosh
berger, Naomi jMoshberger, Ursula
Moshberger and Miss Gertrude
Shorey. all if Woodburn, have
gone"on a vacation.
Clean -Up Day
Tuesday his been set aside as
official ciean-up day at the city of
Hubbard. All refuse and junk
will be boxed and carted away.
Ixavrs Hospital
Mrs. E. J.
Whedbee of Jeffe
discharged from a
Salem hospital.
To Give Rail to Talks
As a result! of inquiries about
child health I: work and 'that df
the Marion bounty child health
demonstration in particular, Dt.
Walter Browa, head of the dem
onstration, has been asked by the
management jbf KOW, the Ore
gonian radio station in Portland,
to . broadcast two addresses." ' The
subject of D. Brown'rf first iad
dress, tb be j given July '20.: is
Orejrrjtfr-Most VaJajibltfCloi.!
In it he will" describe taa'aead nd
DNO&laV 1
desirability of child health work,
fn his 'second address on "A Ven
ture in Cooperation . he will teli
of the work done by the Marlon
county unit. This address will
be given a week after the first, on
August 3.
Returns From Trip
Mr., and Mrs. Omar Halvorson
and their nephew, James Walsh,
have returned to Silverton from
Montana where they have been
since the early-part of June. The
Montana trip was one of business
and pleasure combined.
A. L. Hibbard of Silverton, cut
his foot painfully while at the
swimming hole in the Silverton
park . Thursday evening. It was
necessary to take a number of
Miss Larson Visits
Miss Ethel Larson, the daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. , Lawrence
Larson of Silverton, is spending
the week at Salem as, a guest of
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Legard. Miss
Larson and Mrs. Legard are
Hollywood Family Visit
Rev. J.' A. Davis and wife, and
daughter, Mrs. Lambertson of
Hollywood, Cal., are visiting for
a few days with W. A. Delzell,
private secretary to Governor
Pierce. Mrs. Davis is Mr. Del
2ell's sister. The California fam
ily is en route to Bellingham;
Wash., and are stopping over at Delzenn's home on route 4.
Iicaveft by Air Route
F. A! Elliott, Btate forester, left
here yesterday by a,ifplahe for
Klamath ' Falls where he will In
vestigate fire :i conditions. , He
made the trip in one'bf 'the forest
fire ' patrol ' planes which operates
out of Eugene.
Mullen to Go East
W. A. Mullen, deputy state real
estate commissioner, will leave
here next week for New York and
other eastern states where he will
spend two or three weeks investi
gating the real estate' laws in op
eration there. Mr. ' Mullen said
that he probably would go before
the next legislature and ask for a
number of amendments to the
present real estate laws in this
J. J. Nelson Dies
J. J. Nelson died at his farm
near Donald Thursday at the age
of 80. He is survived by a nephew
in Portland. Cause of the death
was said to have been heart
Flax Stand Is Good
Wonderful stands of flax are
being grown on the two farms of
Jim and' Mike MahOney' near St.
Paul, according to Jim Smith,
county commissioner'. The whole
crop win be sold for $38 to $40
a ton, and will be hauled to the
penitentiary plant by truck for. $4
a ton. The Tahches have employed
two pulling machines, which are
now working there. They are ex
pected to take over 150 tons from
the 85 acres of the two combined
Dog Likes Pictures
A small dog is reported to have
taken possession of the Porter pic
ture shop on Court street for a
time yesterday morning and to
have held it until Officer Edwards
caused him to turn tail and take
to flight.
Acting Mayor
Mark Poulson, city recorder and
police, judge, is acting as mayor
of Salem during the absence of
Mayor John jB., Giesy.- who is away
on a vacation. Mr. Pouisen has
Hie job now because of an ordi
nance among tbe city statutes that
clothes him with this power dur
ing absence of the mayor from the
cityi' ' .'
Will Improve Road
s. The. road between Aurora and
Newberg will have several of the
steep grades reduced as much as
from 10 per cent to 5 per cent by
the work being done on the Ryan
Hills section. A digger will be
sent through the section in time
to complete the work by Septem
ber 1, according to information
given out by James Smith, coun
ty commissioner. About a mile
the road will be macadamized aft
er the grades have been cut down.
The entrance , to the park at
Champoeg will be improved by a
cut to be made on the road near
there. . v, , .-
PasCH Stop Sign
Lloyd Ferris was arrested by
the local .police 'yesterdayj on a
charge of falling to stop at a stop
Accident Reported.
A car driven by G. R. Daniels
backed into oirf driven by Frank
Clark of route 8 at State and
Commercial. streets .yesterday, ac
cording to report turned in by
Clark at police headquarters. One
of Clark's fenders was damaged,
according to the. report. .
Cars CoUldV-r : -
Cars drirenby J. B. Cronk of
Salem and "E. Scbosley collided at
Commercial .and oart streets, yes
terday, .accordlng-to reports made
at' police headquarters, rlo .de
tails were glvenv: ,-r
Anton la Trubl i
T. H Stewart "reported -to Uhe
local poliCBvyefetefdaf : that his' car
was la an "mcciaent between Watef
and rroflf.tre!ti on Union lie
gar o datailftj f
Maurice Warnock Accepts
Position With Armstrong -Cork
SILVERTON, Ore., July 16.
( Special. Maurice Warnock of
Silverton, a June graduate of the
University of Oregon where he was
a member of the Phi Kappa Psi
fraternity, is at Lancaster, Pen
sylvania. .
Mr. Warnock has accepted a
position with the Armstrong Cork
company and is attending the
company school of salesmanship.
He writes that he is living 40
minutes out of Philadelphia in'a
grand old colonial home with
fourteen' other beys who are also
attending the Cork school.
Mr. Warnock as a delegate
from the Oregon chapter of his
fraternity spent four days at its
convention in Kansas City on his
trip' east.
Visitors Reported
in Salem
W. P. Simpson has returned
from a convention of Spanish war
veterans in Baker.
Mrs. Hattie Pickens of Rose
burg was in Salem Thursday. .
Mrs. G. W. Dunlap was a Sa
lem visitor Friday.: Her home is
in Woodburn. . . , c :
Mrs. II. W.; Morel and of Mon
mouthvisi ted in, Salem Thursday.
Mrs. E. N. Erb of Hubbard is
a recent Salem visitor..
W. E. Frazier of Eugene was in
Salem Friday.
F. I. Brown of McMinnville
spent Wednesday in Salem.
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Robinson of
C regon City were in Salem Thurs
day. . Pearl Hassler of Gervais visited
in Salem Friday.
C. E. Spence of Portland, state
market agent, spent Thursday in
L. W. Miller of Eugene spent
Thursday as a visitor in Salem.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Barnes of Eu
gene spent Thursday in Salem.
Mrs. A. L. Ramsey of Albany
was in Salem Friday.
A. -Thyker of Woodburn was a
Falem visitor on business Friday..
Mrs. P. A. Stevens of Aumsville
spent Friday morning in Salem.
N; C. Chaney of Jackson coun
ty was in Salem yesterday.
W. S. U'Ren and Oswald West
of Portland were in Salem Fri
day. Mrs. Nona-White was in Poft
U nd yesterday "on" business.
J. S. Magladry and Emmett
Howard, both of Eugene, visited
in Salem Friday.
Veronica and Cecelia Duffy of
Dayton visited in - Salem Thurs
day .
Mr. and Mrs. J. Jackling of As
toria spent Thursday in Salem.
E. E. Brodie of Oregon City,
publisher of the Oregon City En
t rprise, was in Salem Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Kibbey of
Brooks were Salem visitors yes
terday. Miss Muriel Wilson of Inde-.
pendence was a Salem visitor Fri
day. B. F. Swope of Independence
rpeiit Friday morning In this city.
W. S. Levens has returned from
a business trip to southern Ore
gon and California.
Hazel Green
Mr.: and. Mrs. John Van Clevc
had -a reunion at thejr home re
cently. Those present were;; sons
Frank of Spokane, WusIk, T,. A.
and wife, grandsons Alvin, and
Ralph, great .grandchildren Vio
let and Vera, and, Delbert, Children
of Ralph Van Cleave and Marlon
and Geneva, children of Alvin feVn
Cleave and daughters-in-law Mrs.
Alvin Van Cleave and Mrs. Ralph
Van Cleave.
. Mr. and Mrs. George W. Duni
gan of Chinook, Wash., spent the
week-end with parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Edward Dunlgan Sr., and
Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Davis.
Ben Clemens and son, Arthur,
went to Portland Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Thyker and daugh
ter of Woodburn were guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Rosneusson on
Sunday. .
Mr. and Mrs. James Luckey and
daughter. Miss Leila and. son Or
vllle and family and William
Weatherman of Kelser have re
turned from Oceaaslde. '"
1 W.-O. Zelinski began threshing
this week! -
The Missionary society of Hazel
Green were 'entertained by the so
ciety of Middle Grove Thursday
1291 Performances
on Br6adYay
: Admission- only .$1.00
.fternoon at the home of Mrs.
.cred Scharf. A splendid program
as' given and delicious refresh
men tawere served! . : .j - -
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dunlgan
Jr. and children, Lucille and Don
ild, attended the reunion of Mrr.
Dunigan'a folks at Pratum Sun
day. s" . i . J"
Mrs. Tore and son, Richard,
.pent Sunday in Portland, j'
Rev. E. J. Dodson and daugh
ters of Grants . Pass were guests
3f W. G. Davis Thursday. They
were neighbors in Oklahoma.
G. G. Looney and family attend
ed the Looney and Doty reunion
near Jefferson Sunday. There
were 80 present ranging in age
from Mrs. Mary Looney of . Al
bany. 84,'. a pioneer of 5S, ; to
Baby Graynel Cone of . Jefferson
age 8 weeks. It is an annual event
for the descendants of these pion
eers to meel In this - baauUfal
grove on the bank of the.SaO
Aiam. '; ' j :. !'.
Mr. and Mrs. Van Cleave-are
pioneers. Mrs. Van Cleave Irode
horseback from Iowa, coming with
one of the early wagon trains. ;
Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Jones of
Portland were week-end guests'of
Mrs. Jones' mother, Mrs. Louisa
Johnson. j
. ;'
The WCTU Institute was held
on Wednesday afternoon in: the
Methodist church, j r A very inter
esting program was given. Rev.
James R. Lawson, July! 13,
route 1, two miles' south of Hope
well, aged 7&, years. Survived by
two daughters, Mrs. Gertrude
Coffey of Wenatchee, Wash.,! and
Mrs. Brucella Brown of Rosalia;
Wash., four sons. Will of Missouri,
John of Illinois, Roy and Asbury
of Piree, Cal. Funeral from jTer
williger home Saturday at 10 ar
m. Rev. J. J. Gillespie officiat
ing. Interment at IOOF cemetery.
Mrs. Kate Shaw died July 16,
1926, at 2:10 a. m. at the home of
her grand-daughter, Mrs. P. JL
Miller. She was born in Cumber
land county, Pennsylvania! , on
June 10, 1845, and married W.
E. "Shaw in 1865 at Cayen, Ohio.
She Is survived by one sister, Mar
garet Hamilton of San Francisco,
and five brothers, James ' M.
Baisch, Marshfield, Charles' E.
Baisch. and Harry H. Baisch, both
of Wadsworth, Ohio, Frank E.
Baisch of We8tfleld, Ohio, Herman
Baisch; and also by two grand
children; Mrs. P. H. Miller of
Aurora-and H. M. Doud of Salem.
Three great-great-grandchildren
also survive her. Funeral serv
ices will be held at the Rigdon &
Son mortuary on Saturday, J uly
17,' at Z o'clock J
t t Short
At a local hospital, Friday.. July
16, Charles Edward Short, age 10
weeks, infant so not Mr. and Mrs.
L. L. Short of -Salerri. Funeral
announcements will be made later
by" the Webb funeral parlors.
No darkness there divides the
' sway " " !
With startling dawn and datz
ling day; j
But gloriously serene !
Are the interminable plains;
One, fixed eternal sunset reigns'
O'er the wide silent scene.
' From the German of Gluck
W. T. Rigdon & Son
Beautiful Mohvore 1
This box contains 24 sheets of paper
and 24 fancy lined envelopes.
Absolutely the Best Value
Commercial Book Store
! A. H. GtTJfFROY, Irop.
, 1 163 North ICbminercial Street " "
, . .... . ..
Calder of Shead and Rev. Fox ana
Pastor PendletdS, were the chief
speakers' " Refreshments - were
served after the - meeting. ' " .
- Mrs. Davis, of ' Shed d was a Tan
gent vlsiteri, Wednesday." '
j Miss Florlne Jenks is suffering
from a slight illness this week.
. , , . t
: Mrs. 'Carl Canovan has recov
ered . sufficiently to return u front
the hospital this week. " ; """" -
Miss Viola Wooden of Junction
City is spending the week 'with
her uncle. ,!r. Borden.-f-
M. WFbfster is rallying from
Us operation at the Albany-hospital.
. . . : - ,. . j
Mrs. Bain of Albany was a Tan- j
gent visitor Wednesday, afternoon.
Mrs. Woodini together with, hej j
son and' daughter. Willie and Vel- i
ma, and IMlss" Alma Peterson of i
lunctlonV'Cttyr spent Sunday with J
relatives at Tangent. !
h- The blaclftorry harveitvha4 tl-
ready begun ' per e. A good crop
Ls apparent, yit is the earliest
berry harvest of the kind in serv
eral years; ' -... H
. The closing. game of the ea
son was held between Knok Butte
and Tangent' ball-teams on the
TangenO d"imdnd Sunday after
noon, i Tejscore stood 9 to 4 in
favor ol Tangent. ' .
rPrlngle .
Seyeraf3E?r.rogle families who
have ' been out. camping and pio-'
nicking at; various places have re
turned home:' They say home'
seems to be best after all. j
Mrs. J. E. Clark's brother and
family from! North Dakota called
on her' this week. .'Mr. Zinc was
on his waf ; to California. - Mrs.
Clark, had npt 4seen( this brother
for 2$ .yeark7 " "
T. E-Meeks-Jand wife and
daughter Krjnav :accompahIei:4tty
Mr. Peranlett . are starting, on . an
auto' trip to" Montana' the last' of
thijweltBj..i;''; in A j
GfanaTftuMht tevqaJta ill t
this tlm, rrvj -u :
. Mr. Tolbefta drdve to Belling
ham , Washt .Thursday.
The recent breezes have helped
to shake off a lot of the extra
prunes that are weighing down
the trees. - ,'"'
Marshfield Logging and mil
ling of white cedar unsurpassedly
properous. t.' ' r i
iHOICEof Traub CScnulne
Kt Orange Blossom engage
mnt and wedding rings is a
tribute ,to' the judgment and .
good taace of the wearer-
aarx.tal Vtrln, Ooism .
tu aa4 Ltwty. "
m260 Center
: Starts 10 A; M.
10 Rooms Good-
'2r 'Furniture"
- . ' . '
KjVuctionecr' '
i "J
Town '-V':
4 . ' -
:y i