rSB OREGON STATESMAN, SALCtl. OREGOH FRIDAY MORNING, JULY 16, 1926 i I O-I -o I LISTEN IN 6:0010:00 KFWT (818). -7, orches tra; 7:15, sportsman's sour with. Ba sic; 8, concert: -10, orchestra. 6:00-12:00 KQW (491). -, dinner roncert; 7:30-7:45; waathar, police, livestock and market report; 10:30 12, weekly frolic. Order of Hoot Owl. 0:00,10:00 KTBR (288). 6-8, program; 8:30, musical program. 6:00 10:00 KOIN (819). 6-7, pipo organ; 0, program ; 9-10, orchestra. t.oo KF1 (407), Los An fit. 6, pro s' rjii 7. orchestra, 8, program; 9, iuCs P'ogram; 10, special program. ooO-fluO (428), Oakland. 6, dinner , owert. t, ot KHQ (394) Spokane. 0, orches tra; 7, program: 9, program; 10:30-12, rrtiroadrast of Hoot Owls. o.nO ICTWM (252) Hollywood. 6, pro gram; 7:10, program; 10:10-11, frolic. b ,n KHJ (405) Loa Angeles. 6:30, hildren's hoar; 7:30, acriptnre read iiih': 8, studio program. 6 KPO (42s) Han Francisco. 6:30. orchestra; 8, program; V, dance or chestra, book reviews; 10, orchestra. e .I'-i KNX (337) Hollywood. 6:30, or chestra; 7, program; 19, athletic event broadcast from Hollywood legion sta dium; 11, dance orchestra. u u KrHJA (454) Seattle. 6:45, studio program; 8:30, program; 10:30-12, re broadcast of Hoot Owla from KUW. 7 no XSL (8003 Bait Lake City. 7, pro- 7 M KKON (233) Long Beach. 7, program; 8, program; 9, program; 10 IJ,. Elks frolic. - 7:.o KFSD (245) San Diego. 7, or chestra; 8, orchestra; 8:30, program; u music 10, orchestra program. S.u.f KLX (509) Oakland. 8. studio program; 9:45, dance orchestra. I (io-KTAB (240) Oakland. 810, studio program, vocal and instrumen ts!. General Markets I LIVESTOCK PORTLAND, July 15. (By Associated 1'rcss.) Cattle and calves 110 (93 through). Calves 45 (through). Nomi nal steady. Prices unchanged. Hogs, steady receipts 220 (73 through) remainder on contract. feeder and vtorker pigs 70-130 pounds medium good and choice S 15.50(8 17.50. Others un changed. Sheep and lambs easier; receipts 945 i ,-;i9 on contract). GRAIN PORTLAND, July 15. (By Associated Press.) Wheat: BBB, hard white, July 13: August 1.43; BS. Baart, July t.44; August $1.43; federation, July tvt: August $1.42. Soft white July $1.41; August $1.42. Western white. Jul i 3; August $1.42 Hard winter Jut'v 813: August $1.37. Northern Spring Jul? $1.38; Augnst $1.87. West era red, July $1.37; August $1.88. tuts. No. 2, 36-pound white feed. July $:7; August $26.50. No. 2 36-pound trt 'JH; July $i7; August $26.50. Barter No. 2. 46-pound July $27; Aug ust IJS.'SO. No. 2, 44-pound July $26.50; f Aueuet $26. t orn. No. 2, EY shipment, July $38.75; August $38.00. Miilrun, standard, July $23; August I RAT f PORTLAND. July 15. (By Associated Prss. I Huring prices, new crop: Tim otaj (17(318; alfalfa $18.50; oat hay Jli. Oat and vetch $14.5015; srtaw $7 ''f',; per ton. Selling prices $2 a ton more. DAISY EXCHANGE l"ORTLAND, July 15. (By Associated Press.) Prices: Butter extraa ii7V4; n-andsrds 36Vc; prime firsts 35 He; firM 3IVjc; eggs extras 31c: firsts 29c; pulleu 25c; current receipts 27c. t. PORTLAND. July 15. (By Associated Press.) Stead v: Best rburninr cream T'Jr per pound ; net shippers track in 1. Cream delivered Portland 41c ) pound. Raw milk (4 per cent), $2.20 "iff b- V BIDS Notice la h 1 tt , - REQUESTED hereby given that bids y ill be received up to July 26, 2 it. m., for the construction of 455 feet of concrete sidewalk 5 feet wide fronting the Oregon- State f School for the Blind on Mission Street, Salem, Oregon, in accord ance with specifications on file at the office of the undersigned. CARLE ABRAMS, Secretary. Oregon State Board of Control. J 14-1 6-2 0-2 2 II A DMI XISTRATORS FINAL 11 NOTICE lt. N'otire i hereby eiren that the I T.J " J undersigned administrator h'as filed hiB final account of .he es tate of Michael O'Neill, deceased, with the clerk of the county court of the state of Oregon for Marion county, and an order has been made and entered by the said court fixing the 17th day of July, 1926. at ten o'clock in the fore noon as the time for hearing ob jections to said final account and the settlement thereof; and that any creditor, heir, or other person interested in said estate, may, on or before said tiifle, show cause why said account should not be settled and approved as rendered. Dated this 17th day of June, 1926. JOHN BAYNE, Administrator of the Estate of Michael O'Neill, Deceased. J-18-25 Jly-2-9-16 Notice of Final Settlement . Notice is hereby glren that the undersigned has filed in the coun ty court of the State of Oregon for the County of Marion, her duly verified final account as adminis tratrix of the estate of Mary J. Reynolds, deceased, and that said court has fixed Monday, the 2nd day of August, 1926, at the hour of ten o'clock a. m. of said day, as the time, and the county court room in the county court bouse in Salem, in Marion county, Oregon, a the place for hearing said final account and all objections thereto. Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 24th day of June. 1926. EDITH M. REYNOLDS, Administratrix of the Estate of Mary J. Reynolds, Deceased. Ronald C. Glover, Attorney for Administratrix, Salem, Oregon. J 26; Jly 2-9-16-23. ivuticc o Nftife is WBrCgned ty ?oart of Notice of Final Settlement hereby given that the gned has filed in the coun- ot the State of Oregon fnr the County of Marion, her duly verified final account as adminis tratrix of the estate of Frank R. Reynolds, deceased, and that said court has fixed Monday, the 2nd day of August. 1926, at the hour of ten o'clock a. m. of said day, as the time, and the county court room la tfce county court house in Salem, in Marion connty. Oregon. as t&8 place for hearing said final recount, and all objections thereto. xsavunt si oaiem, uregon, cms 24th day or June," 1926. -VW. EDITH Mi REYNOLDS, Administratrix - of the Estate of Frank R. Reynolds, Deceased. Ronald O. Glover, Attorney tor Administratrix, Salem, Oregon. Union Roster HOD CARftlEfia AMD BUILDING LA borers Local Nov 4471, moot Wed. 8 p. m. Call 179 for man. CAPITAL TYPOGRAPHICAL! UNION N. 210 President. O. F. Evans; sec retary, M. D. Pilkenton. Moots see ond Saturday, 8 :00 -p. nv. CARPENTERS' UNION NO. i 1085 Meets There, evening. Arthur Tucker, president; Wm. Pettit, Secretary. Skilled meckaaics famished Phono 179. HOTEL AND RESTAURANT EM ployees local 452, every third Monday, 457 Court. Hazel Pierce, secretary. SALEM UNION LABEL LEAODE Meet at Labor Hall on call of preai dent. F. W. Sears, secretary. Bos 443, Salem, Ore. Lodge Roster fRATEDNAL ORDER OF EABLE8. meet every Wednesday, Fraternity Hall, 8. M. Willett, Bee'y. Tel. 889-XL KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS MEETS AT Fraternal Hall every Tuesday evening Visitors invited. F. D. Vinson, 0. C. ; Walter Lenon, K. of R. 8. QEfjt rtgon &tatf man Published every morning (except Mon day) at Salem, the capital of Oregon. Local Rates For Classified Advertising Daily or Sunday 2 cents per word One time Three time Six times . i o cents per word 8 cents per word 1 do. daily andfiua. 20eents per word In order to earn the mare than one time rate, advertisement must ran in consecutive issues. No Ad taken for less thn 25e. Ads. ran Sunday ONLY ekarfad at one-time rate. Advertisements ' except Personals and Sitoatieas Wanted) will be taken over the telephone if the advertiser is a subscriber to phone. The Statesman vill receive adver tisements at any time of the day or night. To inture proper classifica tions ads should be in before 7 p. m. TELEPHONE 23 Oft 583 Money to Loan ON REAL ESTATE T. K. FORD (Over Ladd Bush Bank) ADVERTISING HONEST ADVERTISING These eoK ams mast be kept free from sn thing ef a qnestionable nature. Misrepresen tations will not be tolerated. Infor mation showing any questionable in tent on the part of the -avertiser should be reported to this news paper or the Salem Ad slab. Attto Tops 5 BEE tTS FOR TOP AND FAINT WORK O. J. Hall Auto Top and Paint Shop, 267 8. Commercial. oalStl Help Wanted 0 WANTED 2000 HOP PICKERS, Horst Co., registration books are now open. 500 acres of cluster hops. Register in person at ranch office or phona 1042-R Salem for particulars. E. Clemens s ?!!'!' Jluwi?!6' iiSm? 1 1 191? Help Wanted Male 11 isisSiaw Wavmteei Ztmployment ig TO CARE FOR CHILDREN, 810.00 PER month. Mrs. Mary Bengen, ft 2, Bx 156A. 12.1 NEAT APPEARING YOCNG MAN OF 28, wishes to become permanently as sociated with some well-to-do fsmily in any capacity. Am a first class, all around grod mechanic, good driver, willing worker and will 4I0 absolutely anything for my employer. , Bo 25? Statesman. 19j2tf FOR GARDEN PLOWING. BASEMENT digging and team work. Phone 72 F2 19ml4tf PAINTING. PAPERHANOINO. TINTING. Keasonable. Fhone 2451-w. I9iyl7' For Rest 21 FOR RENT HOUSES AND APART - meats. T. L. Wood, 841 State St. 21ml2tf rURNISHBD APARTMENT WITH Gar den. !896 N. 4th. 21m24tf PRINTED CARDS, SIZE 14 B if 7 IN. Wording. "For Rent." price 10 cents each. Statesman Business - Office, ground floor. LARGE FRONT FURNISHED APART ment with fireplace, 658 Center, phone 921-W. 21j20 fOR RENT 5-ROOM UNFURNISHED apartment, with or without garage. Adults only. Call at 345 Marion St. or W. A. Liston. 307 Oregon Bid. 2lj3tf For Reat Apartments 23 PRINTED CARDS. SIZE 14 BT 7 IN wording, "Rooms to Rent," price II cents tech. Statesman Business Office "mIbVi'Vm 1111 ! IMM TisEW incorporations! The Pfaudler, Sales company with capital stock of $10,000 and headquarters in Nevada, has filed application in the state corpora tion department for permission to operate in Oregon. Wallace Mc- Camant of Portland is attorney-in-fact for the corporation. The Southern Oregon Credit bureau of Medford has Increased its capital stock from $1000 to $4000. Eugene Heavy prune crop due in Willamette valley. MINUTE MOVIES ,TMELV - VITAL! .THE SERVANT PROBLEM- A ONE .iwmJ y ED MJUtELAH IV! uiTv MV MnFE AN H SURE VtXJIL a iiv 25 4 FOR RENT PLEASANT ROOM, CLOSE -in. for gentleman. Phone 742-W. 25jl6 For Kont Fa 29 t HAVE SEVERAL IRRIGATED M ASUB tor rent. P. X. TkoBSNs, Tamer, Ore. Phone 6 XX. 29altf Wanted Mlseellnneona 35 WOODRT THk AUCTIONEER BUT 8 furnitore for eaah. Phono 511. SSatf WANTED PRIVATE MONET FOR farm loans. We have several applica tions on hand. Hawkins A Roberta Ine 205 Oregon Bldg. 85dl4tf FURNITURE PACKING FOR SHIP menta. . Gieso-Powers Fnrntture Co. 35s20tf For Sale 37 OATS AND VETCH HAY, $13.00 DE livered. Clover $13.00. Call 72K2. 37jl6tf FOR SALE years old. OR TRADE. Weight 1400. TEAM 7 70r21. 37jl7- ORAVINSTENE APPLES CRABS AND chickens for fries. Phone x0t)F3. E J. Ay en. 3725 HONEY AT 12c PER LB. Phcne 8F3. H. M. MEAD. 7a6 TRESPASS NOTICES. SIZE 14z INS., printed on good 10-ounee canvass, bear ing the words, "Notice Is Hereby Given That Trespasaif la Strictly Forbidden on These Premises Cnder Penalty of Prosecution." Price 15c each or 2 . tor 25c. Statesman Pub. Co., Salem. Ore gon. 87atf $1500.00 WILL BUY RESTAURANT and confectionery, 241 N. Com'l, $500 down, balance monthly payments. Do ing $50 a day business. Owner leav ing. 37jlS For Sale livestock 39 FRED W. LANGE. VETERINARIAN Office 529 8. Commercial. Phono 1198. Res. Phone 1066. 39ra28tf Wood For Sale 43 16 INCH BLOCK WOOD. 83.75 PER load, 4 loads $14.00, also dry fir and oak, any length. Chan. Christensen. Phone 143. 43alltf OAK ROLLS FOR SAW MILLS, PRUNE driers, etc., wagon material and dry oak lumber all dimensions. Illibee Mill and Manufactory, Oakland, Ore. 43al4 16-INCH OLD FIR SECOND GROWTH oak and atk, Pkone 72F2. M. D. May field. 43fl8tf BEST GRADE OF WOOD 4 ft. and 16-lnea Dry mill wood. Green mill wood. Dry second growth fir. Dry 4-ft. ash, and oak. FRED E. WEI.L8. Prompt delivery and reasonable prices. 280 Sooth Church. Phone 1542. 48fl8tf CITY AND COUNTRY WOOD SAWING. Also old boards. Fisher Bros. Phone 1819. 43jl3tf SALEM FUEL TRANSFER. 752 Trade Street. Wood, Coal. Briquets, Transfer and Moving. Phone 529. 43n20tf 16-INCH MILL WOOD PER LOAD, $2.75 16-in. 2nd fir per load, $3.75; 16 inch old fir per load, $4.25. Prompt delivery. Tel. 2313. Tracy Fuel Yard. 1067 D street. 43n22tf GOOD COAL DRY WOOD, PROMPT DELIVERIES. HILLMAN FUEL CO. TELEPHONE 1855. 8H0tf Mlacellsweons 51 IF ASH FOR GOOD .CAMP TENT. BOX 391 Statesman. 51jl8' FURNITURE UPHOLSTERING AND Ki pairing. Giese-Powers Furniture Store. SlsZOtf FOR SALE NEW CONCRETE MIXER and 2 norse power engine used only one week. Guaranteed. Build your own foundation or side walk. Usve no use for it. Take it at $85.00. A. WHITE, "2173 State. 51j7tf Lost and Found 53 LOST SMALL BLACK AND GOLD SO - ciety pin attached to chain. Pleaae re turn to Statesman for reward. 53Jlf!tf Mosey to Loaua 57 WANTED LOAN OF $1500 ON TWO new bungalows. Socolofsky, 341 State. 57jlyltf FEDERAL FARM LOANS 5. F. L. Wood 841 State St. S7m7tf TOU CAN "NOT LOSE ON OUR LOANS. Any amount yon need. Prompt serv ice and low rates. VICTOR SCHNEIDER, Realtor. 147 N. Com'l St. Phono 57T. 57jl3tf MONET TO LOAN ON MONTHLY PAT taent plan. Also private mousy for straight loans. Lowest rates. Chas. Hudkins, over Miller's store. Phone 96. 57j2tf Warn ted Loans 59 WANTED Money to loan on good real estate ae- eurity. W. H. GRABENHORST OO. ReeJtora. 134 South Liberty St. Phono 515. 59ml 3tf Real Estate Directory 62 BECKE 1S9 8. High. HENDRICKS Tel. 169. A. C. BOHRNSTEDT 147 N. Commercial. Tel. 577. RUSSELLE. Rmttor. 175 S. High. Tela. 36 or 1923. OHILDS 830 State St. BECHTEIj TeL 1717 W. G. KRUEGER 147 N. Com'L Rm. 1. Tel. 217. JOHN W. ORR, 826 Oregon Bldg. Tel. 2485. GERTRUDE i. M. 492 N. Cottage. PAGE TeL 1186. SQUARE DEAL REALTY U. 8. Nat'l Bank Bldg. Tel. 470. WELLS TALLMAN bON 216 Masonic Temple. Tel. 618. TIBBIT3 A ELLIOTT 841 State. Room 7. Tel. 803. TRIANGLE REALTY OO. 218 N. Liberty. Tel. 651. ?S. FEDfcUP HAt MR- BUT TWE GREATEST Or "THESE SERVANTS For Ztent Boo PACK UP VDUft. 1W1NG5 AND LEAVE My it TtLLS VOM lVA SCRULUCE TRE HEVJ -SERVANT. S LNE In A - CLOCK-.... GET AlONw- sure: -4 Heal Estate Directory 62 ULRICH ROBERTS 123 N. Commercial. i Tea, 1854. AtTMBVim I - E. T. PIERCE ; AomsTiIl, Ores'0- nu. Real Eatmto 63 Own Your! Home FOR SALE NEW 4 ROOM HOUSE AT 1290 Madison St.. Box 180 States man. 63)31 SPECIAL SEE ME AT ONCE. 5 ROOM modern cottage. Bargain this week. Don't miss it. Also house for rent. Owner. 497 Union St.; 63jl7 NO REASON WHY You can't own your own home. Here are a few Special Bargains in houses with a ery small payment down ; bal ance for less than you can rent. $100 down, price $675 and $1775. $200 house, 5 rcom, price: $800. $200 down, bungalow, 4 nomi, lights, sewer connection, garage, 2 lots, price $1200. No trouble to show property, 3 autos at your service. See Childs & Bechtel, Realtors, 320 State street. 63jl5tf A PERFECT HOME. HAS HARD WOOD, floors, is on a corner and streets are paved, new, $5000 4-rcom new bungalow, bnilt-tns, fur nace, garage. E. front. $3300. 6 -room bungalow, fireplace, E. front, pavement, $3500 4 room house, corner lot, pavement. $1800. E. front, 5 -room house $2500. 11-rocm all furnished house down town $7500. A splendid investment bringing great dividends $6500. Trade apt. house for house and lot as psrt payment. Small tracts snd large tracts cf land for sale and trade. We write fire and automobile in surance. GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE 492 N. Cottage St. 63jl3tf TRT AND BEAT THESE I Garage house in ideal loeatien, pav ed street, side walk, sewer and water in, $750; easy terms. : Ideal house on Fairmoant Hill, su perb view, paving in and paid; large lot, new paint and decorating: $2980, $500 down, balance $25 month. Corner, paved streets, best of loca tion, hardwood f 1 ors, moiern in ev ery respeot, 7 rooms, fire place. If you can duplicate this at $9000. the treat's on us. This goes for $7500; terms. Many Good Buys Listed i With Us BUSSELLE, 175 S. High Street Ground Floor, Phone 36 Open Evenings 63jl6 OWNER LEAVING. WILL 8ACRJFICE 6 rooms, all in good condition, all mod ern bnt basement and fireplace, garage, beautiful oak shade trees, paved street, splendid neighbors, east Salem. $4000, $500 cash, balance easy monthly pay ments at 6. SOCOLOFSKY, Real Estate, Loans, Fire and Autc Insurance, 341 State 63J17 GOOD BUYS i 2 room garage house, water electric ity, paved street, $730 ; and assume street improvements, $150 cash balance easy terms. 5 -room part modern cottage, large lot, garage, very close in. $4250, termr, 4 room modern bungalow, bouth Sa lem. $2650, terms. 5 room bungalow, all modem but basement, parage, paved . street, east Salem, $3500, $250 cash, balance like rent. j , 5-room strictly modern bungalow! condition throughout as good as ,new, all newly decorated and painted, beau tiful California fireplace, dutch kitchen, garage, very nice lawn add shrubbery, on paved street, east Salem, could posi tively not be built for tad price asked. $6500. $3500 cash, balance to be SS sumed. I t - SOCOLOFSKY,) Real Estate, Loans, Fire and Auto In surance, 341 State. j 63jl6tf $200 CASH BALANCE LIKE RENT Buys a modern 3 room; bungalow. Bath, lights, built ins, large lot fruit and nut trees. I'rice $1800. See Childs tt Bechtel. Realtors, 320 State street for bargains. 63jl5tf A BARGAIN 5-ROOM MODERN BUNG alow. paved street, garage, $3800. W. A. Li ton, Agt., 307 Oregon Bldg. 63jl7 SNAP A REAL $5000 HOME FOR $4000 ONLY $500 DOWN: $40 MONTH Brand new strictly modern heme. 6 rooms, hardwood floors, all the built ins. nook, furnace, fire place, station ary wash trays, an electric range, gar age, paving paid. A real pleasure to show this house. Phone 1727 for an appointment or see Childs & Bechtel, Realtors, or Mrs. Ellis at 320 State St.. 1st door east of Rash bank. HOMES IS OCR SPECIALTY i 63jl5tf GOOD HOMES 5 room new on Market St modern In every way, terms. $3750. 7 room good home,: Urge lot, fruit and walnuta. Terms, $4000. room new, mcdern, near Parrish school. Terms. $4250. 5-rooa good location, and the pries is right. $2500. Let us finance or build your homo. VICTOR SCHNEIDER. Realtor, 147 No. Ccm'l St. Phono 577. 68J20U SIX ROOMS AND BREAKFAST NOOK, furnace, fireplace, oak floors in living and dining room, excellent plumbing and electric fixtures, built ins, closets, concrete terrsee steps and walk, best of construction, new, paved street, east front, English style and very attractive. Price $5.OO0, terms. Phono owner, 1748 R. 63j30tf FOR SALE OH TRADE 130-ACRE farm highly improved, near Amity for something in Salem. Ask me. 7-ROOM house on Winter street, very close in. In first class ; order. May take a ranch. Priced right. 7-ROOM house on j Bellevue street, cheaper than the cheapest, don't fail to see me. it must' go, only a few days left to sell. FINE STOCK and i dairy farm 2H miles from Salem, fine bidgs. to deal for close in vacant lots, hero is your chance. ! 47 ACRES close to station, land lsys fine, good buildings, horses, hogs, 7 cows, all farm tools and H. II. t roods goes with the place, must do something at once, may take small place near Salem. What you got? I MAKE loans and write insurance with the best old line companies. G. W. LAFjLAB. 410 Oregon bldg. 63jl8 VES.Ar SOS VE OLt MAM . AM yER. HOUSE AUAfT M . AN' rWlty w VKftt 63 83 acre fully equipped dairy farm. - modern bailding, soil that eannct be beat, 10 head cattle, all in cultivation, at $200 an acre is a bargain. Must sell on account of age. 30 acres all in cultivation, hops, log- ans, strawberries, $7500, will take aome trade. Good buildings. 43 acres,' fruit, berries and nuts, modern building, well located, $17,000. Gotd terms. 7 acres close in, chesp buildings, fine spring, good soil and family fruit, $2, 500. Very easy terms. We have many trades" waiting. Let us match yours. 5 room modern houses for suburban home with not over 5 acres. Several fine farms that will take small acreage cr city "home. WINNIE PETTYJOHN, Realtor 216 Oregon Bldg. 63Jlltf fTOR SALE 4 VACANT LOTS IN good location, free and clear, will sen cheap cr exchange all er part for Sa lem residence and assume. See owner. A. White, 2173 State St. 63j7tf COMPLETED HOME $4850. ELEO trie range and furnished. Quick pos session. 1-3 cssh. On paving south Church.- Becke & Hendricks. 1 N. High street. 68j25tf $500.00 CASH AND MONTHLY PAY ments like rent will purchase either of these moderately priced Fairmount Hill homes 6 rooms, $3,200.00; 5 rooms, large porches and some fruit, $2,700.00. A. C. BOHRNSTEDT 147 No. Com'L St., Salem, Ore. 3jl4tf FOR BALE NEW 4 ROOM HOUSE AT 1290 Madison St. Box 180 Statesman. 63jly31 Good 6 room heme on- Marion St., fruit, fine lot. snap, $3750. Several good lota, $375 to $800. 40 acre farm close in, buildings, fruit, creek, wells, timber, good soil, only $8000, easy term. New business building for residence. 28 aeres stocked and equipped farm near town, paved road, $5000 for resi dence. Nice modern bungalow, N. Salem, sacrifice price, easy terms. We csn match your exchange PERRINE & MARSTERS 212 Com. Club Bldg. 63Jlltf WE HAVE A 6-ROOM HOUSE ON Capitol worth $3000 't improved aereage. Well improved farm with stock and srop worth $11,000 and will take house j Salem. W have an acre fine land half in timber with neat house garage and water system and $1850 buys it. McGILCHRIST & PENNINGTON 209 V. S. Bsnk Bldg. Phone 140. 63jl3tf SMALL RESIDENCE IN SOUTH SA lem to trsde in on a large residence or on small acreage not over 5 acres, ckse in. 10 acres, close in, $6,500, terms to right party. $1200 will buy good restaurant, country town, making good money, $600.00 first payment, balance $50.00 per month. Rent is reasonable, loca tion very good. Should be seen. $500.00 will buy nice lot, good loca tion on N. Winter street. SALEM LAND CO. 293 N. Com'l. 63jl3tf FOR SALE Inccme property showing 17 on purchase price. $4000, will handle it. Terms- on balance. Five-room bungalow with basement, on Fairmont Ave., $2850, plus pave ment. Three-room bungalow and half acre with bearing fruit trees, outside city, close to car iine $1800, will trade for home in city. 60 -acre farm located cn the Pacifie highway North, good buildings, price right. G. F. Peed or F. L. Wood, 341 State St. . 63j8tf WANTBD' GOOD CANADA LANDS, r Albert 'preferred, in exchange for Willamette valley farms. Also eity property, for close in aoreage. Salem property wanted In exchange for a fine home in Vancouver, Washington. Brand new homes for sale on very easy terms. Bargains and exchanges f See Berber. 200 Gravy Bldg. 63m29tf "BARGAINS IN HOMES $0900 5 rooms, annost new bungalow basement on bus lino close to school, $100 down. $3150 New 5-rocm bungalow, base ment, fireplace, garage, paved street, good location, $100 down. v $4500 7 -room bungalow, basement, fur nace, fine location, $750 down. $3600 8-room bungalow, basement, paving, close to school, fine lo cation, $500 down. $3750 Close in home, basement, ga . rage, paved street, aome terms. $ 375 Lot in N. Salem. 50x216, sev eral trees. $ 400 Fine lot in east Salem. Terms. $ 600 Lot in 5 blocks Parish school, 6 fine fruit trees, esst front. If it's a house or lot ycu want see MELVIN JOHNSON, 109 S. Commer cial St.. Phone 559. 63;8t( GREATEST TRADING ORGANIZATION ON THE PACIFIC COAST We have over 3000 properties listed for exchange. Every kind of property, every price, every location. We can match your exchange EXACTLY. If yon would like to trade your property T0DAYeome in TODAY. See 9ASK1LL EARLE, Realtors. Successors to Parker Realty Co. 166 8. Liberty. Phone 2242. 68ml 2tf Real Estate Trades 65 LARGE HOME FOR SMALL ONE. 7 rooms plastered, full basement, f-rnn"" fireplace, garage, alley. Suitable for apartments. Close in South for smal ler modern house, same value or will pay cash difference. Try TRIANGLE REALTY. 218 N. Liberty. . 65jl6tf PORTLAND INCOME PROPERTY TO trade for house in Salem. Inquire 127". Marion St. 65jl8 LARGE RESfDENCE. CENTER OF 8IL vertou, rents as two apartments and six acres with small improvements near Salem on Silverton Road for a good -farm .and assume. What have you.' Try TRIANGLE REALTY, 218 -X. Liberty. 65jlCtf OKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKO K K K K K K K K K K K v K K K K K EXCHANGE! K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K Are you interested in climate ! dry If so i have a dandy little ir rigated ranch between Hermis for city property. This is a good proposition and is priced right. See FAIGHT at Room 1, 147 X. Com"! St.. Phone 217. K 65il6 K OKKHTKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKvs SHE WAS SVMPLV VUOULDNfl" XX) A ElT TmaT T NIGHT Mr?. TEWXJP GOT AM OR SvOfEPlNG, SO UER To GO MERCt lVA.TAE THESE THINGS PLEASE: AND, PTT THE 'HS WVI MS Real Est to 67 FOR IMMEDIATE" SALE OR Ex change, over ZOO acres, part clear. Lota of running water, good road, near good valley town. $25 per acre. In quire 1180 N. Fixnt 8t-, Salem. 67jl5 WE HAYfe A WONDERFUL DAIRY ranch and fully equipped,, located on the ccast mk,ing a splendid for ssle. This is worth asking about. See Sa lem Realty Cor, -462 State St., Satem. 67jl4tf GOOD RANCH BUYS AND EXCHANGES 23 acres, .close to Salem, stocked and equipped poultry ranch, $7000, terms. 12 acres, 11 bearing prunes, fine crop, fair improvements, on paved high way, 10 minutes drive from Salem, $6000. $3000 cash. 20 acresr -all -in prunes, berries and walnuts, good improvements, equipped for fux and laGoit raising and new in that industry, 7 miles from Salem, a good proposition for the right party, $12,500. $4000 cash, balance to suit. 305 acres, improved. Yale Diat. B. C. $5500, want, Salem vicinity property. 320 acres. Haroey county. Ore., $4, 800 want Salem vicinity property. 1182 acres, .improved wheat land. franklin county. Wash., want Oregon rincn. i-rice 1J J.jUU. SOCOLOFSKY, Real Estate, Loans. Fire & Auto Ins., 341 State G7Jlltf GOOD FARMS 20 acres, A-l berry and dairy plsea. Easy terms. $4500. 5 acres, small buildings, berries, close to school. Terms. 81250. Farm Loans.' Insurance. VICTOR SCHNEIDER, Realtor. 147 No. Com'l St. Phona $77. ' 67J20tf Wanted Automobiles 77 GASH PAID Auto Co. FOB FORDS EIJCER 77ml 2tf For Bala Used Cars 79 Trucks AND Used ' Automobiles With miles and miles of useful and economical service left for you at . BONESTEELES 1 ton Ford. 1923, Ruxte! drive, pneumatic "tires," generator and good battery, ...v. $225 1H ton Dodge Graham $550 2 ton Republic, new solids, looks and runs like $2O00, yours for ... $750 1 ton Dodge truck 5225 ton Dodge delivery, 1924, run 12,000 miles, guaranteed $625 1 H ton Republic $325 2 ton Winther, will trade for used cir. 1924 Dodge Roadster $585 Balloon tires. A-l condition. Hupmobile Touring car $275 Overland Touring. 1921 if 325 Dodge Touring car, a good value . $275 Ford Touring car, see this one ..$125 1923 Ford Coupe $225 Dodge Touring , $350 Ford Coupe . . $250 DON'T FORGET THE PLACE Bbnesteeie's "UNDER THE BIG TEXT' ' RE-CONDITIONED USED CARS ES sex 4 Ccacli, rest buy; 2 Buick 4 tour ings, both bargains; 1924 Overland, cheap. Otto i. Wilson. 79jl8 ONE OVERLAND COACH. GOOD AS new, fully equipped with balloon tires, spare tire and sutrmatic swipe. Will sell cheap for cash if taken soon. G. M. Campbell, R9, Bx 65, phone 35P15. 79jlb Look TJhese Over Best iPrices Best Terms MacDonald Auto Co. If you are looking for standard make cars, open and closed, see our stock before buying. 5 pass. 1926 Cleveland sedsn. Nearly New. 8 pass. 8 pass. l V2B uveriana sedan Nearly new. Overland coupe newly painted, good condition. 5 pass. 5 pass. 5 pass. Buick roadster Mcon touring. Willy-Knight touring. 5 pass. Overland touring. 5 pass. Templsr touring, extra equipment, wonderful mechanics! condition, specially priced. Service with ah cars MacDonaJd Auto Co. Open evenings and Sundays Marmon - Willys-Knight Overlsnd - 79jl0tf When When better Fords are built Henry will build tham. When better bargains are offered ws will offer thetn.'-f Right Here F. OvE. Salem 1923 Ford Roadster, new paint and upholstery, pearly new rubber. 1922 Coupe, wire "wheels, double Has slers, speedometer, , automatic swipe, good rubber. Ycu can't resist this-one if you want a reasonable) priced coupe. 1916 to 1920 models, - good running, "knock bout," ears, $45 to $60. 40 Cars to piek from. Valley -Motor Co. Sslsm.Oreg. 79j3tf Splendid Offerings Especially gcod used automobiles. At tractive prices and surprisingly easy terms. - Every on good, sound buy. Rickenbscker Sedsn. Hupmobile) Sedan. Buiek Coupe. - ; Jordan Eight. In Lino. Buick Master Six Coupe. Call in and look these cars over. You sre welcome whether you buy or not. The cars are gcod looking and the displsy room is kept in order conven ient to the public F. W. Pettyjohn Co. . 356 North Commercial Street. Phona 1260. CA DDI LAC HUDSON ESSEX T9jtf Hood River ;Hood River dls distriot expects bumper apple crop this year. .i2i23 Astoria, Surveys start, for .pro posed 15,000,000 pulp and paper plant. IMPOSSIBLE OP USHlMG-; I TOLD Real Eitato F rif t rrrL lit it lswv . I UiMnn I ff MM I HERE'S THE MONEx. MArr, EAJT.THE PAWN BROrtTER-. UOULP ONLV HOORSi THE LATER,; CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY Of Reliable Bvaiitcea and Professional Firms Arranged In Alphabetical Order for Quick: Reference , ; ' AUCTI0XXE&S F. N. Woodry AUCTIONEER The Woodry everybody know. Cash paid for used furniture. Boa. and store 1610 N. Suauner St. Telephone 511. - IL Jf. WOODRY SON Auctioneers Pays Cash for Used rnrnitnr. 371 N. Commercial. Telephone 75. ACCOUNTANT G. ED. ROSS. ACCOUNTANT AND Aud itor, 831 V State. Phona 2098-R. al7'26 BATTERY AND EUBCT&ICIAJf S R. D. BARTON EXJDE BATTERIES, tarter and generator wore; 171 South Commercial. TIM 1 BKSt Phone 198 COURT ST. tTIII AMS BICYCLES AND REPAIRING LLOYD E. RAMSDKN COLUMBIA BI cycles and repairing, 887 Court. CHINESE REMEDY L. L. DICK L. M. HUM . Chinese Medicine Company Heln anv known disease. 420-426 State a30tt CHIROPRACTOR DR. H, B. SCOFIELD. P. 8. 0. gon bldg. Phone 2194. S38 Ore- DR. 0. L. SCOTT, PSC. CHIROPRACTOR 256 N. High. Phone 838-1 or 91 HEMSTITCHING HEMSTITCHING, STAMPING, BUI' tons and- pleating. Room 10, over Millers. Phone 117. ELECTRICIANS FLEES ER ELECTRIC CO. HOUSE wiring by hour or contract. Estimates furnished. .Phone 980 171 Court St. FARM PAPER IF YOU WANT TO GET T.HE BEST farm paper send five 2 cent stamps to the Pacific Homestead. Salem, Oregon, for a three month s trial subscription Mention this ad. POULTRYMEN SEND EIGHT TWO cent stamia for special three montns trial .for the best and oldest Journal in the west. The articles and adver tiaements are of special interest to the nsultr-v breeders of the ftortnwes Northwest Poultry Journal. 21 1 Com mercial street. Salem, Oregon.- FTNANCLAL INSURANCE MONEY TO LOAN ON SA lem homes, business blocks and apart ment houses. P. H. Bell 620 U. 8 Bank Building. Phone 2474. FOR KAI.E FIRST AND SECOND Mort gates. Trust Deeds, Contracts on houses Will net 6 to 80. BEOKE a HENDRICKS Heilie Bldg.. 189 N. High St. iitf FARM LOANS PLENTY OF MONEY to loan on good farm security. CITY LOANS Wo are loaning Trn dential Insurance Company money on city residences and business property, at 5, plus a commission. Hawkins ft Roberts. Inc.. 205 Oregon Building. d-14tt FLORISTS FERNS, CHOICE ROSES. GLADIOLUS, perennials, shrubs, weeping bireh, iris, etc. Bennett Nursery Co. Fairground Rosd. Tel. 1280. . fl5-26 CUT FLOWETRS. WEDDING B0UQUET8 Funeral wreaths, decorations. C. F. Braithoupt. florist, 128 N. Liberty. Phone 880. i . INSURANCE LOANS. REAL, ESTATE, GENERAL IN suraneo. G. W. LAFLAR, 410 Oregon Bldg. - ." " Insure f Tour home or ear bow - Phone 161 , '. BECKE & HENDRIOES- Hellig Bldg.. 189 N. High 8t. Jt-tf SEE SOCOLOFSKY AGENCY FOR real sstate, loans, firs snd auto in ro ranee. LAUNDRIES "" " CAPITAL CITY LAUNDBT " "The laundry of pure materials." Telephone 165. 1264 Brosdwsy. " THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY, THE WEIDEB LAUNDRY Telephone 25. 263 8. High. TRY THE HOMX W5T WASH LATJN dry. Phone I7i. 1358 B trc4;J,Ttt LADIES' TAILORING" D. H. M08HER TAILOR FOB MEN and women. 474 Court St. ' - MATTRESSES MATTRESSES RENOVATED BT THI Capitol City Bedding Co.. 1190 Nortl Capitol. Called for and delivered. All work guaranteed. Phono 19.- f 19tf MEDICAL MOUNTAIN BALM Phone 517-W. COUGH REMEDY KUSIO STORES GEO. C. .WILL PIAKOJi. JPHONO graphs, sewing machines, snoot mush sad piano studies. Repairing phono graphs and sewing machines, 433 Stat street. Salem. NEWSPAPERS THX PORTLAND TELEGRAM. SALS! Ageney The Aco. Tel. 939. THE OREGON STATESMAN, 60 CENTf per month delivered : to i your bona, early each morning. Tel. 23 or f588 a a em i n i. mr ca Baas as HTTRSERT STOCK . . FRUIT, NUT AND SHADE TREES Pearcy Bros.. 178 S. CommsreiaL By Ed Wheelan UttTtS THE THIRD t5(RL UJE. .' HANTE WAD IN LESS THAN A MONTH PLEASE IKy 0' HORfeOW HO BRING OWE HOMC WITH 3jSr A FEW BRA1H$: GIMME. THREE JOE WILLI .qcLr: DOLLARS FER LOT: PUBLIC STENOGRAPHED PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER, GENERAU Insurance. Helen Corey . Tel. a-Jl packdto ajto sHrprnro '- 4 " FOR EXPERT FURXrTUBS PACX1NU and shipping, call SUU'S JTmrulasw Store. Phone 941.- - "' PAFEKHAXGIXO AJTS PAErTUfO PHONE GLENN ADAMS FOB) HOUSB decorating, paperangioc. tinting, etc Reliable workman.' . - , PIANO TtTMXM j EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED Ptauo tuner. Leave orders Will r Mums Store. rB&mvQ FOR STATIONERY, CARDS, - PAMPH- lets, programs, Books or any Kind printing. Call at the Statesman Print mi iinpiruiHi,, in s, voauM: Tel. I. 688. PLtTMBINa PLUMBING AND GENERAL REPAIR work. Graber Bros 154 S. Liberty Phona 550. - fl9t RADIO Radio las For Every Purpose Ever? Pvrso - JUl fiUidard Bum f et Radio TubaaK HALIK EOFF ELECTRIC BHOF .887 Court St. Phono 488 REAX. S8TAXS IP TOU HAVE PROPERTY TO SEL.U or if you are loo kin ( for a Bon), farm, or business property,- sea us. - . i BBCC.S A. HENDRICKS 189 K. Hirh 8t Heilif Bldf. 8lf REAL ESTATE HARRIS OTTERS ' . Tell me your needs.- I know property and people- in Ralesa and ean- surely help work out plans to meet your, re quirement. Homes little and big.. IB vestments and biisiness epeftins, in Sa lem, a city growing is sever before with out look promising. in the ex treme. The time of all times to bay er invest is the present. 1. , HARRIS, Maiocic Bldx, TL 70S, 2M0-T 1 " - - - j BCAVAU0EXS CITY GARBAGE CO. OFTICE PHONB 85. 1S7 8. Commercial, Res. Phoa 2290. ... ; . , ' ,,. " SECOND HAND GOODS BUY USED MEN'8 CliOTmNO. JEWEU ry. Guns. Tools, Bicycle. Star Ex change, 324 N. Commercial,' phona 856. - . A 13 WANTED EVERYTHING IN CLOTH inr and shoes. Beet prises-paid. Capi tal Ezchange. 848 North Commercial Phone 1368-W. - - - STOVES AND STOVE BXPAXSXNO STOVES TOR SALE -REBUILT AND repaired by expert. AIT kilds'of wov en wire fence. Fancy and plain.' Hot baskets and hooks, legs a hooks. -Bslev Fence and Stove Warka, 250 . Coot I TRANSTER AND HAtrLOTQ TRANSFER AND HAULING Of, AU kinds. Phone 7JE2-- - - i - . WEi MOVE- STORE AND, SHIP HOUSf hold roods. Oar cperUIty ia piano anf fumitare moving. . We also make eoS try trips. We handle the nest eoat act wood. Call on us for puses. W gtH food measure, good quality tad fori service. Iarmer Transfer Co. Phone 83 ; ; . n vi - '4 CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER 0. 23 Stato fit.. phon 088. r Distrlbotins forwarding and ttorafe oor epeoiaUl Get onr rates. , , i . saaKnBasaanstMniavBBswasnaee WELL DRTXLINO i ' i ii ! i ' i i R. A. WEST, RT. 8. BOX. AO' Phona 110F5. S milss east on Gftde road. . v ' . WATEB SALEM WATER, LIGHT A POWER CO Wit ice so Kovtn uommerciai bU Tet per eant discount en demestis flat -gataf -psid in advance. No deduction lot ah aeaea or any esnss nmlass water is-shi. TRAVEL ; - " Safely, Swiftly and OowfoHahly -in basses of the Parker Stags Linss. ' Stages Leave for -. -'f ; : Silverton 7 a. sa., 11 a. S p. as. -Mt. Angel 11 sv. sa ft p. sm.r , " Dallas T a. m., tv. as.. ll;15 a. ai, 2:10 p. m., 5:1ft p. a. . Falla City t a. aS:10 p.- u,t 8:15 p. m. . - . Independenee T a. as t tw a,! 11:15 a. m., 8:10 p. sa, ftjis ..-; . Sunday only 8 :S0 p. aa. r 7 : Monmouth 7 a. as, 11:18 e. , 8:10 p. m., 5:15 p. sn. Sanday only.- . T:10 p. m., 8:80 p. as. ' MeMinavUle 8:80 a. 8 I. -Iff p. n 5:15 p. an. -., - - : '" - --.4 Newberg 8:80 a. BU S:10 p.'n 5:15 p. m. Tillamook 8:80 a, nl,' 1:10 p. 'm, , Call 838 er 699 for Information. - - ' d23tf - - . antj - I i Salem Liar ke is PEED- :.' No. 1, wheat, white Rod wheat, sacked -f, Osta, per bit. . - .45 ' . 15.00 Hay, oata, vetch, per tea PORK, XCTJTTOV AND BEIT ' Top hogs , ,. ,. ft -.13V4 Bows ... I Dressed hrgs , - .18 Top steers .SQ.8 Ccwm i .8.4 - Balls AQ.i -Spring lambs, ander 90 lbs, .10 top veal ,,. , , , .8 .9 Dreaaad f 1 ' -- r 1 , ' . .16 Dressed beg , , .80 P0XTLTBT - Light bene Heavy bene .18 .M.S4 .ii3 .88 Spring Rowstere Heavy frya eOGS, BUTTER. BTJTTXSYAT ' Standards '" ' " " ' . ,: ' ' - ".84 ' Beleeta - .88 Per pound ' , - L .18 Batterfet ' ,- , .40 Cream butter .42Q.41 VEGETABLES, FRUITS. Apples, per bos ; Vegetable beeta, sacked Unions, do, benches Radishes, dos. buoehss Celery .1.75(35.rtO ; a .8d -A.T5 .10 JO afa.6o .8.10 .JVvfi. . JliO.I New eabbege ' ' Iocal lettace ... l Ooaab boaey, per dos. , i New -peas String been ..7,. .., Old poteteee Cherriee Local new potatoes watermeltoa . - Caataloapea . Hood ' River -Irjla ; Growers asoclation. makes. final 1925 pay mentrto afcrgfefcate U. 735,000. ; ' ' ' .03 - , -80 ; .80 ForUand Oreon Box & Mfg-. Co. bullda better Tlant, to replaca ona arBSd,4. . ; r.mj. 4. J it; U7 t-f-ll-II. J